CPD Program
CPD Program
CPD Program
Proposed Program:
Seminar Seminar/Workshop Residency Training Tours & Visits Others __________
Title of the Program:
Course Description:
Chief, Continuing Professional Development Division
_____________________________ _____________________________
Member Member
Rev. 02
November 22, 2017
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Step 1. Secure Application Form at Window 15, 16, or 17 of the Registration Division, PRC-PICC, or at any
of the Regional Offices, or download at PRC website (www.prc.gov.ph).
Step 2. Fill-out Application Form and comply the required documents.
(Please provide one (1) set for receiving copy)
Step 3. Proceed to Window 15, 16, or 17 of the Registration Division, PRC-PICC, or at any of the
Regional Offices for evaluation and assessment.
Step 4. Pay prescribed fee (in cash, Postal Money Order, Manager’s Check, Bank Draft payable to
Professional Regulation Commission) of One Thousand Pesos (P 1,000.00).
Step 5. Submit Application Form with attached supporting documents and photocopy of official receipt to
Window 15, 16, or 17 of the Registration Division, PRC-PICC, or at any of the Regional Offices.
Step 6. Verify your application after ___days from time of submission by calling telephone numbers:
310-10-48 (PRC-Main)/810-84-15 (PRC-PICC), or email at [email protected]
[ ] Specific course Objectives stating competencies to be gained from program
[ ] Evaluation tool specific to course objectives set
[ ] Program of Activities showing time/duration of topics/workshop
[ ] Resume of Speakers for program applied for, showing expertise in the topic/s; show certificates or
citations (if any)
[ ] Current Prof. ID of speaker if registered professional; if foreigner, current Special Temporary Permit
(if applicable)
[ ] Breakdown of expenses for the conduct of the program
Additional Requirements:
[ ] Short brown envelope for the Certificate of Accreditation
[ ] One set of metered documentary stamps worth Twenty-Five Pesos (P25.00) to be affixed to the
Certificate of Accreditation. (Available at PRC Customer Service and PRC Regional Offices)
[ ] Soft copy of the Application including supporting attachments in PDF format saved in CD.
[ ] Pre-paid pouch (preferably from Philpost) for applications filed in Regional Offices only.
1. Application for accreditation should be filed 45 days before the offering of the program/training.
2. Representative/s filing application/s for accreditation and claiming the Certificate of Accreditation in
behalf of the applicant must present a letter of authorization and valid identification cards of both the
authorized signatory and the representative.
3. The period for processing the application is 45 days.
4. If additional requirement/s is/are needed, a period of 15 days is given to submit the same. Failure to
comply within the period shall be construed as abandonment of application and the prescribed fee shall
be forfeited in favor of the government.
Rev. 02
November 22, 2017
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