Mark Scheme (Results) Summer 2013: International GCSE Chemistry (4CH0) Paper 1C

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2013

International GCSE
Chemistry (4CH0) Paper 1C
Science Double Award (4SC0)
Paper 1C

Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 Certificate

Chemistry (KCH0) Paper 1C
Science (Double Award) (KSC0)
Paper 1C
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Summer 2013
Publications Code UG037094
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Answer Notes Marks
1 (a) i 5 1

ii 11 1

iii 5 1

iv 6 1

v 5 1

1 (b) i more 1

ii more 1

iii the same number of 1

1 (c) cross in box D (2.8.3) 1

Total 9
Answer Notes Marks
2 (a) i cross in box A (zinc sulfate) 1

ii Apply list principle - 3 crosses = max 1 1

cross in box B (iron)
4 or 5 crosses = 0 marks 1
cross in box C (magnesium)
2 (b) burns with a pop/squeak Must be reference to test and result 1
OR Reference to splint/match with no
use burning/lit splint/flame to indication of flame is not enough
see if pop/squeak Reject reference to glowing splint
Ignore flame extinguished
‘Squeaky pop test’ on its own is not
2 (c) 2 (1) 2 Accept multiples and fractions 1
2 (d) i 1
cross in box 3

ii Ignore references to equilibrium

reversible / can go in both
Ignore references to other reaction 1
types (e.g. hydration / oxidation /
/ can go backwards and
Accept either equation with ֖
Total 7
Answer Notes Marks

3 (a) i gas / (g) / g Accept equivalents 1

such as gaseous /
Ignore colours

ii darker / dark grey Accept black 1

Ignore references to
Ignore more intense
Reject reference to
any other colours
Answer Notes Marks
3 (b) i no reaction (possible) / no Accept no change 1
displacement Ignore references to lithium chloride containing
OR chlorine / already reacted / OWTTE
halogens do not react with
their own halide ions

ii iodine/it is less reactive Accept correct references to positions in (re)activity 1

than bromine series
/ bromine more reactive Both halogens must be mentioned, except assume it
than iodine refers to iodine
Reject –ide endings
Accept symbols and formulae
Ignore references to only one element, e.g. iodine is
Reject any comparison involving sodium

iii iodine Ignore references to states 1

Ignore I and I2
iv cross in box D (bromine 1
displaces iodine)

v 2KCl + Br2 Either order 1

Penalise incorrect symbols/numbers / unconventional
formulae in this part, e.g. CL, br, Br2, ClK
Total 7
Answer Notes Marks

4 a 4 electrons shared between 2 (carbon) Ignore inner electrons 1

atoms even if wrong Ignore
number of hydrogen

4 electron pairs between 2C and 4H atoms 1

Accept all permutations of
dots and crosses
Ignore intersecting circles
Accept H atoms at all
At least one C or one H
atom must be labelled –
max 1 if not
Max 1 if more than 2 C
Max 1 if wrong number of
electrons in outer shell of
any atom
Answer Notes Marks

4 b i setting out correct division of each % Award 0/3 if division by any atomic numbers / 1
by Ar wrong way up / multiplication used
OR Do not penalise roundings and minor misreads
3.2, 9.7 and 3.2 of % values, eg 38 or 39 for carbon
If molecular masses used for H and/or O, no
M1, but can award M2 and M3
but no CQ in ii
Using 2 and 32 gives C2H3O
Using 1 and 32 gives C2H6O
Using 2 and 16 gives C2H3O2
Working required for these answers
division by smallest /ratio of 1 : 3 : 1 M2 subsumes M1 1
CH3O Accept elements in any order 1
Award 3 for correct final answer with no
No ECF from M2
Accept use of 62 from ii,
i.e. 62 × 0.387 = 24 etc scores M1
ratio scores M2, answer scores M3

ii C2H6O2 Accept elements in any order 1

No other answer acceptable
Total 6
Answer Notes Marks

5 a i haematite Ignore iron oxide / formulae 1

ii Al2O3 / Al3+2O2–3 Ignore reactants in equation 1

iii carbon / C Accept graphite

Ignore coke / anthracite 1
(positive/negative) electrode DEP on M1 (including coke or any metal) 1
Accept anode / cathode
Accept references to letting
electrons/electricity/current flow
Accept references to letting
electrons/electricity/current in/out of the
Ignore references to attracting ions
Accept references to conducting electricity
Ignore references to electrolysis
Ignore references to burning or combining with
Ignore references to reduction/oxidation
Answer Notes Marks
5 iv oxygen / O2 Accept O 1
Ignore air
production of heat/maintaining temperature DEP on mention of 1
of furnace oxygen/O2/O/air
OR Ignore
formation of reducing agent combustion/oxidation/reaction
/carbon monoxide of carbon/coke
Ignore references to
increasing temperature of
Answer Notes Marks
5 (b) i redox 1

ii (it/ Al3+/aluminium ions) gain of electron(s) Reject gain of electrons

OR by Al/aluminium 1
Al3+ combines/reacts with electrons Accept decrease in
oxidation state
Ignore/ references to gain
of oxygen

iii C / carbon Accept graphite/coke 1

gain of oxygen / O / O2 DEP on M1 1
OR Ignore forms carbon
reacts/combines/joins/bonds with oxygen monoxide
or O or O2 Ignore references to loss
OR of electrons
reduces water/H2O Accept increase in
oxidation state
Ignore (acts as) reducing
Answer Notes Marks
5 c i (a substance that) 1
increases rate of reaction /
speeds up reaction /
decreases time of reaction
is (chemically) unchanged Accept is not used up / does not change 1
(at the end) Accept reference to lowering activation
OR energy
mass does not change Ignore reference to alternative route
Ignore references to yield
Ignore reference to not reacting or taking
part in reaction
Reject reference to providing/increasing
Reject reference to incorrect statement such
as removes impurities

ii (acts as) solvent (for Accept to lower melting point (of 1

alumina/aluminium oxide) mixture/electrolyte)
OR Reject to lower melting point of
to lower the (operating) alumina/aluminium
temperature oxide/aluminium/bauxite
Accept to reduce (heat) energy requirement
Accept to increase the conductivity of the
Reject acts as a catalyst
Answer Notes Marks
5 d i Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2 M1 for correct reactants 1
and products
M2 for balancing
M2 dep on M1

ii neutralisation Accept acid-base 1

Ignore all other

iii slag 1
Total 17
Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) C Accept formula of C 1
6 (b) i (compound/molecule/substance Reject atom/element in place of 1
containing) carbon and hydrogen compound/molecule
(atoms/elements) Reject compound/molecule in place of
Reject mixture

Only M2 dependent on mention of carbon 1

and hydrogen even if M1 not awarded
Accept other terms with same
meaning, e.g. solely / exclusively /
A M3 independent 1
Accept name/formula of A

ii contains a (C=C) double bond Accept multiple bond 1

Ignore references to type of
compound, eg hydrocarbon
Reject double bond between C and H
Do not penalise incorrect terms such
as atom or element
Ignore not all bonds are single
Accept can undergo addition reactions
Accept does not contain the
maximum number of
hydrogens/hydrogen atoms
B M2 independent 1
Accept name/formula of B
Answer Notes Marks

6 b iii (compounds / molecules / substances with) Ignore same (chemical) 1

same molecular formula / same number of formula /same compound
each type of atom No penalty for reference to
Reject same
empirical/general formula
If atoms or elements instead
of compounds or molecules,
only 1 of M1 and M2 can be

different structures Ignore different molecular 1

/different structural/displayed formulae arrangement
atoms arranged differently

C and F Accept in either order 1

Accept formulae of C and F
Answer Notes Marks
6 c i same/similar chemical Ignore specific examples such as react
properties/reactions/behaviour/characteristics with oxygen 2
Ignore similar (type of) reactivity
Do not penalise reference to trends

gradation / gradual change / trend / increase Accept reference to specific property, eg

/ decrease of physical properties boiling point
Reject same / similar physical properties
Ignore variable physical properties

same functional group Ignore reference to specific group

same general formula Accept alkanes have the (general) formula

Reject same empirical/molecular formula

Any two for 1 each

Accept two answers on one answer line
Ignore any reference to properties not
specified as physical or chemical

ii D AND E Reject any other combinations 1

Accept correct formulae
Answer Notes Marks
6 d i H H Ignore bond angles and 1
| | positioning of Br (as long as one
H–C ― C–H on each C)
| |
Br Br

ii H 1
Total 14
Answer Notes Marks
7 a reference to line/curve/temperature Ignore reference to correlation 1
/graph/it Ignore has not reached zero / x-axis
AND Ignore does not become
not reached minimum / not constant / not
/not horizontal /still falling

b (better) insulator (than glass) Accept equivalents such as prevents heat from 1
OR entering / keeps out heat better
poor conductor (of heat) Allow stops heat escaping / traps heat
Reject references to keeping temperature constant
Ignore references to breaking glass

c i effervescence / fizzing / bubbles Accept carbon dioxide gas 1

OR Accept gas given off/evolved/formed
colourless solution/liquid formed Ignore identity of gas
Accept solid disappears/dissolves
Ignore hissing and other sounds

ii Neutralisation Accept acid-base / acid-alkali 1

endothermic M1 and M2 independent 1

Accept answers in either order
Do not penalise contradictions such as exothermic
and endothermic – this answer is worth 1 mark
Answer Notes Marks

7 d i product formulae or names / Horizontal line not needed 1

products (word) above Ignore formula errors and one or
reactants two missing product(s)
Ignore curves and intermediates

ii (approximately) vertical line Ignore arrowheads on vertical line 1

between reactants and Ignore sign of ∆H
products / between two levels Mark can be awarded for
AND exothermic reaction
labelled ∆H / energy change / Accept 2310 or any other number
heat change / enthalpy change in place of ∆H
Answer Notes Marks

7 (e) i temperature change = (–)5.5 Award M1 for 5.5 anywhere 1

heat change (= 100 × 4.2 × CQ on candidate temperature 1
5.5) = 2310/2300 (J) change, provided other values
Accept answer in kJ
Ignore signs
Correct final answer scores 2
2.31 (J) scores 1 mark if M1 not

ii concentration (of vinegar / Ignore strength 1

(ethanoic) acid / CH3COOH) Ignore reference to Mr
Accept concentration even if in an
incorrect expression
Total 10
Answer Notes Marks

8 (a) mass Accept weight 1

surface area / size / volume Ignore length / width / height / 1
thickness / shape / type
Ignore temperature / purity /

8 (b) (2) time / how long (to Accept length of 1

collect gas) reaction/experiment

(3) number of / how many Ignore amount of marble 1

(marble) chips Accept amount of (marble) chips

(4) volume of gas / how Accept carbon dioxide/CO2 in place

much gas collected of gas 1
Accept amount of gas
(5) percentage /
concentration (of acid) Accept strength (of acid)
Ignore volume of acid 1
Reject amount (of acid)
Answer Notes Marks

8 (c) i all six points plotted to nearest Deduct 1 mark for each error up to max 2, including 2
gridline extra points, but no penalty for point at 2.4 and 50%

straight line of best fit Line need not be extrapolated 1

Must be drawn with a ruler
CQ on candidate’s plotted points
ii anomalous point circled at 1.5, 20 or CQ on candidate’s line of best fit 1

iii timer started late / stopped early Ignore just wrong time 2

concentration/% too high/more Ignore just wrong concentration

than 20%
marble chips bigger / more Ignore just wrong mass/size
marble chips
air in measuring cylinder before Accept smaller volume of gas collected
experiment started
(room) temperature higher
Ignore references to calculation
Any two for 1 mark each
M1 to M5 CQ on position of anomalous point, so if
anomalous point below line of best fit, then:
M1 timer started too early/stopped too late
M2 concentration/% too low/less than 20%
M3 marble chips smaller / fewer marble chips
M4 larger volume of gas collected
M5 (room) temperature lower

iv vertical line from 50% to drawn Accept short vertical line crossing graph line at 50% 1
graph line Accept point on graph line at 50%

2.4 (cm3/s) CQ on drawn graph line but can be awarded without 1

vertical line
Do not penalise incorrect units
Total 14
Answer Notes Marks

9 (a) i beaker Ignore qualifiers such as measuring 1

/ graduated / 250 cm3

ii Pipette Ignore qualifiers such as measuring 1

/ graduated / 25 cm3

iii colour change is gradual /not Ignore reference to many colours 1

sharp/not defined
end point not sharp/defined/accurate

methyl orange / phenolphthalein / Accept other correct indicators 1

litmus Ignore reference to pH meter
Reject litmus paper
Ignore named colours and colour changes
iv (measures) only one volume / fixed Ignore reference to accuracy / size 1
volume / 25 cm3 Accept reverse arguments based on suitability of
has only one graduation mark burette, eg burette can deliver/measure any
OR volume
cannot deliver (measured) variable
volume required is not known
cannot be controlled / hard to control
Answer Notes Marks

9 (b) (after) 22.60 1

(before) 2.75 1

(added) 19.85 CQ on before and after readings 1

Award 1 for before and after
values both correct but in wrong
All values must be to 2 dp
Penalise answers to other than 2
dp once only
Answer Notes Marks

9 (c) i ticks in columns 3 and 4 1

ii 23.35 + 23.45 CQ on ticked results 1

2 If no results ticked, award M1 if
only columns 3 and 4 averaged
If only 1 result ticked, then no
marks can be awarded in (c)
23.4(0) CQ on results averaged 1
Answer should be to 2 dp, except
that trailing zero not needed
Correct final answer without
working scores 2
Answer Notes Marks

9 (d) i divide/÷ by 1000 (not by Accept 0.0500 × 23.60 (= 1

100) 0.00118 mol)
OR 1000
convert volume/cm3 to dm3 Accept divide (final) answer by 10
use 1000 instead of 100

ii multiply/× (amount of H2SO4) Accept 0.(0)0118 × 2 (= 1

by 2 (not divide by 2) 0.0(0)236 mol)
Accept any other number in place
of 0.0(0)118
Accept multiply (final) answer by 4

iii divide by 25.0 (not by 23.60) Accept 0.00590 × 1000 (= 0.236 1

OR mol)
divide by volume of KOH (not 25.0
by volume of H2SO4) Accept any other number in place
OR of 0.00590
use 25.0/volume of KOH
instead of 23.60/volume of
Must be positive statement about
correction needed, e.g. in iii,
ignore statement about volume of
H2SO4 should not have been used
Total 14
Answer Notes Marks

10 (a) air / atmosphere 1

10 (b) i (equilibrium / it) shifts Accept favours reverse reaction 1

to left/reactants Accept less product/ CO + (3)H2
/ lower yield
Accept more reactant / CH4 + H2O
fewer (gas) Accept opposite arguments, eg more moles on 1
moles/molecules on right
left Ignore references to volume and pressure
OR Accept references to particles in place of
favours side with fewer molecules
moles/molecules Reject atoms in place of molecules
Ignore references to rate / collisions
If wrong shift, M2 cannot be awarded
If no shift, M2 can be awarded
Marks can be awarded for both points in either
prediction or reason

ii (equilibrium / it) shifts Accept favours reverse reaction/less product 1

to left/reactants Accept less product/ CO2 + H2
/ lower yield
Accept more reactant / CO + H2O
(forward) reaction 1
reverse reaction
Ignore references to rate
If wrong shift, M2 cannot be awarded
If no shift, M2 can be awarded
Marks can be awarded for both points in either
prediction or reason
Answer Notes Marks

10 (c) Increased (rate) Accept alternatives such as faster 1

Increased (rate) Accept alternatives such as faster 1
Ignore references to
Ignore references to forward and
reverse reactions
Answer Notes Marks

10 d i Mr (NH4NO3) = 80 Award M1 for 80 anywhere 1

n (= 40000 )= 500 (mol) ECF from incorrect Mr 1
80 500 scores M1 and M2
0.5 (mol) scores only M1

ii Answer to di / 500 (mol) 1

iii Mr (NH3) = 17 Award M1 for 17 anywhere, except 1

if result of incorrect calculation
m = 500 × 17 = 8.5 (kg) ECF from incorrect Mr 1
1000 Moles CQ on ii
Accept answer in g if unit is given
If no conversion from kg to g in i,
and no conversion from g to kg in
iii, penalise these errors once only
Award 2 marks for 8.5 (kg)

10 e phosphorus AND potassium Accept in either order 1

Ignore symbols
Reject phosphate/phosphine
Total 13
Answer Notes Marks

11 a i delocalised electrons / sea of Ignore free electrons 1

move / flow (through M2 needs mention of electrons,
structure) / mobile (when e.g. "electrons move/flow" scores
voltage/potential difference M2 but not M1
applied) Ignore references to carrying
No penalty for references to
aluminium atoms or ions / nuclei /
protons, but any mention of these
moving = 0/2

ii layers/sheets/planes/rows 1
(positive) Reject
ions/atoms/particles molecules/protons/electrons/nuclei

slide (over each other) Allow 1

slip/flow/shift/roll/move/OWTTE in
place of slide
Do not award M2 if no mention of
layers or equivalent
Do not award M2 if
Answer Notes Marks

(simple) molecular structure Accept (nitrogen/N2/small/discrete) molecules 1

intermolecular forces (of Accept intermolecular bonds 1

attraction) Reference to intermolecular also scores M1
/ forces between molecules

weak / easily overcome 1

/need little energy to
If any reference to breaking covalent bonds or
any other type of bonding, only M1 can be

giant (structure) Accept macromolecular 1
Ignore lattice

covalent (bonds) Covalent can be anywhere in answer 1

bonds strong / hard to break 1

/need a lot of energy to break
If any reference to breaking intermolecular
forces or any other type of bonding, only M4
can be awarded
Any five for 1 mark each
Total 9
Total for paper 120
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