Technical Report Writing: A Quick Guide To Writing Technical Reports in Engineering
Technical Report Writing: A Quick Guide To Writing Technical Reports in Engineering
Technical Report Writing: A Quick Guide To Writing Technical Reports in Engineering
Technical reports are a central part of your Tip: Write your summary last.
professional success and are usually designed to:
Table of contents
• Convince the reader of your position;
• Persuade them to act; or Your table of contents should help your reader to
• Inform them of your findings. quickly and easily find the information they’re looking
They are an opportunity for you to: for. To do this, write informative headings. For
• Clearly communicate a solution to a problem;
• Recommend action; and 1.0 Purpose 1
• Aid decision making.
2.0 Background 2
Technical reports are designed for quick and easy
communication of information, and use: 2.1 Types and features of Smoke Exhaust Fans 2
• Sections with numbered headings and 2.2 Smoke Exhaust Fans for the Australian Market 3
subheadings; and
• Figures and diagrams to convey data.
Your introduction should situate the problem being
Structure addressed, discuss relevant previous research and
state your aim or hypothesis.
Regardless of the specific purpose of your technical
report, the structure and conventions rarely differ. To help, consider these questions:
Academic Skills [email protected]
Go for excellence
• What have previous studies found in the action, you could choose to report these as a bullet
area? point list. When giving an answer to your problem, be
• Why is it worth investigating? sure to include any limitations to your findings.
• What was the experiment about?
Your recommendations can be presented in two
• Why did you do it?
• What did you expect to get from it?
Action statements
Body e.g. Type approval should be issued for tunnel
You need to present the work itself in the body of ventilation fans.
your report and decide how to structure it.
Conditional statements
To help, ask yourself:
e.g. If fan blades are painted with an anti-corrosion
• What does the reader need to know first? coating system, it is likely that…
• What is the most logical way to develop the e.g. The research has found that the fan hub should
story of the project? be constructed from forged steel and the fan housing
Figures, tables equations and should be constructed from hot dipped galvanised
steel, but future research…
Consider how your reader can best receive the
information in the body of your report. Would a table References
or figure help to convey your ideas more effectively?
Acknowledge all the information you’ve incorporated
Figures and tables should: from another source into your paper using a
consistent referencing style. Learn more about your
• Be numbered;
specific referencing conventions here:
• Be referred to in-text, e.g. In Table 1…; and
• Include a simple descriptive label - above a
table and below a figure.
Equations and formulae should be:
If you have data that is too detailed or lengthy to
• Numbered;
include in the report itself, include it in the appendix,
• Referred to in-text, e.g. See Eq 1 for…;
should the reader be interested. Label your appendix
• Centred on the page; and
with a number or a letter and refer to it the text, e.g.
• On a separate line.
For a full list of construction phases, see Appendix A.
Your conclusion should mirror your introduction.
To learn more, search the Academic Skills YouTube
Be sure to: channel for short videos on:
• Refer to your aims; Executive Summary
• Summarise your key findings; and Professional Style
• State your major outcomes and highlight Business Report
their significance.
For more detailed information, search the Monash
Recommendations University website for:
If your technical report includes recommendations for Engineering Technical Report Writing
Academic Skills [email protected]
Go for excellence