Over-Current and Earth Fault Protection
Over-Current and Earth Fault Protection
Over-Current and Earth Fault Protection
As the fault impedance is less than load impedance, the fault current is
more than load current. If a short circuit occurs the circuit impedance is
reduced to a low value and therefore a fault is accompanied by large
Not: Now Digital Numerical Relay you can used for all types
I0 * T = K
I = Current in relay coil
T = Relay lime
K = Constant.
In inverse characteristic, time is inversely proportional to current i.e.
I1 * T = K
In more inverse characteristic
In * T = K
The relays which are not instantaneous are called Time Delay Relay'. Such
relays are provided with delaying means such as drag magnet, dash poss.
bellows, escape mechanisms, back-stop arrangement, etc.
The characteristic with definite minimum time and of inverse type is also
called Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) characteristics (Fig.1).
(Fig.1) Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT)
These current flows through relay coils and the relay picks-up, the relay
contacts close, thereby the trip circuit is closed and the circuit breaker-
operates The over-current protection scheme with three over-current relays
(Fig. 2) responds to phase faults and earth faults including single-phase to
earth fault.
Therefore such schemes are used with solidly earthed systems where phase
to phase and phase to earth faults are likely to occur.
For proper functioning of over-current and earth fault protection, the choice of
CT's andpolarity connections should be correct.
2 Two OC relays
with two CT's
for phase to
phase fault
4 Three OC EF setting
relays with less than
three CT's for phase fault
phase to phase setting
fault protection
and phase to
earth fault.
5 Two OC and
one EF relays
for phase to
phase and
phase to earth
fault protection
Earth-Fault Protection
When the fault current flows through earth return path, the fault is called Earth
Fault. Other faults which do not involve earth are called phase faults. Since
earth faults are relatively frequent, earth fault protection is necessary in most
cases. When separate earth fault protection is not economical, the phase
relays sense the earth fault currents. However such protection lacks
sensitivity. Hence separate earth fault protection is generally provided. Earth
fault protection senses earth fault current. Following are the method of earth
fault protection.
Connections of CT's for Earth-fault Protection
IR+I Y +I B =0
The earth-fault relay is connected such that the residual current flows
through it (Figs.3 and Fig. 4), in the absence of earth-fault,
Therefore, the residually connected earth-fault relay does not operate.
However, in presence of earth fault the conditions is disturbed
and (IR+I Y +I B ) is no more zero. Hence flows through the earth-fault
relay. If the residual current is above the pick-up value, the earth-fault
relay operates.
In the scheme discussed here the earth-fault at any location near or
away from the location of CT's can cause the residual current flow.
Hence the protected
zone is not definite. Such protection is called unrestricted earth-fault protection
. Let Ia, Ib and I c , be the three line currents and Φa, Φb and
Φc be corresponding components of magnetic flux in the core. Assuming
linearity, we get resultant flux Φ as,
Φ=k (Ia + Ib + I c )
(Ia + Ib + I c )= 3 I c= I n
Where, Io is zero sequence current and In, is current in neutral to ground
circuit. During normal condition, when earth fault is absent,
(Ia + Ib + Ic) = 0
Hence Φr = 0 and relay does not operate
During earth fault the earth fault current flows through return neutral path.
For example for single line ground fault,
If = 3Iao = In
The termination of a three core cable into three separate lines or bus-bars is
through cable terminal box. Ref. (Fig. 7), the Core Balance Protection is used
along with the cable box and should be installed before making the cable
The induced current flowing through cable sheath of normal healthy cable
needs particular attention with respect to the core balance protection.
The sheath currents (Ish) flow through the sheath to the cover of cable-
box and then to earth through the earthing connection between cable-box.
For eliminating the error due to sheath current (Ish) the earthing lead
between the cable-box and the earth should be taken through the core of the
core balance protection.
Thereby the error due to sheath currents is eliminated. The cable box should
be insulated from earth.
1. Cable terminal box
2. Sheath of 3 core cable connection to (1)
3. Insulator support for 1
4. Earthing connection passing through 5
5. Core balance CT
Fig (7) Mounting of Core
Balance CT with Cable
Terminal Box
Frame-leakage Protection