Peripapillary Atrophy in Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma: A Comparative
Peripapillary Atrophy in Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma: A Comparative
Peripapillary Atrophy in Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma: A Comparative
c PURPOSE: To investigate the characteristics of peripap- mean deviation (P 5 .0001) in primary open-angle
illary atrophy in primary angle-closure glaucoma and to glaucoma.
compare peripapillary atrophy in primary angle-closure c CONCLUSIONS: The peripapillary atrophy in primary
glaucoma with that in primary open-angle glaucoma. angle-closure glaucoma has a different relationship to
c METHODS: Twenty-one eyes (of 21 patients) with the structural and functional optic disk changes than
chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma that had no that in primary open-angle glaucoma. Different
evidence of an acute attack or combined-mechanism mechanisms seem to be involved in the development of
glaucoma and 31 eyes (31 patients) with primary open- the optic disk damage in the two types of glaucoma.
angle glaucoma were enrolled in this study. The cup-to- (Am J Ophthal-mol 1999;127:121±128. © 1999 by
disk area ratio and the visual ®eld mean deviation Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.)
were matched in both groups. The prevalence of
peripapillary atrophy and peripapillary atrophy-to-
disk area ratio of eyes with primary angle-closure
glaucoma and eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma
and is greater in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and
normal-tension glaucoma than in normal individuals.1±7 Several
were compared. The cor-relation between the investigators have dem-
peripapillary atrophy area and the cup-to-disk area onstrated a signi®cant correlation between the degree of
ratio or the mean deviation was also evaluated. peripapillary atrophy and optic disk damage and between
c RESULTS: Eight (38%) of 21 eyes with primary angle- the location of peripapillary atrophy and the location of
closure glaucoma and 21 (68%) of 31 eyes with primary optic disk damage and visual ®eld defects.5±7 The area of
open-angle glaucoma had peripapillary atrophy. The peri- peripapillary atrophy, particularly that of the central zone
papillary atrophy-to-disk area ratio averaged 0.16 in betaÐ characterized by marked chorioretinal atrophy with
primary angle-closure glaucoma and 0.41 in primary visible large choroidal vessels and scleraÐmight correlate
open-angle glaucoma. There were statistically signi®cant with the neuroretinal rim area, cup-to-disk ratio, nerve
differences regarding the prevalence of peripapillary at- ®ber layer score, and visual ®eld loss in glaucoma.5
rophy (P 5 .048) and peripapillary atrophy-to-disk area Corre-lations between peripapillary atrophy and functional
ratio (P 5 .005) between the two groups. There was no and structural optic disk damage are also found in eyes
signi®cant correlation between the peripapillary atrophy with normal-tension glaucoma by means of confocal
area and the cup-to-disk area ratio or the mean deviation scanning laser ophthalmoscopy.8
in primary angle-closure glaucoma. In contrast, the peri- Although the increased intraocular pressure plays an
papillary atrophy-to-disk area ratio signi®cantly corre- important role in the development of optic disk damage in
lated with the cup-to-disk area ratio (P 5 .003) and the eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma and primary
angle-closure glaucoma, the pathophysiologic process of
the optic nerve damage may not be identical in the two
Accepted for publication Aug 28, 1998. clinical entities. In a substantial proportion of eyes with
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Gifu University School of primary open-angle glaucoma, vascular factors are alleg-
Medicine, Gifu, Japan.
This study was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scienti®c Research (B) edly responsible for the optic disk damage.9 In contrast,
08457461 from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of the optic disk damage in eyes with chronic primary angle-
Japanese Government. closure glaucoma that had no evidence of an acute attack
Reprint requests to Hideya Uchida, MD, Gifu University School of
Medicine, 40 Tsukasa-machi Gifu, Gifu 500-8705, Japan; fax: 81 58 265 or combined mechanism is considered more likely to be
9012. caused primarily by the increased intraocular pressure.
Average 6 SD
PACG (21 Eyes) POAG (31 Eyes) Matched POAG* (23 Eyes) P Value
IOP 5 intraocular pressure; NS 5 not signi®cant; PACG 5 primary angle-closure glaucoma; POAG
5 primary open-angle glaucoma.
*Matched with eyes with PACG for refractive error.
²Values in brackets are comparisons between the PACG and matched POAG groups. Mann-
Whitney U test.
FIGURE 1. Measurement of peripapillary atrophy with the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph. After a new contour line (arrows) is
drawn to encircle the peripapillary atrophy, the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph calculates the peripapillary area.
images were scanned three times with a Heidelberg Retina line was drawn to encircle the peripapillary atrophy (Figure
Tomograph (Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Heidelberg, 1),8,18 the peripapillary atrophy area was automatically
Germany). Images were obtained mainly with a 10 3 10 calculated with the program Atrophy Zone Analysis of the
degree retinal ®eld, and a 15 3 15 degree retinal ®eld was Heidelberg Retina Tomograph. The peripapillary atrophy-to-
used when the peripapillary atrophy area protruded from disk area ratio (normalized peripapillary atrophy area) was
the 10 3 10 degree retinal ®eld in the Heidelberg Retina used for statistical analysis. The intraobserver and
Tomograph. The mean of the three topographic images interobserver (H.U. and G.T.) coef®cients of variation of
was used for further analyses. measurements for peripapillary atrophy-to-disk area ratio
We de®ned peripapillary atrophy as a peripapillary area were calculated on the basis of randomly chosen sets of 10
that consisted of a zone with chorioretinal atrophy and eyes measured twice on separate days. The average and SD of
visible large choroidal vessels and an outlining zone with the coef®cients of variation of intraobserver measure-ments
irregular retinal pigment epithelium. After a new contour of the two observers were 7.7% 6 4.5% (H.U.) and
Matched POAG*
PACG (21 Eyes) POAG (31 Eyes) (23 Eyes) P Value
Disk area (mm2) (average 6 SD) 2.51 6 0.38 2.44 6 0.41 2.65 6 0.35 NS [NS]²
Cup-to-disk area ratio 0.56 6 0.20 0.51 6 0.14 0.53 6 0.13 NS [NS]
(average 6 SD)
Peripapillary atrophy-to-disk area 0.16 6 0.24 0.41 6 0.32 0.43 6 0.37 .005 [.006]
ratio (average 6 SD)
Prevalence of peripapillary atrophy 8 (38) 21 (68) 16 (70) .048 [.068]
(no. [%])
are by Mann-Whitney U test except for prevalence of peripapillary atrophy (Fisher exact test).
was found between the peripapillary atrophy-to-disk area discriminant factor in differentiating primary angle-closure
ratio and the cup-to-disk area ratio or visual ®eld mean glaucoma from primary open-angle glaucoma (Table 3).
deviation in the primary angle-closure glaucoma group In the refractive error±matched groupsÐ21 eyes with
(Figures 2 and 3). There was, however, a statistically primary angle-closure glaucoma and 23 eyes with primary
signi®cant correlation between the peripapillary atrophy- open-angle glaucoma matched for refractive error, visual
to-disk area ratio and the cup-to-disk area ratio (r 5 .52, P ®eld mean deviation, cup-to-disk area ratio, and pretreat-
5 .003) and the mean deviation (r 5 2.61, P , .001) in the ment intraocular pressureÐthe prevalence of peripapillary
primary open-angle glaucoma group (Figures 4 and 5). atrophy in eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma (70%)
The discriminant analysis identi®ed only peripapillary was higher than that in eyes with primary angle-closure
atrophy-to-disk area ratio (P 5 .015) as a signi®cant glaucoma (38%), with a borderline signi®cance (P 5 .068,
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