Interview Questions

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 Tell me about yourself

My name is Lalngaihawma Pachuau and I have done my professional diploma in business
management from WLCI Pune. I would describe myself as someone who is versatile, creative
and determined. I enjoy the whole process of learning because I believe every age group has
something to learn in each life step. I enjoy working with others and sharing results as a team. I
am easy going and result oriented. I have empathetic and compassionate, Intuitive and
spontaneous. Conscientious,
I also enjoy helping others meet their career goals and I try to apply all of these qualities in my
professional life. I started out working as an executive at NSHM Udaan Company which takes up
skill development schemes. I was responsible for monitoring and data handling where I
constantly travel to all districts. After a year I was promoted as a Project Manager and that really
boost my professional growth as a person and as an employee. I would also like to say I
contributed to the success and growth of SJ&DI because there were only 3 full time staffs and
we started from 2 to 7 trades within a year after I joined. Apart from working I love riding bikes
and hiking in the weekends. I also love singing and playing music. And watching infotainment
and motivational speakers on youtube

 How did you hear about this position

A friend of mine had me about this position and I was instantly interested in

 Weaknesses empathy: Pussyfoot, Skeptical (Asking how, why, when)

When making impersonal decisions- I often want to do things in a way that is going to work for
everyone and sometimes logically and statistically it’s not going to happen that way. Sometimes
the decisions is going to hurt someone and eventually hurt someone
“It’s important to me that everyone gets along in the workplace. In the past I have always gone the extra mile to help out
whenever it is necessary in trying not to disappoint or let anyone down. I’m not saying I no longer help others out.
However, I’ve learned to be more assertive, to better recognize and prioritize projects, to know whether I can bail others
out without jeopardizing my existing work.”
In my previous work I was called by my boss in deciding whether they should terminate three
trainers for violating the rules of the company. I begged for them to give them one last chance
to prove their worth and turns out they never repeat their mistake again.
 Strength empathy : Xenomania, Complexity- The ability to carry large quantities of information
and be able to manipulate and manage the relationships between such information,
Curiosity The desire to change or improve things that everyone else accepts as the norm,
Boldness The confidence to push boundaries beyond accepted conventions. Also the ability to
eliminate fear of what others think of you
 Hav very high expectations of myself and others

 Questions to them
What part of my skills was not soothing to the job
What is a typical workday like in here? How often do meeting occurs exist?
How many Skills related staffs are there at present
What is the competition in this sector as compared to other skill development schemes like
Has the programme started?
How many Implementing agencies are participating
What is DDUGKY’s presence in Mizoram

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