Standard Bidding Doc Requirements
Standard Bidding Doc Requirements
Standard Bidding Doc Requirements
List of all Ongoing Government & Private Construction Contracts including contracts awarded but not yet started
Date Awarded % of
Name of Contract/Location Owner Name Contractor’s Role
a. Date Started Accomplishment
Project Cost a. Address Nature of Work Value of Outstanding Works
Description b. Date of
b. Telephone Nos. % Planned Actual
Submitted by : ___________________________________________________
(Printed Name & Signature)
Designation : ___________________________________________________
Date : ___________________________________________________
One of the technical documents required to be in the Eligibility Envelope of a prospective bidder is a list of all its on-going, completed, and awarded but not yet started contracts.
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
Statement of all Completed Government & Private Construction Contracts which are similar in nature
Submitted by : ___________________________________________________
(Printed Name & Signature)
: ___________________________________________________
Date : ___________________________________________________
One of the technical documents required to be in the Eligibility Envelope of a prospective bidder is a list of all contracts which are similar in nature and complexity to the contract to be bid. This statement will show
that the value of the prospective bidder’s largest single completed contract, adjusted to current prices using the National Statistics Office (NSO) consumer price indices available at the G-EPS website, and similar
to the contract to be bid, must be at least fifty percent (50%) of the approved budget for the contract to be bid.
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Submitted by:
The manpower schedule (weekly or monthly scheduling of skilled and unskilled workers, including Project Manager, Project Engineers, Materials Engineers, or Foremen) is required to be in the Technical Envelope
of the Bidder.
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
Project Manager / Materials/Quality Control Foreman Construction Safety and Other positions deemed required by the Applicant for this
Engineer Engineer Health Personnel project
1 Name
2 Address
3 Address
Date of Birth
4 Date of Birth
Employed since
5 Employed
6 Experience
Previous Employment
7 Previous Employment
8 Education
PRC License
PRC License
Minimum Requirements : Project Manager / Engineer
: Materials Engineer
: Foreman
: Construction Safety and Health
Note : Attached individual resume and PRC License of the (professional) personnel.
Submitted by : ________________________________________________________
(Printed Name & Signature)
Designation : ________________________________________________________
Date : ________________________________________________________
One of the requirements from the bidder to be included in its Technical Envelope is a list of contractor’s key personnel (viz., Project Manager, Project Engineers, Materials Engineers, and Foremen), to be assigned
to the contract to be bid, with their complete qualification and experience data (including the key personnel’s signed written commitment to work for the project once awarded the contract).
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
List of Equipment, Owned or Leased and/or under Purchase Agreements, Pledged to the Proposed Contract
Business Name : ___________________________________________________
Business Address : ___________________________________________________
Description Model/Year Capacity / Plate No. Motor No. / Location Condition Proof of Ownership /
Performance / Size Body No. Lessor or Vendor
A. Owned
B. Leased
One of the requirements from the bidder to be included in its Technical Envelope is the list of its equipment units pledged for the contract to be bid, which are owned (supported by proof/s of ownership), leased,
and/or under purchase agreements (with corresponding engine numbers, chassis numbers and/or serial numbers), supported by certification of availability of equipment from the equipment lessor/vendor for the
duration of the project.
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
Category / Equipment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Submitted by:
One of the requirements from the bidder to be included in its Technical Envelope is its equipment utilization schedule, referring to the weekly or monthly scheduling of the minimum equipment required for the project.
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
(Date of Issuance)
In compliance with the requirements of the ___(Name of the Procuring Entity)___ BAC for the
bidding of the __(Name of the Contract)__, we certify that __(Name of the Bidder)__ has in its
employ key personnel, such as project managers, project engineers, materials engineers and
foremen, who may be engaged for the construction of the said contract.
Further, we likewise certify the availability of equipment that __(Name of the Bidder)__ owns, has
under lease, and/or has under purchase agreements, that may be used for the construction contracts.
(Name of Representative)
(Name of Bidder)
One of the requirements from a bidder for Eligibility Check is statement of the availability of key personnel and equipment needed
for the construction of the project being bid.
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
Issuance Date
I am __(Name of Nominee)_____ a Licensed _____ Engineer with Professional License No. ______________ issued on
_ (date of issuance)__ at __(place of issuance)__.
I hereby certify that __ (Name of Bidder) has engaged my services as (Designation) for (Name of the Contract), if
awarded to it.
As ___(Designation)___, I supervised the following completed projects similar to the contract under bidding):
In case of my separation for any reason whatsoever from the above-mentioned Contractor, I shall notify the
__(Name of the Procuring Entity)__ at least twenty one (21) days before the effective date of my separation.
As _ (Designation)__, I know I will have to stay in the job site all the time to supervise and manage the
Contract works to the best of my ability, and aware that I am authorized to handle only one (1) contract at a time.
I do not allow the use of my name for the purpose of enabling the above-mentioned Contractor to qualify for
the Contract without any firm commitment on my part to assume the post of __(Designation)__ therefor, if the contract
is awarded to him since I understand that to do so will be a sufficient ground for my disqualification as
__(Designation)__ in any future __(Name of the Procuring Entity)__ bidding or employment with any Contractor
doing business with the __(Name of the Procuring Entity)__.
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
(Signature of Engineer)
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _________ day of _________ 2003 affiant exhibiting to me his
Residence Certificate No. _________ issued on _____________ at _______________.
Notary Public
Until December 31, 20___
One of the requirements from the bidder to be included in its Technical Envelope is a list of contractor’s key personnel (viz., Project
Manager, Project Engineers, Materials Engineers, and Foremen), to be assigned to the contract to be bid, with their complete
qualification and experience data (including the key personnel’s signed written commitment to work for the project once awarded
the contract).
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
Give the detailed information of the following personnel who are scheduled to be assigned as full-time field staff for
the project. Fill up a form for each person.
1. Name : ____________________________________________
3. Nationality : ____________________________________________
5. Specialty : ____________________________________________
6. Registration : ____________________________________________
7. Length of Service with the Firm : _____ Year from ____ (months) _____ (year)
To ____ (months) _____ (year)
9. If Item 7 is less than ten (10) years, give name and length of service with previous employers for a ten (10)-year
period (attached additional sheet/s), if necessary:
10. Experience:
This should cover the past ten (10) years of experience. (Attached as many pages as necessary to show
involvement of personnel in projects using the format below).
One of the requirements from the bidder to be included in its Technical Envelope is a list of contractor’s key personnel (viz., Project
Manager, Project Engineers, Materials Engineers, and Foremen), to be assigned to the contract to be bid, with their complete
qualification and experience data (including the key personnel’s signed written commitment to work for the project once awarded
the contract).
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
1. Name : ____________________________________________
6. Position : ____________________________________________
Name and Signature of Employee
It is hereby certified that the above personnel can be assigned to this project, if the contract is
awarded to our company.
___________________________________ ____________________________________
(Place and Date) (The Authorized Representative)
One of the requirements from the bidder to be included in its Technical Envelope is a list of contractor’s key personnel (viz., Project
Manager, Project Engineers, Materials Engineers, and Foremen), to be assigned to the contract to be bid, with their complete
qualification and experience data (including the key personnel’s signed written commitment to work for the project once awarded
the contract).
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
Submit Copy of the Organizational Chart that the Contractor intends to use to execute the Contract
if awarded to him. Indicate in the chart the names of the Project Manager, Project Engineer, Bridge
Engineer, Structural Engineer, Materials and Quality Control Engineer, Foreman and other Key
Engineering Personnel.
Attach the required Proposed Organizational Chart for the Contract as stated above
1. This organization chart should represent the “Contractor’s Organization” required for the Project, and not the organizational
chart of the entire firm.
2. The Bidders shall comply with and submit sample form SF-INFR-46 for each of such key personnel.
3. Each such nominated engineer/key personnel shall comply with and submit sample forms SF-INFR-47 and SF-INFR-48.
4. All these are required to be in the Technical Envelope of the Bidder.
Name of the Procuring Entity
Contract Reference Number
Name of the Contract
Location of the Contract
Cash flow schedules, provision for working capital, schedule of receipts, etc.
The narrative description of construction procedures / methods is required to be in the Technical Envelope of the bidder. The
above is the recommended outline in the bidder’s presentation of the documents.