Parking and Access Guide

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Part E  General Controls

for All Development


Chapter E1
Parking and Access

Part E  General Controls for All Development



 Part E | General Controls for All Development E1 | Parking and Access

Chapter E1  Parking and Access

Con t en t s
E1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1
E1.1.1 Land where this chapter applies ........................................................... 1
E1.1.2 Development to which this chapter applies .............................................. 1
E1.1.3 Objectives ...................................................................................... 1
E1.1.4 Relationship to other parts of the DCP .................................................... 2
E1.1.5 Relationship to other documents ........................................................... 2
E1.2 PREPARING YOUR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION ............................................... 3
E1.2.1 Development applications and required information ................................... 3
E1.2.2 Matters the consent authority will consider .............................................. 4
E1.2.3 Compliance with the parking controls ..................................................... 5
E1.2.4 Monetary contributions instead of required parking spaces ........................... 5
E1.3 HOW TO DETERMINE THE CAR PARKING RATE ................................................. 6
E1.4 RESIDENTIAL PARKING ............................................................................... 7
E1.4.1 Calculating required parking for residential uses ....................................... 7
E1.4.2 Residential parking generation rates ...................................................... 7
E1.5 NON-RESIDENTIAL PARKING ...................................................................... 10
E1.5.1 Calculating required parking for non-residential uses ................................. 10
E1.5.2 Non-residential parking generation rates ................................................ 10
E1.5.3 Parking multipliers ........................................................................... 13
E1.6 BICYCLE PARKING AND END-OF-TRIP FACILITIES ............................................ 15
E1.6.1 Calculating required bicycle parking ..................................................... 15
E1.6.2 Bicycle parking rates ........................................................................ 16
E1.7 MOTORCYCLE PARKING RATES ................................................................... 18
E1.7.1 Calculating required motorcycle parking ................................................ 18
E1.8 VARIATIONS TO THE PARKING GENERATION RATES ......................................... 19
E1.8.1 Application of variations .................................................................... 19
E1.8.2 Items of the environmental heritage ..................................................... 19
E1.8.3 Mixed use developments .................................................................... 19
E1.8.4 Certain land in Paddington zoned B4 Mixed Use ........................................ 19
E1.8.5 Business zoned land in Double Bay ........................................................ 20
E1.8.6 Health care professional uses in Edgecliff Road, Adelaide Street and Vernon Street,
Woollahra ............................................................................................... 20
E1.9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................... 21
E1.9.1 Car parks with 20 or more spaces ......................................................... 21
E1.9.2 Car share ....................................................................................... 21
E1.9.3 Tandem parking .............................................................................. 22
E1.9.4 Health consulting rooms .................................................................... 22
E1.9.5 Parking spaces for people with a disability .............................................. 22
E1.9.6 Small car parking spaces .................................................................... 22

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E1.9.7 Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) Areas .................................................... 23

E1.10 PARKING AND ACCESS DESIGN STANDARDS ................................................... 23
E1.10.1 Design and use of parking areas .......................................................... 23
E1.10.2 Australian Standards ....................................................................... 23
E1.10.3 Car parking space and bay size ........................................................... 23
E1.10.4 Ramps and primary aisles ................................................................. 24
E1.10.5 Turning paths ................................................................................ 24
E1.10.6 Driveways and access points .............................................................. 25
E1.10.7 Signposting ................................................................................... 26
E1.10.8 Landscape plan .............................................................................. 26
E1.10.9 Drainage of car parking areas ............................................................ 26
E1.12 GREEN TRAVEL PLANS ............................................................................. 28
E1.12.1 Green travel plan thresholds ............................................................. 28
E1.13 OPERATIONAL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................. 29
E1.13.1 Operational traffic management plan for non-residential developments ........ 29
E1.13.2 Details an operational traffic management plan ...................................... 29
E1.14 OFF-STREET LOADING AND SERVICING FACILITIES .......................................... 30
E1.14.1 Number of loading bays required ........................................................ 30
E1.14.2 Location and design of loading bays ..................................................... 30
E1.15.1 Locations and land use ..................................................................... 31
E1.15.2 Compliance with the Australian Standards ............................................. 31
E1.15.3 Waiting bays ................................................................................. 31
E1.15.4 Car parks with more than 25 vehicles ................................................... 32
E1.15.5 Residential visitor parking ................................................................ 32
E1.15.6 Access ......................................................................................... 32
E1.15.7 Development application information .................................................. 32

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E1.1 Introduction

Parking areas, garages and driveways must be carefully designed so that they do not detract from
the appearance of the development and the surrounding streetscape. They should also be
designed to limit the amount of impervious surfaces over a site and excavation required.

The chapter establishes the car parking and vehicle access requirements for development.

The parking generation rates for residential development are maximum rates, whereas the
parking generation rates for non-residential development are minimum rates.

E1.1.1 Land where this chapter applies

This chapter applies to all land within the Woollahra Municipality.

E1.1.2 Development to which this chapter applies

This chapter applies to development that requires consent and may generate demand for parking,
loading or other associated facilities.

This chapter adopts the land use definitions and terms of the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan
2014 (Woollahra LEP 2014). In doing so, it sometimes uses group terms and sub-terms. Where a
land use fits into a group term but is also separately defined as a sub-term, the parking
generation rate for the sub-term should be applied.

For example, the group term “food and drink premises” includes the sub-terms “restaurants”,
“take away food premises” and “pubs”. This chapter contains a parking generation rate for both
“food and drink premises” and “pubs”. If the development application is for a pub, the rate for a
“pub” should be applied instead of the rate for the group term “food and drink premises”.

E1.1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this chapter are:

O1 To minimise the amount and impact of vehicular traffic generated due to proposed

O2 To ensure that development generating vehicular traffic makes adequate provision off
street for the car parking and servicing needs of its occupants and users, including
residents, employees, visitors and deliveries.

O3 To ensure the safe and efficient movement of vehicles within, entering and
leaving properties.

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O4 To minimise the environmental effects, particularly visual impact, of parked vehicles on

the amenity of the municipality.

O5 To ensure that access points to car parking areas are situated to minimise disruption of
vehicle movement on the public road system.

E1.1.4 Relationship to other parts of the DCP

This chapter is to be read in conjunction with the other parts of the DCP that are relevant to the
development proposal, including:
 Part B: General Residential.
 Part C: Heritage Conservation Areas.
 Part D: Business Centres.
 Part E: General Controls for All Development – this part contains chapters on Parking and
Access, Stormwater and Flood Risk Management, Tree Management, Contaminated Land,
Waste Management, Sustainability, Signage and Adaptable Housing.
 Part F: Land Use Specific Controls – this part contains chapters on Child Care Centres,
Educational Establishments, Licensed Premises and Telecommunications.

Note, depending on the location of the proposed development, Part B: General Residential, Part
C: Heritage Conservation Areas or Part D: Business Centres, must be considered with the parking
generation rates in this chapter.

Parts B, C and D contain streetscape and other design controls relating to parking and driveways.

In some residential locations the maximum number of on-site parking spaces may not be able to
be achieved because the parking would detrimentally impact on the character of the streetscape.
The precinct controls in Parts B and C prevail over the residential parking generation rates in
this chapter.

E1.1.5 Relationship to other documents

In implementing this DCP the following Australian Standards apply for the design of parking and
loading facilities, unless otherwise specified:
 AS/NZS 2890.1 Part 1: Off-street car parking;
 AS 2890.2 Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities;
 AS 2890.3 Part 3: Bicycle parking;
 AS 2890.5 Part 5: On-street parking; and
 AS/NZS 2890.6 Part 6: Off-Street parking for people with disabilities.

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E1.2 Preparing your development application

E1.2.1 Development applications and required information

Development applications are to be accompanied by dimensioned plans, drawn to scale, showing

proposed locations and arrangements for:
 off-street parking;
 loading and unloading areas (where applicable);
 circulation of traffic within, into and out of the property;
 position and gradients of access aisles, entrances and exits; and
 landscaping.

Additional information
A traffic and parking report, prepared by a suitably qualified person, may be required by Council
for certain developments, including:
 all traffic generating developments listed in Schedule 3 of the State Environmental Planning
Policy (Infrastructure) 2007;
 supermarkets;
 shopping centres;
 child care centres;
 mixed use developments;
 residential flat buildings and multi dwelling housing;
 health services facilities (e.g. medical consulting rooms, medical centres and hospitals);
 community facilities;
 entertainment facilities (e.g. cinemas and theatres);
 recreation facility (indoor, major and outdoor facilities);
 function centres;
 tourist facilities;
 tourist and visitor accommodation (e.g. hotel or motel accommodation,
serviced apartments);
 educational establishments;
 public car parks;
 places of public worship;
 premises licensed under the Liquor Act 2007 of the Registered Club Act 1976;
 drive-in take-away food outlets; and
 service stations.

Applicants should also refer to requirements for information and referrals under the provisions of
State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 (Infrastructure SEPP).
Refer to Council’s Development Application Guide (DA Guide) for further information.

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E1.2.2 Matters the consent authority will consider

Where premises are proposed to be used for more than one purpose, the parking provisions
should satisfy the requirements of this chapter in relation to each use. Council may approve, or
require, the reservation of a proportion of the total number of required spaces on-site for the use
of specific occupants or visitors to a development.

In determining car parking provision for any development, including a change of use, Council will
take into account the following matters:
 the scale and nature of the development;
 existing traffic generation associated with the site;
 traffic generation associated with the proposed development;
 traffic volumes on the road network in the area of the development and the capacity of the
road network;
 impacts on traffic and pedestrian safety;
 impacts on residential amenity;
 for commercial development—the type of activities on the site, including allocation floor area
for different uses associated with the commercial development e.g., area dedicated to back-
of-house uses such as storage areas;
 for residential development—a proposal to accommodate a car share scheme parking space on
the site or directly adjoining the site;
 methodologies to ameliorate traffic generation impacts (e.g. traffic calming);
 the availability of public parking (on-street and off-street) near the development;
 the availability of public transport to serve the development;
 the probable mode of transport of users to and from the development;
 the suitability of street lighting in the area;
 whether the development warrants special consideration because it is proposed for,
or relates to, a heritage item;
 the characteristics of the streetscape and the site, particularly the subdivision pattern,
topography, street design and width, street tree planting, on-street parking or loading spaces
and any existing access arrangements; and
 construction method.

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E1.2.3 Compliance with the parking controls

This chapter contains minimum parking generation rates for non-residential development and
maximum rates for residential development.

However, to achieve environmentally acceptable solutions, every individual case needs to be

considered on merit having regard to the circumstances of the proposal.

Non-compliance with the parking controls

Council may allow non-compliance with the requirements of this chapter in exceptional
circumstances. The applicant will be required to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of Council, the
exceptional circumstances relating to a particular development application which would warrant
non-compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

In its consideration of any non-compliance, Council will have regard to the objectives of this
chapter, as well as other relevant chapters, and the specific nature of the exceptional
circumstances as they relate to the parking requirement.

Council must be satisfied that the development seeks to minimise and manage the impact of
traffic generation, and does not unreasonably increase demand for on-street parking, having
regard to the existing context and capacity. A traffic and parking report, prepared by a suitably
qualified person, may need to be submitted with the development application to demonstrate this.
The requirements of the report are specified in the DA Guide.

E1.2.4 Monetary contributions instead of required parking spaces

A monetary contribution may be required, or may be accepted, for a shortfall in car parking
spaces for development in certain commercial centres. The Woollahra Section 94 Contributions
Plan identifies the commercial centres where contributions apply and sets down the contribution

When determining whether a monetary contribution is required, Council will consider the
following matters:
 whether in terms of relevant design and operational standards it is physically possible to
provide the total required number of car parking spaces, manoeuvring areas and access areas
 whether long-stay car parking demand will be provided for on-site;
 whether opportunities exist, or could be made available, for shared parking arrangements;
 whether it is appropriate to establish additional ingress and egress points;
 whether car parking on a particular site would be restricted or excluded altogether for
reasons of pedestrian safety and comfort, or in order to minimise and avoid vehicle conflicts;
 whether an otherwise environmentally acceptable development may be refused consent on
the grounds of inability to satisfy the parking space requirements; and
 the findings and recommendations of any traffic and parking study.

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E1.3 How to determine the car parking rate

The number of car parking spaces to be provided on a site is determined by addressing the
following parts of this DCP:

Residential development Non-residential development

Step 1 Go to Section E1.4 Residential parking: Go to Section 1.5.2 Non-residential

parking generation rates:
Identify the parking rate for your
development type. Identify the base generation parking rate
applying to the land use that reflects
your development.

Step 2 Go to the residential precinct controls in Go to Section 1.5.3 Parking multipliers

Part B of this DCP:
Identify if a multiplier applies to the
Read the desired future character, centre where your development is
streetscape and location of the garages proposed.
controls that apply to your residential
If yes, multiply the base parking
generation rate by the multiplier.
The provision of on-site car parking and
Round up to the nearest whole number
garaging should not compromise the
for the required parking rate.
streetscape amenity.

Step 3 Go to Section E1.6 Bicycle parking rates Go to Section E1.6 Bicycle parking rates
and Section E1.7 Motorcycle parking and Section E1.7 Motorcycle parking
rates: rates:
Identify the bicycle and motorcycle Identify the bicycle and motorcycle
parking rates for your development type. parking rates for your development type.

Step 4 Go to Section E1.8 Variations to the Go to Section E1.8 Variations to the

parking generation rates: parking generation rates:
Determine if a variation to the parking Determine if a variation to the parking
rate applies. rate applies.
For example, the property may be a For example, the proposal may be a
heritage item. change of use and located in Oxford
Street, Paddington.

Note: The steps above help determine the number of on-site parking spaces to be provided.
You must consider these parking generation requirements in conjunction with the other controls
and design requirements in this chapter.

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E1.4 Residential parking

This section contains parking generation rates and design controls for parking in residential
developments, including the residential component of mixed use development.

E1.4.1 Calculating required parking for residential uses

Residential parking generation rates

Table 1 set outs the parking generation rates for residential land uses. The rates identify the
maximum number of parking spaces based on the type of residential development, and in some
cases, the number of bedrooms in the development.

Variations to parking rates

In calculating the requirements for car parking provision, reference should also be made to the
special provisions in Section E1.8 which identify circumstances where the requirements may vary
in regards to:
 items of environmental heritage; and
 mixed use development.

E1.4.2 Residential parking generation rates

The parking generation rates in Table 1 below set the maximum number of parking spaces to be
provided for residential development.

TABLE 1 Residential uses parking generation rates

Land use Maximum parking generation rates

Low density residential

Dwelling house 2 spaces1

Semi-detached dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling1

Dual occupancy 2 spaces per dwelling1

The second space may be a tandem space subject to precinct and streetscape character considerations.

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Land use Maximum parking generation rates

Attached dwellings

Attached dwelling located in a

2 spaces per dwelling1,2
heritage conservation area

Attached dwelling not in a Same rates as for residential flat buildings

heritage conservation area and multi dwelling housing stated below1

Residential flat buildings and multi dwelling housing

Spaces based on number of bedrooms per dwelling3

Studio apartment4 0.5 space

1 bedroom 1 space

2 bedrooms 1.5 spaces

3 or more bedrooms 2 spaces

Visitors 0.25 spaces

Mixed use development (residential component)

Spaces based on number of bedrooms per dwelling3

1 bedroom or studio apartment5 0.5 space

2 bedrooms 1 space

3 or more bedrooms 1.5 space

Visitors 0.2 spaces

Providing fewer spaces than the number calculated using the parking generation rates

The rates in Table 1 are maximum parking rates. The maximum number of parking spaces may
not be achieved on a site depending on the site and its context.

In particular, the desired future character, streetscape and garages controls in the residential
chapters of this DCP (Part B) take precedence over the numeric parking rates in this chapter.

Onsite parking areas, parking structures and servicing areas such as loading facilities are not a mandatory
requirement in heritage conservation areas. On-site car parking may only be permitted or required when the
specified controls in chapters Part C, chapters C1 (Paddington HCA) C2 (Woollahra HCA) and C3 (Watsons Bay
HCA) are satisfactorily met.
Round up to nearest whole number with halves (i.e. 0.5).
A studio apartment is an apartment that does not have a wall separating the sleeping area from the main
kitchen and living area, and is generally smaller in size than a 1 bedroom apartment.
The number of parking spaces for 1 bedroom and studio apartments in the Double Bay Centre should be
multiplied by the parking multiplier for non-residential uses in the Double Bay B2 zone.

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For example, a dwelling on a small or narrow lot may not achieve the maximum number of
on-site parking spaces if the arrangement of the spaces cannot meet the character, streetscape
and location of garage requirements for the precinct. This is particularly relevant in the R2 Low
Density Residential zoned areas.

However, in other instances where the maximum number of parking spaces is not achieved,
the parking provided should not be substantially below the maximum rates. Where less than the
maximum parking rate is proposed, justification must cover matters such as, but not limited to
the matters listed in Section 1.2.2 (Matters the consent authority will consider).

Council will generally only support such proposals where the applicant can demonstrate that the
development is unlikely to create significant additional demand for on-street parking in
surrounding streets.

Providing more spaces than the number calculated using parking generation rates

Where an application proposes to provide more than the number of spaces specified in Table 1,
justification must be provided and address such matters as, but not limited to:
 an explanation for additional residential parking demand based on lack of alternative
transport options. For example, the proximity and frequency of public transport, availability
of car share schemes, and topography;
 the impact of any increased building bulk on the streetscape;
 compliance with landscape area requirements;
 impact of any increased building bulk on the amenity of adjoining properties in terms of:
 overshadowing

 loss of views

 overbearing appearance; and

 the amount of additional excavation and its impact on:
 land form

 structural integrity of structures and buildings on adjoining land

 stability of land on the site and on adjoining sites

 impact on water permeable ground surfaces arising from an increased building footprint
and hard surface driveways.

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E1.5 Non-residential parking

E1.5.1 Calculating required parking for non -residential uses

Non-residential parking generation rates

The parking generation rates in Table 2 set the minimum number of parking spaces to be
provided for non-residential development. The parking rates are then modified by a multiplier if
the development is located in a particular centre. The multipliers are set out in Table 3.

Variations to parking rates

In calculating the requirements for car parking for non-residential uses reference should also be
made to the special provisions in Section E1.8, which identify circumstances where the
requirements may vary in regards to:
 items of environmental heritage;
 mixed use developments;
 certain business zoned land in Paddington;
 business zoned land in Double Bay; and
 development for a health care professional in certain parts of Woollahra.

Change of use

Where there is an intensification of parking based on the parking rates of this chapter, the
amount of parking required will equal the difference between the parking generated by the
proposed development and the parking generated by the current use as calculated by the rates
in this chapter.

Alterations and additions

For proposals involving additional floor space, required parking shall be calculated using the rate
specified in this chapter.

New development

Where a building is to be totally demolished and replaced, parking will be provided at the rate
specified in this chapter. No parking credits will be allowed for the current building and its use.

E1.5.2 Non-residential parking generation rates

The base parking generation rates set out in Table 2 are calculated per unit of gross floor area of
a development.

In addition to the controls in this part of the DCP, the parking provision must be consistent with
the desired future character for the centre or precinct where the development is proposed.
(Refer to the Part D of this DCP on the business centres for any streetscape requirements and

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TABLE 2 Non-residential parking generation rates

Land use Minimum parking generation rate

Commercial land uses

Business premises 2.5 spaces per 100m²

Retail premises 3.3 spaces per 100m²

Entertainment facility Parking rate to be determined on a site specific basis.

A traffic and parking report must be submitted with
applications for this use.

Food and drink premises6 7 spaces per 100m²

Note: variations to these parking rates apply to
restaurants or cafes in the Double Bay Centre and
to certain business zoned land in Paddington
(see Section E1.8).

Pub Parking rate to be determined on a site specific basis.

A traffic and parking report must be submitted with
applications for this use.

Supermarkets 3.5 spaces per 100m²

Registered club Parking rate to be determined on a site specific basis.

A traffic and parking report must be submitted with
applications for this use.

Bowling club Parking rate to be determined on a site specific basis.

A traffic and parking report must be submitted with
applications for this use.

Office premises 2.5 spaces per 100m²

Hardware and building supplies 3.3 spaces per 100m²

Landscape and garden supplies
Vehicle sales and hire premises7
Veterinary hospital

Tourist and visitor accommodation 3 spaces per 100m²

Bed and breakfast One on-site parking space for the bed and breakfast
accommodation accommodation. This is additional to the required
car parking for the dwelling house, and subject to
compliance with the precinct criteria for the location
of garages.

For restaurants or cafes, the calculation of ‘gross floor area’ includes any outdoor seating areas, court
yards and any other locations where patrons will be served, but excludes footpath dining areas provided the
proposal complies with Council’s policy for footway restaurants.
Calculation of ‘gross floor area’ includes any outdoor display area.

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Land use Minimum parking generation rate

Serviced apartment See rates for residential flat buildings (Table 1)

Industrial land uses

General industry 2.7 spaces per 100m²

Light industry 3 spaces per 100m²

Vehicle body repair workshop 6.75 spaces per 100m²

Boat repair facility 6.75 spaces per 100m²

Community land uses

Child care centre

Staff parking8 0.5 spaces per 100m²

Community facility 2 spaces per 100m²

Educational establishment 1 space per 100m²

On-site parking for disabled persons is to be provided at a
minimum rate of 1 car space per 50 car spaces or part

Tertiary establishment In addition to the above, on-site parking is provided for

students at a rate of one car space per 10 students.

Emergency services facility 3 spaces per 100m²

Health services facility 2 spaces per 100m²

Health consulting rooms 4.5 spaces per 100m²

Note: Variations to these parking rates apply to zoned
land in the area bounded by Syd Einfeld Drive, Edgecliff
Road, Adelaide Street and Vernon Street, Woollahra (see
Section E1.8.6).

Medical centre 5 spaces per 100m²

Place of public worship Parking rate to be determined on a site specific basis.

A traffic and parking report must be submitted with
applications for this use.

Public administration building 2.5 spaces per 100m²

This rate applies only to staff parking. Separate requirements for an on-site pick-up and drop-off area are
set out in Part F of this DCP, Chapter F1 Child Care Centres.

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Land use Minimum parking generation rate

Recreational land uses

Recreational facility (indoor) 2 spaces per 100m²

Marina9 0.6 spaces per wet berth

0.2 spaces per dry storage and swing mooring
0.5 spaces per marina employee

E1.5.3 Parking multipliers

In some centres the base parking generation rate for non-residential uses is discounted to respond
to the particular circumstances of areas in the municipality. These multipliers are set out in
Table 3.

The multipliers take account of the availability of public transport or public parking facilities in
an area, as well as reflect the planning strategies or policies which Council is pursuing for each
centre or locality. The multipliers have been determined from an assessment of the car parking
conditions in the area, and may be varied as car parking conditions and planning policies are

The total number of parking spaces required following calculation of the multiplier should be
rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Note: If the subject site is not located within a centre identified in Table 3, a multiplier does
not apply.

Where variation to required parking is sought, a traffic and parking report is to be submitted with the
development application. The requirements of the report are specified in the DA Guide.

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TABLE 3 Parking multipliers for non-residential uses

Centre Parking multiplier10

Watsons Bay B1 Zone 0.6

Vaucluse Village B1 Zone 0.7

Rose Bay Centre B2 Zone 0.7

Rose Bay South B4 Zone 0.6

Rose Bay North B4 Zone 0.7

Bellevue Hill at Bellevue Rd and Victoria Rd B1 Zone 0.7

Double Bay Centre B2 Zone 0.6

Edgecliff Rd, Woollahra B1 Zone 0.6

Queen Street precinct B4 and R2 Zone, between Ocean St and 0.7

Oxford St and Moncur St, between Rush and James St

Oxford Street B4 Zone including adjoining B4 zoned properties, 0.7

but excluding 12-94 and 3 63 William Street

Five Ways, Paddington B1 Zone 0.7

Edgecliff Commercial Core B2 Zone and 0.6

New South Head Road Edgecliff commercial corridor B4 Zone

The multiplier does not apply to the on-site pick-up area for a child care centre

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E1.6 Bicycle parking and end-of-trip facilities

This section lists the minimum bicycle parking rates required for residential, commercial or
industrial land uses.

E1.6.1 Calculating required bicycle parking

Change of use

Where there is an intensification of parking based on the parking rates of this chapter, the
amount of parking required will equal the difference between the parking generated by the
proposed development and the parking generated by the current use as calculated by the rates
in this chapter.

Alterations and additions

For proposals involving additional floor space, required parking shall be calculated using the rate
specified in this chapter.

New development

Where a building is to be totally demolished and replaced, parking will be provided at the rate
specified in this chapter. No parking credits will be allowed for the current building and its use.

Objectives Controls

O1 To provide adequate and sufficient C1 Bicycle parking provision for all

bicycle parking facilities for the developments must adhere to minimum
purposes of encouraging active bicycle parking rates in Table 4.
C2 Bicycle parking must comply with the
provisions and intent of AS 2890.3 Bicycle
Parking Facilities in terms of security,
accessibility and design specifications.
Note: To assist with the design and installation of
bicycle parking and end-of-trip facilities
applicants and consultants should refer to
the Austroads publication AP-R527-16
Bicycle Parking Facilities: Guidelines for
Design and Installation.

O2 To provide sufficient end-of-trip C3 One secure locker is provided for each

facilities for non-residential land uses. bicycle parking space.
C4 One shower and change cubicle is provided
for between 5 and up to 10 bicycle parking
spaces, two showers and change cubicles
for 11-20 bicycle parking spaces and one

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Objectives Controls

additional shower and cubicle for each

additional 10 bicycle parking spaces.

O3 To provide parking facilities for electric C5 A charging point is provided for every five
bicycles. bicycle parking spaces.

E1.6.2 Bicycle parking rates

Table 4 below lists the on-site bicycle parking rates required for various land uses.

TABLE 4 Bicycle parking rates

Minimum bicycle parking rates 11

Land use
Residents/Employees Customers/Visitors


Residential accommodation12 1 per dwelling 1 per 10 dwellings

Tourist and Visitor Accommodation

Serviced apartments, hotel or motel

1 per 4 staff 1 per 20 rooms

Backpackers’ accommodation 1 per 4 staff 1 per 10 beds


Office / business premises 1 per 150m² GFA 1 per 400m² GFA

Bulky goods premises 1 per 600m² GFA 1 per 1,000m² GFA

2 + 1 per 100m² over

Shop, restaurant or cafe 1 per 250m² GFA
100m² GFA

Shopping centre 1 per 200m² GFA 1 per 1,000m² GFA

Pub 1 per 100m² GFA 1 per 100m² GFA

Greater of 1 per 15
Entertainment facility - seats or 1 per 40m²

Round up to nearest whole number with halves (i.e. 0.5).
Residential uses with individual garages or secure storage spaces for each dwelling that can accommodate
a Class 1 bike locker under AS2890.3 Part 3: Bicycle parking will not require additional space for bicycle

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Minimum bicycle parking rates 11

Land use
Residents/Employees Customers/Visitors

Greater of 1 per 15
Place of public worship - seats or 1 per 40m²


Industry, warehouse or distribution centre 1 per 10 staff -


Child care centre 1 per 10 staff 2 per centre

Health care facilities and hospitals 1 per 15 staff 1 per 200m2

Medical centre, health consulting rooms 1 per 5 practitioners 1 per 200m² GFA

Educational establishments 1 per 10 staff 1 per 20 students

Tertiary educational institution 1 per 10 staff 1 per 10 students

Recreation facilities (indoor) and Recreation
1 space per 15 staff 1 per 15
facilities (outdoor)
1 per 40m² of
Swimming pool 1 per 10 staff
recreation area

Community facility 1 per 10 staff 2 + 1 per 200m² of GFA

In addition:

 Where a proposed use is not included in the table above, an applicant is to provide bicycle
facilities according to Council requirements.

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E1.7 Motorcycle parking rates

Motorcycles are defined as any powered two-wheel vehicle, including motorbikes, scooters and

E1.7.1 Calculating required motorcycle parking

Change of use

Where there is an intensification of parking based on the parking rates of this chapter, the
amount of parking required will equal the difference between the parking generated by the
proposed development and the parking generated by the current use as calculated by the rates
in this chapter.

Alterations and additions

For proposals involving additional floor space, required parking shall be calculated using the rate
specified in this chapter.

New development

Where a building is to be totally demolished and replaced, parking will be provided at the rate
specified in this chapter. No parking credits will be allowed for the current building and its use.

Objectives Controls

O1 To provide adequate and sufficient C1 Developers shall provide a minimum of 1

motorcycle parking motorcycle parking space per 10 car
spaces for all types of development.13
C2 Motorcycle parking spaces must have a
minimum dimension of 1.2m x 2.5m.
C3 Motorcycle parking areas shall be located
close to the pedestrian access of the

Round up to nearest whole number with halves (i.e. 0.5).

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E1.8 Variations to the parking generation rates

E1.8.1 Application of variations

The variations to parking generation rates in section E1.8 apply to car parking, bicycle parking
and motorcycle parking.

E1.8.2 Items of the environmental heritage

In considering a development application involving a heritage item listed in Schedule 5 of

Woollahra LEP 2014, Council may vary the parking requirements of this chapter, but only if
conservation of the heritage values relies on the variation.

Under clause 5.10 (4) of Woollahra LEP 2014, the consent authority must, before granting consent
in respect of a heritage item or heritage conservation area, consider the effect of the proposed
development on the heritage significance of the item or area concerned.

E1.8.3 Mixed use developments

For mixed use developments, Council may support a reduction in the total required number of
non-residential parking spaces where the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of Council
 overlapping parking demand will occur for different uses; or
 complementary use of spaces will occur for uses with different peak parking demand times.

E1.8.4 Certain land in Paddington zoned B4 Mixed Use

This section applies to land zoned B4 Mixed Use in the Paddington business precinct in Oxford
Street and the streets adjoining and in the vicinity of Oxford Street, excluding land at 12-94 and
3-63 William Street, 83 and 85 Underwood Street and 2 Hopetoun Avenue.

Change of use to a shop

Council will not require additional off-street parking for a change of use from a shop to another
shop, or from a commercial premise to a shop, provided the proposal is within an existing

The area of a premises used for ancillary purposes such as storage, staff amenities, offices,
fitting rooms and workrooms, will not be included as floor area for the purposes of car
parking calculations.

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Change of use to a restaurant or cafe

Council will not require additional off-street parking for proposals within an existing building and
its site (such as an external courtyard) involving a change of use from a shop or commercial
premises to a restaurant or café.

E1.8.5 Business zoned land in Double Bay

This section applies to land within the Double Bay Centre as identified in Chapter D5 Double Bay
Centre of this DCP.

Change of use

Council will not require additional off-street car parking or require a contribution under Council’s
Section 94 Contributions Plan for a change of use, provided the proposal does not result in a net
increase in gross floor area.

Change of use: restaurants or cafes

Council will not require additional off-street parking for proposals within an existing building and
its site (such as an external courtyard) involving a change of use from a shop or commercial
premises to a restaurant or café.

Footpath dining

Council will not require additional off-street car parking or require a contribution under Council’s
Section 94 Contributions Plan for proposed outdoor eating areas on public footpaths, provided the
proposal complies with Council’s policy for footway restaurants.

Studio and one bedroom apartments

The calculation of on-site parking for studio and one bedroom apartments is to include the
parking multiplier for non-residential development as specified in Section E1.5.3.

E1.8.6 Health care professional uses in Edgecliff Road, Adelaide Street and
Vernon Street, Woollahra

For residential zoned land in the area bounded by Syd Einfeld Drive, Edgecliff Road (southern
side), Adelaide Street (western side) and Vernon Street (both sides) the rate in Table 2 does not
apply. Instead the maximum number of spaces to be provided is:
 1 space for 1 health care professional; and
 2 spaces for 2 or 3 health care professionals.

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E1.9 Special provisions

E1.9.1 Car parks with 20 or more spaces

Where more than 20 car parking spaces are provided on-site, the parking is to be accommodated
undercover or in a basement area. This requirement applies to both residential and
non-residential development.

(Refer to Part E of the DCP, Chapter E2 Stormwater and Flood Risk Management for flood
planning levels associated with below ground parking.)

E1.9.2 Car share

Car sharing services allow a large number of people to utilise the same vehicle at different
periods, reducing the number of vehicles and parking spaces required while still providing the
benefits of car ownership.

Objectives Controls

O1 To reduce the reliance on private C1 On-site car share may be permitted on a

vehicles and the corresponding traffic site-by-site basis at the discretion of
impact on the road network Council. Each car share parking space has
the potential to replace a maximum of 4
O2 To facilitate public use of car share regular car parking spaces.
C2 Where a commercial car share space is
O3 To increase uptake and awareness of car proposed, the applicant is to include a
share vehicles letter from a commercial car share
operator confirming their intention to
place a car share vehicle within the

C3 Nominated commercial car share spaces

must be placed in publicly accessible
locations within the development.

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E1.9.3 Tandem parking

Tandem parking is generally not preferred by Council but will be considered it in exceptional

In residential development, tandem parking will only be permitted if the two spaces in tandem
are allocated to a single dwelling.

In non-residential developments, the use of tandem parking to satisfy long stay parking demand
requirements may be permitted where it is not physically possible to provide parking spaces in a
side-by-side configuration. However, the tandem spaces must be for employee use only.

Tandem spaces must satisfy the parking and access design standards in Section E1.10.

E1.9.4 Health consulting rooms

The following requirements apply to medical consulting rooms:

 Parking areas should be provided at the rear of properties. These areas may be covered only
if they meet all relevant heritage conservation area controls, residential precinct controls
and general development controls.
 Parking areas, either covered or uncovered, may be provided at the front of properties but
only if they meet all relevant heritage conservation area controls, residential precinct
controls and general development controls.
 Parking areas are not to be enclosed by gates, doors or roller shutters during business hours.
Requirements may be imposed by Council in relation to boundary fencing to facilitate
vehicular access to parking spaces.
 Parking areas to serve medical consulting rooms are to be landscaped in accordance with
a landscape plan. Applicants should contact Council’s Open Space and Trees section to
determine appropriate plant species for landscaping purposes.

E1.9.5 Parking spaces for people with a disability

 Accessible parking spaces must be provided at a rate in accordance with Part D3.5 of the
Building Code of Australia.
 Council may require additional parking spaces for people with disabilities above the rates
stated in Part D3.5 of the Building Code of Australia as a condition of consent.

E1.9.6 Small car parking spaces

 Small car parking spaces are permitted in public car parks but must constitute less than 5% of
the overall number of parking spaces.
 Dimensions for small car parking spaces must be in accordance with Australian Standard
AS/NZS 2890.1 Off-street car parking.

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E1.9.7 Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) Areas

Resident Parking Schemes (RPS) provide preferential access to on-street parking for residents who
do not have sufficient off-street parking. Where a development increases dwelling density,
extending the RPS to new residents may lead to an under-supply of on-street car parking. To
avoid this, occupants of the additional dwellings are not eligible for on-street parking permits.

 Where a development increases dwelling density, occupants of the additional dwelling(s) are
not permitted access to resident parking schemes.

E1.10 Parking and access design standards

E1.10.1 Design and use of parking areas

Parking areas are to be designed to function solely for the purpose of parking vehicles. Space for
waste receptacles and storage should be located so that it does not reduce the amount and
effective operation of parking.

E1.10.2 Australian Standards

The following minimum requirements are based on the Standards Association of Australia,
and Council’s experience with development in the Municipality.

In implementing this DCP the following Australian Standards14 apply for the design of parking and
loading facilities, unless otherwise specified:
 AS/NZS 2890.1 Part 1: Off-street car parking;
 AS 2890.2 Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities;
 AS 2890.3 Part 3: Bicycle parking;
 AS 2890.5 Part 5: On-street parking; and
 AS/NZS 2890.6 Part 6: Off-Street parking for people with disabilities.

The size of parking bays, the width of the aisles and the location of columns, poles, walls or other
physical barriers are to be based on providing adequate manoeuvring area for access to parking
bays and adequate clearance for opening vehicle doors once the vehicle is parked.

E1.10.3 Car parking space and bay size

Minimum bay width and length dimensions are to comply with AS/NZS 2890.1 and AS 2890.2.

The most recent version of Australian Standards should be used.

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E1.10.4 Ramps and primary aisles

The minimum dimensions for the design of ramps and primary aisles which do not have direct
access to or from parking bays are shown in AS/NZS 2890.1 - Section 2.5 Design of Circulation
Roadways and Ramps.

The ramp grading is to be designed to ensure that the breakover angle coming onto, or off,
a ramp is not so severe as to cause scraping of a vehicle undercarriage. Design of ramps and
gradients will be consistent with AS/NZS 2890.1.

E1.10.5 Turning paths

The design of turning paths for manoeuvring, parking space access and aisle designs are set out in
AS/NZS 2890.1 Appendix B Section B3 Swept Paths for cars (for the B85 vehicle) and AS 2890.2
Part 2: Off-section street commercial vehicle facilities.

Some laneways or narrow streets do not have sufficient turning space for B85 vehicles. The
removal of on-street parking to establish a turning space into private property should be avoided
and will only be considered in the following circumstances:
 no more than a maximum of 5.4m of on-street parking, measured at the kerb line, is removed
to provide for a turning space;
 the use and quantity of the remaining on-street parking spaces is not adversely affected; and
 5.4m is a maximum. If Council can demonstrate that a B85 vehicle can access and egress the
site with the removal of less than 5.4m of on-street parking, then this lesser amount is all
that will be approved.
Consideration will be given to the approval of proposed off-street car parking spaces (as set out
in AS/NZS 2890.1) that are unable to be accessed by a B85 vehicle in private car parks in relation
to the above points only if:
 the site is in the Paddington or Woollahra Heritage Conservation Area see Part C, Chapters C1
and C2), and
 the site has rear lane access, and
 no on-street parking is lost (i.e. the zero net loss argument cannot be applied), and
 all applicable controls in Part C Chapters C1, and C2 are met to the Council’s satisfaction.

Note: On-site parking in the Paddington and Woollahra Heritage Conservation Areas is not
mandatory. On-site parking may only be permitted or required when specified controls
set out in Part C Chapters C1 (Paddington HCA) and C2 (Woollahra HCA) are satisfactorily

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E1.10.6 Driveways and access points

The following requirements apply to the siting and design of driveways:

 The design of driveways and access points, except for dwelling houses, is to be such that
vehicle entry and exit from a site, onto a public road, is made by driving in a forward
direction, unless otherwise required by Council.
 All driveways, except for dwelling houses, are signposted indicating ‘IN/ENTRANCE’,
‘OUT/EXIT’ and ‘KEEP LEFT’ as appropriate.
 Driveways are situated so that any vehicle turning from, or into, the street can be readily
seen by the driver of an approaching motor vehicle or pedestrian.
 Access driveway locations comply with Figure 3.1 in Section 3.2.3 of AS/NZS 2890.1.
 Driveway splays shall be provided in accordance with Figure 3.3 in Section 3.2.4 of AS/NZS
2890.1. Exceptions to this may be accepted in the following circumstances:
 for dwelling house, dual occupancies and attached dwellings in residential zones in low
pedestrian activity locations15 a fence to a maximum height of 0.9m is permitted in the
splay area.
 where an object in the adjoining property creates an obstruction to visibility within the
splay area.
Note: Driveway construction on Council’s roads will require the submission of a Section 138
of the Roads Act 1993 application. The form is available on the Council website. A copy of
Council’s standard drawing for driveways is available with the application.

 The width of internal access driveways are to comply with Section 3.2 of AS/NZS 2890.1
regarding driveway access requirements. Wider internal driveway widths may be acceptable
depending on the site conditions. A passing bay is to be provided where the driveway length
exceeds 40m.
 Vehicular access to an ancillary dwelling is provided from the same vehicular crossing for the
principal residence.
 Where possible, all car parking and garage structures are located at the rear, with access
from the rear lane or side driveway.
 Car parking and driveway areas are located and designed to:
 enable the efficient use of car spaces and accessways, including safe manoeuvrability for
vehicles between the site and street;
 fit in with any adopted street hierarchy and objectives of the hierarchy and with any
related local traffic management plans;
 preserve significant trees and vegetation; and
 complement the desired future character for the locality as described in the residential
chapters of this DCP.
 Vehicle crossings are constructed at an angle of 90 to the carriageway of the road. Vehicle
crossings must take the shortest route across the footpath, between the kerb and boundary.

Low pedestrian activity locations are areas away from schools, commercial centres or other locations
that generate pedestrian activity.

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 The width of vehicle crossings is minimised so as to retain on-street parking. Footpath

crossings will not be permitted where:
 One off-street parking space will result in the loss of two on-street parking spaces.
For example, where the street is narrow with parking on both sides.
 The provision of off-street parking will result in the loss of a significant tree.
 Vehicle crossings are located to minimise the loss of useable on-street parking. That is,
they are located immediately adjacent to the adjoining property’s vehicle crossing (0m) or
a minimum distance of one on-street car parking space (5.4m) from any existing driveway

E1.10.7 Signposting

Parking areas, including visitor parking spaces, should be well signposted to indicate the
availability of off-street parking, with entry and exit points clearly visible from both the street
and the site.

Pavement bay delineation, arrows and other pavement markings are to be marked using white
paint. Details of all proposed signposting and linemarking of parking areas are to be submitted
with the development application.

E1.10.8 Landscape plan

A landscape plan should be submitted with the development application showing the dimensions,
levels, existing vegetation and position, type and characteristics of all proposed landscaping and
plant material.

In particular, the plan should address the following:

 Screening: Uncovered car parking areas should be adequately and appropriately screened and
landscaped by the planting of shrubs and shade trees.
 Water runoff: An open texture surface material should be used to reduce water run-off from
parking areas.

E1.10.9 Drainage of car parking areas

Drainage of car parking areas must be consistent with Council’s provisions in Part E of the DCP,
Chapter E2 Stormwater and Flood Risk Management.

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E1.11 Electric vehicle charging points

The controls for electric vehicles charging points seek to recognise an increased uptake of
electric hybrid vehicles and encourage the installation of dedicated charging points in residential,
mixed use and commercial developments.

Most new electric vehicles will charge on a regular 10Amp circuit, however a 15Amp circuit
provides faster and more stable charging and is preferable. The circuit, regardless of whether
it is 10Amp or 15Amp, should be a dedicated circuit to ensure that the circuit does not become

Objectives Controls

O1 To accommodate hybrid electric vehicles C1 The installation of a 15Amp dedicated

by ensuring that adequate charging points circuit for vehicle charging is encouraged
for these vehicles are provided in in garages for a dwelling house, semi-
off-street private car parking areas. detached dwelling or dual occupancies.
If a 15Amp circuit is not installed, the
garage includes at least one standard
10Amp charging point that is suitably
located for charging electric vehicles,
and can be dedicated for that purpose.

C2 The installation of at least one 15Amp

dedicated circuit for vehicle charging is
encouraged in the common parking areas
of a residential flat building, multi-unit
dwellings, and the residential component
of a mixed use development. The circuit
is to be suitably located to provide for
convenient, shared access.
Alternatively, or in addition, the
development may include a user pays
charging point with a dedicated space for
electric vehicles.

C3 For commercial development, the car

parking area may include a user pays
charging point with a dedicated space for
electric vehicles.
Note: The charging points are to be
shown on the DA plans.

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E1.12 Green Travel Plans

A green travel plan provides information to users of the development on how to reach the site via
active and public transport. Usually only developments of significant size require a green travel
plan. However, any developer may elect to provide a green travel plan to reduce vehicle use.

Objectives Controls

O1 To ensure green travel plans are provided C1 Developments which exceed the
with certain developments. threshold values listed in Section E1.12.1
will require a green travel plan.

O2 To ensure the targets set out by the C2 Council will review the targets laid out by
green travel plan are reasonable and the green travel plan before
practical. implementation.

O3 To ensure responsibility for implementing C3 The address and contact details of a

the green travel plan is held by a contact person shall be provided. The
representative within the organisation or contact person will be responsible for
company. implementing and enforcing the green
travel plan.

O4 To monitor and review the effectiveness C4 After implementation of the green travel
of the green travel plan. plan, annual reports will be required to
provide information on the number of
people trips, travel modes by time of
day, journey purpose and
origin/destination of trips for a minimum
of 5 years post occupation.

E1.12.1 Green travel plan thresholds

A green travel plan is required for development listed below:

 Educational establishments allowing an additional 100 students.

 Non-residential developments with a gross floor area of 2,000m² or more.

 Residential developments which provide 50 or more additional dwellings.

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E1.13 Operational traffic management plan

Operational traffic management plans are required for certain major developments that are
likely to impose a significant impact on the surrounding road network.

E1.13.1 Operational traffic management pla n for non-residential developments

An operational traffic management plan (OTMP) is required for developments under clause 104
and Schedule 3 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 or classified as
designated developments under s.77A of the EP&A 1979.

Otherwise, Council may require an OTMP for the following developments:

 Child care centres.
 Drive-in take-away food outlets.
 Education facilities.
 Entertainment facilities.
 Health care facilities.
 Hotel and motel accommodation.
 Industrial premises.
 Public car parks.
 Places of public worship.
 Pubs.
 Recreation and tourist facilities.
 Registered clubs.
 Retail premises comprising supermarkets and or shopping centres.
 Service stations.
 Other developments. (Generally if there is significant expansion or modification).

E1.13.2 Details an operational traffic management plan

The minimum details for an operational management plan are:

 Existing and proposed traffic generation.
 Information on the existing and proposed road network, routes and access locations.
 Details of site operations including peak hours, speed zones and forecast traffic flows.
 On-street/off-street parking.
 Details on public and active transport.
 Traffic control plans (if required).

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E1.14 Off-street loading and servicing facilities

Off-street loading and servicing arrangements may need to be provided for businesses,
commercial, industrial, office, retail and storage uses, and any other use where regular deliveries
of goods are made to or from the site.

E1.14.1 Number of loading bays required

The following developments will generally be required to provide a minimum of one loading bay:
 retail premises (such as a supermarket) that require delivery of large items or pallets
of goods;
 hotel, motel or serviced apartment accommodation;
 registered clubs or bowling clubs;
 hardware, building, landscape and garden supplies;
 warehouse or distribution centre;
 food and drink premises or pubs with a seating capacity of 50 persons;
 bulky goods premises;
 educational establishments;
 emergency services or health services facilities; and
 marinas or boat repair facilities.

Council may require additional or less loading bays depending on the scale and type of use,
having particular regard to the anticipated volume and frequency of deliveries associated with
the proposed development, and the availability and suitability of any existing on street
‘loading zone’ located directly in front of, or at the side of, the premises.

E1.14.2 Location and design of loading bays

 Loading bays and service areas should operate independently of other parking areas and
should be situated to ensure that all service vehicles stand entirely on the site of the
premises during loading and unloading operations.
 Vehicles will generally be required to enter and exit the site in a forwards direction.
 Service areas and loading docks should be designed to cater for the vehicles and servicing
operations anticipated to occur in a particular development. Loading facilities and service
areas should be visually unobtrusive and preferably:
 located via a rear lane or side street, where such access is available;

 located within the building envelope; and

 designed to be perpendicular to lane frontage.

 Designs should comply with AS 2890.2 Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities and
should accommodate the largest design vehicle to service the site.

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E1.15 Mechanical parking installations and paid parking stations

E1.15.1 Locations and land use

Mechanical parking installations such as car lifts and car stackers are generally not desirable, and
will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Mechanical parking installations may be permitted for residential and non-residential

development where one or more of the following applies:
 The topography or lot size does not reasonably allow a simpler, more conventional parking
 An existing building is being refurbished and there is no land available for additional parking.
Refurbishment does not include extension of the building so as to increase site coverage or
any other works to increase site coverage, all of which have the effect of reducing site area
which could be used for conventional parking arrangements.
 In the case of non-residential development, the installations are for long-stay parking.
 In the case of residential development, the installations are for resident rather than
visitor parking.

E1.15.2 Compliance with the Australian Standards

Vehicle access to the mechanical parking installation must be made in accordance with
AS/NZS 2890.1 (2004).

Where there is one car lift proposed, this must be capable of accommodating a B99 vehicle.

Where multiple car lifts are proposed, one car lift must be capable of accommodating a
B99 vehicle and the remaining lifts must be capable of accommodating a B85 vehicle.

E1.15.3 Waiting bays

 The design must include sufficient size to ensure that vehicles queuing to enter the
mechanical parking installation or paid parking station does not extend beyond the property
boundary. Vehicles must not wait on the footpath or roadway.
 The waiting bay(s) must be adequately sized to enable vehicle(s) to wait, while another
vehicle exits the site. It is not acceptable for waiting vehicle(s) to reverse onto the footpath
to enable another vehicle to manoeuvre off the site.
 The minimum length of each waiting bay is 6m.
 Waiting bays must not exceed a maximum grade of 1 in 20 (5%).
 Waiting bays must not obstruct the driveway.

21 December 2016
Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015  E1 pg.31
E1 | Parking and Access  Part E | General Controls for All Development

E1.15.4 Car parks with more than 25 vehicles

If a car lift is providing access to a car parking area with more than 25 parking spaces, then two
separate car lifts must be provided.

E1.15.5 Residential visitor parking

Residential visitor parking must be provided external to the mechanical parking installation.

E1.15.6 Access

Where a development is required to provide parking for people with a disability, a mechanical
parking installation must allow people with a disability to exit in the event of breakdown
or failure.

E1.15.7 Development application information

A report from a suitably qualified traffic consultant is required for any development application
that proposes a mechanical parking installation or paid parking station relating to the parking of
three or more cars.

As a minimum, the report should provide a queuing analysis, taking into account:
 the proposed peak hour vehicle volumes;
 the service rate (in seconds) associated with the proposed parking equipment; and
 the number of on-site waiting bays required to accommodate the 98th percentile queue at
peak traffic levels.

The development application should also include the following information:

 details of required servicing and ongoing maintenance;
 internal and external dimensions of the device;
 details of the noise output of the device; and
 manufacturer’s documentation, including information on service rates.

21 December 2016
 E1 pg.32 Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015

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