Readings in Philippine History Midterm Examination
Readings in Philippine History Midterm Examination
Readings in Philippine History Midterm Examination
1. Create a group composed of five to seven members.
2. Choose one among the following themes of Philippine History. You may create your own specific topic as long
as these belongs to the suggested themes below.
3. Look for primary sources that can be used as evidences of your chosen theme: written document; photo;
artifact; editorial cartoon/caricature; video
4. Read and research about each primary source using the competencies of historical literacy; and its relevance
to Philippine History.
5. Identify and elaborate at least five secondary sources of your chosen topic (comprehensive summary;
relevance to your chosen topic/theme).
6. Provide a comprehensive summary; and significance or relevance to Philippine History and to the Filipino
Nation of your chosen theme/topic
7. Answer the five Primary Sources Analysis Worksheets provided below.
8. Answer the integrating guide questions which will serve as the synthesis of the five Primary Sources Analysis
9. Rate the participation of the group members according to the criteria provided at last part of this examination.
A. Precolonial Philippines
B. Culture Clash and Contact: Spanish Conquest of the Philippine Islands
C. Life under Spain
D. 1896 Revolution Against Spain
E. Reform and Radicalism: Propaganda Movement
F. 1896 Revolution Against Spain
G. 1st Philippine Republic
H. Philippine American War
I. Life under the Americans
J. The Filipino Colonial State under American Rule
K. Filipinization towards the Commonwealth Government
L. Japanese Invasion
M. Life during the Japanese Occupation
N. Philippine Liberation
O. Post War Independence and Recovery
P. Hukbalahap Insurgency
Q. Martial Law
R. EDSA Revolution
S. Recent Natural Disasters: Typhoon Yolanda
T. The Rise of Rodrigo Duterte
Title of your Chosen theme/topic:
Comprehensive Description:
Title: ________________________________________________________________________________
I. Sourcing:
II. Contextualization:
The following guidelines should be answered vis-à-vis with its effect on the content of the
document you are studying.
III. Corroboration
Conclusions: __________________________________________________________________________
Photo Analysis Worksheet
Comprehensive description:
I. Sourcing:
II. Contextualization:
III. Corroboration
Information/Insights that were emphasized
1. What could be the possible message or
meaning of the photo?
2. Base from your observation what can you
infer or conclude about the photo’s
3. What questions/ideas do this photo
projects to its audience/observer?
Artifact Analysis Worksheet
Comprehensive description:
I. Sourcing:
II. Contextualization:
III. Corroboration
Conclusions: __________________________________________________________________________
Editorial Cartoon/Caricature Analysis Worksheet
Editorial Cartoon/Caricature
Comprehensive description:
I. Sourcing:
II. Contextualization:
III. Corroboration
1. Identify and elaborate the symbolisms
and representations emphasized in the
editorial cartoon/caricature.
2. What could be the possible message or
meaning of the editorial
3. Base from your observation what can you
infer or conclude about the editorial
cartoon/caricature’s implication.
4. What questions/ideas does this editorial
cartoon/caricature project to its
Video Analysis Worksheet
Comprehensive description:
I. Sourcing:
II. Contextualization:
III. Corroboration
1. What could be the possible message or
meaning of the video?
2. Base from your observation what can you
infer or conclude about the video’s
3. What questions/ideas do this the video
projects to its audience/observer?
4. Does this video appeal to the emotion or
reason of its viewers? How do you think
its creators wanted the audience to
respond or react?
Primary Sources Analysis Worksheets: A Synthesis
Write a comprehensive argumentative essay as synthesis of your analysis of your chosen theme/topic of
Philippine History using the five primary sources worksheets through the guide questions/directions
1. Write a comprehensive narrative base from the findings and conclusions of the five primary
sources analysis worksheets.
2. Identify and elaborate the causes and consequences of the events/experiences in your chosen
theme/topic of Philippine History vis-à-vis your analysis using the five primary sources analysis
3. Describe the life and times (socio-politico-economic conditions) vis-à-vis with your chosen primary
sources as evidences and references of your exposition.
4. Base from our chosen primary sources, recreate how is it to live as an ordinary person in the time
of your chosen theme/topic of Philippine History.
5. What did you learn and realize from this activity? Did it confirm or contradict what you learn from
textbooks; teachers; popular media about your chosen theme/topic of Philippine History.
Elaborate your answers.
Your argumentative essay must have a title and body with various paragraphs (preferably with subtitles).
Write this using your own words and thoughts. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with
Peer Evaluation
Evaluate the contribution and participation of each member using the metrics indicated below. Rate
each member in the scale of 1-10; with 10 as highest and 1 as lowest. Get the total score of each and
sum up total scores from all the members. Obtain the average by getting the dividing the number of
members to the accumulated total score.
Member I:____________________________________________________________________________
Metrics Rating (1-10) Rating (1-10) Rating (1-10) Rating (1-10) Rating (1-10) Rating (1-10) Rating (1-10)
Contribution to
Contribution to
Contribution to
1. All members must be given a part or role in the presentation.
2. Each group is given 12 minutes for the presentation.
3. You must bring your own laptop and speaker.s