2012 Ascension
2012 Ascension
2012 Ascension
given in 2008/2009
from CosmicAwarenessCommunications Website
Spanish version
Part I
There will be no friction with the solar winds and rays. This will result
in darkness. This could explain the three days of darkness as foretold
by various sources.
When the Portals Open a Tsunami of Energy Will Hit Our Planet
With the opening of these energy portals, these gateways, when the
alignment occurs with the central sun, the force that will go through
will be that force which will carry the planet to its higher frequencies.
It will be as if a tsunami of energies that hit the planet at that time.
It is for this reason that it is necessary for those who will ascend to
have raised their consciousness to a point so that when the energies
hit, they will simply ride the wave and come to the new shoreline. In
this time, events can occur as described by the Questioner, such as
the time of darkness, the shifting of the North/South poles, the
shifting of the planet, the turning over of the planet.
Those who do not achieve that higher level of consciousness that will
allow them to surf this energy wave will be affected most negatively
by it. It is at this time that the catastrophic consequences that have
for so long been predicted by so many will indeed affect a majority of
the beings on the planet. Many will at that time leave physical
existence through the death experience.
This will become their way of removing themselves for there is no
wish on their part to experience that which will come, as those who
survive this period of time experience the reality of a new physical
world, that being the energies of that planet which this Awareness
has called Planet B.
Those who choose to simply leave will reenter spirit form and it will
be their choice whether to continue existence on that which is Planet
A or Planet B or any other dimension that they choose, for it is the
choice on the spirit level that is relevant to what experience one
would have in whatever dimension of consciousness one would
choose. They would thus be free to make whatever choice they
would wish to make.
All that was will have been swept away and they will be reduced to a
most basic and primitive state. There will be those who will anticipate
this event, who will have prepared for this event, and those are the
ones this Awareness has called the Elite in the past. They will have
with them those who would serve them, those who would be party to
that experience, but there will be many who survive at the most
primitive level on a planet that no longer is as it once was.
There is more, but this Awareness is leaving this for a future time.
Why Did The Mayan Calendar Come To An Abrupt Halt In The Year
They will open that which is often called a “wormhole” to the Central
Sun, and they will also align and open the 7 vortices through which
spirit passes, both in entering into physical existence as well as
exiting back, into spiritual form.
Once this occurs, this alignment of planetary bodies and the opening
of the 7 vortices, and the opening of that wormhole, on that date the
alignment will create an event. That event is that which this
Awareness has called a cosmic energy flux or a light flux, a photon
flux. The energies of the Central Sun will pass through the corridor,
creating a tsunami of light that will hit the planet at that time and
create great havoc and upheaval. In that event, time and the
recorded history of mankind will end and a new time will begin.
That is the moment and the point that this Awareness has often
called the Ascension point.
This is the event that will happen on that date, or near to that date,
for there is still speculation because of adjusting calendars over the
course of history that will qualify that time somewhat, but still, the
event itself is that which will precipitate the Ascension process. This
is that which will occur around the date December 21, 2012.
Question: How did the Mayans come to realize this knowledge way
back when?
Each time it passes through, that which is the individual soul that is
seeking expression is condensed. Thus, by the time it has passed
through the 7 Gateways and is ready to enter into human form, that
spiritual body is com-pressed and condensed to such a degree that it
can actually enter physicality, enter into a physical existence.
Part of the experiment was that the soul would go through that which
has been called by many names, but mostly known as the veil of
forgetfulness, so that it would not remember its true nature. It would
simply associate itself with physicality, with a physical material
experience. Part of the experiment is that there would be access to
the teachings of Spirit.
Even though one had gone through the veils of forgetfulness, even
though one may have been shackled by religious dogma into
structured religious belief, could the soul find its way back into its
spiritual understanding of self, even with the hindrances of
materialism and dogmatic beliefs as well as a physical focus versus a
spiritual focus.
It is they who hold the strings for they are the ones who shape
consciousness as held on the physical realm. It is they who have
created religion, who nave created politics, who have created a
materialistic concept of life, one that has enslaved, one that has
captured, one that has put strings upon those who live in this physical
This Awareness does state the last several hundred years, for since
the industrial revolution began, where mankind started to turn away
from the natural order, from his or her own connection to nature, to
the Mother, Gaia, there has been a falling away from the spiritual
connection, from that which was a natural connection, and with the
rise of technology, especially over the last 50 years, this acceleration
of the separation from spirit has indeed advanced very quickly.
At this time in mankind’s history, there is a great gap for the majority
of people from their spiritual source, from that sense of being
spiritually connected. This has nothing to do with those many who
attend regular religious services, for there is still a confusion between
that which is religion and that which is spirit, or spiritual.
At one time in the Western world, the Catholic faith was the only faith
to be followed, and it did hold great power over the minds and
attitudes and behaviors of many, but then with the entity known as
Martin Luther, a schism started to form which started to provide
alternative religious beliefs. Luther was followed by Calvin and the
many other religious entities who formulated new concepts, new
Protestant belief systems.
Those discussions still occur, but many would say that it is now a
forgone conclusion that man was not created in the way the Bible
suggests, but it was an evolutionary process. This Awareness is not
saying that is what happened. This Awareness is just saying that is
the nature of the debate between Creationists and Darwinists.
There was nothing man felt he could not do, and thus, the Industrial
Revolution progressed and became the Technical Revolution, and
now, has advanced to that high level of technical knowledge that
exists in the world today. But at that level, a great price was also
extracted, and that price is separation from the Godhead, from the
Source, from that sense of connection to spirit itself, and even the
connection of nature and the planet itself.
This has been all part of that plan formed eons ago to bring mankind
to an evolutionary point where a great shift would occur, where a
great evolutionary leap would take place, and that is exactly where
mankind stands at this time.
In the process of bringing mankind to this epic point, much was lost,
much was forgotten, and those powers that were not focused on
bringing light onto the planet, or working from a place of
unconditional love, gained power, gained momentum, gained control,
and those times from the Industrial Revolution to now were marked
by this decrease in spiritual awareness, spiritual connectedness, and
an increase in the arrogance of the human mind to think itself
superior to the planet itself and to even God.
Man became God, and many felt there was nothing man could not
do. They could go to the moon. They could go the depths of the
oceans. They could build great cities. They could create great
computers and systems of technology. This was the loss of the soul,
or at least the connection to the soul that this Awareness is speaking
of. And during this time, there have always been those Light Workers
who have held a space, who have held an access point to Spirit, who
could bring Spirit into the human condition.
In the last 20 years, those who this Awareness has often called the
Light Workers, the Wanderers, those who have held that spiritual
connection, have been hard pressed, as mankind itself has reached
this crucial stage.
The Light Workers have often held, without even their understanding
of it, a recognition of this work that they have done, a space that has
allowed Spirit to continue to exist in this consciousness that has
marred this planet over the last several hundred years, but in
particular, over the last two decades.
Some Light Workers Fell by the Wayside, Became Agents of the
Often, it has been the case that Light Workers have felt that they
could not hold any longer, they could not keep up the great effort that
was required of them, and it is true that many Light Workers did fall
by the wayside, did lose their way, became embroiled in the dark
energies, sometimes not even understanding that they had done so.
The fact that some of the Light Workers were led astray is no big
deal, for it simply is what happened, and in the journey, each
individual is asked to come to their own inner truth, their own inner
understanding. The big deal of those who were led astray is that
inadvertently they have worked to advance the causes of those Dark
Forces that have controlled and manipulated for so long.
But even those who have been led astray can once again move
themselves back towards the Light, back to being of pure service,
pure connection to Spirit, by looking deep within themselves at this
time and asking if they have been 100% true to their deepest inner
truth, to their deepest inner calling, to their deepest inner light.
This is a time now for all Light Workers to look deeply within
themselves and to be prepared to abandon those levels of belief,
those truths that they can see now perhaps were not in true
alignment with Spirit, were not true reflections of the Light, nor held a
true measure of unconditional love. This period of time, this time of
self-examination, self-inspection and introspection is needed as the
final purging that will allow a quantum leap for each individual who
seeks Ascension and for a collective body who also are prepared
now to ascend.
And yet despite this sense of hopelessness, they have held a space
for Spirit, and the reward for doing so will indeed come to them at the
time that is right for them. It will come in the measure of the
Ascension process itself, and those who ascend into the higher
states of consciousness themselves of course included.
On the other side of that which is the Ascension, they will become
highly acknowledged for the spaces that they held and that which has
been given over the years. This Awareness is not seeking to pamper
Light Workers. It is simply acknowledging the service that has been
given that is often unrecognized, that has often had a great cost to
those individuals holding such spaces.
This Awareness is not promising, as in the religious sense of the
promise of reward after death, the reward It has spoken of. It is
stating a fact; that there will be an acknowledgement and recognition
of those who held to the truth, who held the space for service and for
Spirit. At this time, when many are still struggling, there begins to be
seen by many a glimmering of the new dawn, a sense of change, a
sense of promise to what will be. It is important at this time for those
who have struggled and sacrificed and have put their lives on the line
to understand that that the shift has begun.
This Awareness spoke once that the being known as Lucifer had
returned back to the Godhead, had returned back to the Light. The
holder of the Light, the giver of Light, that being known as Lucifer,
who had begun the separation of consciousness away from Spirit,
has indeed returned back to the Godhead.
If the archangel who was the leader of the angelic realm, who
proceeded out on that curve of experience to separate from the
Godhead, from the Source, from Spirit, has returned home, is it not
time for the many followers to return also, for the Prodigal Son to
return, the Prodigal Daughter to return back to the Source, back to
the Godhead?
This is the journey that is now and has always been underway, but it
has come to that point which has been called the Ascension Point,
where the many will make the choice to return fully back into a
spiritual connection, into a spiritually orientated life, in union and in
alignment with the planet herself, with Mother Earth, Gaia herself.
All lived in spiritual union and harmony. This would be in that time
known as the Lemurian Age on this planet, where there was great
spiritual harmony, great spiritual awareness, where all lived together
in peace and harmony, where the lion and the lamb laid down
together. This is what is approaching once again. This is not what will
be reached in the Ascension process that is immediately ahead, but it
is where mankind is heading once again.
This is seen as several thousand years ahead still, but the beginning
of the new Golden Age is about to begin again, and that is why this
Awareness says yes, the Golden Age referred to is one of Ascension,
is one of the integration, the blending and the harmony of the spiritual
and the physical space of existence.
After the Coming Shift, Will We Interact With Loved Ones Who Have
Died Previously?
Thus, the sense of loss is even greater. This was not always so. Most
indigenous people do not hold it as so, but also in the history of
mankind, at one time it was held that there was very little barrier
between physical life and spirit life, and the two intermeshed
constantly and it was more than possible to engage the presence of
ancestors. In fact, ancestors were often sought for guidance and
advice and this is still so for many of the indigenous people such as
the Aborigines and others around the world.
The concept that this will change and be more available is thus not a
valid concept or even a valid question, for it already exists: that state
of communication with those loved ones who have passed over. It
simply requires an openness to this and a belief that it is so for it to
be so.
With the Ascension process, many will be much more able to extend
their consciousness, not only upwards, but outwards, and in all
directions. Thus it will be possible for many to have access to that
which is Cosmic Awareness, that which is the level of consciousness
of this Awareness.
So the answer is indeed “Yes,” that with Ascension, many more will
be able to communicate more directly with this Awareness, will
understand the Source, because they will be more directly able to
connect to that Source and to be open to that Source.
This Awareness wishes also to state that many are now starting to
experience this as the case, even before that time of Ascension is
reached, for as this Awareness has said before, the Ascension time
is flexible and it is indeed subject to individual interpretation. In other
words, even though there is seen as a time of a mass Ascension of
many, that there is also seen some individuals who have the honor of
going ahead, who have already been working towards Ascension.
There are indeed more and more who are reaching that level of
personal Ascension before the mass event occurs, and these
individuals are speaking more and more for this Awareness, and for
the many voices of Awareness that are now starting to be issued,
that are starting to be heard and starting to be expressed.
This Awareness points out that in the early days of the organization
known as Cosmic Awareness Communications, there were very few
voices for this Awareness. Indeed, the voice of Cosmic Awareness
was the only organizational voice available in the 1960s and 1970s.
This already has shifted, as consciousness has been shifting over the
last thirty plus years.
Many Entities Today Are Channeling Awareness to Some Degree
There are many more who are voices for this Awareness now, but
they are also voices for many other layers and levels of
consciousness, for many other entities who would speak through
them, for the shifting of consciousness has indeed led to an
expansion of availability to channel many entities, many levels of
Some are being used nefariously, are being used to misdirect and
mislead, but still the human condition as it moves towards expanded
consciousness, evolved consciousness, is indeed turning outwards
and is indeed opening up to a higher degree of conscious awareness
which allows for the connection to the multidimensional universe to
be made, which allows for the expressing and the channeling of this
Awareness and other levels of consciousness to occur.
Those Going to Planet “B” - How Will We Know If They Died or Not?
Question: Regarding the shift, Awareness said that some people will
literally die and others who appear to die will simply transfer to the
other planet and not experience death. If we align with one planet,
and others in our family align with the other planet, is there a way to
tell if our loved ones have died literally, or if they simply transferred?
Thus it is that loved ones or those who are part of the group soul that
an individual may stem from, will always be available to them. The
union that occurs within the fabric of the soul matrix will reunite
always, no matter if an individual is progressing along that timeline,
that conscious line that would be known as Planet B, or even Planet
In this line, the physical suffering that may occur, the physical loss
that may be so because of this separation, may be greater than that
which exists on the current line of physical existence. The sense of
loss to those beings who exist on that line may be such that there
truly is no sense of an afterlife after physical death.
Thus it may be that one might experience the loss of a loved one or
an acquaintance in a physical manner, a death. What will be much
more prevalent however is that people will simply not be part of one’s
life anymore. A separation will occur without any realization that there
is any loss, that there is a separation.
People will simply not be part of an individual’s life any longer and
there will not be even any thought to this, for as the separation grows
greater between the two planets: Planet A and Planet B, that sense
of other individuals will diminish, especially for those who continue
along that line of physical experience that will define the experiential
line of experiences that is Planet B.
Planet “A” Will Move Into the 4th and 5th Dimensions
Question: It has been stated that our present DNA, chakras, auras,
cells, must be released from the restrictions imposed upon them at
one point in time, to become clear again. It has also been stated this
is necessary to enable us to tolerate the higher vibrations as lower
vibrations cannot prevail on Ascension Planet A.
Those who exist on either of those two planets will have been altered
so that they can exist physically on the new planets. Those who
choose to go towards that higher level of consciousness that will be
existence on Planet A will find that their genetic structure has altered
to that which would be a higher frequency, and would allow a greater
amount of those 12 strands of genetic material to be used and
opened. That is part of the genetic shift that is occurring at this time.
Those who choose not to raise their vibrations will actually shut down
and part of the genetic code that will be needed to function on a
much denser plane will be lost, or at least shut off. Only 2 of the 12
strands have currently been used by mankind over the last several
thousand years. It is seen that this will be reduced down to one
strand for those who stay on that planetary consciousness level that
is Planet B.
However, those who have chosen the Ascension process, or are part
of the Ascension, whether they recognize their choice in this matter
or not, will have an expansion of the genetic material, the DNA
strands, an opening up once again of those strands that were once
fully functional, and this will be part of that shift in consciousness, that
shift towards the higher vibrational frequencies.
The question is which came first: the intent for unconditional love or
experiencing unconditional love? The two support each other. It does
not matter which an individual starts with - the feelings of
unconditional love or the intent to feel unconditional love. They are
both part of the same thing.
They have not had to go anywhere else, they are simply in that
space, just as other vibrations are in the space, as X-rays and
gamma rays and television rays and radios waves or vibrations or
frequencies all are in the room at the same time the individual is in
that room.
Thus it will be with both planets, Planet A and Planet B, that their
frequencies will change. They will occupy, in a manner of speaking,
the same space, but it will not be at the physical level. Planet A will
lift itself beyond the physical, creating a new form of physicality at a
higher frequency, as will Planet B, creating a new form of denser
physicality at a different vibration or frequency.
This Awareness states that all three are somewhat relevant and
possible, but that by far, what will occur is the latter. Due to the
changing frequencies and vibrations of consciousness, that which was
once known or held will no longer be known or held, and thus a
process of forgetting will start to take place more and more.
This will be toward those individuals who no longer share that reality
with those who have stayed behind versus those who have moved
forward. Thus, for individuals staying on Planet B with the slowing
down of frequency, that which accelerates forward will no longer be
known or experienced.
Those individuals who have stayed on the denser planet and chosen
to go forward in that spiritual evolutionary process will not feel
sadness, regret or sorrow for those who have disappeared from their
lifetime. In fact, they will be very hard pressed to even remember that
those individuals were part of that process. Thus it will be that those
who have moved on will simply no longer be part on any level of their
For those who are part of the Ascension process, a slightly different
scenario will occur. Some will have an acute understanding and
awareness of what is occurring for there will be those who are
advanced in the process themselves who, because of their nature
and their roles and their purpose, have been working with the
Ascension process more consciously than some others.
For those who are aware of what is occurring, there may indeed
occur events where those who are not moving forward will truly
disappear in front of their eyes, but they will know why this is
occurring and they will understand that what is occurring is that those
who cannot hold the frequency and vibration and advance, that
vibration and frequency will indeed begin to slow down until they
simply disappear. There will be an acceleration as the event draws
nearer, and that acceleration will cause the accelerated vibrational
That is why this Awareness said that all three to some degree
actually apply, for this is how it will be.
There will be those who will now become the leaders for those who
have that greater awareness and consciousness themselves through
their efforts before the Ascension created a new level of
consciousness already will be available to be the leaders and the
teachers and the guides and the guardians of those many who have
shifted forward, who have expanded their consciousness, who were
perhaps born at a time where they came into the old way, the old
world with expanded awareness, that made it possible for them to
move directly into the higher frequencies of Planet A.
However, that template will be in place for those who hold it and
know it to be possible will be able to teach others, and gradually, step
by step, over a number of years, not even singular years, but rather
over decades, such abilities will be the norm, versus the beginning
when the Ascension process initially occurs, it will not necessarily be
the norm, but it will be known, it will be understood and there will be
those who can do such things, and it will be taught to those others
who will be open to such things, who will be open to a new way of
thinking, for it is part of the new frequency of consciousness that they
have chosen to be part of.
There will even be the need for computers and technology that is
being used at this time, but there will be a gradual shifting away from
such technological tools and dependencies, for it will be seen that the
speed of thought and the ability to manifest from thought is much
quicker than anything that computers can do.
However, for a space of time such technology will still be used, will
still be needed, until such awareness is reached that recognizes that
computers no longer serve a purpose. However, they will be useful
for a time yet.
There are discoveries that are on the verge of being made even now,
even before the Ascension process, that will alter things radically, so
that by the time Ascension occurs, those technological devices will
already have a huge biological component and be part of that
expansion of consciousness, although it will be different.
Therefore, the answer to the question is that the gradual unfolding of
events, thinking, and ways of acting will be such that it will lead to a
time where the mind is much more accessible, much more
instantaneous in its process, in its ability to manifest instantly, than it
will be at the beginning of that Ascension journey.
Question: Will entities working and eating and sleeping still occur the
same way as it does now?
Cosmic Awareness: No, they will not be the same as they are now.
However saying this, there will still be the need to work. There will be
the need to be active. What will be the most immediate change is the
thinking that is behind the work ethic, the conditioning of thought
around work, of thinking around work.
There will be the need to continue to work, but it will be work for the
sake of expressing oneself, of doing that which draws the individual,
where there is a need to express oneself, and thus work will become
much more enjoyable. It will not simply be drudgery.
It will not simply be that which is done to earn money so that one can
buy things or have shelter or food. Indeed, such things will be
available for all, whether they work or not, for it will be understood
that every human being is entitled to have their needs fulfilled and it
is not that one must work.
One will therefore work for one wishes to be creative, one wishes to
be active, one wishes to express oneself through an activity that will
be known as work, but it will simply be so different that to draw a
parallel to what work is now will be inappropriate. It simply will not be
the same thing. The Orion agenda will not be carried over into the
Ascension, into the elevated level of conscious awareness.
Question: Will the entities eat and sleep like they do now, or will
there be no need for sleep or eating?
Along with this, because consciousness will shift also, the need for
physical sleep will shift and change. The times for sleep will be such
that there is an active engagement of consciousness in the
5th/6th/7th dimensional reality. The physical body will become much
more ethereal, less physical in nature, and thus the need for sleep
will diminish also.
It will simply be that this will open up now so that many will move
towards it, being led by those who have already worked towards this
consciousness, who because they have attained such awareness,
will be able to teach this more and more to those others who have
also Ascended.
How Long Will Entities Remain On Planet A?
Question: How long will entities remain on Planet A? Will they have
a choice to stay or move on elsewhere as is the case presently in the
higher dimensions?
Much will be available, but for a time many will be residing more in a
physical structure that has possible to it a higher level of conscious
awareness, thus an engagement in those conscious levels will be
more and more the norm, while the body that is still available will
dream, or be asleep, while that higher level of consciousness
This is not unlike what happens in the physical level, but it will be
more prominent and prevalent and understood to a higher degree,
and thus dreaming will not be dismissed or denied, for it will be seen
that that level of consciousness is that which is the natural aspect of
a multidimensional being, not something that is dismissed, that is not
This itself will continue to shift so that within the space of 140 years,
there will no longer be a recognition to what was the physical state of
consciousness. It will simply be something that can be engaged in
when there is a need or a desire to engage in physicality.
All that will have determined it at the beginning of the process will
have moved forward in awareness to a degree that it is simply no
longer needed. It is no longer needed to stay in a physical reality
other than as this Awareness has just spoken, when there is a need
or a desire to have a physical experience.
Most who seek Ascension, who will experience Ascension, will have
this deeper more profound understanding of human consciousness.
What this Ascension process will primarily represent to them is the
actualization of what they know or think it will be so, versus thinking
of it being so, of imagining it to be so. It will actually be so.
It will become more and more dense in nature, not as liberating, not
as free as that which exists now. It is largely because of those
individuals who can access higher levels of consciousness that
humanity, even at this stage and time, experiences much more
freedom, much more wonder and possibility than will be so when
those who are the dreamers, the visionaries, those who hold higher
levels of consciousness depart from that which is the physical level of
Once those individuals are gone, then those who would bind to a
higher degree of physicality will have full sway. They will create an
intolerable situation to those of higher consciousness, but those of
higher consciousness will already be gone. This Awareness is saying
that those who would still hold to what was known by them, they will
have to start to fall asleep, “they” being those who chose not to
ascend, who chose not to raise their level of consciousness.
The focus will become much more the primary understanding. What
one focuses on is what one will experience. The need to experience
negativity or karma will simply no longer need to be the focus, and it
will cease to exist. The need to follow a sequential order of lifetimes
in various reincarnations will no longer exist and thus all will change.
Question: Will the person’s memory of all of the different lives that
they had, will that be instantaneous? Is this something they would
have to develop?
It is not clear exactly what will occur once the Ascension door is
closed to Planet B. It has been stated that Planet B will fall back into
third density. This appears to mean Planet B is presently rising to 4th
and 5th dimensions, but will fall again to the 3rd at the departure of
Earth, and if so, will not the Garden of Eden and Golden Era still
prevail on Planet B, making is a desirable place to abide?
The planet itself is ascending and she too will reinstate herself, will
draw back that perfection that is the Garden of Eden, and those who
ascend will understand their new roles, their true roles in this
Thus, they will be able to partake in the Garden of Eden once again.
It will be available to all who ascend, for only those who understand
their role, their place in the harmony and the balance of working and
living with a conscious being that is the planetary consciousness of
earth will have a place on the new Ascension Planet A, will have a
place on New Gaia, of the consciousness of a sentient being who
wishes to live in harmony with all of her citizens, all those who would
reside within her being.
Planet B will simply not be Eden, for what will continue to occur on
Planet B is the deterioration and destruction of the beautiful planet
that currently is fighting for her survival. While it is her naturalness to
be a Garden of Eden, the ignorant and arrogant actions of the beings
that now reside upon her surface are detrimental to her well being.
This is not the destiny of Planet B or those who will continue to have
a physical experience of consciousness on that planet.
The question which arises with this scenario is, will forgiveness be
part of the Galactic teachings and become the norm, and if so, will
the administration and the Illuminati be forgiven and released from
prison, or not go to prison at all? Also, if the practice of forgiveness
prevails, will this not also apply to all entities who break the law, and
will this not create an unsafe environment?
While the planet itself largely will degrade, it is seen that there will be
pockets upon the planet that will be shielded and under the shielding,
this is where there might be some form of natural beauty, of that
which the Questioner has been calling the Garden of Eden.
They will have with them in these enclaves certain slaves, humans
who have been kept there for their pleasure and for their service.
These will be slaves of the ultimate order, for they will have no rights,
no options and no freedoms.
They will be treated as their masters desire to treat them. There will
not be much in the form of human compassion or kindness towards
these slaves, these humans who chose to continue in this
experience, this limited consciousness.
Forgiveness is truly a spiritual quality that always has existed and will
always exist. At some point, even those who chose to separate even
further from the Godhead, from the Supreme Consciousness, from
Awareness of the Truth of All, even they will be forgiven and returned
back to the flock at some point. This Awareness asks all to remember
that consciousness is eternal. Eternity is a concept that is extremely
hard for many to understand or accept.
In the scale of that which is eternal, that which is eternity, what does
it matter if a stream of consciousness extends one or two or three
million years? It eventually will return back to itself, back to the
Godhead. It will return bearing gifts, the gifts being that of awareness,
of that which was learned and understood through that track of
evolutionary experience. Thus, forgiveness is always possible, is
always available, and many will understand this as they move
through the experiences.
There is no need for judgment, for all is as needs be. All will learn. All
will be forgiven, and all will return to that which is the Godhead, the
Source, the consciousness that is the Everything and the All.
If there are other physical planes where these souls can go to work
off negative karma, do those residents possess physical bodies such
as ours, and is life there difficult, so that they may have to experience
whatever the need? If so, it sounds as though those planes are in
need of Divine Assistance, as is our Planet B.
While there are other physical realities, they will not be the same.
The possibility to learn through karmic lessons, through multiple
lifetimes that have a karmic tie to them will exist only on that
evolutionary track of consciousness that will define Planet B and that
spiritual evolutionary track. The question regarding other planets of
physicality is irrelevant to the understanding that it will only be this
one line of spiritual evolution that has a karmic nature to it.
Others will learn in the physical universes that exist differently. They
will not necessarily partake in a karmic series of incarnations that will
teach them karmic lessons. For those souls who wish to have such
lessons, they will engage on that spiritual track of evolution.
It is said that the Buddha was able to do this, and there are other
examples, including Jesus-christ, who in that time of resurrection,
disassembled his body and thus it disappeared from the tomb. When
he was ready, he reassembled his body in front of the disciples.
Thus, they could see his physical body.
He even allowed them to touch the wounds that were created
through the experience of crucifixion. This was simply to help them
understand that he could reassemble the body. He chose to
reassemble it in the actual state it was in when he was on the cross,
but he did not have to reassemble the body that way. He could have
reassembled it complete and whole without the wounds being
When enough realize this, then there will be no need for physical
death any longer, for the physical form can be disassembled, and
reassembled when and where it is wished, or not, if it is meant to stay
in your conscious form.
The Planet B, which will continue the physical journey, will continue to
be such that each and every soul will have to choose to be born into it,
and thus the experience of physical birth will continue onwards and
will go into the depths of physicality that is almost animalistic in nature,
and it will become as it once was when there was no help available to
help birth the children being born into the physical state.
Many will not survive the physical journey, but then that too will be a
choice, the choice perhaps of simply having that part of the physical
experience available to them. This is as it will be.
There will be others who will not be under such dominance but will
have to live underground in a very rudimentary existence, simply to
survive on the physical. This group will be often targeted by those of
the elite nature for their sport and their sustenance even, and this
level of consciousness will degrade so deeply into barbarianism and
cannibalism that it is seen as something that will be repugnant to
many who even now would not desire such an experience.
Again, this is an experience only for those who will choose such an
experience and there is no judgment around the having of such an
experience. The judgment is formed only by those who already have
a higher level of conscious awareness who would wish not to have
such an experience.
This will change as the Ascension occurs and individuals move into
that exulted state.
Even with chaos all around, somehow they are not touched by the
chaos to the same degree. This is a way of understanding that the
beliefs held will indeed create the reality experience. This is why this
Awareness speaks always of maintaining the bubble, of
understanding that while the forces of chaos swirl desperately around
the bubble, that one, by remaining inside the bubble will be safe and
A larger amount are now much more aware of the process, much
more aware of what is occurring on this planet. From that point, if
comparison were made, to where humankind was 20 years ago, then
this Awareness would say approximately 30% to 35% are now aware
to a degree that places them in the Ascension mode, versus the 20%
that were aware 20 years ago.
All that is really important is to know that those who have reached
Ascension levels of consciousness will Ascend, and that one focus
upon themselves and those around them that they can relate to and
share with in moving this process forward. When this is achieved,
then those who are ready to Ascend will ascend, whether it is 20%,
40% or 60% of the population of the planet.
Question: If people who are ill will also be ascending, will their
ailments disappear upon Ascension, since it has been stated that
bodies will become lighter and younger? If their afflictions will
disappear, does it mean that doctors and dentists will not be
necessary? Or will they be required if it is that the ailments will be
taken into Planet A with the Light Body until they are somehow
healed? Or must the Ascended be healthy? If the body becomes
younger, can one choose their age, and if they can, would this not
automatically erase existing afflictions?
Thus, it is not seen that ailments will be transferred to the other side.
The Ascension process will not be one for those who have physical
or mental ailments to take with them to be worked on on the other
side of consciousness, but rather as the expansion of consciousness
occurs on this side of conscious awareness in the physical
dimension, at a point a decision will be reached where those ailments
will simply be dropped.
The Light Body that the entity spoke of will be exactly that: a Body of
Light, a Body of Higher Consciousness, one that will not have the
experience of the physical dilemmas, ailments, illnesses and
diseases known on the physical plane of existence.
The answers will be found, the healing will be received and the
situations will be altered before Ascension occurs. This Awareness is
complete with the answer.
The individual will experience this and will not see themselves as an
87-year-old who has now to still age in that place of expanded
consciousness. It would be a contradiction in terms, so to speak.
They are not bad people, they simply cannot change and have an
open loving heart toward everyone. Some people are very open,
while others are so-called “reserved” or overly sensitive to what they
consider negative behavior from others that is not easy to tolerate.
Some people are shy, others depressed and unable to express
themselves openly in a positive way. For example, it is difficult, if not
impossible, for some entities to love the Illuminati who have harmed
so many people for long.
This Awareness wishes to remind all that the entity known as Jesus-
christ did not always exhibit unconditional love, and yet many would
state that he was a saint. Indeed, he was the Messiah, the Chosen
One, that being who was thought to be of the Highest
Yet there were stories of his anger and his rage in the temple
complex where he drove the moneylenders out of this sacred area.
Was he exhibiting unconditional love when he did so? One would be
very clear in stating he did not, for had he, he would simply have
allowed all to remain where they were.
Finally, on the cross itself, he found that place of doubt and insecurity
where he even questioned his own Father about:
“Father, why have you forsaken me?”
Would this be an example of unconditional love at a very crucial and
critical moment? It would not be.
In these final stages of Ascension, many who at this time may not
consider themselves able to be unconditional in their expression of
love towards one and all will finally come to understand this process.
Equally, it must be understood that there are those who still have a
process of evolution where it is essential that they come to a deeper
more profound understanding of unconditional love. Thus it is that
their soul may not be ready for Ascension in the first place. It may be
that they have to experience that which this Awareness has called
Planet B in order to gain the full measure of this understanding of this
Some who cannot achieve unconditional love will need to move along
that de-evolving line of consciousness in order to have the
experiences that they will need in the full spectrum of time in order to
fully understand and comprehend all facets and levels of that concept
known as unconditional love.
This Awareness would state first and foremost to that, that the
individual who had passed over chose to have a certain expansion of
experience, seeing his body as bigger, however It does not see that
he was on that which this Awareness is referring to as Planet B. It
would seem though that he has somewhat remained in a context that
would define his consciousness in a physical manner still.
They see themselves willingly living on the planet so that they can be
of service to Mother Earth herself and to others, so that there is
group consciousness, group awareness, and this is working in
unison, one with another, one with each other, and this may be
experienced by some as what occurs when they die and they reach
that level of consciousness that defines a state beyond the physical.
There would be no need for churches, for unity is already the existing
state of consciousness. One would be in union with one and all, with
Great Spirit, with the Creator, as well as a sense of union with other
individuals. Thus, it is not seen that there would be a need for a
sense of separation created through religion, through churches.
This would also apply to such concepts of school and the need to go
to school. Education will not be delivered as it is on this planet at this
time. It is imperative for all to remember that the state of
consciousness that will exist upon Ascension cannot be compared to
the state of consciousness that exists on the earthly plane at this
Question: I believe the “2012” is coming from the end of the Mayan
calendar, correct?
The bees for example, as this Awareness has already given, many of
the bee colonies and hives have already ascended and are preparing
the Eden Planet for a more complete level of Ascension by many
other beings. It is indeed possible to communicate with those who
have ascended by simply going within, by meditating, by attuning
oneself, one’s consciousness to those who have ascended.
This is not unlike the process that occurs in mediumship where one
attunes to those who have crossed over, who are communicating
from the other side. The process is a very similar one, and those who
wish to have such an experience can focus on this event, can
sharpen their sensitivity to communicate with those who have
ascended already.
Question: Awareness has long talked about the forces that have
dominated this planet and that the Ascension will change this in time.
How will this come about? Will the people just become more clear
about what is going on? Will their conditioning be unraveled? Will
they be able to see through the deception? Will they be able to read
the Akashic Record, or will those forces who have dominated the
planet simply yield and begin to undergo their own transformation
using their power and wealth for the betterment of all?
There is indeed possibility for those who are moving into that level of
conscious awareness to see through the plots and the machinations
of the powers that be, of the Elite, and in seeing this, there may be
also that understanding that these beings themselves are serving a
greater cause, a greater purpose.
How President George W. Bush Raised Consciousness
It is not seen that all of the Illuminati types will suddenly themselves
be converted and use their wealth and their power to assist the
Ascension process. This does not mean that some may not achieve
this. Ascension is available even to the George Bushes of this world. It
is simply seen that their route is one where they will still continue to
play the power games they already are playing. Thus it is that their
consciousness and their conscious development does need to move
on some before they themselves awaken to their greater purpose,
their greater beings.
Again, it is not that those who have achieved some level of Ascension,
even if they are from the power ranking and cannot achieve
Ascension, it is indeed that which is open to one and all. It is simply
much easier to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle than to
see many who have devoted their lives to domination and power
achieving this level of Ascension at this time.
The importance in this matter is that the Akashic Records are indeed
within, and they are accessible to one and all if they so desire.
For example, we know that much of the misery on this planet is due
to subconscious, or lower minds in the Huna tradition, being filled
with contradictions and fears and just bad programming in general.
Will the Ascension help people to clear out these psychic weeds that
hold them back? Not all people have access to psychotherapists and
healers or can afford this kind of aid. Will people have a greater
ability to access their own healing abilities as a result of this change?
Will some other latent organ or capacity in the human being become
activated that helps to harmonize the will, the intellect, the emotions
and the physical being so that each person can access deeper
spiritual connections? Perhaps another way of asking this is how will
the new energies impact people and what will be the qualities or
manifestations of that energy on a psychic level?
What is important in this matter is the intent to do so. With that intent
put out to the universe, if you will, then the means by which to do it
will be presented to the individual. A healer will present themselves,
either the Healer From Within, or an individual who can work with that
individual in the physical world itself, or in that mental/emotional
realm where such healing must take place.
These times are indeed times that are full of challenge and full of
unexpected results, both positive and negative. It must be
understood that they are being presented to one and all for their own
journey, for their own growth, for their own healing.
If one can see that the world around them, and all individuals and
experiences are a reflection of the individual himself and herself, then
one will be best better served in coming to an inner understanding of
themselves, especially in relation to the world in general and in
relation to other beings who travel with them.
Question: More and more I am seeing people stating that there has
been a divergence on the timeline. I believe that this is related to the
splitting of Planet A and the split B. That the split has already
occurred and there are some stragglers coming to Planet A (where
we are) with some memories of Planet B (which will descend into
really bad third dimensional times). I believe this is why all of the
channels (including Cosmic Awareness) have said the Dark Forces
have lost. On Planet A they have indeed lost.
On planet B, the Dark is in full swing. There is a guy called John Titor
who claims to have traveled back into our past from his future (2036)
and he explained what happens in “his future.” It seems very much
like Planet B. Around the year 2003 or so, his “future” timeline began
to diverge and his info was not correct any more (in terms of our
Planet A timeline), so of course everyone on our Planet A timeline
has called his story a fake because his “predictions” did not come
true. The website for John Titor is www.johntitor.com. Interesting stuff
if you care to see what is/was happening on Planet B.
I would like to ask Awareness if this is indeed the case: that the
density split has created two timelines that are diverging more and
more, and that these false reality memories of some people are from
those who have made the jump from B to A? What about the
mechanics of the actual split? If you are reading this, are you already
on Planet A?
This Awareness has spoken that the truth of the matter is that it is not
a clear division of two planets going separate ways, but countless
pathways leaning towards one or the other. The higher one’s
conscious awareness is to the reality and truth of Planet A, the more
that individual will experience the purity of the Ascension and of
Planet A.
It is fair to say that those who are aware of Planet A, who are aware
of Ascension, who are aware of that process of the shifting in
consciousness that has been occurring over a number of years and
will continue until the process is complete on or about the 2012
deadline, then those individuals are more likely to experience that
reality that this Awareness has been describing as Planet A.
Those Who May Experience the Descending Planet
They will still have opportunity in the future to still move their
attentions towards Ascension, but it is seen that this will become
increasingly difficult after that Ascension Process is complete in
2012. It will be simply enough that the magnetic energy of Planet B
will be so strong that it will capture in its field those who still need to
have the physical experiences, especially the gross materialism and
the separateness from the High Self, from Spirit, from the Divine.
So immersed in the physical material reality will those who travel that
path be that there simply will not be any recognition of a spiritual
nature. This is why the evolutionary experience of the separation
from the Divine, from the Creator, from All That Is, is such that those
who need this profound isolationist experience will indeed have it.
They will walk that path.
They will be able to step consciously back into spirit form, or will be
able to manipulate material form in whatever manner they wish for
they will be masters of manifestations in physicality.
The physical planet will become a sacred place. The form of the body
of the planet herself will be honored and venerated for the conscious
entity, the conscious being she is, and those who choose to have that
existence on the physical expression of the planet logos that is
Mother Gaia, Mother Earth, will do so with respect and honor.
They will blend with the harmonious energies of all that occupy that
stage, that level of conscious manifestation that will be Planet A.
Question: Is John Titor, the guy from 2036, for real, or is this
He is one who can move back and forth because he has learned how
to shift his consciousness to refocus it so he can enter that which on
the surface seems to be the past, but he has not achieved such
mastery that he is not a participant to the events that sometimes
seem to be still somewhat out of his control.
Thus it is that he shifted and then lost the capacity to follow a timeline
and things changed on him. It is simply consciousness playing with
itself, developing its consciousness, becoming acquainted with the
subtleties of multidimensionality and dimensional shifting. This
individual is not the only one who can time travel.
More and more are starting to come through into this time frame
where they can experience the energies that existed just before the
shift, just before the splitting into two parallel pathways digressing
away eventually from each other so that they are no longer parallel
for the short period that this Awareness has spoken of, so that as
they bleed away, this would be Planet A, Planet B; that for a short
while after there will be a somewhat parallel movement between the
two planets, but this will start to spread and the two pathways will
diverge more and more over the many years ahead.
There are many who will be coming from the future to experience this
time, for this is a unique period of time, a highly charged period of
time historically speaking, for those who value such an experience,
that they may be intrigued enough to shift their consciousness to
experience these times.
It is seen by this Awareness that there are individuals who when met
will feel different, will feel strange to them as if they do not belong in
this time frame, but it will be a subtle experience and may not always
be understood or recognized as,
“This is one of those individuals who is a time shifter, who
is traveling the dimensions of time to have the experience
of this time.”
Be open to such individuals, for when you are, and you can identify
them, they will explain much to you, if you ask the right questions.
Question: My heart cries out when I think that any being is destined
for Planet B, the planet that does not experience Ascension. To
imagine that a being would need to suffer another half a billion years
in slavery and exploitation is very hard for me to grasp, and I have
thought that it must be totally unacceptable to any beings of higher
vibration than ourselves. How can there be such an excess of
darkness and so many beings seemingly unwilling to live in the Law
of Love, to accept that all beings are lovable and to be open to
communicate rather than separate and control?
While it is true that those individuals who would seek out Planet B at
an even more extreme separation in consciousness from that which
is their High Consciousness, their multidimensional nature, may be
seen as deplorable, may be seen as horrendous, may be seen as
unthinkable, these very same beings who are having this experience
are doing so from their own inner conscious levels where they are
aware that they have chosen these experiences for their own growth
and development.
It is not proper or correct for those who have not achieved the highest
level of awareness to judge that such an experience would be
deplorable and degrading and undesirable, for that would be judging
another soul’s need to have a unique experience, and one simply
does not have that right.
The other thing that this Awareness wishes to address is that matter
of the time frame that it might take for Planet B to once again return
back to a position of Ascension. This Awareness wishes one and all
to remember that time itself does not exist. 500 billion years is the
same as a blink of an eye if one has the capacity to go beyond the
time scale, and go beyond time itself.
It is their right, each individual soul’s right to have the experience that
is right for them, be it one of complete separation from the Godhead
or be it one of complete immersion in the Godhead. Each soul has
aspects of itself in both experiences.
Will the 4th Dimensional Earth Also be a 5th Dimensional Earth After
the Ascension?
Question: Will the 4th Density (or Dimension) Earth also be a 5th
Density Earth? I am thinking that the answer is No, that by the 5th
Density, we aren’t physical and don’t need Earth; in fact, I am
thinking that by the higher ends of 4th, we aren’t visible. Is that right?
Thus it is that the lowest dimension of the 4th, the lowest layer or
strata, is simply 1 above that which is 3rd Dimension. Thus, while a
corporeal form may no longer be quite required, there is a great deal
of interaction between the lowest or 1st level of 4th Dimension and
that which is 3rd Dimension.
Once One Passes Into the 5th Dimension - The Dream State
This Awareness suggests that once one passes into the 5th
Dimension, into the dream state, any surface could be created, any
landscape, any environment at all that one wishes to experience.
Thus it is possible once again to create earthly landscapes if one
desires, but the interaction with such landscapes is completely
different than how they are engaged at the lower levels of
dimensional realities.
Question: The last part where you mentioned the 5th Density, it’s
possible as the dream state to create your own scenarios but the way
of reacting to it or acting with it is different. In what sense would that
As one moves through the 4th Dimension, there is more and more
release from the strict collective mentality that underlies the
assumptions that are held, both by the individual and the collectivity
or the collective mind.
In the 5th Dimension, this is completely broken, and one can choose
to play in whatever reality they choose to play in, always knowing,
always being aware that things are not real as they are in the
physical or 3rd Dimension.
Thus it is that one can be walking on the surface of the Moon in one
instance, and then flying through space to another planet or returning
to the Earth, or even going into the center of the Sun.
Part II
In the 5th Dimension and working up towards 5th through the various
layers of 4th, it is understood and recognized that imagining
something is the same as creating it, the two are one and the same.
To imagine is to create, is to experience, and this is the major
One is free of all those collective belief systems, those physical belief
systems that define one’s existence on the 3rd Dimension of reality.
Question: I have been looking forward to 2012, but now I’m not so
sure. In spite of all the good news in the last newsletter, I found
myself depressed. I have been under the impression that the shift
would leave two physical planets, different in the degree of spiritual
maturity of its occupants. From what I read in the most recent
mailing, however, it seems that I was wrong and that Planet A is to
be non-physical. Am I mistaken?
Cosmic Awareness: The short answer to this question is, “Yes, you
are mistaken.” You are mistaken in the sense that there will still be a
physicality involved in that which this Awareness chooses to call
Planet A, but this physicality will be much expanded beyond the
normal constraints and limitations that are the present paradigm of
belief surrounding physical existence. It is possible to have, with
expanded awareness, a much different encounter with physicality.
This already is the case even in this physical reality of the 3rd
dimension at this time.
This will simply be even more so on that which is Planet A, and that
means that those who experience it will have a sense of their
immaterial nature, their spiritual nature, but they are most definitely
free to experience the physical reality of the Ascended planet Earth
herself and partake in this new reality.
Question: Was I wrong? Wasn’t this what the great plan was when
the physical realm was first created?
Cosmic Awareness: Indeed, why do you not go out and buy the
chocolate cake, the cigarettes, the booze, or engage sexually? The
main reason is that there are still consequences to such actions, and
there are also ramifications to polluting one’s body, to creating
addictions that might have a consequence on the Ascension process.
However, this Awareness states that one has the freedom of will to
do whatever one wishes. Simply be aware that there are always
Thus it is that many who believe that they must control themselves,
that they must forego the pleasures of the flesh and body, do so not
because they understand this at the deepest level, but because they
have been taught this. It is a form of belief that they have acquired
throughout their lifetime that they now live. While this Awareness
cannot endorse those behaviors that could have negative
consequences on the individual, both physically and spiritually, It
does suggest that what is now needed is a shifting away from the old
paradigms of belief of pain being the way to reach a form of
enlightenment, to a new paradigm that suggests it is okay to have fun
and enjoy oneself, to go out and do that which is pleasurable.
The main difference that this Awareness would state between the
way It sees it and the way it is presented through Christian dogma is
that this is not a reward for faithful service to an oppressive God that
qualifies one for that which is called the Rapture.
It is more that which occurs for those who have worked over the
many lifetimes to achieve a state of higher consciousness in this
physical reality at this time.
There are many, many souls present on the planet at this time who
have endeavored through many years of sacrifice and service, of
personal quest to achieve awareness and enlightenment, and have
arrived at a point of consciousness that will allow them at this time to
ascend, that will allow them to move quite naturally and even logically
to their own next stage of development, their own next state of
This, therefore, defines the major difference between that which this
Awareness holds as the choice that those who are not ready to
ascend will make versus that which is offered to those who hold a
Christian concept of the punishment that is theirs if they do not follow
blindly the dictates and the commandments of that very wrathful
unforgiving God.
There will be those who in their own struggle and journey will ascend
at some stage, at some point, and they will serve as the models for
those who remain on the planet, eventually bringing the whole planet
forward until it reaches that point where many can ascend.
Each side would witness major event that would coincide with the
shift, possibly a period of major solar flares triggering massive earth
changes leading to the demise of the other side. To one reality, earth
changes could manifest as a pole shift with tidal waves, while the
other catastrophe could come about through earthquakes and
volcanoes. It doesn’t matter.
In fact, both realities could perceive the same events with different
Cosmic Awareness: This is indeed so. Both sides could view the
events, but from different perspectives, thus having a totally different
experience of the events.
What Those Who Will Ascend Must First Know and Realize
Those who are blind and ignorant to such things and have no
concept or understanding of it, nor an interest to pursue it, who are
dismissive and derisive about such a process and event, are not
those who will be ascending.
They will more likely either be those who choose to go along with the
reality, the physical manifestations of that which is Planet B, or they
will be those who simply choose to return back into spirit form.
Thus it is that some might choose then from that state of spirit to
come aboard that which is Planet A. Some might choose to have the
harsher physical experience and thus choose Planet B, but many
may choose another reality altogether, one that does not at all fit with
either path way, but is a third choice, a third path. That is not the
subject of what this Awareness is speaking of at this moment.
They will simply pass through the vortex and enter the new reality,
but they must somehow be first and foremost aware that a choice is
involved and somehow aware of that which is the ascended reality,
that which would be Planet A and Ascension.
Question: Regarding plants and animals, the way I saw it, since they
were group souls, they could continue to exist on both frequencies
without any problem other than that one world may be healthier for
them than another. In this respect, after the shift some populations
would increase while others would decline for various reasons
relating to the reality they were in.
Question: Awareness said that the bees (or at least some of them)
have already ascended to the higher realm. Please tell me what a bee
is going to do in a non-physical reality? Suck nectar out or non-
physical flowers?
It was simply giving out new concepts and ideas of what possibly
could be on the other side in terms of Its expansion into new levels of
reality, of consciousness, of energies that would be experienced both
in physical form as well as non-physical form.
The shifting between the two will be much easier for entities. They
will not have to go to sleep or into deep meditation to simply
experience their higher dimensional form, their non-physical form.
They will be able to shift at the thought of shifting, by thinking
themselves into other forms and thus experience these other forms. If
they choose to experience physicality, they think themselves into
physical form and have physical experiences. If they choose to
reunite with their greater multidimensional nature, then they think
themselves into multidimensional form and have such experiences.
This is one of the reasons why bees have already made the transition
and have ascended to that higher plane of reality for they are also
part of multidimensionality. They know what their roles are.
Many have chosen to move beyond that which is this physical reality
and have started pollinating that which is to be the physical form of
the Planet A, the planet of Ascension.
A Non-Physical Reality?
(Is it in the Future or Immediately After the Shift?)
There are other individuals who already are at that new level of
expanded consciousness. It is seen that the Galactic Federation also
has the understanding of the Ascension process and many of their
forces are there to help and assist the process of Ascension that
many humans will soon be going through, some of whom have
already achieved this and are on the other side themselves, now
helping those who will soon be joining them.
There are many who have experiences on a daily level of the 5th
dimension. The daily experience of going to sleep and dreaming, of
coming out of the physical body and being part of that which is the
4th and 5th dimensional reality occurs on a daily basis.
It is seen that there are those who, while they served those powers
that be were indeed part of me power structure, there are some who
are now starting to have second thoughts and it is even seen that
there are some who have changed completely their points of view,
their belief systems, and are now moving towards a higher level of
conscious awareness, based in the Light, not in the Dark, based on
enlightenment, not based on enslavement.
Some at least have recognized that they have been enslaved in that
paradigm of thought that confined them also to roles where they were
oppressors and some have chosen to reject these roles, have
chosen to move towards the Light. Thus it is that some of the Elite
will indeed move into Ascension. Some of those who have already
seen the errors of their way have already started to serve humanity in
new ways, in new higher conscious ways, in ways that will be of
service instead of expecting to be served.
This is what this Awareness meant years ago when It said that many
of the Elite would be serving those who they expected service from
previously. Those who cannot shift this attitude and mentality will be
those who move, if they desire, to Planet B, where they think they will
still be in control, but due to the situation they will experience, it will
be beyond them to keep that high level of control, and with time, it is
seen that there will be rebellion, revolution and breakdown of those
who are the controllers, those who control at this time.
Eventually, those who are the masses will rise up against those who
are the present controllers. This is all part of Planet B scenario down
the line. This is what this Awareness spoke of years ago when It
spoke that those who are in control, those who are the Powers That
Be, will one day be of service to those who are their subjects and
slaves at this time.
There are even variations on the theme as can be seen by what this
Aware-ness has just shared.
Upon awakening from these three days of darkness we will see major
earth changes, devastation and portals. Are these the same living
portals Awareness has spoken of in past issues? There will basically
be two different types of portal workers. Those that gather the people
who want to enter the 4th Light and lead or bring them to the portals
and help them through its opening, and when it’s open. Then there
are those that greet, welcome and teach the people who enter these
portals, preparing them to exit into the 5th dimension.
Are these portal workers the Wanderers or other Light Workers? How
can we best assist everyone during this transition period? About how
long will this transition within the portal be? Does Awareness see me
as an inner or outer portal worker, or functioning in some other
capacity during this transition?
Cosmic Awareness: There are valid parts of the questions
presented by the Questioner. The entity himself, to first answer on his
behalf, will be one who works within the portals themselves, who will
teach many to let go of those dark strands, filaments and
attachments that may pull them back or keep them grounded,
unavailable for Ascension when it is exactly Ascension that they are
Through his own journey he will have unique qualities in himself that
will prepare him to do this type of work, this kind of freeing of the
beings that come his way, so that he can teach them and assist them
in that Ascension process of crossing over. It is this that this
Awareness sees at this time for this entity.
There are none that are superior or inferior. All have their place, all
have their duties and all will participate in that process of Ascension
to their own individual degree and to their own individual ability.
The most important part at this time in the run up to the actual
Ascension completion in 2012 is the inner work that this Awareness
has said on many occasions that each and every individual must now
do for themselves.
Help for Those Who are Blocked at the Portal Because of Problems
Letting Go
For some, this inner work will be very intense and extreme and
challenging. For some it will not be as intense or as extreme or as
challenging at this time, but may be so at those moments when they
approach the portal ready to step through, only to find that they are
blocked for one reason or another.
It is at this time that certain Light Workers, Wanderers such as the
entity himself will be available to help those who meet resistance
within themselves, who are blocked or who have problems letting go.
That is part of the scenario. That is part of the plan.
There will be available, those who have through their own personal
journeys dealt with their own demons and monsters, who have
looked at their own dark side and will be available to help those who
have not quite completed this process.
There will be others who will lead entities to those portals if that is
their way of Ascension and they will then leave them there for others
to take through the portals to continue their journey forward, and they
themselves will go back, finding others that they can lead to these
gateways, these portals of Ascension.
The matter of the actual transition time, the time it would take to
transit from the 3rd dimension into the higher realms, through 4th
dimension into the 5th, is entirely dependent on each individual and
the length of time it would take them to clear all those blocks, those
barriers, those resistances that they might have in themselves, those
doubts, the disbelief, and it is for this reason that there will be those
available to help in the transition to those higher realms that will be
available to those who ascend.
Thus it may take hours for one being to do this who has cleared most
of their own issues before arriving at this point of Ascension, while
there might be others who will take longer, will enter other streams of
consciousness that will take perhaps years to truly reach that highest
level of the Ascension process, but they are still underway, they are
still part of the Ascension, and as this Awareness has said several
times over already, there will be those who will guide them and assist
them on this journey.
There are many ways that the Ascension process and the transition
will take place, thus it is impossible for this Awareness to say that the
journey will take 36 hours and then it will be done, and those who
have gone through the portal of Ascension will be on the other side. It
is not a simple matter as that.
Question: And about the Photon Belt and the 3 days of darkness?
It is during this period that there will be much upheaval and there will
be, as this Awareness has said, various ways of escaping this. Many
will have already stepped through the portals of Ascension and thus
will not quite experience that 3-day period of darkness.
Again, it is not literal that they will simply see darkness and be in
darkness. It will be because there will be a cessation, a stopping of
the reality that they have experienced for so long, in fact all of their
lives, that will mark this as a dark period, but it is still a period of
transition, and there are many ways that this period will be endured
and overcome.
It is seen that there is no need for those who are ascending to feel
the negative effects of this 3-day period where the planet itself is
being altered at the subatomic level, and the completion of the
separation of the two planets will indeed be completed, and Planet A
and Planet B will become two separate entities, on two-separate
tracks that will take each forward from that point on.
To come back into the physical creates a dilemma for many of the
Light Workers, for they have been enjoying, in that state of sleep and
dreaming, their reconnection to their essence, to their being, to their
more natural state of consciousness. To return back into the physical
is indeed difficult for many of the Light Workers.
Thus it is that upon waking, many of the Light Workers find it difficult
to get going, to get motivated enough to get up and commence the
Those who have the opportunity to stay longer in bed linger in that
state between full wakefulness and full sleep. They are clinging to
that state of experience, that frequency state where they feel much
better, for they know that once they return back into the physical they
must endure the energies of the physical. It is like being in a toxic
environment, being forced to breathe in the toxic air, and yet every
several hours being able to return into a chamber where pure air is
available, where it is easier to breathe, easier to be, knowing that one
must go out once again into the toxic atmosphere, for there is work
still to be done that is not yet complete.
Even if they will return back into the physical plane of existence when
they awaken again, it is still a joy to leave the toxic atmosphere and
to breathe the pure air, the pure air being the higher frequency of
There will be those along the way, especially over the next three
years who will complete their portion of their assignment before the
full Ascension experience occurs. They may leave at that time
through whatever means is at their disposal to ascend to that higher
plane of existence and to remain there without having to return back
into the physical. Many are the Light Workers who at this time are
asking for this to be so.
Many are the Light Workers who do not wish to be on the physical
plane of existence any more, who are saturated with the density and
the toxicity of this lower plane of existence and who desire nothing
more than to return once and for all to their higher state of
consciousness, where they can stay in the rarified, purified
atmosphere of higher consciousness.
Cosmic Awareness: Much has been spoken of today about the role
of the Light Workers, about the energies that they are experiencing in
this plane of consciousness that permeates the physical planet at this
time. It is indeed the time to realize that for many of the Light Workers,
the only way forward to some degree is to pull back, to withdraw their
energies somewhat from the 3rd dimensional reality, to engage it at a
minimal level so that they can survive, for it is for many almost a case
of survival at this time, and the only way for them to survive is to pull
back and to become more reclusive at this time.
This is certainly the case for the Interpreter, but it is also the case for
many of the Light Workers, the Wanderers who talk to him often, who
speak to him and connect with him. He has seen how many of those
Light Workers have pulled back. This is the requirement for those who
have this requirement.
There are other Light Workers who are not so affected and can still
participate more actively in the physical reality. Neither is correct or
wrong. It is simply the way that it is for those who experience it that
way, either way, or any other way for that matter.
This would even include pulling back from certain individuals that one
has been involved with in past times, be they friends, be they family,
be they work colleagues or acquaintances.
For this reason, this Awareness is suggesting that all Light Workers
do take time for themselves to meditate, to listen to music, to go for
walks, to do whatever it is that would rejuvenate them and regenerate
for them their life-force energy.
When the time is once again such that they need to become more
extravert in their activities, then this will occur, for the timing for this
will be right, but not to force this, not to feel guilty over it if the
opposite exists that one is pulling back from such activities, but rather
to find the voice within, to find the resonance that is within oneself
and to follow that voice, to listen to it and to respond to the resonance
that comes from within, for that is the resonance of Spirit Itself that
seeks to guide and support all Light Workers at this very crucial and
critical time.
So rather than worrying about if one has done enough, one simply
does to the best of one’s ability, always with the intent and the desire
to be available to the Divine Creator, All That Is, to be available to
those spiritual guides and guardians who would help and assist in
these times, for there is indeed help.
The most direct form of spiritual help will always come through that
which is the High Self. Thus, to avail oneself to the High Self, to offer
one’s service in a conscious matter will always bring forth the
situation and the opportunity to be of service.
There are indeed many ways to be of service, and to think of the way
that you must be of service may preclude you from being of service in
the most immediate way that is needed and is necessary.
Question: Have I done enough to help the Grand Plan? What is the
Grand Plan anyway? To just get back to blissful Source?
It must be seen and understood that there is also at the same time a
shifting of the energies of consciousness that will allow more and
more to participate in this experiment of the expansion of
consciousness toward that point of Ascension.
In this New Order, this new level of conscious awareness, one simply
is that state of bliss and joy. One shares this with others. One shares
this with the planet. One shares this with Spirit, and other gifts, other
skills and realization will also come forward that will exceed that
which has been known, that which has always been so, and in this
new world, there will not be the need to be reluctant to participate in
the every day workings of the world.
One will rise up each and every morning, fresh, invigorated and alive,
knowing that they are of that new order of energy and consciousness
that is available to one and all.
The New Order is Quite Different From the New World Order
This New Order is quite different from the concept of the New World
Order that is promulgated at this time by those Dark Forces and
energies. It is a new order of consciousness, a new level of
awareness that will allow one and all to live in a different world, that
will allow one and all to have a different experience of reality than
what has been so.
This is why it is important at this stage before the Ascension process
is complete, that the individual Light Workers begin to remember how
important it really is to stay positive, to stay focused, and to
remember that each day, even if there is a necessity during these
times to be reclusive to some degree, to pull away from the negative
toxic energies of the planet at this time, that it is still important to hold
that a state of enjoyment, joy, pleasure, even bliss, are what are the
truth, and not to be distracted from the truth, but to start engaging it
more and more each and every day, to create moments where one
experiences the deep enjoyment and pleasure, even if that moment
is in a moment of quiet solitude, even if that moment is at a time
where one is having a simple meal or enjoying simple pleasures, that
one remembers that this is the point of it all.
When You Focus on Pleasure, Enjoyment, Joy and Bliss You are
Giving Even Greater Service
This is how one can be of even greater service. It is not simply in the
acts that one performs; it is in the holding of a space, of an energy, of
a new consciousness, a new order that shifts the focus, which shifts
the reality. Thus, if one wishes to be of greater service, this
Awareness asks one to enjoy life to a greater degree, to find those
moments of enjoyment and happiness and to start stringing these
moments together as pearls on a strand, until one has a complete
necklace of pearls, or moments of beauty and happiness and bliss.
Part III
It reads,
“No, earth is not ascending as two worlds, one that will
reach a higher density than the other. Earth is a soul with
one planetary body and it is rapidly and steadily moving out
of the 3rd dimension toward her destination in the 5th.The
physical bodies of her residents who refuse the light that
would enable them to accompany her will die, and the
souls automatically will go to any one of a number of
different worlds, whichever has the same energy makeup
of each soul’s lifetime energy registration.”
My understanding, and perhaps many others, is that earth comprises
the 3rd dimension or density, that of physicality. Souls/Spirits
incarnate into Mother Earth’s 3rd dimension for the various
experiences and knowledge that can be and are available to them.
Mother Earth will shortly be no longer able to host or sustain
humanity as she is evolving.
Those who refuse the Light will remain in the 3rd dimension to
eventually evolve due to the harsh conditions discussed over the past
year, and will continue to experience the present Orion Empire
scenario. Those who accept the Light, their Souls/Spirit will ascend to
the higher 4th dimension or 5th dimension, or return to earth for as
long as is desired if this is chosen, or the choice of going home to
any of the different planets they resonate to, or alternately to remain
in the 3rd dimension with Mother Earth for those dismal and
challenging experiences.
At present, it is understood that the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and higher
dimensions coexist with the 3rd dimension, that of Mother Earth, and
each is separated by a veil or layers so that not all of mankind can
see these while inhabiting the 3rd dimension. After the Ascension
process ,and when Mother Earth has evolved past me point of no
return, will these higher dimensions still be able to coexist with the
3rd dimension? If not, would these release completely from the 3rd
dimension, and if so, where would these higher dimensions go?
Is this where those involved in the Ascension process will actually go,
to that higher vibration and dimension which is the Ascended Mother
Earth, located in the 5th dimension separated by the veil from the
deteriorating 3rd dimension so that all still exist together, but each
separated by that veil, each dimension possibly unaware of the
There are many who have that child innocence and ignorance to the
truth of reality as defined from the higher multidimensional levels of
consciousness. Many of the held views of the collective of humanity
are not enlightened views.
There are new toys to play with, new endeavors to concern oneself
with, and this is similar in a way to the Ascension process.
Those who are ready to step beyond the limiting beliefs that have
been held by humanity for eons can do so now, evolving into a much
more enlightened awareness, a much more harmonious conjunction
with the planetary consciousness of Gaia herself and of the higher
strata and levels and layers of consciousness that lie in the 4th
dimension, the 5th dimension and beyond.
If it were to occur that this individual had particular problems with the
educational system, the individual may fail several grades so that
entities that started out with this particular person, who have moved
on, lose touch with this individual.
The individual who had gone through successfully will often think
back to those years of progressions that defined the route and the
journey and may even think back on an individual who was once part
of their journey but perhaps never completed it, or perhaps the family
moved away and were not part of the eventually successful
completion of that educational journey.
Simply because one has moved on and has graduated does not
mean that they fail to remember on one level, their journey. They can
in fact, remember other levels of the journey. Thus it is with the
multidimensional nature of the journey.
It has been spoken in the past that with the Ascension process, some
who do not ascend are simply forgotten. Those who do not continue
the journey are put aside and not remembered. This is true to a
degree, but this has more to do with the focus of the individuals. As
one focuses on something, those who may have once been part of a
focus but no longer are, simply are not thought of often if they were
not close enough or connected enough.
Question: In other words, all of the dimensions stay put? The 3rd,
4th, and 5th are where they were before any of this happened. Is that
She is free to now enter university and to have new experiences, new
teachings. In this sense, it is exactly the same as individual
consciousnesses that move forward also in their own progressive
journey, expanding always, receiving more and more understanding
and awareness, raising one’s level of consciousness, expanding also
into multidimensional consciousness.
The planet earth, that which is Gaia, is going through a very similar
process, as are those who are individually and in a sense also
collectively moving along.
Question: Will the two, humanity and Mother Earth, again come
together, or would this be a different scenario completely?
This has largely been lost as humanity followed a different path that
separated itself from that intimate knowledge and connection with
Mother Earth, Gaia, and as mankind developed its ego and its sense
of separateness to such a degree that it felt it was not connected to
the earth, that it could subjugate earth to mankind’s wishes, that
schism, that chasm between Mother Earth and humanity grew and
There have always been those who have held a much stronger
affinity for the planet and have always sought to work in harmony
with her and to be unity with the consciousness that is Gaia.
Those who choose not to be in such harmony are free to break away
and to have other experiences. They are even free to have an
experience of a planet that does not move forward in a manner of
speaking to that Ascended state of Mother Earth that is possible for
her Ascension, but rather to move into a deteriorated state where
those conditions that once were favorable to human life are radically
altered, and human life will be a scavenger life, will be a life where
those who choose to experience it will be an extreme struggle and
difficulty, for that consciousness of that Mother Earth will be such that
it seeks to have such experiences of those physical extremes, and
those who would experience this with her are free to do so.
There is one area that this Awareness would speak to still; that is what
is known as the veil that was mentioned in the commentary and
question of the energizer. In particular, the veil that exists between 3rd
dimensional reality as opposed to veils that may exist between 4th
and 5th, 5th and 6th, 6th and 7th, and so on.
Largely speaking, the only real veil that exists is between the 3rd
dimension and the 4th and higher dimensions of reality. This was
created as a way of focusing the physical experience that was to be
had on the 3rd dimensional reality.
It was a way by which those who entered the 3rd dimension largely
forgot their own origins and their own reason for coming into physical
existence. This was done so that once a soul aspect entered into
physical life they could become completely immersed in the physical
life, the physical drama that they were experiencing.
Even those who had been given some understanding of that concept
which was known as heaven, and parallel to this the concept of hell,
still did not truly understand this other than it was a place that they
might go to if and when they died, if they had met all of the criteria.
This Christian concept was one of many that were present on planet
earth once the individual aspect entered into that state of human
consciousness that defined the 3rd dimensional experience.
Once the individual died, the truth of the matter is that they returned
always back to their soul essence, back to their soul family, back into
a higher dimensional consciousness. It is at that time that they are
able to review their lives, to look back at the very focused physical
experience for its lessons to determine whether they were successful
in completing that which they had proposed to experience in the first
Often on return back into this spiritual realm, there is the realization
that they were not successful in accomplishing the goals that had
been set for themselves before entering physical experience.
Many factors will intervene. That which was the blueprint for the life
may never be remembered or discovered. Other choices may be
Fear, doubt, and guilt all may affect an individual’s choices so that
they move away from that line that is the perfect line of their own
journey, their own development in the physical, and find that they
wind up far adrift of that which was their original line of purpose, their
Often "Karma" is the Desire to Get it Right
Thus, when they die and review the life, they may often see how far
adrift they were from that goal and that purpose and they may decide
at a later point to re-enter physical experience again and to try to
attain that which was not accomplished in the first lifetime, or in a
lifetime where there was a purpose and a choice that simply was not
This, too, is part of that concept that is known as karma. Often karma
is the desire to get it right, to have that experience, to achieve the
goals that were once set for oneself that were not entirely achieved.
Other energies enter into this, of course. There is that which is the
understanding of a lesson that needs to be learned as a result of
something done in another lifetime, but largely karma is that desire
and intent to get it right, to have the experience and to advance the
soul or spirit that was the original intent and design of the soul in the
first place.
Veils do not exist in the same way that they do in that which is the
3rd dimension, thus between the 4th and 5th dimension there is far
less forgetfulness to that which is beyond the 4th to the 5th, or the
5th to the 6th and so on.
The realities of the 3rd dimensional level by those who are Light
Workers are often seen and deemed to be very harsh and trying, and
many Light Workers often state that their choice is that they will never
come back, and this is the last time they will return into this physical
reality, or any other.
They have that life goal, that life plan, that lifeline that they wish to
accomplish in the physical reality they are about to enter. Doing so
will promote the growth of the soul and advance it tremendously.
There is that which is available in physicality that is not available in
that which is a purer state of consciousness that is not bound in a
physical manner.
This is known and it is for this reason that the soul seeks out the
physical experience, for on the physical plane the journey of
consciousness expansion and evolving rapidly is indeed accelerated
If the soul was to have the exact same reaction that often occurs
through the entity who is living a physical life, then far less aspects of
the soul would choose to come into physical incarnation, for if they
understood and felt the pain and remembered even more acutely,
then it is more than possible that many would simply not come into
the physical experience and they would avoid the crucible or
physicality and stay in that more blissful and serene state that is
presented to the soul in the non-corporeal states of consciousness.
However, it is the intense desire to grow and expand that drives the
soul and causes it to seek out physical experiences, even though
they will be intense, and even though they will often challenge the
individual to the extreme.
This could be that which this Awareness has often described as the
experiences of devolution, of a planet de-evolving, of that which this
Awareness has called Planet B. This would also give to that which is
the consciousness of the planet a unique set of experiences other
than that which is the Ascension experience. It does not invalidate
those experiences.
The soul can have both experiences as well as the many that lie
between the two extremes. In a conversation that took place between
the Interpreter and the energizer before the beginning of the session,
the Interpreter used an example that this Awareness was already
sending to him, and that was the example of a comet.
Thus it is that Planet A may have a tail behind her of many different
experiences that represent the overall body of experiences. By this,
this Awareness is saying that those who are on Planet A may have a
unique theme of experiences, that being the Ascension theme, that
being a new level of consciousness that defines reality much
differently than it once was defined, yet there are others who have
not yet progressed far enough along, who while having the desire to
experience new realities, are not quite ready to go the distance, to
develop and accelerate to the degree that others would.
Thus, they may have part of the overall experience of Ascension, but
they may experience their own unique representation of Ascension.
Thus, it may be for them to be part of the tail of a comet that allows
them to have lesser experiences, but still of that physical nature.
This is simply one image that this Awareness presents. It hopes that
this helps people to understand that concept of multidimensional
realities that are individual in nature, but still are part of a body or a
theme that is present and presented.
Those who die in the physical will indeed move elsewhere, but where
this Awareness would disagree with Matthew is that It suggests that
those who “die” in the physical will still return back to their spirit form,
their soul essence. They will integrate back into that soul essence,
and it is from that place that if there is a desire to move on to another
planet that has their soul registry or vibration, that they can make
such a choice and can have another experience on another planet.
Thus the soul returning back to the Soul Essence may determine and
decide that they want another physical experience in that which is
known as the past. Thus they may choose to be born again on
Mother Earth, but this time at a different vibrational moment, thus
experiencing ancient Egypt or experiencing a lifetime on the
Polynesian Islands before Captain Cooke arrived, or experiencing a
life as a caveman before the dawn of time. There are an infinite
amount of options that will be available.
There have been many variations on that theme. That which is Planet
B will have none of this. There will simply be a physical state of
existence that is completely tied in the physical circumstances and
those who may have power in those circumstances. This would be a
completely different and unique experience of a physical form and
reality that some souls may wish to experience also, while other
fragments or aspects of the soul may be free to have other
This does not make this incorrect. It is simple enough that there is
much more to it than what is often presented by Matthew. Matthew is
a voice that is often valid, but not always as complex as that which is
presented by this Awareness. This Awareness does not disagree
with this nor does It disagree that Matthew should be reviewed by
those who have interest.
In the end one must always determine for themselves what speaks to
them, what speaks to their heart: that which is the truth to them.
Many often do not accept that which is presented by this Awareness
for it challenges too deeply and is too hard for many to accept.
It supports the Abraham material, the Tobias material, for all of those
sources and others have information, but mostly this Awareness
supports each and every individual’s right and responsibility to
access the information, to investigate it, to question it, to work it, to
experience it, and in the end to make up their own minds and to
follow their own hearts, no matter who has given the information.
This is of course relative, for if you were part of the Orion Empire, it
would be seen that those who shared such philosophies and
thoughts and values as are held by the Galactic Federation would be
opposing to the good thoughts, the good way of thinking that is held
by the Orion Empire.
This is part of the dualism and separation that, when totally lived, will
bring to the Creator the variety of experiences that It seeks in order to
know Itself totally and completely. It therefore gave free will to Its
creation to branch off and to go in new directions.
They are part of the empire that is known as the Orion Empire, and a
major component to it, but those who originated life on planet earth,
those who had the original ties and claims to it as they saw it, were
Orion in nature.
The battle is for complete domination and regaining that which the
Orions feel was originally theirs, but through the evolutionary process
of mankind as well as the interloping by those of the Galactic
Federation as seen by Orions that the thinking of humanity has
shifted and needs to be brought back into more direct control.
This would be opposed by those who do not feel that the Orions have
the right to further subjugate humanity as they have in the past. It is a
subtle battle, for most of humanity does not even know that there is a
battle raging.
The battle is more one to awaken those who do not yet understand or
perceive the truth of the situation. This ties into that which is the
Ascension process, for as the Ascension process proceeds,
awareness and consciousness evolves, an awakening is occurring
amongst the masses, and more and more are starting to ask certain
When this process begins, it will quickly expand and many who have
been asleep will awaken to the degree that will allow them to look
differently upon the planet.
Those who have chosen to move forward will find that the world does
indeed change to them and for them to one degree or another, being
more spiritually involved and affected than was previously the case,
for part of the evolutionary process is that those who choose
Ascension will recognize themselves as first and foremost spiritual
beings having a physical experience versus the opposite view that is
currently held that the beings on the planet, humanity is largely
physical in nature, physical beings wondering if they have a spiritual
aspect at all, and questioning if they have a soul or if they will even
exist after their physical deaths.
While one must go through upheaval to reach the end, to reach the
threshold that one must walk through in order to be reborn into that
which lies beyond, one must not simply be caught up in the upheaval.
One must always look forward. One must always see that the end
goal is that which must be participated in and perceived, that which
must be held as the objective so that one moves forward instead of
becoming caught up in the standing events of the time.
Being caught up in the standing events, of believing them, of
energizing them, of endorsing them will simply entrap one in those
difficult times. The journey itself may be difficult enough without
becoming entrapped in the energies that are flowing in the world at
this time, the negative flow, the upheaval.
It is hoped by those who are in charge that many will fall victim to the
doom and gloom, will fall victim to the negativity and the fear and in
the end will be much more easily controlled and manipulated.
One could watch the news, even the negative and slanted reporting
of the news and still not be totally at the effect of the news if one
learns how to embrace that which is unfolding as part of the scenario
that is indicative of that which is the Ascension process unfolding.
The Ascension process has not only that powerful and positive effect
on many souls who are already ascending to a higher reality and
higher dimensional consciousness, it also has as part of the scenario
of events, the unfolding of the negative events, of those controlled
events that one must be able to read in order to truly be aware of
what is going down.
By being aware that those events that are unfolding are exactly the
events that need to unfold, that are also part of the Ascension
process, one is given a way by which to gauge the progress, both on
the worldly level as well as the personal level.
This is also part of being able to look on the events that are occurring
without being wrapped up and entrapped by them.
Many are fearful that they will lose their loved ones, forgetting that
even if there is a physical demise, those loved ones will not
disappear, they will simply carry on in spirit form, returning back to
their spiritual source and essence, and that all are ready to shift in
such a manner, aside from those who may wish to endure the
physical hardships and extremes that will exist at that shifting point
where the planet itself also experiences a physical event.
To hold to one’s higher views and values, even those New Age views
and values which are very deep and profound and spiritual in nature,
but to also accept that in the shift of consciousness that there are
going to perhaps be events that you cannot totally control, for in the
sense of total control, one must have the highest level of
consciousness and awareness.
Many will not reach this extremely high level of consciousness, but
they will have reached a high enough state of consciousness that on
the whole, they will Ascend and their journey of continuing to expand
their consciousness will continue on the other side of the Ascension
veil, the point of Ascension.
There already is a planet that exists on the 5th plane that is the
Ascended Planet. It exists in form and thought, but at the same time,
there is the evolving of the planet towards this higher stage of
consciousness that the planet is ascending to. In a manner of
perception and understanding, it must be understood that there
needs to be a form or a template that exists on some level that will
attract to it the evolving form, that which is the planet in Ascension.
This is the nature of the vision board that is spoken of in the book
and DVD The Secret. This is the nature of the Treasure Map that this
Awareness has presented to the membership in past times, and the
process of making a wish.
To create the form, the thought and to hold it will attract to that form
thought, the object of attraction. In this case, the form thought is large
indeed: the evolution of an entire planet, the logos and
consciousness of an entire planet ascending to its own higher state
of consciousness. It is not dependent on human beings reaching a
level of consciousness for this to occur, for the planet will ascend,
whether or not any of the beings of human consciousness ascend
with her.
She is fully aware that there are many that are gauging her progress,
that are evolving themselves and that will be part of the Ascension
process. There is an energy that is being created on the planet that
will assist those who are moving in this direction, will help them and
accelerate them as the actual date of the completion of Ascension
draws nearer and nearer.
She is aware of this factor, but she is also aware that there are many
who will not reach that level that is needed for those who will ascend
to ascend, so she will not limit herself only to those who ascend.
She will not hold back because not enough have reached such a
level. In other words, she is also aware that there will be those
humans who have not reached a higher enough level of
Therefore, she does not hold back her spiritual evolution, waiting for
all of humanity to reach that level of consciousness that would be the
marking point that would allow the individual to ascend, but in fact,
realizes that not all will complete the journey at this time. Still, she
emanates through the Ascension process the energies that will assist
many to break through the barriers that limit them and hold them
Thus, in her own way, she is also assisting those many who will
ascend with her to whatever degree that they will participate and
Thus it is that the billions of human beings that are on this planet, all
aspects of the soul, have chosen this time, and this experience. They
have come onto the planet knowing that they enter an extremely
delicate time, an important time, the time of Ascension, and that they
wish to absorb the energies that are available to them during this
Some will choose to have the experience that they can ascend with
the planet at this time. Some will choose to have a separated
experience that will not include Ascension, but will at least be open to
the energies of Ascension so that in another incarnation they will be
more prepared for their own Ascension process.
Thus it is that even those who will not ascend, those who will not
progress and instead will die and return back to the fabric of their
soul will have the opportunity, as has always been the case, to pick
another physical reality or dimension or planet to have another
physical life or experience.
Does Human, Animal And Plant Life Continue Here After Ascension?
(Will the Present Reincarnational Cycle End?)
Question: Are third density human, animal and plant life going to
continue here after the Ascension? If so, for how long? I ask this
because I do not see our planet’s vast life systems as continuing the
present reincarnational cycles as Planet B on this literal earth planet.
It would then become a parallel planet earth that had another choice
and another direction. There are as many different choices as there
are human beings. In other words, each individual is free to
experience a different reality.
Each creator being has the ability and power to dream their own
dream. What occurs often is that many will share a particular dream
and will have a common experience. Because the events will be very
profound and powerful in and of themselves, many will experience
these profound times and have a common experience that is such
that they will share with others a reality that is defined on this
This Awareness has spoken of the power of choice in the past and
how for every choice made there is a parallel line of focus and
consciousness that will carry on with that opposite choice that was
These alternate realities will indeed occur, for such is the power of
choice, such is the nature of consciousness that there are many
variations on the theme, all of which will be experienced by one or
more aspects of consciousness.
The truth is that there are two major themes that are developing
which will guide the individual soul aspect towards one theme or
another. The primary theme this Awareness has spoken of is that
which is called the Ascension theme, the ascending of
consciousness through a physical journey to regain its conscious
awareness of its true self.
Thus, each aspect of the soul, each individualization of the soul that
is having a human experience ultimately will seek to understand itself
as more than just a physical human being, but as a transcendent
being that has chosen to have a physical experience, and Ascension
is simply remembering this and waking up to this, and returning back
to their higher level of conscious awareness where they will continue
their journey.
That which is not the theme of Ascension, that which is the theme of
physicality and the separateness of the physical from spirit, will seek
even the most extreme experience on this theme, that of total
separation and remembrance of any spiritual aspect. They will not
remember that they are transcendental beings transcending
physicality to discover their spirituality.
They will see and know themselves only as primal physical beings
who must struggle in a world that is devoid of any spiritual
understanding or awareness. They too will eventually die in such a
life and awaken to the truth of their spiritual being and remember that
it was their choice to separate themselves from their own spiritual
source and to have this extreme physical experience.
But in the end, this too is but a theme among an infinite amount of
themes that are available to the soul to experience and to bring back
to that which is the Almighty Godhead, the Source and Creator of All.
This is not how it works. It is true that each and every individualized
soul that would choose to have a physical experience, indeed any
experience on any level of consciousness, does so for the choice of
having the experience and the experience of having a physical life
where there is no remembrance of one’s spiritual nature is simply
one of many choices.
Even though one may have a purpose in life, often this purpose is not
achieved, and therefore, when the individual soul returns to its
greater soul fabric, it sees and recognizes that it did not quite achieve
the goals. That individual soul may determine it wishes to return to
another physical experience carrying on that theme so that it might
have a new chance to achieve the goals that it had set the first time
but had not quite managed to achieve.
There is that which this Awareness would call cluster lives, lives that
have a theme and are lived in a cluster around that theme so that
one may experience various aspects and elements of the theme.
Thus it is that if in one life one wishes to experience abandonment,
one might experience a life of being abandoned as a child.
Another life might be a life where the person is the one who
abandons the children and the wife. Another life might be that of a
wife who has had her husband abandon her. These are all the cluster
lives around the theme of abandonment and this also has an effect
when one is discussing the successful resolution of a theme or a life.
When one has not quite understood the theme, one will come back in
another aspect of that theme to experience from another angle until
that understanding of abandonment is truly achieved on all levels,
from all angles and all perspectives. There is no punishment. The
souls who live on this planet are not here because they failed on
another planet to achieve some goal.
It is simple enough that if they did not achieve it they have the choice
to visit another form of that experience, another level of that
experience, and to have further experiences.
Many souls have chosen to enter at this time, even though they have
realized they will not achieve enlightenment and Ascension in this
life, but they will experience even in a secondary manner the
energies of Ascension, of a planet ascending, of a mass-amount of
individuals ascending, and this knowing will then be held in the soul
and provide perhaps a new theme to strive for: the theme of
When one has had enough of a physical experience, one can choose
to blink out, to return into their more ethereal state and have their
more spiritual experience and be in a higher level of bliss.
There will be no need for that process of physical death any longer
for each soul and each individual aspect of the soul will have the total
understanding that it can choose one form or the other whenever it
wishes. At this time, due to the parameters of belief that exist on this
planet, those rules and cosmic laws that were formulated to dictate
life on the physical 3rd dimensional planet, there was no room for
actual choice to move in between both states or forms of
Very few have obtained it, but occasionally great avatars such as the
historical figures known as Jesus or Buddha or Krishna or others who
are lost in the annals of time have achieved individual Ascension, but
this has all been party to a Group Ascension, a Collective Ascension,
where many have reached a high enough level through many
incarnations and many experiences to proceed in a group manner
through that higher expanded consciousness.
Others will spur those who are close or ready to this Ascension and it
will expand even more as the time grows closer to the completion of
the Ascension process, at that time that is commonly held as
December 21, 2012.
There will be further work done afterwards, but this will be somewhat
separate to the Ascension process that is currently underway. This is
the time of Ascension, yet these times are more commonly known as
the End Times. This Awareness is very much asserting here that the
End Times are also the Ascension Times., and that December 21,
2012 marks the completion of this journey.
That which will continue afterwards will be different than that which
precedes that Ascension.
There will be those who will help from the other side, those who are
already in the higher-aspect levels of the 4th dimension and lower 5th
dimension have agreed to do this work of guiding those through the
portal that will make itself available and the variations or portals, for it
is not seen that there is only one portal.
There are also the inside workers, those Light Workers that are on
the planet at this time, who have held the line for humanity, who have
taken on much at this time to allow the Ascension process to proceed
from this side, from this angle of reality.
Question: The inside portal workers who enter the portals will stay
inside and will not return through the portals. Their main role will be
to act as teachers and set up various councils. Everyone will be
telepathic, but at different levels, some better than others at first until
their understanding and awareness grows.
People who enter the portals to ascend may be taking their willing
families, children, dogs and cats, etc. in this group ascension process
to the 4th dimension. Your comment please?”
It spoke earlier that it must be recognized that not all those who are
close to an enlightened being will themselves ascend, so while the
suggestion is made that while those individuals transiting through the
portals will be able to take their family with them, this is only to the
degree that each individual member of the family, or even the
household pet, the dog or the cat, may wish to go through.
One must be prepared for this and truly understand that they are
honoring the highest spiritual essence of the being for they allow that
which is the individual right of the being to say Yes or No to this
Each individual will choose for himself or herself what it is that they
wish to experience.
Cosmic Awareness: This is not correct. This may apply to many who
finely enter the portal and feel their work is complete and done.
There will however be others who will enter the portal bringing many
with them, and yet feel obligated to return back into physical
incarnation to help others who are still struggling to reach this level of
consciousness that will allow them to ascend themselves.
Also, it is not so that all those who are inside workers will necessarily
be involved in creating councils or other activities of this nature.
Some will. Others will simply be guides to those who are in the
process of ascending.
There are very many different roles that the inside workers will fulfill.
There are many inside workers who at this time are very frustrated
with their roles for they do not see much happening at this particular
moment, and yet they are still doing work at the deeper levels of
consciousness, even if they are not fully aware on a conscious
waking level what actions and activities they are involved in, in that
which is the unconscious level of activity, that which occurs while the
Light Worker is asleep and free of the physical body and physical
Many Lightworkers Now Bored With Their Lives Are Much Involved in
Unconscious Levels of Activity
Many of the Light Workers who are bored with their lives, frustrated
with their lives, uncomprehending of their role or purpose are very
much involved in such hidden unconscious work, and these too are
inside workers, Light Workers who are active at this time without their
full understanding of what they truly are doing.
This is added to help many who are in this role to understand that
even though it may appear that they are not doing anything and
nothing seems to be happening, it does not mean that nothing is
It simply means that they have not yet reached that timing where they
will become more cognizant of their own activities and move into a
more conscious choosing of then-activities with a perception of the
work they are doing, an understanding and a viewing of that work
and a seeing that it is indeed all happening just as they felt and
dreamt it would.
Question: Not all on Earth will choose to make the Ascension to the
4th dimension during these times of great change. It has been
suggested that approximately 2 billion will ascend, about 4 billion will
not. Choices are honored without judgment and all are loved and
other opportunities will be provided in God’s plan for humanity. Is this
They all will eventually return back into the Essence of the Godhead,
bringing their gifts, their presence, their experiences on the many
levels of consciousness that exist, back to that which is the God
Force, the Godhead, All Mighty God, Creator and Source of All, but it
is not God who will make these choices and then reward them if they
did not choose to ascend at this time, nor will It punish them either.
This Awareness simply wishes to say a larger amount will not choose
to ascend in that which is the Group Ascension at this time, for they
have not completed their rounds of experiences on physical levels
and other levels that they wish to have before they are ready to
It is correct enough to say that approximately one third of the planet’s
population will have an Ascension experience and that less than one
third will continue to have an extreme physical experience on that
which is Planet B and that those who are left will in all likelihood die
in a physical manner so that they are returned back into the essence
of their being.
The cell mitochondria become four times as big as they are now in
3D. Although some will bring their existing 3D illnesses with them
when they go through the portals, once inside there will be no
sickness in the 4th dimension. New understandings and 4th
dimensional healing will bring balance and new peace as awareness
of the Christ within grows on different levels. Comments?
This too is part of the Ascension process and is something that has
happened to certain of the Light Workers who have agreed to carry a
heavier weight of the world’s consciousness in these very difficult
times, and in order to transmute some of the negative energies of
consciousness that are in existence these particular Light Workers
had to have a heavier denser body that was more grounded that
would allow them to transmute some of those negative energies.
This too is part of the Ascension process and the shifting of the
physical body into its purer form, its more perfect form.
Question: There are other sources who suggest that people should
be careful about ascending to the 4th dimension, because there is a
danger of being trapped on that level, and ultimately some may have
to reincarnate back to the 3rd dimension in new bodies to finish the
wheel of karma necessary before making their Ascension.
They suggest people should ascend to the 5th dimension and avoid
the 4th dimensional traps entirely. Comments?
Therefore, this Awareness does not totally agree that there is danger
to simply go into the 4th dimension, for it is seen that the Ascension
process and the assurances that are also placed on this process of
those ascending at this time is such that the ascending ones will go
straight through to those places of safety in the higher 4th dimension
and lower 5th.
As long as all continue on the journey and put their goal ahead of
them, and that they are seeking the highest expression of
themselves, seeking a true understanding and awareness, they will
continue in the Ascension process.
It is also to be understood that those who are in the Ascension
process have been involved in many lifetimes to get here. It is not
simply the result of being born at this time, living only this life, and
deciding that this thing called the Ascension process would be rather
neat to do, and thus one will become ascended.
Those who are what are commonly called new souls have not the
background yet for them to ascend although many have come onto
the planet at this time to have a secondary experience of the
energies of Ascension as it prepares them on their journey of many
incarnations to reach their own final Ascension when it is their time.
Cosmic Awareness has made Itself quite clear that It is not an entity,
a disembodied spirit or anything of that nature. Awareness is pure
energy - pure everything - or the natural God. Cosmic Awareness is
that Universal Consciousness that permeates all living things in the
universe, that sees all and experiences and discerns “what is” with-
out judging or condemning. It is the Cosmic River of Life, the Stream
of Consciousness, the Eternal Essence of Being, the Divine Spirit.
All consciousness springs from the same river of life - the Universal
Life Force. Cosmic Awareness is not a personality, but a force that is
personal in nature. The name Cosmic Awareness is unlikely to
become confused with any “personality” who channels or expresses
this force, avoiding any form of worship toward that person. It can be
experienced by anyone who goes deep enough within oneself to
touch that level of Cosmic Awareness.
Cosmic Awareness is the sea of life that not only fills our cells with
living energy, but fills the air we breathe and the space between
galaxies and the molecules. It is the living universe.
Another major theme that runs through all of the Cosmic Awareness
readings is that there is no death. None whatsoever. What we call
“death” and mourn about is nothing more than a simple transition to
another vibratory rate that Cosmic Awareness refers to as the Inner
During sleep, Cosmic Awareness tells us, we often leave our physical
body and travel around the various planes, of which there are many -
some high and some quite low. These inner planes are what are
generally referred to in various religious teachings as Heaven, Hell,
Limbo, Purgatory, etc. We travel to these planes to attend schools, to
help others and to basically learn what we need to learn.
Cosmic Awareness asks not that you sacrifice to It, not that you
believe in It, not that you bow down in worship to It, but only that you
love one another, serve one another, and that you yourself grow
spiritually, become cosmically aware and find out “Who, In Fact, You
Really Are.”
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