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Indian Railway Medical Service Association, Eastern Railway

April, 2015
Volume I, Issue 4


Workshop Hospitals in Eastern Railway

The Railway age in Eastern Workshop was established
Inside this issue: India started on August 15, at Jamalpur. Jamalpur Work-
1854, exactly ninety-three years shop has enjoyed the distinc-
before Independence. A loco- tion of being the largest and
The Workshops in E Rly 6
motive, carriage and wagon the oldest locomotive repair
workshop was set up workshop with the most diver-
Workshop Hospital, 7 in Howrah to put to commis- sified manufacturing activities
Kanchrapara sion imported rolling stock of on the Indian Railways. At first
Workshop Hospital, 10 EIR and also to render eco- the Jamalpur shops were mere-
nomic repairs to them but it ly repairing locomotives and Workshop at Jamalpur, 1912
proved unsuccessful because also assembling locomotives
Workshop Hospital, 16 of problems with procuring from parts salvaged from other
Jamalpur supplies and getting skilled or damaged locomotives. By
Urinary Incontinence 24 labor. The railways spread very the turn of the century they
fast, perhaps faster than the had progressed to producing
anticipation of EIR. Within a their own locomotives. In year
FAQs on Heart Disease 27 short span of eight years it 1899, CA 764 Lady Cur-
became necessary to shift the zon was produced by the
Swine Flu Vaccination 29 site of workshop, as there was Jamalpur Workshop. And
hardly any scope for expansion along with it was set up the
at Howrah. And then Jamalpur Railway Hospital.
Rly Hospital, Kanchrapara

Special Highlights:
 Walking for Stamina Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitations
 The PNDT Act
 Cardio-Pulmonary First Aid is Basic Aid and can
Resuscitation (CPR) save the life of a person in an
 Swine Flu Vaccination emergency. Eastern Railway Brigade. Eastern Railway are
Medical Department organizes also utilized to impart First Aid
 St John Ambulance regular First Aid training for its Training.
Annual Competition employees, both medical and
at New Jalpaiguri, A detailed instruction on the
non-medical staff. The services
NWFR CPR Technique with its latest
of various Units of District 6
modifications can be found in
 Spot Diagnosis of the St John Ambulance
this Edition.
 IRPHACON 2015 CPR Training at BRSH/SDAH

Chief Medical Director, Eastern Railway,

14, Strand road, 12th Floor,

New Koilaghat Building, Kolkata 700001


This issue of the Medinews, the fourth in the series focuses on the three Workshop Hospitals
in Eastern Railway. The Eastern Railway workshops located in Jamalpur, Kanchrapara and Liluah
has about 25,000 employees and are an integral part of the Railways undertaking
manufacturing and repairing of various types of wagons, periodic overhauling of diesel and
electric locomotives along with undertaking periodic overhauling (POH) of various types of
coaches and freight wagons. With a total of 572 beds for indoor treatment distributed amongst
the three hospitals along with adequate outdoor facilities and two referral hospitals in Kolkata
and Howrah, Medical Department has been able to provide satisfactory health services to
nearly 3 lakh beneficiaries in the jurisdictions of the three workshops.

Two topics of great importance have been added in this issue---- First Aid and Basic Life
Support Techniques including the CPR and the essentials of the PNDT Act.

A lot of innovative work is being done in Eastern Railway that has been highlighted in this

I hope this Newsletter is informative to all the beneficiaries.


Medical Director,

B.R.Singh Hospital,

Eastern Railway,


Kolkata 700014


Welcome to the fourth issue of the Medinews, the newsletter of the Indian Railway Medical Services
Association. Its purpose is to highlight the medical advances in Eastern Railway and to make the
beneficiaries aware of the various sophisticated medical services that the Railways are providing.

The theme of this edition of the news letter is on the three Workshop Hospitals of Eastern railway at
Jamalpur, Kanchrapara and Liluah. The various medical facilities available to the beneficiaries of these
hospitals are highlighted in this issue along with a special section on health hazards of the Workshop

In this issue, important and relevant topics are also covered. Emergency First Aid and CPR with recent
advancements have been highlighted. Further, essentials of Swine Flu vaccination are mentioned. As
also, articles on a new surgical technique for urinary incontinence in female.

I thank the Editorial Board for their efforts in bringing out this magazine.

( Dr. Shyam Sunder)

Walking – An Exercise addiction, which can easily become a lifelong
habit; which can counter almost any life style
for Stamina
* First choose a good pair of walking shoes and
comfortable socks; otherwise you can end up with
Dr. J. Swain blisters, aches and pains. While they need not
necessarily be expensive, they should give you
Chief Medical Director, Eastern Rly proper heel and arch support, should be light, made
of breathable fabric and should have a thick sole to
cushion the feet.

* Start slowly especially if you have been sedentary

for a long period. Start gradually and increase your
pace each week. During the first week walk only
10 – 15 minutes daily increasing 10 – 15 minutes
every week so that by one month you would be
walking for one hour.

* Preferably walk with others so that you maintain a

schedule. It also helps ensure the talking rule while
walking you could discuss a wide range of day to
day topic with your partner. If you find that you are
* You may not realize it, but you are already an breathless while talking it means you are walking
accomplished walker. You learnt to walk when too fast. Just slow down a bit.
you were one year old and since then in spite of
traveling by train / car / train / steamer / metro to * You may get few pains and ache initially. This will
all destinations and watching TV all evening, you vanish by end of first week.
still take an average of 10,000 steps each day, i.e.
roughly 4 million steps each year. You actually * The most obvious benefit of walking is weight loss
walk 3 Kms every day, approximately 1,000 kms and obesity reduction. An hour of walking burns
each year. 250 calories. If this is done daily for one month
you will burn 7500 calories equivalent to one kg of
* Walking is the easiest and most convenient body fat, coupled with the modern diet this can
exercise. In the 1950s a study showed that bus result in loss of 10 – 15 kgs in one year.
conductors who walked up and down the aisle
collecting fares, had fewer heart attacks than the * Walking benefits your heart. Waling reduces LDL
drivers who got little exercise. or bad cholesterol or increases HDL or good
cholesterol. It helps strengthening your heart and
* Walking is now the biggest fitness activity reduces blood pressure
worldwide for people of all ages, far ahead of
jogging and aerobic dancing. The 3 KM that you * Most heart patients are advised to start walking
cover each day walking inside the house is of no within 3 days of heart surgery. This is initiated in
benefit to your heart and lungs. Walking for fitness the hospital itself. And should be carried on for
requires moderately increased heart rate and life. Walking also helps in patients of back ache,
increased oxygen intake by your lungs. spondylosis and arthritis.

* Walking is popular because it is suitable for almost * Walking strengthens the bone and prevents
everybody, male or female, old or young. While osteoporosis, especially in women. Walking is the
being inexpensive (or free), it gives you benefits better exercise for the elderly than swimming and
similar to swimming, rowing or aerobic cycling.
dancing. It improves the muscle tone of limbs,
legs, shoulders, arms, abdomen and back. In * Walking reduces pre-menstrual tension and during
addition to making you slim, it speeds up body pregnancy it is the only exercise of choice.
metabolism and burns calories. It also relieves
anxiety, depression and stress. It is a positive

* But walking has its own disadvantages: Injuries,
blisters, shin splints.
So put on your walking shoes
In conclusion walking also benefits your brain.
Sound strange? Some of the world’s greatest and start walking the sooner
thinkers like Freud, Beethoven and Einstein were the better.
all walkers. These men did most of their thinking
while walking.

The Workshops in Overhauling of diesel locomotives, 140 ton cranes,

tower-wagons and whiting jacks.

Eastern Railway Kanchrapara Workshop

Jamalpur Workshop Kanchrapara workshop was set up in 1863 by the
then Eastern Bengal Railway as a combined
The Locomotive Engineering Workshop at Jamalpur workshop for repairs to steam locomotives, wooden
(as it was originally known) was established 150 bodied carriage and wagons. The management of
years ago on the 8th of February, 1862. It enjoys the this workshop was taken over by the state on 1st
distinction of being the largest and the oldest July, 1864. With the introduction of electric traction,
locomotive repair workshop with the most this workshop has now undertaken the work of
diversified manufacturing activities within the Indian repairs and periodic overhaul of Electric locomotives
Railways. On 15th January 1935, the Jamalpur and Electric Multiple Units (EMU).
Workshop along with the entire railway colony was
destroyed by an earth-quake. It took 3 years to Liluah Workshop
rebuild it from scratch. Jamalpur workshop
undertakes manufacturing and repairing of various To meet up the requirement of rolling stock of
types of wagons, periodic railways, the Carriage and Wagon Workshop at
Liluah was set up in 1900. The workshop was
primarily assigned the task of manufacturing
passenger coaches and freight wagons as well as
their periodic overhaul. The coach manufacturing
was undertaken up to 1972 and about 3000 coaches
were produced. Wagon manufacturing was
discontinued after 1947.

Liluah is currently undertaking periodic overhauling

(POH) of various types of coaches and freight
wagons. It has become the largest coaching POH
workshop in the country. With an effluent
treatment plant, the workshop has been certified
with ISO 9002.

Kanchrapara Workshop, Eastern Railway, and their
Eastern Railway families & dependents. It also caters to Retired
Railway employees with their dependants residing in
Workshop Hospital, locality or nearby stations.

Kanchrapara. Year of Establishment: 1864

Complete Address: Kanchrapara Workshop
Hospital, Eastern Railway, Kanchrapara, Dist-24
Parganas (North), West Bengal
Pin Code:743145

Introduction & Overview

It is a secondary level care broad specialty hospital,
situated in the district of 24Parganas (North) near
Kanchrapara railway station. It is 50 km from Kolkata
and 5 km from Kalyani. Total area of the hospital
complex is 11 acres including a big pond called
Dr.A. Chakrabarty, CMS/KPA Nelson tank. The 4 blocks comprising the hospital
was built in 1940’s. A new OPD complex was built in
recent years. The hospital has 220 beds. It was
established to serve the employees and their
Kanchrapara Rly. Hospital is one of the oldest families of Kanchrapara railway workshop. On date it
Railway Hospitals in Indian Railways, starting as a caters 10540 employees and their dependants and
health unit in Pre-Independence era in 1864. Its retired employees amounting to more than 50000
sanatorium for tuberculosis patients was also quite beneficiaries.
old but it has gradually lost its importance after
introduction of modern Anti-TB therapy. It is now
giving modern preventive, curative and promotive
health care to railway beneficiaries. It is a Secondary
care hospital for major disciplines catering to
employees of

OPD block

Specialty & Facilities:

General Medicine ,General Surgery, Orthopaedics
,Obstetrics & Gynaecology , Anaesthesiology ,
Ophthalmology ,Paediatrics ,Otolaryngology,
Pathology & Dentistry
Emergency Gate

Training of House Surgeons is imparted in all major

Entrance to the Emergency and Indoor block

Four Health Units are running simultaneously

Board Showing OPD and Emergency timings including 2 nos. within the workshop for managing
work related ailments.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) - 8-bedded Intensive

Care Unit having Defibrillator, Multipara Monitors,
Pulse Oximeter, ABG analyser and other intensive
care gadgets including infusion pumps etc.

Pathology-having semi-auto-analyser and other

modern gadgets with qualified pathologist.
Biochemistry, Haematology, Serology, FNAC,
Cytology, Microbiology and Clinical Pathology done

Board showing different departmental timings

Services & Facilities

All major disciplines have specialist doctors to serve
the beneficiaries. The casualty section runs round
the clock emergency service. OPD and Clinics in
various specialities, known as Follow up Clinics, are
run regularly. OPD is open from 9 am to 1 pm and 3
pm to 5 pm on weekdays and 9 am to 1 pm on
Saturdays. Follow Up clinics are run for General
Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, CMS in ICU Round
Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, and
Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology. General Medicine- having 58 general beds [Male
Medical Ward-32 and Female Medical ward-26] and
one Semi-ICU with 4 beds in the Male Medical Ward.

General Surgery and Orthopaedics- having
58 general beds with indoor traction facility for
patients. One Surgical ITU has recently been set up
for post operative and critical surgical patients.
Common General Surgical operations are done here.
Common Orthopaedic operations like closed fracture
reduction, open reduction & internal fixation, hemi-
arthroplasty, amputation etc. are done here.

Paediatrics- Fully air-conditioned ward having 13 CMS in Indoor Round

ped-medical and 2 ped-surgical beds with facility for
intravenous and intra-osseous transfusions, Operation Theatre – Under care of
nebulisations, pulse oximetry, infusion pump etc. It Anesthesiologist, the complex is fully air-conditioned
has also got one small NEONATAL care unit equipped having three separate OTs [2 Major OT and 1 Minor
with Radiant Warmer cum Phototherapy machine OT] with all modern gadgets. General, Local and
for sick newborns. It also has one colour television Spinal anaesthesia done here.
with cable connection for entertainment .

New Fully Air-conditioned Children ward Renovated Operation Theatre

Gynaecology and Obstetrics- with 15 general Ophthalmology-having qualified eye-

beds, air-conditioned Labour Room and other specialists and facility for IOL implantation, Slit lamp
facilities for clean vaginal delivery. Common examination, and other modern ophthalmological
Gynaecological operations like Caesarean section, equipments. Common ophthalmological operation
Abdominal & Vaginal Hysterectom. are done here. like IOL implantation, SICS, Glaucoma treatment etc.
are done here.
Radiology Unit- with X-Ray and USG machines.
Special radiology like Barium study, IVP etc. are done Physiotherapy Unit- with all modern
equipments like Ultrasound treatment, Various
Traction Equipments (cervical, pelvic etc.), TENS-dual
ENT-having qualified ENT surgeons with facility for
channel, IFT-computerised, Wax Bath, Stimulator
Pure tone Audiometry etc.

Dental Surgery- Under care of full time Dental

Tuberculosis ward: with 60 indoor beds. Surgeon, daily OPD treatment given. Minor Dental

surgical procedures like Tooth extraction, Sealing Health Units:-
etc. done here.
No. of Health Units- 4.-----(a) Within Workshop-- (i)
Loco HU (ii) C & W HU (b) Within Colony----(i)
Department of family welfare- Organises
Halisahar HU (ii) Dangapara HU
preventive and promotive activities like regular
Health Check up camps, School Health Check Up, Facilities Available in HU- (i) OPD & Emergency
Pulse Polio Program, Immunisation program and
Service, (ii) Oxygen,(iii) ECG (iv) Glucometer for
Observation of various days such as World Health
blood sugar monitoring, (v) POMKA
Day, Anti Cancer Day, World Diabetes Day etc.

Bed Strength of Hospital: 220

Staff &Management Strength:

[I] GROUP A - IRMS-On roll- 19; Vacancy-3; CMP-3,

HOUSE -STAFF – on roll-9, vacancy-3
[III] GROUP C- Sanct -96, on Roll 82, Vacancy-14
[IV] GROUP D-Sancti 267. On roll- 222, Vacancy-45

Observation of World AIDS Day (i) Total No. of Employees- 10540,

(ii) RELHS cards-7146

Special Facilities worth mentioning:-

Observation of Health Awareness Day

Other facilities- Inside the Telemedicine room

Running a Modular Kitchen, AC-mortuary, Water-

(a) Telemedicine system- A patient friendly
coolers and Aquaguard for patients and their
system is developed with ‘patient-end’ at
relatives, Biomedical Waste Management TV with
Kanchrapara and ‘Speciality-end’ at BRSH/SDAH &
DTH connection in the OPD.
HWH-orthopaedic hospital/HWH. A case can be
consulted with specialists at BRSH or HWH without
actually sending the patient.

(b) Full Air-Conditioning of Children Ward
and Emergency- is completed.
Workshop Hospital,
(c) Waiting Hall for patient’s companions
for rest & night stay-already developed and
Eastern Railway, Liluah
(d) A surgical ITU-is developed for critical surgery
cases and post operative patients.

Future Developments:
(a) Centralised pipeline supply of Oxygen, Nitrous
oxide and Centralised Suction facilities.
(b) Wireless central nursing station in ICU
(c) C-Arm with orthopaedic operation table. Dr. Tapas Mazumdar, CMS/LLH

Contact Details:
Introduction & Overview:

CMS - 033-25873960, FAX-033-25873960

Casualty Dept.: 033-25873961

Enquiry & Appointments- 033-25873961

Statistics of KPA Hospital

Last Year (2014)
. *No. of OPD patients attended- 1,81,348.
* No. of OPD patients attended per day-586 This Railway Hospital is attached to C & W
* No. of major operations done-243 Workshop, Liluah. Currently Liluah Railway Hospital
* No. of minor operations done- 646 is running as a Multi-disciplinary Health Institution
*No. of indoor patients admitted-7185 having the departments of Medicine, Surgery,
*Average Bed-Occupancy ratio (BOR)-47.44% Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesiology,
* Publication of Scientific paper- Dr.S.N. Das, Pathology, Radiology, Dental, ENT, Orthopaedics,
ACMS/G& O, published an article regarding DUB in Paediatrics and Physiotherapy services with its
a Bengali monthly health magazine called ‘Swasther current strength of 13 doctors and dedicated staff.
One Workshop Health Unit, located within the C&W
workshop Liluah, is manned by 02 doctors. The
Doctors look after the Industrial Health aspect of
this hospital.

Jurisdiction: Story of Development of Hospital:
This Hospital caters not only to the employees and Liluah Railway Hospital began its journey as a
their families belonging to the Liluah Workshop & primary health care services provider for the Railway
Colony but also to a large extent to the staff and people working at Liluah Carriage & Wagon
families working in Howrah Division and adjoining Workshop in the year 1948. Previously it was meant
areas of Sealdah Division and also Hd. Qrs., Fairly only for OPD services and attention for accidental
Place, Metro Rly and New K.G. having their quarters injury patients of workshop. It was headed by
at Liluah or residing nearby Liluah or MIC registered Workshop Medical Officer, Dr. K.N. Biswas. The
at Liluah. hospital was started on a building which was used by
the British people as stable. Only 20 beds in the
Established in the year 1948 indoor facilities were available in the beginning.
With the able vision and guidance of Dr. J.M. Ghosh
in the 1960’s the hospital expanded with inclusion of
OPD, Pathology & Chest wings, the indoor bed
facility was increased up to 101 including 20 beds
for Chest & TB patient, as at that time Tuberculosis
was rampant in the industrial work places.

In the year 1991, Mr. Gouri Shankar, the then

General Manager, Eastern Railway inaugurated a
new store building and later on a Physiotherapy Unit
was started in the same building in 1996. A USG Unit
was inaugurated by Mr. A.P. Murugesan, the then
Avg Indoor Admission: 3700/year General Manager, In July 2007.

Average OPD Attendance: 491/day Status of Medical Officers:

(Including Health Unit) SS On Roll Vacancy

16 14 02 (One CMP posted

against one Vacant Post)

Honorary Visiting specialist:

a) No. of Employees in workshop: 9918 Available at present – 03 (three) specialists
b) No. of employees outside workshop: 1135 In General Surgery, ENT & Gynae&Obst.
c) Total Workload:
i) MIC Card registered : 21873 Part time Dental Surgeon:
ii) Retired employee Card Sanctioned – 01 post
RELHS: 5045 Available at present: 2 hours daily, 6 days per week
d) No. of employees and retired employees Case to case basis consultancy:
and their families served: 100,000 approx. Sanctioned money for 2014-15 : Rs. 16,000/-

Services & Facilities: Special follow Up Clinic:

All the major disciplines have specialist doctors. Special Follow up Clinic run from Monday to
Saturday 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM and 03:30 PM to
Casualty: 05:00 PM as below:

The Casualty department runs round the clock. This  Medical follow up Clinic on Tuesday &
well-equipped department, run by efficient medical Friday Morning and Monday Afternoon.
professionals and is capable of handling all sorts of  Surgical follow up clinic on Monday &
emergencies. Specialist senior doctors are available Saturday Morning and Tuesday Afternoon.
round the clock in all the major disciplines. This is a  Paediatric Clinic on All Days.
great service Indian Railway is providing to its  Orthopaedic follow up clinic on Wednesday
beneficiaries. & Thursday Morning.
 Gynae Clinic on Wednesday & Saturday
OPD Services: Morning
 Antenatal Clinic on Monday & Thursday
 Ophthalmology Clinic on All Days
 Anaesthesia Clinic on All Days at OT
 Dental Clinic All Days 11.00 AM - 01:00 PM
 ENT Clinic on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Saturday 11:00 AM to 01.00 PM

Registration Counter
Distribution of Bed
General OPD of Male & Female including separate
Male Medical Ward : 28
OPD facility for retired employees and their Female Medical Ward : 13
dependents run daily on week days from 09:00 AM Children Ward : 09
to 01:00 PM from Monday to Saturday and 03:00 Male Surgical Ward : 16
PM to 05:00 PM from Monday to Friday & Full Female Surgical & Ortho : 10
Saturdays. Gynaecology : 10
Maternity : 10
Ophthalmology : 02
Cabin (Children, Male, & Female) : 03
Total bed strength : 101

Bed strength: 101

OPD Complex

Major Operation in progress

Medicine Ward
No of Major Surgery in 2014: 257
No of Minor Surgery in 2014: 396
Medicine department provides all types of basic
ENT and Dental:
specialist services in medicine branch including
cardiology. Serious Cardiological patients are Only OPD services at present.
referred to BRSH/SDAH after initial lifesaving
management. Defibrillation facility available. Pathology:
ICU: 02 bedded ICU will be set up shortly.
This is a well-equipped Laboratory Unit

Surgery: Investigation done –Biochemistry, Clinical pathology,

Serology, Microbiology, Water Bacteriology, Analysis
all types of operations including Laparoscopic of body fluids, Hormonal assays, Histopathology
Surgery are done. Investigations which are not done at Liluah are sent
to B.R. Singh hospital, Sealdah on every Friday.
Gynaecology & Obstetrics: Those investigations not available in Railway set up
are done from outside.
All types of Gynaecological services are provided
starting from Normal Delivery to Caesarean Section,
TAH, and Laparoscopic surgery like LAVH etc

Operation Theatre:
Two in no. OT1 & OT2. OT1 have facility to do two
operations side by side. OT 2 is reserved for
Ophthalmic Surgery with Operating Microscope. OT
is equipped with Autoclave Sterilizer, Laparoscopic
units, Anaesthesia machine with Fluotec vaporiser,
Separate ventilator, Multipara monitors with
capnograph, electro-cautery unit and Defibrillator.
Pathology Department

Investigation done in 2014:
69320 (Average 242/day)

Radiology & Imaging department:

Radiology Unit Equipments – 300 X-Ray Machine and
Automatic film processor

Imaging Unit Equipments –USG Machine, installed in

July.2007 (PNDT certificate valid up-to 16/08/2017)

Total X-Rays done in 2014: 6537 (Avg 23/day)

Total USG done in 2014: 1896 (Average 7/day) Health Camp being inaugurated by CMD/E.Rly

CT Scan & MRI: Done on contract bill basis – Department of Health & Family Welfare provides
Family Planning services including supply of
Total no of CT scan done in 2014: 175
materials, Immunization services including
Total no of MRI done in 2014: 75
maintenance of cold chain for vaccines and pulse
polio programme,
Physiotherapy Department:
Physiotherapy Unit is manned by a senior
Physiotherapist and is very knowledgeable.

Physiotherapy unit has following facilities:

Short wave diathermy, Wax bath machine,

Interferential Therapy, Ultra sound Therapy,
Compressive Limb Therapy, Laser Therapy ,TENS,
Electronic Traction, Electrical stimulator cum
diagnoster, Cervical traction, Shoulder wheel, Ankle
exerciser, Quadriceps exerciser, Finger exerciser,
Health Camp for Senior Citizen
Wrist circumductor, Grip exerciser.

No. of Pts treated at Physiotherapy in 2014: 3538

Revised National Tuberculosis Control
Programme (Directly Observed Treatment)

DOTS Centre-Every Mon, Wed & Fri

Total patients in RNTCP at Liluah in 2014: 28

Health & Family Welfare: Health camp inside Workshop Floor

IEC Initiatives like – awareness campaigns,
preparation, display & distribution of educative
materials like hoardings, boards handouts, booklets,
banners, power point presentations through DLP

Breast Feeding Awareness for Mothers

AIDS rally

Executive health check-up, Employee Health check-

up, school health programme, Multipurpose Health
Drives, Blood Donation Camps, AIDS Day Rally, Baby
show etc. The department also conducts well baby
clinic every Monday. Observations of various Health
Related seminars. Training programmes, CME
Programmes etc.

School Health Programme

Disaster Management:
POMKA- Total 04 nos. A Prescribed protocol in
Disaster Management is maintained.

First AID Training Programme:

First Aid Training programme for frontline staff have
Executive Health Check up
been introduced with effect from January/2004. At
present classes are held at the S&T Training Centre
Ambulance Facility:
on regular basis.
One hired ambulance for 12 hours (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
and another hired ambulance for 24 x 7days. Medical Examination:
Ambulance required apart from above is hired and
Medical examination of candidates, employees done
payment made from imprest.

Workshop Hospital,
Eastern Railway,

CME programme

Future Plans:
Security: Permanent Security at hospital.
Staff: Filling up of vacancies.
Infrastructure development:
Dr. S.K.Rakshit, CMS/JMP
Modernization of hospital, Two (02) drawer AC
Mortuary, Two(02) bedded ICU, Central AC for
Jamalpur is best known as a very
large workshop on the East Indian Railway,
Medical Equipment’s’ required:
employing over 30,000 people at one time.
Digital Radiography, Phaecoemulsifier Ophthalmic
Operating Microscope (GMLS 2013-14), Fully The town was established during the British
Automated Bio Chemistry Analyzer (GMLS 2013-14), Raj and the cultural hub at that time was
Advanced Anesthesia Machine (Rly. Bd. M&P 2015- the Railway Institute. The Railway Institute
16) was huge – it had its own movie theatre, a
Policy making: six-lane swimming pool, eight tennis
Fixed Group –D staff for hospital (SW & HA).At courts, four billiard rooms and a bowling
present after initial recruitment SW & HA works at lawn. Its dances were renowned. Jamalpur
hospital for initial few months and then goes to C & Railway Colony (East Colony) is a Paradise
W Workshop.
as compared to the city on the West of the
Contact Details: Rly station

Emergency: BSNL: 033-26545036, Rly: 25107

CMS: Rly: 25104 BSNL: 033-26542058 FAX: 033-
Complete Address:
Railway Workshop Hospital, Eastern Railway,
Post. Liluah, Dist. Howrah, PIN-711204, West
Bengal, India.

Jamalpur hospital Building

Eastern Railway Main Hospital, Family Welfare activities:
Jamalpur is situated by the side of Mountain
Organized Multipurpose Health Drive
in East Colony. It caters about 72000
programme at Gate No.6 Health Unit,
railway beneficiaries including retired Jamalpur on 04.02.2015.
employee & their families
Total 176 employees/ dependents of
employees’ examined.

Organized Multipurpose Health Drive

Programme at Rampur Health Unit, Jamalpur
on 11.02.2015.

Total 105 employees /dependents of

employees’ examined.

Organized Multipurpose Health Drive

Programme at Daulatpur Health Unit,
Jamalpur on 18.02.2015.
Jamalpur Railway Hospital
Total 86 employees/ dependents of
employees’ examined.

Organized Blood Donation Camp on

08.02.2015 at Railway Hospital, Jamalpur.

Total 47 employees donated blood.

Male surgical ward

MM Rail Board inaugurating

Surgical ICU

Medical Facilities medical Officer along with other paramedics
remain present during the period
mentioned above.

OPD Services:
Total No. of IPD Admissions- 4499 per years.
Total OPD cases – 653 / day including 5 HU
OPD and Clinics in various
specialties, separate OPD facility for
Special Surgeries done – 06 in one year
retired employees and their dependents
run daily on week days from 9AM to
Major Surgeries - 44 in one year 2014-15.
1.00PM and 4.00PM to 5.00PM from
Minor Surgeries - 226 in one year 2014-15.
Monday to Friday and 9am to 1.00pm
on Saturday.
GM Eastern Railway inaugurating PFT
machine  Male OPD
 Eye OPD.
Bed strength – 252 (48 bedded TB Ward closed  ENT OPD
as per directives of CMD/ER).

Break up: Special Follow Up Clinic:-

Name of Ward No. of Beds
Male Medical Ward 48  Medical Follow up clinic –
Female Medical Ward 28 Monday & Thursday
ICU 6  Surgical Follow up clinic –
Children Ward 14 Tuesday & Friday
Maternity Ward 26 + 2 Cabin  Ortho. Follow up clinic –
Male Surgical Ward 48 + 2 Cabin Wednesday & Saturday.
Female Surgical Ward 22
Isolation Ward 15 Used as Operation Theatre:
extension of Male
Medical Ward & One Main OT and one sub-OT are
Female Medical available in this hospital.
T.B.Ward 47 Closed as per
order of CMD/KKK
vide his Inspection
Note dt.16.08.07,

The Casualty department runs from 7AM to
9AM and from 1PM to 7AM next day. One OT

Medical ICU: 6 bedded Medical ICU. renders Provision of Medical service to the passengers
in the trains from Nathnagar to Dhanauri of
commendable lifesaving services. MLDT Division, E.Rly. A Prescribed protocol is
being maintained and also operates Accident Relief
Surgical ICU: 2 bedded Surgical ICU. Post- Medical Van to provide Relief during disaster.
operative cases are cared herein.
Biochemical semi-autoanalyser, blood cell counter Tie up with private Hospitals/
with 2500 investigations/month. Diagnostic clinics:
Tie up with a Private Hospital, named
Radiology: Rajeshwar Hospital, Old Bye-pass Road,
X-Ray dept. has 0ne 500mA, one 300mA, with Kankarbagh, Patna- 800 020 has been done for
the period from 03.12.2014 to 02.12.2015 (one
automated film processor.
year) for referring the railway beneficiaries of
X-Rays: 650 per month. Eastern Railway Hospital, Jamalpur who are
suffering from Cardiology, Neurology,
Neurosurgery, Plastic surgery (Burn cases) and
Physiotherapy : other unforeseen emergency and life saving
Is manned by a Physiotherapist and is very popular cases.
amidst Railway beneficiaries particularly among
senior citizen.

Physiotherapy: 8692 sessions in one year. Wax Health Units under jurisdiction:
bath, UST, ICT, IPT, and ES
. i) Workshop Health Unit

ii) Traffic Health Unit,

iii) Rampur Health Unit;
iv) Gate No.6 Health Unit,
v) Daulatpur Health Unit

Total Manpower, (IRMS-CMP-House

Staff-PGT-Group B, Group C, Group D Staff)
Number only

Category Man On Sanctioned

ICCU, Jamalpur Main Hospital roll strength
IRMS 08 21
CMP 11
ANO 00 01
Ambulance service: Group –C 277 296
Available for round the clock. Group- D 00 02

Disaster Management:
One ARME Scale-I is stationed at JMP No. of employees = 9100 (Workshop) + 3500
Station to move to accident site.
(Open Line) = 12600 approx.

RELHS Registered = 2864 Nos.
Total No.of beneficiaries: 72000 (approx.).
Future upcoming facilities:
Shortwave Diathermy, Semi auto analyzer,
specialized fully equipped, Colposcopy,
Multipara monitor, Static cycle in Physiotherapy
department, HP Sterilizer, Digital x-Ray Machine,
ambulance for transit of critical patient to higher

Industrial Medicine Disposal would confirm to environment

Health Hazards are due to air, water and noise
pollution and generation of significant waste.
In all, 10,420 accidents occurred during 2007-12 and
of them, 51 per cent of the accidents occurred in 12
Occupational Hazards workshops and 18 sheds across Central, Eastern and
Northern Railways.
in Railway Workshops: Arc-welding without proper use of goggles, Dust
Allergy, Chemicals with contact dermatitis also poses
a threat.

Eastern Railway Medical Deptt, has

 Weekly Health Check-up Camps in the
 Counselling and advice on proper gear
 Visit by Medical team in different Shops in
KPA Workshop on monthly basis.
 Accident Preventive Unit twice a week.

One Workshop Health Unit, located within the C&W

workshop Liluah, is manned by 02 doctors. The
Doctors look after the Industrial Health aspect of
Parliamentary Standing Committee (1997-98) in
this hospital.
their Fourteenth Report on Modernization and
Capacity Utilization of workshops in Indian Railways A continuous health check-up program of technical
Observed that working conditions in workshops staff (age above 45 years), in the workshop at
posed hazards to the health of workers. The Kanchrapara, who are the main workforce, is
Committee recommended efforts to be made to undertaken on regular basis. Also health check-up of
improve working conditions and to create new safai-karmcharis, all officers and other staffs are
facilities so that smoke emission and sewage carried out regularly.

Mallik, Addl. CMD & District Superintendent, Dist.
Annual Competition of No. 6 and was attended by 125 employees from
different division/workshop(s) of Eastern Railway.
the St John’s During the camp, practical skill of rendering

Ambulance Brigade. of First Aid was demonstrated by a script which was

highly appreciated by DG(RHS), Railway Board, New
Delhi. All the trainees were given refresher course
Dr Sujit Mallik ACMD/E Rly/NKG on First Aid and CPR and the skill of the trainees
were tested by holding Viva-voce, Practical
Demonstration, Individual Merit Test, Quiz
Competition (on First Aid). A campfire followed by
Cultural Programme was held on 7th February, 2015
after prize distribution to the successful competitors.
The campers performed Parade practice in the
morning of 8th February, 2015 and the camp was
ceremoniously closed at the evening of 8th
February, 2015.

CMD/E Rly hoisting the Flag

The Annual Camp and Competition of St. John

Ambulance Brigade of District No. 6 of Eastern
Railway was held at Railway Institute & Community
Hall, New Jalpaiguri from 6th February, 2015 to 8th
February, 2015. The camp was inaugurated by Dr.
M. K. Budhalakoti, DG (RHS), Railway Board, New
Delhi in the presence of Dr. J. Swain, Chief Medical
Director/Eastern Railway/Kolkata.

Lecture on First Aid, NJP

DG(RHS) inspected March Past and taken salute

from Ambulance and Nursing Brigade Members on
07.02.2015. The camp was organized by Dr. S.

The Essentials of the Registration of Genetic Counseling Centres,
Genetic Laboratories or Genetic Clinics.
(1) No person shall open any Genetic Counseling
PNDT Act Centre, Genetic Laboratory or Genetic Clinic after
the commencement of this Act unless such Centre,
An Act to provide for the prohibition of sex Laboratory or Clinic is duly registered separately or
selection, before or after conception, and for jointly under this Act.
regulation of prenatal diagnostic techniques for the (2) Every application for registration under sub-
purposes of detecting genetic abnormalities or section (1) shall be made to the Appropriate
metabolic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities Authority in such form and in such manner and shall
or certain congenital malformations or sex-linked be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed.
disorders and for the prevention of their misuse for
sex determination leading to female foeticide; and,
for matters connected therewith or incidental Any Unit having an USG Machine has to
thereto. be registered under PNDT Act even
though it may not be used for ante-natal
Citation Act No. 57 of 1994 Enacted by Parliament of
India on 20 September 1994

Amendments: The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Certificate of registration.-

Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) (1) The Appropriate Authority shall, after holding an
Act. 2003 inquiry and after satisfying itself that the applicant
(d) "Genetic Clinic" means a clinic, institute, has complied with all the requirements of this Act
hospital, nursing home or any place, by whatever and the rules made thereunder and having regard to
name called, which is used for conducting pre-natal the advice of the Advisory Committee in this behalf,
diagnostic procedures; grant a certificate of registration in the prescribed
(i) "pre-natal diagnostic procedures" means all form jointly or separately to the Genetic Counseling
gynecological or obstetrical or medical procedures Centre, Genetic Laboratory or Genetic Clinic, as the
such as ultrasonography foetoscopy, taking or case may be
removing samples of amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, (1) no Genetic Counseling Centre, Genetic
blood or any tissue of a pregnant woman for being Laboratory or Genetic Clinic unless registered
sent to a Genetic Lab or Genetic Clinic for under this Act, shall conduct or associate
conducting pre-natal diagnostic test; with, or help in, conducting activities relating to
pre-natal diagnostic techniques;
(j) "Pre-natal diagnostic techniques" includes all
pre-natal diagnostic procedures and pre-natal (2) No Genetic Counseling Centre, Genetic
diagnostic tests; Laboratory or Genetic Clinic shall employ or cause
to be employed any person who does not possess the
(k) "pre-natal diagnostic test" means prescribed qualifications;
ultrasonography or any test or analysis of amniotic (3) no medical geneticist, gynaecologist,
fluid, chorionic villi, blood or any tissue of a paediatrician, registered medical practitioner or any
pregnant woman conducted to detect genetic or other person shall conduct or cause to be conducted
metabolic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities or or aid in conducting by himself or through any other
congenital anomalies or haemoglobinopathies or sex- person, any pre-natal diagnostic techniques at a place
linked diseases; other than a place registered under this Act.

(2) No person conducting pre-natal diagnostic

procedures shall communicate to the pregnant

woman concerned or her relatives the sex of the
foetus by words, signs or in any other manner.
(6) Determination of sex prohibited. - On and from
the commencement of this Act,--
(a) no Genetic Counseling Centre or Genetic
Laboratory or Genetic Clinic shall conduct or cause
to be conducted in its Centre, Laboratory or Clinic,
pre-natal diagnostic techniques including
ultrasonography, for the purpose of determining the
sex of a foetus;
(b) no person shall conduct or cause to be
conducted any pre-natal diagnostic techniques
including ultrasonography for the purpose of
determining the sex of a foetus.

Who should be called as “Sonologist”?

A) The following qualified persons may be
considered eligible to perform USG for purposes and Certificate of Registration outside USG Room at BRSH/SDAH
indications given under the provisions of the
PCPNDT Act/ Rules.
I. Radiologist having Post Graduate Qualification in Relevant forms:
Radiology/ Imaging Sciences, as specified FORM A
in the schedule I/II/III of the IMC Act of 1956. [See rules 4(1) and 8(1)]
(Modified because of different PG degrees (To be submitted in Duplicate with supporting
documents as enclosures)
and their nomenclature in different states.)
II. Ob/ Gyn. having Post Graduate Qualification in
Ob. / Gyn., as specified in the schedule I/II/III REGISTRATION OF A GENETIC
III. DNB qualification in Radiology /Obs/Gyn, as LABORATORY/GENETIC
equated and as per provisions of the Medical CLINIC/ULTRASOUND CLINC/IMAGING
Council of India for equivalence. CENTRE
IV. MBBS graduate from recognized University in
India or any other foreign medical graduate FORM B
qualification recognized by the Medical Council of [See Rules 6(2), 6(5) and 8(2)]
India with Six (6) months of Obs/Gyn CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION
ultrasound training at any Govt. recognized teaching
institute FORM F
*Teachers in Radiology and Obs/Gyn department of [See Proviso to Section 4(3), Rule 9(4) and Rule
medical colleges would be considered as ‘Sonologist’ 10(1A)]
and therefore deemed to be registered under the PC FORM FOR MAINTENANCE OF RECORD IN
Radiologists, with approved post graduate
qualification by Medical Council of India /NBE do not
(To accompany every ultrasonography or
require any additional training to conduct any
echocardiography during pregnancy)
ultrasound examinations. Gynecologists &
Obstetricians also do not need to undergo training as All the above forms can be found at the link:
ultrasound training is part of their curriculum.

New Dormitory for Novel Operation for
B.R Singh Hospital Urinary Incontinence in
Female in E Rly
Dr. Amit Basu, ACHD, B.R Singh
Hospital, Eastern Railway, Sealdah
Urinary Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine
that is objectively demonstrable and is a social &
hygienic problem.

Stress Incontinence affects 15-30% of community

dwelling persons 65 years and older and is under
reported.( Leakage of urine with coughing,sneezing
or laughing.)
A new 50-bedded dormitory for the relatives of the The most popular operative intervention for
admitted patients was inaugurated by Sri R. K Gupta, Urinary Incontinence in the female is Burch
General Manger, Eastern Railway on the 19 March, Colposuspension, an open (or laparoscopic)
2015 in presence of our CMD, Eastern Railway. elevation of the bladder neck using a suprapubic
approach and three sutures insertion into the
paravaginal fascia and ipsilateral ileopectineal

The novel transobturator approach developed in

2001 and practiced in BRSH/SDAH has advantages:

• It avoids the retropubic area, thus decreasing the

risk of bowel perforation and vascular injury.
• It requires less operating time.
Patient can go home next day.
Perform all normal activities.
• It is believed to mimic the natural support system
Interior of the Dormitory in the pelvic floor.
TVT (Tension –free Vaginal Tape)

Trans-obturator Sling and its placement (below)
Dr. Sraboni Basu
The guidelines are based on the evidence evaluation
from the 2005 International Consensus Conference
on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment
Recommendations, hosted by the American Heart
Association in Dallas, Texas, January 23–30, 2005.
400 cases have been done with only one failure
(due to mesh erosion) with the patient going home The purpose of basic life support (BLS) is to maintain
the next day with normal lifestyle. an adequate circulation and ventilation until action
can be taken to reverse the underlying cause of the
cardio respiratory arrest. Failure of the circulation
for 3-4 minutes (less if the victim is hypoxemic
initially) will lead to irreversible cerebral damage.
Spot Diagnosis
Conventional BLS guidelines imply that no
equipment is employed and this is certainly
applicable to the lay rescuer who is performing BLS
outside a health care environment.

At B.R Singh Hospital, the First Aid Training Team

comprising of an Anesthetist, a Physician and a
Surgeon along with the Divisional Commander
(Med), St. John Ambulance Brigade has
arrangements for training both medical (Doctors
included), Para-medical and non-medical staff of
Sealdah Division.

Identify the Defect in the Hand

A Rare case of Ectrodactyle of hand in a 2 hour old

newborn born at KPA hospital by LUCS on 2/9/2014

Dr.S.Chattopadhyay, Sr.DMO/Paediatrics/KPA

Summary of BLS ABCD Maneuvers for Infants, Children, and Adults

Maneuver Adult Child Infant

Lay rescuer: >/= 8 yrs Lay rescuers: 1-8 yrs
HCP: Adolescent & HCP: 1yr to adolescent
Under 1 yr of age
Airway Head tilt-chin lift (HCP: suspected trauma, use jaw thrust)
Breathing initial 2 breaths at 1second/ 2 effective breaths at 1 second/ breath
HCP: Rescue breathing 10 to 12 breaths/ minute 12 to 20 breaths / minute
without chest compression
HCP: Rescue breaths for 8 to 10 breaths / minute
CPR with advanced airway
FBAO Abdominal thrusts Back slaps & chest
Circulation HCP: Pulse Carotid Brachial or Femoral
check (</= 10 secs)
Compression landmarks Lower half of sternum, between nipples Just below nipple line
(lower half of sternum)
Compression method Heel of one hand, other Heel of one hand, or 2 or 3 fingers
Push hard & fast hand on top as for adults
Allow complete recoil
HCP (2 rescuers): 2
Compression depth 1.5 to 2.0 inches Approximately 1/3 to ½ the depth of the chest
Compression rate Approximately 100/min
Compression-Ventilation 30:2(one or two rescuers) 30:2 (single rescuer)
ratio HCP: 15:2 (2 rescuers)
Defibrillation AED Use adult pads Use AED after 5 cycles of No
Do not use child pads CPR (out of hospital).
Use pediatric system for
child 1-8 yrs for infants < 1 yr of
HCP: for sudden age
collapse (out of hospital)
or in-hospital arrest use

minutes, or goes away and comes back. The
From the Doctor’s discomfort can feel like uncomfortable
pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain over
Desk: the chest.

 Discomfort in other areas of the upper

Heart Disease: Frequently body. This can include pain or discomfort in
one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or
Asked Questions stomach, but which is severely distressing.

 Shortness of breath. This often comes

along with chest discomfort. But it also can
occur before chest discomfort, but this
shortness of breath has to be of sudden and
recent onset and not a regular feature

 Other symptoms. These may include

breaking out in a cold sweat or experiencing
nausea or light–headedness along with
chest discomfort.
Dr. Alok Mazumdar, MD.DM,
QS: Is there a need to act fast?
ANS: Yes. Death or permanent disability can result
B.R Singh Hospital, E Rly, Sealdah
from a heart attack. The risk of death or permanent
heart damage can be reduced with timely treatment.
QS: What is heart disease?
Some newer treatments need to be given soon after
ANS: Heart disease is a term that includes several the onset of a heart attack in order to be effective. It
more specific heart conditions. The most common is important to know the symptoms of a heart attack
heart disease in the India is coronary artery disease and act right away. Any pain that does NOT decrease
(CAD). CAD occurs when the arteries that supply within half an hour must be attended by a doctor.
blood to the heart muscle become hardened and Person can take 1 tab of Sorbitrate (Nitroglycerine)
narrowed due to the buildup of plaque. The but should lie down for at least 15-30 min.
narrowing and buildup of plaques is called
QS: What are the risk factors for heart attack?
atherosclerosis. Plaques are a mixture of fatty and
other substances including cholesterol and other ANS: Some conditions as well as some lifestyle
lipids. Blood flow to the heart is reduced, which factors can put people at a higher risk for heart
reduces oxygen to the heart muscle. This can lead to disease. The most important modifiable risk factors
heart attack. Other heart conditions include valvular for heart disease are high blood pressure, high
heart disease, heart failure, and abnormal cardiac blood cholesterol, cigarette smoking, diabetes,
rhythm. physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, and obesity. In
principle, all persons can take steps to lower their
QS: What are the signs of heart attack?
risk for heart disease. If one is DIABETIC, one has the
 Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks highest risk factor.
involve discomfort in the center of the
QS: Are women at risk too?
chest that lasts for more than a few

ANS: Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of around this time. Heart disease of women is usually
death for women throughout the world. More more severe than males as they have smaller
women die from heart disease than from cancer, coronary arteries.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Alzheimer's,
and accidents combined. Women have unique risk QS: When to call a doctor?
factors for heart disease. A woman's chance of
ANS: if you have symptoms of a heart attack or are
getting coronary artery disease is higher after
with someone who has symptoms that are not
menopause. This higher chance is not completely
relieved in half an hour.
understood. But cholesterol, high blood pressure,
and fat around the abdomen—all things that raise Symptoms may include:
the risk for coronary artery disease—also increase
 Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling  Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the
in the chest. back, neck, jaw, or upper belly or in one or
 Sweating along with chest symptoms both shoulders or arms.
 Sudden shortness of breath.  Lightheadedness or sudden weakness.
 Sudden and severe nausea or vomiting.  A fast or irregular heartbeat.
 If you typically use nitroglycerin to relieve days of the week. Any activity you enjoy will work, as
angina and if one dose of nitroglycerin has long as it gets your heart rate up.
not relieved your symptoms within 5
minutes Eat a heart-healthy diet. This can help you keep your
disease from getting worse. A chart that compares
 Your angina symptoms are different, more
heart-healthy diets can help you see what foods are
frequent, or severe than before.
suggested in each plan. Heart-healthy foods include
fruits, vegetables, high-fiber foods, fish, and foods
low in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and
QS: How to live with a heart disease? cholesterol. DEP FRIED food should be totally
STOPPED and oil intake should be 3 tsf/day of less
ANS: A diagnosis of coronary artery disease can be
than 500 mL in a month.
hard to accept and understand. If you don't have
symptoms, it may be especially hard to recognize Weight Management
that heart disease is serious and can lead to other
health problems. Your doctor may suggest that you attend a cardiac
rehabilitation (rehab) program. In cardiac rehab, you
It's important to talk with your doctor to learn about will get education and support that help you build
the disease and what you can do to help manage it new, healthy habits, such as eating right and getting
and keep it from getting worse. more exercise.

Lifestyle changes Medicines

Quit smoking, and avoid secondhand smoke. Medicines are an important part of your treatment.
Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to
reduce your risk of future problems. When you quit, Take your medicines exactly as directed. Do not stop
you quickly lower your risk of a heart attack. taking your medicine unless your doctor tells you to.
Control angina (including chest pain or discomfort)
Exercise. Start an exercise program (if your doctor by taking medicines as prescribed and nitroglycerin
says it's safe). Try walking, swimming, biking, or when needed
jogging for at least 30 minutes on most, if not all,

Depression and heart disease are linked. People  Change the way you eat. Eat smaller meals
with heart disease are more likely to get depressed. more often during the day instead of two or
And if a person has both depression and heart three large meals.
disease, he or she may not stay as healthy as  Try taking nitroglycerin before you start a
possible. This can make depression and heart stressful activity that can cause angina, such
disease worse as walking uphill
 If you are not taking nitroglycerin, ask your
QS: How to control angina?
doctor if it could help you.
ANS: Most people who have stable angina can
Tell your doctor right away if:
control their symptoms by taking medicines as
 There is a sudden change in your angina
prescribed and nitroglycerin when needed. Staying
active is also important. But if these things don't
 You begin to get angina at unexpected
help you manage your angina, try these tips:
 If an activity causes angina, slow it down.  You get angina when you are resting
 Ease into your day. Warm up slowly before
 Give yourself time to rest and digest right
after meals.
Qs. What about sex, physical exercise, OCPs,
marriage and confinement if I have heart disease,

Ans.: They are permitted after advice from your

doctor. OCPs should be avoided.
Swine Flu

Vaccination against infections and can reduce serious ailments that

might lead to hospitalization and death.
Swine Flu Virus Types of Influenza Vaccine

Dr. Angira Dasgupta There are two types of Influenza Vaccine:


1) Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (IIV)
2) Live attenuated vaccine (LAV)
In India, the predominant influenza virus circulating
this season is not the usual Influenza A (H3N2) but
the A (H1N1) or swine flu. However, vaccination
with trivalent influenza vaccines can prevent some

metabolic diseases (including diabetes mellitus),
renal dysfunction, hemoglobinopathies, or
immunosuppression (including immunosuppression
caused by medications or by human
The IIV that is available in E Railway immunodeficiency virus [HIV]

B. Persons who can transmit influenza to those at

Both these vaccines are trivalent and protects high risk:
against two strains of type A influenza (including
Swine flu/ H1N1) and one strain of type B influenza. Physicians, nurses, and other personnel in both
The decision on which strains to include in the hospital & outpatient-care settings; Employees of
vaccine is made each year by WHO based on nursing homes and chronic-care facilities who have
observations made at disease surveillance sites contact with patients or residents; Employees of
around the world. assisted-living and other residences for persons in
high-risk groups; Persons who provide home care to
Mode of administration persons in high-risk groups; Household members
(including children) of persons in high-risk groups ;
The TAV comes as a solution for injection to be
administered by a healthcare provider into the large Contraindications
muscle whereas the LAV is sprayed into the nostrils
(nasal spray or nasal mist). Each LAV freeze-dried Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (IIV) & Live Attenuated
vaccine vial is reconstituted A dose of 0.5 ml is Vaccine (LAV):
administered as 0.25 ml per nostril using a 1.0 ml Severe allergic reaction after previous dose of any
syringe and a spray device. A single intranasal dose is influenza vaccine; or to a vaccine component,
recommended for people above 2 years of age. including egg protein
In addition, ACIP recommends that LAV not be used
When should it be given? in: pregnant women, immunosuppressed adults,
adults with egg allergy of any severity, adults who
It is recommended to administer influenza vaccine
have taken influenza antiviral medications
annually just before the flu season peaks (before
(amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir, or oseltamivir)
October for southern India and before June for rest
within the previous 48 hours; avoid use of these
of the country) which is from June to August in
antiviral drugs for 14 days after vaccination
north, west and eastern part of India and October to
December in south India

Who should get vaccinated?

A. Persons at high risk for influenza-related


Persons aged 65 years or older; Residents of nursing

homes and other chronic-care facilities that house
persons of any age who have chronic medical
conditions; Adults & children who have chronic
disorders of the pulmonary or cardiovascular system,
including asthma; Adults and children who have
required regular medical follow-up or hospitalization
during the preceding year because of chronic

Events in the Recent Workshop on Medical
Examination and Medical
IRPHACON 2015: A one day Zonal Workshop on Medical
Eastern Railway played hosts to the 15 Indian Examination and Medical Boards was held in B. R.
Railway Public Health Conference at Howrah and Singh Hospital, Eastern Railway, Sealdah on 21
Kolkata. It was attended by ______Delegates from March, 2015 that was attended by IRMS Officers
all over Indian Railways including the DG (RHS) and belonging to various Divisions and Workshop
CMDs of respective zones. Eminent speakers Hospitals in Eastern Railway along with the Hospital
belonging to the IRMS as well as belonging to In-charges. The occasion was graced by the presence
National fame took part. of Dr. J Swain, CMD, E Rly and Mr. U.K Bal, SDGM, E
Rly. CMD, E Rly also released an updated version of
Chapter V of the IRMM (updated till 2015) to be put
up in the website shortly.

CMD, E Rly during the Workshop on ME

During the inauguration ceremony that was

attended by General Managers, Eastern and South
Eastern, and Metro Railways, a handbook on
‘Medical Facilities for the Retired Railway
Employee’ was released that is available in digital
format at the Eastern Railway website.

60th Railway Week, National Award for
Outstanding Service:
Guwahati. Dr. Lalit Mohan Adhikary ,DMO/MLDT received
the “National Award for Outstanding Service”
The Comprehensive Health Care Shield 2014 was
awarded to Northern, Eastern and Southern
Railways jointly in function in Guwahati on 13 th
April, 2015

Comprehensive Health Care Shield 2014 being

awarded to Northern, Eastern and Southern
Railways jointly by Hon'ble Shri Suresh Prabhu
Mininster for Railways at IIT Guwahati on 60th
Railway Week Central Function on 13 April, 2015

Dr.Lalit Mohan Adhikary has established single

handedly a world class Ophthalmology Unit.
The unit provides all anterior segment services
including state-of-the-art Phacoemulsification
operation with foldable lens implantation. He is
further associated with performing
Ophthalmological Check-up during Medical
Examinations. He also looks after the Health &
Family Welfare activities, sanitation and
Ambulance Services of the Div. Hospital at
Maldah. He also successfully outsourced
cleaning of Maldah Town Station in 2014.

DGRHS Dr Mahendra Budhalakoti with the

Comprehensive health care shield winning CMDs
Dr Brahm Prakash, Dr T Anjaiah & Dr J Swain
at Railway Week National Awards function in

Heart-healthy diet:
8 steps to prevent heart disease

1. Control your portion size

2. Eat more vegetables and fruits
3. Select whole grains.
4. Limit unhealthy fats and cholesterol
5. Choose low-fat protein sources
6. Reduce the sodium in your food The 16-slice CT scan machine will feature fast
7. Plan ahead: Create daily menus reconstruction and a range of automated tools to set
8. Allow yourself an occasional treat up patients and manage scans. Also includes
features to help maximize dose efficiency.

Other Upcoming
Facilities in Eastern
At Kanchrapara Railway Hospital
(a) Centralized pipeline supply of O2. , N2O and
Centralized Suction facilities.
(b) Wireless central nursing station in ICU
(c) C-Arm with orthopaedic OT table.

At Liluah Railway Hospital

(a) Two (02) drawer AC Mortuary,
(b) Two(02) bedded ICU,
Coming soon… (c) Central AC for Indoor.

Our own CT Scan At Jamalpur Railway Hospital

(a) Shortwave Diathermy, Static cycle in
A 16-slice system suited to routine CT studies, CT Physiotherapy department
angiography, and advanced motion-sensitive (b) Semi autoanalyzer, Multipara monitor, , HP
applications such as CT colonography and pulmonary Sterilizer,
studies is to be installed in B R Singh Hospital very (c) Digital x-Ray Machine
shortly. (d) Ambulance for transit of critical patient to
higher centre

In the Next Issue: The Board of Editors,
o Focus on Railway Hospitals in Maldah and Comprising of
Metro Railway, Kolkata • Dr. Chayan Bhattacharya, DMO/BRSH
o Digital Radiography in Eastern Railway • Dr. Angira Dasgupta, Sr.DMO/BRSH
o CT Scan in Eastern Railway • Dr. Debasish Guha, Sr DMO/BRSH
o ARME • Dr. Subhashish Das, ACHD/BRSH

o RTI Act Sincerely thank:

And much more……. • Dr. J Swain, CMD/E Rly
 Dr. Shyam Sunder, MD/BRSH
• Dr.A Chakrabarty, CMS/KPA
• Dr.T.Mazumder, CMS/LLH
 Dr.S.K.Rakshit, CMS/JMP
 Dr.Sujit Mallik ACMD/E Rly

For their efforts in bringing out this magazine


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