Kamal Part 3

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Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
The integrated marketing communications matrix ........................................................... 3
Media as a component of IMC ........................................................................................ 4
Newspapers and magazines ........................................................................................ 5
Television ..................................................................................................................... 5
Radio ........................................................................................................................... 5
Internet ......................................................................................................................... 6
Personal selling............................................................................................................ 6
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 6
Reference........................................................................................................................ 7


The report focuses on the different tools of integrated marketing communication and
how they are applicable in integrated marketing. The IMC includes planning, performing
and supervising the messages of the brand that create and enhance relationships
between clients and customers. The concept of IMC refers to the careful linking together
of all forms of messages and communication mediums. In simple terms, IMC means to
integrate all marketing tools to ensure that they function together in perfect harmony.
Promotion consists of various means of communication, and these tools work more
efficiently if they work together harmoniously, rather than on their own.

The integrated marketing communications matrix

Marketing Advantages Shortcomin 1-way 2-way

Marketing process gs communicatio communication
communicatio n
n tools

Print Media Companies Has a much Losing its Yes, since

place wider reach due relevance readers
advertisements to huge due to the cannot revert
in newspapers readership rise of the back to the
as well as internet as companies
magazines more and placing the
more ads directly
people are and instantly.
towards e-
s and

Television Commercial Has a wide People Yes, as

advertisements reach due to the tend to skip audience
and ad films popularity of advertisem cannot
are used by television as a ents if they respond to the
businesses medium do not brand directly.

Radio On-air A very cost- The scope Yes, because

advertisements effective tool for is not as listeners
, live radio marketing and wide as cannot offer

coverage of promotion print media feedback to
promotional and the company
events television then and
since the there.
rise of the

Internet Blogs, social Massive reach It is not Yes, as

media and cost- very useful customers can
marketing, effective for those directly contact
websites who do not the seller for
have feedback or
access to more
the information.
everyone is
good at

Face-to-face Direct interaction Relatively Yes, as there is

Personal interaction of helps to expensive, direct
selling sales strengthen the has a very communication
representatives seller-buyer narrow between buyer
and customers relationship scope, and and seller.
for the
labor force.

Media as a component of IMC

Marketing is a very fast-growing industry. The cut-throat competitive environment today

has made it necessary for companies and businesses to stay one step ahead of each
other in the market. It can only be achieved when the company manages to promote
and market its products and services effectively to its target audiences (Mavondo et al.,
2015). Media is one of the six components of IMC that provides the means through
which all communications related to marketing are transferred to and from the target
clients and customers. IMC encompasses all forms of communication media, including

television, radio, internet, and social media and even mobile phones (Sozinova and
Fokina, 2015).

Newspapers and magazines

In addition to the above forms of communication media, the print media is also
beneficial for marketing communication and promotion. For instance, a company or
brand can market its products and services by giving print advertisements in magazines
and newspapers too. Since the newspaper-reading audience is vast, the company can
thus reach out to a considerable number of people (Todorova, 2015).


The television has traditionally been one of the most effective means of marketing and
promotion of products and services. Companies and brands can promote their products
with the help of commercial advertisements and ad films. Nowadays, promotions are
also done by sponsoring television shows and carrying out product placements. Since
television is a prevalent medium among the masses, it helps the company to promote
its services and products effectively. However, the effectiveness of the television as a
communication media tool has considerably declined as the remote control allows
people to skip advertisements if they do not want to see them (Bruhn and Schnebelen,


Like television, radio has also been a prevalent and preferable medium of marketing for
many decades. Many companies today are promoting their products via radio
advertising, outside of conventional on-air advertisements. This tool of marketing
communication is very cost-effective and efficient. Radio stations today offer
sponsorships for live events, which involves providing live radio broadcast of
promotional events held by companies. Also, a tie-up between online promotions and
radio campaigns facilitates businesses to reach out to a more considerable section of
the audience and also expand the frequency of their scope.

Moreover, radio stations these days also carry out the promotion of social media
marketing of businesses. It can lead to a significant increase in traffic on the company’s
social media accounts and websites. Therefore, it is quite evident that radio advertising
has moved far beyond traditional modes of advertisements and commercials today. It is
hugely beneficial for businesses that wish to achieve integrated marketing (Turner,


The advent of the internet has revolutionized the lives of not only people but also
businesses. The rise of social media has fuelled its popularity. Regarding business
promotions and marketing the internet provides so many avenues such as promotion
via websites, blogs, videos, podcasts and now social media. All of these aspects have
made the internet one of the most popular components of the IMC. The company
websites furnish customers with sufficient information about not only the company’s
products but also the industry in which the company operates its competitors and how
the company’s products are better than those of its competitors (Uribe, 2016). Blogs are
used today by brands not only to educate customers but also to sell their products.
Videos and podcasts are equally useful tools of communication media that enhance
promotion and advertising. Social media has proven to be a game-changer in the world
of the internet and technology. Social media marketing is cost-effective and has
massive scope for business promotion. Social media platforms such as Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram can help companies to reach out to their customers and potential
customers and interact with them. Social media can also help businesses to be aware
of customer needs and desires (Maplestone et al., 2016).

Personal selling

This tool of IMC involves direct interaction between sales representatives and
customers to buy and sell products and services (Mihaela, 2015). Personal selling is
especially beneficial because it enables sales representatives to use their persuasive
powers to convince customers to make a purchase. In any case, personal interactions
are more effective than any form of communication (Blakeman, 2018).


As discussed in the report so far, it is clear that the IMC is an integral trend in business
that provides more significant distinctions between brands, enhances customer trust
and satisfaction, and increases the effectiveness of business strategies and promotions.


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Uribe, R., 2016. Separate and joint effects of advertising and placement. Journal of
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frameworks: Perspectives of services marketers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning,
34(1), pp.19-40.

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