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Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Technique (IDR).

Autograft characterization and a case report

W. Martins Junior1, E. Prado Ferraz2, M. Mateus Beloti2, A. Luiz Rosa2, J. Carlos Martins da Rosa3
Department of Periodontology, University of Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Periodontology, School of Dentistry of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo,
Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil
Department of Implantology, São Leopoldo Mandic Dental Research Center, Campinas, SP, Brazil

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Martins Junior W, Prado Ferraz E, Mateus Beloti M, Luiz Rosa, Carlos Martins da Rosa J. INTRODUCTION
Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration technique (IDR). Autograft characterization and a case
Report. J Osseointegr 2017;9(3):305-9.
The final goal of implant therapy is to restore both dental
DOI 10.23805 /JO.2017.09.03.06 aesthetics and function with a high level of predictability.
The clinical success of oral implants is based on their
osseointegration associated with delicate surgical
ABSTRACT technique that grants soft tissue stability around the
implants and adjacent teeth but is strongly dependent of
Case report We present a case of implant rehabilitation using adequate bone volume (1-3). Currently, there is a tendency
the immediate dentoalveolar restoration (IDR) technique where towards shorter healing delays and ultimately towards
the bone walls are reconstructed by a bone graft harvested from immediate loading protocols (4, 5). Immediate implant
the maxillary tuberosity. In addition, we performed cellular placement at the time of the dental extraction is usually
and molecular evaluations of osteoblastic cells harvested from associated to barrier membranes and demands some
maxillary tuberosity as: cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase prerequisites: preservation of the bone margins to support
activity, extracellular matrix mineralization and gene expression the barrier membranes, primary stability of the implants and
of osteoblastic markers. Three maxillary tuberosities were careful management of the soft tissues (6). Such procedure
reconstructed using microtomography and qualitative- after the extraction of a compromised tooth is challenging
quantitative analyses were performed. Clinical and tomographic due to the presence of bone defects, infection, and/or
evidences showed that IDR is a feasible technique that allows in only inflammation. The preservation or creation of harmonious
one session the full reconstruction of alveolar socket, placement soft tissue contours of the peri-implant mucosa and level
of dental implant and provisionalization. Cell proliferation of bone support are key factors for achieving favorable
increased over time and cell displayed alkaline phosphatase (ALP) esthetic results after implant treatment in the esthetic zone
activity, extracellular mineralized matrix and gene expression (7, 8). Many clinical studies support the use of bone block
of all evaluated bone markers (ALP, RUNX2, bone sialoprotein, grafting and other techniques for the reconstruction of
osteopontin, osteocalcin and distal-less homeobox 5), ratifying the bone defects in compromised alveolar sockets during
the osteogenic potential of the tuberosity cells. Micro-CT analysis or after tooth removal involving several surgical stages
showed the maxillary tuberosity as a highly porous structure (9-12). These cases could be successfully treated using
surrounded by a thin cortical that resembles a mechanical barrier. the Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration (IDR) technique,
These cellular, molecular and tomographic features indicate that that allows to carry out dental extraction, implantation
the maxillary tuberosity is a source of osteoblastic cells and acts and provisionalization in the same procedure. It is a
as a natural scaffold, supporting the excellent functional and flapless bone reconstruction using cortico-cancellous
aesthetic results of IDR technique. bone graft harvested from the maxillary tuberosity
resulting in an effective stability of soft and bone tissues
with lower overall cost and treatment time (13-16). After
implant placement, the graft is harvested and shaped to
Keywords Compromised sockets; Dental implants; the defect size and inserted between the implant and
Immediate dentoalveolar restoration; Maxillary tuberosity; the remaining soft tissue. Then, remaining bone from the
Osteoblastic cell. graft is particulated and compacted until it completely
fills the gaps between the cortico-cancellous graft and

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Martins W. Jr. et al.

the implant surface. The provisional restoration is made technique as a good alternative for reconstructing bone
at the same time according to the correct anatomical defects, allowing implant-supported rehabilitations.
contour of the emergence profile (13-15).
The advantages of IDR include: harvesting tuberosity is
a relatively simple surgical procedure; the graft is easily CASE REPORT
shaped to fit the receptor region and acts as a biological
membrane, thereby promoting effective bone and gingival Application of IDR technique
healing. These could benefit of both the trabecular nature A 46-year-old female looked for an appointment
of the graft and its delivery of cells and growth factors to complaining of spontaneous pain in the maxillary right
the receptor site. The purpose of this paper is to present first premolar. Intraoral examination revealed a very thin
a case of implant rehabilitation associated to IDR as well periodontal biotype with probing depth of approximately
as tomographic and cellular evidences that support this 12 mm on all sides (Fig. 1A) and mobility. Cone Beam

FIg. 1A FIg. 1B FIg. 1C

FIg. 1D FIg. 1E FIg. 1F FIg. 1G

FIg. 1H FIg. 1I FIg. 1J FIg. 1L

FIg. 1M FIg. 1N FIg. 1O FIg. 1P

FIg. 1Q FIg. 1R FIg. 1S

Fig. 1 Clinical aspect of the compromised maxillary right first premolar (A). Computed tomography showing the amount of bone loss (B). Clinical aspect of the
socket immediately after the premolar extraction (C) and the absence of the buccal cortical plate (D-E). Clinical (F) and radiographic (G) aspect of implant platform
switching placed in the proper position. Gap of 3 mm from implant platform to gingival margin (H). Exposition of the donor bone graft area (I) and maxillary
tuberosity harvesting (J). Cortico-cancellous bone fragments shaped to match the defect configuration and placed in position (K-M). Buccal, palatal, mesial and
distal defects restored (N). Provisional crown with ideal emergence profile providing marginal sealing (O). Radiographic aspect (P) and clinical evidence of the
maintenance of soft tissue (Q) after 3 months. Clinical (R) and tomographic (S) control after 3 years showing maintenance of soft tissue volume, gingival margin and
papillae; buccal and palatine walls were entirely remodelled; interproximal crestal bone remodeled in the cervical, middle and apical thirds of the implant.

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Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Technique

Computed Tomography (CT) images showed a total loss correction and beam hardening correction 20%. The
of buccal, palatine, mesial and distal bone walls (Fig. 1B). micro-CT analysis was carried out using the 3D software
The bone height above the root apex was very small. (BruKer-Skyscan) to evaluate percentage and volume
Considering the esthetic and functional demands, the of total porosity. The reconstructed image (Fig. 2A)
treatment plan included an atraumatic extraction of the showed two different structures of bone corresponding
tooth, curettage of the socket, an immediate implant respectively to a cancellous and a cortical region. As
placement in the correct 3-D position and a reconstruction expected, the external surface looks very thin and
of the alveolar bone using the IDR technique as described cortical, while the internal region is essentially trabecular
elsewhere (7, 13-16) using cortico-cancellous bone with a highly porous structure resembling a scaffold. The
graft harvested from the maxillary tuberosity, in order quantitative analysis of 3 graft-like fragments showed
to restore the lost socket walls. Briefly, after the tooth that the maxillary tuberosity presents around 70% of
extraction, the implant was placed at the proper position total porosity and 150 mm3 of porous volume.
achieving primary stability (Fig. 1C-H). The bone defects In order to evaluate some characteristics of osteoblastic
were restored with cortico-cancellous bone harvested cells derived from the maxillary tuberosity, graft-like
from maxillary tuberosity and shaped to the defect fragments from maxillary tuberosity sites discharged for
maintaining the biological distance of 2-3 mm to gingival four patients submitted to maxillary orthognatic surgery
margin. The residual gap was filled with cancellous were processed as follow. The graf-like fragments were
bone harvested from the same donor area, maintaining minced and osteoblastic cells harvested by enzymatic
the reconstructed bone walls and the surrounding soft digestion and cultured as described elsewhere (17) up to
tissue (Fig. 1 I-N). The provisional crown was placed in a 17 days. Cultures were assayed for cell proliferation at 3, 7
position immediately out of occlusion (Fig. 10) and the and 10 days using a MTT assay (18); alkaline phosphatase
definitive restoration was accomplished after 6 months. (ALP) activity at 10 and 14 days using a commercial kit
Clinical evaluation after 3 years showed stability of the (Labtest Diagnostica SA, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil);
soft tissue volume regarding gingival margin and papillae extracellular matrix mineralization at 17 days using
(Fig. 1 Q-R) and CT images highlighted the gain in bone Alizarin red staining protocols (19) and gene expression
volume all around the implant (Fig. 1S). of key osteoblastic markers alkaline phosphatase (ALP),
runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2), bone
Cellular and morphological characterization of the sialoprotein (BSP), osteopontin (OPN), osteocalcin (OC)
maxillary tuberosity autograft and distal-less homeobox 5 (DLX5) at 10 and 14 days,
Maxillary tuberosity graft-like bone fragments were using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR).
removed from three dry skulls and submitted to micro- These cells were capable of proliferating and increasing
computed tomography (micro-CT) for morphometric the cell number along the culture progression (Fig. 3A).
analysis using the SkyScan 1172 system (SkyScan, The expression of osteoblastic phenotype was confirmed
Belgium). The images were acquired at 60 kVp and by ALP activity at days 10 and 14 (Fig. 3B) and formation
200 mA and reconstructed using the NRecon software of mineralized extracellular matrix (Fig. 3C). Likewise,
(Bruker-Skyscan, Belgium) with smoothing, ring artifact these cells exhibited increased gene expression of all

100 250
Volume of porous (mm3)

80 200
Total porosity (%)

60 150

40 100

20 50

0 0
Po.tot Po.V.To

FIg. 2A FIg. 2B FIg. 2C

Fig. 2 Micro-CT analysis of graft-like maxillary tuberosity. 3-D reconstruction shows the internal three-dimensional structure, resembling a scaffold and the outer
surface that contributes to mechanical strength of the graft (A). Morphometric parameters show the percentage of total porosity (B) and of porous volume (C).

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Cell Proliferation ALP Activity

4 100

Absorbance (570 nm)

3 75

mg protein
2 50

1 25

0 0
3 7 10 10 14
Time (days) Time (days)

FIg. 3A FIg. 3B

Extracellular Gene expression of bone markers

Matrix 4
Relative Gene Expression

Absorbance (680 nm)


0.1 1

0.05 0

Tuberosity 10 days 14 days

FIg. 3C FIg. 3D

Figg. 3 Proliferation and osteoblastic characterization of cells harvested from graft-like maxillary tuberosity. Cell proliferation (A); ALP activity (B); extracellular
matrix mineralization formation (C) and gene expression of bone markers (D).

evaluated bone markers from day 10 to 14, remarkably IDR technique using maxillary tuberosity graft presents
Runx2 and OC (Fig. 3D). significant gains in esthetic results and in treatment time,
recovering of an alveolar bone defect in the same surgical
implant installation and immediate provisionalization,
DISCUSSION and conclusion without opening a flap and keeping intact the gingival
architecture (15). As previously described, if the soft
We reported here a case on the use of IDR technique tissue and periosteum remains attached to buccal bone
for proper implant rehabilitation in fresh sockets with the blood supply would be maintained, allowing rapid
alveolar bone defects. In addition to the clinical and graft revascularization (4, 20).
tomographic evidences of a successful rehabilitation, Bone density at the buccal, palatal and basal cortical
we also presented microtomographic and osteoblastic maxillary tuberosity was the lowest compared to other
characterization of graft-like maxillary tuberosity maxillary and mandibular bones (21). Due to its thickness,
fragments. All these evidences would help to explain the maxillary tuberosity grafts are easily shaped and its
already reported success of the IDR based rehabilitation cortical structure can act as a biological barrier stabilizing
(15). the soft tissue and the particulate bone graft around the
Surgical alternatives for bone augmentation have been implant (14).
described, however such techniques are less predictable, The total porosity and porous volume indicate that the
demand longer periods for rehabilitation, usually costly cancellous structure can act as a scaffold structure for
and associated to higher morbidity. As an alternative, cellular and vascular growth. In contrast with findings that

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Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Technique

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