September 1997
Date ^)(W
DE-6 (2/88)
In the 1970s, the slum upgrading approach was embraced by the Philippine
government in response to the shelter dilemma facing the urban poor. Twenty years later,
policy makers and planners continue to draw on many o f the assumptions informing this
approach as they grapple with the ongoing challenge of ensuring that the urban poor have
access to shelter and services i n the face o f rapid urbanisation and population growth.
The Tondo Foreshore in Manila, Philippines was the site o f a comprehensive slum
evaluation in order to assess the impact of the project on the community over time and to
test the theoretical underpinnings o f the slum upgrading approach. Specifically, the state
of the physical environment; the extent to which improvements i n the housing stock have
been realised; the impact o f the project on the target beneficiaries; and the degree to
The findings reveal that the project has yielded mixed results. In the short term,
introducing basic urban services and inducing improvements i n the housing stock. Over
time, however, population pressures and lack of maintenance have taken their toll so that
now aspects o f the project are on the verge o f reverting back to their original state.
Further, as a result o f the granting o f tenure, 'upward filtering' has occurred due
reasons which include property speculation and the lack of affordability o f the project.
Still, many o f the project beneficiaries have remained in place without maintaining the
required monthly amortisation payments toward the purchase of their lots. The result is a
government which has not been able to recover its investment as anticipated and a
lasting and pervasive influence toward the strengthening of the community. While the
community does exhibit a sense of cohesiveness, a decline in the propensity for residents
LIST OF T A B L E S viii
1.5.1 Research Questions 14
1.7 R E S E A R C H M E T H O D O L O G Y 17
1.7.1 Methodological Rationale 17
1.7.2 Types and Sources of Information 18
1.7.3 The Research Process 20
1.7.4 Limitations of the Study 22
3 C O M M U N I T Y U P G R A D I N G IN T H E T O N D O F O R E S H O R E 45
5.3 F A C T O R S I N F L U E N C I N G H O U S I N G C O N S O L I D A T I O N 85
5.3.1 Land Tenure 85
5.3.2 Sources of Financing 86
5.3.3 Income Levels 88
5.3.4 Economic Activities 89
5.3.5 Self-Help 91
5.4 C O N C L U S I O N S 93
6.1 A S S E S S I N G A F F O R D A B I L I T Y : W A S T H E P R O J E C T T O O E X P E N S I V E ? 96
6.1.1 Income and Expenditures 97
6.1.2 Mechanisms for Increasing Affordability 98
6.1.3 The Effectiveness of These Measures 100
6.2 H A S T H E F O R E S H O R E B E C O M E A Z O N E O F T R A N S F E R ? 102
6.2.1 Shifts in Tenure Status 102
6.2.2 Patterns of Movement 103
6.2.3 Shifts in the Stability of the Population 105
6.2.4 Distribution of Project Benefits 105
6.2.5 Remaining in Place 106
6.3 C O S T R E C O V E R Y 107
6.3.1 Price Acceptability 107
6.3.2 Cost Recovery Campaigns 110
6.3.3 Last Attempts at Cost-Recovery 111
6.3.4 Was Cost Recovery a Reasonable Goal? 113
6.4 C O N C L U S I O N S 114
7.1 C O M M U N I T Y C O H E S I O N 116
7.2 M U T U A L A I D A N D C O - O P E R A T I O N 117
7.2.1 The Persistence of Bayanihan 118
7.2.2 Examples of Mutual A i d 118
7.2.3 Examples of Co-operation 119
7.3 C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I S A T I O N S 120
7.4 P O L I T I C A L O R G A N I S A T I O N S 121
7.4.1 Government Organisations 122
7.4.2 People's Organisations 124
7.4.3 Issues for Organising 126
9 F I L L I N G IN T H E G A P S 143
T A B L E 9: E X I S T E N C E OF C O M M E R C I A L A C T I V I T Y WITH C L A S S OF S T R U C T U R E 90
I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Aprodico Laquian for his support,
patience and guidance throughout the development of this thesis. I would also like to
express my gratitude to Micheal Leaf for his many insights, and to Tom Hutton and Delia
Laglagaron for taking the time to adjudicate the product of my research. In addition, I
want to thank the Centre for Human Settlements for providing me with the Graduate
Fellowship Travel Grant, without which I could not have embarked on such a rewarding
experience. Words cannot describe the support I have received from Edith Rasco-Gapuz
of the National Housing Authority in the Philippines. Without her assistance and support
the research would certainly not have been possible. I would also like to thank Marc
Carey and Ian Jones for their late night editing efforts, among other things. Finally,
thanks to a couple of my colleagues, Michele Cairns and Karen Chua who were great
Until the Second World War the Philippine economy was dominated by the
agricultural sector. After the war more emphasis was placed on agro-industrial
development and the export of traditional crops and manufacturing. With the
relocated to urban centres in search of jobs, higher incomes and improved education. By
the 1950s, slums constructed as temporary shelter by rural migrants were ubiquitous.
By the 1960s, urbanisation rates had slowed, reflecting the decline in the
the island of Mindanao), which absorbed a great deal of the agricultural labour force. In
the 1970s, a resurgence of urban growth occurred due to infrastructure investment and
Plan of Action on Shelter and Human Settlements, 1996). By the 1980s, economic
growth had slowed once again. However the growth of urban centres continued due to1
the lack of investment in rural areas and the reclassification of rural areas into urban
By 1990, the urban growth rate fell to 2.35 per cent (a 50 year low) despite the
continued significance of the role of the urban sector in economic growth. The National
' Between 1980-1990 the urban population growth rate was 5.14 percent; higher than the national average
for the same period of time which was around 3.1 percent.
Rural-urban migration is also the result of a lack of services and reflects the need for meaningful land
reform brought on, in part, due to the gradual mechanisation of farming.
Capital Region (NCR), as the centre of administrative and business activities, was
responsible for more than 50 per cent of the country's GDP. This mega-urban region of
eight million inhabitants (1990) accounted for 14.7 per cent of the total Philippine
population and 33.5 per cent of the total urban population as the result of steady
migration from rural areas. It was estimated that Metro Manila's population density was
60 times that of the average density of the rest of the country and this situation was
expected to worsen with predictions placing the population of Metro Manila at 16.1
Given the current population growth rate of 2.3 per cent per annum, the Philippine
population is expected to grow from 62 million to more than 120 million by the year
2020. Also, with urban areas growing at a rate 15 times faster than rural areas, over half
of the country's population will reside in urban areas by the year 2000. The result will be
an unprecedented demand for basic services, housing, and employment. What is most
disturbing about these figures is that more than half of these future residents of urban
centres will belong to the urban poor living primarily in slum and squatter areas (National
In the 1970s, the slum upgrading approach was embraced by the Philippine
government in response to the shelter dilemma facing the urban poor. Twenty years later,
policy makers and planners continue to draw on many of the assumptions informing this
approach as they grapple with the ongoing challenge of ensuring that the urban poor have
Metro Manila is comprised of four cities and thirteen municipalities.
This translates into 13,365 per square km. (CMP, pg. 4).
Population growth is the percentage increase in one year including births, deaths, emigration and
immigration (Asiaweek. Volume 20, Number 1, Jan.5, 1994, pp 47, 50).
access to shelter and services in the face of rapid urbanisation and population growth.
This thesis is about one approach to slum and squatter sites, the slum upgrading
approach. Through the evaluation of one community, the Tondo Foreshore in Manila
which was upgraded in the mid 1970s, the long term impacts of the approach are
considered in order to test the theoretical underpinnings of this approach. Specifically, the
state of the physical environment; the extent to which improvements in the housing stock
have been realised; the impact of the project on the target beneficiaries; and the degree to
which the project engendered a sense of community and a strengthening of civil society
of slum and squatter settlements set up by the urban poor in response to the lack of decent
and affordable shelter. In the Philippines, the urban poor represent 55 per cent (7.9
million) of the total urban population. Throughout Metro Manila, this figure translates
into an estimated three million people who are forced to reside in some 618 slum and
This term commonly refers to the degraded physical status of the site which may or may not be occupied
on a legal basis. Like a slum, a squatter settlement indicates a level of environmental dilapidation, however,
the term refers more specifically to the legal status of tenure wherein the resident is occupying an area
illegally. Often the terms slum and squatter are used interchangeably.
and poor environmental conditions (National Report and Plan of Action on Shelter and
Often slum and squatter settlements are located on or near dump sites or in
hazardous areas alongside railroad tracks, river banks, creeks, or coastlines. These sites,
deemed uninhabitable by most, are considered prime locations by the urban poor who
from these hazards, the urban poor also suffer from a chronic lack of access to services
such as education, adequate health care and formal credit facilities. What is more, the
majority of these households occupy the land they live on illegally, making the
inhabitants vulnerable to demolition and eviction. Despite their insecurity of tenure, many
squatters are still required to pay 'rent' to 'landlords' operating syndicates, speculators,
steady, this situation can only be expected to intensify making the implications for human
settlement planning immense. It is estimated that by the year 2000, the total demand for
upgraded lots in Metro Manila alone will be approximately 300,000 plots (Skinner and
Rodell, 1987).
Specifically this means that 63 per cent of the population have no regular water supply, 42 per cent have
no access to sanitary toilets, 77 per cent of all pre-school children are malnourished, and death rates from
preventable diseases like tuberculosis are high (Ruland, pg. 327).
A 1990 census revealed that of the 52 per cent of all slum dwellers which are employed, 23 per cent are
working in the informal economy. The census also showed that the average monthly income was P 1,675,
below the poverty line of P 2,709 set in 1988 (CMP, pg. 5, unpublished).
This fact makes the urban poor vulnerable to loan sharks for their credit needs. In the Philippines the most
common scheme for credit is operated by syndicates running a '5/6' amortisation scheme wherein the
borrower takes P 5 and pays back P 6 in a short period of time, sometimes a week.
Since the 1950s, the Philippine government has implemented various shelter
initiatives which address the plight of the urban poor. In response to pressures exerted by
developers seeking to demolish structures to make way for high end commercial and
residential buildings, the government relocated slum residents to sites located on the
periphery of the city far from employment opportunities. With limited options for work,
settlers often returned to the Metro Manila area choosing to squat and gain employment,
even if this meant giving up any property rights on the land to which they had been
previously transferred. When it became obvious that these schemes were not effective,
the act of squatting while serving to legalise evictions and demolitions (CMP, 1994).
In the 1960s, the government embarked on a low income housing program. Like
the earlier attempts at relocation, these plans were often unsuccessful in reaching the
target group. The result was the occupation of these structures by residents who were not
in need of government subsidy, leaving the intended beneficiaries to squat. Low income
groups responded to the situation they found themselves in by beginning to organise and
gain popular support from student, labour and religious groups who showed a desire to
assists the urban poor to organise to fight against demolition and eviction. At this time,
many slum communities began to demand tenure rights and access to basic services.
Given the ineffectiveness of the past policies and ardent community activism, the
government turned to in situ upgrading as a strategy for dealing with slum and squatter
The plight of the urban poor was the central theme at the 1976 United Nations
this conference was a declaration that housing was a basic human right and that shelter,
infrastructure and services should be accessible to all. This declaration reflected a new set
of assumptions pertaining to the urban poor and squatter settlements indicating that a
paradigmatic shift had occurred. Based on these assumptions, community upgrading and
'sites and services' approaches were adopted as the new strategy for intervention in urban
through the implementation of basic community facilities such as potable water, sewer,
surface drainage, electricity, streets and footpaths, schools, health clinics, and community
centres. These facilities are introduced using the contribution of local labour with
Inherent in this approach is the assumption that it is the degraded state of the
environment and the lack of basic services which make slums unfit for habitation, not the
Slum, community and in situ (in place) upgrading are used interchangeably throughout this paper.
housing provision is undertaken. "Housing", then, refers more to a process wherein
structures are consolidated incrementally over time as funds permit and service needs
demand, particularly once tenure has been secured. This process relies on the concept of
'aided self-help' which is based on the premise that the non-conventional housing
undertaken by the urban poor is a rational response to housing shortages and dwindling
government resources.
Like the community upgrading approach, 'sites and services' schemes represented
Both of these approaches aimed to provide housing for the urban poor, increase the stock
of permanent housing, limit public expenditures, restore formal planning control, and
provide job opportunities for residents. Unlike in-situ upgrading, 'sites and services'
projects were implemented on new sites. As such, lots were provided with varying
degrees of service standards with most projects providing a core unit structure which may
have included a wall, a toilet, a kitchen, and a room. Other projects were strictly service
oriented, requiring the families concerned to build and invest in the provided shell
structure. 11
The Tondo Foreshore and neighbouring Dagat-Dagatan served as a testing
ground for the Philippine government's new strategy on housing the urban poor.
' The focus of this paper is not on 'sites and services' approaches due to time and money constraints. As
such, little more will be written on this topic. It should be stated up front, however, that many of the
original projects using this approach were unsuccessful due to the distance of the sites from employment
opportunities. This meant that many of these projects were abandoned as people moved from the periphery
back to the centre where they were employed (Laquian, 1983).
In the 1920s, with the Philippines under American colonial rule, the American
community of largely poor people in the city of Manila. Soon after migrants from the
provinces began to settle there. At that time the study indicated that Tondo was already
showing signs of social and economic afflictions. In fact, the problems were so numerous
that the colonial government decided not to address the area at all, thus leaving Tondo to
In 1940, the national government reclaimed 0.37 kilometres of land from the sea
which fronted Tondo. The intention was to develop the site as an inter-island port
complex and as an extension of the coastal road (Roxas Boulevard). The reclaimed land,
the Tondo Foreshore, is bounded on the west by the North Harbour complex on Manila
Bay, on the east by private lands, on the south by the Pasig River and on the north by the
Vitas River.
F i g u r e 1: T h e T o n d o Foreshore
Post war changes i n the economy and development policies with an urban bias
gave rise to steady migration from the provinces to Metro Manila. The Tondo Foreshore
markets, and employment opportunities at the pier i n Manila's North Harbour. Despite
skilled labourers did not accompany the country's economic growth. Instead, the
adoption of mechanised production processes left migrants who lacked specialised skills
Republic Act 1592 was passed in 1956, authorising the subdivision of the
Tondo Foreshore and the immediate sale of the lots to bona fide residents. This Act was
condoned urban squatting by extending tenure rights to the squatter families (Lantoria,
1975). In the end, RA 1592 was never fully implemented due to an inherent vagueness in
its terms. Three years later, Republic Act 2439 was approved which served to define the
final boundaries of the Tondo Foreshore area and enlarged it from 130.5 hectares to
185.75 hectares.
resided in Metro Manila, 13 per cent of which were squatting in the Foreshore making it
the largest slum colony in Southeast Asia (Lantoria, 1975). The population of the Tondo
Foreshore swelled to 27,000 families or an estimated 180,000 people. The area was
extremely congested with a density of 3,000 persons per hectare. With so many families
squatting illegally, the issue of land tenure and occupancy rights emerged once again as a
RA 1592 gave authority to the Land Tenure Administration to sell lots without using public bidding as
subdivided to their respective lessees and bona fide occupants (Lantoria, 1975). The price was pegged at P
5 per square metre, without down payment for a period of 15 years. It also decided that disposal of the lots
would be prohibited.
The average household is comprised of six members.
degree of political influence which made it difficult for the government to use its
dislocation tactics. Given the militancy of the community, the size of the population, and
the abject state of both the physical and the social environments, the government turned
to the in situ upgrading approach as the rational response to the situation as well as the
most politically expedient one. The World Bank also became involved in the
urban poor. 14
associated with urbanisation is not equitably distributed throughout the population. The
result is the growing prevalence of urban poor and the continued development of slum
and squatter sites. In light of this, there is a critical need for viable and sustainable
meeting the shelter and service needs of the people among the lowest 30 percent income
and policy makers who viewed the approach as a rational government response in the
development of slums and squatter settlements. Despite the realisation of successes in the
short term, the effectiveness of the approach to service the needs of the urban poor over
The World Bank had funded similar upgrading projects in Senegal, Indonesia, and Zambia.
time has not been determined. To this end, the impact of selected aspects of upgrading on
There are a number of issues that usually underpin the issue of upgrading. First, it
has been contended that once the environmental quality of a slum has improved and large
scale improvements have been introduced, densities will inevitably rise beyond that
upgrading. As this occurs, the initial stage of urban decay is presumed to set in and the
upgraded site will slip back into a state of blight (Reforma, 1983). As such, upgrading
will continuously be required, therefore calling into question issues of cost effectiveness.
Second, while the community upgrading approach has proven to evoke initial
improvements in the overall quality of the housing stock, the degree to which households
will continue to invest in their structures once a satisfactory level of consolidation has
been achieved is unknown. The continued significance of factors, such as tenure, which
were initially influential in bringing about structural improvements also remain unclear.
Specifically, once an upgrading project has been implemented, the importance of de jure
financing, and housing design play an influential role in the process over time are not
De jure tenure refers to the legal recognition of tenure versus de facto tenure which occurs by virtue of
the fact that the land is occupied. Although this occupation is not legally recognised there is a perceived
security of occupation.
known. Zetter asserts that "[fjhere is contradictory evidence about the precise significance
on the stability of the population has been discussed throughout the literature. It has been
argued that the costs associated with projects of this nature are often not affordable by the
target population. Thus, the rise in overall standards and the promise of tenure is likely to
income group. Whatever the cause, the result is a community at risk of becoming zones
of transfer which once again leaves the urban poor without shelter.
Finally, much has been written regarding the importance of 'process' or those
elements of the slum upgrading aimed at the total development of the community. It has
been suggested that too often the encouragement of the public's participation in the
project is more likely a means to an end rather than a tool aimed at stimulating the
development process for future activities. Van Horen (1994) asserts that often
considerations such as these are secondary to the improvements sought in the physical
The key problem in the Philippine urban context is that the long term impacts of
community upgrading have not been verified and as such the assumptions informing the
community upgrading approach remain untested. In spite of this fact, current settlement
projects and programmes continue to draw on many of the same theoretical assumptions.
See also Angel (1983) and Jimenez (1982).
This research elucidates the impact of the approach by focusing on the Tondo Foreshore
as a case study. Studies such as these are vital to ensure that future policies and practices
are responsive to the needs of the urban poor and that any benefits of this approach are
the impact of selected aspects of community upgrading over time in the development of
Effectiveness is ultimately determined by the impact of the project on the community and
the resident households based on a 'view from the inside' (see Van Horen, 1994).
It is necessary to distinguish between the 'effectiveness' of the project design and the impact of external
and internal factors. The research does not intend to assess the implementation or effectiveness of project
While there are a multiplicity of impacts which could be included in the evaluation, the
research focused on selected aspects of the slum upgrading as defined in the project
objectives. This will provide insight into whether the community upgrade approach is an
effective tool in engendering positive changes throughout the community while at the
same time test the degree to which the design assumptions lend to the sustainability of the
approach. To this end, the primary research was an exploratory case study which focused
• to document the changes in the physical environment since the intervention and to
Each of these points was considered at both the community and household levels. The
project has had multiple impacts on the community. However, due to time constraints, the
components as this would only serve to define the outputs of adopted programmes encompassed within the
project rather than more generalised outcomes or impacts. Studies such as these would consider the
efficiency in which the components were implemented.
Contextual or intervening variables are those characteristics of the community which affect the impact of
the project components. These could include location in the city, size of the community, socio-economic
level, tenure status and density. The residents may also be a factor as they can either facilitate or hinder the
implementation of the project.
the rapid pace of urbanisation and inequitable economic development. More than half of
the people who reside in Metro Manila are poor; it is they who make their homes in the
slum and squatter settlements that blanket the mega-city's topography (Balisacan, 1994).
Given the pervasiveness of these settlements and the prevalence of poverty, research
which addresses this social issue is crucial. To this end, the research endeavours to inform
policy while contributing to practical strategies which address the shelter and settlement
The research focus calls into question various assumptions which inform the
being implemented in their original form, the Philippine position paper on shelter and
human settlement policy into the 21st century, The National Report and Plan of Action
on Shelter and Human Settlements, indicates that under the National Shelter Program the
Philippine government will continue to pursue strategies which draw heavily on many of
Through a long range impact study, issues such as the relationship between tenure
and housing consolidation, levels of affordability and its impact on the population, the
existence of community cohesion and empowerment, and the ability of the project to
findings contribute to theory building and are also beneficial to policy makers and project
planners because they shed light on the design assumptions and objectives of the slum
upgrading approach. In this sense, the findings are applicable to other developing
countries, particularly in Asia, which share many of the same experiences (urbanisation
and slums). This is a worthy project given the critical need for policies and practices in
slum and squatter sites which are responsive, effective and sustainable.
This section addresses the methodology used in conducting the research. The first
section discusses the rationale for choosing a case study approach. Section two outlines
the type of information sought and the sources of that information. The third section
describes the process of data gathering, while the last illuminates the findings and the
The rationale for choosing a case study as the research methodology was
primarily based on its ability to answer the 'how' questions. The case study methodology
descriptive in nature. For example, in evaluating the impact of the project, explanatory
information was sought which described the effect or influence of the independent
variable (the project) on the dependent variable (the behaviour of the community and its
residents). A n understanding of the relationship between these two variables was sought
The case study methodology is an appropriate choice because the research aims to
analyse a community where an intervention has taken place and where the outcomes are
contemporary phenomenon within its real life context; when the boundaries between
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of
evidence are used." (Yin, 1989, pg. 20). Given this, this methodology is suitable as it
behaviour of persons and organisations cannot be directly controlled. It also enables the
researcher to take into account the various views of the actors involved.
Finally, the case study methodology is appropriate as the aim of the research is to
in the design of the upgrading approach. In terms of making statistical generalisations, the
researcher did not seek representative samples from across the Foreshore. Rather
representative samples from a 'model' neighbourhood were gathered for this purpose.
Information on the physical status of the project was gained through interviews
with, and documents provided by, personnel from the Department of Public Works and
Highways, National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA), and the National
economic data and a sense of the political 'mood' of the Foreshore community were
N G O sector, staff from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD),
barangay officers, 1 9
and staff at the various schools and health centres located throughout
the Foreshore. A n understanding of the policy issues was gained through interviews with
World Bank and United Nations officials, representatives from government agencies such
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and academics from the School
Primary research involved discussions with 34 key informants over a six month
period (see Appendix). Multiple interviews were held with many of these informants who
had direct access to the project during the implementation phase. A survey involving 30
well, informal focus group interviews were held with Foreshore residents on issues
captain from each of the five designated areas spanning the Foreshore were conducted in
an attempt to assess the status of civil society exemplified in the extent to which the
residents are involved in their community and to gain insight into the role of the barangay
as an agent for change. Direct observation of the site also informed much of the findings
information on the project and its programmes in an attempt to orient the researcher to
The barangay is the smallest unit of government operating at the community level.
pertinent issues and to contextualise the findings. These sources included archival records
such as baseline survey data, maps and charts, and internal organisational records such as
documents, the researcher took into account the potential bias inherent in the information.
Secondary sources also included a review of the literature which examined the theoretical
was available on the Tondo Foreshore upgrading project. Because this information was
general and limited, the initial stages of the research were exploratory in nature in order
to orient the researcher to the salient issues. Numerous ocular surveys spanning the
Foreshore and informal interviews with residents were undertaken over a period of six
months. On these occasions, a N H A staff member would often accompany the researcher
implemented in order to gain more personal information at the household level. The
Moriones Area which is bounded by Moriones St., Quezon St., Pacheco St. and R-10 was
chosen as the site for the household survey based on the following rationale. First, the
area is located in the heart of the Foreshore and given the homogeneous nature of the
Foreshore it represents a microcosm within the upgraded area. Second, the area was the
first to undergo the "reblocking" process, representing a priority area due to
overpopulation and a high number of dilapidated structures. Third, the Moriones Area
was a model area used to demonstrate the upgrading concept and as such more detailed
information is available on the status of the site prior to intervention. Based on these
factors, the neighbourhood depicts a 'slice' of the greater community. The 30 respondent
households were equally distributed among the ten blocks of Magsaysay Village in Area
To implement the house to house survey, three surveyors were hired. Each
surveyor took part in a one day training seminar to orient them to the research objectives
and the research instrument. The surveyors were not restricted by any time limits and
they were instructed to take notes regarding their impressions and experiences while
conducting the survey. The survey instrument contained specific questions but also
allowed the interviewer to probe more deeply into specific issues if warranted. Random
follow up surveys were conducted in order to ensure the accuracy of the information
After completing the field portion of the research, the findings were consolidated
in Vancouver. Two additional site visits were conducted in March 1996 and December
A process in which structures are moved and aligned to accommodate the rationalisation of the
2 0
The scope of the research is limited because of time and money constraints due in
part to the sheer geographical magnitude of the project area, the enormous population
base which resides there, and the complexity of the components which went into the
upgrading. However, the use of key informants was extremely useful because they had in-
The survey was further constrained by factors such as the inhabitants inability to
precisely recall events (such as amounts borrowed or rates of interest) given the passage
of time. As well, some households refused to be interviewed while others who had agreed
were reluctant to divulge personal information as they feared it could be used against
them by the government. The length of the interview was also problematic for some
Chapter One provides the framework for the thesis through a general look at the
issues facing the urban poor and a contextual overview of the issues of urbanisation and
growth in the Philippines and Metro Manila. A brief description of the policy responses
for slum and squatter sites is undertaken as well as a discussion on the adoption of new
these discussions lay the foundation for the introduction of the Tondo Foreshore Urban
Development Project - the case study upon which the research is based. This chapter also
provides the reader with an outline of the methodological tools which guided the thesis
approach which informed the design and implementation of the Tondo Foreshore
upgrading project. In particular, the role of tenure and enabling strategies comprise the
bulk of the discussion. Chapter Three provides the reader with an overview of the
the design of the community upgrading project in the Foreshore and the related points of
In the following four chapters the major findings of the research are presented.
Chapter Four evaluates the impacts of the project on the physical environment including
the rationalisation of the community's physical layout and the introduction of community
approach is discussed at length. Chapter Five presents the findings regarding the extent to
which housing consolidation has taken place as well as a discussion of those factors
which contribute to the consolidation process. Chapter Six explores the project's impact,
the role of tenure in particular, on the stability of the population. To this end, issues of
affordability and cost recovery are considered. Chapter Seven examines the project's
impact on the civil society through an exploration of the persistence of mutual aid
traditions and expressions of community organising to examine the process aspects of the
Chapter Eight charts the evolution of the upgrading approach through a series of
illustrate how the community upgrading approach has reinvented itself and adapted to a
changing milieu. Finally, Chapter Nine concludes the work by integrating the findings
with current policy directions for recommendations for future policy and practice
paradigmatic shift in the way theorists view slums and in the way policy makers and
planners deal with them. Instead of slum eradication, governments not only allowed
residents to remain in place, they were also discovering strategies for improving the
This chapter will examine the theoretical assumptions underpinning the approach
consistently appear in discussions surrounding this issue. These include the assumptions
informing the self-help approach to housing, tenure and the possible impacts associated
with this measure, and the role of enabling strategies as a tool for empowerment.
discussing housing from a social perspective. I will then follow this with a discussion of
In the 1960's, a shift occurred away from simple economic or political analyses of
housing needs in slum and squatter settlements. To begin with, researchers began looking
at the role of housing within the context of a system and specifically at the relationship
between housing and the community in the lives of the urban poor. In this sense, the
objects under investigation were redefined according to the needs of a more critical
paradigm. The shift is crucial because unlike previous research approaches that focused
on the operations of the marketplace or political processes, the social perspective focuses
on the development of human social relationships. In particular, this approach does not
view the home as a commodity but as a habitus. The key observation made by researchers
studying the phenomenon of irregular housing is that the home represents a place where
economic, political, social and cultural capital is produced. It is a place where individuals
accrue power, knowledge, utility and livelihoods. It is through the home that formation of
socio-economic, political, cultural and symbolic identities are formed; identities which
both transform and are themselves transformed through relationships with the
community. Turner and Fichter (1972) were instrumental in isolating this idea and coined
A number of issues have been raised by researchers using the social perspective as
the starting point. Turner has identified the importance of location and setting to the
cohesiveness of slum and squatter areas. Leaf (1994) argues that setting and location
fluctuate with the life cycles of the community's residents and thus no one model can be
used to explain the needs of landowners. The social perspective has also helped to draw
attention to the value of tenure as a method that entrenches security, stability and which
helps residents to exert some control over their lives. In addition, the social perspective
illustrates the need for self-help which in its broadest terms refers to the landowners
processes which influence how households, the urban poor in particular, obtain shelter
(Leaf, 1994). This is because researchers have found that the successful implementation
of a policy decision requires the active participation of those living in the slums. In other
words, approaches to housing needs and home improvements in slum settlements became
more diffuse with greater and greater emphasis placed on the inter-activity between
residents, their communities and policy makers. This is the driving force behind self-help
housing as it exists within the framework of community upgrading. It is also the crux of
mutual aid which is grouped with self-help programmes under the rubric of enabling
By the early 1970s, slum upgrading was adopted by many national governments
government funding to fund housing projects. Under this new approach, the government
tenure and by introducing infrastructure while residents, through the use of self-help
housing, were left to consolidate their structures. In other cases, the government
incentive to invest in the improvement of one's dwelling. Because residents were seen to
be creative, resourceful and innovative with regards to the housing process, these
resources could be tapped provided that government barriers were removed. Building on
the work of Turner, the slum upgrading approach relies on incremental housing
consolidation through self-help and assumes that residents possess the resources
necessary for carrying out this task. It follows from this then that the urban poor only
Based on the argument that squatters have traditionally acted as planners, builders
more beneficiaries. This is because the amount invested in each family is lower when
compared to the amount required under the former approaches (Rodell and Skinner,
1989). This was viewed as a rational response by national governments and agencies
such as the World Bank on the basis that these practices were naturally occurring within
these settlements and because they represent a cost effective strategy in the production of
shelter. The gradual construction of dwellings decreases the government's capital costs as
programs lower subsidy rates because infrastructure is less expensive than the provision
of finished houses and increased access can be achieved by cutting standards and costs.
Leaf (1993) notes that this interpretation and application departs significantly from
Turner's view that 'self-help' is a method for citizens to gain autonomy and
independence from the state. Other critics say this is a form of exploitation of the urban
poor which removes responsibility from the shoulders of the wealthy and powerful.
This argument has been the source of much debate as critics from the Marxist camp maintain that it is the
2 1
government's responsibility to provide shelter to those individuals which the capitalist system has
This had the secondary effect of acting like a skills training programme to increase levels of
2 2
In terms of improving affordability, the use of self-help as the primary means for
housing construction implies that within low income or slum areas there are high rates of
unemployment or underemployment. This is not always the case in slum and squatter
construction, it was accepted that structures built by slum and squatter dwellers contribute
to the overall housing stock. It is also based on the assumption that poverty is not the
cause of dilapidated structures. Rather, it is the fear of eviction and relocation which
dampens the spirit of self-help and prevents access to basic urban services which inhibits
residents from investing in their communities. As such, demolition would only serve to
exacerbate the housing shortage and for the first time was considered counter-productive,
housing in slum and squatter settlements, the government's role in community upgrading
became that of an enabler rather than a provider in the shelter sector. Similarly the role of
the beneficiary (in this case the urban poor) was redefined where "...marginalised groups
in society can or should improve their material and social condition with limited external
intervention..." (van Horen, 1994, p.l). Thus governments aimed to promote and assist
participants in shelter and site development. In addition, users are responsible for
financing their own housing construction -- something which the urban poor had been
The shift of the role of the government from that of provider to that of
enabler/facilitator has met with much criticism. Critics argue that the adoption of self-
help based housing policies effectively remove the government's responsibility from the
housing sector by placing the impetus for better standards and improved housing
conditions on the backs of the poor or those who are in a disadvantaged position
(Burgess, 1982).
Other criticisms levelled against self-help strategies point out that governments
adopt self-help programmes to avoid redistribution and structural changes which are
required to equitably house people (Burgess, 1982). Burgess also argues that this
invariably reduces the need for the implementation of progressive taxation measures and
justifies reduced public expenditures which benefit the middle and upper classes. "In this
view, self-help programmes reinforce inequities that lie at the root of low-income
families; poverty and consequent housing problems." (Rodell and Skinner, 1983, p. 4).
As well, Rodell and Skinner further suggest that "Self-help housing thus becomes part of
the formal market, which strengthens liberal forms of development that housing policies
used to try to counter and abandons a measure of public control over the distribution of
Abrams and Turner revolutionised the concept of self-help. Abrams defined self-
help as 'auto-construction' where people (particularly in the rural tradition) built houses
with their own hands (Marcussen, 1990). Turner, after conducting research in Peru in
the early 1970s, reworked this concept into 'housing by people' which he argued typified
the self-help process. Turner and his colleague Mangin argued that eventually migrants
become consolidators when they find a plot and employ self-help building techniques
until the house is complete. Turner's orientation is firmly focused at the community level,
asserts that in addition to using self-help to realise an end product, this concept also
provides the user with control. In this sense housing came to be understood as a verb
rather than a noun, as an activity or process rather than a product (Marcussen, 1990, p.
Through the work of Turner, perceptions of slum and squatter sites were
essentially transformed. For the first time, these degraded areas were viewed as a place of
Under this new view, slums characterised by recycled and makeshift structures
once considered a blight were now being recognised as a highly creative response by the
Abrams was an advocate of core housing which was professionally constructed then added to
incrementally (Marcussen, 1990).
urban poor in addressing their housing needs. While this perspective may apply, it does
not accurately characterise their situation as the poor are clearly marginalised, constrained
by the economic and political structures of society (van Horen, 1994, p. 9).
Within the community upgrading approach, the concept of self-help and traditions
of mutual aid are critical features which have come to be known as enabling strategies.
Leaf (1994) defines enabling strategies as "a reduction in the direct role of the
government in the production of housing." (p. 22). The term enabling strategies refers to
the way. in which communities can be enabled to provide themselves with housing. 2 4
Clearly the emphasis here is on mobilising the community. In this vein, "Self-help.. .is
the use of participating family skills, labour, organisational talents, and managerial skills
in the construction and improvement of its own house." (Laquian, 1983, p. 40). Pure self-
help is when a family takes on all of the steps in building; and which recognises that this
method can be employed on a continuum. For example, in some instances, the term can
include a broader definition which includes the use of skilled or semi-skilled craftspeople
Ultimately, the degree to which households use self-help instead of relying solely
upon a contractor influences the types of materials used, the pace of consolidation and
overall costs. Beneficiaries can design and construct a substantial portion of their house,
while relying on professionals for technical tasks. This approach implies a slow, irregular,
A shift has occurred, however, so that now ~ depending on the user — emphasis is placed on strategies
to enable market forces to assist in the production of housing (Leaf, 1994, p. 23).
informal process where material acquisition and financing for paid labour takes place
over time. Self-help construction is also viewed as a means by which residents can
develop their structures in ways which best suits their needs. Households are able to
determine the house design, the types of materials used, the amounts of self-help and paid
This redefined self-help because it emphasised the decision making power of the
household and the direct investment of families in the form of unpaid labour or cash
building components into houses." (Rodell, 1983, p. 12). The concept evolved based on
the assumption that rural migrants brought to the city construction skills and a set of
'indigenous resources' which provides them with the necessary skills for housing
construction. Thus, within the concept of self-help two distinct models exist. One focuses
on the reliance of family labour in the production of high-standard housing, while the
other refers more to the process of "freedom to build". Within community upgrading
While the adoption of these approaches may make the production of houses more
efficient and low the costs of housing production, it is also a process which brings about
social and economic development in the community. In this regard, perhaps the main
challenge confronting self-help and mutual aid are "the most appropriate process via
which to deliver a.product." (van Horen, 1994, p. 43). Furthermore, mutual aid and self-
help traditions need to move beyond the mere production of houses and the installation of
infrastructure, i.e. the house as a product. Instead, they should include the social aspects
which could be incorporated into housing policies: they are a means by which to reduce
the costs (by an estimated 10-20 per cent) associated with the construction of shelter
(Rodell and Skinner, 1983, p.7). Furthermore, housing consolidation via self-help
Past evaluations of community upgrading projects have found that there is a trend
toward the use of contractors for increased satisfaction and a desire for a finished
structure. It is anticipated that pure self-help is more likely to be utilised by lower income
families who can not afford to contract out. The degree to which residents undertake pure
affluence and may serve as a marker that the target group is not being served (Laquian,
construction of infrastructure or housing is secured through mutual aid. Within slum and
squatter communities, it is assumed that community spirit acts as an impetus for residents
to work together on projects. Some of the anticipated advantages of mutual aid are that it
(Laquian, 1983). Furthermore, it is argued that mutual aid acts as an organisational tool
for undertaking community projects and in doing so it expands one's outlook beyond the
family to include the greater community. Some have argued that self-help, as an
individual effort, only serves to reinforce the status quo and thus works against social
progress by allowing the state to step back from its responsibilities. Alternatively,
collective self-help or mutual aid can enhance community organisation and help to
Studies have shown that mutual aid is effective in certain instances, such as the
effective for tasks requiring exact specifications such as laying water mains. Furthermore,
2 5
housing stock and is a critical component of community upgrading. It has been shown
the provision of tenure is more than just a physical manifestation. It also has economic,
social and psychological implications. It is difficult to measure the effect that stability
and security engenders within communities, but tenure can act as an incentive for
residents to invest in structures where the promise of title represents collateral in house
2 5
The security of tenure refers to the actual granting of title whereby squatters become land owners.
options such as renting out space, or selling the structure or the rights to the land for a
profit. In addition, tenure also necessitates the subdivision of a site into lots which in turn
allows governments to rationalise the site into a grid. Finally, the promise of tenure acts
as a tool for cost recovery as residents are encouraged to keep up with monthly lot
payments in their bid to gain title for the land their occupy.
Still, on its own, tenure is not a sufficient condition for generating improvements
in the housing stock. Rather, it is part of a nexus of socio-economic, political and cultural
considerations which include the education level of households, income, and the type of
on the level of poverty within communities and have as much influence over housing
the provision of tenure have also been identified and will be dealt with later in this
The basic premise of both Abrams and Turner is that without the security of
tenure, residents are reluctant to invest in their structures and as such no real
improvements will take place in the housing stock. Tenure helps to create a sense of
security which in turn allows homeowners to feel stable. Residents of slum and squatter
in their structures if they are living in constant fear of demolition and eviction. As Angel
(1983) explains;
Since the insecurity of tenure and the fear of eviction are considered to be serious
obstacles preventing house improvements in slums and squatter settlements,
tenure security and freedom from eviction are the natural means for removing
these obstacles. Improved land tenure security is, therefore, generally accepted to
be the foundation of the gradual approach to housing (p. 111).
These findings are further supported by studies which have shown that in those
squatter sites where tenure has not been granted ~ but where residents did not fear
eviction — residents did invest in their structures. For example, in Karachi, many of the
settlements are on government land. Historically, the Pakistan government has tended to
grant tenure, thus residents have invested in their structures based on the belief that tenure
Other case study examples demonstrate that government aid in the form of
decreased property taxes or the provision of basic services, has led to the increased hope
of tenure (Angel, 1983). In these examples, residents invested in their structures without
fear of demolition and eviction. The example in Karachi, however, is far from the norm.
In other cases, such as the Kampung Improvement Program (KIP) in Indonesia, residents
did not equate infrastructure improvements with the regularisation or acceptance by the
occurred despite the introduction of infrastructure and services because the government
had not subsequently granted tenure. "No significant differences between improved and
unimproved kampungs were found." (Angel, 1983, p.l 14). The case study evidence
(Angel, 1983).
homes is based on the perception of security or the feeling that their home is not likely to
be destroyed, a form of de facto tenure versus de jure tenure, wherein tenure is formally
granted. Still, despite the highly subjective nature of tenure where promises or even hope
are as powerful as actual documents, the right to remain in place is strengthened when
government undertakes large upgrading programs. This is mainly because the residents
derive a significant degree of security from these schemes. "House improvements are
While the provision of tenure has proven to be a positive influence in many of the
community upgrading programs which have been implemented over the years, Angel
argues that other factors such as income levels, cultural mores and the nature of the
political environment are also crucial influences in the success of these programs. These
factors appear to play an important role because self-help housing is slow and
incremental in nature. The circumstances noted by Angel (1983) are the defining
difference between households which are consolidators and those which are non-
consolidators. Angel cites three case study examples in Mexico City, Colombo and Port
Moresby where the provision of tenure alone was an insufficient intervention in bringing
about housing improvement. These findings indicate that tenure should be offered in
conjunction with other measures or as one aspect of a greater project. "Tenure security, in
order to be an effective tool for housing, the poor, should be conceived as an important
in Mexico City, found a correlation between income and the extent of improvements to
housing. "The better the economic status of the households the higher the investment in
upgrading projects have come to include measures which help to alleviate poverty — for
Foreshore project did include a livelihood component, this site was fortunate to be
located near to a port facility which provided residents with employment opportunities.
Angel also notes a correlation between the age of a settlement and the levels of
consolidation a settlement undergoes. In his example, he argues that older settlements had
a more advanced housing stock. Those owners of those structures which had lasted over
the years without demolition had in essence gained a sense of de facto tenure which is
reflected in the higher levels of consolidation. In addition, Angel found that variations in
economic factors such as level of education, income and the type o f employment (Angel,
1983, p. 118). Therefore, households which have higher levels of income, education,
skills and stability are most likely to be consolidators. A l l of these features result in
higher household savings which in turn can be invested in the home. Other studies have
emphasised social and cultural conditions which would 'inhibit' consolidation such as
strong commitments to other community activities which do not allow them to improve
unintended negative consequences may also result. First, residents may be unwilling to
make amortisation payments to gain legal title to the plot they occupy. The unwillingness
to pay for the land title occurs because a measure of informal or de facto security is felt
residents that they have a right to reside in their homes which provides the impetus for
titles are not essential and the willingness to pay for them is considerably weakened."
(Angel, 1983, p. 132). Still, the legal transfer of title is absolutely necessary because
governments change, as do their policies towards land-use, which could jeopardise the
claims of landowners to their properties. In addition, failing to acquire formal title can
decrease the value of their homes as investments; a feature which officials depend upon
Second, the granting of tenure can result in a process called 'upward filtering.'
This term refers to the way lower income households are displaced by an influx of more
affluent residents. Settlements which have been granted tenure appear to attract higher
income households which in turn build better structures. The research was not able to
determine where these residents moved to or if they were better or worse off as a result
(Angel, 1983).
Third, the process of granting tenure invariably includes some households while
excluding others. Once it has been decided that a site will be upgraded, tenure is offered
to those residents who have resided in the site for a designated period of time which is at
the discretion of the government. This has the effect of preventing residents who do not
the government. In effect, the government retains control over land ownership and
strengthens its ability to evict residents or demolish housing by establishing a legal basis
for its actions. Thus, while this means that a settlement granted tenure may escape the
threat of demolition, the risks faced by settlements which have not been awarded tenure
may actually increase. Conversely, other new settlements may be founded as the squatters
gain confidence that they too could be granted tenure. Furthermore, within a settlement
which has actively sought tenure, if the residents find themselves in arrears on
amortisation payments yet continue to 'illegally' occupy the lot, their level of risk may
In the case of slum upgrading projects, there is an assumption that standards must
be lowered in order to keep costs down. This is particularly the case when full cost
recovery for the project is sought and which can lead to a heavy burden for the residents
or a large subsidy on behalf of the government. If the costs of the project are too high the
residents may need to draw resources away from other basic needs or may be forced to
sell their property rights to higher income groups who can better afford the development.
Although the poor may enjoy a short term gain from this move, finding appropriate,
affordable and adequate standards for development is a complex process. "The linkage
with cost recovery and subsidies is an obvious one, but few planners recognise that unless
the residents accept the standards established in the project, they are forced to consume a
good they do not see the need for." (Martin, 1983, p. 58). In effect, planners face the
challenge of achieving the delicate balance between the level of standards and the
Often, comprehensive projects are sought as they are viewed as a definitive response to a
wholly undesirable situation. At this level, upgrading is complex and takes place on a
large scale which increases the potential for difficulty. Martin (1983) suggests that
smaller, less sophisticated projects have met with greater success than large complicated
projects. This is particularly the case if the project encourages the participation of the
introduction of services or the rationalisation of the site. As well, there are other
interrelated elements which are sometimes overlooked, such as the impact on health
through improved water supply, refuse collection and even general education. In addition,
increased expenditures brought on by the project may make it necessary to raise income
levels through vocational training programs, small business loans and the like. As a
result, all of these linkages lead to greater complexity and increase the potential for co-
ordination problems. Martin suggests that it is necessary to gain input from the
community in the early stages of planning in order to offset negative impacts. He also
warns that without real participation, the project risks not being accepted by the
beneficiaries which may effect the cost recovery effort (Martin, 1983).
into a component of slum upgrading. In effect, the state attempted to stimulate enabling
strategies which were already believed to exist by integrating them into the project. To
this end, enabling strategies which mobilise, empower and encourage the participation of
Community upgrading was ground breaking because it was the first approach
which both recognised the value of self-built structures and legitimised this activity.
Upgrading was embraced because it addressed the need for shelter by addressing specific
problems such as poor housing quality, lack of basic services and insecure tenure. In each
of these areas upgrading was a remedy. However, some critics question whether it was
only a short term cure because this form of government intervention is known to have
adverse affects beyond the intended results. These factors are taken into account in the
following chapters to assess the impact of the approach on the community of the Tondo
It is a truism that slums and squatter sites are not a passing phenomena. Rather,
they are a permanent feature of urban centres in the developing world where between
one-third and one-half of the population reside in informal settlements. In fact, informal
settlements are so prominent in large urban centres that the government can no longer
community as a contextual sphere upon which to compare the findings discussed in the
following chapters. The pressures facing the community before the decision to upgrade
are also outlined in order to emphasise the important role of tenure in the project. This is
followed by a synopsis of the genesis of the community upgrading project in the Tondo
Foreshore. Then, the project objectives, the assumptions informing the design, the various
financing arrangements and costs are detailed in order to orient the reader to the various
Before 1974 and prior to government intervention in the Tondo Foreshore, the
180 hectare site was inhabited by 180,000 people (27,000 families) living in some 15,000
structures each housing an average of two households per structure. A n ocular survey of
with shanty houses tottering on stilts to stave off the threat of constant flooding.
Baseline surveys conducted in 1974 revealed that compared to other districts in Manila,
the Foreshore was characterised by fewer hospital beds per person, less schoolroom space
per pupil, inadequate or non-existent community infrastructure, less park and recreation
This information was obtained through a baseline survey conducted in 1974 which gathered a variety of
information on the status of the physical environment as well as socio-economic information on the
community's residents.
space per person and more property loss due to fire and typhoon (Architectural Record.
1976). Degraded environmental conditions and poverty affected the health of the
community which was constantly threatened by epidemics. For example in 1974, 700
residents died from tuberculosis alone. As well, the same survey revealed that an
enormous 80 per cent of all pre-school children were undernourished (Viloria &
Williams, 1987).
society in every way. Since the 1950s, Foreshore residents had experienced a series of
demolition of their structures. With the imposition of martial law by the late President
Ferdinand Marcos in 1972, which effectively stripped the Philippine citizens of their
rights, and the renewed pressure to develop the Foreshore into an international port area,
the residents' occupancy status was placed further at risk. If not for the ardent
community activism in the fight for tenure, it is likely the entire community would have
been bulldozed and its residents relocated to a site on the periphery. Given the
Martial Law, President Ferdinand Marcos created the Housing and Urban Development
The renewed interest was prompted by a shift away from an economy based on import substitution
toward a more export-oriented economy.
Team to study the status of the Foreshore. In 1974, the First Lady, Imelda R. Marcos took
on the title of Minister of the newly formed Ministry of Human Settlements. Given the
sheer magnitude of the slum, the politics of the post, and ardent community activism, the
Tondo Foreshore was chosen as a pilot area for the community upgrading project in
population spill over site. Together these two separate approaches would form the basis
With the project underway, the critical issue of land tenure was finally addressed
in March 1978. At that time, President Marcos issued Presidential Decree (P.D.) 1314
which set the cost of the land at P 5 (US$ 0.68) per square meter and charged the
residents development costs of P 0.95 (US$ 0.13) per month per square meter under a
freehold arrangement. This response came only after the community had organised to
protect their rights and to fight against P.D. 814 which would have allowed for a
freehold situation based on the stewardship principle where the government retained
control over the use of the land. Still, people's organisations fighting for tenure were
displeased with the additional development charges claiming that the project would not
be affordable by many of the residents and as a result, their tenure status would be
The World Bank was not impressed by the performance of the 'sites and services' project in Dagat-
Dagatan and as such the project did not serve as a model for other Philippine relocation initiatives.
This decree was based on recommendations suggested in the Tondo Foreshore Urban Development
2 9
Renewal Project prospectus - a report which was vehemently opposed by community activists.
The broad objective of the community upgrading project was to improve the
quality of life for a major segment of the population residing in the Foreshore. This was
human settlements. To this end, the identification of the following specific objectives
In the Philippines, this process is referred to as 'reblocking' involving the movement of structures. See
3 0
These objectives were to be carried out under the people centred approach requiring
• . . . . TO
conventional approaches to the development of other squatter and slum sites. The project
was designed to act as an impetus for the residents to undertake improvements in their
community. First, it was assumed that residents of slum and squatter communities
possessed 'indigenous resources' and that these communities were typically imbued with
high levels of community spirit. Based on these assumptions, the project promoted self-
help and mutual-aid strategies in an effort to access this untapped human resource. As a
result, project planners believed that the community would be strengthened and a more
community directed type of development would occur. Ultimately, the adoption of these
strategies was also expected to effectively reduce the total cost of the project. As such, the
housing. For example, through the recognition of land rights and relaxed standards, it was
expected that residents would become motivated to invest in their structures. The
From the outset, the invitation for the community's input and participation in the project was dubious at
best and an outright lie at worst. For example, early on it was decided that the people's organisations would
not be given any formal positions on the board of the Tondo Foreshore Development Authority which
would have ensured direct input into the project.
community above and beyond direct government interventions. Moreover, the application
effectively serves to recognise the inherent value of the existing housing stock. As such,
ready to occupy houses were not provided and existing structures were preserved as much
as possible. The only government assistance in housing would be through the provision
of a loan for materials serving to reduce the amount of government subsidy in the project.
3.2.3 Land U s e
Based on the findings of the 1974 baseline survey, three conceptual framework
plans for the upgrading effort were considered. Each plan varied in the number of
families retained or relocated and in the amount of commercial space provided. The
framework which was ultimately adopted called for the retention of 10,000 families with
89.5 hectares for residential use; 23 hectares for commercial estates; and 35 hectares for
public infrastructure such as institutions, roads, parks and playgrounds. This framework
accommodate the realignment of the main road network and the retention of more
families and structures the land use plan changed slightly (Reforma, 1983). The following
figure depicts the mix of residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional uses
This would also reduce the level of financial, physical, and psychological stress on the residents.
The aim of the upgrading project was to address the degraded state of the physical
environment, increase access to health and education and to address other socio-economic
included inputs in the development of land, housing and community facilities. They were
as follows:
Land Development
• The construction and upgrading of roads and alleys, pathways, curbs and gutters;
sewage pumping station, the construction of a new sewer outfall to replace the
• The provision of basic infrastructure services such as water, a sewer system, surface
Housing Development
• The provision of low income housing including a two story row house (48 units), a
six story Bagong Lipunan condominium (119 units), three story condominiums
(122 units), improvement in the Vitas tenement (272 units), the Tuluyan apartments
(60 units), and construction of the Del Pan tenement (99 units) (Reforma, 1983).
• The extension of the Housing Material Loan Program (HMLP) aimed at improving
residential structures.
Community Facilities
• The construction of a 60 room high school located in the heart of the Foreshore;
• The repair of the Fugoso Health Centre and the renovation of the Vitas Health Centre;
3 4
This term translates as "new society" which was the slogan used by the Marcos administration to justify
its political programs.
the physical upgrading project. The 'Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites and Services'
and economic opportunities for the total upliftment of the community. This program
community problems. The role of the N H A in this process was that of a facilitator
working towards the goal of social development. The points of intervention included:
In order to reduce levels of poverty, project planners were also considerate of the
need to create livelihood opportunities for those residents of the Foreshore who were
Self-help centres.
Barangay Health Workers were trained to assist medical personnel in daily tasks such as first aid, basic
3 6
nutrition and health education, the administration of deworming drugs (worms were prevalent in 90 per
cent of the children and in 80 per cent of the adults), initial diagnoses and referrals, selected inoculations
and family planning etc. As well, nutritional aides recruited from the Foreshore, provided nutritional
education and food assistance to malnourished children and education to pregnant and lactating mothers
(Reforma, pg. 34).
either unskilled or out o f school youth. A s such the project included points o f intervention
• The provision o f Small Business Loans (SBLs) and technical assistance i n order to
Dagatan; 37
In the Foreshore 15 hectares were made available while 3.5 hectares were set aside in Dagat-Dagatan.
j 8
Home Material Loan Program.
upgrading experience. At this time, she reported that changes in the physical environment
and the quality of homes were readily observable. For example, immediately after the
both in terms of the types of materials used and increases in floor space. The resolution of
the tenure issue, the impact of reblocking, and income were cited as the factors which
were instrumental in bringing about these changes. Reforma (1983) also found that
households were not relying on self-help strategies to the degree that was originally
anticipated. In the short term, the project appeared to have a generally positive impact on
The National Housing Authority was the primary agency in charge of overseeing
all stages of the project. Within the N H A , a multi-disciplinary team was created to
facilitate the planning and implementation of the various upgrading components. The
project components and the associated costs were governed by inter-agency agreements
with various government agencies, however, the N H A was responsible for co-ordinating
1. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) was responsible for major
technical advice for the water supply and sewerage, and estero-related works.
2. The N H A co-ordinated with the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and
Philippine National Bank (PNB) which administered lines of credit for the social and
economic components.
3. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) and the Manila City
Schools Office were responsible for the completion of the educational facilities and
4. The Department of Health (DOH) and Manila Health Department were responsible for
5. National Nutrition Council and the Population Commission funded nutrition and
6. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) funded social service
and other line agencies was wrought with difficulties. Despite a Memorandum of
Agreement between the N H A and these agencies, communication and co-ordination was
never fully realised. This was due in part to the fact that each of the agencies lacked
internal resources making them unable to respond adequately to requests made by the
delays which in turn forced the N H A to deviate from the original development plan. For
example, the D P W H was initially responsible for the construction of major roads. The
N H A was forced to prepare its own plans and begin the construction process in an
turned over to the corresponding agencies for post project maintenance. The turnover of
responsibilities to their respective agencies did not occur until long after the N H A had
completed the construction or installation of the facilities. In fact, many of the line
agencies were reluctant to take on the maintenance of the various components as they had
not been directly involved in the planning, design and execution of the project. In
maintain the facilities and services until the corresponding line agencies accepted
responsibility for the maintenance of the various components. This led to an increase in
In 1977, the estimated total cost of the project was $65 million with $32 million
(49 per cent) of that amount provided through a loan from the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Of the $32 million, $10 million was a 'Third
Window Loan' and $22 million was a bank loan with a term of 22 years with a grace
million), the M W S S ($300,000) and $13 million direct from the Philippine government.
As per the same terms as the IBRD loan, $17.6 million was re-lent to the N H A to finance
its technical assistance obligations and the credit required for the housing material loans
and the small business loans. The N H A arranged for the Development Bank of the
Philippines to administer $2.9 million for H M L P and the Philippine National Bank to
administer the SBL of $400,000. Both of these institutions provided loans to borrowers at
Similarly, $1.3 million was relent to the N A W A S A to help finance the outfall
sewer and the Tondo Pumping Station. The D P W H was allocated $13.1 million for road
construction. In an attempt to further reduce the overall cost of the project, 18.6 hectares
by $2.5 million as agencies such as the Philippine Port Authority and the D P W H aimed
to expand the International port area and thus shouldered the cost for the construction of
and in Dagat-Dagatan was an estimated $27.9 million with $16 million of this sum being
charged to agencies which would have normally assumed the costs of the various
infrastructure components.
The remaining $12 million was to be recovered from the project beneficiaries
through 25 year renewable leases at a 12 per cent interest rate per annum, with an option
to purchase after 5 years. The monthly development charge of P 0.095 per square meter
over 25 years at a 12 per cent interest rate per annum was supposed to cover the cost of
the development so that funds could be recovered and reinvested into other housing
This meant that the beneficiaries in the Foreshore and Dagat-Dagatan were charged the same
development costs in spite of the fact that the unit costs in Dagat-Dagatan were actually higher (Reforma,
Pg- 37).
projects. The transferability of the lease was supposed to act as an incentive for residents
Foreshore/Dagat-Dagatan project cited the total cost of the project at $91 million rather
the original estimate of $65 million. This 41 per cent increase in the total cost of the
cross-subsidy schemes which generated only one-third of the expected profits, a 20 per
cent reduction in the amount of saleable land, and non-payment by line agencies. 42
Together these factors pushed the project costs far beyond allowable contingency
estimations. Initial estimates placed price contingencies at ten per cent per year, or an
the Foreshore by addressing the low levels of environmental sanitation, high levels of
congestion, the lack of basic community facilities and services, the poor health of the
population and the lack of employment opportunities (Viloria & Williams, 1987).
This was particularly disappointing as in theory this seemed like a reasonable and achievable
expectation. The lack-lustre results can be attributed in part to a stalled Philippine economy which reduced
the demand for commercial/industrial space (World Bank PCR, 1985).
4 3
The World Bank Project Completion Report states that the subsidies under PD 1314 had little impact on
the affordability of the project for the residents as incomes were also increasing accordingly, but when
development costs tripled, a substantial financial burden of $7.5 million was placed on the N H A . The
report also states that since PD 1314 had determined the price of the land and development charges before
the project was implemented, it impacted negatively on the project's cost recovery while marginally
improving affordability (World Bank, Project Completion Report, 1985).
The design also included the participation of the beneficiaries in the planning and
organising for future community development. The provision of tenure was a critical
Since the implementation of the slum upgrading project, the physical landscape of
the physical environment and increased access to services were key in terms of meeting
the needs of the Foreshore residents. Prior to the project, most residents did not have
access to basic services such as water, toilets, drainage, electricity (legitimate) or garbage
The most immediate changes in the physical environment were a direct result of
the reblocking process which allowed for the introduction of basic services and the
rationalisation of the community into a grid system. Twenty years later, the physical
environment is at risk of reverting back to its previous state as portions of the community
infrastructure are in need of rehabilitation, forcing the community to once again grapple
The 13 step reblocking process was the most fundamental intervention in the
transformation of the physical environment. This process was carried out on a block by
community meetings with the affected residents to draw up a development plan. This
Together, blocks formed 'superblocks' comprised of 250 to 500 structures. There are 44 superblocks
covering the Foreshore.
plan sought to ensure the maximum retention of structures with the minimum
participation in the planning and implementation of the project, and to provide basic
services and utilities (NHA Research and Analysis Division, socio-economic file). 45
Herbosa, Dandan, Magsaysay and Garcia Streets. This area was chosen as many vacant
lots could be generated, most of the structures were constructed with weak materials, to
accommodate the introduction of infrastructure and roads in the area (Reforma, 1983).
The following figure demonstrates the layout of the structures and the newly approved
4 5
See Chapter Three for an in depth description.
4 6
Also the site of the house to house survey conducted in 1994.
The reblocking process allowed for the introduction of utility lines, roads,
services, the de-densification of highly congested areas and the alignment of structures
division and delineation of lots necessary for the eventual awarding of lots to bona fide
occupants. This was particularly significant because prior to the reblocking effort, as
many as two-thirds of the Foreshore residents had no legal tenure to the land they
occupied. At the end of the reblocking process, 14,000 land titles were awarded to
residents whose structures had been identified during the household census of 1974
Finally, the reblocking process not only brought about improvements in the
physical environment it also had the secondary effect of invoking changes in the
behaviour of the residents. A study conducted by the N H A ' s Research and Analysis
including the reduction in the prevalence of garbage and the planting of trees and other
potted plants. A decline in petty crimes and riots was also reported as the metamorphosis
Any dislocated families were moved either to surplus lots within the block, or to neighbouring blocks, or
to the Dagat-Dagatan resettlement site.
4 8
Lots ranged from 36 square meters to 96 square meters.
4 9
The project promised to grant land tenure to bonafideresidents based on the Tondo Foreshore Census
which was conducted in 1974. Potential awardees could not be in violation with the Code of Policies which
governed the Tondo Project or Presidential Decree 814. Once these requirements were met, a Certificate of
Award was given.
The current status of the infrastructure including main and secondary roads,
surface drainage, and access to water and sewer reflect the effectiveness of the project to
sustain the advancements once realised. While considerable improvements in the physical
environment have occurred, much of the infrastructure has been allowed to deteriorate
The upgrading was integral in improving both vehicular and pedestrian access
into the Foreshore. Radial Road No. 10 (R-10) continues to be the only primary road
which spans the width of the Foreshore. As the major thoroughfare into the north harbour,
a mix of transport trucks servicing the pier, jeepneys and light vehicles traverse the route
in great numbers at all times of the day and night. In 1995, R-10 was resurfaced with
30 centimetres of new concrete to allow for smoother traffic flow. Prior to resurfacing,
the poor condition of the road intensified traffic congestion as vehicles ground to a halt in
Despite the road work, congestion levels remain high. R-10 is desperately in need
of widening as it is currently only 18.4 meters across. A service road which runs parallel
to R-10 was to provide an additional 18.4 meters for expansion but squatters who have
'Jeepneys' are independently owned converted jeeps which are the most common form of public
transport for short to medium distances around Manila.
occupied the service road since 1980 would have to be relocated before the much needed
Throughout the Foreshore the condition of the secondary and feeder roads varies
because each barangay is responsible for the maintenance of the road network in its area.
As such, some roads are better maintained than others, reflecting the varying levels of
exuberance with which each barangay approaches the project. This is also the case with
the footpaths which wind their way between residential secondary roads. Some are
concreted while others are constructed with hard packed dirt or gravel, but all are in
have been made to widen and rehabilitate some of the feeder roads, particularly Chesa
and Pacheco Streets, so that they might be used as alternative routes for light vehicles. As
it stands, most of these roads, often referred to as barangay roads, are used primarily by
jeepneys and side car tricycles which are relatively slow moving and accommodating of
pedestrian traffic.
4.2.2 Drainage
The condition of the roads and alleys throughout the Foreshore is directly related
to the state of the drainage system. Flooding on secondary roads and alleys is a common
occurrence even in the dry season because drainage pipes are too small and heavily silted
with garbage. As well, the Foreshore drainage system is equipped with reinforced
This is a source of contention and animosity as many feel the government is coddling the squatters at the
expense of the public's needs.
These pipes are only 450 millimetres or less in width, whereas the standard pipe in use today is a
5 2
concrete pipes which are difficult to clean and maintain, exacerbating the problem. Plans
for refurbishing the system utilising a reinforced concrete U-ditch construction are in the
discussion stages but this project is contingent on the availability of funds. This
proposed system would be ideal in terms of maintenance as one is able to manually clean
the pipe from the top without the use of siphoning equipment.
dumping garbage anywhere thus clogging the drains. There is also a lack of knowledge
regarding solid waste management which would assist in the maintenance effort. Acidic
run off created from the garbage in nearby Smokey Mountain has also been a destructive
force, shortening the longevity of the drainage system. Throughout the Foreshore,
many residents have constructed surface drains which are easy to maintain. Many of the
drainage canals constructed during the project are lying open as the cast iron covers were
stolen roughly six months after the project was completed creating hazards for the
The inadequacy of the drainage system is most obvious during the rainy season,
however, even in the dry season pools of stagnant water gather at main intersections on
the feeder roads and in the low lying areas. This is particularly obvious in Areas IV and V
(see map 1, p 9) where the pace of dilapidation is more rapid due to constant flooding.
notorious site was put out of use and the residents were relocated to a temporary resettlement site nearby.
drainage problems persist due to low elevation and the close proximity of the area to the
Even though the situation has improved since the upgrading effort when no
pumping stations existed, it still remains inadequate. In 1994, while the construction of a
large pumping station in Vitas was underway, the Foreshore had to make do with only
one pumping station in Navotas. New construction such as this was an absolute necessity
as it had been almost 20 years since most of the infrastructure was initially installed.
by the D P W H which indicated that the Foreshore is actually sinking due to the excessive
water demands of the burgeoning population. To remedy this situation, the entire area
needs to be raised, however, excessive costs will not permit such an undertaking. As an
interim measure, the D P W H plans to raise the main roads and refurbish a small section of
the drainage pipes which are interconnected with the main roads. It is projected that
feeder roads and the houses which line them will continue to sink and experience
Despite the mandate of the upgrading project to provide the residents of the
Foreshore with direct water access, many households throughout the built community
continue to rely on illegal tappings for their water supply. Jeanette Saquing, the Acting
the water coming into Tondo is lost due to water leaks and illegal connections. This
suspicion is reflected in the actual number of registered users. MWSS supplies water and
sewer services to only 12,000 registered customers, far below the Foreshore population of
While the facilities were able to meet the demand both in terms of water and
sewers, increases in the population and a lack of general maintenance have left the system
in a desperate state of disrepair requiring total rehabilitation. For example, some areas
within the Foreshore do not have water access at all or experience low water pressure.
Still, MWSS maintains that the majority of the residents are satisfied with their water and
sewer services. According to the acting director of the MWSS branch in Tondo, only 10
per cent of the 12,000 registered customers have expressed dis-satisfaction with their
The representative for the MWSS claims that since the project was turned over,
there have been continuous, problems with leaks, seepage, dirty water, and in some areas,
low pressure, which are prohibiting the agency from providing adequate and potable
water. Loss of pressure is partially attributable to the fact that the large main pipe which
passes through the Foreshore has numerous leaks. In 1994, there were rumours that
effluent from the sewer pipes had entered the general water supply. However, the M W S S
representative could not verify how many households had experienced this phenomenon.
5 7
This figure encompasses all of Old Tondo and the Foreshore of which the Foreshore constitutes / of
this area.
5 8
The following streets remain without water completely or experience extremely poor water pressure:
Alcalde St., Magsaysay St., Quirino St., Quezon St., Sto. Nino St., Imelda St., Maginoo St., and Maharlika
St.. This is actually a relatively small portion of the Tondo Foreshore whereas in Dagat-Dagatan this is an
ongoing and pervasive problem where many of the households have the pipes but no water.
M W S S alleges that the cause of this is linked to an improper installation design wherein
sewer and water pipes were laid down beside each other. Thus, when leaks occur, potable
water can easily become polluted by grey water. For this reason, the agency plans to
uproot and redeploy both the sewer and the water pipes so that each traverses opposite
During the turnover of the project in 1989, MWSS was hesitant to accept
responsibility for the facilities due to their poor condition, particularly in Area IV and
V. 5 9
MWSS applied for a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 1994 to fund
the development of an alternative water source but this application was denied due to low
collection rates for past projects. A representative explained that until M W S S receives
funding, only isolated repairs will be conducted. MWSS hopes that once the
rehabilitation effort is complete and the quality of their service improves, people will be
more inclined to pay for services rendered. The MWSS fears that a dangerous precedent
was established under the Aquino government pilot project where improvements in the
facilities. Each neighbourhood now has a barangay hall, some with a playground or a
basketball court attached. Often these sites represent the last remnant of open space to be
found in the Foreshore. The project also included the construction of five elementary
Some water lines in this area were already in place prior to the upgrading effort.
schools and a high school in the heart of Area IV. This was an integral intervention as it
The project also included the construction of three health clinics, a lying-in
hospital and the renovation of both the Fugoso and the Vitas Health Centres. Like the
schools, these centres are in desperate need of repair and general maintenance. At the
Vitas Health Centre, the staff nurse reports that it is common for the lights, fans, and the
sterilisation equipment not to function. Although the Fugoso Health Centre was
centres are characterised by poor water supply, poor sanitation, holes in the roofs, cracked
windows and rat infestation. This is also the case with the three remaining Tulungan
Centres. 6 0
Maintenance of all of these buildings is the responsibility of the City of
The sustainability of the project has been dramatically reduced due to a great
emphasis being placed on the provision of facilities while little concern being afforded to
their maintenance. Ivy Marquez, from the N H A , confirms this assessment, "...no
resources were allocated toward the maintenance of the project which would have made
the community upgrading approach more effective as this is essential i f long term impacts
are to be realised." For example, when the drainage system was installed, residents were
given no instruction as to how to maintain the system. Now the project has lost the
intensity it enjoyed during the implementation phase and the facilities have been allowed
6 0
The fourth burned down during the 'great fire' which swept through part of the Foreshore.
to deteriorate to such a degree that the situation has almost returned to the state existing
Clogged drainage was identified by more than half of the respondents, most likely
because this problem is closely linked to flooding, which ranked third. Respondents also
expressed a high degree of dissatisfaction with the unclean nature of the community
brought on by the indiscriminate dumping of trash by the residents and the lack of
reliable garbage collection by the government, forcing residents to pay push cart garbage
One resident noted that in the late 1970's, the Foreshore experienced a 'Green
Revolution' which lasted until approximately 1986. During this time residents were
Refers to the number of times individuals made reference to that particular item in relation to the other
items mentioned.
encouraged to plant trees and shrubs and promote organisation and involvement in
maintenance throughout the community. With the end of martial law, residents became
less involved and the N H A office in the Foreshore became more concerned with cost
projects and various other problems affecting the community such as squatter relocation,
peace and order and traffic congestion (Don Bosco Youth Centre Silver Jubilee (1968-
manager leaving the local governments to maintain the facilities. The local government is
responsible for garbage collection and drain maintenance. However, with the
strengthening of the Metro Manila Authority all the major services, particularly garbage
maintenance and design where one agency blames another for both new and persistent
problems which have hampered or reduced the long term benefits of the project. For
which were turned over as late as July 1993. In this instance, MWSS was supposed to
maintain water and sewer facilities, however, the residents have refused to pay claiming
The Vitas Tenements were already in place when the N H A came into Tondo in 1975.
Dagat-Dagatan was also turned over at this time.
the services promised have not been delivered. Officially this tenement has been turned
over, however, MWSS has not taken responsibility for the rehabilitation of the system
projects which have subsequently been taken up. For example, Area I is now prone to
flooding (particularly during high tide) since the D P W H constructed the Roxas Boulevard
extension coming off of R-10 which negatively impacted the drainage system. It is now
necessary to upgrade the drainage system in order to stop the flooding and to rehabilitate
the streets and alleys which have deteriorated rapidly as a result of the frequent flooding.
This behaviour epitomises the poor inter-agency co-ordination which has plagued the
Foreshore project.
persist in many forms. Still, inter-agency conflicts and the lack of policy guidelines
regarding maintenance issues have hampered the long term impacts of the project. If the
Bayanihan is a Philippine tradition embodying the spirit of mutual aid and co-operation. The researcher
recognises that community maintenance may take place on a small scale, particularly when the individuals
are directly affected.
of the barangay don't get paid that much [for maintenance work] so you have a ningas
kugon effect where there is plenty of interest in the beginning but it burns up very quickly
estimates has more than doubled since the implementation of the infrastructure) were not
planned for despite predictions. This has presented an obvious strain on the carrying
capacities of the infrastructure. As well, the continued influx of migrants is proof of the
attractiveness of the community which can be attributed, in part, to its location (next to
the pier) and to the improvements brought on by the slum upgrading. This fact lends
support to the contention that improvements will lead to increased densities beyond the
It seems that the N H A was eager to provide the facilities but failed to plan for
issues of maintenance or for the increases in density which were sure to occur over time
as the upgrading attracted more people to the area. If poor infrastructure and services are
In fact, after as little as two to three years, the physical environment began to show signs
of deterioration and once again the community facilities are in need of rehabilitation and
Ningas kugon translates as 'burning grass" or roughly "prairie fire". This means that there is initial
enthusiasm in carrying out activities but this quickly dwindles.
improvements in the overall housing stock were sought and the right to land was granted
as an impetus for residents to invest in their structures via self-help construction. In the
case of the Foreshore project, the 'type' of property rights was also important as residents
and community groups were adamant that freehold tenure be granted. Structural
improvements were observed early on in the Tondo Foreshore slum upgrading project as
residents increased the size of their dwellings, constructed more sophisticated housing
This chapter reviews the extent to which consolidation has taken place over the
past twenty years to examine the role of tenure in Foreshore experience, and to assess the
Specifically, the relationship between de jure and de facto tenure and corresponding
levels of consolidation are analysed. As well, other factors which were influential in this
process such as household income, access to financing, and the extent to which
households relied upon self-help and mutual-aid are considered in an attempt to establish
Twenty years after the project was initiated, residential buildings throughout the
Foreshore demonstrate a marked improvement from the shanty structures which typified
the community in the early 1970s. Since the improvements documented in 1983 by
Reforma, an ocular survey of the community reveals even higher levels of consolidation.
These findings show that residents are continuing to invest in their structures. 6 6
A l l areas of the Foreshore reflect a trend towards the use of strong materials and
increases in height. 6 7
There are, however, distinguishable differences regarding the
extent of consolidation between the five designated Areas spanning the Foreshore. In
Area I, a sizeable portion of structures are three, even four floors. Higher levels of
consolidation can be attributed to the fact that prior to the upgrading project, Area I was
more established than the other areas. As well, Area I has always enjoyed a significant
amount of commercial activity given its close proximity to the Divisoria marketplace. 6 9
Areas II and III closely resemble Area I although the majority of the structures are
residential in use with two storeys being the norm. Areas IV and V are somewhat unique
in that prior to the reblocking, both of these areas had only a small portion of the
consolidation is slightly behind the other three Areas. Whereas in Area I some strong
The particulars of Reforma's findings and the findings of the 1994 research will follow.
Strong materials refer to hollow or concrete blocks.
6 7
Many of the residents held Original Certificates of Title (OCTs) which was a legally recognised title
6 8
designation based on the fact that those residents had lived in the area for many years. This provided the
occupants with higher levels of security than the squatters in the other areas.
This is a large open air market in the centre of Tondo.
6 9
structures did exist prior to reblocking, Area V was characterised by shanties made of
completely weak materials. Area V is improving slowly but the process is more
At the household level, the findings show that while the most dramatic changes
took place within the first three years of reblocking, residents continue to make
incremental changes over time as their needs dictate and money allows. As well, residents
continue to exhibit a preference for the use of strong materials and for increased floor
showed that in the areas where the reblocking process was completed, residents were
overall housing quality were evident and a trend toward the use of stronger and better
At the time of the study (1981), housing consolidation was ongoing. Often the
ground floor of the house was built from strong materials while upper floors were
Jimenez (1983) looked at the net improvement in housing quality in the Foreshore by applying the
hedonic price approach. This essentially looked at household investments and expenditures.
constructed from lighter materials. "The ideal house is a two story building with hollow
block walls and a concrete floor on the first story and double walling on the second.
Some prefer tiles on the ground floor and painting both exterior and interior portions of
the house." (RAD, unpublished, pg. 11). The study also revealed that these improvements
were greater than the levels of consolidation which had taken place in other slum and
squatter settlements.
Within the built community, few examples of the shanty structures of the past
remain. There are still many squatter shanties found in pockets throughout the Foreshore
and along R-10. Many of these squatters migrated to the area after the upgrading had
occurred because of the attractiveness of the newly introduced amenities and the
employment opportunities found there. To assess the extent to which consolidation has
taken place, a house to house survey was conducted in Area IV to gain qualitative and
quantitative information at the household level. From the results of the survey, structures
were assigned a 'class' designation which is a composite index based on the degree of
consolidation each structure has obtained. Structures were grouped in order to facilitate
the use of typologies for undertaking comparisons. The following chart illustrates the
number of structures in each of the three class categories found in the 1994 household
Out of thirty households surveyed, 30 per cent (9) were of first class status
reflecting the highest level of consolidation and reflecting the use of strong materials,
The designations were based on the types of materials used. First class structures were constructed with
predominately strong materials such as hollow blocks and wood. Second class structures were constructed
with mixed materials such as a combination of hollow blocks, wood, corrugated iron sheets or bamboo.
Finally, third class structures were dominated by the use of weak materials such as nipa, bamboo, light
63.3 per cent (19) were of second class status containing a mix of strong and weak
materials and 6.7 per cent (2) were of third class status based on the low levels of
consolidation and the almost exclusive use of weak materials. For the most part, second
class structures dominate the neighbourhood. These changes are demonstrated below.
F i g u r e 5 : R e f l e c t i o n s o f n e i g h b o r h o o d change.
A baseline survey conducted in 1974 revealed that 75 per cent of households had
some form of drainage system in their homes, the most common (64 per cent) was the
open canal system. The survey also revealed that only 17 per cent of all residents had
water piped directly to their houses while the remainder were forced to purchase water
from peddlers. Only 53 per cent of all households had some form of toilet facilities with
the two most common being the buhos and the antipolo systems. Of the remainder, 40
per cent of the population disposed of their waste through the 'wrap and throw' method 7
while 7 per cent used public toilets (Viloria & Williams, 1987).
Twenty years later, there are significant improvements in the service levels
including the existence of toilet facilities, septic tanks and proper drainage. The table
In the buhos system water is poured manually to flush waste collected in water sealed bowls. The
antipolo system is a private closed pit or drum that is covered on top.
Waste wrapped in a newspaper and dumped in a garbage heap or a river canal.
7 4
As the chart demonstrates, there have been vast improvements in septic systems.
The greatest change is the virtual elimination of both the wrap and throw method and the
• 75
antipolo system and their replacement with the use of the flush toilet. There have also
A l l dwellings, regardless of their class designation reported that they had water
piped directly to their home. The household survey revealed that 26.7 per cent of all
households installed water in the same year that the dwelling was constructed while the
remainder gradually installed water over the next number of years. A l l dwellings
regardless of class received electricity directly from the Manila Electric Company. The
greatest proportion, 36.7 per cent, had electricity in the year of construction while the
remainder had power connected over the next one to fourteen years.
was suggested by Reforma that over time residents would reconvert these facilities to
accommodate growing families or utilise them as rental space. The following table
Area IV was unique in that the N H A installed Sanitary Core Units for water and sewer connections,
7 5
toilets and a kitchen sink. This job was contracted out, whereas the provision of SCUs in other areas was
included in the contract for infrastructure projects (Reforma, 1983).
A l l respondents claimed that they received their water directly from M W S S which is contradictory to the
7 6
As many as 2/3 of the structures have retained their washing facilities within the
dwelling unit. Interestingly, fewer of the first class structures have washing facilities,
despite their higher levels of consolidation. No correlation was found between those first
class structures without washing facilities and activities such as a business or rental space.
Increases in floor space were high on the list of priorities for residents as was
expressed in a survey conducted by the N H A shortly after the reblocking phase, an effect
the security of tenure. This survey revealed that the most important housing attribute was
increased space irrespective of income. Many residents had already constructed additional
floors, increasing the average floor space from 40.2 square meters to 54 square meters in
as little as 2 1/2 years after reblocking. Prior to reblocking, 55.7 per cent of all lot space
was utilised but after the process this figure rose to 72.4 per cent.
The more efficient use of lot space was attributable to a decrease in lot size
As many as 74 per cent of the residents increased their floor space even though 47 per cent of that figure
7 8
had their lots reduced. As many as 26 per cent added another floor.
household survey conducted in 1994 revealed that 96.3 per cent of the lot area was now
being utilised. This finding confirms the increases in density which have taken place
since reblocking. Increasing density is further reflected in the 1994 survey finding that the
average number of persons per structure is an incredible 11.2, an increase from the 8
sources of financing and self-help. The role of tenure has also played an extensive role in
the consolidation of structures in the early stages of the project. Specifically, as time went
by and the community became more established, the importance of de jure tenure in
housing consolidation was reduced as resident's no longer feared the threat of eviction.
5.3.1 L a n d Tenure
The household survey revealed that all of the first class structures were either
initially constructed or consolidated after 1975. The majority of the housing construction
took place between 1977 (13.3 per cent) and 1979 (10.0 per cent) across all structure
classifications with the most consolidation occurring in 1978 (20 per cent), around the
Lot size averaged 48 square meters after reblocking. Before the reblocking effort was undertaken, the
7 9
average lot size was 65.3 square meters. As much as 47 per cent of the residents experienced a reduction in
their lot size, but 53 per cent were awarded larger lots. These figures are based on results of a House
Consolidation Survey of 98 families who were interviewed in July 1978 before any reblocking took place,
and another 56 families who were interviewed between December 1978 and May 1981 (Reforma, 1983).
De jure tenure refers to the legal recognition of tenure versus de facto tenure which occurs by virtue of
the fact that the land is occupied. Although this occupation is not legally recognised there is a perceived
security of occupation.
time of reblocking. These findings reflect that given the political climate and policies of
slum eradication, de jure tenure was extremely important for residents to begin making
structural improvements.
Out of those households surveyed, 8 of 30 (26.6 per cent) are in arrears to the
N H A . Of those in arrears, 7 are second class structures, all of which have continued to
tenure status. These findings indicate two possibilities, that the households expect to
make amortisation payments in the near future, or that they do not fear eviction. The
latter explanation suggests that over time, as the community becomes more established
and depending on the strictness with which housing agencies enforce the code of policies,
amount of security. These findings are similar to those of Angel (1983) and Skinner et al
(1987) who also suggested that "de facto land tenure security for house owners increased
substantially as a result of the improvement program..." (pg. 231). In the case of the
Foreshore, security of tenure in both forms is related directly to the project, as prior to the
intervention there were limited examples of tenure recognition in the areas of installation
of community taps and other amenities such as schools and health clinics.
removed. Reforma (1983) found that financing for housing improvements was largely
The N H A has stated that they have only evicted one household which was in arrears.
derived from personal savings (57 per cent). The remaining households received gifts
from relatives or friends (12 per cent), others took out loans from relatives or friends
(12.5 per cent) while still others accessed loans from other institutions (12.5 per cent)
borrowing amounts between P 1,600 and P 20,000 to finance their improvements. Only
20 per cent of all households turned to the H M L P for assistance in the movement and
The ability for residents to draw on savings indicates a relative affluence among
them (not necessarily all are beneficiaries). The table below compares the sources of
Low participation in the H M L P scheme was attributable to the small amount offered and the restrictions
placed on the types of materials used. The program allowed for loans of up to P 500 to cover the costs of
light materials such as corrugated iron (CI) sheets, lumber, and plywood. Later this amount increased to
P 3,500 (US$ 474.90) at which time the administration of H M L P was shifted from the N H A to the
Development Bank of the Philippines (RAD socio-economic, pg. 8).
Overall, 83.3 per cent of all households relied on personal savings (an increase
from 1983) with only 23.3 per cent turning to the H M L P for loan assistance. First class
structure owners appear to rely more on savings than other forms of financing. The use
improvements. The findings of the survey are similar to what was found by Reforma
(1983) in terms of ranking the various sources, although the percentages vary slightly.
5.3.3 I n c o m e Levels
Households have invested considerable sums both in terms of money and labour
in their structures. The table below demonstrates the relationship between income and
housing consolidation.
T a b l e 7 : T h e e x t e n t o f h o u s i n g c o n s o l i d a t i o n w i t h i n c o m e levels
The findings do not provide insight into the relationship between real income and
provides insight into whether or not a rise in overall standards has resulted from the
These findings are in keeping with the findings of Reforma in 1983 which concluded that only 20 per
cent of all households turned to the H M L P for assistance.
group. The table below demonstrates the results of the survey on this point.
Of the first class structures, only five of the nine are original awardees which
shows a high rate of turnover (almost 50 per cent). However, no pattern between residents
who are not original awardees and corresponding high levels of income could be
established based on the data. As such, one can not conclude that those households which
are moving into the area are more affluent than those they are replacing. This may be
attributable to the fact that other factors play a role in housing consolidation such as
overseas remittances and the like. In many instances, income levels have proven to be
unreliable determinants of a households ability to invest in its structure (van der Linden,
Increases in the amount of floor area were initially considered positive as it would
income gained through rental or through home-based commercial activities. For example,
Reforma (1983) observed that in the areas which had undergone reblocking, economic
activities such as dress shops, beauty shops and sari-sari stores were prevalent. The 1994
survey indicated that most structures are strictly residential. The chart below
Only 26.7 per cent of structures had home-based businesses operating out of them.
Slightly fewer first class structures housed a combination of residential and commercial
activities than second class structures and as such one can not conclude that the business
had any significant influence on the level of consolidation achieved. Sari-sari stores were
the business of choice for all of the owners of second class structures engaging in
Finally, the survey data were not able to find a correlation between those households
which were not in arrears and the existence of a home based business. This would have
been a useful finding as the project aimed to support small businesses for income
generation, and ultimately ensure that households did not fall into arrears.
One these first class structures are not owned by original awardees.
Interviews with recipients of the Small Business Loan offered by the N H A were engaged in a wider
8 5
range of home based businesses such as food preservation, bakeries and sidewalk restaurants.
5.3.5 Self-Help
determine the pace of consolidation, the building standards and costs. For the most part
they could also choose what type of materials they wanted to build with although the loan
materials program offered by the N H A did put restrictions on the types of materials it
would cover. Also, Reforma documented that self-help played an integral role towards
the improvement of the housing stock, although to a lesser degree than anticipated. In the
Foreshore, this fact was attributable more to the design of the project and the nature of the
The extent to which self-help strategies played a role in consolidation tests the
theoretical assumptions of the approach. A case study conducted by the Research and
Analysis Division of the N H A reported that most of the unpaid labour was carried out by
discussed the prevalence of unpaid versus contracted labour in the construction and repair
of structures immediately after reblocking. This study found that 32 per cent of structures
used only hired labour, 38 per cent used only unpaid labour, and 30 per cent combined
hired and unpaid labour. These figures reflect that the proportion using unpaid labour
(self-help) is only slightly higher than the proportion using contracted labour which was
less than was anticipated (Reforma, 1983). Most people used a combination of self-help
This finding indicates the following possibilities. First, that residents may not
possess the 'indigenous resources' which would facilitate this undertaking as the
assumptions assert (Laquian, 1983). Second, that residents may have more income to
invest in their structures than projected. Third, that residents were expressing a preference
with housing consolidation. The bulk of the expenditures (87 per cent or P 5,318) in
housing improvement went toward the purchasing of construction materials while the
amount spent for labour was nominal (13 per cent or P 774). These findings imply that
most tasks were undertaken by family members as little was spent on contracting labour.
This lends support to the assumption that self-help, despite its limited use, can still serve
The table below demonstrates the 1994 survey results on the extent of the use of
Paid labour was used more than unpaid labour across all structural classes. The
highest level of consolidation showed the greatest level of reliance on paid labour at 77.8
per cent. These finding suggest that those structures which display a higher level of
This figure rises dramatically, of course, i f one considers the value of such improvements if they were
8 6
consolidation are occupied by households which are more likely to contract out when
conclusions drawn by Reforma (1983), no correlation between the use of self-help and
In 1983, Reforma reported that changes in the physical environment had occurred
almost immediately after the completion of the reblocking process and the
implementation of basic utilities. Only six months after reblocking, the overall housing
quality had improved by 60 to 85 per cent and by the end of 1983, one house in five was
built from entirely strong materials such as concrete hollow blocks. Now that number
Initial assessments of the project's impact on the overall housing quality of the
Tondo Foreshore were favourable in that it appeared that the project had been successful
in stimulating housing investment. It was also observed that the overall quality of the
dwellings was raised quite substantially over a relatively short period of time. While
residents' willingness to invest, it might also indicate that a more affluent population had
moved in who could afford to invest substantial amounts immediately. For this reason, a
slower and more gradual improvement of the housing stock is actually preferred given the
Most of these materials were bought from hardware stores despite the presence of second hand stores in
the neighbourhood. This reflects a desire not to use salvaged materials for construction.
8 8
Structure owners spent an average of P 6,092 per structure for repairs and improvements (Reforma,
nature of self-help housing as it signifies that the gentrification in less likely to be taking
can be attributed to the reblocking process which regularised the community, inputs in
infrastructure which solved the drainage problem and to the resolution of the land tenure
unlikely that residents would have spontaneously invested in their structures at the time
that they did. Perhaps if the residents had managed to stay in place until now with few
demolitions, and i f a degree of security was perceived to exist, some residents may have
been prompted to invest in their structures. Certainly, it is unlikely that these investments
would have been as widespread or encompassing as is the case with tenure being formally
The skyline in the Foreshore reflects the burgeoning populace and increased
densities. Whereas before the upgrading most structures were only one story, now most
are at least two with a noticeable trend toward three. These observations call into question
the appropriateness of the project's design with regard to housing. It seems that in an
attempt to keep people in place and address the long standing land tenure issue, project
planners did not consider the likelihood of increased densities in the future such as walk-
Prior to this, structures were built on stilts rather than solid post foundations.
Those individuals who were interested in having a larger plots could have been relocated to Dagat-
9 0
Dagatan since it was capable of accommodating three times as many people as the Foreshore.
Over time, intervening factors have contributed to the level of density now
experienced in the Foreshore. First, the close proximity to the port and associated
improvements. It also has drawn other migrants and as such, densities have continued to
rise. Second, an average size lot of 48 square meters has proven to be too small given the
tendency for Filipinos to live in an extended family arrangement. "It was assumed that
the family would stay as a nuclear family. It was not anticipated that people would rent
out or sub-lease part of their space. This was not planned for." (Ivy Marquez). 9 1
despite the fact the baseline surveys revealed that 40 per cent of all structures were multi-
occupancy with up to eight families. As a result, households have chosen to make up for
During the baseline survey in 1974 it was found that 18 per cent of all households earned extra income
through renting portions of their structures.
A n integral aspect of the Tondo Foreshore slum upgrading project was the
promise of tenure. As Chapter Five has argued, improvements realised in the Foreshore's
housing stock were directly related to tenure being granted along with other factors. Still,
as Angel and other theorists have argued, other adverse effects may accompany the
security of tenure. This chapter addresses these issues to assess the degree to which they
apply to the case of the Tondo Foreshore. Specifically, the affordability of the project will
be examined as one of the objectives of the project and to contextualise the discussion
which follows on whether people have remained in place or i f 'upward filtering' has
occurred as lower income households were displaced by higher income groups. Also
related to the issue of tenure, the perception of security will be explored as is evidenced .
One of the objectives of the Tondo Foreshore slum upgrading project was to
provide a 'product' which was affordable to the lowest 30 per cent income group. In
doing so, the project would be better able to target the intended beneficiaries which in
turn would facilitate the recovery of costs. To assess the extent to which this objective
was achieved, the following section will examine the income and expenditures of
residents, and the effectiveness of the mechanisms which were put in place to make the
time of the 1974 baseline survey, the median family income was approximately P 410 per
month or US $ 55.63, this figure was 30 per cent less than the median income for Metro
Manila as a whole (NHA internal document). A substantial portion (45-58.5 per cent) of
household income was spent on food while expenditures for other items such as
education, transportation, housing, medical care, clothing and recreation were minimal in
Before the reblocking process, baseline surveys were conducted which studied the
income and expenditures of the households which were slated to undergo the process.
The study found that based on their level of income, 22.2 per cent of the households
would not be able to afford to pay the monthly development charges for even a 30 square
meter lot. Furthermore, the study found that as many as 27.8 per cent of the households
may not be able to afford the immediate cost of movement. The study concluded that...
risk [of not being able to afford].... and unless the income levels of the households in the
lowest 25 per cent are improved, the project can expect default rates to be high." (NHA,
Income and Expenditures, unpublished). The study also concluded that without the
additional income from irregular sources, it would be difficult for at least 35.8 per cent of
See Chapter Three which outlines the points of intervention aimed at uplifting the economic status of the
Foreshore residents.
In light of the conclusions outlined above, the project design included various
measures aimed at increasing the level of affordability. First, lots of various sizes and
locations were developed and allocated according to the level of income. The table below
demonstrates the various lot options and the income required for each.
for an average 48 square meter lot, the project would be accessible according to a) 75 per
cent of structure and lot owners; b) 40 per cent of those who owned structures but rented
lots; c) 69.5 per cent of families renting entire dwelling units; d) 46 per cent of room
renters and e) 58 per cent of rent-free occupants (World Bank PCR, 1985).
The affordability profile also suggested that owners of structures and lots, and
renters of entire dwelling units were more able to pay for the project whereas most room
renters and rent free occupants would be unable to afford the project. The poorest of
families would be able to rent property at a price they can afford while those families who
The total price per square meter would be P 95.20 for repayment over 25 years.
Unfortunately, the additional cost of the development charges were not taken
considered in the affordability equation. Pat Valles, a community activist, explained that
in the beginning the residents were led to believe that they would only be required to pay
for the cost of the land and that they were unprepared for the development costs. 9 4
estimates that of those residents who did not pay, almost 80 per cent could not afford the
development costs.
Second, low affordability levels were expected to be offset through inputs aimed
at raising the level of income such as the schemes implemented through the BLISS
Loans, and vocational skills training were expected to lead to significant increases in the
general level of income in the area making questions of affordability irrelevant. Through
these measures, residents were expected to be better able to keep up with their monthly
Third, while incomes were expected to increase from the aforementioned inputs,
expenditures for basis services such as water and electricity were expected to decrease so
that these funds could in turn be redirected towards paying the development charges. A
study conducted in 1980 revealed that expenditure levels for water, electricity and
cooking fuel were actually lower than the monthly development charges for an average
size lot of 48 square meters, negating this line of reasoning (See Payer, 1982).
On Nov 27, 1974 the residents along with Cardinal Sin and other church officials marched to
Malacanyang to request Marcos to secure the cost of the land at P 5 per square meter. They also sent a
letter to the World Bank requesting that it not finance the project unless the land was sold to the people at
this subsidised rate.
Fourth, the development of commercial lots and the industrial estates were
expected to act as mechanism for the cross-subsidisation of residential lots so that the
savings could be passed on to the beneficiaries. In 1986, the N H A entered into a joint
venture with the Philippine Ports Authority to develop the industrial site yet it was not
until 1994 that the development of the site was completed. The reasons for the lack of
subsidy include the inability of the N H A to provide services in a timely fashion which
detracted from the agency's ability to collect on rents owed; commercial lots were
occupied by illegal structures so that many of the commercial lots were never occupied
by the awardees; while other bona fide occupants have not applied for title. As a result
the cross-subsidisation of residential lots with commercial lots occurred to a far lesser
extent than was originally anticipated. At this time, the N H A is assessing the future
1979, found that "...28 per cent of the households [could] definitely not afford the
subsequent rentals to be paid for infrastructure improvement and land titles." (Payer, p.
333). The findings reflect an increase from the original estimates arrived at by the N H A .
Oberndorfer attributes this fact to irregular income sources which make it difficult for
refer to the cost of the land and services (development costs), they do not take into
on cost recovery for the Tondo Foreshore and Dagat-Dagatan which reported substantial
cost overruns. This memorandum suggested that the rise in costs meant that a substantial
portion of the project beneficiaries were not able to afford the project. This of course
would either force those who could not afford to either sell out or to remain in place and
fall into arrears. The latter would reflect negatively on the project's cost recovery. As
well, an internal World Bank document admitted the failure of these mechanisms to
increase affordability levels, ..."the government provision of shelter to the urban poor in
Manila, with which the Bank has been associated, benefited fewer people than ultimately
in need of assistance and did not necessarily reach the very poorest segments of
the community support the claim that the project was not affordable for much of the
target population. Pat Valles, asserts that many people were selling their lots as they
feared demolition and they could not afford the payments. She maintains that the N H A
relied on false information obtained through baseline surveys regarding the level of
affordability. She states that, "before this place was reblocked a census was given by the
N H A and the N H A told the people to answer that they could afford so that they can avail
of the program but in reality the people never could afford." (Interview with Valles).
The situation is even more desperate in Dagat-Dagatan where the costs associated with the development
are even higher (Payer, 1982).
With the affordability of the project in question, many feared that the community
was at risk of becoming a zone of transfer. This section explores shifts in tenure status,
patterns of movement, and changes in the stability of the population to establish, firstly, i f
this is in fact the case, and secondly, to determine what factors caused some beneficiaries
In 1974, during the tagging of structures, a census revealed that the tenure status
of the Foreshore was primarily comprised of households which owned their structures (63
per cent), while 27 per cent were renters and 10 per cent lived rent free. 9 6
A socio-
economic survey conducted in 1978 indicated that this distribution had changed wherein
the proportion of households renting had increased to 30 per cent and the percentage of
rent free occupants which had increased to 20 per cent thereby showing a reduction in the
proportion of owner households. These figures suggest that early on in the project, illegal
entrants were drawn to the Foreshore with as many as 34 per cent of the residents having
lived in the area for less than 4 years. These new entrants were not considered bona
fide beneficiaries of the project as defined by the Code of Policies. Significantly, 12 per
cent of those who left the project were structure owners and direct beneficiaries of the
project. This figure reflects a 5 per cent drop out rate for the one year period under study
(Reforma, 1983).
Room renters comprised about half of the total population of renters in Tondo. Still, there were more
9 6
renters in the control areas. Rent free occupants are usually related to the structure owners.
Illegal as defined in the Code of Policies.
9 7
A socio-economic profile of the residents who moved out revealed that poorer
households were being replaced by households with higher monthly incomes who were
better able to afford the cost of the project, suggesting that gentrification had taken place
early on. Poorer households were determined to earn an average monthly income of P
722 whereas the average monthly income of the residents who remained was P 890.
Surveys show that 22 per cent of the households with monthly incomes under P 1000
moved out while only 15 per cent of households with monthly incomes higher than
P1000 moved out. Other reasons for leaving include the ownership of a structure
Prior to the upgrading, baseline surveys revealed that turnover patterns were
similar to those patterns which had been observed in other squatter communities
throughout Metro Manila. These studies showed that 27 per cent of households in a given
improvements in levels of living, and natural disasters such as floods or fires. The
households that were moving out were being replaced by households who were migrating
The reblocking process altered the pattern of movement within the Foreshore
wherein significantly fewer families (about 18 per cent) moved out of their structures as
compared to the areas which had not been reblocked, or compared to three other squatter
9 8
The other communities considered in this study were Malabon, Mandaluyong, and Paranaque.
areas which had completed the reblocking process was even smaller at 11.7 per cent. The
declining turnover rate of residents in areas which had undergone the reblocking process
or were still slated for reblocking suggests that early on, the project provided an incentive
for residents to stay in the area. It remained to be seen if the project would continue to be
Concerns over the impact of the project on the stability of the population led the
N H A planners to implement the Tondo Foreshore Code of Policies in 1975. This code
was supposed to reduce the potential for land speculation among beneficiaries who were
enticed to sell out for a profit once they had gained full ownership or legal control over
the property. In essence, they were put in place to ensure that the Foreshore community
did not become a zone of transfer during the implementation of the project and after its
For instance, the most common practice was for the awardee to sell the property with
both parties agreeing not to transfer the title until the restriction had expired.
worked in Tondo from the beginning of the project in 1974 until 1982 who believes that
many people have speculated on their properties. Her opinion was confirmed in 1992
when the N H A embarked on an agency wide collection campaign to clean up. the Tondo
accounts. At this time, staff began going house to house delivering notices of eviction and
amount of residents had sold out shortly after the reblocking process. Mario Rey, an
architect at the N H A , believes that even more residents were induced to sell out when the
eviction notices started coming with the collection drive. Still, Rey does not see the
transfer of rights as a negative occurrence because it means that the beneficiaries have
profited from the buying and selling of their lots, especially in the commercial blocks.
The N H A has recognised that the unofficial transfer of property has taken place,
however, it is difficult to gauge the extent of the turnover as commonly the new
occupants are paying amortisation in the name of the original awardee. The Code of
Policies which governed the upgrading project restricts residents from legally transferring
their rights for five years. This restriction did not prevent beneficiaries from selling out
and simply not officially transferring their rights. After the five years were up, the N H A
charged a transfer fee of 15 per cent of the total cost of the sale to transfer the deed.
themselves and the new owner without disclosing this agreement to the N H A , therefore
the actual turnover is much higher than the official transfer of lots. Then, after the lease
agreement ended, or possibly even after the 25 years are up, the title would be officially
the population did not qualify as beneficiaries as they had resided in Tondo for less than
five years or they had not been counted in the initial tagging of structures in 1974. It was
found that as many as 42 per cent were room renters, 28 per cent rented entire dwellings,
20 per cent were rent-free occupants and 5 per cent were owners (NHA R A D file,
case as structure owners returned to the Foreshore to gain ownership of the land. 1 0 0
of the displaced renters moved to the Bagong Lipunan Condo II complex, however many
of these units are now occupied by residents with membership in SSS and GSIS
indicating a higher income set. Other renters with savings bought tagged structures. 1 0 1
housing consolidation study conducted by Reforma later found that many owners had set
aside space for rental purposes so that once again renters could be accommodated.
While some households had moved out immediately after reblocking, many
residents have remained. This point is demonstrated in the findings of the household
survey which showed that 73 per cent (22/30) of the households interviewed were
original residents of the project community. These findings suggest that the Foreshore has
not become the zone of transfer to a significant degree as was feared, however, a high
number of original residents are in arrears to the N H A for not keeping up with monthly
lot payments. Because of this, many of the original residents have remained in place but
have little hope of being granted title to the lot their occupy. The question which remains
9 9
This was particularly the case for renters who were renting whole structures or had built their own
structure but rented the lot. The proportion of renters occupying whole units was very small at 8.7 per cent
of all renters and 4.4 per cent of the total households.
In the Foreshore, the rate of owner-absenteeism was only 16 per cent compared to 23.6 per cent in other
1 0 0
interpreted as an expression on behalf of the residents that the costs associated with the
One of the primary objectives of the upgrading program was to demonstrate the
possibility of undertaking a project without putting undue strain on the national budget.
Full cost recovery was sought through the inter-agency sharing of costs, appropriate
project design (such as standards and levels of service, reliance on self-help and mutual
aid), and as previously discussed, increases in incomes through livelihood schemes and
Sources of revenue such as these were supposed to make the project more
affordable to low-income residents living in the project area so that cost recovery could
occur. There are disparaging views as to the actual cause of the low cost recovery
blame it on the 'dole out mentality' where the residents believe they do not need to pay,
while still others claim the problem was more likely one of price acceptability which is
Early on, the N H A encountered difficulty in motivating low and marginal income
families to regularly make their amortisation payments. The World Bank attributed this to
See Payer, 1982 for a description of the variety of financial arrangements which are available.
the fact that the residents had been squatters for some time and were simply not
accustomed to paying for the lot they occupied. The Bank also asserted that the residents
had the 'dole out mentality' given their position on the lowest strata of society, and as
such the Bank maintains that no matter how low or within their level of affordability the
development cost was commonly considered to be beyond their means (WB PCR, 1985).
Support for the World Bank's position is expressed in sentiments like that of Ivy
The project was affordable as most people could have paid for their lot within a 5
year period since the land costs were so low and the residents were employed in
the port or in the market. Informally, they have businesses which provided them
with sufficient income. As well, there were enough opportunities for livelihood in
the beginning and the project augmented these by providing a livelihood program
and small business loan, and skills training.
During focus groups with original beneficiaries, residents offered a different set of
dissatisfaction with both the development charges and the lack of services. Based on this,
some have opted not to make the required amortisation payments on the lots they occupy.
encourage residents not to make any amortisation payments. They argue that PD 1314 is
repressive since it states that if they do not pay for 3 consecutive months, the N H A has
In the case of Valles, she paid P 500 in 1975 for a 64 square meter lot and has not
made any amortisation payments since then. Every month the N H A sends a notice of
eviction which states that she is required to pay P 15,000 in interest charges and P 7,500
toward the principle amount owed on her lot. Valles has not paid because she
many as 50 per cent of the residents of Barrio Magsaysay could not afford the monthly
amortisation on the lot to the N H A , let alone the development charges. As a result, "some
moved out but most stayed and many are in arrears.. .they just don't pay but they remain
on the lot so they never got their title of award." Valles, like Buluran, estimates that there
as many as 40 per cent of the original awardees moved out and many of those who have
remained are in arrears. They also assert that for the most part, the titles which have been
granted are not original residents as they can afford to meet the monthly payments.
Due in part to the role of the World Bank in the project, detailed specifications
and cost estimates, and a project implementation schedule was devised. In the interest of
efficiency and planning, the residents were not consulted on every issue. In particular,
they had little input in terms of the extent of the services and whether or not they
represented good value. Perhaps the project components and the standards did not reflect
the residents' priorities and certainly the cost may not be reflective of their ability to pay
or their desire. The unacceptability of the project costs reflects this dissatisfaction with
the services.
If she had kept up with her payments from the beginning, her lot would have cost her P 8,734.
Valles lives in Area V in Barrio Magsaysay which is particularly stricken with poor services. In her
neighbourhood the sewer and water have never worked properly.
As early as 1983 it had become obvious that residents were not keeping up with
the required amortisation payments for their lots. The N H A had tried a variety of schemes
to encourage the residents to pay. For example, in the early 1980s, they tried collection
through the co-operatives which were part of the livelihood program. The N H A hired co-
operative members as a collection arm of the Authority based on the belief that since co-
operative members were beneficiaries and familiar with the people, they would be
effective in motivating the people to pay. Unfortunately, this scheme only further
entrenched the N H A ' s problems as some of the collectors from the co-operative ran away
with the collections. Needless to say this was extremely bad for community relations.
Instead, residents make a two hour trip one way to go to the N H A main office in Quezon
City to make payments. In the late 1980s they provided incentives to pay through a raffle
for those accounts which were up to date, but the prizes were small so the scheme lasted
commercial awardees to apply for title and pay at least the required 20 per cent down
payment. This program also had little effect. Since 1992, the N H A office in Tondo and its
bare bones staff have focused almost solely on cost recovery. In 1994, the N H A began
imposing sanctions for people occupying commercial lots who had neglected to apply for
title or who were in arrears. Sanctions include the cancellation of award or demolition
and eviction if the occupant did not apply for title. (NHA internal document Report on
6.3.3 L a s t A t t e m p t s at Cost-Recovery
re-assessing the cost of both the residential and the commercial lots to reflect market
value. The lots which had been disposed of and were in arrears are required to pay market
value for the lot. The following tables reflect the increases which have been implemented:
T a b l e 12 : P r i c i n g S t a t u s o f R e s i d e n t i a l L o t s ( J u n e 1994)
been disposed out of which 7,523 (June 1994) had been paid in full and title had been
granted, 4,256 are still required to make amortisation payments and 1,368 were up to date
while 2,888 were in arrears. As many as 1,150 have neglected to apply for title, out of
Refers to lots which have been applied for but they are still paying the amortisation or they could be in
No one has come forward to apply for tenure to these lots and therefore the occupier remains only a
1 0 6
proposed awardee. Some may have an OCT but most have simply neglected to apply.
Two lot types exist including the Conditional Contract to Sell (CCS) and Deed of Sale with Mortgage
1 0 7
(DSM). Lots with a CCS are owned by the N H A and the awardee receives the title once the lot has been
fully paid. Individuals are required to keep up in their monthly amortisation. If they are in arrears for 3
consecutive months, cancellation and finally eviction notices are issued. Lots which fall under the second
type are the D S M , where the ultimate sanction is foreclosure because the mortgage is taken out through the
N H A . In this case the N H A holds the title but the title is already in the name of the awardee. Upon full
payment of the lot the N H A returns the title to the awardee. To date, the N H A has not foreclosed on
Both social and economic are considered as residential lots.
1 0 8
257 proposed awardees which have not applied for title. Those households which were in
arrears faced the threat of eviction as the focus on the N H A shifted to cost recovery.
Like the residential lots, the cost of the commercial lots was first re-assessed in
1990 at P 3,000 per square meter to reflect the current market value. In 1994, the rate was
further increased to P 8,000 to P 9,000 per square meter depending on the location. The
table below reflects the price changes which have been implemented.
Table 13: Pricing Status of Economic and Commercial Lots (June 1994)
Of the 806 commercial lots, 526 have been disposed of with 234 titles being
granted. Of the 292 which remain, 219 are in payment arrears and 73 accounts are up to
date. As many as 280 lots have never been applied for making the occupants tenure
insecure. Those who applied immediately after reblocking could purchase of the property
at the rate of P 650-700 per square meter which was the assessed rate in 1978. The
Often times households holding an OCT have not applied for title as they would be required to pay for
1 1 0
along an 8 meter road. Presently both are used for residential purposes.
Depending on the area, the price of commercial lots varies from P 10,000 along C-2 in Area IV, P 9,500
along Moriones.
residents of barangay 110 signed a petition to reflect their dissatisfaction with the
increase in the price of the commercial lots and they have refused to pay the increase.
Debates over the reasonableness of this objective are sure to inspire heated
discussion. Because much of the funding for the project came from the World Bank, the
Philippine government is less able and less likely to forgive outstanding accounts given
the expensive nature of these loans. Yet, in the absence of widespread affordability, full
"...because of the urgent nature of the housing need, the low capacity to pay of the urban
poor, the inability of existing credit structures to respond to the needs of the poor, and the
fact that basic housing generates benefits that go beyond housing there is sufficient
Furthermore, much of the cost of the project has already been borne by the lot
owners through the construction of their houses (See Payer, 1982). In fact, investments in
housing consolidation represent the urban poor's greatest contribution. While the
Philippine government did subsidise the cost of the land, the infrastructure costs and the
management costs pushed the cost of the project beyond affordable levels for at least the
lower 20 per cent. Finally, no schemes such as varying rates of interest over the time of
indebtedness were implemented as a way of enhancing both the affordability and the
sources which indicated that the project was not affordable to the 10th percentile as was
originally claimed, the World Bank's Project Completion Report stated that...
The N H A ' s final attempts at cost recovery are certain to adversely affect those
residents which have opted to stay i n place but have been unable to keep up with their
behalf o f original residents in making lot payments leads one to question whether it was
tenure that the residents were after. Perhaps, what the community was really fighting for
in those early days o f social and political unrest was the threat o f eviction and demolition
that had plagued their community and others like it for so long. In fact it appears that the
residents o f a community on the fringe were less concerned with the illegality o f their
status as they were with the precarious nature o f it. In the case o f the Tondo Foreshore, it
seems that while some residents opted to move out, many original residents decided to
stay but have neglected to make amortisation payments. The result is a government which
has not been able to recover its investment as anticipated and a community o f residents
In this way, the legalisation of the site takes away power from the poorer residents
who cannot find security in tenure but instead find protection from demolition in
numbers. Furthermore, although tenure was provided, large segments of the original
residents have not been granted title. As a result, the government finds itself in a greater
position of power through the legal justification of eviction due to non-payment and the
urban poor's access to land has actually been reduced as the cost of the land and the
A second point for consideration is whether the poor can afford to be upgraded
(Payer, 1983, pg.324). The decision to upgrade has resulted in costs higher than what the
to live in a new and improved community with a full range of services and amenities,
however the expectation that it is the residents who must shoulder the costs associated
with this development must be reconsidered. Ultimately, the decision to upgrade should
' In the Foreshore, it was estimated that 70 per cent of the total population were not paying anything for
1 4
The Tondo Foreshore slum upgrading project was designed based on a people-
centred approach for total community development which relied heavily on enabling
ensuring the success of the project. To this end the project encouraged popular
This chapter will examine issues such as community cohesion, the persistence of
mutual aid and co-operation, the existence of community organisations, and the
aspect of upgrading facilitated the delivery of a product, or if they also contributed to the
total development of the community. Discussions such as these are useful as often the
social aspects of development are an afterthought or a secondary event when in fact they
when they banded together to fight for land tenure. Since that time many of their demands
such as tenure and access to services, have been addressed via the upgrading project. The
identity. For example, neighbourhood fiestas are an expression of community identity and
solidarity because they bring together different socio-cultural groups found throughout
the population.
community among the residents. For example, when respondents were asked to define
their community, most did so not only based on physical boundaries, but also in terms of
and community activist believes strongly that "there is a common identity felt between
afflictions plaguing the community. The bulk of those identified are concerned with the
peace and order such as drug addiction and crime. Interestingly, unemployment and
Researchers have argued (see Ruland, 1987) that true participation in the
empowering sense did not occur throughout the design and implementation of the project.
community both during the original upgrading initiative when the residents were invited
A n indicator of this is the ability of residents to describe their community in terms of perceived
1 1 5
to participate in the planning and execution of the project, and after in the post project
project's design de-emphasised the role of the government and shifted the responsibility
to the residents, capitalising on the assumption that community spirit existed throughout
the population.
Today, the persistence of bayanihan, or the spirit of mutual aid and co-operation,
is demonstrated in the extent to which residents are aware of pertinent community issues
of focus groups with residents and interviews with formal and informal leaders present
mixed reviews on the extent to which bayanihan continues to be a driving force in the
When respondents of the household survey were asked whether or not bayanihan
was alive in the community, 90 per cent stated that it was and that it is demonstrated in a
variety of ways such as simple acts of kindness (22 per cent), helping in cases of
emergency (48 per cent), and assistance in unclogging the drainage (15 per cent). These
findings suggest that the spirit of bayanihan has endured since the original upgrading
residents are aware of the important community issues, however the degree of co-
operation in addressing these issues varies. Within each barangay, a select few residents
are highly involved in community issues while the majority of the residents only get
involved when an issue affects them directly. Commonly, those belonging to a lower
socio-economic class are less involved in community initiatives, as they have more
employment demands.
The degree of co-operation also tends to vary from barangay to barangay. For
security, and maintenance of drains and pathways. Similar initiatives exist in barangay
67 where the captain maintains that as many 80 per cent of the residents are actively
and 116 have no formal programs and as such the residents tend to be less involved in
community action on a daily basis. Instead, the residents organise in response to problems
as they arise such as barangay maintenance or in emergency cases such as fire. The
barangay captain from 112 states that the community involvement is more "indigenous"
in his area, with much of the community spirit occurring outside of the barangay
structure. The barangay captains agreed that factors such as the family structure, income
and education levels impact on the degree to which resident's participate in community
In all barangays, mutual aid and co-operation are fostered through regular block
house to house drives and the use of a megaphone. Projects are planned by the barangay
citizen's committee and the residents are responsible for carrying out the tasks. 1 1 6
The Foreshore has a long history of social organising at the community level.
Most of these organisations are religiously based with a mandate of offering services to
the community in the areas of health, livelihood or social upliftment. Despite the slum
upgrading, a number of these organisations continue to exist, primarily out of need. For
example, the Canossa Health and Social Centre located in Magsaysay Village in the
Tondo Foreshore offers a health and nutrition program, livelihood training, co-operatives,
counselling, a scholarship program, and a day care. Most of the patients availing of the
organisation's services reside in the squatter sites located throughout the Foreshore.
organisations operating in the community (other than the barangay), none could identify
any of the more politically based organisations. Many residents were able to identify
community based organisations such as Don Bosco which has been operating in the
community for 25 years and occupies a rather high profile location in Area IV. This
1 1 6
Committee representatives are elected by the community.
indicates that the residents of those areas of the Foreshore which were granted tenure
have more affinity with social organisations and are less inclined to participate in more
the residents of other squatter and slum sites throughout Metro Manila, residents of the
Foreshore began to organise during the highly politicised era of the late 1960s and early
status. In reaction to the strength of the political organisations the government imposed
martial law. Ruland explains that this action was intended "...to curb the activities of the
Despite this repressive step by the Marcos regime, large and well organised
political groups such as the Zone One Tondo Organisation (ZOTO) continued to exist
tolerated this group based on its fear of the outbreak of social unrest. In the case of the
Foreshore, the high level of community organisation played a key role in the
' Ruland defines these as collective and communicative processes of demand making, or protesting
1 7
Marcos' development strategy which largely relied on foreign capital and investment (Ruland, pg. 329,
' Ruland also asserts that this was probably largely due to the fact that the situation for the majority of its
1 9
membership was already so bleak they had nothing to lose (Ruland, 1984).
The organisation was instrumental in fostering an attitude of solidarity and self-reliance among the
1 2 0
populace. The organisational structure of Z O T O was highly decentralised with a high percentage of women
as officers.
government's decision to upgrade the Foreshore and grant land tenure. Today, political
organisations operate on the fringe, no longer representing the loci of political power at
the grassroots level. This shift is primarily due to the bifurcation of community politics
due to the introduction of the barangay which effectively diminished their role.
A year after the imposition of martial law in 1972, the barangay was set up to
represent the people (or more than likely the government) at the community level.
Officially the barangay was created for the purpose of broadening citizen participation in
community decision making (as long as they were government initiated programmes),
facilitating the delivery of services, and implementing small scale infrastructure projects
sphere of influence, the government required community groups to seek permission from
viewed as an extension of the long arm of the government. The formation of this
leaders were co-opted under the barangay structure. As well, the upgrading effort served
to strengthen the role of the barangay, legitimising it as the acceptable forum for
community participation. Because of this, the barangay captains are now generally
This acceptance was helped along through the arrest and detention of vocal personalities which
effectively removed them from the public forum.
Today, the barangay is responsible for all issues which affect the community such
as peace and order through the organisation of tanod (security) brigades, road safety
through the provision of street signs and markers, cleanliness and beautification drives,
construction and repair of secondary roads and pathways, maintenance of drains, and the
facilitation of livelihood initiatives. A l l of these initiatives are geared towards meeting the
needs of the residents and operate based on the participation of the residents. The
sports activities, free medical consultations, the distribution of free medicine and day
Beyond these issues, the barangay acts as a liaison between the community, the
these agencies when requests are made on behalf of the community. In those barangays
which have positive working relations with the residents, the captains expressed an
interest in expanding the mandate of the barangay to include livelihood training, food
supplements, and road rehabilitation, however, this would require a larger operating
budget. Livelihood initiatives are most in demand due to the need to uplift the economic
barangay. The barangay is viewed as an agent of the N H A which is only concerned with
cost recovery and not with community concerns. As well, rumours of barangay captains
accepting payoffs ranging from between P 500-2000 to allow the construction of shanty
structures in their barangay have tarnished the resident's perception of the institution.
continue to work on behalf of the urban poor on issues such as land rights and housing.
The existence of these organisations indicates that despite the upgrading, the community
is still grappling with many of the same issues as it did twenty years ago such as the
provision of land and services, but perhaps on a smaller scale (Peattie, 1987). For the
most part, residents of the of the built community have been co-opted and are complacent
with regard to these issues. As the N H A embarks on cost recovery and sanctions take
hold, it is reasonable to assume that more residents will once again turn to these
prominent political organisations operating in the Foreshore today. In the Foreshore and
which have fallen into arrears and are at risk of eviction. These organisations work on
forgiveness for their loans. Until now, they have been unsuccessful in their attempts.
Other smaller POs include the Mother's Club which works in Dagat-Dagatan on behalf of
women who face domestic violence, and the Home Owners Association which is
concerned with physical problems such as water, drainage, sewer, and community
that the Foreshore was to be developed as the site for the International Port. Today, the
organisation continues to struggle for the rights of the poor in response to the continued
president of ZOTO, claims that "organisations such as ZOTO are still very much in need
as they are necessary for giving a voice to the disempowered...These organisations are a
big part of the development of the community." Currently, the federation of ZOTO has
69 local organisations with 6 chapters located throughout Metro Manila with an estimated
On average the general meetings are attended by 600 members with an estimated
300 people coming from the Tondo chapter. For example, in June 1994, approximately
1000 people came out to protest the government's inaction in resettling the squatters
Foreshore since 1980. T O M A N A works with 9 other member federations, two of which
are based in Tondo and include ZOTO and Samahan ng Mamamayan ng Baryo
There are 700 from Tondo and the 6,000 from Dagat-Dagatan.
materials to families which had their homes demolished in Tondo. Today, the housing
program continues but the organisation also operates income-generating projects and
other socio-economic initiatives aimed at empowering the urban poor. Collectively the
member federations have an estimated total membership of 3,929 urban poor of which 67
The S M B M has 720 members from Barrio Magsaysay and has been active since
1986. The organisation was formed in order to fight for shelter and livelihood support.
The president, Linda Buluran, explains that residents from Barrio Magsaysay became
extremely active in response to the eviction notices which were continually being posted.
The organisation is concerned primarily with housing and tenure issues, providing social
7.4.3 Issues f o r O r g a n i s i n g
A l l of these organisations were born out of the struggle for land tenure and
continue to exist for the same reason. Together they actively lobby Malacanyang to
forgive outstanding accounts and grant title on the basis that both the development
charges and interest charges are unreasonable. The government will not comply with the
request. They organised over the issue of tenure but have gone on to fight for a wider
range of social and economic justice issues, particularly against legislation which is
discriminatory to the urban poor's welfare such PD 772 which makes squatting a crime.
membership over the years. During the reblocking phases, membership in groups like
ZOTO declined as positive changes started to occur throughout the community. Activists
also attribute the decline in membership to the oppressive nature of the regime which saw
declining membership is the natural process for a community which has realised its
renewal in their membership as squatters began joining together to fight for social change
Two distinct groups are most likely to be involved in political organising. Firstly,
society are most likely to be politically active. This fact is reflected in the profile of the
squatter sites. In fact, Lydia Ela, maintains that residents of the built community became
less active in political organisations after the fall of the Marcos regime. "It is as if they no
longer felt that they needed to join these organisations to assert themselves." A l l of the
representatives interviewed from the various POs asserted that at that time, most of the
residents of the built community (particularly those who were satisfied with their
This feeling is echoed by N H A staff members who stated that after the E D S A
revolution, fewer people attended community meetings sponsored by the N H A and fewer
people came in for training. It seems that residents of the built community become
affected them directly. This is evidenced in the community of Barrio Magsaysay, an area
which is lacking in services and where a high number of members belong to political
Secondly, the role of women in these organisations as leaders and organisers has
been instrumental in the fight, both historically and currently, for services and tenure.
This point became clear through various interviews with the presidents and organisation
members which were dominated by women, despite the fact that no special consideration
Moser (1987, 1989) who asserts that it is women who most commonly act as the
community managers.
In the years leading up to the implementation of the upgrading project, the highly
politicised nature of the Tondo Foreshore community was reflected in high levels of
political activity and community cohesion. These trends continued throughout the
community affairs. Today, much of the community activity takes place around the
'it seems that men are more likely to be involved in more formal institutions such as the barangay.
The barangay was set up as a mechanism for citizens to express their views, and
as an outlet for popular participation, but for the most part it is a vehicle for the delivery
of services at the community level while the CBOs focus on information dissemination
and socio-political issues. During martial law, these two very political groups were at
odds, however, each now have very separate and clearly defined mandates with little
overlap. The persistence of socio-political movements long after the project has
supposedly met its stated objectives indicates that issues persist. The critical areas of
concern are often articulated by these groups, voicing the community's level of
occurred. In the early 1980s, two types of leadership existed; the traditional leaders
(informal) which were engaged in the struggle for land and the newly appointed or the
formal leaders of the community; the barangay representatives. Today, the barangay as
the quasi-governmental institution operating at the local level is generally accepted by the
Most of the participation in community affairs occurs via the barangay as the
formally recognised institution. In most cases, only a few of the residents of the built
organisations. Rhetoric, coupled with the installation of the barangay, led to community
acquiescence more so than if the N H A had marketed the project as a take it or leave it top
down approach. If this were the case, given the history it is safe to assume that the
community would have rallied together against adversity. Instead, the community was
lulled into believing that it was no longer necessary to bind together (Martin, 1983).
Now, only pockets of the residents in the Foreshore are politically active,
particularly those residents who are unsatisfied with the upgrading or new migrants who
have come to Tondo to squat. In fact, the bulk of the membership resides in the squatter
sites scattered throughout the community. This fact is partially attributable to the fact that
for the majority of the populace, there are fewer issues requiring community action.
Instead, energies are directed internally, at the familial level. There are some
celebrations. There is little evidence that the project has been a vehicle for stimulating
politically active in taking up community issues and complaints, for the most part much
Finally, given that the project was both designed and implemented under martial
law, public participation in the project can be viewed only as a means to an end, as a
which have persisted have occurred not because of the project, but in spite of it.
The housing need in Metro Manila between 1990-1994 was estimated at 716,000
units. And with 171,000 families subject to eviction in the years that have followed and
the continued influx of approximately 100,000 new migrants annually; viable housing
schemes are vital. The current program under the National Shelter Program (NSP)
addresses these needs through the promotion of an integrated shelter delivery program.
This strategy relies heavily on the private sector in the hope of finding alternative sources
for affordable housing and housing finance. Clearly, the government's role has shifted
The inability of community upgrading to address the needs of the lowest 10 per
cent of the population and its lack-lustre results in the area of cost recovery, called into
question the usefulness of this approach. This prompted the government to re-evaluate its
projects. As a result, the Ramos administration has helped to inspire a movement away
from traditional funding sources and toward the creation of alternative financing
Chapter One outlined the policy initiatives that led to the adoption of the
community upgrading and sites and services approaches in the early 1970s. This chapter
The 1986 EDSA revolution was a citizen uprising which effectively toppled the Marcos regime.
surveys the policy approaches the government has adopted in the post-Tondo era. I intend
forces and to assess how responsive they are in meeting the needs of the urban poor.
Specifically, I will focus on the Community Mortgage Program which is both a hybrid of
community upgrading, and a good example of how these new approaches have evolved.
At the end of 1982, the Ministry of Human Settlements launched the National
Shelter Program (NSP) to bring together government resources with those from the
127 128
land use, zoning and housing production. Many of the plans for human settlement
development drafted at this time still inform land use plans today (National Report of
When the Aquino Administration took office in 1986, the Ministry of Human
Settlements was abolished. The Housing and Urban Development Co-ordinating Council
(HUDCC) took its place and was charged with forming housing policy. The new
from the shelter sector. For example, mandatory membership in the Pag-IBIG savings
The National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC) developed the Home Development
1 2 6
Mutual Fund (HDMF) and the Home Financing Corporation (HFC) which was later known as the Home
Insurance Guaranty Corporation.
The agency in charge is the Human Settlements Regulatory Commission later known as the Housing
1 2 7
the National Housing Corporation (NHC) and the National Housing Authority (NHA). The only agency
which remains is the N H A .
such as the Social Security System (SSS) and the Government Service Insurance System
(GSIS) for shelter financing. During this period, private banks limited their involvement
in low cost and long term housing finance (National Plan of Action on Shelter and
decisive fashion through the enactment of the Urban Development and Housing Act
(Republic Act 7279). This legislation called for access to land and housing by the
private sector. The administration also enacted the Abot-Kaya Pabahay Fund (Social
Housing Support Fund) for low income families under RA 6846. As well, the Local
Government Code was established under RA 7160 which served to devolve power to the
local government units making them directly responsible for the provision of shelter
services (National Plan of Action on Shelter and Human Settlements, 1996, pg. 61).
When the Ramos Administration came to power in 1992, more legislation and
executive orders were enacted in an effort to address the shelter shortage. In 1993, three
critical Executive Orders (EO) were issued. The first was EO 72 which called for
automatic salary deductions to pay down housing loans in the hope of improving the
NGOs and POs have urged the National Government Agencies and LGUs to aggressively implement
this Act. They have called for the creation of a subsidised housing unit within the Local Government Units
to address concerns relating to subsidised housing projects. Interestingly, they also requested a feasibility
study on ways to lower the cost limit of subsidised housing packages (house and lot or lot only) from P
150,000 to P 80,000. They also requested that Congress allocate at least 10 per cent of the Countrywide
Development Fund for subsidised housing. As well, they have requested that PD 772, or the Anti-Squatting
Law, be repealed. (Final Resolutions adopted by the Non-formal Sector at the National Shelter Conference
Oct. 09, 1996).
facilitate the quicker turnover of funds in order to increase the number of beneficiaries.
At this time, the creation of a finance system involving the private sector in shelter
production was sought in order to fund the National Shelter Program (National Plan of
The second Executive Order was EO 129 which aimed to prevent the proliferation
of professional squatting syndicates and professional squatters. The third was EO No. 143
which called for the H U D C C to oversee the Local Government Pabahay Housing
Program set up to provide support for the L G U initiatives through direct access to lending
for socialised housing projects. These critical legislative interventions, followed by the
process socialised housing projects and facilitated the pursuit of alternative financing
schemes while transferring the responsibility for shelter to the Local Government Units
(National Plan of Action on Shelter and Human Settlements, 1996, pg. 61-62).
Until 1994, the government was dependent on traditional financing sources such
for housing finance, such as the Unified Home Lending Program ( U H L P ) , 132
By 1992, the National Home Mortgage Financing Corporation's (NHMFC) schemes were insolvent.
In 1993, the World Bank withdrew from direct lending in response to the low collection rates which
were endemic to shelter programs.
Under this scheme, as much as P 375,000 can be borrowed for a house and lot. The housing loan
package charged market rates, however, the monthly amortisation could not exceed 33.33 percent of the
monthly income (Unified Home Lending Program, Implementing Guidelines, internal document).
Regular Programs including Expanded Housing Loan Program (EHLP) and Group Land
through employment in the formal sector where employees earn an average income of P
4,000 per month, more than double the average earnings of the urban poor. These
restrictions effectively exclude the urban poor from taking part in these schemes. In light
of this, the government has turned to non-traditional financing sources, particularly ones
guidelines, unpublished).
In large urban centres shelter production is constrained by the cost of land and the
mismatch between affordability and accessible financing. In the case of the urban poor
these factors are particularly acute. In recognition of this, the N H A has been pursuing
financing in situ upgrading is once again being pursued. These programs include the
N H A ' s Community Land Acquisition Support Program (CLASP), H D M F ' s Group Land
This program which exists under the National Government Housing Project (NGHP) aims to provide
resettled families with a house and a developed site with facilities and amenities. There is also a special
project which responds to the needs of those who have been displaced due to DPWH infrastructure projects
(National Report and Plan of Action on Shelter and Human Settlements, 1994,pg. 65).
The scheme involves a joint agreement between the employer and the employee. Eligibility is also based
1 3 4
on the borrower's income tax returns which also serves to eliminate those individuals working in the
informal sector. Finally, the applicant is required to make a down payment with proof that funds for the
down payment were not borrowed.
the urban poor. Another community based program which has been the most successful in
profiled here to gain an understanding of how slum upgrading has evolved over the past
twenty-five years. The C M P will also provide a lens through which to view the
second largest program under the National Shelter Program. From 1990-1994, the N H A
depended on the scheme to generate as many as 87,159 (77 per cent) of the 112,639
housing units required within the N C R for that period (CMP, 1994, pg. 7-8). The C M P
aims to provide access to shelter financing to the poorest 30 per cent of the population
and those employed in the informal sector, at a subsidised interest rate (6 per cent), and
also aims to provide security of tenure through communal land acquisition for the
development of both private and public lands (CMP, 1994, unpublished). As such, the
This is not an exhaustive list of all of the financing schemes which exist. Rather, it sums up those which
1 , 5
are specifically geared towards servicing the urban poor. For example, the N H M F C ' s Abot Kaya Pabahay
Fund was set up to provide amortisation assistance to low-income families and to developers engaged in
social housing development. However, restrictive application requirements often did not allow for
individuals working in the informal sector to qualify.
The community programs such as C M P , G L A D and Co-operative Housing Program have given
1 3 6
assistance to 87,491 beneficiaries. The number of women who have benefited from upgrading schemes is
22 per cent, but under C M P this figure rises to 46 per cent (Community Mortgage Program, 1994, p. 7).
As much as 95 per cent of all C M P projects have taken place on privately owned land (CMP, 1994, p.
eligibility criteria under the C M P is less rigorous than other programs in an attempt to
and the pursuit of full cost recovery. However, the initiative is unique because squatters
are required to organise into community associations (CAs) in order to generate savings
for the purpose of acquiring land communally. Because the decision to purchase land is
communally-based, and the land remains under communal ownership initially, program
designers expect to see fewer defaults which will ensure the programs viability and also
that residents actually obtain their titles (Community Mortgage Program, 1994,
unpublished). A n essential element of the program is that NGOs can act as intermediaries
on behalf of the urban poor to assist them through the various stages of the process.
The ability of the C M P to see a squatter site through the various stages of
development from the communal acquisition of land, to the development of the site, to
the initiation of housing consolidation indicates the effectiveness of the scheme. It must
also effectively balance issues of affordability with cost recovery while ensuring that it is
opportunities and threats of the C M P provides insight into the viability of the program.
Since its inception in 1990, the C M P has proven to be more effective than all
flourished to the extent that housing consolidation appears to have taken precedent over
the upgrading of the actual site. This fact has been attributed to a number of factors
such as a community preference for gradual development through self-help; that almost
50 percent of the communities do not meet the preconditions for the site development
loan (a point which suggests that the standards may be too rigid); a lack of necessity for
site development as the basic services already exist; and the inability of communities to
look beyond the initial land acquisition (CMP, 1994, pg. 73-74). ' 4 0
Unfortunately, like so many of its predecessors, the program has not been able to
reach the poorest 10 per cent of the population. Furthermore, this goal is becoming
further out of reach as land prices continue to increase more rapidly than incomes. A
study conducted in 1992 found that most of the funds went towards the acquisition of the
It is difficult to conclusively determine whether the target group is being reached as many of the
beneficiaries are working in the informal sector making it easier to under report actual income (CMP,
1994, pg. 40-41).
The development of the site is financed through a community mortgage upgrading loan or through
1 3 9
mutual aid initiatives. Many of the sites are located in the core areas of Metro Manila where infrastructure
is often already in place, even in squatter areas.
The program allows for the development of the site to take place separate from the acquisition of the
1 4 0
land, leaving only a small amount of funds for site development or housing consolidation
program's collection performance which is comparable, if not better, than that of the
sanctions for non-payment. These two critical features were absent from the Foreshore
project. Under the C M P , the C A is responsible for collecting the monthly amortisation
and if one of the beneficiaries falls into arrears for longer than 3 months, the C A is
required to notify the L G U which has been given the mandate to evict the person in
default. Program designers maintain that it is crucial that defaulting members must be
evicted or the program will be rendered impotent due to the cumulative effect of non-
paying members (CMP, 1994, p. xiii). However, this recommendation fails to recognise
A potential threat to the viability of the program resided with the difficulty in
convincing landowners to sell their land at the ' C M P price' which is far below market
value. 1 4 2
The only incentive for landowners to co-operate is that most of these sites are
Collection rates for government initiated projects within the N C R average 63.3 per cent.
Land prices under the C M P average P 1,020 per square meter in central locations and P 452 per square
already occupied by squatters and under the Urban Development and Housing Act (RA
7279), the process of eviction is long and arduous. To ensure the program does not
become impotent, future steps such as increased subsidies, government intervention in the
real estate market or increased taxes on idle lands may also be required. These measures
may also be necessary to stave off the reduction of lot sizes due to rising land prices. As it
stands, lot sizes have already decreased to an average of 32 square meters which is
extremely small given the prevalence of extended family cohabitation in the Philippines
to invest in the program given the low rate of interest. To address this dilemma, it has
been suggested that shortening the repayment period would allow the current level of
funds to be turned over so that they might benefit more people. As well, NGOs and POs
hold out promise in the struggle to provide access to land, shelter and services for the
urban poor.
through in-situ development of human settlements and the provision of sites and services
in resettlement sites. Like the upgrading projects of the late 70s and early 80s, these
In 1993, CMP accounted for 10 per cent of the NHMFC loan portfolio. In 1994 this increased to 20 per
cent on the basis of the program's effectiveness (NHMFC position paper # 17, unpublished).
Prior to this date, a national level housing authority was directly responsible and
accountable for shelter production. Now this responsibility has been mandated to the
to funding for the housing agencies responsible for shelter production by tapping into
alternative financing sources. This is done primarily by raising funds through capital
Under this new orientation, the C M P has been the most effective scheme to date.
Unlike the Foreshore upgrading, the scheme does not attempt to integrate into its mandate
socio-economic programs as these schemes have realised little success. However, the
program has been particularly effective in the area of cost recovery and cost
effectiveness; two features which are highly sought after in a competitive lending market.
Furthermore, no other housing program has been able to directly reach the urban poor to
such an extent. Most importantly, the scheme has been relatively successful in keeping
housing schemes, community based financing programs appear to be the only remaining
Affordability is sought through measures which allow easier access to land for housing, a better match
1 4 4
of housing financing options with beneficiaries and an improved housing delivery system.
The devolution of power to the Local Government Units has been both applauded and criticised. Some
view this event as an opportunity for grassroots input into the nature of projects while others recognise that
these units (with no past experience in housing production) lack the necessary expertise to effectively carry
out this mandate. Furthermore, some view devolution as the government's way of distancing itself from the
housing sector in the face of a long history of ineffective programming.
provision. Under this approach government support comes in the form of loan capital
offered at subsidised rates. This new approach draws on self-help strategies and combines
them with a market based development approach. In this way, the new role of the
government is to ensure that the urban poor gain access to credit at a reasonable rate of
The form of the slum upgrading project implemented in the 1970s and early 1980s
no longer applies in the contemporary context. While the schemes do meet the housing
needs of the poorest of the urban poor, modifications are required so that they better
reflect the challenges facing policy makers and planners. Throughout this research, the
impacts of the project have been measured on the basis of the effectiveness in serving the
needs of the intended beneficiaries, the urban poor. Ultimately it is they who determine
whether or not the project has been a success. In this final chapter I will draw on the
research findings to suggest ways in which the slum upgrading projects can ensure that
the impacts sought are sustained and so that the new generation of slum upgrading
consideration must be paid to the issue of post-project maintenance. Initially, the project
was effective in stimulating change, however, both planners and the implementing
agencies failed to properly consider post-project maintenance. The study shows that the
between the various line agencies, the local government and the residents themselves.
The N H A was the lead agency during the implementation of the project. However,
agencies such as the DSWD, MWSS, and the local governments which were expected to
provide support for the project but failed to do so. As a result, the sustainability of the
addition, given the World Bank's enormous investment in infrastructure, it would have
been cost effective to provide funds for post-project maintenance to ensure the project's
This study found that the community represents a resource that can be tapped
because in many respects, it has a greater ability to take care of the environment than the
local government. To facilitate this arrangement, a mechanism should have been put in
place which have allowed the local government and the community to work together
toward this goal. This could have easily been established through the barangay which
serves as a direct link between these two groups. For example, willing residents could be
organised to regularly clean the drains for a small fee paid by the community members.
Larger maintenance work which require specialised equipment would remain the
community, in some respects this concept is a double edged sword. Along with the
costs associated with gaining title and the cost of the development. In addition, the proper
policies which penalises those residents who are not complying. Without implementing
these changes, the propensity to rely on de facto tenure increases. More importantly,
residents could face future eviction or see the value of their homes reduced, while at the
same time compromising cost recovery. This scenario is demonstrated in the case of the
Foreshore where for some residents, the project brought with it a heightened perception
of de facto tenure. As a result, these residents are not making amortisation payments, yet
they have continued to consolidate their structures perceiving the risk of demolition as
relatively low.
Ensuring that the target beneficiaries are being served is always a critical concern
in community upgrading projects. Although less turnover is expected from in situ projects
than in sites and services projects, the potential for residents to speculate on their property
turnover occurred early in the project but then stabilised during the reblocking stages. It is
difficult i f not impossible to stop residents from illegally selling their property rights to
market speculators. Interestingly, in the case of the Foreshore, many of the residents who
complained that the project was not affordable have chosen to remain in the place. As a
result, the population has remained relatively stable, although cost recovery has been
The aim of the reblocking exercise was to decongest the area so that family lots
could be provided to families. Over time, contextual factors such as the favourable
location of the site and the constant influx of migrants seeking work, coupled with the
the port area in the Foreshore in particular. Without these alternatives in place, migrants
Planners should take into consideration issues such as the attractiveness of the
higher densities should have been accommodated within the project design. In the
Foreshore, given its unique location, the construction of more medium rise tenements
could have been integrated into the project. During the planning of the slum upgrading,
resistance. A land use strategy which included a mix of residential lots with tenement
housing was not considered. This was partly due to the fact that government's medium
rise projects have historically been poorly maintained and have failed to provide basic
It is becoming clear that it is not possible given the population and spatial
pressure brought on by urbanisation to provide every household with single family home
addressing the housing crunch. This requires reconceptualising "home" to mean a place
of security and shelter, but which does not necessarily require land. As land prices sky-
rocket in large metropolitan areas, the cost of construction becomes less of an issue. More
Tenure can be achieved through strata ownership instead of fee simple. The
Pandacan Bagong Barangay project in the fourth district in Manila is a good example of
residents are keeping up with the monthly payments, probably because the rent is
reasonable and they can afford to pay it. This project represents a successful shift from
the idea that ownership of land is what is essential. In most cases, the costs associated
with this type of tenure are simply too high for the urban poor. It is a land issue only
insofar as the residents want to stay in the area, rather than be relocated to the periphery
where livelihood possibilities exist. In the 1994 budget, 1 billion pesos were set aside for
low cost housing, but this allocation is still not enough to address the need for housing.
Still, medium rise housing as a viable solution to the urban shelter dilemma
continues to be met with much resistance. In 1990, a proposal was made to build a 4-5
story walk-up tenement measuring 20 square meters per unit. People were not receptive
of the proposal because they were extremely attached to the notion of owning land.
attractiveness of land ownership is reduced if the associated costs are so prohibitive that
available land, but as yet it is not the panacea. Unfortunately, medium-rise tenements do
Chuck Doble attributes this attachment to land as a response to bad experiences in the 1960s with
1 4 6
not allow for incremental housing consolidation, and therefore require a higher level of
initial investment to cover construction costs. Embracing this approach will not be
economical until such time as the price of land exceeds the cost of construction. As it
stands, medium-rise housing is more expensive and thus is not seen as a viable solution
Within the Foreshore project there is a glaring lack of consideration for the role of
women in self-help schemes. As Moser has argued, women have particular structural
needs resulting from their role as producers and reproducers. Women often engage in
home-based businesses or take on home-based work. In the Foreshore, the research found
that women were operating business such as sari sari stores or beauty salons within their
structures, whereas men were more likely to find work outside of the home. Based on
these needs, gender should be a category for consideration throughout the design,
The third role to which Moser refers is women as community managers. In the
Foreshore, this has been demonstrated in the findings where women were most active in
both the political and the social organisations. Specifically, women are commonly
involved in community organising, thus there are obvious benefits to including women
and their unique perspectives throughout the process. Through greater consideration for
(Moser, 1987). This is particularly applicable in the Filipino context where women take
For the most part, this approach is directed at two salary families or government workers.
on a prominent role in the community and in the household. In the Philippines, women
are the household money managers. In light of this, special mobilising campaigns geared
toward women may have been effective in the bid for cost recovery.
The Tondo Foreshore Urban Development Project was the first and the last of its
kind in the Philippines. With a variety of inputs such as reblocking and the introduction
of infrastructure, the provision of tenure, housing material loans, small business loans,
skills training and improved access to health and education, no other project has been as
comprehensive as the Foreshore project. Despite all of these interventions, the long term
Although the project has been successful in bringing about improvements in the
physical environment and the housing stock, the project has been unsuccessful in the area
of affordability. This has adversely affected cost recovery, the stability of the original
population and land tenure. While the majority of the residents are no longer focused on
political issues, a strong sense of community cohesion remains which serves as a source
self-help housing, community organising and the influence of tenure in the development
of slum and squatter sites. The comprehensive slum upgrading approaches of the early
1970s, such as the Tondo Foreshore Urban Development Project, are no longer a
Instead programs such as the Community Mortgage Program represent the new breed of
housing schemes which attempt to balance the demands of the lenders with the needs of
the urban poor. It remains to be seen whether these schemes will be effective in meeting
the housing crisis both in the near future and into the long term.
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Edith Rasco-Gapuz
Mario Rey
Lily B . Villanuera
Elizabeth De Paz
Ivy Marquez
Community Relations Officer and Information Officer at N H A (previously Tondo
Division Manager for Community Relations and Information Office 1974-1982)
Luc Evangelista
N i l Martin
Norma Gonzales
Supervising Livelihood Officer at the Tondo Foreshore Development Office
Linda Ederadan
Livelihood Chief B at N H A
Edan Reotutar
Office with the Commercial and Industrial Estate Department (previously Senior
Livelihood Officer (1983-1994)
Reggie Alfeche
Livelihood Chief B at the N H A
Visitacion M . Cabernero
Livelihood Chief at the N H A
N G O Sector Informants
Lydia Ela
President of ZOTO and Barangay Captain
Sister Luc
Pat Valles
President of S K K
Linda Buluran'
Others Informants
Jeanette Saquing
Mrs. Paderon
Assistant District Chief at Manila DSWD District Welfare Office No 1
Mr. Naanep
World Bank
Lito League
Chuck Doble
Former Secretary General of H U D C C and former President of Home Insurance and
Guarantee Corporation
Ohene Nyamin
Philippines World Bank Deputy Resident Representative
Rex Dizon
Private Developer
Sonia David
Joel Flores
Rosita Caccam
Board of Directors of Co-operative, street vendor
Priscilla T. Perola, M D
Physician in Charge at Fugoso Health Center
Dr Cruz
Joel Flores
Social Worker and Street Educator
Rosita Caccam
Stall in Wet Market
Lourdes Salao
SBL recipient
What is your position in the barangay and for how long have you acted in this capacity?
Community Participation
What mechanisms are in place to facilitate community participation in issues affecting the
Would you say that the average citizen is aware of important issues affecting their
Are members of the community involved in the maintenance of the community? If so, in
what areas, (i.e. fire brigades, community cleanliness, traffic control, etc.)
Do you feel there is a sense of cooperativeness and consideration alive in the community?
(bayanihan) If so, identify what areas. If not, how could bayanihan be fostered?
In your opinion, do people in the community get involved in creating their own solutions
to problems or do they tend to depend on the government? If possible, give examples.
The Barangay
Describe the role of the barangay in the community. Has this role changed over the years?
List projects undertaken which require the participation of the community. Were these
projects successful? Why or why not.
How does the barangay disseminate information to the community? (i.e. assemblies,
newsletters, word of mouth, informal discussions etc.)
Are there areas in which you would like to see an increase in the responsibility
undertaken by the barangay?
Give suggestions that would allow the barangay to be even more responsive to the needs
of the community.
Do you have any suggestions on how to strengthen or improve the development of the
Identify any problems encountered by the barangay in dealing with any of these
government offices.
List the names of all the non-government agencies are at work in your community, the
purpose of each (i.e. are they economically, politically or socially oriented), and
approximately how long they have been in existence.
Identify conflicts between the barangay and any of the non-government organizations.
Community Characteristics
On the back of this paper, comment on the characteristics of the residents in your
community. Address issues such as family structures (i.e. the prevalence of extended,
nuclear, single parents, young mothers), economic situation (i.e. are the majority of the
residents very poor, poor, lower middle etc.), the stability of residents, political
activeness, and whether or not residents possess a sense of community grounded in a
common identity. Finally, comment on how these characteristics effect community
Superblock number
Barangay number
Interview date ._
Interviewed by
Name of Respondent
Relationship to H H head
7. Has there been a change in the owner of the lot since the reblocking?
If so, what year and for how much was the selling price?
If not, what is the total estimated amount invested in the
1. How is the structure and lot being utilized?
a. residential d. commercial
b. industrial e. institutional
c. dual purpose (specify)
2. If the lot and structure are being used purely or partially for commercial and industrial
purposes, what type of commercial or industrial undertaking? (see key)
3. If lot and structure are being used purely or partially for institutional purposes, what
type of institution?
a. religious c. educational
b. health d. socio-cultural
4. Use of Living space: check each
Number of bedrooms Balcony or porch
Living room area Storage area _____
Dining room area Garden/open space
Kitchen area (what is grown?)
Bathroom area Garage areas
Washing area Commercial/Industrial area
1. What is your source of water?
a. peddlers e. neighbor's pipe
b. open well f. private pipe
c. public pipe g. direct, MWSS line (is so, is it metered or unmetered)
d. public pump h. other (specify)
1. What type of lighting facilities are you using?
a. electricity c. kerosene
b. candle d. others (specify)
If electricity, identify source
a. direct Meralco lines(if so, metered or unmetered) c. neighbor
b. agent d. others (specify)
2. Year electricity installed
3. Do you find the electrical services to be reliable?
4. What type of cooking facilities are you using?
a. electricity d. kerosene
b. gasoline e. others (specify)
c. wood/charcoal f. none
Sewer and Drainage Facilities:
1. Toilet facilities available in structure
a. open pit d. manual flush g. none
b. public e. automatic flush
c. antipolo/closed pit f. others
If someone in your household is sick where do you go for help and why?
Do you feel the government funded health center in you area is able to meet the demand?
Do they provide quality service? Why or why not?
What services offered by your community health center do you avail of?
Community Centers:
What community facilities are available in your immediate area?
What programs offered do you take part in
Do you avail of any of the services offered by the DSWD?
If so, which ones and comment on their impact on you and your family.
Do you think the services offered by the DSWD address the needs of the
Personal Ammenitics:
Check the appliances you own and the number of each:
air-conditioner refrigerator stereo
television set telephone
vehicle others
II. Information on Households
Structure Improvements
List major improvements undertaken since reblocking:
1. Specific Improvement Reasons for Improvement
3. Source of Materials
a. H M L P c. Construction shops e. Others
b. Construction shops d. Junk shops
Gifts P_
Loans from other institutions P_
Loans from relatives & friends P_
Loans from private lenders P_
How difficult is it for your household to meet its needs and financial commitments?
a. not very difficult b. quite difficult c. extremely difficult
When there are months that your income can't cover your expenditures, what do you do
Informal Leaders
4. What are the present problems in your locality? Rank according to priorities.
5. What specific tasks have been done to solve those problems?-list on back according to
6. What are your suggestions on how to improvement your community given these
7. How active are you in attending the meeting of the organizations you belong to?
8. Do you feel you influence the outcome of community decisions?
a. significantly b. somewhat c. not at all
9. Is the spirit of "bayanihan" alive in the community? In what ways?
10. Is the community politically active? Does this cause divisions throughout the
11. How do you become aware of important issues in the community? (identify sources)
12. Describe the importance of the people's organizations and non-government
organizations in improving the community and the lives of the people who live in the
13. Describe the relationship between the community and the barangay
14. Describe the relationship between the community and the N H A .
sari sari store
dress shop/tailoring
auto repair shop
parlor/barber shop
drug store
printing press
cottage industry
warehouse/j unky ard
applicance repair shop .
recreation parlor
dealer of particular food items
other (specify)
Household Employment
This term refers to the process of the 'tagging of structures' which occurred during the early stages of
the project to determine which residents were bona fide participants in the project. These residents had
their structures tagged as a recognition of their status.