English Area - Eba 2017: Alternative Basic Education

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Alternative Basic Education




Where are
you from?
LEARNING OUTCOME(S) Use expressions to exchange information about origin in dialogues.

SPECIFIC SKILLS / CONTENT FOCUS Exchanging personal information; where are you from? Subject pronouns he and she; question formation.


1. Point to a student and ask, “What is his name?” and then to a female student and ask “What is Review his and her Map of the 10
her name?” Introduce the
 world min.
2. Repeat this if necessary to remind Ss of the use of ‘his’ and ‘her’. names of some
OF PREVIOUS 3. Point to the same female student and ask “Where is she from?” countries of the
KNOWLEDGE 4. If nobody answers say, “She’s from Peru.” world in English
AND LEAD-IN 5. Post one of the copies of the map of the world on the board – this is the class map.
6. Indicate the map and ask “Where is Peru?” Let a student come up and point to it. Write ‘Peru’
inside the country.
7. Pass out copies of the map around the class.
8. Tell students to work in pairs to complete as many names of countries IN ENGLISH as possible
in 3 minutes.
9. After the time is up, ask the students with the most country names to come to the front of the
class and show their map.
10. Ask the rest of the class to complete their maps with the countries that the winning team has.
11. Write the following countries on the board if they are not already on the map: Canada, the
United States, Brazil, England, Ireland, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, China, Russia.
12. Model pronunciation and ask class to repeat several times.
13. Ask the class if they can fill these places in on their maps and ask for volunteers to come to
the front of the class and complete the posted map.
14. Complete the class map with the names of the countries.

Alternative Basic Education

1. Point to Peru on the class map and say, “I’m from XXX, Peru. Where are you from?” Practice asking
 7 min.
2. Go around the class and have each student say “I’m from XXX, Peru.” about origins and
3. Write the question and response on the board: pronouncing dif-
“Where are you from?” ferent countries
“I’m from XXX, Peru.”
4. Say, “I’m Peruvian.”
5. Write on the board: Peru – Peruvian*
PRESENTATION 6. Write the question and the response on the board:
“What’s your nationality?”
“I’m Peruvian.”
7. Model pronunciation and intonation and ask students to repeat several times.
8. Ask every student, “What’s your nationality?”
9. All students should answer “I’m Peruvian.”
*Note: All nationalities in English always begin with a capital letter.

1. Keep the cards that say ‘England’ and ‘English’ for yourself. Practice pronounc- • Country
 12
2. Point at the question on the board and ask students to ask you, “Where are you from?” ing the nationali- and na- min.
3. Look at your card and say, “I’m from England.” ties and the names tionality
4. Point at the other question on the board and ask students to ask you, “What’s your of the countries cards
5. Look at your other card and say, “I’m English.”
6. On the board, write England – English under Peru – Peruvian
7. Pass out country and nationality cards.
8. Say, “Stand up, please. Ask and respond like this.” and point at the questions and responses
on the board.
PRACTICE 9. Say, “You have 4 minutes [hold up 4 fingers]. Find your partner from the same country.”
10. Students should walk around and ask and answer each other using the information on
their country and nationality cards until they find someone from the same country.
11. When the students find their partners, they should come to the board and write the
country and the nationality on the list.
12. When all the countries and nationalities are on the board, read them aloud and ask
students to repeat.
13. Then read only the country and ask students to say the nationality, correcting
pronunciation as necessary.
14. Say, “Copy this list into your notebooks, please.”

Alternative Basic Education

1. Ask students to sit in pairs, back to back. Use the language

 Informa- 15
2. One is student A and one is student B. learned in today’s tion gap min.
3. Briefly show the worksheets: Student A has some information that student B does not session to activity
have and vice versa. complete a task worksheets
4. Student A has to ask student B and student B has to ask student A questions to complete (student
their worksheets, but they MUST NOT show each other their papers. A and stu-
5. Pass out the worksheets. dent B)
6. Give students 5 minutes to complete the task.
7. After 5 minutes, ask students to stop.
PRODUCTION 8. Show the picture of the woman and ask, “What is her name?” “What’s her nationality?”
9. As the student’s answer, write the complete sentences on the board:
Her name is Mary Moore. She is English.
His name is John Jones. He is Australian.
Her name is Sally Smith. She is from Canada.
10. Elicit the difference between ‘he’ and ‘she’. Write (woman) next to the she sentences and
(man) next to the he sentences.
11. Say, “Copy these sentences into your notebooks, please.”
12. [Optional, if time.] Quickly go around and ask “Where is he from?” and “Where is she
from?” and insist on complete answers with the appropriate pronoun – he or she.
1. Use the checklist during the above production activity to assess student learning Determine whether Speaking
ASSESSMENT students can checklist
OF LEARNING ask and answer
OUTCOMES questions about a
third person

1. Ask students in English and then in Spanish, “How many countries do you know in English?” 1 min.



• Speaking • Use expressions to exchange information about ori- • Exchange personal information • Speaking checklist
gin in dialogues. about the origin of a third person.

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