Research Proposal Espiritu1

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First City Providential College

Brgy. Narra, Francisco Homes, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

The advantages of memes in social media

and how it affects to senior high school students

A research proposal presented to the

Senior High School Department of
First City Providential College

In partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the subject
Research in Daily Life 2
(RDL 2)

Research conducted by
Jeric Espiritu
12- CSS 1

Submitted to
Teacher Mi Jerica Joyce D. Mapa
RDL 2 Teacher

Academic Year 2019-2020

1st Semester
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Problem and the Review of Related Readings and Studies


Review of Related Literature

Review of Related Studies

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitations

Definition of Terms

Chapter 2: Method


Research Design

Research Setting

Respondents of the Study

Data Gathering Procedures

Data Gathering Instrument


Chapter 1: The Problem and the Review of Related Readings and Studies


Memes has been a part of social media nowadays and it has quickly become a great social media
marketing tool. Creating or sharing a meme should be aware enough to what it will be the impact
of it to social media memes are digital artifacts they are cultural expressions of contemporary
society made by digital technologies. This research is important to students because memes can
relate to the students it also can help the students to lessen their thesis at school also for some
teachers who are very millennial and who also can relate.

Review of Literature & Review Related studies


According to Borzse [2013] the story of memes is crucial to the understanding of the digital
culture and not only as characteristic of an internet subculture but as a cultural artifact that is
gaining new meaning and function as it is breaking more and more into the mainstream

According to Dian Agnes Purnama [2015] memes can be a cultural product memes can
certainly act more than just a humor that easily disperse on the internet carrying creative words
alignment engaging visual looks and ear catchy tunes memes enactment as a part of language
learning activity inside classroom may offer different atmosphere.

Social media

Shahira fahmy [2013] says memes are based on pathos, ethos and logos persuasion appeals
overall the work contributes to the integration between visual and verbal modalities in the
contemporary digital media environment findings reveal the role of different persuation principles
in social media

According Mark Wood [2016] meme strategy understanding the rise of police social media
engagement the police’s meme strategy argue in what we might term in social media and promote
memes on sharing it in social media

By Giulia Bini [2017] says we venture in the almost unexplored filed of mathematical
internet memes with the aims of investigating their didactical features in a teaching and learning
setting emotions and their role in the learning process initiated by the interaction with memes.

According to Domenico Quarant [2009] memes are haunting us everyone talks about them
the survival of our planet seems to depend on our critical understanding of meme there’s currently
an interesting thread on the net time mailing list about an issue as memes have been around for a
good two decade.

Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework


 Age

 Level and place

 Technology adaptation
The advantages of memes in
social media and how it affects
to senior high school students


 Benefits of use

 Usefulness in social

 Limitation of use

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this research is to analyze the Advantages of memes in social media
and how it affects to Senior High School students of First City Providential College (FCPC).

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Determine what is memes and social media

2. Gather the profile of the respondents according to age of students.
3. Analyze the Perception toward memes in social media
Significance of the Study

This study is significant in probing the advantages of memes in social media and how it
affects to Senior High School Students at First City Providential College. It is also beneficial to
the following:

 Students- Can help and relate from looking at memes and spread it from person to person

 Teachers- Can also relate and get along with students who loves memes

 Future researchers- They can use memes to promote and make it bigger in our society

Scope and Limitations

This study covers the advantages of memes in social media and how it affects to senior
high school students in first city providential college with limited sources and scope this study is
bounded to achieve it`s goals with the help of 100 respondents students {senior high school
students} from first city providential college located at Brgy. Narra Francisco homes city of san
jose del monte Bulacan. The survey was conducted last September 2019
Definition of Terms

QR Codes- also known as Quick Response Code it is a type of two-dimensional barcode.

This is designed to be read by smart phones to scan information.

Attendance Monitoring- this is the recording of presence of the students recorded by the

Smart Mobile- used to scan codes, voice recognition, and fingerprint this can also be
used to gather data and information.

Technology Integration- use of technology tools for education and for other purposes

Students Attendance- being present at school. Being late or not, knowing the students
absences in school.
Chapter 2: Method


The methodology section of this paper is all about the research design used in this study.
In addition, this section also discusses the research setting and the respondents of the study. Lastly,
the data gathering procedure and instruments were included as well in the section of this paper.

Research Design

A descriptive study about the Advantages of Memes, which is a quantitative type of

research, was used in this study. This research design was used because it analyzes the different
ideas, opinions and views of the respondents, who are students in First City Providential College
regarding the understanding of the Perspective toward QR Codes in Attendance Monitoring among
Senior High School students of First City Providential College.

This research design also summarizes vast sources of information and applies a well-
established standard which means that the research can be replicated, analyzed and compared with
similar studies.

Moreover, this study includes the understanding of viewing and experiencing different
factors that will help the study more certain and very significant.

Research Setting

This qualitative research titled “Perspective toward QR Codes in Attendance Monitoring

among Senior High School Students of First City Providential College” was done in the vicinity
of First City Providential College. The stated location was determined due to the availability of
the target respondents. Furthermore, it is the most accessible location as the researcher is a student
of the said institution.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents were 100 Grade 12 students of First City Providential College with
specific criterion of being a student of the said school. Also, they must have common knowledge
regarding the advanatges of memes. Lastly, the respondents must be honest when answering the
survey questions. This study has used the biased samples specifically convenience sample.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher asked 15 questions to the respondents through a survey questionnaire . Each
question has its own significant means that can prove a theory to the Advanatges of Memes. Also,
the corresponding questions were asked to elaborate more the research questions which were very
beneficial to the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

The study has used survey questions as data gathering instrument. Specifically, survey
questionnaires was used to collect information regarding the disadvantages of social media. Fifteen
questions comprised the said questionnaire.


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Survey Questionnaire:

1.I believe that memes are helpful to prevent students for being stress at school works

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Strongly Disagree 4. Disagree

2. Memes is a media tool that creates happiness to people

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Strongly Disagree 4.Disagree

3. Creating or sharing cam also have knowledge

1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3. Strongly Disagree 4.Disagree

4. Memes can relate to us

1.Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Strongly Disagree 4. Disagree

5. Memes can be promoted and share from person to person

1. Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Strongly Disagree 4.Disagree

6. Memes has strong impact on society

1. Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Strongly Disagree 4.Disagree

7.I believe anyone can make a meme

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Strongly agree 4 Disagree

8.I believe meme can be used as a business and a marketing creation

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Strongly agree 4 Disagree

9. Memes has a benefit on social media

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Strongly agree 4 Disagree

10. I believe everyone knows how to pronounce “meme”

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Strongly agree 4 Disagree

11.Memes is a cultural and contemporary expression

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Strongly agree 4 Disagree

12. Depression can be cured by just looking at memes

1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3.Strongly agree 4 Disagree

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