Calculating Shear Friction Using An Effective Coefficient of Friction
Calculating Shear Friction Using An Effective Coefficient of Friction
Calculating Shear Friction Using An Effective Coefficient of Friction
using an
of friction
John A. Tanner
test data. Therefore, it does not affect the results for nor-
malweight concrete. 2.000
term Vn was changed to Vu. With the change in φ factors Nominal shear stress vn , psi
In the original plots of μe to the test data, all assumed
μe should approach and be equal to μ, per ACI, as the
capacity of the interface was reached. Figure 2 shows the
1.000 current sixth-edition PCI Design Handbook calculations
of μe for varying crack interfaces. The concrete strength
is assumed to be greater than 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) and
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
the concrete density is about 150 lb/ft3 (2400 kg/m3). This
again eliminates the λ2 term and f c' from the discussion.
Nominal shear stress vn , psi
Vn = 234.7 kip (1044 kN) The equation for μe in terms of Vu results in non-
conservative values for μe for all crack interfaces, even
μe = 1.4(1000)(250)/234,700 = 1.491 when Vn is limited to 1000Acr. When Vn = 1000Acr, μe =
1.867 for monolithic conditions and μe = 1.333 for con-
Avf = = 2.62 in.2 (1690 mm2) crete–to–roughened concrete interface, both values of μe
1.49 60 ( ) are greater than μ of 1.4 and 1.0, respectively.
According to the fourth and fifth editions of the PCI
Design Handbook: The solution is to make μe a function of μVn,max /Vn. There-
fore, as Vn approaches Vn,max, μe will approach μ. The
Vu = 1.4(100) + 1.7(35) = 199.5 kip (887 kN) 1000Acr term should be replaced by the maximum nominal
shear capacity Vn,max.
Vn > 199.5/0.85 = 234.7 kip (1044 kN)
The λ2 term
μe = 1.4(1000)(250)/199,500 = 1.754
Since the inception of the term μe in the second edition
Avf = = 2.23 in.2 (1439 mm2) of the PCI Design Handbook, there has been confusion
1.754 0.85 60 )( ) as to the actual equation for μe concerning the λ term.
According to the sixth edition of the PCI Design Hand- The equation is written by PCI as μe = 1000λAcr μ/Vu. The
book: confusion comes from the term μ—is it 1.4 for monolithic
concrete or 1.4λ? As directed by the statement to use the
Vu = 1.2(100) + 1.6(35) = 176 kip (783 kN) value in PCI Design Handbook table, you would
substitute 1.4λ for μ and get a λ2 term. Over the years, the
Vn > 176/0.75 = 234.7 kip (1044 kN) PCI Design Handbook has shown calculations for μe in
both formats. For example, in the fifth edition on pages
μe = 1.4(1000)(250)/176,000 = 1.989 4-55 and 4-62, the calculation of μe used a single λ term,
and on page 4-36, μe is calculated with λ2. However, the
Avf = = 1.97 in.2 (1270 mm2) current edition does not show any calculations of μe using
1.989 0.75 60 )( ) the λ2 term (pages 4-55, 4-78, 4-82, and 6-49). In all of the
where examples cited, λ is 1.0 and does not factor into the results.
Avf = area of shear-friction reinforcement Some of the confusion starts with ACI writing μ as 1.4λ,
1.0λ, 0.7λ, or 0.6λ. A better way might have been for ACI
Vl = shear force at section due to unfactored live load Eq. (11-25) to be written as Eq. (2).
μ and λ are separate variables:
μ = 1.4, 1.0, 0.6, or 0.7
λ = 1.0, 0.85, or 0.75
fy = specified yield strength of reinforcement
The λ2 term is an interesting occurrence for the calculation 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
of Vn,max. In all other chapters of ACI 318 and the PCI De- Nominal shear stress vn , psi
μe = μVn,max /Vn or μe = μφVn,max /Vu (3) Series F
Effective coefficient of friction µe
Series H
where 1.500
Figures 3 and 4 are graphs comparing the data from These graphs indicate a good correlation with the limited
Mattock’s work5 and the proposed formula for roughened test data and the proposed equation. The maximum value
concrete–to–concrete interface. Figure 3 represents the for Vn with the λ2 does not seem warranted. However, the
data from Mattock’s test series B and D, representing data calculation of μe does get the λ2 as part of mathematics and
for the 4000 psi (28 MPa) sanded, lightweight concrete Raths’ original equation.
and an initially cracked interface. Figure 4 represents the
data from Mattock’s test series E and F, representing data
Concrete to concrete, cast monolithically 1.4λ 3.4λ 0.30λ fc Acr < 1000λAcr
Concrete to hardened concrete, with '
1.0λ 2.9λ 0.25λ fc Acr < 1000λAcr
roughened surface
Concrete to concrete 0.6λ 2.2λ 0.20λ fc Acr < 800λAcr
Concrete to steel 0.7λ 2.4λ 0.20λ fc Acr < 800λAcr
Note: Acr = area of shear-crack interface; fc' = specified compressive strength of concrete; Vn,max = maximum nominal shear capacity; λ = modification
factor related to density of concrete; μ = coefficient of friction; μe = effective coefficient of friction.
There is a final query as to the values of μe maximum and Modifications to Eq. ( are as follows:
the effects of lightweight concrete. Per ACI 318-05, if μ is
a function of λ, should μe maximum also be a function of μe = μVn,max /Vn or μe = μφVn,max /Vu (5)
λ? It is the author’s opinion that it would also be prudent to
limit μe,max by λ, if only to be conservative. where
Shear friction and μe are widely used for a variety of criti- λ = 0.85 for sanded, lightweight concrete
cal connections in precast concrete construction. Many
of these connections support sustained gravity loads with λ = 0.75 for all-lightweight concrete
little or no redundancy.
μ = 1.4λ, 1.0λ, 0.7λ, or 0.6λ, depending on the crack
In the spirit of the original data as presented by Shaikh, the interface
author would like to present the following mathematical
modifications to the sections of the PCI Design Hand- Figures 5, 6, and 7 illustrate the proposed modifications
book pertaining to shear friction and the calculation of μe. for the various crack interfaces and concrete densities for
Equation (5) and Table 1 are the proposed modifications to concrete strengths in the normal precast concrete range of
the sixth-edition PCI Design Handbook Eq. ( and 4000 psi (28 MPa) or greater.
Roughened concrete
Effective coefficient of friction µe
Smooth concrete
Effective coefficient of friction µe
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Nominal shear stress vn , psi Nominal shear stress vn , psi
Figure 5. This graph compares the proposed modifications with the effective Figure 6. This graph compares the proposed modifications to the effective coeffi-
coefficient of friction with the resulting nominal shear stress vn for normalweight cient of friction μe with the resulting nominal shear stress vn for sanded, lightweight
concrete with various crack interfaces and concrete densities. concrete with various crack interfaces and concrete densities.
Note: fc' > 4000 psi; λ = 1.0. 1 psi = 6.895 kPa. Note: fc' > 4000 psi; λ = 0.85. Note: 1 psi = 6.895 kPa.
Roughened concrete
1. Industry Handbook Committee. 1978. PCI Design 2.500
4. Raths, C. H. 1977. Reader Comments: Design Pro- Nominal shear stress vn , psi
posals for Reinforced Concrete Corbels. PCI Journal,
V. 22, No. 2 (March–April): pp 93–98. Figure 7. This graph compares the proposed modifications to the effective coef-
ficient of friction μe with the resulting nominal shear stress vn for all lightweight
concrete with various crack interfaces and concrete densities.
5. Mattock, A. H., W. K. Li, and T. C. Wang. 1976. Shear
Note: fc' > 4000 psi; λ = 0.75. 1 psi = 6.895 kPa.
Transfer in Lightweight Reinforced Concrete. PCI
Journal, V. 21, No. 1 (January–February): pp. 20–39.
= Vu /φAcr
6. Industry Handbook Committee. 2004. PCI Design
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete. 6th ed. Vl = shear force at the section due to unfactored live
Chicago, IL: PCI. load
7. Birkeland, P. W., and H. W. Birkeland. 1966. Con- Vd = shear force at the section due to unfactored dead
nections in Pre-Cast Concrete Construction. ACI load
Journal, V. 63, No. 3: pp. 345–367.
Vn = nominal shear strength
8. Industry Handbook Committee. 1992. PCI Design
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete. 4th ed. Vn,max = maximum nominal shear capacity
Chicago, IL: PCI.
Vu = factored shear force at section
9. Industry Handbook Committee. 1999. PCI Design
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete. 5th ed. λ = modification factor related to density of concrete
Chicago, IL: PCI.
μ = coefficient of friction
μe = effective shear-friction coefficient
Acr = area of shear-crack interface
μe,max = As /bd
Avf = area of shear friction
= ratio of nonprestressed compression reinforcement
fy = specified yield strength of reinforcement
φ = strength-reduction factor
f c' = specified compressive strength of concrete
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