Project: Footing Number: Engineer: Date:: Design 3-Pile Cap Footing

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Design 3-Pile Cap Footing

Project : Footing Number : Engineer : Date :

1.Input Data 5.Pile Arrangement
col. width (b) = 0.4 m number of total pile = 3
col. depth (h) = 0.4 m X - direction Y - direction
covering = 5 cm number of row 2 number of column 3
soil density = 1,700 kg/m3 number of pile on each row 2 number of pile on each column 2
depth of soil cave = 0.50 m spacing between pile 1.5 spacing between pile 1.5
min. depth = 15 cm for clay soil spacing at edge of footing 0.5 spacing at edge of footing 0.5
30 cm for another soil total length 0.9 total width 0.9
2.Material Properties dx-1 0.867
bar size (DB) = 16 mm dx-2 0.433
steel grade = SD-30
fy = 3,000 ksc 6.Reaction on Piles
fs = 1,500 ksc Summation of dx^2 = 1.13 m2
fc' = 173 ksc P/n = 20,905 kg
concrete factor = 0.45 Mx*dx-1/(dx^2) = 2,302 kg
fc = 78 ksc Mx*dx-2/(dx^2) = 1,150 kg
Es = ### ksc
Ec = 198,873 ksc No. of P/n Mx*dx1/ Mx*dx2/ R1 R2 Tension Safe Load
n = 11 Piles (dx)^2 (dx)^2 (kg) (kg) Status Status
11 20,905 2,302 0 18,603 23,207 >0 O.K.
3.Pile and Footing Properties 12 20,905 0 1,150 22,055 19,755 >0 O.K.
Pile ; diameter/dimensions = 0.5 m 13 20,905 0 1,150 22,055 19,755 >0 O.K.
safe load of pile = 50,000 kg
Footing ; 7.Design Parameters
width (B) for Pile 11 = 0.9 m k = 0.364
width (B) for Pile 12,13 = 0.9 m j = 0.879
area = 1.5 m2 R = 12.48 ksc
depth (D) = 0.4 m Allowable Beam Shear = 3.81 [ 0.29*sqrt(fc') ]
4.Loadind Data Allowable Punching Shear = 6.97 [ 0.53*sqrt(fc') ]
Dead Load = 1,440 kg
Soil Dead Load = 1,275 kg 8.Checking Shearing Stresses
Column Load = 60,000 kg Punching Shear
Mx = 3,000 kg-m Req. effective depth = 32.60 cm
Design 3-Pile Cap Footing
Project : Footing Number : Engineer : Date :
Total Axial Load = 62,715 kg use eff. Depth ( d ) = 32.0 cm

d/2 = 16.0 cm 9.Reinforcement forBending

b/2 = 20.0 cm
h/2 = 20.0 cm No. of R' arm Mx Vx Width for As temp
bo = 2(b+d) + 2(h+d) = 300 cm Piles (kg) X-dir (kg-m) (bonding) (m)
11 23,207 66.7 15,479 23,207 0.5
No. of dx "d" d at Y-direction actual Factored Factored 12 22,055 36.0 7,940 22,055
Piles (cm) Y-dir Status distance R1' R2' 13 22,055 36.0 7,940 22,055
11 86.7 50.7 pile out cr.section 50.7 18,603 23,207
12 43.3 7.3 pile out cr.section 7.3 16,394 14,685 Pile 11- direction
13 43.3 7.3 pile out cr.section 7.3 16,394 14,685 As = 36.69 cm2
As (temp.) = 4 cm2
shear force "V" (R1) = 51,391 kg u = 26.55 ksc
actual shear stress "v" = 5.35 ksc Req. perimeter = 31.07 cm
all. "v" = 6.97 > 5.35 O.K. Use number of bars = 12
shear force "V" (R2) = 52,576 kg As = 24.12 < 36.69 Try Again
actual shear stress "v" = 5.48 ksc Perimeter = 60.29 > 31.07 O.K.
all. "v" = 6.97 > 5.48 O.K. Pile 12 and 13 - direction
As = 18.82 cm2
Beam Shear As (temp.) = 0 cm2
No. of dx "d" d at Y-dir diagonal d at diago Factored Factored u = 26.55 ksc
Piles (cm) Y-dir Status distance Status R1' R2' Req. perimeter = 29.53 cm
11 86.7 34.7 pile out - - 18,603 23,207 Use number of bars = 12
12 43.3 -8.7 pile in 36.0 pile out 13,968 12,512 As = 24.12 > 18.82 O.K.
13 43.3 -8.7 pile in 36.0 pile out 13,968 12,512 Perimeter = 60.29 > 29.53 O.K.

shear force for Pile 11 = 23,207 kg 10.Bond Length of Dowels

actual shear stress "v" = 8.06 ksc This is the bond length of dowels for only major direction due to moment
all. "v" = 3.81 < 8.06 Ch. depth Number of col. Bars on tension sides 4
sizes of col. bars = 16 mm
shear force for Pile 12,13 = 13,968 kg As of col. bars = 2.01 cm2
actual shear stress "v" = 4.85 ksc As - total = 8.04 cm2
Design 3-Pile Cap Footing
Project : Footing Number : Engineer : Date :
all. "v" = 3.81 < 4.85 Ch. depth My = 300,000 kg-cm
fs = M/(As*j*d) = 1,327 ksc
u = 26.55 ksc
ld = 20 cm

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