Merry Sunshine Montessori School Grade 12 Araling Panlipunan (Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics) S.Y 2018-2019
Merry Sunshine Montessori School Grade 12 Araling Panlipunan (Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics) S.Y 2018-2019
Merry Sunshine Montessori School Grade 12 Araling Panlipunan (Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics) S.Y 2018-2019
1ST QUARTERS 1. Articulate observations 1. Introduction: The Galatians 3:28 Starting Out
on human cultural variation, Understanding of Culture, 28 There
social differences, social Society, and Politics is neither Jew nor React
change, and political Gentile, neither slave nor Associational Fluency Understanding Culture,
identities. Society, and Politics (A
free, nor is there male and Lift me up conceptual experiential
2.Explain Anthropological female, for you are all one Tell me who approach)pp.24
and Sociological Discussion
perspective on Culture, in Christ Jesus. Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics. Society, and Politics
Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah S.
3.Identify the subjecs of Raymundo pp 2, 19
inquiry and goals of
Anthropology, Political
Science, and Sociology.
1. Demonstrate curiosity 2. The Study of Culture, Revelation 7:9-10 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
and an openness to Society, and Politics 9 After
explore the origins and this I looked, and G-5 QA Reactions Understanding Culture,
dynamics of culture and there before me was a Associational Fluency Society, and Politics (A
society, and political conceptual experiential
identities. great multitude that no one Discussion approach) pp 42,74
could count, from every Exploration
2. recognize the common Understanding Culture,
concerns or intersections of nation, tribe, people and Society, and Politics
anthropology, sociology, language, standing before Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah S.
and political science with Raymundo pp 28
respect to the phenomenon the throne and before the
of change; and Lamb. They were wearing
1. Explain anthropological 3. Defining Culture and Hebrews 11:12 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
and sociological Society: The Perspective of 12 And
perspective on culture and Anthropology and so from this one Give me Info Understanding Culture,
society; and Sociology man, and he as good as Personal Reaction Society, and Politics (A
Discussion conceptual experiential
dead, came descendants Group Circle approach) pp 54,64
2. Describe culture and
society as a complex as numerous as the stars in
the sky and as countless as
3.Identify aspects of culture the sand on the seashore.
and society; and
1. To be able to become 4. Ethnocentrism and 1 John 4:19 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
aware of why and how Cultural Relativism 19 We
cultural relativism mitigates love because he first Campaign
ethnocentrism. loved us.
2. Identify forms of tangible Partner’s works
and intangible heritage and
the threats to these.
1.Explain the development 6. Enculturation and Proverbs 13:20 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
of one’s self and others as Socialization 20 Walk
a product of socialization with the wise and Social Contrast Understanding Culture,
and enculturation; and become wise, Society, and Politics (A
Joharis Window conceptual experiential
for a companion of fools approach) pp 100, 120
2. Identify the context,
content, processes, and suffers harm. Discussion
consequences of Understanding Culture,
enculturation and Group Report Society, and Politics
socialization. Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah S.
Presentation Raymundo pp 150, 174
1. Identify social goals and 7. Conformity and 2 Timothy 2:22 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
the socially acceptable Deviance 22 Flee
means of achieving these the evil desires of Answer and call name Understanding Culture,
goals. youth and pursue Picture perfect Society, and Politics (A
conceptual experiential
2. Advocate inclusive righteousness, faith, Charade/ Pantomime approach) pp 130
citizenship. love and peace, along with
Discussion Understanding Culture,
those who call on the Society, and Politics
3. Promote the protection Lord out of a pure heart. Do it by Three Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah
of human dignity, rights,
and the common good.
1. Trace kinship ties and 9. Kinship Ties and Social 1 Corinthians 15:33 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
social networks. Networks
2. Analyze political
33 Do not be misled: “Bad Interview Three Understanding Culture,
structures. company corrupts good Society, and Politics (A
Discussion conceptual experiential
character.”[a] approach) pp 168
Family Table
Understanding Culture,
Teach me and I teach you Society, and Politics
Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah S.
Raymundo pp 36
1. Analyze political 10. Political Structures Romans 13:1 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
Let everyone be subject to Question and Answer Understanding Culture,
the governing Society, and Politics (A
Personal Reaction conceptual experiential
authorities, for there is no approach) pp 182
authority except that which Discussion
2ND QUARTER 1. Analyze economic 11. Economic Institutions Philippians 4:9 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
organization and its 9 Whatever
impacts on the lives of you have React React Understanding Culture,
people in society. learned or received or Society, and Politics (A
Discussion conceptual experiential
heard from me, or seen in approach) pp 192
me—put it into
Understanding Culture,
practice. And the God of Society, and Politics
peace will be with you. Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah S.
Raymundo pp 96, 116
1. Differentiate functions of 12. Non-State Institutions James 1:27 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
non-state institutions in 27 Religion
society. that God our Report Marathon Understanding Culture,
Father accepts as pure and Society, and Politics (A
Role Playing conceptual experiential
faultless is this: to look approach) pp 202
Slogan Writing
after orphans and
widows in their distress and Discussion
to keep oneself from being
polluted by the world.
1.Evaluate how functions of 13. Education as a Social Ecclesiastes 7:12 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
education affect the lives of Institution 12 Wisdom
people in society; and is a shelter Slogan to Campaign Understanding Culture,
as money is a shelter, Society, and Politics (A
2. Promote primary What Is? conceptual experiential
but the advantage of approach) pp 218
education as a human
right. knowledge is this: Film Showing
Understanding Culture,
Wisdom preserves those Discussion Society, and Politics
who have it. Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah S.
Raymundo pp 80
14. Religion and Belief Ephesians 2:8-9 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
1. Understand how religion Systems 8 For
affects your daily life. it is by grace you have Personal Reactions Understanding Culture,
been saved, through faith— Society, and Politics (A
2. Describe the basis of Discussion conceptual experiential
monotheism and and this is not from approach)pp 234
polytheism. yourselves, it is the gift of
3. Understand why there a Understanding Culture,
need to separate the God— 9 not by works, so Society, and Politics
church and state. that no one can boast. Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah S.
Raymundo pp 80
1. Recognize the practice 15. Health in the Society 3 John 2 :2 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
of medical pluralism in light
of cultural diversity and 2 Dear
Picture Perfect Understanding Culture,
relativism. friend, I pray that Society, and Politics (A
you may enjoy good health Personal Reaction conceptual experiential
2.Describe culture-specific approach)pp 250
illness and that all may go well Discussion
with you, even as your soul
3. Describe how culture
affects the diagnosis, is getting along well.
prevention and cure of an
4. Describe how
governments ensure the
good health of its citizens.
16. Social and Political 1 Corinthians 1:10 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
1.Examine stratification Stratification 10 I appeal to you, brothers Guest speaker Personal Understanding Culture,
from the functionalist and
conflict perspectives; and sisters,[a] in the name Reflection Society, and Politics (A
conceptual experiential
of our Lord Jesus Christ, Discussion approach)pp 262
2. Identify characteristics of
the systems of that all of you agree with
stratifications. Teach me and I teach you
one another in what you
say and that there be no
divisions among you, but
that you be perfectly
united in mind and thought.
1. Describe the sources of 17. Cultural, Social, and Amos 5:14-15 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
cultural, social, and political Political Change 14 Seek
change. good, not evil, Picture Perfect/ Role Understanding Culture,
that you may live. Playing Society, and Politics(A
2. Describe how conceptual experiential
innovations affect social, Then the LORD God Discussion approach)pp 280
cultural, and political Almighty will be with you, Understanding Culture,
change. Society, and Politics
just as you say he is. Gerry M. Lanuza/ Sarah S.
3. Differentiate the 15 Hate evil, love good; Raymundo
acculturation and pp.203
assimilation maintain justice in the
4. Identify social
contradictions and tensions Perhaps the LORD God
persist among societies.
Almighty will have mercy
on the remnant of
1. Identify new challenges 18. Contemporary 1 Corinthians 15:58 Starting Out QUIPPER STUDY GUIDE
faced by human Challenges and Responses 58 Therefore,
populations in my dear The Green House
contemporary societies. brothers and sisters, stand
Picture Perfect/ Role
firm. Let nothing move you. Playing
2. Describe how human
societies adapt to new
challenges in the physical, Always give yourselves Discussion
social, and cultural fully to the work of the
Lord, because you know
3. Develop a plan of action that your labor in the Lord
for community-based
response to change. is not in vain.