This electricity bill summary provides details for customer Ajit Kumar Chandra for the period of May 2019 to August 2019. The bill shows a previous reading of 14643 units and present reading of 15993 units, resulting in consumption of 1350 units. The total amount due is Rs. 11,562 which is payable by the due date to avail monthly rebates, otherwise a penalty will be applied to the amount due. The bill breakdown provides the charges for various components like energy, fixed charges, meter rent, duties for the billing period.
This electricity bill summary provides details for customer Ajit Kumar Chandra for the period of May 2019 to August 2019. The bill shows a previous reading of 14643 units and present reading of 15993 units, resulting in consumption of 1350 units. The total amount due is Rs. 11,562 which is payable by the due date to avail monthly rebates, otherwise a penalty will be applied to the amount due. The bill breakdown provides the charges for various components like energy, fixed charges, meter rent, duties for the billing period.
This electricity bill summary provides details for customer Ajit Kumar Chandra for the period of May 2019 to August 2019. The bill shows a previous reading of 14643 units and present reading of 15993 units, resulting in consumption of 1350 units. The total amount due is Rs. 11,562 which is payable by the due date to avail monthly rebates, otherwise a penalty will be applied to the amount due. The bill breakdown provides the charges for various components like energy, fixed charges, meter rent, duties for the billing period.
This electricity bill summary provides details for customer Ajit Kumar Chandra for the period of May 2019 to August 2019. The bill shows a previous reading of 14643 units and present reading of 15993 units, resulting in consumption of 1350 units. The total amount due is Rs. 11,562 which is payable by the due date to avail monthly rebates, otherwise a penalty will be applied to the amount due. The bill breakdown provides the charges for various components like energy, fixed charges, meter rent, duties for the billing period.
RAGHUNATHPUR, CALL CENTER PHONE No - 19121(TOLL FREE) AJIT KUMAR CHANDRA Invoice No. : 480002908261 PURATON BAZAR RAGHUNATHPUR PURULIAPrev. Reading Date : 05.05.2019 Pin - Present Reading Date : 01.08.2019 Consumer Id : 242080640 : 242080640 : 242080640 Billing Date : 01 Business Partner No: 5549366 : 5549366 : 5549366 Next Reading Date:16 Tariff Class : A(DM-U) Connected Load : 0.71 KVA Installation No : 5467731 LEGC-GIS Pl No :NA-NA Latitude : 23.535486666 Meter Reading unit : EOC01QMR Longitude : 86.674450000
Meter No Time Previous Present MF Unit Estimated/ Max Demand
Reading Reading Consumed Adj. Unit (KVA) Reading Reading consumed (KVA)
B2203716 N 14643.00 15993.00 1.00 1350.00
Bill Month Amount due after due date(Rs.) Due date to avail Monthly Rebates 3934.00 3934.00 Monthly Rebates(Rs.) to avail Monthly Rebat Amount due within due dates(Rs.) Special Rebates(Rs.) 3898.00 3901.00 dates(Rs.) due within Total amount payable at a time within 1at Due date Total Amount Payable at a time within 1st Due date* (Rs.) 11.562,00 Amount payable at a time through e-Payment within 1st Due date 11.457,00 Category Bill Month Total Breakup of Charges Category Bill Month Total AUG,2019 SEP,2019 OCT,2019 Energy Charge(Rs.) 3451.72 3451.72 3451.72 10355.16 Fixed/Demand Charge(Rs.) 15.00 15.00 15.00 45.00 Meter Rent(Rs.) 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 MVCA Charge(Rs.) 103.50 103.50 103.50 310.50 Electricity Duty(Rs.) 353.45 353.45 353.45 1060.36 LPSC Charges(Rs.)## 3.76 3.76 Gross Amount(Rs.) 3937.43 3933.67 3933.67 11804.77 Adjustments** -1.29 ________________________________________________________________________________ Payment may be made using RTGS/NEFT in your exclusive a/c no: WBB2420806405467731 with IFSC code ICIC0000104 As per order of WBERC dated 28.10.2016 & Subsidy from West Bengal Govt # Outstandings: Rs.0.00 Last Payment Details:Amount(Rs.):1396.00 Payment date :22.06.2019 MVCA @ 23 p/kwh for the month of MAY,2019-AUG,2019
This bill has been downloaded from WBSEDCL Mobile App, Sahayogi on 2019-08-12 17:56:42 .