Role of Internet in Future Data System
Role of Internet in Future Data System
Role of Internet in Future Data System
1. INTODUCTION……………………………………………………05-06
2. ADVANTAGES OF INTERNET……………………….…………..07
3. DISADVANGES OF INTERNET…………………………………07-08
4. ROLE OF INTERNET……………………………………………..08-09
5. 4G NETWORKS……………………………………………………09-10
8. ARCHITECTURE…………………………………………………17-19
9. HANDOFF MECHANISM…………………………………………20-22
10.MOBILE IPV6……………………………………………………22-26
14.APPILACATION OF 4G…………………………………………30-31
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
The Internet has dramatically changed the way America communicates and does
business. Between 1991 to 1999, the number of domain names with an IP address
rose from almost zero in 1991 to by 45,000,000 by 1999. From the consumer's
standpoint, the Internet offers the ability to interact with health practitioners online
and easily access health-related information. It’s no wonder, then, that more people
use the Internet to gather information about health- related topics than any other
subject. However, there are numerous barriers that might inhibit telehealth growth on
the Internet, including growing delays, costs, and lack of security, reliability and
government and industry. This group is using a new high-speed backbone network
differentiated service levels, and advanced security). It will also allow researchers to
test and resolve problems such as bandwidth constraints, quality and security issues.
In the tele-health industry, wireless technology is most commonly used for telemetry
and emergency medical services. However, in countries that have adapted to digital
wireless phone systems faster than the United States, the future of wireless
Telegraph will provide Internet e-mail access via its wireless phone services to 1
million customers. This year, Japanese companies will also introduce a mobile
videophone to its local markets that can transmit live video at 32 kbps. In the
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
Netherlands, Nokia has already introduced the Nokia 9110 Communicator, which can
link to a digital camera; store images, and then e-mail them. Nokia's Communicator
will be available in the United States within in the next year, but mobile videophones
Companies in the United States have already have introduced wireless handheld
computers, such as the Palm Series and its competitors. More recently, mobile phone
providers, such as Sprint PCS, have introduced products with the ability to access limited
Web pages for text information but direct access to the Web and its graphics is not yet
possible without appropriate technical standards. However, a standard called the Wireless
information on Internet Web sites into a form that can be displayed on a mobile hand-
held phone device. The advent of so-called microbrewers may still be a few years away,
because mobile systems currently do not have the capacity to support high-speed
connections with the Internet. Once faster speeds are available, WAP proponents believe
that consumers will be able to get message notification and call management, electronic
mail, mapping and location services, weather and traffic alerts, sports and financial
services, address book and directory services, and corporate intranet applications on their
hand-held devices. Due to the increase in demand for speed, multimedia support and
other resources, the wireless world is looking forward for a new generation technology to
replace the third generation. This is where the fourth generation wireless communication
comes into play. 4g wireless communication is expected to provide better speed, high
capacity, lower cost and ip based services. The main aim of 4g wireless is to replace the
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the standard
networks that consist of millions of private, public, academic, business and government
networks, of local to global scope, that are linked with a broad array of electronics, wireless
and optical networking technologies. The internet carries an extensive range of information
resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web
Most tradition communication media including telephone, music, film and television are
being reshaped or redefined by the internet, given birth to a ne services such as Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). Newspaper, book and
other print publishing are adapting to website technology, or are reshaped into blogging and
web feeds. The internet has enabled and accelerated new forms of human interactions
through instant messaging, internet forms, and social networking. Online shopping has
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
boomed both major retail outlets and small artisans and traders. Business-to-business and
financial services on the internet affects supply chain across entire industries.
The origins of internet reach back to research commissioned by the United States
networks. The funding of a US, backbone the National Science Foundation in the 1980s, as
privat5e funding for other commercial backbones, led to worldwide participation in the of
new networking technologies, and the merging of many networks. The commercialization of
into virtually every aspect of modern human life. As of June 2012, more than 2.4 billion
people over a third of the worlds human population have used the service of the internet.
Mobile telephony and the Internet are the fastest growing businesses in the
telecommunications market. This is why most operators and service providers are looking
after the development of new services in both sectors, and newcomers are expected to enter
the arena. The mobile operators foresee an increasing share of their revenues coming from
new data services, while Internet service providers are attracted to wireless technology and
mobility services both to reduce costs within the last-mile segment and to enrich their market
share, providing ubiquitous access to the Internet and corporate intranets. In this scenario
several wireless overlay networks will coexist, and their interworking will be a challenging
objective. The employment of Internet technology, with its novel mobility and security
extensions, seems to be the most attractive option for achieving that goal. In addition, the
migration to a full IP network architecture, even within each specific wireless domain, will
be another promising opportunity, already under consideration within several technical and
undertake significant research efforts on the development of innovative IP-based mobile data
systems, and opens promising opportunities for both telcos and Internet service providers.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
Provides fast communication channel kike email, instant messaging, file transfer and
file sharing. With this, users will be able to communicate effectively and can serve time and
Provides latest news and online references. Most of the newspapers today are now
online. Users can browse the internet websites to read the latest news, research online
encyclopedias, and join forums to learn new things from other people. With this, accessing
information is faster.
Provides entertainment like uploaded movies, movie guides, video streaming, and
music download. Users can no listen to online radio stations and download the song they
Provides commerce services like online shopping, travel bargains, plane schedules,
and buy and sell. With e-commerce, users can buy items online by just using their credit card
or any form of bank transactions and without the need to go the mall. They can just wait for
Provides jobs to people who want to make money online like buy and sell services,
There is a lot of wrong information on the internet. Anyone can post anything, and
much of it is garbage.
There are predators that hangout on the internet waiting to get unsuspecting people in
dangerous situations.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
Some people are getting addicted to the internet and thus causing problems with their
Pornography that can get into the hands of young children too easily.
Easy to waste a lot of time on the internet. You can start surfing and then realize far
more time has passed than you realized. Internet and television together of added to the more
Internet has a lot of “cheater” sites. People can buy essays and pass them off as their
There are a a lot of unscrupulous businesses that have sprung up on the internet to
Hackers can create viruses that can get into your personal computer and ruin valuable
It can be quite depressing to be on the internet and realize just how uneducated some
With the use of internet, it is possible to transfer unit/receive information containing images,
The internet is designed to be definitely extendible and the reliability of internet primarily
The 4G technologies are all about improving the performance of today’s mobile networks,
and also revolutionizing the model to create a truly ultra broadband mobile experience.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
wireless teleconferencing.
Wider Bandwidth.
Difficult to move and inter operate due to different standards hampering global
Need all digital networks to fully utilize IP and converged video and data
analog phones. It as launched in the early 1980s. it introduced the first basic framework for
mobile communication like the basic architecture, frequency multiplexing, roaming concept
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
communication technology from analog to digital. It was introduced in the late 1980s and it
adopted digital signal processing techniques. GSM was one of the main attractive sides of 2G
and it introduced the concept of SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards. Main access
technologies were CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and GSM (Global System of
mobile communication.
mobile communications.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
THIRD GENERATION: The basic idea of 3G is to deploy new systems with new
services instead of just provide higher bandwidth and data rate. Support for multimedia
transmission is another striking feature of 3G. it employs both circuit switching and packet
switching strategies. The main access technologies are CDMA (Code division Multiple
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
Some of the reasons for a new generation of mobile communication are as follows:
Difficulty of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) to provide higher data rates.
Need for continuously increasing data rate and bandwidth to meet the multimedia
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
HIGH USABILITY AND GLOBAL ROAMING: The end user terminals should
be compatible with any technology, at any time, any here in the world. The basic idea is that
the user should be able to take his mobile to any place, for example, from a place that uses
MULTIMEDIA SUPPORT: The user should be able to receive high data rate
multimedia services. This demands higher bandwidth and higher data rate.
PERSONALIZATION: This means that any type of person should be able to access
the service. The service providers should be able to provide customized services to different
type of user.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
To achieve desired features listed above, researchers have to solve some of the main
and technologies, the user terminal should be able to configure themselves in different
modes. This eliminates the needs for multiple terminals. Adoptive techniques like smart
antennas and software radio have been proposed for achieving terminal mobility.
this is that user terminal should be able to select the desired wireless system the system could
be LAN, GPS, GSM, etc. One proposed solution for this is to use software radio approach
where the internet scans for the best network and then it downloads the required software and
TERMINAL MOBILITY: This is one of the biggest issues the researchers are
facing. Terminal mobility allows the user to roam across different geographical areas that
uses different technologies. There are two important issues related to terminal mobility. One
location management where the system has to locate the position of the mobile for providing
service. Another important issue is hand off management. In the traditional mobile system,
only horizontal hand off has to be performed. Here as in 4G systems both horizontal and
vertical hand off should be performed. As shown in the figure below, horizontal hand off is
performed hen a mobile move from one cell to another and vertical hand off is performed
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
the user rather than the user terminals. The idea behind this is, no matter here the user is
located and what device he is using, he should be able to access his messages.
wireless systems are inadequate for 4G systems. The existing security systems designed for
specific services. This does not provide flexibility for the users and as flexibility is one of the
becoming more popular throughout the world. The existing wireless system structure has a
free like topology and hence if one of the components surfers damage, the whole system goes
down. This is not desirable in case of 4G. Hence one of the main issues is to design a fault
based where the user is charged just by a single operator for his usage according to call
duration, transfer data etc. but in 4G wireless systems, the user might switch between
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
different service providers and may use different services. In this case, it is hard for both the
users and service providers to deal with separate bills. Hence the operators have to design a
billing architecture that provides a single bill to the user for all the services he has used.
4G wireless system is expected to be built on an IP based core network for global routine
along with more customized local area network that supports dynamic hand off mechanisms
and Ad-hoc routing. Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) is the standardized IP based mobility protocol for
IPv6. In 4G, LANs will be installed every here like in trains, vehicles etc or might be formed
in an Ad-hoc basis by random collection of devices that happens to come in a specific radio
range. New routing protocols have to be designed for such systems. In come in a specific
radio range. New routing protocols have to be designed for such systems. In 4G mobile
systems, each termi8nal is assigned a home agent, which has a permanent home address.
When terminal moves to another location it obtains a new temporary address called the care
-of address. The user terminal regularly updates the home agent with its current care-of
address. If the user is at home, another device can communicate with the user using its home
IP address. When the user moves to some other location communication is carried out using
another procedure. If a host wants to communicate with t5he user, it first sends a set up
message to the user’s home agent (which the host knows). The home agent knows the care-of
address of the user to the host so that future messages can be sent directly to the user.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
interfaces to access different wireless system. The requirement for this scheme is that the
devices should incorporate the required hardware necessary to access the different
technologies. The flaw with this is that it increases the complexity of the user device which
might make it more expensive to the common user. One advantage of this architecture is that
it does not require any network modification or internetworking devices. The QOS handling
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
OVERLAY NETWORK: In this type of architecture a user can access overlay networks
which consist of several UAP (Universal Access Point). The UAP selects an access point
depending on user choice, availability and desired QOS. In this case the overlay network
performs the major operations such as hand off, frequency translation, content adaptation etc,
instead of the terminal performing it. So the overlay network will suffer an increase in
COMMON ACCESS PROTOCOL: The architecture can be used if a wireless network can
support one or two different protocols. One solution to this is to use wireless ATM
networks. To implement this all networks must be capable of transmitting ATM cells with
additional headers. This allows the user to communicate with different wireless networks
As cited in section ii, performing vertical hand off is one of the challenges faced by
researchers working on 4G. Vertical hand off is the hand off performed when a user switches
from one network to a totally different network. These section discuses some of the proposed
schemes for performing vertical hand offs. One major issue in hand off is reducing the hand
over latency. Whenever a mobile node moves to a new location, it takes some time to
establish a care-of address and to inform the home agent its new care-of address. This
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
telecommunications services to subscribers roaming within them. Each cell can only serve up to a
certain area and number of subscribers. Thus, when any of these two limits is reached, a handoff
For instance, if a subscriber moves out of the coverage area of a particular cell while entering
another, a handoff takes place between the two cells. The cell that served the call prior to the
handoff is relieved of its duties, which are then transferred to the second cell. A handoff may also
be triggered when the number of subscribers using a particular cell has already reached the cell’s
Such a handoff is possible because the reach of the cell sites serving these cells can sometimes
overlap. Thus, if a subscriber is within an overlapping area, the network may opt to transfer one
Sometimes a handoff can take place even if no limit is breached. For example, suppose that a
subscriber initially inside the jurisdiction of a large cell (served by an umbrella-type cell site)
enters the jurisdiction of a smaller cell (one served by a micro cell). The subscriber can be handed
off to the smaller cell in order to free up capacity on the larger one.
Hard Handoff: Characterized by an actual break in the connection while switching from
one cell or base station to another. The switch takes place so quickly that it can hardly be
noticed by the user. Because only one channel is needed to serve a system designed for
hard handoffs, it is the more affordable option. It is also sufficient for services that can
Soft Handoff: Entails two connections to the cell phone from two different base stations.
This ensures that no break ensues during the handoff. Naturally, it is more costly than a
hard handoff.
When a mobile moves from its home to another location, it obtains a new care-of address by
contacting the subnet of that particular network. When a mobile node moves from one
network to another, it detects the new subnet by analyzing the router. By using the subnet of
the new network, which the mobile gets from the router advertisement, the mobile node
configure itself a new care-of address. The mobile then needs to verify if there is any
duplicate address in the same radio range. So it performs the DAD (Duplicate Address
Detection) process and it scans the neighborhood for any duplicate address. If the mobile
duplicate address, it has to reconfigure itself a new care-of address. Once a new care-of
address is obtained, the mobile updates the home agent with its new care-of address. The
problem with this hand off scheme is that, to perform DAD, the mobile takes a lot of time.
This increase the hand over latency. One solution to this problem is that the mobile should
Mobile IPv6 is an IETF standard that has added the roaming capabilities of mobile nodes in IPv6
network. RFC 3775 has described this standard in detail. The major benefit of this standard is that
the mobile nodes (as IPv6 nodes) change their point-of-attachment to the IPv6 Internet without
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
This allows mobile devices to move from one network to another and still maintain existing
connections. Although Mobile IPv6 is mainly targeted for mobile devices, it is equally applicable
The need for Mobile IPv6 is necessary because the mobile nodes in fixedIPv6 network cant
maintain the previously connected link (using the address assigned from the previously connected
To accomplish the need for mobility, connections to mobile IPv6 nodes are made (without user
interaction) with a specific address that is always assigned to the mobile node, and through which
the mobile node is always reachable. Mobile IPv6 is expected to be used in IP over WLAN,
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
The main idea behind this scheme is to reduce the signaling load between the mobile and the
home agent there by reducing the hand of latency. The global internet is divided into regions
defining local area mobility. These domains are generally managed by a unique
administrative authority. Each domain is connected to the internet through a mobility anchor
point. When a mobile first enters a domain it has to regionally register with that domain to
advertize to it home agent its new localization. When the mobile moves across different
access routers in the domain, it has to send a local registration to the mobility anchor point to
update its localization. So the communication load between the mobile and the home agent is
reduced since the mobility anchor point anchor as the home agent.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) is the proposed enhancement of Mobile Internet Protocol
versions 6 ( MIPv6 ) that is designed to reduce the amount of signaling required and to improve
handoff speed for mobile connections. HMIPv6 is a proposed standard from the Internet
Engineering Task Force ( IETF ). MIPv6 defines a means of managing global (between-site)
mobility, but doesn't address the issue of local (within-site) mobility separately. Instead, it uses the
same mechanisms in both cases, which is an inefficient use of resources in the case of local
mobility. HMIPv6 adds another level, built on MIPv6, that separates local from global mobility. In
HMIPv6, global mobility is managed by the MIPv6 protocols, while local handoffs are managed
A new node in HMIPv6 called the Mobility Anchor Point (MAP) serves as a local entity to aid in
mobile handoffs. The MAP, which replaces MIPv4's foreign agent , can be located anywhere
within a hierarchy of routers. In contrast to the foreign agent, there is no requirement for a MAP to
reside on each subnet. The MAP helps to decrease handoff-related latency because a local MAP
Using MIPv6, a mobile node sends location updates to any node it corresponds with each time it
changes its location, and at intermittent intervals otherwise. This involves a lot of signaling and
processing, and requires a lot of resources. Furthermore, although it is not necessary for external
hosts to be updated when a mobile node moves locally, these updates occur for both local and
global moves. By separating global and local mobility, HMIPv6 makes it possible to deal with
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
Hierarchical MIPv6 operates in two modes. When a mobile enters a visited domain, it must
perform a home registration in which the mobile informs the mobility anchor point its home
address. Then when the mobile moves within the cell, it switches between two modes, the
basic mode and the extended mode. In mode, the mobile station has two addresses, a regional
care-of address based on the mobility anchor point prefix and an on-link care-of address
based on the current access router prefix. Hence the mobility anchor point acts as the home
agent. It takes the packet destine for the regional care-of address and tunnels them to the on-
link care-of address. These operations are totally transparent to the home agent. But not
every mobile may be able to obtain a regional care-of address. In this case, it works in
extended mode where the regional address may any one of the mobility anchor point
addresses. The mobility anchor point stores a table of the mobiles. When it receives a packet
destined to a mobile, it de-tunnels and then re-tunnels it to the current care-of address.
3G wireless multiple access techniques were widely based on CDMA and WCDMA. But
4Gdemands a better multiple access technique for reducing the MAI (Multiple Access
Interference) and ISI (Inter Symbol Interference) and this improves the bit error rate
performance. MC-CDMA is the best candidate that would satisfy the demands of 4G
wireless systems. Moreover adoptive modulation techniques have been proposed for 4G,
where the modulation scheme is changed dynamically based on the current channel
Multiplexing) and CDMA, MC-CDMA with adaptive modulation promises to meet the
demands of 4G regarding high data rate with a lower BER (Bit Error Rate).
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
OFDM has the capability to cancel multi- path distortion in a spectrally efficient manner.
Rapid variation in channel characteristics are caused by multi-path and Doppler spread (due
to the different speeds of mobile). Sometimes these time varying channels are characterized
by very good SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio), but worse SNR at other times. So a fixed
modulation technique cannot achieve the best spectral efficiency as the system has to be built
with a modulation scheme considering the worst case scenario. Hence during good channel
conditions the system would not be able to obtain the best possible spectral efficiency. This
is where adaptive modulation shows its role. Adaptive modulation techniques takes
advantage of the time varying channel characteristics and adjust the transmission power, data
rate, coding and modulation scheme for the best spectral efficiency.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
The basic idea of CDMA is to maintain a sense of orthogonality among the users in order to
eliminate the MAI. This is done by employing orthogonal spreading codes to spread the data
sequence. In MC-CDMA these spreading codes are defined in the frequency domain pseudo
orthogonal codes can be used instead of orthogonal codes, thus increasing the number of
users that can be accommodated. But pseudo orthogonal codes can increase MAI since the
scheme used in OFDM-based telecommunication systems, allowing the system to support multiple
MC-CDMA spreads each user symbol in the frequency domain. That is, each user symbol is
carried over multiple parallel subcarriers, but it is phase-shifted (typically 0 or 180 degrees)
according to a code value. The code values differ per subcarrier and per user. The receiver
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
combines all subcarrier signals, by weighing these to compensate varying signal strengths and
undo the code shift. The receiver can separate signals of different users, because these have
Since each data symbol occupies a much wider bandwidth (in hertz) than the data rate (in bit/s), a
ratio of signal to noise-plus-interference (if defined as signal power divided by total noise plus
4G wireless systems are expected to deliver efficient multimedia services at very high data
rates. Basically, there are two types of video services: bursting and streaming video services.
Streaming is performed when a user requires real time video services, in which the server
delivers data continuously at a play back rate streaming has little memory requirement as
compared to bursting. The drawback of streaming video is that it does not take advantage of
available bandwidth. Even if the entire system bandwidth is available for the user, streaming
video service will transmit data only at downloading using a buffer and this is done at the
highest data rate taking advantage of the whole available bandwidth. The flow with this type
come up a new scheme that limits the memory requirements and can exploit the available
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
The use of the 4G service will be very similar to that of the 3G service whilst offering much
higher data transfer rates and therefore allowing either more speed intensive applications or
more users to experience good speeds whilst only connected through 1 carrier. Applications
could include:
VIRTUAL PRESENCE: This means that 4G provides user services at times, even if
the user can access a database of the streets, buildings etc of large cities. This requires high
need not go to the hospital and can get video conference assistance for a doctor at anytime
and anywhere.
(Geographical Information System) and GPS (Global Positioning System) in which a user
communication systems. In today’s world it might take days or weeks to restore the system.
good opportunity. People anywhere in the world can continue their education online in a cost
effective manner.
customization at the user-level end. This feature integrates the infrastructure of Emerging
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
Fields in 4G Technology, its Applications & Beyond-An Overview 255 all available
networks and steadily it will be easier for users to access services and applications regardless
of the environment. One can easily access different mobile and wireless networks
simultaneously. Multimode software is a software that allows the user device to adapt itself
to various wireless interfaces networks in order to provide constant net access with high data
(packet based) rate. Once the voice and data networks are superposed there will suddenly be
millions of new devices on the network cloud. This will require either reconstruction of the
address space for the entire Internet or using different address spaces for the existing wireless
networks. The multimode device architecture may improve call completion and expand
effective coverage area. Video Network Coding for 4G Wireless networks: High Definition
(HD) demand is increasing day by day more than that of the bandwidth support available.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
The evolution of mobile data services outlines a trend towards the coexistence of a variety of
wireless overlay networks managed by several actors and covering both indoor and outdoor
environments. The internet technology, with its novel mobility and security extensions,
appears to be the most attractive for the interworking between wireless data networks, as it
has proved for the wired data networks since the past two decades.
The migration to a full IP network architecture even within each specific wireless domain
will be another promising opportunity, already under consideration within technical and
standardization bodies anywhere, it5 is foreseen that the deployment of a full IP wireless
network will be feasible in the medium/short term only in indoor environments or in the case
of newcomer operators. Established PLMN operators, which are delivering voice services
over densely populated areas, will probably, face the migration to full IP network
architectures only in the longer term. The envisioned role of internet technology makes it
based mobile data systems and opens promising opportunities for both Telco’s and ISPs. The
mobile telephone operators will have the chance to enter the internet market providing
wireless access to third party IP networks or becoming themselves full internet ISPs. The
ISPs will have the opportunity to offer seamless mobility services either by themselves or
significant level of integration between the mobile data services deployed by the mobile
telephone operators and the internet service providers is likely to place in the near future
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system
for access and usage; each constituent network sets its own policies. Only the overreaching
definitions of the two principal name spaces in the internet, the internet protocol address
space and the Domain Names System, are directed by a maintainer organization, the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Number4s (ICANN). The technical underpinning and
standardization of the core protocols (IPv6 and IPv6) is an activity of the Internet
international participants that anyone may associate with by contributing technical expertise.
Role of internet technology in future mobile data system