ANSI 30 - Relé Anunciador - GE PDF
ANSI 30 - Relé Anunciador - GE PDF
ANSI 30 - Relé Anunciador - GE PDF
Auxiliary or
■ When a target is required
■ When alarm or similar functions required
■ Interposing relay in conjunction with
transformer SP relay
■ Current operated units available
DESCRIPTION ■ High speed DC voltage operated units
Generally two specific forms of the HAA coil circuits dropping the target available
HAA are available, a current operat- and causing the associated unit ■ Drawout case available
ed unit and a voltage operated unit. contacts to relay the alarm to the ■ Molded case with 3 mounting options
Example: HAA15A4 is 0.2/2 A DC remote annunciator. available
and the HAA15B5 is a 125 VDC unit.
Also, two general case designs are The HAA16B, HAA16C, and HAA19A
available. The single units such as relays are special high-speed DC
HAA 15 use a molded plastic case voltage relays with a pickup of 1
with glass window and all others the cycle or less at rated voltage for use
standard drawout case. with transformer pressure relays for
increased security. The connections
The HAA relays contain a standard of the HAA16B and HAA16C are BURDENS
target unit which is a small hinged shown in Fig. 2. Its coil is shorted by
armature type relay with a “U” a normally closed contact of the Since these are DC relays the burdens may
shaped magnet frame, a fixed pole transformer pressure relay to be easily calculated. In the case of voltage
piece, an armature which operates prevent the HAA relay from operat- operated relays the burden in W may be
the normally open contacts and the ing in case a voltage surge should found by using the following expression:
target, and an operating coil. flash over the normally closed 2
contacts of the pressure relay. PDC = V = Burden (W)
CONTACT V = voltage rating of relay
The HAA auxiliary relay may be
used whenever a target is required. RATINGS Rt = total resistance (coil plus external resis-
Also, each unit has at least one set tance)
of contacts available for alarm or The contacts will make and carry 30
A momentarily and will carry 6 A For current operated relays use the following
other similar use. See Selection expression:
Guide and Fig. 1 on next page for continuously.
contact arrangements. For resistance values, pickup values PDC = I2Rt = Burden (W)
A typical application would be to and the current carrying ability of all I = Applied Current
obtain a local annunciation of an the current operated HAA relays, refer
abnormal condition and to relay the to the GE Power Management CD or
alarm to a central annunciator. With home page. The appropriate data for
this arrangement the abnormal the voltage-operated HAA relays may
condition would operate one of the be found in the tables below.
GE Power Management
HAA Auxiliary or Annunciator Relays
2 Auxiliary Relays