Englert2013 PDF
Englert2013 PDF
Englert2013 PDF
Advances in Orthopedics
Volume 2013, Article ID 951397, 11 pages
Review Article
Elbow Dislocations: A Review Ranging from Soft Tissue Injuries
to Complex Elbow Fracture Dislocations
Copyright © 2013 Carsten Englert et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This review on elbow dislocations describes ligament and bone injuries as well as the typical injury mechanisms and the main
classifications of elbow dislocations. Current treatment concepts of simple, that is, stable, or complex unstable elbow dislocations
are outlined by means of case reports. Special emphasis is put on injuries to the medial ulnar collateral ligament (MUCL) and on
posttraumatic elbow stiffness.
Figure 1: (a) Dorsal view to an anatomic elbow preparation. The posterior lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL) and the posterior medial
ulnar collateral ligament (MUCL) are visible. The posterior part of the ligamentum annulare with its insertion to the ulnar and the above
lying distal part of the LCL can be seen. (b) Ventral view to an anatomic elbow preparation with demonstration of the anterior medial ulnar
collateral ligament (aMUCL). The plane joint surface of the anteromedial facet of the olecranon can be seen, which has a buttress function
in varus and valgus stress. (c) Lateral view to an anatomical elbow preparation with an illustration of the lateral collateral ligament complex
(LCL) which is formed by the annular ring running to the radial epicondyle humeri.
2. The Anatomy and Biomechanics of is given by capsular and ligamentous structures [5]. Valgus
Ligaments and Bony Structures elbow stability depends on ligaments as well as on bony struc-
tures [6]. Experiments imitating coronoid fractures without
The elbow represents one of the most stable joints in the any injuries to the ligaments as classified by Morrey have
human body. The close connection of the ulnohumeral and shown that resection of the radial head mainly influences
the capitulo-radial joints results in a high range of motion of valgus and external rotation, whereas coronoid deficiency
the elbow with regard to extension and flexion as well as the results in varus laxity and posterior translation (Figure 2(a)).
pronation and supination of the forearm. Bony structures, the Overall, the radial head comprises approximately 40% of the
joint capsule, as well as the lateral and medial ulnar collateral stabilizing surface.
ligaments allow direct motion control and high stability. Neither medial-oblique, lateral-oblique, nor even type II
The capitulo-radial joint compartment also contains ligament coronoid fractures caused any significant changes in elbow
structures. The radial head is surrounded by the annular liga- stability if the capsuloligamentous structures remained intact,
ment that holds the radial head in place and makes rotational even if the radial head had been removed. Type III fractures
movements possible. The annular ligament encloses the radial showed sudden angular and translational changes between
head and inserts the ulna in dorsal and palmar directions 30∘ and 60∘ of elbow flexion, both in the presence or
(Figure 1(c)). The part of the annular ligament that lies above absence of the radial head (Figure 2(b)). The radial head is
the LUCL runs into the lateral humeral epicondyle and forms an important stabilizer during valgus and external rotation
the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). Bones and ligaments are (Figure 2(a)), especially in type II or III coronoid fractures,
considered static and primary stabilizing factors. Secondary whereas valgus and external rotational stability depend on the
stabilizing factors are joint-crossing muscles that additionally remaining total articular surface of the radial head. Posterior
contribute to elbow stability [3]. and proximal translations are influenced by the isolated
The bony structures of the humeral trochlea sulcus and articular surface involvement of the coronoid [7].
the connecting sigmoid notch of the olecranon have a buttress The MUCL is composed of three branches, the anterior,
function and are the main stabilizing factor in varus and the posterior, and the oblique bundle, which is also com-
valgus stress and during rotational movements (Figure 1(b)). monly termed “transverse ligament.” Gross anatomical trials
Caused by the semilunar surface of the capitulum humeri and have shown that the anterior bundle is easily distinguished
the olecranon, the range of motion is limited in extension and from the underlying joint capsule. The anterior bundle
flexion. Biomechanical trials have shown bony structures to consists of two separate histological layers: the deeper layer is
be the main stabilizers of the elbow. 55% of varus stress is composed of collagen bundles contained within the capsule,
absorbed by bone compartments in full extension and even and the shallower layer is a distinct ligamentous structure
75% at 90∘ of flexion. During varus stress, only minor support above the capsule. The anterior bundle originates from the
Advances in Orthopedics 3
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) The combined mechanical function of MUCL, anteromedial facet of the olecranon and radial head in valgus, and external
rotational stability are demonstrated. (b) The yellow spot on the anatomical preparation illustrates types I and II coronoid fractures. Type III
fractures of the olecranon (green spot) involve the anterior MUCL, which result in sudden angular and translational instability of the elbow
between 30∘ and 60∘ .
anteroinferior edge of the medial humeral epicondyle and complex [3, 12]. During pronation and extension of the elbow,
inserts on the sublime tubercle of the ulna. The posterior the maximal load is transmitted through the radial column
bundle originates from the posteroinferior aspect of the with up to 60% of the load. Even a single radial head fracture
medial humeral epicondyle and has a broad insertion on with an intact medial collateral ligament complex results
the medial edge of the olecranon. The posterior bundle is in up to 30% loss of resistance [13–15]. The posterolateral
not easily recognizable because it consists of a single layer rotational stability depends on the lateral ulnohumeral liga-
of collagen bundles within the posteromedial aspect of the ment, the ligamentum annulare, as well as on the muscular
capsule. The transverse ligament varies in both size and structures [16].
gross appearance because it extends from the inferomedial
margin of the coronoid process to the medial edge of the 3. Classification
olecranon [6]. Biomechanical trials have shown that the
MUCL predominantly contributes to the valgus stability of 3.1. Simple Elbow Dislocation from LUCL to MUCL.
the elbow. The tension of the anterior and posterior bundles O’Driscoll postulated that elbows dislocate in 3 stages
varies according to the degree of elbow flexion. In contrast to from the lateral to the medial side [3]. In simple posterior
the anterior and posterior bundles, the transverse ligament dislocations, the mechanism of injury can be thought of as a
is not important for elbow stability because it does not circle of soft tissue disruption that starts from the lateral side
span the ulnohumeral joint [8]. The anterior bundle of the and progresses to the medial side.
MUCL serves as the primary static stabilizer to valgus stress Stage 1 is characterized by the total disruption of the
from 20∘ to 120∘ of elbow flexion [9]. The anterior bundle lateral ulnar collateral ligament and the partial or total dis-
of the MUCL is more susceptible to valgus overload than ruption of the remaining lateral collateral ligament complex,
the posterior bundle in extension or at a low flexion angle. resulting in posterolateral rotatory subluxation of an elbow
The posterior bundle is more susceptible at higher flexion that may reduce spontaneously. Patients suffer from pain
angles of the elbow. However, other authors have reported when varus stress is applied to the elbow.
that the posterior bundle serves as a secondary stabilizer Stage 2 includes the disruption of the anterior capsule that
at high degrees of flexion [10]. Pollock et al. demonstrated results in incomplete elbow dislocation in a posterolateral
that posterior bundle sectioning resulted in a 30% increase direction. X-rays may show a coronoid process perched
in maximum varus and valgus laxity and a 29% increase in on the humeral trochlea. Reduction is very easy and often
maximum internal rotation during pronated active flexion. unknowingly instigated by patients when bending the elbow.
These findings suggest that the posterior bundle may be Stage 3 is divided into two subgroups:
important in the late cocking phase of throwing [11]. (a) Describing the disruption of all soft tissues sur-
The radial head is essential for the stability of the rounding and including the posterior part of the
radial column of the elbow, particularly in elbow dislocation medial collateral ligament except for the anterior
fractures involving injuries to the medial collateral ligament bundle. This bundle forms the pivot around which the
4 Advances in Orthopedics
elbow dislocates in a posterior direction by way of a 3.5. Fracture Dislocations of the Elbow. Elbow dislocations are
posterolateral rotatory mechanism; not only characterized according to the morphological crite-
ria of the radial head and the coronoid, but mainly according
(b) Being the complete disruption of the medial collateral
to the direction of dislocation, namely, anterior, posterior,
ligament complex of the elbow [3].
and divergent. The position of the forearm is described to the
upper arm. Posterior dislocations are the most frequent, and
Another model described by Ring and Jupiter [17] divides
anterior dislocations are the least common form. Anterior
the stabilizing factors into anterior, posterior, medial, and
elbow dislocations always involve fractures of the olecranon.
lateral columns. The risk of chronic instability increases with
Divergent elbow dislocations separating the radius and the
the amount of columns injured. In this model, single MUCL
ulna occur in high-impact trauma and include rupture of
rupture is viewed as a minor injury. No different grading
the membrana interossea, ligamentum annulare, and often
exists for injuries to the MUCL in comparison to injuries to
rupture of the distal radioulnar joint.
the LUCL as classified by O’Driscoll.
3.2. Radial Head Fractures. Mason has classified radial head 3.6. Anterior or Transolecranon Fracture Dislocations. This
fractures into three types according to morph metric criteria complex injury occurs after a direct high-energy blow to
[18]. This classification was extended by Johanson, who the posterior aspect of the forearm with the elbow in 90∘ of
additionally described elbow dislocation: flexion [21]. The forearm dislocates in anterior direction in
relation to the incisura trochlearis in contrast to the anterior
Type I: 2-part radial head fractures without any or less than Monteggia dislocation. Distal of the ulna fracture line, the
2 mm of fragment dislocation, membrana interossea, and the distal radio-ulnar joint remain
intact. Anterior Monteggia dislocations involve additional
Type II: 2-part radial head fractures with more than 2 mm
injuries to the membrana interossea and the distal radio-
fragment dislocation,
ulnar joint [22].
Type III: multiple fragment radial head fractures that are sur-
gically reconstructable,
3.7. Posterior Monteggia Fracture Dislocations. This injury
Type IV: Radial head fractures with additional ligamentous occurs after high-energy traumas and involves a multifrag-
injury and dislocation. mentary fracture of the proximal ulna. Triangular or quad-
rangular fragments are frequent and typically involve the
3.3. Coronoid Process Fractures. Coronoid process fractures coronoid process. Usually, the radial head becomes fractured
have been classified by Regan und Morrey [19] as well as by and dislocated dorsally to the distal ulna fragment. The lateral
O’Driscoll et al. [2]. Regan and Morrey simplified matters ligament complex may be torn, but the medial ligament
by dividing coronoid fractures in the sagittal plane into two remains intact.
groups, above 50% or below 50% of the height measured In elbow dislocation fractures, it is most important to
from the tip to the baseline. O’Driscoll’s classification takes reconstruct the ulnohumeral joint, particularly fragments of
into account that coronoid process injuries are shear stress the coronoid base. The anteromedial bundle of the medial
fractures that involve the ligamentous insertion of the medial collateral ligament inserts on the coronoid base, stabilizing
ulnar collateral ligament complex (Figure 2(b)). Ulna stress the joint during valgus stress, which represents an important
leads to an avulsion fracture of the coronoid process by the part of the stabilizing medial column. Loss of the medial ulnar
anteromedial bundle of the medial ulnar collateral ligament collateral ligament in the context of a fractured coronoid be
(MUCL). treated surgically, for example, by splitting the flexor muscles
[23]. Complex fractures involving instability after internal
osteosynthesis and ligament reconstruction can be treated
3.4. Terrible Triad Injury. Injury mechanisms with com- with the additional application of a hinged fixator that can be
pressive force to the radial head and a fracture line in applied with a limited range of motion in very difficult cases
the radial neck should draw attention to the lateral ulnar [24–27].
collateral ligaments (LUCL). The combination of coronoid
and radial head fractures with rupture of the (LUCL) was first
described by Hotchkiss [20] and has been termed “terrible 4. Diagnostics
triad injury.” According to the stability criteria and column
theory established by Ring and Jupiter [17], at least two Patient questionnaires on elbow dislocations should include
stabilizing columns (anterior and lateral) are lost in such topics, such as trauma mechanism, impact, and posttrau-
injuries. Because of the coronoid fracture, the medial column matic neurological sensations. Clinical examinations should
may also be involved. If the fracture line crosses the coronoid start distally from the injured joint and include the check-
base, in which the anteromedial bundle of the (MUCL) ing of vascular, sensory, and muscular functions. Two-
inserts, the medial column is also lost. Resection of the dimensional X-ray images should be taken before and after
fractured radial head is likely to destabilize the elbow, which repositioning maneuvers and should include the radial head
increases the risk of further dislocation and posttraumatic and the olecranon. CT scans may be indicated in case of
instability. inconclusive X-ray results or if surgery is required.
Advances in Orthopedics 5
Table 1: Classification of elbow instability and labeling of injured categorized three stages of instability between athletes and
ligaments. nonathletes. Because of the lack of sufficient evidence-based
data, we developed our own posttrauma concept for simple
Direction of instability
elbow dislocations that was based on biomechanical findings
Varus Valgus and our own experience. Choice of therapy, that is, surgical or
LCL + LUCL 0∘ aMUCL conservative treatment, depends on the individual instability
LCL > LUCL 30∘ aMUCL > pMUCL criteria present. Severe joint and ligament reconstructions
LCL ≥ LUCL 60∘ aMUCL < MUCL (pMUCL) with persisting instability require elbow bridging with a
LUCL 90∘ MUCL (PMCL) hinged fixator with or without limited extension of the elbow
Overextension Ventral capsule + aMUCL + LCL to retain stability and joint movement [27], which will be
explained in the following.
5.4. Elbow Dislocations Affecting the Medial Column. Most Table 2: Oral cortisone drug medication in stiff shoulder or stiff
of the knowledge on single MUCL lesions has been gained elbow therapy.
from examining athletes such as javelin throwers or handball
Period of therapy Dosage of oral cortisone therapy
players [41]. Chronic instability requires surgery includ-
ing ligament augmentation [42]. In our experience, acute 1–5 40 mg per day
trauma patients with a valgus stress injury and a consecutive 6–10 30 mg per day
single MUCL lesion suffer from limited range of motion 11–15 20 mg per day
(Figure 5(a)). Two-dimensional X-ray images of the elbow 16–20 10 mg per day
often show no fractures with regular alignment. MRI illus-
trates in such cases single MUCL injury (Figures 5(b)-5(c)).
However, patients unable to bend their elbow are usually in
reported an incidence of posttraumatic heterotopic ossifica-
pain if they try to do so. Patients tend to extend their elbow
tion between 1.6% and 56%. In elbow fracture dislocations,
and reject any flexion above 80∘ , which is a strong clinical
elbow stiffness and heterotopic ossification affect up to 20%
marker for MUCL distortion or rupture. Bracing the elbow
of the patients [55, 56]. Concurrent elbow and radial head
with a limited range of motion in flexion will lead to a pain-
injuries raise this incidence rate to almost 90%, and even
free stable elbow within 2 to 4 weeks or, in severe cases, up to
patients with an isolated injury to the radial head suffer elbow
8 weeks.
stiffness in 5 to 10% [57, 58]. Duerig reported that elbow
dislocations are rarely unstable in the absence of an associated
6. Complications in Elbow Dislocations and articular fracture. Most posterior elbow dislocations are
Dislocation Fractures stable and would, thus, benefit from active exercises and
functional use of the arm within 2 weeks after the injury [59].
6.1. Chronic Instability. Pain and persistent instability have to Mehlhoff et al. suggested that early mobilization is paramount
be observed and, in individual cases, stabilized by ligament for avoiding arthrofibrosis in elbow dislocations and is, thus,
complex augmentation [43, 44]. Sometimes, elbow disloca- the key factor in posttraumatic care. However, in a followup
tions categorized as stage 1 and stage 2 are underestimated. of 52 patients, the same authors reported 24 patients suffering
Insufficient clinical and radiological examinations may clas- from persistent pain and 34 patients with a limited range of
sify an injury as a distortion, and the patient is discharged motion, which is a rather questionable result [60]. Yet, early
without any further treatment. Ruptured collateral ligaments mobilization has been suggested by the AAOS for simple
result in hyper-mobility of the elbow joint; this condition and complex elbow dislocations [61]. This elbow mobilization
leads to the very painful overcompensation of the extensor program allows controlled movements without putting strain
muscle group [45]. Elongation of the scar tissue of the on injured structures. However, little data is available on early
ruptured LUCL complex requires a ligament plastic. Several motion therapy.
methods have been described for this procedure, such as From a basic research view, inflammatory reactions of the
the transplantation of a biceps tendon through the coronoid healing process are responsible for capsulitis and shrinkage
process or reinforcement of the collateral ligaments [46] of the capsula by SMA myofibroblasts [62]. A torn capsula
or the reconstruction of the collateral ligament complex by will inflame and develop a kind of capsular adhesive during
autograft transplantation of triceps tendon [44, 47] or by a the healing process. Scar tissue formed by fibrocytes and
gracilis graft [48]. myocytes may impede the desired healing process, particu-
In elbow fracture dislocations, surgeons aim at achieving larly if an elbow is immobilized for 3 weeks after the trauma.
anatomical reduction and stabilization of the elbow joint [49]. According to our experience, elbows will also get stiff when
The medial facet of the coronoid to the humeral trochlear immobilized for more than 3 weeks after the trauma. How-
is identified as a key factor for the medial stability of the ever, capsular fibrosis can be stopped and even reduced again
elbow, and intensive reconstruction maneuvers are indicated by the oral administration of cortisol and spironolactone [63–
to regain stability of the elbow joint if the medial facet of the 65] (Table 2, Figures 6(a)–6(c)). Temporary elbow stiffness
coronoid is lost [50, 51]. Milch’s and Wainwright’s presented is a normal occurrence and should be treated with pain-
a bone block procedure, which has a mechanical effect on free long-lasting flexion and extension exercises over a long
the coronoid process to prevent its disengagement under period of time. In severe cases, cortisol and spironolactone
the trochlear by an anterior approach [46]. Furthermore, may be administered additionally.
osteochondral autografts have been tried for rebuilding the
lost medial coronoid facet, but only with minor success [52].
6.3. Heterotopic Ossification in Elbow Dislocations. Hetero-
topic ossification (HO) of the elbow is a common posttrau-
6.2. Elbow Stiffness and Physiotherapy. In posttraumatic care, matic occurrence resulting in limited range of motion [66].
elbow arthrofibrosis and heterotopic ossification are common The role of HO in elbow stiffness has to be analyzed by
complications that depend on the severity of an injury [1, CT scans with three-dimensional volume rendering, which
53]. Arthrofibrosis frequently occurs after elbow dislocation helps to analyze bony impingement areas. Arthroscopy is
leading to a median extension loss of 8∘ after one year [54]. In a common approach for releasing HO and regaining better
a trial by Protzman et al., almost 50% of patients developed range of motion [67–69]. Risk factors for HO are the time
heterotopic ossifications of the torn ligaments. Other authors elapsed between trauma and surgery as well as the number of
8 Advances in Orthopedics
(b) (c)
Figure 5: (a) Isolated rupture of the anterior medial ulnar collateral ligament (aMUCL) by valgus stress trauma. The patient was typically
suffering from a limited range of motion in flexion. Full range of motion with a stable elbow was restored with conservative treatment 10
weeks after trauma. (b) MRI proofed isolated aMUCL rupture of the photographed patient. The sagittal plane illustrated an inflammatory
reaction. (c) The frontal plane demonstrated the rupture of the MUCL complex from its proximal insertion on the medial epicondyle humeri.
days of immobilization after surgery [70]. Anti-inflammatory 2. Patients with severe elbow instability require an MRI
drugs, such as indometacin and radiation therapy, have been or a CT scan.
suggested as part of the operative treatment of HO [69].
3. In case of instability after repositioning, a plaster cast
should be applied at 110∘ of flexion, and secondary
surgical stabilization needs to be achieved within 5
7. Conclusion days.
1. Elbow dislocation is a severe injury leading to disabil- 4. Elbows that have been fluoroscopically proven to be
ity. Initial diagnostics should include instability tests laterally instable or medially stable have to be fur-
under fluoroscopic guidance. ther investigated for posterolateral instability, which
Advances in Orthopedics 9
(a) (b)
Figure 6: (a) X-rays illustrating radial head multifragmentary fracture. One slice of the CT scan proves the bony tendon tear of the triceps by
a young sports student, who was suffering from an elbow dislocation. (b) Postoperative X-rays demonstrating radial head reconstruction and
stabilization. The bony tear of the triceps tendon was sutured to the olecranon tip. (c) Forty-eight weeks after trauma, the young athlete was
not able to straighten the left elbow. Full range of motion was restored within 6 weeks by applying oral cortisone therapy with Prednisolon
5 mg tablets in decreasing dosage as described in Table 2.
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