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Developmental Reading 2

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Mt. Apo Village, Kidapawan City

The SPMCI advocates the teaching of the Christian Gospel through the preparation of competent workers and educators; and through evangelism and mission work, shall accompany the people in their hope for unity,
social justice, prosperity and peace
We envision an educational institution proclaiming the lordship of Jesus Christ by offering competitive and community based curricula through its various academic programs for dynamic Christian leadership and
responsible human resource development.
Sustained by our Christian faith and guided by our most cherished heritage United Methodist Christians, the SPMCI aims to:
1. Train Christian church workers and leaders of evangelical churches;
2. Prepare educators in basic education of various levels;
3. Provide a venue for the study of issues relative to religion and society.

The College of Education of the Southern Philippines Methodist Colleges, Inc., in line with the school’s mission and vision aims to produce highly committed, accountable, skillful, and competent educators Goals
who can:
a. commit themselves to teach competently the given content which provides learners the opportunity to construct knowledge and develop problem-solving skills. 1 2 3
b. demonstrate positive Filipino values with respect to individuality and cultural diversity of learners. 1 2 3
c. devise skillfully teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials and resources aligned with the objectives of the lesson that are appropriate to the learners. 1 2 3
d. conduct cultural and gender fair community-based extension programs and activities which advocates unity, social justice, prosperity and peace. 1 2 3


COURSE TITLE: Developmental Reading 2 CREDIT: 3 UNITS
This course is design to enable college students to become more aware of themselves as readers and to develop strategies and skills to meet the demands of college reading. More importantly, this course will prepare the pre-service
teachers for more challenging job when they start teaching young children. It will provide pre-service teachers with practical perspectives of children’s literacy through actual observations of their behavior both at home when these
children interact with their families and in the school as they interact with their classmates. The course will conclude with a consideration of the implications for curriculum and instruction in reading/literacy.


At the end of the semester, the students will be able to: Program Objectives
a. discuss the meaning of reading and its importance; a b c d
b. employ effective techniques and strategies for the ongoing development of an emergent reader and emergent writer ; a b c d
c. demonstrate the appropriate methods of becoming an emergent reader and writer with the use of instructional and informational materials; and a b c d
d. promote the integration of language arts in all content areas a b c d

Course Objectives, Topics Desired Student Learning Outcomes Outcomes-Based Evidence of Outcomes Reference Course Program Core Values Time Frame
Assessment Activities Objectives Objectives Integration

1.1) Discuss the Classroom Policies, 1.1) Students can be aware of and Individual participation Teacher’s rating on group Student Handbook and Course a, b, c, d a, b, c, d Responsible
Course Overview, Course appreciate of the Classroom Policies, and group discussion. and individual’s Syllabus, Handout stewardship,
Requirements, and Grading System. Course Overview, Course participation. Christian
1.2) Discuss the VMG and Hymn of Requirements, and Grading System, Workshop, Individual Education,
SPMCI and the introductory topic of the participation and Students’ Individual VMG Unity and
Course. reporting of Life and Creed Diversity,
1.2) Students can construct their own VMG Academic
of life and Creed as Students of Excellence
Topic 2: A Review of Developmental Reading 1

2.1 Acquire a comprehensive review of 2.1 Students can acquire a comprehensive Oral Recitation Recitation Checklist Flordeliza C. Buendicho, Ph. D. (2012) a, b, c, d a, b, c, d Responsible
developmental reading review of developmental reading through Developmental Reading 2 stewardship,
oral recitation. NCBTS Aligned –Rex Book Store Christian
2.2 Expand the reading act and its 2.2 Students can expand the reading act Lecture Teacher’s Rating on Education,
components. and its components through lecture. Individual Participation Servillano T. Marquez Jr., Ph. D., et. Al Unity and
2.3 Explain the reading process. 2.3 Students can explain the reading (2009) Developmental Reading 2 Diversity,
process through oral recitation. Oral recitation Recitation Checklist Lorimar Publishing Inc. Academic
Topic 3: Theories of Reading Instruction
3.1) State reasons why is there a need to 3.1) Students state reasons why is there a Individual Participation Teacher’s Rating on Flordeliza C. Buendicho, Ph. D. (2012) a, b, c, d a, b, c, d Responsible
teach reading theories need to teach reading theories through Individual Participation Developmental Reading 2 stewardship,
individual participation NCBTS Aligned –Rex Book Store Christian
3.2) Discuss each of the reading models 3.2) Students discuss each of the reading Small Group Discussion Rubrics on Small Group Education,
models through small group discussion Discussion Servillano T. Marquez Jr., Ph. D., et. Al Unity and
3.3)Explain the theories of reading 3.3) Students explain the theories of reading Small Group Discussion Rubrics Guidelines (2009) Developmental Reading 2 Diversity,
instruction instruction through small group discussion Lorimar Publishing Inc. Academic
3.4) Explain the methodologies in beginning 3.4) Students explain the methodologies in Lecture Formative Assessment Excellence
reading beginning reading through lecture
3.5) Discuss cognitive process of reading. 3.5) Students can discuss cognitive process Lecture Formative Assessment
of reading through lecture
3.6) Explain how to teach genuine love for 3.6) Students can explain how to teach Oral Recitation Recitation Checklist
reading to children. genuine love for reading to children through
oral recitation.
Topic 4: Early Literacy Learning Theories

4.1) Define emergent literacy 4.1) Students define emergent literacy Individual Participation Teacher’s Rating on Flordeliza C. Buendicho, Ph. D. (2012) a, b, c, d a, b, c, d Responsible
through individual participation Individual Participation Developmental Reading 2 stewardship,
4.2) Explain the importance of home 4.2) Students explain the importance of Journal Writing Rubrics Guidelines NCBTS Aligned –Rex Book Store Christian

literacy home literacy through journal writing Education,
4.3) Determine the changes on the views 4.3) Students determine the changes on the Research Assignment Rubrics Guidelines Servillano T. Marquez Jr., Ph. D., et. Al Unity and
about emergent literacy views about emergent literacy through (2009) Developmental Reading 2 Diversity,
research assignment Lorimar Publishing Inc. Academic
4.4) Discuss the theories of early learning 4.4) Students discuss the theories of early Panel Discussion Rubrics Guidelines Excellence
literacy learning literacy through panel discussion
4.5) Identify the theories of reading and 4.5) Students identify the theories of reading Research Assignment Rubrics Guidelines
writing and writing research assignment
Topic 5: Promoting Early Literacy
5.1) Determine explicit ways to promote 5.1) Students determine explicit ways to Group Reporting Criteria Flordeliza C. Buendicho, Ph. D. (2012) a, b, c, d a, b, c, d Responsible
early literacy promote early literacy through group Developmental Reading 2 stewardship,
5.2) Recognize the roles of home, language
reporting NCBTS Aligned –Rex Book Store Christian
reading, writing and school to promote 5.2) Students recognize the roles of home, Reflection Analysis Rubrics Guidelines Education,
emergent literacy language reading, writing and school to Servillano T. Marquez Jr., Ph. D., et. Al Unity and
5.3) Design an early literacy program based
promote emergent literacy through reflection (2009) Developmental Reading 2 Diversity,
on learning theories, early literacy behavior,
analysis Lorimar Publishing Inc. Academic
home and school environment literacy and 5.3) Students design an early literacy Individual Rubrics Guidelines Excellence
literacy materials program based on learning theories, early Assignment/requiremen
literacy behavior, home and school t
environment literacy and literacy materials
through individual assignment/requirement
Topic 6: The Four-Pronged Approach in Reading Instruction

6.1) Discuss the following topics: 6.1) ) Discuss the following topics: Flordeliza C. Buendicho, Ph. D. (2012) a, b, c, d a, b, c, d Responsible
Developmental Reading 2 stewardship,
a. Parts of the Four-Pronged approach a. Parts of the Four-Pronged approach Discussion Formative Assessment NCBTS Aligned –Rex Book Store Christian
b. Critical and Creative Thinking Skills b. Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Theory Application Performance Rubrics Education,
c. Developing a Climate Conducive to c. Developing a Climate Conducive to Panel Discussion Rubrics Guidelines Servillano T. Marquez Jr., Ph. D., et. Al Unity and
Critical and Creative Reflection Critical and Creative Reflection (2009) Developmental Reading 2 Diversity,
d. Types of Critical Questions d. Types of Critical Questions Discussion Formative Assessment Lorimar Publishing Inc. Academic

Topic 7: Teaching Grammar and Stages of Oral Language Development (Language Domain)

7.1) Demonstrate how to teach grammar 7.1) Students demonstrate how to teach Lecture/Theory Rubrics Guidelines Flordeliza C. Buendicho, Ph. D. (2012) a, b, c, d a, b, c, d Responsible
using a specified sequence of grammatical grammar using a specified sequence of Application Developmental Reading 2 stewardship,
topics as organizing principle grammatical topics as organizing principle NCBTS Aligned –Rex Book Store Christian
through lecture/theory application Teacher’s Rating on Education,
7.2) Discuss the stages of oral language 7.2) Students discuss the stages of oral Individual Participation Individual Participation Servillano T. Marquez Jr., Ph. D., et. Al Unity and
development language development through individual (2009) Developmental Reading 2 Diversity,
participation Lorimar Publishing Inc. Academic
7.3) Illustrate grammar teaching through 7.3) Students illustrate grammar teaching Group Presentation Performance Rubrics Excellence
grammar activities through grammar activities through group
7.4) Develop instructional material in 7.4) Students develop instructional material Group Dynamics Rubrics Guidelines
teaching grammar in teaching grammar

7.5) State the importance of teaching sight 7.5) Students state the importance of Individual Participation Teacher’s Rating on
words teaching sight words Individual Participation

Topic 8.1: Developmental 2: Practicum and Apprenticeship

8.1 Develop teaching skills in reading. 8.1 Students can develop their teaching Video Presentation Teacher’s Rating on Flordeliza C. Buendicho, Ph. D. (2012) a, b, c, d a, b, c, d Responsible
skills in reading through making video Individual Participation Developmental Reading 2 stewardship,
presentation. NCBTS Aligned –Rex Book Store Christian
Servillano T. Marquez Jr., Ph. D., et. Al Unity and
(2009) Developmental Reading 2 Diversity,
Lorimar Publishing Inc. Academic

GRADING SYSTEM: SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION: Prepared by: Recommending Approval:

Examination 40% PROF. VILMA R. GONZALES

First Examination: September 28, 2018 Dean, College of Education
Class Participation 20% GINA L. HEBALORA
Second Examination: October 12, 2018 Faculty Approved by:
Project 20%
Third Examination: October 26, 2018
Quizzes 20% President
Fourth Examination: November 09, 2018


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