Genetics, DNA & Evolution - : Topic Notes

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Genetics, DNA & Evolution | Topic Notes

 Heredity is the passing on of characteristics from one generation to the next.

 Genes are short regions of chromosomes that contain codes for the production of proteins.
 Gene expression is the process by which the code in DNA is used to make a protein.

 The proteins associated with DNA are histones. These function in stabilising the DNA and keeping
it organised. (analogy = storing Christmas tree lights)
 Chromosomes exist only during mitosis. At all other times it’s known as chromatin. Of the 23 pairs
of chromosomes in a diploid human cell, the first 22 are called autosomal chromosomes and the
23rd pair are the sex chromosomes (either XX=female or XY=male).
 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is one of 2 types of nucleic acid (the other is RNA). DNA consists of
2 strands attached together by molecules called nitrogenous bases (because they contain
Nitrogen). Twisted around into a double helix shape.
 The four nitrogenous bases found in DNA are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine
(G). A is always opposite T and C is always opposite G. These complementary base pairs exist due
to the hydrogen bonding pattern shown below. A and G are known at purines because they
contain 2 rings. (Think of PUag dog). C and T are known as pyrmadines because they’ve 1 ring.

Genetics, DNA & Evolution | Topic Notes 1

 The sides of the double helix DNA are mad up deoxyribose sugars (where basses are attached) and
phosphate molecules. The sequence of a phosphate bonded to a sugar bonded to a base is called
a nucleotide.

 Mechanism of DNA replication:

First, the double helix unwinds. Enzymes opens the 2 strands by breaking the ‘H’ bonds
between the nitrogenous bases. The exposed bases act as a template for the production of a new
strand of DNA. New nucleotides, which enter from the cytosol are connected to the old bases
(they contain an A, T, C or G base). This assembly is carried out by the anabolic enzyme, ‘DNA
polymerase’. Each new chromosome consists of 1 old strand of bases and 1 new strand. Lastly, the
DNA re-associates itself with histones and recoils and supercoils into chromosomes. The
duplicated homologous chromosomes are now ready for mitosis.

DNA replication is significant because it allows for cell continuity (the process of cells arising from
cells of the same type)

 DNA profiling is a method of producing a unique pattern of bands from the DNA of a person, so
that it can be used for identification purposes.
1. DNA isolation-the DNA is extracted from the cells using a detergent (non-polar solvent
dissolves phospholipid bilayer which forms the cell membrane).
2. Cutting-restriction enzyme is added to cut DNA at specific lengths. (everyone’s is diff)
3. Separation-gel electrophoresis separates fragments of DNA based on their lengths.
4. Pattern analysis-the gel is stained and viewed under ultraviolet light and the individuals
DNA pattern (AKA DNA profile) is seen.
 Genetic screening is a test of a person’s DNA to see if an altered/mutated gene is present.

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(E.g. cystic fibrosis= build up of mucus in the lungs)
 RNA = ribonucleic acid (mostly found free in the cytoplasm in the form of ribosome’s). RNA is
single-stranded, contains the bases C, G, A and U (uracil) and the sugar ribose.

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Protein Synthesis
Protein synthesis is the making of a protein using amino acids and the code in messenger RNA.
 Occurs in the cytosol on the surface of ribosomes and involves three distinct stages: transcription,
translation and protein folding.
Watch this video from 0:27-2:40
 Transcription is the making of mRNA using a DNA template.
It occurs in the nucleus. Enzymes unwind and break the ‘H’ bonds between the strands of DNA,
exposing nucleotide bases only at the site of the gene to be transcribed. The anabolic enzyme,
RNA polymerase synthesises messenger RNA (mRNA) using one of the strands of DNA.
 Translation is the making of a protein using the code n mRNA.
It occurs on ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes are made from ribosomal RNA (rRNA). mRNA
interacts with rRNA and slides through its subunits.
 All proteins have their own characteristic shape enabling them to carry out their specific function.
The long chain of amino acids that has been produced folds over on itself (it may also attach with
other proteins to give the final structure). It is then ready to carry out its function.

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 A triplet or codon is a sequence of three bases present on mRNA that codes for one amino acid.
Amino acids are transported to the ribosome by transfer RNA (tRNA).
 An anti codon is a sequence of three bases present on tRNA that will be complimentary to a
codon on mRNA.

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Inheritance and Genetic crosses
 Genetics is the study of inheritance.
 Inheritance is the passing on of traits from one generation to the next.
 Traits are physical and chemical characteristics that a living organism possesses.
 Gametes are haploid sex cells.
 Fertilisation is the fusion of 2 haploid gametes to produce a zygote.
 Alleles are alternate forms of genes.
 Locus is the position of an allele or gene on a chromosome.
 Homozygous: 2 alleles are the same. (often referred to as pure breeding)
 Heterozygous: 2 alleles are different.
 Dominance occurs where one allele (the dominant one) masks the effect of another allele.
 Recessive occurs where an allele’s effect is only expressed when in the homozygous condition.
We use CAPITAL LETTERS to refer to dominant alleles and lower case letters to refer to recessive
alleles. (E.g. A person with brown eyes could have two brown alleles ‘BB’ (AKA homozygous
dominant) or one brown and one blue allele ‘Bb’, a person with blue eyes can only have ‘bb’ (AKA
homozygous recessive) alleles as the blue allele is recessive).
 Genotype is the genetic make-up of an individual. (BB, Bb, bb)
 Phenotype is the physical make-up of an individual. (brown or blue eyes)
 A monohybrid cross is a genetic mating between two organisms where one gene is studied.
 The first filial generation refers to the first generation offspring of any two parents from any living
 A genetic cross is a diagram or table showing how characteristics are inherited.

 Incomplete dominance occurs when a cross between organisms of two different phenotypes
produces offspring with a third phenotype that is a mixture of the parental phenotypes.
 Mendel’s first law of segregation:

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 Each cell contains two factors (now called alleles) for each trait.
 These factors separate at gamete formation, so that each gamete contains only one factor
from each pair of factors. (now known as meiosis)
 At fertilisation, the new organism will have two factors for each trait, one from each parent.
 Mendel’s second law of independent assortment:
Members from one pair of factors separate independently of another pair of factors during gamete
 A dihybrid cross is a genetic mating between two organisms where two separate genes are
 Linked genes are genes present on the same chromosome.
 Sex linkage is where a gene is located on a sex chromosome.
The genes for colour vision and blood clotting are present on the ‘x’ chromosome but not the ‘y’,
hence higher instances of colour blindness and haemophilia are found in males as they only have
one ‘x’ chromosome.
 A pedigree study is a diagram of individuals of a family used to determine patterns of inheritance.
 Non-nuclear inheritance is the passing on of features from one generation to the next without the
use of the nucleus.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts are inherited independently of the nucleus. They’ve their own DNA.
Mitochondria are inherited maternally in animals as the cytoplasm of the egg carries the
mitochondria. (The sperm cell does have mitochondria, but only the nucleus from the sperm enters
the egg)

Genetic Engineering
 Genetic engineering is the artificial manipulation and alteration of genes is a process whereby
genes are transferred from one organism to another.
1. Isolation (removing DNA from a cell).
2. Cutting (removing a gene from a piece of DNA using a restriction enzyme) and ligation (joining
the gene to a vector (a piece of DNA, such as a bacterial plasmid that will carry the gene of
interest into a host cell) using DNA Ligase).
3. Transformation (the uptake of recombinant DNA( DNA from 2 diff species)into a bacterial cell)

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4. Selection (killing any cells that didn’t take up the recombinant DNA) and cloning (producing
identical copies of a cell)
5. Expression (the stimulation of a cell to produce the product of a particular gene)
 Plants: herbicide-and insect-resistant corn.
 Animals: mosquitoes resistant to malaria.
 Microorganisms: insulin produced by bacteria.

A cloning vector is a piece of DNA that can accept the target gene and replicate e.g. plasmid
in bacteria.
Restriction enzymes cut DNA at specific sites. Genetic ‘scissors’ that recognises a specific
sequence of bases.
DNA ligase is an enzyme that is used to get the foreign DNA to join with the DNA of the
cloning vector. Genetic ‘glue’.
The altered DNA is called recombinant DNA because it recombines after the small section of
DNA is inserted into it.
Transgenic organisms are organisms that have been altered using genetic engineering.

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GMOs are genetically modified organisms – living things whose DNA has been altered
artificially.‘Pharming’ is the production of foreign proteins by GMOs.

Applications of genetic engineering: (know 1 plant, 1 animal, 1 m/o)

Weedkiller-resistant crops
Inserting a bacterial gene for herbicide resistance in to crop plants, so that when the
herbicide is sprayed it will kill weeds but it will not kill the plant.

Sheep produce a protein to treat emphysema (collapse of the alveoli because they
cannot produce a protective protein in the lungs). A human gene for this protein (AAT)
has been inserted inot sheep DNA and they can the produce the protein in their milk.

Bacteria make insulin
Inserting the gene for human insulin into a bacterium which then produces human
insulin for use by diabetics. This overcomes the danger of people producing antibodies
to the pig insulin.

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Ethical issues of genetic engineering
Release of GMOs into the environment.
Use of GMOs as a food source.
Concern that animals will suffer as a result of being genetically modified.
The fear that humans, especially zygotes, may be genetically modified – ‘designer babies’.

Genetics, DNA & Evolution | Topic Notes 10

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