Detailed Lesson Plan in Music Grade 8 Quarter Two Week - LC 3
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music Grade 8 Quarter Two Week - LC 3
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music Grade 8 Quarter Two Week - LC 3
Grade 8
Quarter Two Week ____ LC 3
A. Content The Learner…
Standards demonstrates understanding of common and distinct musical
characteristics of East Asian countries
B. Performance The Learner...
Standards performs East Asian music with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression
and style
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the student is able to:
Competencies/ Sing songs of East Asia MU8SE-IIc-h-3
Objectives. Write
the LC for each
II. CONTENT MUSIC OF EAST ASIA: Folksongs and Ritual Music
1. Teacher’s Guide MAPEH-Music
2. Learner’s MAPEH-Music-63-74
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
5. Other Learning
Teacher’s Activity
A. Reviewing Activity #1: Where do I Come From?
previous lessons Instructions:
or presenting the 1. Post the following on the board:
new lesson A. Column A:
A.1. “Arirang”
A.2. “ Mo Li Hua”
A.3. “Sakura”
B. Column B:
B.1. a picture of the flag of China
B.2. a picture of the flag of North and South Korea
B.3. a picture of the flag of Japan
2. Call one student per number to match the title of the song to
the flag of the country it comes from.
B. Establishing a Ask:
purpose for the How do East Asian people sing?/ What are the distinct
lesson characteristics of the singing style of East Asian people?
1. Melismatic
2. Nasal and throaty
C. Presenting Tell the students that they will sing East Asian songs the East Asian
examples/instan way.
ces of the new
Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing new 1. Let the students listen to one of the songs below:
concepts and A. Arirang
practicing new B. Mo Li Hua
skills #1 C. Sakura
2. Teach the students how to sing the selected song using the rote
A. Post the copy of the lyrics of the selected song on the board.
B. Let the students read the lyrics phrase by phrase.
C. Let the students listen as the teacher sings/plays a
recording of the song. As the song is being sung/ played, the
students mouth the lyrics.
D. The students sing the song with a very soft voice as the
teacher sings/ plays the song again.
E. The students and the teacher sing the song altogether the
East Asian style.
E. Discussing new Activity #2 Let’s Nail It!
concepts and Instructions:
practicing new 1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
skills #2 2. Each group shall sing an East Asian song the East Asian
style. Each group may choose from the following:
A. Arirang
B. Mo Li Hua
C. Sakura
3. The class shall be given 5 minutes to practice for their
performances. 2 minutes shall be allotted for each group’s
F. Developing
mastery (Leads
to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical 1. What can you say bout the East Asian style of singing?
applications of 2. Share your experience on singing the East Asian style.
concepts and
skills in daily
H. Making How is the East Asian Style of singing different or similar to the singing
generalizations style of the Filipinos?
and abstractions
about the lesson
I. Evaluaing The performances shall be graded using the rubric below:
Style of singing (East Asian) 8
Correct pitch and rhythm 7
Performance (stage presence) 5
J. Additional
activities for
application or
(____minutes). Fill-
in below any of the
four purposes.
hening the day’s
the day’s lesson
Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
the day’s lesson
Preparing for the
new lesson
Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020