The Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy
The sun is the ultimate source of energy for our planet. Its energy is found in fossil fuels as well
as all living things. Harnessing its energy holds great promise for the world’s energy needs, and
it will be heavily called upon as fossil fuels are depleted.
There is a great deal of information and enthusiasm today about the development
and increased production of our global energy needs from alternative energy
sources. Solar energy, wind power and moving water are all traditional sources of
alternative energy that are making progress. The enthusiasm everyone shares for
these developments has in many ways created a sense of complacency that our
future energy demands will easily be met.
Alternative energy is an interesting concept when you think about it. In our global
society, it simply means energy that is produced from sources other than our
primary energy supply: fossil fuels. Coal, oil and natural gas are the three kinds of
fossil fuels that we have mostly depended on for our energy needs, from home
heating and electricity to fuel for our automobiles and mass transportation.
The problem is fossil fuels are non-renewable. They are limited in supply and will
one day be depleted. There is no escaping this conclusion. Fossil fuels formed
from plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago and became
buried way underneath the Earth’s surface where their remains collectively
transformed into the combustible materials we use for fuel.
In fact, the earliest known fossil fuel deposits are from the Cambrian Period about
500 million years ago, way before the dinosaurs emerged onto the scene. This is
when most of the major groups of animals first appeared on Earth. The later fossil
fuels — which provide more substandard fuels like peat or lignite coal (soft coal)
— began forming as late as five million years ago in the Pliocene Period. At our
rate of consumption, these fuels cannot occur fast enough to meet our current or
future energy demands.
Despite the promise of alternative energy sources — more appropriately called
renewable energy, collectively they provide only about 7 percent of the world’s
energy needs (Source: Energy Information Agency). This means that fossil fuels,
along with nuclear energy — a controversial, non-renewable energy source — are
supplying 93 percent of the world’s energy resources.
Dams are a major source of hydroelectric energy, such as the Hoover Dam on the Colorado
River (pictured). While they collect the vast raw energy provided by water currents, they
also create environmental hazards such as silt buildup. They are also significant barriers to
fish, such as the salmon of the Pacific Northwest, which must migrate in order for the
species to survive. The Hoover Dam is a major source of energy for the southwestern US.
(Photo: US Bureau of Reclamation)
Oil fossil fuels come from marine plants and animals and are found only underneath the
ocean or under land that was covered by the oceans millions of years ago. This oil rig is
located offshore in the Arabian Gulf. (Photo: Saudi Arabian Embassy – London)
The oil, coal and natural gas companies know these are serious problems. But
until our renewable energy sources become more viable as major energy
providers, the only alternative for our global population is for these companies to
continue tapping into the fossil fuel reserves to meet our energy needs. And you
can pretty much count on these companies being there providing energy from
renewable sources when the fossil fuels are depleted. Many oil companies, for
example, are involved in the development of more reliable renewable energy
technologies. For example, British Petroleum Company, today known as BP, has
become one of the world’s leading providers of solar energy through its BP Solar
division, a business that they are planning on eclipsing their oil production
business in the near future.
Future Supplies for Future Energy
Just how limited are our fossil fuel reserves? Some estimates say our fossil fuel
reserves will be depleted within 50 years, while others say it will be 100-120
years. The fact is that neither one of these projections is very appealing for a
global community that is so heavily dependent on fossil fuels to meet basic
human needs. The bottom line: We are going to run out of fossil fuels for energy
and we have no choice but to prepare for the new age of energy production since,
most certainly, human demands for energy will not decrease.
Modern windmills have become very efficient at transferring the energy of wind to electricity.
Wind power is an important part of the overall renewable energy sources for the future.
(Photo: CORE)
Nobody really knows when the last drop of oil, lump of coal or cubic foot of
natural gas will be collected from the Earth. All of it will depend on how well we
manage our energy demands along with how well we can develop and use
renewable energy sources.
And here is one very important factor: population growth. As the population
grows upwards towards nine billion people over the next 50 years, the world’s
energy demands will increase proportionately. Not only will it be important for
renewable energy to keep up with the increasing population growth, but it must
outpace not only these demands but begin replacing fossil fuel energy production
if we are to meet future energy needs.
By the year 2020, world energy consumption is projected to increase by 50
percent, or an additional 207 quadrillion BTUs. If the global consumption of
renewable energy sources remains constant, the world’s available fossil fuel
reserves will be consumed in 104 years or early in the 22nd century.(Source: US
Department of Energy) Clearly, renewable energy resources will play an
increasingly vital role in the power generation mix over the next century.
The Ultimate Energy Sources as the Underdogs
Solar energy is having the most immediate impact on home energy needs, and is expected
to provide the energy needs for one billion people by the middle of this century. Homes can
be fitted with solar panels, such as the ones pictured above. (Photo: Maui Green Energy)
Sun, wind and water are perfect energy sources…depending on where you are.
They are non-polluting, renewable and efficient. They are simple: all you need is
sunlight, running water and/or wind. Not only do the use of renewable energy
sources help reduce global carbon dioxide emissions, but they also add some
much-needed flexibility to the energy resource mix by decreasing our
dependence on limited reserves of fossil fuels.
Essentially, these renewable energy sources create their own energy. The object
is to capture and harness their mechanical power and convert it to electricity in
the most effective and productive manner possible. There’s more than enough
renewable energy sources to supply all of the world’s energy needs forever;
however, the challenge is to develop the capability to effectively and
economically capture, store and use the energy when needed.
Take solar energy for example. The ultimate source of energy is the sun. Its
energy is found in all things, including fossil fuels. Plants depend on the sun to
make food, animals eat the plants, and both ended up becoming the key
ingredients for fossil fuels. Without the sun, nothing on this planet would exist.
The sun also provides enough energy that can be stored for use long after the sun
sets and even during extended cloudy periods. But making it available is much
easier said than done. It would be cost prohibitive to make solar energy
mainstream for major world consumption in the near future. The technology is
pretty much ready for many business and consumer applications, but it would be
way too expensive to replace the current energy infrastructure used for fossil fuel
energy. Still, according to the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, solar
power could provide energy for more than one billion people by 2020 and 26
percent of global energy needs by 2040.
Wind and hydroelectric power, which have been used effectively for generations,
are also rapidly growing energy markets. The principle behind both is that the
force of the wind and water currents are passed through turbines which convert
their energy into electricity. Commercial wind energy is usually collected by wind
“farms” essentially consisting of hundreds of wind turbines (windmills) spread
over large plots of land.
But hydroelectric power is harnessed in several different methods. The most
popular is through dams, such as the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. Another
form of hydroelectric energy is tidal power. In use since the early 1900s, tidal
power stations collect the energy created by the rise and fall of the tides to
convert to electricity.
Biomass energy, or energy from burning plants and other organic matter, is one
of man’s earliest sources of energy. Wood was once the main source of power for
heat, and it still is in many developing countries. Most people in developed
countries use wood only for aesthetic purposes or secondary heating, limited
mainly to fireplaces and decorative woodstoves. Roughly one to two billion
people in the developing nations still use wood as their primary source of heat. It
is this group that is seen being among the first to convert to solar heating and
energy because there is no other existing infrastructure to hinder its
Perhaps the best solution to our growing energy challenges comes from The
Union of Concerned Scientists: “No single solution can meet our society’s future
energy needs. The solution instead will come from a family of diverse energy
technologies that share a common thread — they do not deplete our natural
resources or destroy our environment.”
Did You Know?
Wind energy is actually a form of solar energy. Wind is formed from the heating
and cooling of the atmosphere, which causes air and air layers to rise and fall and
move over each other. This movement results in wind currents.
This is why the question can only be begged: what are the real benefits of
renewable energy sources? While there are certainly advantages and
disadvantages to switching to renewable energy, it is quite arguable that the
benefits of using such sources outweigh the shortcomings of it, especially in the
Of course, the shortcomings are all things that can, with time and money, be fixed
due to the rapid technological advancements our country makes on a nearly
annual scale. The benefits of renewable energy sources are breathtaking, and
while we may not quite be in a position to fully switch over to renewable energy
sources just quite yet (requiring a balance of renewable energy and other sources
for now), it is imperative that we look ahead to the future.
Well, what about the shortcomings? It’s simply not fair to truly evaluate the
benefits of renewable energy without first mentioning the shortcoming of it.
The United States of America has the best wind resources in the entire world.
Now that wind energy is the most cost effective source of energy, and the
technology of wind turbines has improved as well as the cost has gone down. This
permits more manufacturing plants that are cost effective. Wind is a reliable
source of electricity, as is solar power for similar reasons.
Non-Renewable Energy
Non-renewable fossil fuels (crude oil, natural gas, coal, oil shales and tar sands)
currently supply Australia with more than 95 percent of our electrical energy
needs. Non-renewable energy is energy produced by burning fossil fuels such as
coal. They are non-renewable because there are finite resources of fossil fuels on
the planet. If they are continually used, one day they will run out.
The Source of Fossil Fuels
Just as plants do today, those living millions of years ago converted the sun's light
energy into food (chemical) energy through the process of photosynthesis. That
'solar' energy was and is transferred down the food chain in animals. This energy
provides living things with the energy to grow and live. When living organisms die
the energy contained within them as chemical energy is trapped.
It is estimated that the total amount of energy gained from fossil fuels since the
start of civilization is equivalent to the same amount of energy we receive every
30 days from the sun.
Fossil fuels are formed by the burying, and subsequent pressure and heating, of
dead plant and animal matter or biomass (organic matter), over millions of years.
This is how coal, oil and natural gas are formed. The trapped energy can be
released and utilized when the fuels are burnt.
The Advantages of Fossil Fuels
There are a few major advantages with non-renewable energy. Fossil fuels, such
as coal, oil and gas are abundant in Australia so this means they are a relatively
cheap fuel and readily available. Australia has enough fossil fuel resources to last
for hundreds of years. Also very large amounts of electricity can be generated
from fossil fuels.
An Example of a Typical Coal-Fired PowerStation
A typical coal-fired power station generates electricity by burning coal in a boiler
that heats up water, which is converted into superheated steam. This steam
drives a steam turbine that in turn drives a generator that produces electricity.
A single coal-fired power station unit can power many thousands of houses as
well as large industry.
The Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels are non-renewable and will eventually run out because we are using
them much faster than they can be restored within the earth. Burning fossil fuels
produces photochemical pollution from nitrous oxides, and acid rain from sulphur
dioxide. Burning fuels also produce greenhouse gases including vast amounts of
carbon dioxide that may be causing the phenomenon of global warming that the
planet is currently experiencing.
The main advantages of non-renewable energies is that they are abundant and
affordable. For example, oil and diesel are still good choices for powering
vehicles. Non-renewable energy is cost effective and easier to product and use.
According to National Geographic, there are reservoirs of non-renewable energy
sources throughout the world.
Disadvantages of Non-Renewable Energy
On the other side are the disadvantages to non-renewable
energy. indicates that once sources of non-renewable energies
are gone they can't be replaced or revitalized.
The mining of non-renewable energy and the by-products they leave behind
causes damage to the environment. There is little doubt that fossil fuels
contribute to global warming. When fossil fuels are burned, nitrous oxides causes
photochemical pollution, sulphur dioxide creates acid rain, and greenhouse gases
are emitted.
1. Fossil fuel has the unlimited potential to generate huge amounts of electricity, within a
single location.
2. Fossil fuels are extremely easy to find. They can be found in almost everywhere
beneath the earth’s surface.
4. Transporting petroleum is made easy through pipes. It does not require oil companies
to extract the oil from beneath the ground and transport them through land to other
5. Power plants that use fossil fuels can be constructed in almost every location. As
long as large quantities of fossil fuels can be brought easily to power plants, power
stations can be constructed any anywhere.
6. Fossil fuels are regarded with their stability. Gas, oil, and coal are composed of
molecules of carbon and hydrogen. Due to their stability and consistency, fossil fuels
are easy to store. They do not even form into other compounds even if stored in cans
for an extended period of time.
7. Fossil fuels have high calorific value. All types of energy they produce have the same
calorific value. In energy, the more calorific, the more effective the energy is. This is
probably the reason why fossil fuels are still preferred by people instead of renewable
8. Gas, oil, and coal can produce a large amount of energy. Fossil fuels are fast
combustible, which means that power plants can generate large amounts of energy.
1. Pollution is probably the primary disadvantage of fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels can
cause greenhouse effect, which is harmful to the environment. Continuously burning
fossil fuels largely contribute to global warming that earth experiences today.
2. Destruction of wide areas of land is another huge disadvantage of mining fossil fuels.
Mining fossil fuels mat also endanger the lives of the animals, the people living the site’s
surroundings, and the lives of the miners.
Despite the advantages of fossil fuels, there are still disadvantages that people should
look at. These disadvantages warn people not to abuse mankind’s source for power or
else, it will destroy them instead of building them. Power plants should take all of the
necessary things that must be done to secure the world’s primary source of power from
destroying the earth’s surface and the people living in it.