Infrared Spectros
Infrared Spectros
Infrared Spectros
Infrared Spectroscopy
Part 2, Analytical Procedures and General Directions
eISBN: 9780841230460
Tom Tyner Chair, ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents
James Francis Secretary, ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is an absorption method widely used in both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The
infrared region of the spectrum includes electromagnetic radiation that can alter the vibrational and rotational states
of covalent bonds in organic molecules.
The IR spectrum of an organic compound is a unique physical property and can be used to identify unknowns by
interpretation of characteristic absorbances and comparison with spectral libraries. IR spectroscopy is also used in
quantitative techniques because of its sensitivity and selectivity. It can be used to quantitate analytes in complex
mixtures and is used extensively in detection of industrial pollutants in the environment.
ACS Reagent Chemicals
The IR technique is discussed here primarily for application in identification of organic compounds and will focus on the
mid-infrared region. Instrumental operating procedures are not given because they will vary depending on instrument
design. A brief discussion of the theory will be followed by a discussion of instrumentation, sample handling
techniques, and qualitative analysis.
Unlike UV and visible spectroscopy, which use larger energy absorbances from electronic transitions, IR spectroscopy relies on
the much smaller energy absorbances that occur between various vibrational and rotational states. Only molecules that
undergo a net change in the dipole moment during vibrational and rotational motions can absorb IR radiation. Homonuclear
molecules, such as O2, N2, or Cl2, are not IR-active because no net change in the dipole moment occurs. Molecular vibrations
can be classified as either stretching or bending. Stretching is a result of continuous changing distances in a bond between two
atoms. Bending refers to a change in the angle between two bonds. Bending motions include scissoring, rocking, wagging, and
twisting. The various types of vibrations and rotations absorb at different frequencies within the infrared region, thus resulting
in unique spectral properties for different molecular species.
Basic instrumentation for IR spectroscopy includes a radiation source, wavelength selector, sample container, transducer
(detector), and signal processor. Sources, transducers, and beam splitters will vary according to whether near-, mid-, or far-IR
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spectra are being measured. Most identification of organic compounds can be done in mid-IR. For mid-IR, the radiation source
can be a Nernst glower, globar, or laser. The IR transducers (detectors) are temperature-sensitive devices that undergo large
changes in certain properties (e.g., electrical resistance and temperature-dependent potential) upon small temperature
variations. Examples include bolometers, thermocouples, and photoconducting transducers. Sources and transducers are the
same for dispersive and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) instruments.
Dispersive IR instruments record energy absorption as the instrument scans through the IR energy spectrum. These instruments
operate in the frequency domain. FTIR instruments work in the time domain. In spectra produced by Fourier transform
infrared instruments, all wavelengths emitted by the source are present. The frequency data from the FTIR instrument is
obtained using mirrors in a Michelson interferometer to produce a signal that is transformed to data with a much lower
frequency while containing the same information as the original IR signal. The use of an interferometer offers an advantage
when using background subtraction techniques. FTIR instruments utilize a Michelson interferometer to modulate the incoming
optical radiation by using two mirrors that are perpendicular to each other (one fixed and one movable) and a beam splitter
placed on the path of the incoming radiation. The beams first split and then recombine again thus undergoing interference
that depends on the difference in the path lengths. The interferogram obtained is then decoded by Fourier transform thus
providing the spectrum of the target radiation. Michelson interferometer FTIRs offer significant sensitivity improvement over
other types of instruments.
Sample containers and handling can present a challenge in the infrared region. Materials used to produce cuvettes are not
transparent and cannot be used. Cells prepared from alkali halides such as sodium chloride are widely used due to their
transparent properties in the infrared region. A common problem with sodium chloride cells is that they absorb moisture and
become fogged. Polishing is required to restore the cells to a more transparent state.
Liquids may be analyzed in their neat form by placing a small amount of sample on a sodium chloride plate and then placing a
second plate on top to form a sample film. The plates are then placed in an appropriate holder in the sample compartment of
the instrument. This technique provides adequate spectra for qualitative use. Alternatively, the use of silver chloride or silver
bromide “disposable” windows has gained widespread acceptance for use with liquids and Nujol (a heavy hydrocarbon oil)
Solutions of liquid or solid materials can also be analyzed by IR spectroscopy. Solvents should be chosen that do not have
absorbances in the region of interest. Unfortunately, no solvent is completely transparent in the mid-infrared region. With
double-beam instruments, a reference cell containing blank solvent can be used. Common moderate absorbances will not be
observed. Solvent transmission should always be above 10% when using a solvent reference cell. Influences of solvent on the
absorbance of the solute should be considered. For example, hydrogen bonding of alcohols or amines with the solvent may
affect the characteristic vibrational frequency of the functional group. When practical, it is desirable to analyze neat
materials for qualitative analysis.
A method commonly used for analysis of neat solid samples is the mull technique. The technique consists of grinding the
material into a fine powder and then dispersing it into a liquid or solid matrix to form a mull. Liquid mulls have been formed by
combining the powdered analyte with Nujol. The liquid mull is analyzed between salt plates as described above. The
disadvantage of Nujol is that hydrocarbon bands may interfere with analyte absorbances. A second method of forming a mull
involves grinding the powdered analyte with dry potassium bromide and forming a disk. The ratio of analyte to potassium
bromide is usually about 1:100. The materials are ground together using a mortar and pestle or a small ball mill. The mixture is
then pressed in a die at 10,000–15,000 psi to form a small transparent disk and analyzed. Care must be taken when preparing
the disk to protect it from moisture. It is common to see absorbances for moisture when using potassium bromide disks. In
some instances, vapor-phase analysis provides differences in absorbance frequency and intensity when compared with solid- or
liquid-phase analysis.
The most widely used application of IR spectroscopy is for qualitative analysis of organic compounds. Compounds have unique
spectra that depend on molecular attributes. A common method of interpreting IR spectra is to consider two regions: the
functional group frequency region (3600–1200 cm–1) and the “fingerprint” region (1200–600 cm–1). A combination of
interpreting the functional group region and comparing the fingerprint region with those in spectral libraries provides, in many
cases, sufficient evidence to positively identify a compound.
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The functional group region provides evidence of functional groups in a molecule based on the absorbance frequency. Tables
are available in standard spectra manuals that provide ranges of absorbances for specific functional groups. Common groups
with characteristic absorbances include aldehydes, ketones, esters, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, amines, amides, carboxylic
acids, nitro groups, and nitriles. While most functional groups fall in the 3600–1200 cm–1 range, some can also fall in the
fingerprint region. For example, C–O bonds can be around 1000 cm–1, and C–Cl absorbances are typically found in the range of
600–800 cm–1.
The fingerprint region is often unique to the analyte. In this region, small differences in structure can lead to differences in
absorbances. Most single bonds absorb in this area, and differences in the skeletal structure of molecules will result in
frequency and intensity differences. The fingerprint region is most effectively used by comparison to existing spectra.
Computer-based search systems offer a rapid method of comparing unknown samples to known spectra.
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