Research Purposive Final 5
Research Purposive Final 5
Research Purposive Final 5
According to Patel (2016) emphasizes that Mathematics is a subject which is commonly found to
be hard for many people. He was also weak in the Mathematics in past but gradually with the help of his
teachers that will develop himself. Right now, he is not the scorer in Mathematics but he can say that this
subject is a good comfortable for him.
In addition to working as members of the classroom community, students also need to become
independent learners, both inside and outside the classroom. Students should have opportunities to work
independently of the teacher, individually and in pairs or groups. When homework is assigned for the
purpose of developing skills, students should be sufficiently familiar with the skills so that they do not
practice incorrect procedures. Only by becoming independent learners can students come to see
mathematics as doable and useful.
One of the strongest findings from research is that time and opportunity to learn are essential for
successful learning. For all students to develop mathematical proficiency, schools should devote a
substantial and regular amount of time to mathematics instruction. As an overall guideline, an hour each
school day should be devoted to mathematics instruction from kindergarten through high school grade
levels. This time should be apportioned so that all the strands of mathematical proficiency receive
adequate attention.
To achieve the goal of mathematical proficiency for all, many components of school mathematics
must be changed. In particular, instruction, instructional materials, assessments, teacher education and
professional development, and the broader educational system must work together to ensure that all
students become engaged with mathematics throughout their all levels of school years.
C . Teachers need support that will enable them to teach all students
to be Mathematically Proficient
Like any complex task, effective mathematics teaching must be learned. Teachers need a special
kind of knowledge. To teach mathematics well, they must themselves be proficient in mathematics, at a
much deeper level than their students. They also must understand how students develop mathematical
proficiency, and they must have a repertoire of teaching practices that can promote proficiency.
Unfortunately, very few teachers have the specialized knowledge needed to teach mathematics in the
ways envisioned in this report. The view of mathematical proficiency presented here requires that
teachers act in new ways and have knowledge and understanding they once were not expected to have.
Like learning in any profession, learning to teach for mathematical proficiency is a career-long
challenge. Acquiring this knowledge and learning how to use it effectively in the classroom will take not
only time but resources. Professional development must become a continuing part of
the teacher’s workweek rather than taking the form of an occasional workshop. Teachers need extensive
opportunities to learn, to observe models of effective practice, and to have access to expertise in
mathematics teaching. It is not reasonable in the short term to expect all teachers to acquire the
knowledge they need to teach for mathematical proficiency. To further promote effective teaching and
learning, mathematics specialists, the teachers who have special training and interest in mathematics.
B . Students
This study is very important for the students about the strategies and techniques on how to
understand carefully the mathematical equations in any topics. They are also to be a responsible to be
participative and cooperative way to have not only for enjoyment, but also to enhance their knowledge.
C . Universities / Schools
This study involves in public and private universities and schools. All the teachers and other staffs
in every schools can create a program such as seminars and other events for month of mathematics
subject that can help for the students to learn more and to improve their mathematical proficiency.
The purpose of this study aims to have a better performance due to the mathematical skills for
the students from Arellano University - Jose Rizal Campus.
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Course
3 . Why students should require a new types of tests for their math proficiency?
This study shows the solution of the problem to make students to have a successful of improving their
Mathematical performances.
-Achievements for
-Basic math learning their
-Training activities teaching mathematics.
in Mathematics for strategies.
-Students are having
the students.
-Student their guidelines in
performance. solving the mathematical
This chapter represented research method used, description of the respondents’ profile, data
gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.
The purpose of this study is to understand an experience from the respondents’ point of view.
The focus is on the respondents’ perception of the event or situation and the study should answer the
question of the experiences.
Research Design
This study uses a survey method to access a demographic profile of the respondents in terms
of their age, gender, and course. Therefore, this design deeply interacted in monitoring the respondents
in form of quantitative approaches. This will analyze as well because, the quantitative research has more
objectives in measuring the data as comprehensive way in forms of statistical methods.
This research sampling that researcher used is a convenience sampling in which an equal
representation for grade level among the respondents was applied.
Description of Respondents
The respondents are described in terms of the following variables such as Age, Gender, and
Data Collection
The researcher managed all the survey questionnaires and guided the respondents in
answering the said questions and collected the survey form.
Statistical Treatment
This study responses to the questionnaire by the 1st year of BSBA college students were
statistically analyzed with the data requirements of the study and also the college students were
statistically analyzed with the data instruments of the study. The descriptive statistics such as frequency
count or the number of respondents, average, rounded off from average and ranking description. The
researcher uses the weighted mean of data strategy to measure the average of a rank from every
question or statement.
WM = ∑ 𝒇𝒙
where : ∑ = summation
f = frequency
x = rank equivalent
n = total number of respondents
I . Student Profile
A . Gender
B . Age
C . Course
II. Questions
Statement # 1 Statement # 2
Statement # 3 Statement # 4
Statement # 5 Statement # 6
Statement # 7 Statement # 8
Statement # 9 Statement # 10
The goal of the study is to monitor the students through their performance in Mathematics and
on how to enjoy this academic subject.
The study is all about the strategies and techniques on how to make students to be a
Mathematical proficiency. This is where to measure the college students on what is the benefits of a
mathematics and what makes valuable for them. It includes of the five (5) strands of Mathematical
Proficiency and the step-by-step processes on teaching strategies on how to make students will
mastering this part of academic challenges that they want to cope and which shows the better
understanding and the importance for the betterment of an academic subject through their proper
The study has a content of student profile such as gender, age and course about themselves.
The researcher makes a type of research which is called Quantitative Research and he use the strategy
of convenience sampling which means, he conducts a survey questionnaires through his favorite
respondents to choose and also to give them based on their experiences of challenging the Mathematics
The respondents are composed of 20 college students from Arellano University – Jose Rizal
Campus and it was divided into three (3) courses from BSBA. These are BSBA – Financial Management,
BSBA – Marketing Management and BSBA – Human Resource Development Management.
The outcome of the study from the students that conduct a survey questionnaires is most of
them are getting an interest in Mathematics, and also they are not surrender even if the lectures have a
complex situations such as formulas and other kind of computations have much difficulties to them.
There are 20 respondents from Arellano University – Jose Rizal Campus that their course are all
1st year BSBA college students.
The performance of the respondents in an academic subject of Mathematics are always very well.
The college students are most of the time are doing positively whenever the task is very hard
from them.
The college students are always trying to give their best for the challenges in Mathematics during
their many activities, exercises and so on and so forth. Whether it is very hard for them or some
others are not, they are pursuing or to continue the challenges to solve the problems against
The college students are showing their unity, participative and cooperative way to learn with an
excitement in performing their specific tasks. Also they are keep practicing by the means of
studying on how to get the answer from the mathematical problems. This will show the levels of
their skills and better performance to mastering the lessons as well.
The final verdict of this study is to ensure the college students to improve their mathematical
proficiency through enhancement.
Therefore the researcher will conclude that Mathematics is the most crucial that can be use for
their future someday and to keep their knowledge with some of the moral lessons from it.
The researcher recommend that all the students must overcome their work and efforts in
Mathematics for being sustainable academic standards. These are the following solutions for the students
that will engage as math proficient.
The student must play some mathematical games. This will improve their numerical intelligence,
logical and certain patterns.
The teachers must to teach carefully, not literally to much slow. This is where the students can
easily to understand the lessons in Mathematics.
The students should start from the basic topics or lessons to avoid confusion.
The teachers should repeat some previous lessons for the students that teach every last year.
If the students are not get the solutions from the topic, they must to go to their math teachers or
people that are professional in Mathematics to teach them at all times for better understanding
The students should always listen in Mathematics class on every topic that your teachers or
professors are teaching on that time.
The students should focus on every topic to learn easily.
Practice is the most important technique not only for Mathematics, but also in other subjects. In
mathematics, this can be used for training on how to get the solution from the mathematical
problems given in a situation.
* Elicit - evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions
or questions.
* Fluency - is often described as the ability to produce language on demand and be understood.
* Integrated - combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole.