Nfjpiar41920 Ga Irr
Nfjpiar41920 Ga Irr
Nfjpiar41920 Ga Irr
Version Control
Antonette Matthew Initial
1 June 2018 Angelo
Dimero Macatangay, Issue
Johann Mart Noriel Matthew Annual
2 June 2019
Villegas Melendres Macatangay, Revision
Table of Contents
IRR 2.1 To build fellowship and establish a cohesive bond in NFJPIA Region
IRR 2.2 To showcase the talents and increase the interest of JPIANs in non-
academic competitions.
IRR 2.4 To form teams that are skilled, disciplined, dedicated, and
motivated to provide a holistic development of the members.
IRR 3.1 The Non-Academic Events in the General Assembly 2019 shall
comprise of the following:
IRR 4.1 The Non-Academic Events of the General Assembly is open to all
bona fide members of the NFJPIA Region IV FY 2019-2020, and to
all registered delegates of the General Assembly.
IRR 4.2 Champions of non-academic Events listed below, in the prior years,
can still participate provided that they comply and meet the
IRR 5.2 A soft copy of the latest Certificate of Registration from the school
registrar and identification card
IRR 5.3 The duly accomplished Master list of Non-Academic Participants and
other requirements must only be sent to the Regional Vice President
for Non-Academics through email on or before September 8, 2019.
IRR 5.4 File format of sending the requirements to RVP for Non-Academics
email:[email protected]
Subject: NFJPIAR41920_(SCHOOL)_NonAcads
Ex. NFJPIAR41920_NU-Laguna_NonAcads
IRR 6.1 Board of judges shall be selected by the National Executive Officers
Region IV and shall have the appropriate credentials to judge a
particular event. The board of judges shall be independent in fact
and in appearance, thus, shall not be directly or closely related to
any Regional Council to maintain the integrity of the competitions.
IRR 6.2 The Board of Judges must not be related or affiliated to any local
chapter joining any non-academic event.
IRR 6.3 The Board of judges has the sole and exclusive authority to clear or
answer any protest/clarification related to the judging of a
particular event raised by the contestants. The decision of the board
of judges is final and irrevocable.
IRR6.4 All concerns, clarifications, complaints or questions must be
directly addressed to the Regional Vice President for Non-
Academics after the competition by the Liaison Officer, assigned by
the Regional VP for Non-Academics. Any concerns, clarifications,
complaints or questions raise by any Regional Council officer other
than the Liaison Officer shall not be entertained.
IRR 6.5 For Your Face Sounds Familiar and NFJPIAR4’s Best Dance Crew,
there will be a screening process before a contestant can advance
to the competition. Each participant will send a video performance
through the email provided above and must contain a file name of
YFSF_LCName and NBDC_LCName_CrewName on or before
September 15, 2019. The Top 10 for NFJPIAR4’s Best Dance Crew
and Top 7 for Your Face Sounds Familiar will be chosen and be
notified one (1) week after the deadline of submission about the
result of the screening process.
IRR 6.6 Music that will be used must be placed in flash drive and make sure
that the contestant, preferably in mp3 (.mp3) format, labelled with
the Local Chapter and Non-Academic event to be submitted on the
General Assembly to a Non-Academics representative upon
registration. If possible, all flash drives shall be passed to the Non-
Academics representative for every local chapter. It shall contain
all music that is to be used by the participants coming from a
particular local chapter.
IRR6.7 Contestants must be on the venue thirty (30) minutes before the
General Assembly starts. A 5-point deduction in the total score shall
be given to contestants who arrive fifteen (15) minutes late after
the start of the event. They are also given a 1-point deduction for
every three (3) minutes they are late beyond the 15-minutemark.
IRR 6.8 All submitted works, outputs, and products of the competitions shall
belong to NFJPIA Region IV.
IRR 6.9 Draw lots shall determine the order of performances. This shall be
done before start of the General Assembly through a representative
for each Non-Academic Event participant.
IRR 6.10 The NFJPIA - Region IV shall have the exclusive power to interpret
the provisions of the IRR and shall be vested with the power to give
sanctions to any contestant who shall violate any provisions in this
IRR 6.11 In case there are any concerns or protests which are not covered
in this IRR, the National Federation Region IV shall have the
absolute power and sole authority to decide and interpret the
implementing rules and regulations of the General Assembly
Regional Non-Academic Competitions, upon consultation with the
Regional Adviser, on matters which he deems necessary to
preserve and protect the integrity of the event. Should there be any
ambiguity encountered by any party, such should be addressed on
a timely basis. The decision of the Executive Board shall be final
and irrevocable.
IRR 7.1 This is open to all the bona fide members of the NFJPIA F.Y. 2019
- 2020.
IRR 7. 3 Each participating individual must transform into their chosen artist
(local or foreign). By means of makeup, wigs, clothing/ costumes.
IRR 7.4 The contestants are required to prepare a three (3) to five (5)
minute performance which includes their entrance and exit.
IRR 7.5 Any costume, props, and the like are allowed, except for sharp &
pointy objects, pyrotechnics, live animals, or other equipment
which may damage the venue. The harmful items stated above are
strictly prohibited.
IRR 7.6 Participants whose performance exceed the maximum time shall be
given a one (1) point deduction every ten (10) seconds in excess
of the allotted time.
IRR 7.7 The music must be placed on a flash drive and must have a filename
of YFSF_LC_Surname. The flash drive is to be submitted to the
designated officer during the registration.
IRR 7.8 Each performance must not exceed five minutes. If props are used,
contestants are allowed two minutes - (1) minute for setup and (1)
minute for tear -down.
IRR 7.9 Contestants are expected to arrive at the venue thirty (30) minutes
before the program commences.
IRR 7.10 The Contestants may have five (5) backup performers to
accompany them on their performance, the backup performers are
not allowed to sing, to showcase the raw talent of the contestant.
IRR 7.11 The participants have the discretion to choose their own song
whether it is Local or Foreign.
IRR 7.12 The participants must perform one chosen song of their artist
combined with dance or acts to show that they have a similar
personality with the person they are mimicking.
Voice Quality and Voice Range 40%
Creativity 30%
Appearance 15%
Stage Presence and Choreography 10%
Audience Impact 5%
TOTAL 100%
IRR8.1.1 The participants will choose a specific music video that became a
hit from 2017-2019. They may copy or freely change some actions
and/ or lyrics of the music video. They should present it with a twist
and humor.
IRR 8.1.2 Only one (1) music video is allowed per local chapter.
IRR 8.1.3 Each entry must be 3-5 minutes in duration. There will be a 2-point
deduction in the overall average score for every one (1) minute
extension. It shall be in an mp4 format with a video resolution of
at least 720p (1280X720).
IRR 8.1.4 The entry must not include vulgar or obscene scene(s).
IRR 8.1.5 The parody video (no need to compile with original video
mimicking) should be sent through email provided above, and must
contain a file name of JPIANPARODY_LCName_Title on or before
September 15, 2019. Top 10 entries that will pass from the
screening process will be played in the event.
Characterization 30%
Scene Transition 20%
Entertainment Value 20%
Creativity/Technicality 15%
Over-all Video Quality 15%
TOTAL 100%
IRR 9.1.1 A crew must have a minimum of five (5) crew members and a
maximum of ten (10) members with no restriction as to gender.
IRR 9.1.2 For circumstances beyond the control of the participants,
substitution may be permitted. Alternatively, a crew may opt not to
substitute its missing crew member/s as long as the crew conforms
to guideline Changes to the crew roster must be made known to
the Regional Vice President for Non-Academics immediately before
the actual performance.
IRR 9.1.3 Costumes MUST be wholesome and should not be too revealing or
too tight. Removal of articles of clothing during the performance is
permitted provided that the participants wouldn’t be left bare or
with clothes that are either too tight or revealing. The National Vice
President for Non-Academics and his committee shall scrutinize the
costumes before competition.
IRR 9.1.4 If at any time prior to or during the competition, a crew member is
ill, injured or his/her physical or emotional condition is at risk by
participating, he/she may be declared ineligible to compete and is
discouraged from competing further.
IRR 9.1.5 Original compositions, sound effects and original mixes of popular
music are permitted. Crews with music that have a complex
composition are advised to prepare backup copies of said music to
ensure a clean and continuous dance performance.
IRR 9.1.6 The following is a list of permitted street dance styles for this
v Locking
v Popping
v Wacking / Punking
v House Dance
v Party Dance or Club Dance (popular or trendy dances)
v Gumboots
IRR A group banner/tarpaulin (size: 2x3 feet), containing the crew
name of their group and their local chapter logo. It will be the
respective local chapter’s discretion to put their own style on the
banner. Soft Copy of the banner must also be sent to the RVP for
Non-Academics email:
[email protected]
IRR The music must be placed on a flash drive and must have a file
name of NBDC_LCName_CrewName. Flash drive is to be submitted
after registration on the day of event to the Regional Vice President
for Non-Academics.
IRR The routine’s length for a Crew is a minimum of two (2) minutes
and a maximum of three (3) minutes. The crew will be given one
(1) minute for preparation and another one (1) minute for teardown
after the performance.
IRR crew performance is expected to execute a House Music as
the genre of their routine.
IRR Groups whose performance exceed the maximum time of one (1)
minute for preparation, three (3) minute for the routine and one
(1) minute for the teardown, respectively, shall have one (1) point
deduction more than ten (10) seconds of the allotted time.
IRR The final scores of the Crew Battle shall be given a weight of
seventy-five percent (75%) of the final score of each team.
IRR dance crew are required to present two (2) members for the
Royal Rumble Showdown.
IRR All duo of each dance crew will be on stage for the showdown and
will perform their routine for 1 minute and 20 seconds with 5
seconds allowance for the transition of duo.
IRR The music of each duo contestants will be given by the organizers
on the spot. The theme will be “Stars”.
IRR Groups whose performance exceeds the one minute and twenty-
five seconds (1:25) minutes per round, shall be given a one-point
(1) deduction for every fifteen seconds in excess of the allotted
IRR The Royal Rumble Showdown shall be given a weight of twenty-
five (25%) percent of the Total Final Score of each team.
IRR 9.3.1 The breakdown for the criteria for judging is as follows:
IRR 9.4 The Pointing System The total final score for each finalist shall be
computed as follows:
Total Final Score= (Crew Battle *.75) + (Royal Rumble Showdown
IRR 10.1.1 Siniratura is an Arts and Literary Festival which intends to expose
the artistic and the epigrammatic side of the accounting – major or
non-BSA students. There are (7) competitions under this event:
v Short Story;
v Essay;
v Slam Poetry;
v Blackout Poetry
v Poster Making;
v Slogan Making; and
v Creative Photography
IRR 10.1.2 The contestants must be on the venue 30 (thirty) minutes before
the competitions start.
IRR 10.1.5 The contestants are given two (2) hours to finish their piece after
which the piece will be submitted to the organizer.
IRR 10.1.6 The entry must be an original piece of the contestant. Plagiarism is
highly prohibited.
IRR 10.2.1 Entry must be at least three (3) but not more than five (5) pages
for the actual entry.
IRR 10.2.2 Each Local Chapter/s may send a maximum of two (2)
IRR 10.2.3 It must be hand - written or type - written. English language must
be used
IRR 10.2.4 The theme shall be given on the day of the competition.
IRR 10.2.5 The entry must include a one (1) page synopsis.
IRR 10.2.6 Contestants shall be given two (2) hours to finish their piece
IRR 10.3.1 Each Local Chapter may send a maximum of two (2)
IRR 10.3.3 The essay should be at least 1,000 words, excluding the title.
IRR 10.3.4 The theme shall be given on the day of the competition.
IRR 10.3.5 Contestants shall be given two (2) hours to finish their piece.
Organization and Structure 20%
Relevance to the Theme 30%
Originality, Creativity, and Artistry 30%
Grammar, Choice of Words and Spelling 20%
TOTAL 100%
IRR 10.4.1 Each Local Chapter may a maximum of send two (2)
IRR 10.4.2 The piece must contain a maximum of three hundred fifty (350)
IRR 10.4.3 The theme shall be given on the day of the competition.
IRR 10.4.6 Contestants shall be given two (2) hours to finish their piece.
IRR 10.5.1 Each Local Chapter may send two (2) representatives.
IRR 10.5.2 Each representative will be given a uniform one (1) page book
excerpt for their piece.
IRR 10.5.3 The theme will be given on the day of the competition.
IRR 10.5.4 They may only use any of the following stated materials: crayons,
color pencils, color pens, oil pastels, markers, or/and highlighters.
IRR 10.6.1 Each Local Chapter may send one (1) group consist of maximum of
Four (4) members.
IRR 10.6.2 The theme shall be given on the day of the competition.
IRR 10.6.4 One whole illustration board will be provided by the organizers.
However, the contestants must bring their own paints and paint
brushes. (Required Paint: Poster or Acrylic)
IRR 10.6.5 Contestants shall be given a maximum of two (2) hours to finish
their piece.
IRR 10.7.1 Each Local Chapter may send a maximum of two (2)
IRR 10.7.2 Illustration board (1/4 size) shall be provided by the organizers but
each contestant shall bring their own drawing materials (e.g.,
pencil, pastels, crayons, paint, etc.).
IRR 10.7.3 The theme shall be given on the day of the competition.
IRR 10.7.4 A slogan, which shall serve as the title of the artwork, must not
exceed 12 words. The slogan, together with a one-paragraph
interpretation of the poster of at least 100 words, shall be written
on a sheet of paper provided and shall be attached to the back of
the artwork.
IRR 10.7.5 Contestants shall be given two (2) hours to finish their piece.
IRR 10.8.1 Each Local Chapter may send a maximum of two (2)
IRR 10.8.3 The theme will be given on the day of the competition
IRR 10.8.4 Contestants shall be given an (1) hour to take their photos. After
an hour, all contestants should return to the designated place and
shall be given 15 minutes to select their best.
IRR 11.2 Medium of expression depends on the piece made by his/her local
chapter on the Slam Poetry.
IRR 11.4 Copy of the piece made by his/her local chapter is permitted during
the actual competition.
IRR 12.1 Each Local Chapter shall only be allowed to send two (2) groups
with three members each.
IRR 12.2 Contestants are advice to be at the designated area of the
competition (30) minutes before the time schedule.
IRR 12.3.1 Elimination round is a General Information Quiz bee and shall be
composed of forty five (45) questions with difficulty ranging from
Easy, Average, and Difficult.
IRR 12.3.2 The quiz master shall read each question twice.
IRR 12.3.3 All answers should be written clearly and legibly on the answer
boards. The following rule shall be strictly followed:
IRR 12.3.4 A judge or board of judges shall have the sole and exclusive
authority to clear or answer any protest/clarification raised by the
contestants. The decision of the judge or board of judges is final
and irrevocable.
IRR 12.3.5 Before proceeding to the next question, the contestants solely, shall
be given an allotted time of five seconds to raise a
protest/clarification, to request for new marker or to raise any other
concerns. After the allotted time has elapsed, the quizmaster shall
read the next question, thus, protest, clarification, or any concerns
shall no longer be entertained.
IRR 12.3.6 The top 10 groups with the highest accumulated scores shall
advance to the Second Round.
IRR 12.3.7 In case of tie after the difficult round, clincher questions shall be
given to the contestants until the deadlock is broken. The first
group who shall raise the board with the correct answer shall
advance to the Second Round.
IRR 12.4.1 Celebrity Bluff is a contest where groups answer questions. The
bluffers will either help or trick the players by providing answers to
the questions. The groups have to decide whether their chosen
bluffer's answer is a fact or a bluff.
IRR 13.1 The JPIAn Cup is a non-academic and academic quiz bee. This will
test the knowledge of the contestants regarding the history of
NFJPIA and some accounting principles.
IRR 13.2 Each Local Chapter may send one (1) group with 4-5 members with
at least one (1) Local Chapter Officer.
IRR 13.3 The Cup will be divided into three levels, Easy, Average and
IRR 14.3 The Local Chapter with the highest number of points accumulated
from both academic and Non Academic Activities shall be awarded
of the Over-all Championship for this year’s General Assembly. The
Local Chapter who had the 2nd and third highest accumulated
points shall be declared as runners-up.
IRR 14.4 Runners-up shall be awarded with Certificates and Champions shall
be awarded with plaques and certificates
IRR 15.1 It shall be the primary duty of the Regional Vice President for Non-
Academic and the Council to effectively enforce the provisions of
this Implementing Rules and Regulations.
IRR 15.2 All the host schools, upon the call or request of the Regional Vice
President for Non-Academics or the Council, shall render assistance
in enforcing this Implementing Rules and Regulations and to
penalize any contestant or local chapter violating the provisions.
IRR 16.1 The Council shall be vested with the exclusive power to amend or
supplement this Implementing Rules and Regulations. IRR 15.2 Any
amendments to or revisions to this Implementing Rules and
Regulations may be proposed by any member of any local chapter
upon a written request of such member, stating the reasons
IRR 16.3 Any request for amendments and revisions as well as proposed
amendments must initially be reviewed by the Regional Vice
President for Non-Academics attested by the Regional Adviser and
then forwarded to the Executive Officers for discussion, editing and
final approval. IRR 15.4 The Executive Officers shall have the right
to debunk any proposed revisions and amendments, submitted to
them by the Regional Vice President for Non-Academics, which are
deemed unnecessary. The final decision on any inclusions and
exclusions to this Implementing Rules and Regulations must be
determined by a majority vote of all Executive Officers in which the
Regional Vice President for Non-Academics is included.
IRR 18.1 Any rule and regulation or resolution or part/s thereof inconsistent
with the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations are
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.