Benefits of Quitting Smoking

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Queensland Health

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

The best thing a smoker can do for their Benefits of quitting
health is to quit smoking. So, why quit? There are so many good reasons to
quit smoking.
If you smoke, your body is constantly working to try and The benefits include improvements to your health, your
repair the damage done by regularly inhaling more than looks, your sense of taste and smell, your fitness and
7000 toxic chemicals. your finances. You will feel better about yourself and
improve the health of family and friends around you.
Benefits of quitting start immediately, with noticeable
improvements in the first 72 hours.
Psychological and social benefits
Health benefits from the TIME you quit People often say that they feel a strong sense of pride
20 minutes Heart rate drops. when they quit.
12 hours Blood levels of carbon monoxide Quitting is a chance to be who you want to be
drop dramatically. and allows you to feel more comfortable in social
72 hours Sense of taste and smell improve. situations. With most public and work places now
smoke free, being a smoker can increase barriers
2 weeks– Lung function and circulation to socialising. Research has shown that three to six
3 months improves. months after quitting, ex-smokers have less stress
1–9 months Coughing and shortness of breath and anxiety than before they quit. Smokers have more
decrease. stress because they are constantly dealing with the
1 year Risk of coronary heart disease is anxiety that cravings cause.
halved compared to continuing
smokers. Appearance and ageing
5 years Stroke risk is reduced to that of a
non-smoker five to 15 years after Smoking ages and wrinkles your skin. When you quit,
quitting. Risk of cancers of the your skin looks younger and healthier.
mouth, throat and oesophagus Quitting smoking means no more stains on your fingers
decreases. and teeth and you will no longer smell of cigarette
10 years Risk of lung cancer death is about smoke. You won’t only look better but you will feel
half that of a continuing smoker better too because your body is healthier and your
and continues to decline. Risk of fitness level is improved. You’ll also feel great because
cancers of the bladder, kidney and you have achieved something that is really hard to do
pancreas decreases. for many people.
15 years Risk of coronary heart disease
and risk of death is the same as
someone who has never smoked.
Benefits of quitting smoking  ­­Page 2

Your finances Making the decision to quit

Quit smoking and you will have extra money. It is never too late to decide to quit smoking.
With prices currently averaging around $25 for a packet The sooner you quit, the better your life expectancy. If
of cigarettes and increasing to $40 on average by you have tried to quit before and have not succeeded,
2020, you could save around $9000 every year. That’s consider seeking support and using pharmacotherapy.
an overseas holiday, money towards a car, house or a
shopping spree. In the long-term, if you saved at this
rate for five years you would save around $36,500.
Based on spending $25 per day on cigarettes, you can
see the savings add up quickly.

How to quit
Here are some useful tips to improve your chance of quitting and staying quit.

Get support Use quit smoking products

Call Quitline 13 QUIT Research shows that using products will give you the best chance of
(13 7848) for a tailored quitting for good. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and prescribed
approached to help medications are the recommended product types available to help you
you quit. Quitline is quit.
available 7am to 10pm,
7 days a week. • NRT such as patches, gum, lozenges and mouth mist work by replacing
some of the nicotine from cigarettes, without passing on the harmful
chemicals found in tobacco smoke. They also help to reduce withdrawal
Talk to your health symptoms such as cravings and anxiety. NRT products are available over
professional the counter, or your GP can prescribe patches at a discounted rate.
Discuss quitting • Non-nicotine medications, such as Buproprion Hcl and Varenicline
smoking with your are also effective in helping smokers to quit. These products are only
GP, pharmacist or available on prescription and your GP can help decide if they are suitable
community health for you.
worker, and plan
your quitting strategy Combine counselling from Quitline with quit smoking products to give
together. yourself the best chance of quitting.
Download the free MyQuitBuddy app (available from the Google Play
Store, Apple iTunes online store and Windows Phone Store). For further
information on MyQuitBuddy visit

7am to 10pm
QH985 5/17

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