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International Journal of Infectious Diseases 56 (2017) 190–193

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International Journal of Infectious Diseases

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Applicability of the shorter ‘Bangladesh regimen’ in high

multidrug-resistant tuberculosis settings§
Giovanni Sotgiu a,b,*, Simon Tiberi c,1, Rosella Centis d,1, Lia D’Ambrosio d,e,1,
Zhenia Fuentes f, Alimuddin Zumla g, Giovanni Battista Migliori d,*
Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Statistics Unit, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy
Medical Education and Professional Development Unit, AOU Sassari, Sassari, Italy
Division of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust, Royal London Hospital, London, UK
Maugeri[4_TD$IF] Institute, IRCCS, Care and Research Institute, Via Roncaccio 16, 21049, Tradate, Italy
Public Health Consulting Group, Lugano, Switzerland
Department of Pulmonology Hospital Jose Ignacio Baldo, Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela
Centre for Clinical Microbiology, Division of Infection and Immunity, University College London and NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, UCL Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, London, UK


Article history: In spite of the recent introduction of two new drugs (delamanid and bedaquiline) and a few repurposed
Received 29 September 2016 compounds to treat multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR- and XDR-
Received in revised form 21 October 2016 TB), clinicians are facing increasing problems in designing effective regimens in severe cases. Recently a
Accepted 24 October 2016
9 to 12-month regimen (known as the ‘Bangladesh regimen’) proved to be effective in treating MDR-TB
Corresponding Editor: Eskild Petersen, cases. It included an initial phase of 4 to 6 months of kanamycin, moxifloxacin, prothionamide,
Aarhus, Denmark
clofazimine, pyrazinamide, high-dose isoniazid, and ethambutol, followed by 5 months of moxifloxacin,
clofazimine, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. However, recent evidence from Europe and Latin America
Keywords: identified prevalences of resistance to the first-line drugs in this regimen (ethambutol and
MDR-TB pyrazinamide) exceeding 60%, and of prothionamide exceeding 50%. Furthermore, the proportions of
XDR-TB resistance to the two most important pillars of the regimen – quinolones and kanamycin – were higher
Shorter regimen
than 40%. Overall, only 14 out of 348 adult patients (4.0%) were susceptible to all of the drugs composing
Treatment duration
the regimen, and were therefore potentially suitable for the ‘shorter regimen’. A shorter, cheaper, and
Impact well-tolerated MDR-TB regimen is likely to impact the number of patients treated and improve
adherence if prescribed to the right patients through the systematic use of rapid MTBDRsl testing.
ß 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-

1. Introduction MDR-TB with additional resistance to any fluoroquinolone and to

injectable second-line drugs (amikacin, capreomycin, kanamycin).
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published its The Strategy also states the possibility of eliminating TB
End TB Strategy, stressing the importance of diagnosing, treating, through the implementation of specific interventions that are
and preventing both multidrug-resistant (MDR)- and extensively currently recommended for low TB incidence countries.4,5 Among
drug-resistant (XDR-) tuberculosis (TB).1–3[1_TD$IF] MDR-TB is defined as the eight core interventions, the management of MDR-TB has an
resistance to at least rifampicin and isoniazid, the two most important role.4,5
effective anti-TB drugs, while XDR-TB is a more severe form of MDR- and XDR-TB represent a growing clinical and public
health concern, with over 480 000 cases and 190 000 deaths
estimated to have occurred globally in 2014.1 In spite of the
The authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this article and progress achieved,6 only a proportion of existing MDR- and XDR-
they do not necessarily represent the decisions and policies of their institutions. TB cases have access to quality diagnosis1,7 and treatment, with
* Corresponding author. treatment being long (up to 24 months), expensive, and
E-mail address: [email protected] (G.B. Migliori).
1 complicated by severe adverse events.2,3,6–12 Furthermore, treat-
Giovanni Sotgiu, Simon Tiberi, Rosella Centis, and Lia D’Ambrosio contributed
equally. ment outcomes are still unsatisfactory, with treatment success

1201-9712/ß 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
G. Sotgiu et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 56 (2017) 190–193 191

rates remaining suboptimal, and success rates decreasing progres- kanamycin, gatifloxacin, prothionamide, clofazimine, pyrazina-
sively from 50% in MDR-TB cases to 40% in XDR-TB cases and less mide, high-dose isoniazid, and ethambutol, followed by 5 months
than 20% in cases with resistance patterns beyond XDR-TB.2,3,13,14 of gatifloxacin, clofazimine, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol.13,14,16
Following more than 40 years of neglect since the launch on the Based on the available evidence, the WHO has recommended
market of the last TB-specific drug (rifampicin), the available this shorter MDR-TB regimen in its new 2016 MDR-TB guidelines,
armamentarium of anti-TB drugs currently includes two new with moxifloxacin replacing gatifloxacin (originally used in the
drugs (delamanid and bedaquiline) and a few repurposed Bangladesh regimen).
compounds.9,15–25 As clinical experience with these new drugs The new regimen, which is much cheaper than longer ones
and some of the repurposed drugs is still limited, and the number (<1000 dollars),8,16 is indicated only for ‘‘adults and children with
of drugs for which susceptibility is confirmed is often very rifampicin-resistant and MDR-TB who have not been previously
limited,20–22 clinicians face more and more difficulties in designing treated with second-line drugs and in whom resistance to
effective regimens as per WHO guidelines.16 fluoroquinolones and second-line injectable agents have been
Recent evidence suggests that a 9 to 12-month regimen (known excluded or considered highly unlikely’’.16 The indication also
as the ‘Bangladesh regimen’) may be effective in treating MDR-TB includes people living with HIV/AIDS.16 A summary of the
cases (Table 1).26–28 composition of the regimen and a list of the recommended
As part of the ALAT/ERS LATSINTB project (a research coordina- exclusion criteria for the shorter TB regimen in favour of the longer
tion project), the present article describes the rationale for the regimen are given in Table 2.
introduction of the Bangladesh or ‘shorter regimen’ to treat MDR- The same WHO guidelines recommend a diagnostic tool
TB, the principles of the new 2016 WHO recommendations, and the designed to speed up the detection of TB resistance – the rapid
main operational issues related to their implementation under molecular MTBDRsl test.16 The promotion of broader and quicker
programmatic conditions in high MDR-TB prevalence settings. molecular testing will ensure the appropriate selection of patients
who will benefit from the shorter MDR-TB regimen, while reducing
the ‘infectious period’ and the subsequent transmission of resistant
2. Rationale for the shorter regimen and the new WHO strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis within the community.
guidelines Furthermore, the rapid initiation of an adequate regimen will
minimize the possible development of additional drug resistance
The rational composition of this new regimen is similar to that (‘super-resistance’), which is among the criteria defining ‘treat-
of the traditional 24-month one, with a consistent number of drugs ment failure’ in the 2015 WHO definitions.1
and the inclusion of a fluoroquinolone, a second-line injectable
drug, and two other ‘companion’ drugs (e.g., drugs supporting the 3. Operational issues and evidence of eligibility for the shorter
core drugs to prevent the selection of drug-resistant regimen
mutants).13,15,16 However, in the new regimen moxifloxacin is
‘the’ fluoroquinolone, while clofazimine replaces cycloserine. The This is a concrete demonstration of the genuine efforts being
Bangladesh regimen includes an initial phase of 4 to 6 months of made to provide wider access to quality MDR-TB diagnostic and

Table 1
Evidence available on the efficacy and safety of the shorter regimen (known as the Bangladesh regimen) to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Study (Ref.) Setting/number of cases Study results Conclusions Comments

Piubello et al. Niger National Tuberculosis Cure was achieved in 58 patients Standardized 12-month treatment The main adverse events were
Int J Tuberc Programme; 65 MDR-TB patients (89.2%, 95% CI 81.7–96.7); 6 died for MDR-TB was highly effective and vomiting (26.2%) and hearing
Lung Dis 2014 (26) and 1 defaulted; all 49 patients well tolerated in patients not impairment (20%), but no
assessed at the 24-month previously exposed to second-line treatment had to be stopped;
follow-up after cure remained anti-TB drugs in Niger 1 patient HIV-infected (1.7%)
smear- and culture-negative
Van Deun et al. Prospective observational study 206/427 (48.2%) patients Serial regimen formulation guided Major adverse drug reactions
Am J Respir Crit conducted over a 12-year period received the most effective by overall treatment effectiveness were infrequent and manageable
Care Med 2010 (27) in this large TB control program treatment regimen; a minimum resulted in treatment outcomes Compared with the 221 patients
in Bangladesh; 427 MDR-TB of 9 months of treatment with comparable to those obtained with treated with regimens based on
patients GFX, CFZ, EMB, and PZA first-line anti-TB treatment; OFX and commonly PTO
throughout the treatment confirmatory formal trials in throughout, the hazard ratio of
period, supplemented by PTO, populations with high levels of HIV any adverse outcome was 0.39
KM, and high-dose INH during an co-infection and in populations with (95% CI 0.26–0.59)
intensive phase of a minimum of a higher initial prevalence of
4 months, giving a relapse-free resistance to second-line anti-TB
cure of 87.9% (95% CI 82.7–91.6) drugs are required
Aung et al. Bangladesh National 515 patients were recruited from The excellent outcome of the The strongest risk factor for a
Int J Tuberc Lung Tuberculosis Programme; 2005 to 2011, 84.4% had a Bangladesh regimen was largely bacteriologically unfavourable
Dis 2014 (28) prospective, observational study bacteriologically favourable maintained; bacteriological outcome was high-level FQ
of a GFX-based directly observed outcome; due to extensive treatment failures and relapses resistance, particularly when
regimen, mainly with initial disease with delayed sputum were rare, except among patients compounded by initial PZA
hospitalization; 515 MDR-TB conversion, only half of the with high-level GFX resistance, resistance
patients patients completed treatment notably in the presence of PZA Low-level FQ resistance had no
within 9 months; 95% completed resistance unfavourable effect on treatment
treatment within 12 months; outcome
11 patients failed or relapsed, Amplification of drug resistance
and 93.1% of the 435 patients occurred only once, in a patient
who were successfully treated strain that was initially only
completed at least 12 months of susceptible to KM and CFZ
post-treatment follow-up

CFZ, clofazimine; CI, confidence interval; EMB, ethambutol; FQ, fluoroquinolone; GFX, gatifloxacin; INH, isoniazid; KM, kanamycin; MDR-TB, multidrug-resistant
tuberculosis; OFX, ofloxacin; PTO, prothionamide; PZA, pyrazinamide; TB, tuberculosis.
192 G. Sotgiu et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 56 (2017) 190–193

Table 2
Composition of the shorter regimen (known as the Bangladesh regimen) to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, and the main contraindications suggesting prescription of
the longer regimena


4–6 Km–Mfx–Pto–Cfz–Z–Hhigh-dose–E/5 Mfx–Cfz–Z–E: 4 to 6 months of kanamycin, moxifloxacin, prothionamide, clofazimine, pyrazinamide, high-dose isoniazid,
and ethambutol, followed by 5 months of moxifloxacin, clofazimine, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol

Contraindication Comments

Confirmed resistance to or suspected ineffectiveness of a drug in the Evaluation of the drug resistance pattern of all patients with
shorter MDR-TB regimen (except isoniazid resistance) rapid diagnostic methods is recommended
Exposure to 1 second-line drugs in the shorter MDR-TB regimen for >1 month
Intolerance to 1 drugs in the shorter MDR-TB regimen or risk of toxicity Intolerance to a drug composing the regimen is, in practice,
(e.g., drug–drug interactions) equivalent to resistance to the drug
At least one drug in the shorter MDR-TB regimen not available
Pregnancy Insufficient evidence available
Extrapulmonary disease Insufficient evidence available

MDR-TB, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.

Note: The emergence of treatment failure, drug intolerance, return after an interruption >2 months, or emergence of any other exclusion criterion implies interruption of
the shorter regimen and a move to the longer one.

treatment services in high MDR-TB prevalence countries. Follow- susceptibility testing to pyrazinamide and ethambutol (even when
ing the endorsement of the shorter MDR-TB regimen, clinicians performed in quality assured laboratories) should be considered
and public health experts have started posing three questions: when interpreting the results of that study. In addition, no reliable
drug susceptibility testing is yet available for clofazimine and
(1) Under programmatic conditions, what is the proportion of ethionamide.13
patients who might not be eligible for the shorter regimen in This study confirmed the results of previous non-representative
reference centres or settings concentrating on difficult-to-treat cohorts that identified prevalence rates around 30% for fluor-
MDR-TB cases (e.g., those exposed to several previous rounds of oquinolones, 60% for ethambutol, 70% for pyrazinamide, 45% for
treatment or with previous treatment failure)? In other words, prothionamide and[6_TD$IF] 70% for kanamycin in a sample of patients in
what proportion of cases will be eligible for treatment with the Europe, with strong representation of MDR-TB hot spots like
shorter MDR-TB regimen in programmatic (non research) Romania and former Soviet Union countries[2_TD$IF].29[7_TD$IF]5 As these studies
settings? were not designed to evaluate the Bangladesh regimen, they did
(2) In countries or settings with sub-optimal laboratory services, not provide information on how many patients would potentially
will it be possible to use the shorter regimen based on have benefitted from the regimen.
epidemiological surveillance data or periodic drug resistance A final comment is that we need more information on the
surveys? suitability of patients for high-dose isoniazid. The existing
(3) In the case of resistance to one or two of the drugs in the evidence suggests that high-dose isoniazid is effective in the
regimen, can compromised drugs be substituted in order to presence of the inhA gene mutation and in absence of the katG
maintain the efficacy of the regimen, and if so, to what extent? mutation. This combination is estimated to be present in no more
than 12% of patients globally, with lower values in Africa.
In summary, the regimen is for MDR-TB cases not previously The answer to question 2 is not available, and it is the authors’
treated with second-line anti-TB drugs and, therefore, should not opinion that caution is needed in assuming that no drug resistance
be used in the case of (a) previous use of any of the Bangladesh exists in low MDR-TB prevalence settings; testing all cases is the
regimen drugs, and (b) documented or suspected resistance to one best option.
or more of them.16 As far as question 3 is concerned, it is likely that kanamycin will
Initial evidence is available only for the first question. A recent be replaced by capreomycin or amikacin, although these mod-
multi-centre, observational, retrospective, cohort study of the ifications will increase the cost of the regimen.13 It is also possible
International Carbapenems Study Group (ICSG) was conducted in that, in view of resistance to one or more drugs in the regimen,
reference MDR-TB centres in Europe (eight countries) and Latin clinicians might decide to replace them with the new drugs
America (three countries).13,14 All of the drugs in the Bangladesh (delamanid, bedaquiline) or with the most effective repurposed
regimen were routinely tested in the participating centres, except drug (although more prone to adverse events), e.g. linezolid. It is
high-dose isoniazid and clofazimine. The study found that only important to underline that these changes are not recommended,
14 out of 348 adult patients (4.0%) were susceptible to all of the as no evidence currently exists regarding the possibility of
drugs, and were therefore potentially suitable for the ‘shorter modifying the regimen with these drugs while keeping the short
regimen’.13 Interestingly, the prevalence of resistance to the first- duration profile (and ensuring tolerability, efficacy, and adher-
line drugs in the regimen (ethambutol and pyrazinamide) ence).13
exceeded 60% and that of prothionamide exceeded 50%. Further-
more, the proportion of resistance to the two most important 4. Conclusions
pillars of the regimen – quinolones and kanamycin – exceeded 40%.
The prevalence of resistance to these two drugs was higher in Latin In conclusion, a shorter, cheaper, and well-tolerated MDR-TB
American than in Europe. The authors concluded that the shorter regimen is likely to impact the number of patients treated and
MDR-TB regimen ‘‘would have an impact on only minority of improve adherence.13,14 The preliminary evidence available on the
patients and may have limited use in these settings where patients country- or setting-specific prevalence of resistance to the drugs in
have more resistant forms of TB and are more treatment the regimen needs to be expanded, taking into account that high
experienced (like in reference centres)’’. However, the limited combined resistance to fluoroquinolones and pyrazinamide might
sample size, non-representativeness of the data with the represent the main limitation to the success of the new
possibility of selection bias, and the limited reliability of drug regimen.28,30
G. Sotgiu et al. / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 56 (2017) 190–193 193

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