Sample Solfege Lesson Plan

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Sample: Solfege Lesson Plan

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is so that students have a solid foundation as to how they are

going to learn their music as an individual. After this lesson they will be able to read music and

easily sight read new pieces throughout the semester, making it faster for the class as a whole to

learn and perform a piece of music.

 When students walk in they are to pick up their new music and go to their seat s and

begin to look at their part.

Objective: Given a new piece of music the students will be able to write in solfege and perform

with groups what they have learned at the end of the period.

Anticipatory Set: Talk about the importance of solfege. Do Re Mi Fa Sa La Ti Do. Ex: Sound of

Music. Ask if anyone already has any experience with solfege.

Lesson Content:

 What is Solfege? Solfege is essential so that students can read and write music faster.

Also known as ear training this technic can help a student recognize simple intervals and


 Why is it so important? It is important in order for the choir to achieve its academic rigor

and learn different genres and styles of music.

 How can it help us to learn our music faster?


 Solfege is a way in which all musicians everywhere can universally learn music.
 Using 8 different syllables tht stand for each note on a scale.

 All of this depends on what key that the piece of music is in. In this case the key would

be C major therefore the note C=do. D=Re. E= Mi. F=Fa. G=So. A=La. B=Ti. And then

C is Do again.

 This system is simple and repetitive.

 Each pitch goes with a note, therefore with a scale of solfege

Modeling: Power Point and note sheet.

 Going step by step as to what the solfege is for each individual note along with hand

gestures and working at the piano as we go up the scale.

Checking for Understanding: I will ask the students first if they have any questions about the

system. Then I will go around ask questions such as:

 What is Solfege? Solfege is essential so that students can read and write music faster.

Also known as ear training this technic can help a student recognize simple intervals and


 Why is it so important? It is important in order for the choir to achieve its academic rigor

and learn different genres and styles of music.


Independent Practice:

Purpose: To see if each student can individually hold their own voice part on solfege.

Process: As we go through the first few measures of the music (10,000 Reasons) each of the

students will have to fill out some of the solfege themselves, on the first page.
Product: We will then go around the room, raising hands to see who go what answer and why

that answer is wrong or right. Students can now support their own parts individually.

Guided Practice:

Purpose: For students to apply their knowledge to their content.

Process: Each student will break off into groups and work on the rest of the song with their


Product: About 15 minutes is up they are to present their song by singing the solfege and

performing it with little hand motions or dances. This is meant to be interactive and fun. Walk

around the room making sure each group is staying on task when they are working in groups.

Wrap-Up: To wrap up we will discuss what we had learned that day and how we will then be

applying it more to the music that we are learning in class in the future.

Closure: Today in class we have covered what solfege is and how we can use it when we are in

the process of learning new music.

Assessment: Each student will be able to analyze audibly if their fellow students were correctly

performing the solfege.

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