Cocoa Book
Cocoa Book
Cocoa Book
Solomon Islands Cocoa Livelihoods
Improvement Project (CLIP)
About this Book
This book was written and published by staff of the Solomon Islands Cocoa
Livelihoods Improvement Project (CLIP) in 2010. CLIP is an Australian Government
Aid Program funded initiative to assist smallholder cocoa farmers in Solomon
Riaz Meninga has drawn most of the pictures used. Layout, Design & Picture
colouring by Koko Siga, Fiji
Acknowledgment is given to previous researchers and staff from Lowlands
Agricultural Experimental Station, Papua New Guinea and Cocoa Coconut Institute,
Tavilo, Papua New Guinea and staff of the previous Samoa Cocoa Project. They have
provided information and sketches used from books including Torubat Wokim
Bisnis Long Kakao, (Trevor Clarke 1981) Joseph Grows Cocoa, and The Cocoa Book,
Western Samoa. Drawings from Cocoa Board of PNG Publications on Cut tested
beans, Black Pod and Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) drawn by Celia Bridle have
also been used.
The Research Bulletin No. 2 revised, entitled A Guide to Growing Cocoa in Solomon
Islands, written by K. Trewran, based on previous edition by P.R. Linton has also
been used a key reference.
Valuable inputs from staff of the Solomon Islands Ministry of Agriculture and
Livestock, (MAL) and Commodity Export Marketing Authority (CEMA) have also
been incorporated.
Introduction ............................................................................5
Cover crops................................................................................16
Chemicals ..................................................................................80
Cocoa as a business
Cocoa is subject to supply and demand on the world market, like other
commodities, which causes the price to go up and down. However, over
the years cocoa prices have proved to be relatively stable, with fewer price
fluctuations than other major commodities.
Cocoa can be a rewarding crop for smallholder families to grow if the right
management practices are applied.
Much of the cocoa in Solomon Islands is not properly managed and yields are low.
The crops true potential is not fully realized.
Read this book and learn how to improve the productivity of smallholder cocoa in
Solomon Islands.
Cocoa production is most suited to the following climatic conditions
• 1,500 mm to 4,000 mm per annum
Rainfall • The climate is too dry if rainfall is less than 100 mm average per month for
three or more consecutive months.
Temperature Minimum 21 degrees Celsius to a Maximum of 31 degrees Celsius
• Shallow
• Stony
• Waterlogged
1 metre
Unsuitable soil
Suitable soil Shallow
1 metre deep Stoney
No big stones Waterlogged
Free draining
With new cocoa, only plant what you and your family can manage. An average
family of six can comfortably manage 500 -1000 trees.
• Food gardens can be used, with bananas providing temporary shade until
cocoa trees are established.
• The site should not be too close to the sea, as salt will damage cocoa
Bush should be cleared before planting shade trees and cocoa seedlings .The
problem with using bush as shade is that it is difficult to remove or thin- out later
when the young cocoa trees need more sunlight to produce pods.
Gliricidia sticks about 1.5 metres long, and sharpened at one end are good for
marking out because when the marking sticks grow they provide shade. Cocoa
seedlings should be planted half- way between gliricidia sticks.
Marking out lines should follow an east-west direction for maximum sunlight to
reach cocoa trees.
3.5 metre
Permanent Shade
Coconuts are a good permanent shade crop if planted wide enough apart to
allow enough sunlight through to the mature cocoa. They provide a second
cash crop and there are generally less insect problems in cocoa under coconuts
because of better light and air ventilation.
Coconuts should be planted 2-3 years before cocoa. Coconuts should be widely
spaced at about 10.5 metres apart. (90 trees per hectare).Closer spaced coconuts
will not be suitable for interplanting cocoa because there will be too much shade.
When planting cocoa under mature coconuts that are close together, assess the
sunlight and remove some coconut trees to allow sunlight for cocoa.
Gliricidia can be hard to manage if the trees get too big leading to overshading of
cocoa trees.
Plant gliricidia 6- 9 months before cocoa seedlings. Planting sticks should be 1.5
metres long and sharpened at one end. Use a crowbar or hardwood stick to dig a
planting hole that is slightly bigger than the girth of the gliricidia stick, and 200
mm or more deep.
3.5 metres
etre s
3.5 m
Betel nut
Betel nut is a good crop shade for cocoa. They should be planted between every
second cocoa tree. This is about 400 betel nut trees per hectare, which should
allow enough sunlight through for the cocoa to produce well. Unlike coconut,
betel nut palms can force their way through an established cocoa canopy.
Fruit and nut trees (such as ngali) are best planted around the boundary of the
cocoa farm. This way they act as a wind break and also provide some shade to the
cocoa trees and provide food and income.
Some fruit trees such as sour sops, lemons, cut nuts and ngali host green tree ants
( Ekofola) which control pests of cocoa.
Agro forestry
Planting cocoa under trees such as teak is similar to using bush shade. The dense
shade from the teak means that there is not enough sunlight for the cocoa to
produce well and this is not recommended.
Temporary Shade
Bananas are a good shade crop that also provide an important source of food,
but need to be removed 4 to 6 months after cocoa is planted. Bananas that have
fewer suckers are easier to remove and should be planted between every second
cocoa position, alternating with gliricidia.
A couple of pigeon pea seeds should be planted in holes spaced 1 metre away
from cocoa seedlings. Pigeon pea will die out after a year or so.
Cocoa seedling nurseries should be located near the proposed cocoa farm,
should have access to water, and be secure from pigs.
Direct planting
Direct planting is planting the seeds
straight in to the field.
Nursery Preparation
Seedlings are reared in a nursery and then transported
to the planting site.
Young cocoa seedlings need a certain amount of shade to grow well. Too much
shade will cause seedling blight and weak seedlings. Not enough shade will cause
the seedlings to be yellow and unhealthy.
Shade cover is also needed to prevent damage to seedlings from heavy rain, and
rain drops splashing diseased soil onto seedling leaves.
Establishing a shade
cloth nursery
Timber posts with wire supports can be used to make larger nurseries.
50% shade cloth can be used to cover the frame.
Always use gloves when handling Ridomil because it is poisonous and can
make you sick.
Seed planted
flat safest
planting method
If planted
upside down,
twisted tap
The mixture for spraying is 20 ml (two match boxes full of Ridomil powder) to 10
litres water in a knap sack.
Seedlings in the nursery require regular watering. If there is no rain, daily watering
by an irrigation system or watering can is needed.
If seedlings are not hardened off, they may get a shock from direct sunlight when
planted out and die or be severely set back. A few weeks before you intend to
plant the cocoa seedlings, reduce the shade level to 20-30%. This may mean
taking the seedlings out of the nursery to a more sunny location, or reducing the
level of shade by removing palm fronds.
Scientists select the best trees for producing many pods with good bean size,
good flavor, and high fat content, thin shell, and pest and disease resistance.
If you plant seeds from these trees, they may not always have the same good
qualities and they may grow differently from the mother tree.
If you produce a new tree vegetatively by bud grafting, there is more chance of
the new plant having the same good qualities as the mother tree.
To budgraft, take young branches, called bud wood, off good mother trees. Bud
wood should be green turning brown.
Buds are cut off the bud wood and grafted on to another cocoa seedling (root
stock), and the growth from the bud develops into a good cocoa tree like the
needed for
Budding knife
Budding tape
Juvenile Budgrafting
Juvenile budgrafting uses very young seedlings, only a few weeks old, to graft
on to. Soft young bud wood should be collected from best mother trees. This
method is becoming popular because the plant needs to spend less time (just 4
months) in the nursery.
Top Grafting
Another method that can be used is top grafting, where budwood from a good
mother tree is grafted onto a chupon of a poorer quality tree The resulting growth
should come up as a good quality tree, and the rest of the old tree can be sawn off
leaving the good tree in its place.
Planting out seedlings
Check the following before planting out.
1. The seedling has developed properly and is 3 to 4 months old. Ensure that
the seedling is not under or over- grown. An overgrown seedling is one
with a large bent tap root growing through the bottom of the planting
bag. It may die from shock if transplanted.
2. There is adequate shade in the farm to protect the young seedling after
planting out.
3. There has been good recent rainfall and there is good soil moisture
present. A cooler period is best.
4. The seedling is in good condition and free from pest and disease.
5. The seedlings should be placed in a shady, sheltered area while they are
waiting to be planted.
6. Water the seedlings before planting out and plant within a few hours of
watering. Water again after planting.
• The hole should be deeper than the depth of the polybag and twice
sub soil kept
as wide. For 25 cm length top soil kept on separate side
on one side
polybag, this means that the
hole should be 30 cm deep by
25 cm wide.
• Extra care must be taken to ensure that the top soil is kept on one side
of the hole, while the sub soil is kept on the other side. Use the top soil
below and around the seedling and the sub soil to compress around the
• The soil at the base of the hole should be loosened up using a spade, so
the seedling roots can easily grow down.
• Then, using a sharp knife, slice off the bottom 2 - 3cm of the polybag,
making sure that the bottom curved portion of the taproot is also cut off.
• Carefully place the seedling in hole. Make sure that the top of the polybag
is level with the surface of the soil.
• Compress the top soil around the seedling and the sub soil at the top.
• Use leaves or coconut husks as mulch placed in a ring around the seedling
to keep the soil cool.
This should be done every 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the weather and weed
Weeds take water and nutrients away from the cocoa seedling.
Rotting weeds (without seed heads) and leaves can be put around the seedlings
as a mulch to prevent moisture loss and prevent further weed growth.
It is important to always have seedlings ready in reserve to replant the gaps
caused by seedlings that die from planting shock or insect attack. Planting shock
happens when the tap root is damaged when the seedling is planted out or when
the seedling receives too much direct sunlight with insufficient shade.
Terminal bud
Slash between
rows of cocoa
Ring weed as
seedlings grow
The point where the tree divides into branches is called the jorquette. It is called
ramification when the terminal bud divides or ramifies.
Chupon (water
shoot, “stilman”
Feeder root
Tap root
Leaves on either
side of branch
Fan branches grow
Leaves in a spiral around the
branch chupons grow vertically
Chupon produces
a second storey if
If chupons are left to grow they not removed
will produce a second or third
storey of the canopy higher up.
This causes over shading of lower
pod producing area. The high
canopy can be a source of black
pod infection. To keep the tree
manageable, prune off chupons
regularly every month.
Flower cushion
contains sugar
husk Cocoa pod
2. Shade thinning
Why prune?
• To control the shape of the tree so there is as much leaf area as possible to
trap sunlight.
• So the tree does not grow too high or too low, and maintains an adequate
number of pod bearing branches.
bow saw
pruning knife
Pruning tools
Pruning tools used include secateurs, bow saws, pruning knives, loppers and pole
pruners.; Small chain saws are also useful for radical height pruning.
Cocoa trees with too much shade will have elongated stems and ramify too high.
Some trees will ramify too low (or below 1 metre) these can also be stumped back
and encouraged to ramify higher by allowing more shade.
If a tree falls over, a new chupon can grow up from the base, and the main tree
trunk sawn off later.
Thin out and prune the shade trees first before moving onto the cocoa.
Cocoa tree leaves need about 75% direct sunlight to make sugar for production
of pods. Some sunlight should reach the bearing area. This is the area on main
branches and the trunk where most pods are produced.
5 to 10% light should reach the ground under the cocoa trees.
bearing area
Order of pruning:
Always prune the top branches first and then work downwards,
Height pruning
Prune to achieve a total tree height of about 3.5 metres to 4 metres. Prune any
long high dominant branches back to a side branch.
A dominant branch is one which grows taller than the rest and takes sunlight away
from the rest of the tree. Prune them off square with a main branch (right).
3.5 - 4 metres
One branch should always be left to shade the middle of the tree from direct sun-
light, or damage to the flower cushions and bark can occur and the tree will be less
Allow a branch to
remain to protect
middle of the tree
Any small branch within 40 to 60 centimetres from the jorquette should be re-
moved . 40 cm for younger trees and 60 cm for larger trees.
Prune branches
within 40 – 60 cm
of jorquette
Droopy branches
1.2 to 1.5m
Prune off all branches that droop below the jorquette. This will lift the branches
up to a minimum of 1.2 to 1.5 metres high.
Dead branch
10-20 cm 10-20 cm
If chupons are young they are soft and easy to prune with a sharp pruning knife,
flush with the main trunk or branch so prune chupons as regularly as possible.
Stub Ends
Don’t leave stub ends. Branches should be pruned straight with main branches or
dead stubs left will be an entry point for Giant Cocoa Termites
Before rehabilitating existing farms first reduce the number of shade trees, and re-
move shade tree branches to allow 75% light penetration to cocoa trees.
• Decide whether to stump back all the old trees and let them regrow. It is
better to stump back all trees if there are a lot of gaps in the block and the
farm is over 20-25 years old.
• If there is a full stand of cocoa trees that are younger than 20 -25 years old,
gradually height prune all trees back to 3.5 to 4 metres.
• You should reline and replant all gaps in the cocoa farm with nursery seed-
lings, or by direct planting.
Stump back old cocoa trees and allow one strong shoot to regrow near the base
of the stump. It will put new roots into the soil and have a strong join to the old
stump. Cut up and leave branches from the old tree to dry and rot mid row.
If new shoots grow from an old stump, and new seedlings planted in the gaps
grow, reduce the shade after nine months.
Manage the new cocoa trees using standard management practices such as ring
weeding, slashing, and pruning. After about 12 to 18 months they should be back
in production.
Radical pruning is best done after the peak cocoa harvest period, usually from
August to October.
Do a follow- up prune 6 months after the first pruning by selecting the best fan
branches to form a new canopy, and then thinning out other fan branches.
Do not apply fertilizer to cocoa which is over shaded and needs pruning, Always
thin shade, prune and ring weed before applying fertilizer. otherwise more growth
and no more production will be the result and the fertilizer and your money will be
Only apply fertilizer to young, well managed trees to obtain and maintain high
Before applying fertilizer,clear all leaf litter and weeds from a metre ring around
the tree. After the fertilizer has been applied, rake the leaf litter back covering the
It is best to apply fertilizer before light rain. Do not apply fertilizer during a hot and
dry period or during heavy rain as it will be wasted.
The fertilizer recommendation for a young cocoa tree over 18 months old is 240
grams of NPK (half a large family (Solomon Taiyo tin) every three months.)
Urea is a nitrogen fertilizer that can be applied to young trees if leaves are yel-
low and the tree is growing slowly. 100 grams or 1 quarter of a tin fish every three
In clay over limestone soils such as Malaita, apply Muriate of Potash at 200 gram
per tree after planting and after one year old, and then 400 to 600 grams per tree
at yearly intervals.
For other soil types use the NPK recommendation mentioned above.
Other soil types may have trace element deficiencies. If cocoa leaves are discol-
oured or misshapen, consult your MAL Extension Officer for more information and
Plant Main- Main- 150 500 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,000
tain tain
Wet bean yield (kg/ha assuming 35-45 % recovery )
Plant Main- Main- 330- 1,100- 2,200- 2,600- 2,600- 2,600- 2,600- 2,200-
tain tain 375 1,250 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,500
Pods should be ripe and beans should be free of black pod and damage from cock-
atoos, rats and flying foxes.
Flying fox
Pod damage
Carefully break pods open without damaging beans inside. Use a blunt object to
avoid cutting the beans. Place the beans on clean leaves or in a clean container.
Do not break pods while it is raining or the sugar in the beans will wash off and
affect fermentation.
Discard any beans that are damaged by black pod, or are under or over ripe, or are
Remove beans
from placenta
The wet bean needs to be clean of foreign matter such as stones etc. Cocoa will not
ferment properly if beans have been soaked in water before sale.
In Solomon Islands, wet bean cocoa is fermented in wooden boxes. Fermenting
cocoa develops a good chocolate flavour which the international market prefers.
Don’t ferment cocoa in bags, canoes, or in a hole in the ground.This will cause poor
Wet beans should be placed in a wooden fermenting box within 24 hours of break-
ing. Don’t mix beans from pods broken at different times and don’t add wet beans
to a ferment after the second day when a ferment has started.
Wet bean needs to be at least 40cm deep in the box, otherwise the cocoa will re-
main too cold and wont ferment properly. Also it should be no more than 60 cm
deep for air to get into aid the fermentation.
A large 1 metre x 1 metre fermenting box filled to 60 cm deep needs about 500 kg
of wet bean.Wooden dividers in the box can be used for smaller quantities of wet
In the first 24 hours of fermentation excess water drains through slits in the bottom
and sides of the box. In days 2 and 3 the beans start to heat up. (They remain hot
(45 to 50 degrees centigrade until the end of fermentation in day 6 or 7.)
The beans in the middle of the fermenting mass should be mixed with beans from
the corners and sides to get an even fermentation.
Drainage holes or slits in the bottom of the box should be cleaned every time the
beans are turned.
After day 6, randomly select a few beans inside the fermenting mass and cut them
in half.
If they are fully fermented the bean will be brown on the outside while on the
inside they will be turning from purple to brown and there will be a brown fluid
inside.They will also have the rich smell of fermented cocoa, and the cotyledons
(segments of bean) inside the shell will be open.
If the beans smell foul, and are turning black on the outside and attracting blue
flies, it means they have been left too long in the fermenting box and are going
rotten, or the amount and depth of beans was too small for a good ferment. The
buyer will reject this cocoa.
The next step in cocoa processing is drying the fermented beans. Before drying
the beans, ensure that the dryer is in good condition and there is enough firewood
available. Some firewood burns too hot and is less suitable.
Before placing the beans on the dryer bed, start the fire and heat up the dryer.
Beans should be kiln dried for the first 12 hours. If not beans will keep fermenting
and go rotten. Usually fermentaries kiln dry beans over night.
The next morning they should undergo a resting period from the fire for several
hours so moisture equalizes from the middle of the bean to the outside. If there is
no resting period, the beans will be over dry on the outside but still too wet inside.
Sun drying during the day is a good option if the dryer has a sliding roof.
It is important to turn over the beans on the dryer bed every half an hour, so that
beans on the bottom and edges get moved to the top and centre and drying is
even through the mass of beans.
The drying process should not be continuous, and should take place over two days
or 48 hours.
Don’t use the dryer for other purposes such as drying copra, beche de mer, chillies
or kava. These will contaminate the cocoa.
The moisture content of the dried beans should be no more than 7 % and not less
than 6%.
Once the beans have cooled down, squeeze a bean between your thumb and fore-
finger. When the beans are properly dry they are no longer rubbery. They will crack
when squeezed and the bean will break into pieces with the cotyledons intact.
If the bean shell shatters the cocoa has been over dried.
If the beans are properly dry they will make a crackling noise if a handful are
squeezed. Make sure beans are cooled down and moisture equalized in the bean
before doing this
There are many different designs for cocoa dryers. A good type of dryer is a hot air
dryer with a sliding roof which uses the sunshine during the day to help dry the
cocoa so a good quality cocoa is produced using less firewood.
Cocoa dryers in Solomon Islands are hot air dryers, or dryers which use a kiln pipe
and fire underneath a bed of cocoa wire mesh.
It is important to have a kiln pipe and flue pipe (chimney) which isn’t rusted through
with holes, as this produces smoky cocoa which is poor quality and hard to sell.
Kukum Dryer
end view
Mini dryers have been used a lot in Bougainville, and are popular with smallholders
because it produces good quality dry bean cocoa and a better income than just
selling wet beans.
They are fabricated with a metal frame which enables it to be disassembled and
transported and quickly reassembled on smallholders farms. This makes it ideal for
remote isolated areas where there is a lack of wet bean buyers
Roof over
box roof
Roof support
Mini dryer
Internal mould Internal mould Over fermented
bean bean
The bag itself weighs 1 kilogram, and 16 bags will make a tonne of cocoa.
Beans should have no more than 7% moisture content. Check beans for dryness as
previously discussed.
You must stencil your bags so buyers, exporters and manufacturers know where
the cocoa has come from.
The stitching along the top of the bag should be close together to prevent beans
falling out.
The shed used to store full cocoa bags should be located in a well drained dry
location. Bags should be stored on pallets under a waterproof roof. The shed must
be secure against theft, rats, and other animals.
Don’t store cocoa with copra or fuel otherwise their smell will contaminate the
cocoa. Cocoa stored more than a month must be dried before sale to exporters.
Don’t handle the bags roughly or sit on them as this will damage the beans inside
It is good management practice to keep records of all farm activities and financial
transactions relating to your cocoa enterprise. Weigh your bags of cocoa before
they go to the buyer so you have an independent record of the weight of beans
you are selling.
It is important for Solomon Islands to export good quality, well fermented, and well
dried beans without foreign matter in the bags, so our cocoa has a good reputation
on the world market.
If the quality is good, farmers will get a better price, and cocoa will be easier to sell
when the world market is oversupplied.
Cocoa factory
Shipping overseas
IPDM” standing for Integrated Pest and Disease Management, (IPDM) is a system of
managing the cropping cycle where the best conditions are developed for the crop
to grow and produce well. IPDM means understanding the tree and understanding
the causes of pest and diseases and intervening to achieve maximum production.
IPDM is also all about understanding and using the relationship between the cocoa
tree, the environment and the seasons. A management plan can be put in place like
the one shown next.
The IPDM strategy aims to manipulate the relationship between your tree, the envi-
ronment and pest and diseases at the most appropriate time so that it favours the
maximum production.
2. When it is the period for applying the IPDM inputs, it is advisable for all cocoa
farms in the your area should receive the IPDM inputs because of the commu-
nal nature of cocoa pests and diseases. If all apply the IPDM inputs and one
farmer does not, it is likely to affect the spread of pests and diseases to clean
cocoa blocks.
3. For managing cocoa using the IPDM strategy, the starting point is using good
planting materials. The material should be: high yielding, produce good
quality beans and should be resistant to pests and diseases.
Timing: The timing is important so that the pest and diseases of cocoa are manipu-
lated at the time when they are at their weakest point in their life cycle and when
the cocoa is highly receptive to inputs.
The inputs are designed to be applied twice a year, one is a major input period after
the major peak harvest and the other is a minor input period after the minor peak
The IPDM activities: The IPDM inputs activities should be carefully carried out so
that the trees are not badly damaged
Light Activities
• Slash & ring weed 1 m diameter
• Selective shade pruning to allow 75% sunlight to cocoa leaves
• Create 10-20 cm gaps between trees
• Prune off droopy canopies to start at 1.2m -1.5m above ground
• Removal of chupons
• Selective Pest and disease control and tree sanitation
Heavy Activities
• Slash & ring weed 1 m diameter
• Selective shade pruning to allow 75% sunlight to cocoa leaves
• Create 10-20cm gaps between neighboring trees
• Prune off droopy canopies to start at 1.2m -1.5m above ground
• Removal of chupons
• Pest and disease control and tree sanitation
• Height reduction to 3.5-4m, with structural and formation pruning
Some people prefer not to use chemicals. Cocoa produced without chemicals is
called organic cocoa.
Use safe storage of any chemical containers away from children and animals. Dis-
pose of empty containers by burying them far from water sources.
Water Proof
Long Rubber
Safety gear to Over boots
be worn when
using chemicals
The adult Pantorhytes is a large weevil (about 1.5 to 2 cm long) while the larvae is
short and fat (1-1.5 cm).
Frass (or faeces), saw dust and rubbish which comes out of a hole tells you there is
an active grub inside. The frass is a brown, moist, and the bore hole goes straight
into the trunk or branch of the cocoa tree.
Pantorhytes adults lay their eggs in the bark of cocoa trees. When the grubs hatch
out, they bore into the trunk or branches of the tree and weaken it.
These holes are an entry point for canker disease, which can eventually kill the tree.
Adult Pantorhytes also chew the bark off young shoots and branches, stopping
growth in seedlings and young trees.
Old cocoa trees or forest trees left in or near a farm of newly planted cocoa, can act
as a source of adult Pantorhytes infection
Pantorhytes is usually not a problem where coconuts have been used as shade.
Collect all adult Pantorhytes (found underneath leaves in the heat of the day) and
kill them.
Use a flexible piece of wire to carefully remove grubs from their holes. Do not use a
knife to cut out the grub as this will damage the bark and may do even more harm
to the tree.
Green tree ants (sometimes called Large Yellow Tree Ant or “Ekofla”) can also con
trol Pantorhytes. They can be introduced by planting soursop trees around th
block and using bush rope as a bridge from the soursops to the cocoa trees.
Fire Ants
The small fire ants found in Solomon Islands are a nuisance to farmers trying to
manage their cocoa; but they also help to control damaging insects.
To reduce the bites and irritation from fire ants, wear a broad brimmed hat while
working under the cocoa canopy to protect your eyes and skin and wash any
areas of your body that are in contact with the ants.
Fire ants are less active in the rain, making this the best time for pruning.
• 45 ml Karate
If the Pantorhytes infestation is severe, consider spraying the adults in the tree can
opy with the following mixture..
• 28 ml “Decis/Karate” 2.5% EC
• 2 ml surfactant
• 10 litres water
Karate is a toxic chemical so gloves and a face mask must be worn when painting
bore holes.
Longicorn grub
Adult longicorn and grub
damaging tree
Longicorn adults like dark, moist conditions to lay their eggs. Practices such as ring
weeding and pruning can limit the problem. Slashing around the base of the tree
can also prevent the adult laying its eggs.
Do not cut the grub out with a knife or you will harm the tree. A flexible piece of
wire can be used to push into the bore hole to kill the grub.
• 45 ml Karate
Karate is a toxic chemical so gloves and a face mask must be worn when painting
bore holes.
Pansepta, or web worm which it is commonly known as, is a moth. The larvae is a
grub about 1-2 cm long.
The Pansepta moth lays its eggs on the bark of the cocoa branches. The grub eats
its way into the branch, leaving a web from its frass.
The growth of infected trees is restricted and branches that have been attacked
will die.
S O LPansepta
O M O N I damage
S L A N D SonC branches
Pansepta moth
Pansepta grub
Pansepta web
Pansepta worms
inside branch
Pansepta worm
Pansepta attack happens when there is not enough shade.The best control is to
increase shade levels.
Control should only be carried out if many branches are dying. If only a couple of
branches are affected, control is not worth while.
Any control measures should be aimed at killing the grubs in their bore holes.
Heavy pruning may result in weakening the tree, and exposing it to further attack,
and there is usually little chance of cutting out all the eggs and grubs.
Remove all the frass from the branches, and wipe a chemical mix of Dimethoate
(0.6%) solution on the bark of the branch using a swab.
A swab is made by securely wrapping a cloth around the end of a stick and soak
the cloth in the Dimethoate (0.6%)
A Rogor 30 solution can also be sprayed onto the infected branches with a knap-
• 210 ml EC, (Emulsifiable Compound)
• 2 ml surfactant
• 10 litre water
A termite is a type of ant that feeds on wood. Termites are often found in house
posts and frames.
Other smaller species of termites which build tunnels on the outside of cocoa
trees can carry black pod spores up the tree and spread the disease. These tunnels
should be carefully scraped off with a bush knife.
Control of Giant Cocoa Termites requires regular inspection and pruning of dead
wood. Since infestations only occur through dead wood, care should be taken to
prune branches as close as possible to the main branch or trunk.
If pruning is carried out correctly, new callus tissue will seal the wound and prevent
entry by termites.
Chemical Control
When a Giant Cocoa Termite colony is located, the nest should be opened with a
bush knife.
• 28 ml Decis /Karate,
• 2 ml surfactant,
• 10 litres water
The grey weevil is a small (1 cm) weevil.
A mealy bug is a soft white powdery insect that may attack young field seedlings
or nursery seedlings.
Mealy bugs can often be seen on cocoa trees
in low numbers but they rarely cause eco-
nomic damage and control is usually not
necessary. Occasionally, however, large num-
bers can cause serious damage to the grow-
ing shoots of seedlings. The cocoa stems and
leaves lose their colour and the growing tips
may die, resulting in a poorly formed tree.
This kind of damage should be controlled.
You should only control mealy bugs when large numbers are found damaging the
growing shoots of very young (unjorquetted) cocoa or when the growth of young
gliricidia is being severely held back. Only spray those trees that are badly dam-
aged, and not all seedlings on the farm. This is called ‘spot spraying’.
• 10 litres water
Mealy bugs living on cocoa and gliricidia shade trees are a major food source for
crazy ants. Because crazy ants protect cocoa from a number of insects (including
Pantorhytes) they should only be killed when necessary. If the mealy bugs on
young cocoa are killed by spraying, the crazy ants can still survive on the mealy
bugs living on the gliricidia.
Caterpillars are the young stages of butterflies and moths. They have soft, often
brightly coloured bodies, and may grow up to several centimetres in length. A
number of moth caterpillars eat cocoa leaves .
Moths lay their eggs in clumps both on cocoa and shade trees. The eggs hatch
after a few days and produce caterpillars. The caterpillars feed almost continuously
on young cocoa leaves. They grow and change their skins about 5 times. They
then pupate on the cocoa trees as seen in the diagram, on the cocoa trees or in the
ground. After about 8 days the adult moths emerge.
Caterpillar damage
In areas where caterpillars are often a serious problem, coconuts or gliricidia should
be used as shade.for cocoa because these pests are less damaging on cocoa under
coconuts or gliricidia.
Chemical Control
Caterpillars that seriously damage cocoa less than 3 years old should be controlled
using insecticide sprays. On trees older than 3 years, spraying becomes too expen-
sive and difficult because of their size.
Use a knapsack to ‘spot spray’ trees affected by caterpillars. The best chemicals to
use are a 0.1% solution of Acephate (Orthene) or a 0.2% solution of carbaryl (Sep-
tene). To make the correct solution mix together:
• 10 litres water
• 10 litres water
Rhyparid beetle
Adult Rhyparids lay their eggs on the ground. The larvae hatch- out and feed on
plant roots. Pupation also occurs in the ground. The life cycle takes about 6 weeks.
The adults feed on young cocoa leaves.
Chemical Control
• 30ml “Malathion 50
• 100ml White Oil
• 2ml Surfactant
• 10L Water
The grubs live below the ground. They are white grubs about 1.5 cm long..
The grubs attack the cocoa seedling feeder roots. The seedling will suddenly die
and roots show damage when the seedling is pulled up.
Increase the fertility of the soil by adding well decomposed organic matter,
including manure.
Chemical Control
Use Bifithrin as a spray on the soil around the root system of infected cocoa
Pod Suckers
Amblipelta Damage
Amblipelta adults has a light green body,
light brown wings, long legs and anten-
nae. It smells if picked up. The nymphs
(young stage) are dark brown with no
Amblypelta damage
Significant losses to cocoa production can result from a severe Amblypelta attack.
Amblipelta pierce cocoa pods and feed on the sap. This leaves the pods with a dot-
ted appearance with a number of black sunken puncture marks. Infected pods may
die, or become malformed or smaller in size, reducing bean quality. Small pods can
fall off the cocoa tree if attacked.
Amblipelta adults and nymphs also feed on cocoa shoots, and large numbers may
damage the growing tip of young seedlings.
Amblipelta can also damage coconuts by attacking leaves and damaging the
growing tip.
The following mixture should be sprayed onto the trunk and main branches of af-
fected cocoa trees using a knapsack. For this you must mix together:
• 28 ml Karate 2.5 % EC
• 10 litres water
• 2 ml surfactant
The nozzle on the mist blower must be set so that 10 litres of chemical sprays about
100 mature trees.
A second Karate treatment 14 days after the first one should be made to kill young
Amblypelta that have recently hatched out. Only spot spray areas where Am-
blypelta are a serious problem.
Biological control of Amblipelta using the large green tree ant (Oecophylla) is rec-
ommended. There is some evidence that the little fire ant (Ochetomyrmex) may
also be effective against Amblipelta
Cocoa Pod Borer is a very serious cocoa insect pest. It is not in Solomon Islands yet,
but it is already spreading through Bougainville. If it reaches Solomon Islands it will
badly affect cocoa production.It will make it hard for smallholders to grow the crop
The adult Cocoa Pod Borer is a moth the size of a mosquito. It is brown,and hard
to see and lays its eggs in the grooves of cocoa pods.
When the eggs hatch out, the grub bores into the pod and feeds on the beans.
When it reemerges from the pod it leaves an exit hole which can be clearly seen.
It then pupates on the leaves of the cocoa tree before changing to an adult.
Cocoa Pod Borer attack has caused 80% -90% losses in smallholder cocoa produc-
tion in other countries, therefore it is important it doesn’t spread to Solomon Is-
When the Cocoa Pod Borer grub bores into a pod it feds on the beans inside and
stops the development of the beans. Beans become discoloured and stick to the
wall of the pod.
Uneven Discoloured
ripening Beans stick
Chemical Control
It is difficult to control Cocoa Pod Borer by chemicals because the grub lives for two
weeks inside the pod and is hard to reach by spraying.
Cocoa Pod Borer can also be carried on fruit, so do not carry any fruit from infected
If you see cocoa pods with brown discolored beans inside, and signs of damage
described, immediately inform Quarantine Officer or your local MAL Extension Of-
Ask your MAL extension officer for more information about Cocoa Pod Borer.
Infected pods start out with a brown spot on the skin which
spreads to cover the entire pod.
• Reduce shade levels and prune cocoa trees so more sunlight reaches the
• Remove all black pods, place them on the ground between the cocoa rows
and cover them with prunings and leaf litter.
• Control canker and chupon wilt (disease of chupons)
• Harvest regularly so pods don’t get over ripe.
• Leave leaf litter on the ground to prevent raindrop splash spreading the
• Remove ant tunnels from the trunks and branches of cocoa trees.
• Control black pod, especially in young productive cocoa farms so it does
not take a hold.
• Plant cocoa variet-
ies such as Amelo-
nado, that are less
susceptible to black
Chemical Control
• 30 grams Ridomil (3
match boxes)
• 10 litre of water
• 5 ml washing up
• Use Copper Sandoz
in the dry season
so the disease does
not become toler-
ant to Ridomil.
Canker disease usually enters the trunk and branches through chupon wilt, and
black pods that are left on the tree. Pantorhytes and longicorn bore holes in the
bark also can act as entry points.
Canker is hard to control when well established.. It is better to rehabilitate a badly
infected tree by cutting it down below the canker and letting new chupons come
up from the stump. Otherwise remove the tree and replant a new seedling in its
Paint on
Copper Nordox
Scrape canker
Root rot causes all the leaves of a mature cocoa tree to suddenly turn yellow and
then brown, and then the tree rapidly dies.
Root rot can spread through to the roots of nearby healthy cocoa trees if not con-
Replacement seedlings
should not be planted too
close to the site of an old
diseased tree. Leave a gap
of at least 1.5 metres.
Thread Blight causes leaves and branches to die. The dead leaves are joined to-
gether by the threads.
Damage can be severe in over shaded, unpruned cocoa trees. If many healthy
leaves and branches are affected it retards tree growth and reduces production.
Pink Disease can damage young trees and spread to neighboring trees by spores
blown by wind and rain.
Cocoa trunks and branches develop a rough texture and die, A patch of several
dead trees on the farm can result.
Pink disease
• Reduce shade and prune cocoa trees to allow more sunlight through the
• Remove surrounding bush that may harbour the disease.
• Remove branches 50 cm below the infection site.
• Burn all removed branches.
Visible signs of VSD are rough bark on young branches, a yellow spotted leaf, white
powder on young branches and a brown streak inside the stem when split open.
You will see the third or fourth leaf turn yellow with green spots and the branch will
have raised bumps on the skin. The new small branches will die off.
Many young trees die off in a large patch on a newly established farm.
VSD is not currently in Solomon Islands, but was very common in East New Britain,
PNG, until the introduction of resistant cocoa varieties.
If VSD gets into Solomon Islands it will be devastating because Amelonado cocoa
is not resistant to the disease.
Brown marks
seen after leaf
Cocoa trees which are dying, with green spots on yellow coloured leaves may have
VSD. To confirm the tree has the disease, see if the inside of a split branch is stained
with brown streaks.
Sales Record
Date Kg Wet bean sold Kg dry bean sold Price received Name of Buyer
Wet Bean to Dry Bean 100 kg wet bean at about 40 % 1 cubic metre wet bean
recovery = 40 kg dry bean = 1 tonne,= 1000 kg wet
1000 cubic cm =
1kg wet bean
1 bag dry cocoa 62.5 kg dry cocoa per bag, 178-138 kg wet bean
16 bags per tonne + 1 kg sack=63.5kg = 1 bag dry bean
Centigrade to Farenheit Farenheit to Centigrade
9/5 Centigrade plus 32 5/9 Farenheit minus 32
1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds 1 pound = 0.454 kg
1 tonne = 1000 kg 1 pound = 16 ounces (oz)
1 kg = 1000 gram 1 ton=1016 kg
Farm 2
Number of cocoa trees planted__________ Year planted ______________
Farm 3
Number of cocoa trees planted__________ Year planted ______________