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Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural

Tourism Projects

Final Report
Ministry of Tourism
Government of India

ACNielsen ORG-MARG Pvt. Ltd.


We are thankful to the Ministry of Tourism, Government of

India for assigning this Study on Evaluation cum Impact
Study of Rural Tourism Projects. We are grateful to Shri R. H.
Khwaja, The Secretary, (Tourism) & Shri Anand Kumar, the
Joint Secretary (Tourism) for extending their support. We
are also grateful to Shri S. Kothari, the Additional
Secretary, (Tourism).

The consultant had the pleasure of interacting with the

various agencies involved in implementing the projects,
NGO, gram panchayat, District Magistrate, artisans at the
project level, local administration & the Rural Tourism
Division of Ministry of Tourism.

We are also grateful to Dr. R. N. Pandey, Additional

Director General (MR), Shri A. K. Gupta, Additional
Director General (MR), Ms. Sandhya Singh, Dy. Director
(MR), Ms. Neha Srivastava, Dy. Director (MR) for providing
us the necessary guidance and periodical support for
conducting the study. We would also like to thank Shri S.K.
Mahanta, DPA (Grade’B’) - MR for providing us the
required support and help from time to time.

Last but not the least we would like to thank our entire
team of research professionals as well as our field staff
and support team for their co-operation and team spirit
for keeping up the momentum and time schedule of the
study which involved movement in difficult terrain.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

CHAPTER ONE .........................................................................................................................4
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................4
1.2Research Objective .................................................................................................................5
1.3Scope of Work .......................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................7
APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................7
2.1Research approach and methodology ......................................................................................7
2.1.1Secondary Research ............................................................................................................7
2.1.2Primary Research ................................................................................................................7
2.2Coverage ................................................................................................................................9
2.2.1Segments .............................................................................................................................9
2.2.2Geographical .......................................................................................................................9
2.3Operational methodology .......................................................................................................9
2.4Research Tools ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.5Methodology for Impact Evaluation of Projects .................................................................... 11
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................... 12
SUMMARY OF EVALUATION – RURAL TOURISM PROJECTS ....................................... 12
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................... 15
STUDY FINDINGS .................................................................................................................. 15
State: Andhra Pradesh ............................................................................................................... 15
State: Arunachal Pradesh........................................................................................................... 44
State: Assam ............................................................................................................................. 55
State: Bihar ............................................................................................................................... 75
State: Chhattisgarh .................................................................................................................... 82
State: Delhi ............................................................................................................................. 111
State: Gujarat .......................................................................................................................... 120
State: Haryana ......................................................................................................................... 142
State: Himachal Pradesh .......................................................................................................... 151
State: Jammu & Kashmir ........................................................................................................ 167
State: Karnataka ...................................................................................................................... 212
State: Kerala ........................................................................................................................... 242
State: Madhya Pradesh ............................................................................................................ 267
State: Maharashtra................................................................................................................... 294
State: Manipur ........................................................................................................................ 305
State: Meghalaya ..................................................................................................................... 315
State: Nagaland ....................................................................................................................... 325
State: Orissa ............................................................................................................................ 346
State: Punjab ........................................................................................................................... 400
State: Rajasthan....................................................................................................................... 426
State: Sikkim........................................................................................................................... 446
State: Tamil Nadu ................................................................................................................... 453
State: Tripura .......................................................................................................................... 492

Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural Tourism Projects – Final Report 2

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Uttar Pradesh ................................................................................................................. 502

State: Uttarakhand ................................................................................................................... 519
State: West Bengal .................................................................................................................. 586
Chapter Five ........................................................................................................................... 612
Overall Findings, Conclusions & Recommendations ............................................................... 612

Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural Tourism Projects – Final Report 3

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


E.0 Introduction to the Study

The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India started the scheme to promote Rural
Tourism in order to popularize not only another form of tourism that will attract both
domestic and foreign visitors alike, but also to provide opportunities to rural populace to
improve their socio-economic condition through the projects. Out of the many rural
tourism projects that have been sanctioned, Ministry of Tourism wished to evaluate
selected 107 rural tourism projects spread across all the states in India, to understand the
effect that the rural tourism projects has made in the lives of the locals in the villages and
whether the tourists have been attracted by the distinctive features of rural tourism.

E.1 Methodology Followed

ACNielsen ORG-MARG Pvt. Ltd. Conducted the evaluation exercise of all the rural
tourism projects and some interesting finding emerged from the exercise. The rural
tourism projects were evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 where:
1 represented Failure
2 represented Not Successful
3 represented Average
4 represented Moderately Successful
5 represented Highly Successful
These scores were awarded on the basis of performance of the rural tourism project on
the following parameters:
 Status of completion of hardware (infrastructure, construction work, etc.)
 Status of completion of software (trainings, workshops, skill development
exercise, promotional support, marketing support, etc.) components
 Quality of hardware component that has been implemented

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Government of India

 Quality of software component that has been implemented

 Maintenance of hardware components that have already been implemented
 Tourist arrivals to the rural tourism destination after the project had been
 Improvement in the socio-economic condition of villagers and beneficiaries of the
rural tourism project
Scores were awarded based on the above parameters for each of the rural tourism projects
and the findings from the study are presented in the following section.

E.2 Study Findings - State-Wise Evaluation of Rural Tourism Projects

The evaluation of the rural tourism projects has brought to the fore the exact picture of
the scheme and also the projects which are successful in intertwining the interest of rural
craftsmen and beneficiaries with that of tourism and has helped in improvement of
conditions in the lives of the rural populace. The study has also brought to the fore the
projects which has not been successful in the same and also the roadblocks and
challenges that the projects face.

Share of Projects – Successful / Unsuccessful /

No. of Average No. of
Projects, 31% Successful
Projects, 38%
No. of
Projects, 31%

Out of the total 107 projects, 41 projects have been successful, 33 projects have
performed averagely and the rest 33 projects have been unsuccessful in attaining the
objectives. The following chart depicts the share of successful, average and unsuccessful
projects out of the total 107 rural tourism projects evaluated. Please note that moderately

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Government of India

successful and highly successful projects have been merged and labeled as “successful”,
failure and not successful projects have been merged and labeled as “unsuccessful”.

Following table depicts the state wise performance of the rural tourism projects.
State No. of No. of No. of No. of
Projects Successful Average Unsuccessful
covered Projects Projects Projects
Total 107 41 33 33
Andhra Pradesh 5 2 3
Arunachal Pradesh 3 3
Assam 4 3 1
Bihar 1 1
Chhattisgarh 5 5
Delhi 2 1 1
Gujarat 4 2 2
Haryana 1 1
Himachal Pradesh 3 1 2
Jammu & Kashmir 8 7 1
Karnataka 5 3 2
Kerala 5 5
Madhya Pradesh 4 1 3
Maharashtra 2 2
Manipur 3 1 2
Meghalaya 2 1 1
Nagaland 5 3 2
Orissa 7 1 1 5
Punjab 5 1 3 1
Rajasthan 3 1 2
Sikkim 1 1
Tamil Nadu 8 4 2 2
Tripura 2 2
Uttar Pradesh 3 3
Uttarakhand 11 3 5 3
West Bengal 5 2 3
Note: Ratings 4 & 5 are successful projects, 3 are average projects, and 1 & 2 are
unsuccessful projects. 1 represented Failure, 2 represented Not Successful, 3
represented Average, 4 represented Moderately Successful, and 5 represented Highly

Jammu and Kashmir had the maximum number of successful projects and a few
examples of projects where components have been properly implemented are Surinsar
village and Dori Degair village.

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Government of India

Lake side development – Surinsar, J & K Tourist Dormitory – Dori Degair, J & K

Other states which also house successful rural tourism projects are listed in the following
State No. of Projects covered No. of Successful Projects
Total 107 41
Jammu & Kashmir 8 7
Kerala 5 5
Tamil Nadu 8 4
Arunachal Pradesh 3 3
Karnataka 5 3
Nagaland 5 3
Uttarakhand 11 3
Andhra Pradesh 5 2
Maharashtra 2 2
Tripura 2 2
Delhi 2 1
Himachal Pradesh 3 1
Madhya Pradesh 4 1
Manipur 3 1
Orissa 7 1
Punjab 5 1
Sikkim 1 1
Assam 4 0
Bihar 1 0
Chhattisgarh 5 0
Gujarat 4 0
Haryana 1 0
Meghalaya 2 0
Rajasthan 3 0
Uttar Pradesh 3 0
West Bengal 5 0

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Government of India

Chhattisgarh and Orissa are the two states that have the highest number of unsuccessful
projects. The following two snaps depict the condition of implementation in one of the
unsuccessful rural tourism projects in Orissa. The open air theatre has been left
unfinished and the drinking water facility doesn’t work at all.

Open area theatre under construction Drinking water

Other states which have unsuccessful rural tourism projects are given in the following
State No. of Projects covered No. of Unsuccessful Projects
Total 107 33
Chhattisgarh 5 5
Orissa 7 5
Madhya Pradesh 4 3
Uttar Pradesh 3 3
Uttarakhand 11 3
West Bengal 5 3
Gujarat 4 2
Manipur 3 2
Rajasthan 3 2
Tamil Nadu 8 2
Assam 4 1
Meghalaya 2 1
Punjab 5 1
Andhra Pradesh 5 0
Arunachal Pradesh 3 0
Bihar 1 0
Delhi 2 0
Haryana 1 0
Himachal Pradesh 3 0
Jammu & Kashmir 8 0
Karnataka 5 0
Kerala 5 0
Maharashtra 2 0
Nagaland 5 0

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Government of India

Sikkim 1 0
Tripura 2 0

Following table depicts the projects across different states which have been successful on
an average.

State No. of Projects covered No. of Average Projects

Uttarakhand 11 5
Andhra Pradesh 5 3
Assam 4 3
Punjab 5 3
Gujarat 4 2
Himachal Pradesh 3 2
Karnataka 5 2
Nagaland 5 2
Tamil Nadu 8 2
West Bengal 5 2
Bihar 1 1
Delhi 2 1
Haryana 1 1
Jammu & Kashmir 8 1
Meghalaya 2 1
Orissa 7 1
Rajasthan 3 1
Arunachal Pradesh 3 0
Chhattisgarh 5 0
Kerala 5 0
Madhya Pradesh 4 0
Maharashtra 2 0
Manipur 3 0
Sikkim 1 0
Tripura 2 0
Uttar Pradesh 3 0

E.3 Study Findings – Reason behind Success / Failure of Projects

The following table gives the major reason behind success or failure of projects for each of the

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Government of India

No. of
No. of Successful plus No. of
Projects average Unsuccessful
State covered Projects Reasons for Success Projects Reason for Failure Important Learning
 Tourists flow has been good.
 Puttaparthi - famous for religious Rural tourism destinations should be
Andhra Many components have not
5 5 purposes is very successful in specific and near to places where
Pradesh been implemented
attracting tourists to the rural people usually visit.
tourism destination.
 Proper implementation of all the Accessibility to destinations should be
Arunachal components. the first criteria for selection of
3 3
Pradesh  Tourist arrivals are satisfactory but destination to be developed for rural
need to be improved upon. tourism.
 Basic amenities are not
 Training, skill development and
present at the tourist rest
Projects were successful as tourists marketing is required.
Assam 4 3 1 house.
inflow had increased.  Maintenance should be handled
 Incomplete hardware and
directly by the State tourism.
software work
Infrastructure has been properly
Bihar 1 1
 Incomplete hardware and  Accessibility is a prime concern.
software work.  Advertising the destinations will help
Chhattisgarh 5 5
 In Kondagaon, crafts of the artisans in selling their products
region have been ignored. better.
Lack of knowledge is the reason for Proper advertising of the project is
Delhi 2 2
the average success of the project. required to generate interest.
Incomplete work of software Implementation of software as well as
Gujarat 4 2 2 components due to lack of hardware components need to be
funds revamped and re structured.
All the components were properly Proper advertising of the project is
Haryana 1 1
implemented and maintained. required to generate interest.
 Tourist rest houses or centers should
Himachal Most of the projects have been
3 3 be made.
Pradesh completed.
 Proper advertising of the project is

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Government of India

required to generate interest.

 Proper implementation of all the

Jammu & Proper marketing of the project is
8 8  Tourist arrivals need to be
Kashmir required to increase tourists.
improved upon to make it a
complete success.
 Proper implementation of all the
Karnataka 5 5  Working for UNESCO in Tariff needs to be reduced.
Anegundi, District Koppal has
increased tourist traffic.
Proper implementation of all the Revamp of components along with
Kerala 5 5 components, however flow of proper marketing of the projects will
tourists need to be increased. catapult them to success.
 Artisans should be more active in
Incomplete implementation /
Madhya All the components were properly expanding their craft work.
4 1 3 non-implementation of
Pradesh implemented and maintained.  Proper marketing of the project is
hardware components.
required to increase tourists.
Proper implementation of the Proper maintenance work should be
Maharashtra 2 2 components has resulted in the carried out to make the project
success of the projects. successful.
All the components were properly Hardware work has not yet The components need to be properly
Manipur 3 1 2
implemented and maintained. been started in the projects. thought out and executed.
Hardware work is in a
The reason for success of one of the
dilapidated condition and Restructuring of the components is
Meghalaya 2 1 project is that all the hardware 1
software work has not been required.
components were implemented.
Lack of maintenance of
Proper completion of all the Proper marketing of the project is
Nagaland 5 5 components and no marked
components. required to increase tourists.
increase in tourist flow

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Government of India

 Tourist flow non-existent.

Projects should be re-strategized in
Orissa 7 2 5  At many destinations terms of proximity to popular
component work has not sightseeing destinations.
even started
Private entities are interested in
Most of the destinations in Punjab  Disinterest of locals.
Punjab 5 4 1 investing in the implementation of the
have good tourists flow.  Delay in fund dispersal. project. PPP model may be considered.
 Incomplete implementation.
 Development of infrastructure
Hardware components were  Poor standard of
Rajasthan 3 1 2 required.
developed and maintained. infrastructure.
 Fund dispersal should be smooth.
 Inadequacy of funds.
Proper implementation of all the The project needs to be advertised to
Sikkim 1 1
components. generate interest among tourists.
Hardware components  All the components need to be
Proper maintenance of software and
Tamil Nadu 8 6 2 implementation has yet to be completed.
hardware work.
started.  Proper advertising is required.
 Proper implementation of all
 Projects need to be restructured.
Tripura 2 2  More religious places should be
 Proximity to religious destination is
reason for tourist flow.
 Non-maintenance of Proper implementation and
3 3 infrastructure. maintenance of hardware and software
 Incomplete implementation. components is required.
 No involvement of local
 Selected destinations have been
people.  Scope of work needs to be
able to attract tourists.
 Partial completion of broadened.
Uttarakhand 11 8  Most of the hardware and software 3
components.  Introduction of projects to public is
components implementation have
 Lack of awareness among required.
been completed.
people about resorts.
 Accessibility is an issue
Primary reason for the success of the
 Naxal presence in  Maintenance of the projects is
West project here is that the village
5 2 3 Mukutmonipur, District required to keep up the momentum.
Bengal Kamarpukar, District Hoogly is of
Bankura is another reason  Proper advertising is required.
religious significance to Bengalis.
for driving away of tourists.

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

E.4 Summary of the Evaluation

The basic trend that can be observed amongst the unsuccessful projects is that the
implementation of hardware and software components has been incomplete or not started
at all. The most intrinsic reason for most projects being categorized as unsuccessful or
average is that the tourist flow to the project areas has been nil or very low. This is the
primary factor that should be looked into by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of
India. An example to prove the case would be the rural tourism project at Puttaparthi. The
said project is quite successful due to a constant tourist flow to the project area – this is
due to the fact that Puttaparthi is famous for religious purposes and religious tourists
visiting Puttaparthi visit the rural tourism project too. The tourist flow has in turn helped
the locals to improve their socio-economic condition and has also led to the maintenance
and sustainability of the rural tourism project there.

Another important trend that has been noticed in unsuccessful projects is that many of
those projects are located at areas which are difficult to reach and medium of commuting
is also not developed. An example for the case is that all the rural tourism projects in
Arunachal Pradesh is moderately successful but the factor that prevents all the projects
from being successful is that tourist arrivals is low and the reason behind tourist arrivals
being low is that all the rural tourist destinations are difficult to reach and also takes at
least a day to reach from the major airport in the state.

Hence the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India may consider the following three
essential factors, on which the success or failure of majority of rural tourism projects
depends, for selecting locations for developing as rural tourism destinations.

 Location
 Vicinity to famous tourist spots
 Diligent implementation and maintenance of hardware and software
In details, the primary reasons for projects being unsuccessful are:

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Government of India

 The travelers or tourists have no information about these rural tourism projects
that has been started by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. Since no
knowledge exists among the primary target segment, hence, no tourist arrivals can
be observed.
 Due to geographical locations and political situations, it is very difficult for an
average tourist to visit some of the destinations where rural tourism projects have
been implemented. For example, few rural tourism projects in the Chhattisgarh
and West Bengal are embroiled in Naxal and Maoist problems, while few rural
tourist destinations in the north eastern states are hard to reach.
 Regular maintenance procedures are not in place for completed projects.
 State Government involvement is quite less for all the projects and their
involvement is essential in the sustainability of the projects.
 Irregular Fund flow has stalled work on projects.

E.5 Road Ahead for the Ministry of Tourism

1. Relook at the project component and project objective alignment – same

formula for all rural tourism projects is not going to benefit the projects at all.
The content of the scheme may vary from project to project and state to state
for the success of the rural tourism project. Besides this the allocated amount
for hardware and software should be different for each project depending
upon the type of activities in terms of infrastructure, training, events etc need
to be developed at each project in the respective states.
2. Instead of creating many rural tourist destinations for development, Ministry
of Tourism may pick few projects which have a popular craft being practiced,
or a popular culture being present at the destination, which in turn would be
the special attraction for tourists to visit the destination and develop the
destination as a whole instead of just creating partial infrastructure and
providing few trainings to the artisans/ beneficiaries.

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Government of India

3. Ministry of Tourism may pick destinations which are easily accessible for
tourists, to develop, since many of the destination amongst the 108 evaluated,
are very difficult to reach and some are embroiled in political and regional
4. For the success of these rural projects an extensive promotional campaign
may be considered so that tourists become aware of these destinations and
hence visit them. Besides this the tour operators/travel agents selling the
destinations to domestic or international market should also be aware of these
projects /destinations to market them to the tourists.
5. The Ministry of Tourism may consider PPP model for developing rural
tourism destinations as that will enable both the developers, investor for
boosting the tourism in rural areas but also in development of these areas – as
a result the socio economic condition of the local population will effectively
6. Projects which are not successful, may either be dropped or there may be
some amendments in the scheme for the developers to be interested in such
areas to come forward and take up the projects, whereas for projects which are
failures may be seriously considered before taking further steps in its
development process.
7. The State Government needs to be involved in the projects and monitor them
on regular basis – currently involvement is on a very minimum level which
needs to be further strengthened amongst the state machinery and the role of
the State government is essential in the sustainability of the projects.

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Government of India

E.6 Best Practices

Each and every project is distinct in terms of the attractions it holds for the rural tourism
enthusiast, the location and terrain of the destinations and the arts/crafts/culture of the
destination. Several parameters (see E.1 – Methodology) were considered for adjudging a
project as successful, average and failure. At some projects the reason for failure was
improper implementation of either of the hardware or software components, whereas
some projects failed because they were not able to increase tourist flow to the village
despite all the components being properly implemented. In a nutshell, there are different
reasons behind different projects being successful. Some common things that were
observed amongst the projects which were classified as successful or the best practices at
various successful rural tourism projects are:

Proper implementation of hardware components was one of the most important

factors that are requisite to make a projects being deemed as successful. It was
observed that in projects like Chinchinada (Andhra Pradesh), Puttaparthi (Andhra
Pradesh), Orchha(Madhya Pradesh), Agora-Dodital (Uttarakhand), Padampuri
(Uttarakhand), etc. proper implementation of hardware components was one of
the reasons for it to be successful.

Puttaparthi (Andhra Pradesh) Padampuri (Uttarakhand)

Proper implementation of software components was another vital factor for
making a project successful. It was observed that in projects like Jyotisar
(Haryana), Raja Sansi (Punjab), Jheri (Jammu & Kashmir), Surinsar (Jammu &

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Government of India

Kashmir), Kamarpukur (West Bengal), etc. proper implementation of software

components was one of the reasons for it to be successful.

Atisans in Raja Sansi (Punjab) Artisans in Surinsar (J & K)

It has been observed that in all the successful projects, budgeted amount for all
the sanctioned components was adequate. For example in Haldighati (Rajasthan),
around 13 components were sanctioned as part of hardware infrastructure work.
Due to the budgeted amount for hardware component implementation being far
less, none of the hardware components has been implemented till date. Similar
observation has also been made in case of Neemrana (Rajasthan), Asharikandi
(Assam), Navagaon & Malegaon (Gujarat), Tera (Gujarat), etc. in some cases, the
budgeted amount is not sufficient, hence, the work is half done and left.

Tera (Gujarat) Neemrana (Rajasthan)

Another important reason for the success of some projects is that the fund flow
was regular thereby inducing continuous work in the project and hence timely
completion. It was observed in projects like Bhaguwala (Uttar Pradesh),
Boothgarh (Punjab), etc.

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Government of India

Active participation of Gram Panchayat, Gram Pradhan or other local authorities

also plays a crucial process in implementation of a project, but there were very
few projects where active interest and participation of local authorities were
observed. In Sualkuchi (Assam) and Bitar, Rae Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh),
participation of local authorities was present during the implementation of
components. Local authorities and local population should be actively involved in
the different phases of a project to make it truly successful.
Diligent performance of NGOs also helps a project become successful. In
Srikalahasti (Andhra Pradesh), the software components implementation was
done very effectively by the NGO which was appointed. The training imparted
and the Self Help Groups (SHG) formed, created interest and enthusiasm amongst
the beneficiaries. Hence, active involvement of NGOs plays an important role in
making a rural tourism project successful.
It was observed that in projects where State government involvement was present
throughout the implementation phase and also after completion (for maintenance
work and additional support), those projects were successful than those where
State government involvement was minimal. For example projects like
Puttaparthi, Konaseema, etc. in Andhra Pradesh were supported by the State
Government both during implementation and post implementation.

Konaseema (Andhra Pradesh) Puttaparthi (Andhra Pradesh)

Despite there being 41 projects which are successful out of the total of 108 surveyed and
evaluated, in most projects tourist arrivals has not increased due to the lack of
information about the destinations and lack of marketing and advertising. An

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Government of India

advertisement campaign, introducing the rural tourism projects, their attraction and
urging tourists to visit them is essential for any rural; tourism project to be successful.

E.7 Check List for Future Rural Tourism Projects

 It is suggested that Ministry of Tourism, Government of India first conducts a

viability study before developing a destination for rural tourism, as it will provide
an indication of whether the rural tourism project will be successful or not.
 State Government involvement should be present from the start of the project.
State Government involvement is also very essential in the maintenance and
sustenance of the project.
 Adequate funds should be provided for each project component to be properly
implemented. Fund flow should be smooth so that the implementation work
doesn’t get hampered in-between due to inadequacy of funds
 Connectivity to the rural tourism destination should be adequate for an average
rural tourism enthusiast to reach the desired destination
 Tourist accommodation should be provided or constructed and at such a location
in the destination that the tourist doesn’t have to travel great distance to reach the
rural tourism project
 Basic amenities like water, sanitation, electricity, restaurants of home kitchens
should be an essential part of the project so that the tourist visiting the rural
tourism destination doesn’t have to travel to the nearby town for lack of such
 Rural destinations which are not susceptible to breakdown in law and order
situations, should be chosen for the project
 Extensive advertisement through all forms of media should be an integral part of
the rural tourism development program. Any project without an advertisement
campaign should not be sanctioned unless the rural tourism destination is already
very famous amongst tourists
 Regular checks should be carried out to ensure timely implementation and
maintenance of all components sanctioned.

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Government of India

Annexure – Project-Wise Details

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG Government of India

Way Ahead/Recommendation for the

State Location Overall Reason for Success/Failure/Average
The reason for failure of this project is mainly
the reason that although the infrastructure is
Support to the artisans are required in
good and the trainings have been already
the form of marketing their products,
done, the main purpose of the project is
Pochampally Average raw material support and publicity of the
defeated here. The artisans are not getting
craft is required to make this project a
benefitted by this project. The problems that
successful one.
face them are humongous compared to the
help the project provided.
It is an average success as tourist arrivals is
continuous and the resort is generating profit.
Konaseema, District of The way ahead for this project is
Average But in general, it has not been able to increase
East Godavari expanding the
the socio economic condition of the local
Pradesh The reason for the success of this project is This project should be maintained at the
Chinchinada, District Moderately due to the reason that it has achieved the current condition and the software
of East Godavari Successful objective of the project - by improving the components should be implemented
financial condition of the locals. again to maintain the momentum.

The reason for the success of this project is This project should be maintained at the
Puttaparthi, District Moderately due to the reason that it has achieved the current condition and the software
Anantapur Successful objective of the project - by improving the components should be implemented
financial condition of the locals. again to maintain the momentum.

All the components have not been This project should be looked into
implemented yet and the reach of the project properly as to why it has not helped the
Srikalahasti Average
in terms of benefitting artisans, has not been artisans. The unfinished components
great. should be completed.

Uttar Bitar Gram Village, Not The non-maintenance of infrastructure is the

Immediate maintenance is required.
Pradesh District Rai Bareli Successful reason for failure.

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The total incompleteness of the Immediate completion of the

Mukhrai Village,
Failure implementation of the components is the components is required and evaluation
District Mathura
reason for failure. of the reason for delay needs to be made.

Hardware components implementation has Completion of components

not started at all, software components implementation and broadening scope of
Bhaguwala, District
Failure implementation stopped midway due to software components to help of artisans
inadequacy of funds and the locals are not in terms of marketing support in fairs
enthusiastic about the project. and exhibitions.
Hardware components implementation is yet
to start, software components has been good
Not Infrastructure development to help
Haldighati, Rajsamand but the purpose of the project is defeated
Successful destination to attract visitors.
since there is no infrastructure to help the
development of the local artisans.
Hardware components development and
Rajasthan maintenance. The nearby Hanuman
Hardware components implementation is
Samode, Jaipur Average Temple, if included in the project, will
poor as the infrastructure is crumbling.
lead to an improvement in the already
increasing tourist visits.
Inadequacy of funds has stopped the Completion of hardware and software
Neemrana Overall
completion of the project. components.

Pranpur Village, Hardware and software components have not Proper implementation of the
District Ashok Nagar been implemented properly. components is required.

Proper implemnetation fo hardware

Madhya Orchha Village, Moderately Maintenance of the components is
components have been done and that has lead
Pradesh District Tikamgarh Successful required to keep up the momentum.
to an increase in the tourists.
Implementation of software components
Amla Village, District Both hardware and software components
Failure and helping the artisans in spreading
Ujjain have not been implemented.
word about their craft is required.

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The quality of the hardware work is not good

Chaugan Village, Implementation of hardware and
Failure and the software components have not yet
District Mandla software components is required.
been started.
Maintenance of the components is
Haryana Jyotisar, Kurukshetra Average Proper implementation of components.
required to keep up the momentum.
Advertising of the craft is required to
increase tourist flow. Approach road to
Delay in fund dispersal has resulted in delay
Boothgarh, Hoshiarpur Overall the village needs to be developed and
of work.
proper infrastructure needs to be
Complete implementation of
Hardware components have not been
Not components required and broadening the
Raja Sansi implemented yet. Marketing support for
Successful scope of help towards artisans is
artisans not present.
A PPP model of work should be
Incomplete implementation of hardware followed in this project as private
Chhat Village, Patiala Average
components. entities are interested in the
implementation of the project.
Free flow of funds to complete the
Chamkaur Sahib, Incomplete implementation of hardware
Average hardware components implementation is
Ropar components.
Non-inclusion of local people's needs and Inclusion of locals in maintenance and
jainti Majri, Mohali aspirations from the project. The locals are development of the area is required to
not interested in the project. develop the project properly.
Chitrakote, District Both hardware and software components Implementation of the components is
Bastar have not been implemented. required for this project to progress.
Chhatisgarh Both hardware and software components
Manna-Tuta, District Implementation of the components is
Failure implementation have not been started till
Raipur required for this project to progress.

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Although hardware components has been Advertising of the project will help in
Nagarnar Village, Not
implemented but the project has not resulted increasing the tourists' interest in the
District Bastar Successful
in increase in tourists. project and thus increase in tourist flow.
Only hardware components were envisioned
Kondagaon, District Not and implemented. Crafts of the region have Software components should be
Bastar Successful been ignored and hence locals are not much included for implementation.
interested about the project.

Chilpi Village, District Neither software nor hardware components Implementation of the components is
Kabirdham have been implemented. required for this project to progress.

Several amenities should be included in

Partial completion of hardware components the hardware components to make this
Chekhoni Bora, Not
and delay in starting the software component project a success, apart from complete
District Champawat Successful
implementation. implementation of software and
hardware components.

Lack of public awareness about the resort and Software components should be
Nanakmatta, District
Average incomplete implementation of the software implemented and steps should be taken
Udam Singh Nagar
components. to increase public awareness.
More components should be included in
Agora-Dodital Village, Moderately Satisfactory hardware components the hardware section of the project and
District Uttarkashi Successful implementation. proper maintenance procedure should be
set up.

Proper implementation of the

Improper maintenance of hardware
components is required. More time
Jageshwar Average components and less software components
should be devoted to the software part of
implementation is the primary reason.
the project.

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Broadening of scope of software

Partial completion of software components
Mana Village, District components is required along with the
Average and slow progress in the hardware component
Chamoli repair and maintenance of the

Implementation of both type of

Sari Village, District Partial completion of hardware components components should be done stringently
Rudraprayag and fewer time frames for software work. and increase in software components
implementation is required.

Broadening of scope of software

Hardware component implementation is not
Triyuginarayan, components is required along with the
Average properly done. Software component
District Rudraprayag repair and maintenance of the
implementation is of short duration.

Proper and complete implementation of

Partial implementation of hardware and
Not all the components is required. More
Adi Kailash software components is the reason for this
Successful effort in broadening the software
project not being successful.
components is required.

Mottad, Kharsali &

Moderately Complete implementation of hardware Maintenance of the components is
Thali-Bhutotra Village,
Successful components has been done. required to keep up the momentum.
District Uttarkashi

The way ahead for this project is

introducing the project to public and
Moderately Both hardware and software components
Padampuri thus advertisement of the project is
Successful have been implemented.
required since currently the
infrastructure is not in use.

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All the hardware components have not been

Involvement of the locals is required and
Koti, Indroli & Patyar, Not implemented. Involvement of the locals is nil.
proper implementation of the project is
District Dehradun Successful Most of them are not even aware about the
Repair, maintenance and development of
Partial completion of components and no
Baroh Village, District incomplete components required. A
Average maintenance of the components have resulted
Kangra Tourist rest house or center should be
in the average rating for this project.
included in the purview of the project.

Himachal No repair and non maintenance has resulted

Naggar Village, The project needs to be revamped by
Pradesh Average in the disuse of components of the project and
District Kullu repair maintenance and advertising.
has also resulted in low profits.
Proper planning needs to be
Paragpur Village, Moderately The project is not yet complete and incorporated. The Tourist’s Reception
District Kangra Successful misplanned. centre 8 km away from Pragpur - that is
Software components need to be
Hardware components have not been strengthened and fully implemented as
Asharikandi, District Not completely implemented. Software partial implementation of hardware
Dhubri Successful components have not been at all components has increased tourist flow
implemented. and financial condition of the terracotta

Assam Maintenance of the project should be

Amenities like water, electricity back up is
handled directly by state tourism
Sualkuchi, District not present at the tourist rest house. Software
Average department and infrastructural facilities
Kamrup components have not been implemented
should be provided. Training and skill
development of artisans is required.

All the hardware and software work has been

Durgapur, District Funds need to be provided for the
Average carried out at a slow pace because of financial
Golaghat completion of the project.
problems which need to be addressed.

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Repair and maintenance of components

Average Lack of maintenance of components. needs to be regular. Marketing of the
District Tinsukia
project is required to increase tourists.

Lack of sight seeing options do not drive The project has to be re-strategized and
tourists to visit the place so although the sight seeing options along with the rural
Raghurajpur, District
Average components have been properly implemented, tourism experience need to be advertized
it is not improving the socio economic properly to generate interest about the
condition of the locals. project.
Hirapur Village, Components implementation should be
Failure Component implementation is yet to start.
District Khurda started and worked on a priority basis.
Components implementation should be
Pipli, District Puri Failure Component implementation is yet to start.
started and worked on a priority basis.
Components implementation should be
started and worked on a priority basis.
Orissa The project has to be re-strategized and
Barapali Village,
Failure Component implementation is yet to start. sight seeing options along with the rural
District Bargarh
tourism experience need to be advertized
properly to generate interest about the
Partial completion of components and no
Deulajhari-Athamalik, Not Completion of components
maintenance of the components have resulted
District Angul Successful implementation is required.
in the average rating for this project.

Khiching Village, Moderately Majority of the hardware components have Completion of implementation and
District Mayurbhanj Successful been implemented and others are on going. marketing of the destination is required.

Padmanavpur, District Not Components need to be implemented on

Component implementation has just started.
Ganjam Successful a fast track.

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Sasatgra, District West Components need to be implemented on

Average Partial completion of hardware components.
Garo Hills a fast track.

Meghalya Components need to be implemented on

Hardware work is in a dilapidated condition
Lalong, Jowal Village, Not a fast track. Repair, maintenance and
and software work has been only completed
District Jaintia Hills Successful restructuring of the hardware
components is required.
Incomplete implementation of both hardware
Involvement of the locals is required and
Antpur, District and software components. The locals are
Failure proper implementation of the project is
Hoogly distrusting of the project - the benefits from
the project.
Hardware components like Approach
Ballavpur Danga, Not The difficult way of reaching the village is
road and commuting vehicles should be
District Birbhum Successful the primary reason for failure.
incorporated in this project.
Proper completion of components has been
one. The primary reason for the success of the
Kamarpukar, District Maintenance of the project is required to
Average project here is that the village is of religious
Hoogly keep up the momentum.
significance to Bengalis and hence is
West Bangal
popularly visited.
Hardware components are ill conceived and Hardware components need to be re
Mukutmonipur, hence not generating interest among tourists. looked into and properly conceived and
District Bankura Naxal presence is another reason for driving implemented. The problem of the Naxals
away of tourists. do not have any solution as of now.

Components need to be completely

implemented and advertised since the
Sonada, District Not Hardware component implementation is in
place is a tourist destination from before,
Darjeeling Successful progress.
which will leverage the tourist presence,
if word is properly spread around.

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Non-maintenance of infrastructure is Proper maintenance work should be

Nepura, District
Bihar Average resulting in decreasing the success of the carried out to make the project
project. successful.
Proper maintenance work should be
Morachi Chincholi, Moderately Proper implementation of the components has
carried out to make the project
District Pune Successful resulted in the success of the project.
Sulibhanjan- Proper maintenance work should be
Moderately Proper implementation of the components has
Khultabad, District carried out to make the project
Successful resulted in the success of the project.
Aurangabad successful.

Proper advertising for the project is

Nagali Rajapur, Lack of knowledge about the project is the
Average required to generate interest among
District South Delhi reason for the average success of the project.
tourists to visit the place.
Proper advertising for the project is
Kotla Mubarakpur, Moderately Lack of knowledge about the project is the
required to generate interest among
District South Delhi Successful reason for the average success of the project.
tourists to visit the place.

The hardware components have to be

Partial completion of hardware components
Dandi, District Navsari Average completed and maintained to increase
because of merging of two projects.
the success factor of the project.
Software component implementation
Hodka, District needs to be revamped and re structured
Gujarat Average Incompletion of software components.
Kachcha so as to provide maximum benefit to the
Navagaon & Software component implementation
Not Incompletion of software components due to
Malegaon, District needs to be revamped and re structured
Successful lack of funds.
Dang and fast tracked to completion.

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Not Incompletion of hardware components due to Fast tracked completion of hardware

Tara, District Kachcha
Successful lack of funds. components is required.
More components should be conceived
Proper implementation for both hardware and in alignment of the work that is being
Anegundi, District Moderately
software components and work of UNESCO done by other international bodies; this
Koppal Successful
in the same place has increased tourist traffic. will increase the tourist arrivals all the

Attivery Bird Proper advertising for the project is

Sanctuary, District Proper implementation of components. required to generate interest among
uttara Kannada tourists to visit the place.

Tariff needs to be lessened and Proper

Karnataka Banavasi, District Moderately advertising for the project is required to
Proper implementation of components.
Uttara Kannada Successful generate interest among tourists to visit
the place.
Partial completion of hardware components is
Proper completion of hardware work
Coorg, District Coorg Average the reason for the project being an average
needs to be done.
Proper conceptual development of
Insufficient infrastructure for tourists and min hardware components is essential along
Kokkare Bellur,
Average management of the project is the primary with advertising for the project is
District Mandya
reason for the average success of the project. required to generate interest among
tourists to visit the place

The hardware components implementation

Chettinadu Proper advertising for the project is
Moderately needs to be completed and advertising of the
Tamilnadu (Karaikudi), District required to generate interest among
Successful project needs to be incorporated in the project
Sivaganga tourists to visit the place

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All the components need to be

Partial completion of components and no completed on a fast track mode and
Average maintenance of the components have resulted Proper advertising for the project is
in the average rating for this project. required to generate interest among
tourists to visit the place.
Hardware and software components All the components need to be
Kombai, District Theni Failure
implementation has yet to be started. completed on a fast track mode.
Proper implementation of all the components
Kazhugumalai Moderately has resulted in this project being moderately The project needs to be advertised to
(Thoothukudi) Successful successful. Tourist arrivals need to be generate interest among tourists.
improved upon to make it a complete success.
No public awareness about the project is the Proper advertising for the project is
Kurangini Village, Moderately
main reason for it being a moderately required to generate interest among
District Theni Successful
successful one. tourists to visit the place

Thadiyankudissai, Not Hardware components implementation has Proper completion of hardware work
District Dindigul Successful yet to be started. needs to be done.

Improper implementation of hardware

Theerthamalai, District Moderately Proper conceptual development of the
components have resulted in no improvement
Dharmapuri Successful project is required.
of the village surroundings.
Complete implementation of software
Thirupudaimarthur, Completion of software components and poor
Average components required and maintenance
District Tirunelveli maintenance of hardware components.
of hardware components is essential.

Balaramapuram, The components implementation has been Revamp of project components along
Kerala District completed quite a long back and revamp of with proper marketing of the project will
Thiruvananthapuram the components is required. catapult it to success.

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Proper implementation of all the components

Proper advertising for the project is
Kumbalangi, District Moderately is the reason for this project to be a
required to generate interest among
Ernakulam Successful moderately successful one; however tourist
tourists to visit the place.
arrivals need to be increased.
Proper implementation of all the components
Proper advertising for the project is
Aranmula, District Moderately is the reason for this project to be a
required to increase tourist visits to the
Pathanamthitta Successful moderately successful one; however tourist
arrivals need to be increased all the more.
Proper implementation of all the components
Proper advertising for the project is
Moderately is the reason for this project to be a
Kalady required to increase tourist visits to the
Successful moderately successful one; however tourist
arrivals need to be increased all the more.
Proper implementation of all the components
Proper advertising for the project is
Anakkara, District Moderately is the reason for this project to be a
required to increase tourist visits to the
Idukki Successful moderately successful one; however tourist
arrivals need to be increased all the more.
Although hardware components has been Proper maintenance work should be
Andra Village, District Moderately
implemented properly but maintenance is carried out to make the project
East Imphal Successful
required for the project. successful.

The components need to be properly

Khongion Village, Not Improper and incomplete implementation of
Manipur thought out and executed to completion
District Thonbal Successful components has taken place.
to make this project a success.

Noney Village, District Work on hardware components has not yet Work needs to be fast tracked to
Tamenglong started. completion.

Maintenance work should be undertaken

Jampul Hills, District Moderately Proper implementation of components has
Tripura to keep up the momentum of this
Vanghmun Successful taken place.

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The project needs to be restructured

Proper implementation of components has
Kamalasagar Village, Moderately around the concept that religious tourists
taken place but tourist visit has not increased
District West Tripura Successful visit the destination and there by
due to the project.
improving the project success.

Total completion of work should be

Partial completion of hardware components
Longsa, District Moderately undertaken and proper marketing of the
has resulted in this project being moderately
Mokochung Successful project is required to increase the
attractiveness to the tourists.

Hardware components need to be

Incomplete implementation of the project
Mopunchukhet, completely implemented and marketing
Average components is the reason for it being an
District Mokuchung of the project is required to increase
average success.
tourist flow.

Proper maintenance procedure needs to

in place for the project. The scope of the
Nagaland Lack of maintenance of components and no software components needs to be
Avachekha, District
Average marked increase of tourist flow is the reason increased so that it caters to the welfare
for the project being an average one. of the artisans and lastly, the project
needs to be advertised to generate
interest among tourists.

All the components have been implemented

Chandtongia, District Moderately The project needs to be advertised to
properly, but tourist flow has not increased
Mokochung Successful generate interest among tourists.
Proper maintenance procedure needs to
Lack of maintenance of components and no
Moderately in place for the project. The project
Leshumi, District Phek marked increase of tourist flow is the reason
Successful needs to be advertised to generate
for the project being moderately successful.
interest among tourists.

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Proper implementation of all the components

Jheri Village, District Moderately has resulted in this project being moderately The project needs to be advertised to
Jammu Successful successful. Tourist arrivals need to be generate interest among tourists.
improved upon to make it a complete success.
Proper implementation of all the components
Surinsar, District Moderately has resulted in this project being moderately The project needs to be advertised to
Jammu Successful successful. Tourist arrivals need to be generate interest among tourists.
improved upon to make it a complete success.
Total completion of work should be
Partial implementation of hardware
Akingam, District undertaken and proper marketing of the
Average components is the reason for this project
Anantnag project is required to increase the
being an average success.
attractiveness to the tourists.

Total completion of work should be

Partial implementation of software
Durng, District Moderately undertaken and proper marketing of the
components is the reason for this project
Baramula Successful project is required to increase the
Jammu & being an average success.
attractiveness to the tourists.
Proper implementation of all the components
Gagangir, District Moderately has resulted in this project being moderately The project needs to be advertised to
Srinagar Successful successful. Tourist arrivals need to be generate interest among tourists.
improved upon to make it a complete success.
Proper implementation of all the components
Pahalgam, District Moderately has resulted in this project being moderately The project needs to be advertised to
Anantnag Successful successful. Tourist arrivals need to be generate interest among tourists.
improved upon to make it a complete success.
Total completion of work should be
Partial implementation of software
Vasaknag Village, Moderately undertaken and proper marketing of the
components is the reason for this project
District Anantnag Successful project is required to increase the
being an average success.
attractiveness to the tourists.
Proper implementation of all the components
Moderately The project needs to be advertised to
Dori Degair village has resulted in this project being moderately
Successful generate interest among tourists.
successful. Tourist arrivals need to be

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improved upon to make it a complete success.

Proper implementation of all the components

Ego-Nikte Village, Moderately has resulted in this project being moderately The project needs to be advertised to
District West Stang Successful successful. Tourist arrivals need to be generate interest among tourists.
improved upon to make it a complete success.
Proper implementation of all the components
has resulted in this project being moderately
The reach ability of the destination is
Ligu Village, District Moderately successful. Tourist arrivals need to be
Arunachal quite difficult and needs to work on to
Upper Subansiri Successful improved upon to make it a complete success
Pradesh attract tourists.
and reach ability of the destination needs to
be looked into properly.
Improper implementation of hardware
Proper implementation of work should
components have resulted in the project being
Rengo Village, District Moderately be undertaken and proper marketing of
a moderately successful one and tourist
East Siang Successful the project is required to increase the
arrivals to the destination need to be
attractiveness to the tourists.
Proper implementation of all the components
Moderately The project needs to be advertised to
Sikkim Lachen has resulted in this project being moderately
Successful generate interest among tourists.

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Government of India



1.1 Introduction
Rural tourism focuses on participating in a rural lifestyle. It is known that
approximately 70% of the Indian population still resides in the rural parts of the
country and their livelihood is agriculture. Rural tourism allows the creation of
an alternative source of income in the non-agricultural sector for rural dwellers.
Rural tourism has gained a sudden prominence in India in the last decade and
still much more is left to be explored.

Tourism is one of the major earners of foreign exchange for the country. Rural
tourism will definitely add more to what we earn in foreign exchange. Rural
tourism will hasten the process of development and give a chance to the village
folks to interact with the outside world .the products of rural artisans will find a
ready market.

Majority of India resides in village and for the world to know the real spirits of
India, it is essential to peep into the rural areas. Rural India has a lot to offer to
the world. The Government of India, recognizing the importance of rural
tourism in the overall growth of the tourism industry in India, started the
process of development and marketing and promotion for rural tourism. In this
process, the government of India funded many projects to uplift the rural
tourism industry in the country and now wants to evaluate the condition of the
rural tourism projects at 108 of the selected locations.

Ministry of tourism, Government of India, has launched a study to evaluate and

understand the Impact of rural tourism projects which has been sanctioned, to
understand the progress made in the projects till date and also to understand

Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural Tourism Projects – Final Report 4

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Government of India

the socio-economic change brought in the lives of the artisans involved in the
rural tourism projects and also among the local population.

1.2 Research Objective

The objective of the proposed study is to report how the project has fared till
now in terms of development of hardware-software components, participation
of stakeholders, to assess how the socio-economic standard of people involved
in the project been altered by the project and compile a database of artisans
and craftsmen including their skills and personal details. Moreover, the study
also entails to make recommendations for improvement of the specific project
studied, improving the implementation of rural tourism projects in general.

1.3 Scope of Work

Scope of work as per the assignment shall broadly include the following:

 To ascertain if the infrastructural and other project essentials (like

hardware and software components) have been implemented adhering to
the time frame specified during initiation of the project and the current
condition of these
 The impact of the project in the area of implementation, in terms of
socio-economic benefits, standards, etcetera. To understand the impact
of the project especially on:
 The increase in tourist inflow to the destination before and after the
implementation of the project
 Any decidedly evident change in the employment condition of the
destination, after the project was implemented: whether the local
population was being helped due to the project in terms of earning
their livelihood, elevating their standard of living and improving
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

living conditions and generating employment to sustain the

community/ communities involved in the project
 Effect of the project in increasing the income of the local population
and finding out whether the project has been beneficial to the local
population economically as well as socially and if there are any need
gaps present in the project in the socio-economic aspect
 The effect of the project on the environment of the location and the
overall health of the population and the environment: if the project
has been aligned with environment at the destination or has
positively / negatively altered the environmental conditions
 To assess the current system of maintenance of infrastructure and
hardware in the project and also to assess the effectiveness of the present
maintenance system
 To ascertain the level of participation of the local population in the
project and their enthusiasm in the continuity of the project
 To assess the participation and involvement of State Government, local
bodies of Governance and NGOs in the rural tourism project. Involvement
will be assessed in terms of strategic involvement, governance and
financial involvement
 To prepare a database which will contain:
 Personal details of the artisans and craftsmen involved in the rural
tourism project
 Skill levels of the artisans and craftsmen involved
 To provide suggestions and recommendations for the overall improvement
of the specific rural tourism project being studied and suggestions on the
improvement in the general implementation of the project.
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Government of India


2.1 Research approach and methodology

The research involved secondary research as well as primary research.

2.1.1 Secondary Research

Secondary research/Desk research helped to get an overview of the rural

tourism industry in India and the way it has the capability to enhance the
tourism industry as well as the life and livelihood of artisans, craft people and
local residents involved in the project along with providing the tourist a
thorough glimpse or rural life and some fast disappearing crafts in the world.
The secondary / desk research will help in drafting the questionnaire with face-
to-face interviews and discussions will be carried out with all the stake holders
in the primary phase of the study and also help in incorporating key elements
in the questionnaire which will help in making the study useful and essential in
evaluating the current condition of rural tourism projects in India.

2.1.2 Primary Research

Primary research will consist of face to face interview using structured

questionnaires. The methodology would involve gathering information from all
the stakeholders (mentioned below) through detailed questionnaire /
discussions and then to collate and analyze the received data to prepare a
consolidated report and a database consisting of personal details and skill level
of all the artisans involved in the rural tourism projects.
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Government of India

Stakeholders Information covered Output

Officials from  Details of the project, regarding Face to face discussion or
Ministry of equipment and set up. telephonic interviewing of this
Tourism,  Level of participation from state sector of stakeholders will provide
Government of government and other bodies. us with the information that is
India. required to fulfill the objective of
this study.
Artisans and  Personal details for the database A structural questionnaire/face to
Craftsmen building face interview would provide us
involved in the  Skill level and responsibilities in with all the information that is
project the project required for the study.
 Overall condition of the project
 Socio-economic impact of the
 Level of enthusiasm and
participation in continuation of the
 Need gaps in the project if any
 Suggestions for
improvement of the project
The Governing  Development of hardware and A structural questionnaire/face to
body of the Rural software within the timeframe or face interview would provide us
tourism projects not with all the information that is
 Socio economic impact of the required for the study.
project on the local populace
 System of maintenance involved
 Involvement of state
governments and NGOs in the
Officials from the  Their intention of involvement in Face to face discussion or
State Government the project telephonic interviewing of this
(Department of  Overall opinion sector of stakeholders will provide
Tourism, regarding how the rural tourism us with the information that is
Government of project is faring required to fulfill the objective of
India and State this study.
 Overall condition of the project A structural questionnaire/face to
 Socio-economic impact of the face interview would provide us
project with all the information that is
Managers and  Level of enthusiasm and required for the study
workers involved participation in continuation of the
in the projects project. Need gaps in the project
if any
o Suggestions for improvement of
the project
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

2.2 Coverage

2.2.1 Segments

 Artisans or crafts people.

 Governing officials
 Local community stakeholders
 Union or state government officials

2.2.2 Geographical

The geographical coverage of the study has been specifies by the Ministry of
Tourism, Government of India. The list of all the districts covered in the
various states and the products famous there:

2.3 Operational methodology

A thorough secondary research/desk research was conducted to get a

comprehensive overview of the rural tourism industry in India and its prospects
in future. Also information regarding key elements in the development of rural
tourism was known through extensive secondary research. Discussions with
officials from Ministry of Tourism regarding the questionnaire format and
incorporation of aspects to be studied through the questionnaire to get
maximum insight regarding the current scenario in the rural tourism projects
was also carried out.

A primary survey is in progress across 26 states (108 Rural Tourism centers as

given by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India) to collect data

 The adherence to timelines in setting up the rural tourism project

 Evaluation of the hardware and software implementation in the project
 Socio economic impact of the project
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 The system of maintenance currently in place

 Need gaps and requirements to improve the maintenance of the project
 Participation of locals in the project and enthusiasm of locals in
continuation of the project
 Involvement or intention of involvement of state government, local
bodies and NGOs in the project
 Database of artisans and craftsmen working in the rural tourism
projects; including their details and skill levels

Data has been collected through

 Face-to-face interviews using structured questionnaires
 Face-to-Face discussions with Officials involved in the project and state
government officials
 Face-to-face discussions with other stakeholders like local tour operators
and indirect beneficiaries through the rural tourism project

2.4 Research Tools

Based on all the inputs and the various stake holders involved the consultant
has developed questionnaires that have been administered to the target
segment. 2 types of questionnaires have been developed for attaining the
objective of the study. One questionnaire been administered to all the artisans
/ beneficiaries of all the 108 rural tourism projects for building up the data
base of artisans / craftsmen / workers / beneficiaries of the 108 rural tourism
projects. The other questionnaire has been administered to the sample of
officials and implementing partners associated with the projects, to understand
the effect and impact of the project in the livelihood of the local people and
also to evaluate the project in terms of completion on time, management,
maintenance, etc. The questionnaires are presented in Chapter 4 of this
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

2.5 Methodology for Impact Evaluation of Projects

In some projects only hardware components were to be developed and in most

of the projects both hardware and software components had to be developed
and implemented. Keeping this in mind, Impact score was awarded to projects
separately for hardware components and software component development. To
judge the overall impact of the project, the average of hardware and software
Impact scores was taken as the Overall Impact score. In case of projects where
either of the hardware or software components were not deemed to be
developed, only the score of the component present in the project was taken
as the Overall Impact score. The definition of the scores awarded is as follows.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


3.0 The Government of India till now has sanctioned 167 Rural Tourism Projects and
out of these 167 projects, 108 was sanctioned before 30.09.2009 (30th September,
2009). These projects that were sanctioned before September 2009, are not only
varied in terms of geographic location, but are also spread in terms of stage of
completion and impact on the lives of the rural populace.

3.1 In almost one third of the projects there was no software component to be
worked on and only hardware components were proposed and sanctioned.
Despite variation in terms of components, many projects were found not to be
complete in all respects.

3.2 Evaluation of hardware component implementation was done separately for all
the projects where hardware work was involved. The results of the evaluation
are as follows:

Amongst 19% of the rural tourism projects, work is yet to start on hardware
components. Since these projects were sanctioned before September 2009 and
since almost two years have passed by the time of evaluation of these projects,
these incomplete projects were earmarked as failure.
Again in 19% of the projects, work on hardware components has started but
have been partly completed and till date is unfinished. Due to this reason,
these projects have been rated as not successful.
In 37% of projects, work on the hardware components has been finished but are
not maintained properly or are in a stage of dilapidation due to poor
maintenance. These projects were rated as average. Another reason for these
projects to be rated as average is that the infrastructure development has not
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

resulted in any increase in tourist traffic and has also not improved the socio
economic condition of the rural populace.
26% of the projects where hardware component development was involved
were rated as moderately successful as work on hardware components was
completed and is in proper condition; besides this it has uplifted the socio-
economic condition of the village population in some respect.
None of the projects with hardware component have been rated as successful
due to very less impact on the tourism scenario of the village due to the
infrastructure development.

Evaluation of software component implementation was done separately for all the
projects where software work was involved. The results of the evaluation are as

Amongst projects where software components were involved, in 30% of the

projects, no software work had started or has been done. These projects have
been marked as failure.
In 10% of the projects involving software, work had started but not completed
till the evaluation. These projects have been rated as not successful.
30% of projects with software component are average in terms of proper
completion of all the software components like training and workshops. Reason
for rating these projects as average is that the software component
implementation has not resulted in desired upliftment of the beneficiaries
30% of the projects involving software work were moderately successful as
work has been completed on all the components and has been proving
beneficial to the artisans or beneficiaries involved in the project.
None of the projects with software components have been completely
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Overall evaluation including both the evaluation of hardware and software

components (for projects where both are present, average of the both the scores
were taken. For projects with either hardware or software component
implementation was involved, only the score of the sanctioned hardware / software
component was taken as the overall score) is as follows:

Overall, 30% of the projects are failure or not successful due to incompletion of
the work sanctioned.
40% of the projects are average, resulting in improving the tourist traffic at the
rural tourism sites /projects as well as tourism revenue from those villages and
also in terms of completion of the work sanctioned.
30% of the projects are moderately successful since work on all the components
sanctioned had been completed and was in a good condition. Moreover, these
projects have positively impacted the lives of the beneficiaries involved and
the rural population by bettering their living conditions and empowering them.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


State: Andhra Pradesh

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Andhra Pradesh

Location : Pochampally
Project Name: Development of Pochampally as a Rural Tourist Destination.
Activity/Craft: Handloom & Ikkats (Cotton & Silk Saris)

 District Portrait
Nalgonda District is situated in the
Southern part of the Telangana Region in
Andhra Pradesh covering an area of
14,217 Sq. Kms. The District is bordered
by Medak and Warangal districts in the
North, Guntur and Mahbubnagar districts
in the South, Khammam and Krishna
districts in the East while the districts of
Mahbubnagar and Ranga Reddy lie in the West. The major industries are on Silk,
Leather, Cotton, Sugar, Jaggery and Cement. Handloom is one of the main clusters in

 About Pochampally
Pochampally is a small town in Nalgonda
district in Andhra Pradesh, today renowned
worldwide for its beautiful weaves; this
handloom cluster is known for its very
unique Ikkat design for centuries. It has
about 5000 weavers who weave the
handloom with traditional design called
Ikkat. Pochampally is the place where
threads and colours find their way into the hands of skillful weavers and head to the
market as beautiful saris and dress material. It is the most typical weaving village in
Nalgonda District of Andhra Pradesh.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Pochampally weave is popularly known as ikkat or tie and dye weave. The uniqueness
lies in the transfer of design and coloring onto warp and weft threads first and then
weaves them together. The fabric is cotton, silk and sico - a mix of silk and cotton.
Increasingly, the colours themselves are from natural sources and their blends.
Pochampally has traditional looms, whose design is more than a century-old. Today
this Silk City is home to more than 10000 weaving families in 100 villages.

 Crafts/Activities in the District ( Handlooms & Ikkat)

Wooden crafts of Bhongir, Brass ware of
Chanduru, Textiles of Koyyalagudem,
Puttapaka and Pochampalli are the main
handicraft of the district. The Pochampalli
textiles are made using the tie and dye
technique of yarn. Different colored yarns
are woven into geometrical designs. Dress
materials, saris and home-furnishings are
also made in these designs.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. Directorate of Tourism (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh)
2. The Secretary (Tourism), (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh)

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2007

Implementing Agency Details:
1. Directorate of Tourism (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad) took care of the
Hardware work. Contrucition work was done by local contractor at that time on
the basis of tenders.
Hardware Components:
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

1. Construction of Information centre.

2. Textile Bazaar
3. Weavers’ resource center

Status of Implementation:
1. Information centre, Open auditorium, Rooms, Restaurant, textile bazaar &
weavers resource center have been constructed
2. At present all amenities are in good condition
3. This place looks like a resort complete with boating facility but it is not in
function due to low turnout of tourists
4. The facility/hardware part is currently maintained by APTDC
5. Textile bazaar has not been opened till now (shops have not been distributed
6. Transportation problem exists for reaching Pochampalli, especially for
individual tourists
7. Only information centre & weavers resource center is functioning currently
8. Restaurant has also not been opened till now.
9. All handloom related products are available in Hyderabad on competitive
prices, therefore tourists are not interested to visit that place
10. This complex is being used for marriage/party purpose (rent is paid for the


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software:

1. Akshara Network for Development support Service (Akshara)
Year of Completion of Software: 2008

Implementing Agency Details:

1. Akshara Network for Development Support service, with their head office in
Hyderabad, is a not-for-profit development support organization and is
initiated by practicing development management professionals to fulfill the
need for affordable and timely professional support to individual organizations
in development sector. Akshara’s motto is to promote, support, sustain and
offer appropriate support services to development organizations /groups /
individuals and government organizations for the purpose of contributing to
professionalism in the development sector, integrated human development and
ecological integrity/security.

Software Components:
1. Mapping the creating reality of livelihoods situation.
2. Preparation of business plans.
3. Livelihood enhancement.

Status of Implementation:

1. This is a big handloom cluster. Approximately 192 Self Help Groups are there,
as per their statement, it is not possible for them to select few artisans for
training purpose. Everyone needs training at the same time. If they select only
few artisans, then the other unselected artisans may create problem.
2. At the time of training session, the Implementing Agency didn’t select the
Artisans. Those artisans who required training came and received training;
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

therefore they didn’t make any list or database of artisans they imparted
training to
3. From time to time, different departments offer training sessions in
Pochampalli, therefore artisans’ livelihood has improved and it has increased
4. Due to the short duration of training sessions, not all artisans have received
proper training, hence the project has benefited the select artisans who had
attended the open training sessions held by the implementing agency
5. Apart from the rural tourism project, the State Government and Department of
Handicraft has organized and implemented a lot of other projects in
6. Weaver’s have received benefits from the rural tourism project initiate and
their socio economic condition has improved – although this is true for the
select few artisans who received training – not true for all the artisans present
in Pochampalli
7. Production has also improved. Local Infrastructure has been improved by the
initiative of the state govt.
8. Maximum Artisans have also received Health card.
9. In future artisan would require more training & financial help from
state/central Government to make this project a real success and hence draw
tourists in droves


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The artisans are not happy with the
particular scheme due to very less time, selection of weaver, marketing support; they
are facing lot of problem day to day due to increase in raw material cost, Market
support. People are getting better products from power looms and a lot of duplicate
material is coming into the market so they need more help from Govt. to improve
Handloom sector.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: With regards to the

infrastructure and training perspective, this project is a successful one due to the
implementation of the same. But considering the fact that tourist arrivals to
Pochampalli has not increased since the implementation of this project, it can be
deduced that this project has not generated enough interest to draw the tourists to
Pochampalli. Hence more initiatives need to be undertaken to put Pochampalli as a
major rural tourism hub.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Hardware work

Entrance Gate-1 Entrance Gate-2

Textile Bazaar Information centre

Textile Bazaar Restaurant

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Lake Boundary wall


Weaving Weaving
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Andhra Pradesh

Location : Konaseema, District East Godavari
Project Name: Development of Konaseema as a Rural Tourism Destination.

 District Portrait
East Godavari District is located in the
North Coastal part of the state of Andhra
Pradesh. The District boundaries are
Visakhapatnam, West Godavari, Khammam
Districts and Bay of Bengal. The District is
known as rice bowl of Andhra Pradesh with
lush paddy fields and coconut groves which
beckons tourists to have a glimpse of its rich
cultural heritage.

 About Konaseema
Konaseema village in East Godavari district,
Andhra Pradesh, situated in the Godavari
delta between rivers Goutami and Vasishta.
A beautiful land of coconut gardens
magnificent landscape, artistic temples that
brings alive the varied charm of Nature
INDIA has emerged as the latest hotspot of
tourists. Whether you're travelling by train,
boat or bus, a glance at the surrounding
countryside is enough to capture the cultural wealth and geographical variety of this
paradise on earth.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The district is not interested in incorporating different kinds of activities.

Artisans covered: No artisans were involved in this district of Andhra Pradesh.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The Secretary, Department of Tourism, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh,
2. Department of Tourism, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2006-2007

Hardware Components:
1. Village Resort

Status of Implementation: As per Survey in Village Konaseema, the people are aware
about the work and work has been successfully completed in the village.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


No software work was commissioned for this project.

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The village Resort now popularly
known as Dindi Resort. It is now taken care by Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development
Corporation. Resort’s condition is good. Tourist flow has also increased.
Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successfully completed in the year 2007 and consists of 32 rooms. Particularly, it is
having continuous profits and all the components mentioned in the Govt. order have
been constructed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Resort Entrance side Inside open space area

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Dindi resort Swimming pool

From back side resort Swimming pool

Entrance area Amenities

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Inside room Inside room

Toilets Outer view

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Andhra Pradesh

Location : Chinchinada, District East Godavari

Project Name: Development of Chinchinada as a Rural Tourism Destination.

 District Portrait

The East Godavari District is located in the

North Coastal part of the state of Andhra
Pradesh. The District boundaries are
Visakhapatnam, West Godavari, Khammam
Districts and Bay of Bengal. The District is
known as rice bowl of Andhra Pradesh with
lush paddy fields and coconut groves which
attracts tourists to have a glimpse of its rich
cultural heritage.

 About Chinchinada

Chinchinada is a Village in Elamanchili Mandal in West Godavari District in Andhra

Pradesh State . Chinchinada is 1.5 km far away from Mandal Main Town Elamanchili.
The vibrant lifestyle of picturesque coastal Andhra. Chinchinada is a typical rural
village having dense coconut groves, fish ponds and prawn culture ponds.

 Crafts/Activities in the District: Eco-tourism and Coastal Development are the

main activities of this district which has benefitted the people of the village.

Artisans covered: No Artisans were present in this project.

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The Secretary, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh,

2. The Secretary, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2006-2007

Hardware Components:

1. Reception Lounge and information centre

2. Public Amenities
3. Restaurant
4. Village Haat
5. Electrification
6. Water Supply

Status of Implementation: Organization has successfully implemented the hardware

work and village is completely ready for the tourists to come.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


No software work was commissioned for this project.

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The villagers are happy with the
Project and feel that it has benefited for them. They get extra benefits like increase
in income due to the development of this project.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successfully completed in the year 2007. It is completely giving benefits to the


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Andhra Pradesh

Location : Puttaparthi District Anantapur

Project Name: Development of Puttaparthi as a Rural Tourism Destination.

 District Portrait

Anantapur is the southern-most district of the

Rayalseema region of Andhra Pradesh.The District
was formed in the year 1882 having been
separated from Bellary District.The District has
been divided into 3 Revenue Divisions consisting
of 63 Revenue Mandals. It is bounded by Bellary,
Kurnool District on the North, Cuddapah and Kolar
Districts of Karnataka on South East and North

 About Puttaparthi
Puttaparthi is a town situated in the Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh, It was
also the residence of the notable spiritual teacher Sathya Sai Baba. The town's main
attraction is Baba's Prasanthi Nilayam ashram, the presence of which has given a huge
boost to the local economy, in the form of hotels, lodges, restaurants and shops which
are largely frequented by visitors to Prasanthi Nilayam.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

District focuses on different cultural programs to attract large tourists. Spiritual life is
also given importance and is imparted by the followers of Sathya Sai Baba.

Artisans covered: No Artisans were present in this project.

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The Secretary, Department. of Tourism,

2. Govt. of Andhra Pradesh

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2006-2007

Hardware Components:

1. Cottages 12 nos. (Total area of 4384 sq. ft)

2. Toilets 2 nos. (151 sq. ft)
3. Shilparamam Craft Centre 9 shops total area of 3104 sq. ft

Status of Implementation:
1. Organization has successfully implemented the hardware work and village is
earning huge profits as tourists visit frequently in this area of Anantapur.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


No software work was commissioned for this project.

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The villagers are happy with the
Project and feel that it has benefited for them. They get extra benefits like increase
in income due to the development of this project.
Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successfully completed in the year 2007. It is completely giving benefits to the


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Andhra Pradesh

Location : Srikalahasti
Project Name: Development of Srikalahasti as a Rural Tourism Destination.
Activity /Craft: Kalamkari & Wooden work.

 District Portrait
Chittoor district is located in the extreme
south of Andhra Pradesh. It is surrounded by
Anantapur and Cuddapah districts on the
north, by Nellore and Chengai-Anna districts of
Tamilnadu on the east, by North Arcot
Ambedkar and Dharmapuri district of
Tamilnadu on the south and by Kolar District
of Karnataka on the west. The various
Industries of Chittoor district generating employment for the people are sugar,
ceramics, textile, railway wagon workshop,alcohol, moped, brass and copper.

 About Srikalahasti
Srikalahasti is a holy town and a municipality
near Tirupati in the Indian state of Andhra
Pradesh. It is located on the banks of the river
Swarnamukhi. The climatic conditions,
availability of dyestuffs and clean flowing
water from the river Swarnamukhi makes
Srikalahasti an ideal place for Kalamkari
production. Today there are 150 craftsmen
practicing this ancient craft. The mythology is
the main source of themes. The panels are drawn from the Ramayana, Mahabharata
and from Bhagavat Gita. Normally a big story panel is segmented into many smaller
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Artisans covered:
30 kalamkari artisans and 30 wood work artisans are the primary beneficiaries of this
rural tourism project. These 60 artisans have undergone training ass part of the
implementation of the software part of the project.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. Directorate of Tourism (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh)
2. The Secretary (Tourism), (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh)

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2008

Implementing Agency Details:
1. Directorate of Tourism (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad) took care of
Hardware work. Contrucition work was done by local contractor at that time,
the contractor being selected on tender basis.

Hardware Components:
1. Construction of Information centre.
2. Textile Bazaar
3. Weavers resource center

Status of Implementation:
1. Construction of Craft centre, Training centre, Research & Development centre
on Kalamakari & wood carving on Tirupati to Srikalahasti Road, 3 k. m before
from Srikalahasti, is complete.
2. Adjoining District Rural Development Agency has also started a training centre
for Kalamkari. This building is currently used as handicraft selling emporium.
3. All the buildings are currently being maintained by APTDC. They have also
started a Restaurant & Resort in same place.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

4. The condition of all the buildings is good.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software:

Rural Organization for Poverty Eradication

Year of Completion of Software: 2008

Implementing Agency Details:

1. Rural Organization for Poverty Eradication,
Tirupati. Mr. V. Munichandra Reddy is the
President of the organization.

Software Components:
1. Baseline survey in the project area and assessment of the needs.
2. Socio-economic assessment & benchmarking.
3. Community empowerment.
4. Skill development of Kalamkari & wood carving for 60 Persons.
5. Design & technical development.
6. Workshops on sharing implementation process, marketing, designing &
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

7. National/ State fairs/ festivals/melas

8. Publicity
9. Margin money support to artisans
10. Health package insurance for craft persons

Status of Implementation:
1. Baseline survey was done in the project area and assessment of the needs was
also conducted.
2. The implementing agency formed 3 SHG of Wood carving Artisans, federated
the groups under the name of Srikalahasthi wood carving artisan network.
3. Skill development training given to 30 Kalamkari Artisans & 30 wood carving
4. Made the Artisans to participate in outside exhibitions/melas/fairs by providing
travel, accommodation, food to gain their knowledge of marketing & price
5. At that time health fund also provided to the artisans.
6. Provided health package insurance for craft persons.
7. Developed Community empowerment by publicizing their products in the print
media at that time.
8. Margin money support to artisans.
9. But after that programme completion, DRDA has also done lot of work in this
10. Particularly for the rural tourism project the artisans have not received any
benefit due to short period of programme.
11. Due to State govt. policy and initiation the artisans are being benefitted & it
has improved socio economic condition.
12. Quality of products has improved due to the training programme and exposure
to other markets and melas.
13. Srikalahasthi is a historical place so day to day tourist flow is increasing, but it
cannot be ascertained whether the rural tourism project initiatives has
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

increased flow of tourists or not. The presence of the handicrafts emporium

has indeed increased footfalls of tourists but this emporium itself is not under
the purview of the rural tourism project.
14. The artisans or beneficiaries do require Raw material & Marketing help from
Govt. insurance is another top requirement.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The artisans are not satisfied with the
time frame of the project & selection process & training quality. As per discussion
with the concerned implementing agency, they received this work at the last point of
time in this project; hence they could complete only 40% of the total work. Overall
satisfaction level on part of beneficiaries and also on part of the implementing agency
is low. Artisans from the neighboring areas who practice kalamkari and wood work are
not aware about this project.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project lies in the
midpoint of success and failure as the implementation of the project has taken place
but the reach of the project in terms of benefit of artisans of kalamkari and wood
work is quite limited. Also the fact that tourists are visiting the handicrafts emporium
implemented by some other scheme and that the tourist inflow has not increased due
to this rural tourism project, is a clear indicator that more work need to be done in
this project.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots o f the Rural Tourism Project:


Craft centre & Training centre Craft centre & Training centre

Craft centre & Training centre

Craft centre & Training centre
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Government of India


Hand dyeing before painting Hand dyeing before painting

Kalamkari painting Kalamkari painting

Kalamkari work Kalamkari work

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Government of India

Taken interview Kalamkari work Raw material for kalamkari painting

Wood carving Wood carving

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Arunachal Pradesh

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Arunachal Pradesh

Location : Ego- Nikte Village (District- West Siang).
Project Name : Development of Ego-Nikte Village as a Rural Tourist
Activity/Craft : Culture.

 District Portrait
West Siang District with its HQ at Along, bounded on
the North by China, on the East by Upper Siang & East
Siang districts, on the South by Assam and on the
West by Upper Subansiri & Lower Subansiri districts of
Arunachal Pradesh, the homeland of various tribes
like Galo, Minyong, Bori, Bokar, Pailibo, Ramos,
Membas & Khambas forms a natural abode for very
many species of orchids, diverse flora & fauna
endowed with a dense vegetation, and a wide range
of climatic and geographical variations, the district enjoys a moderate and
comfortable climate.
 About Ego-Nikte Village
Ego-Nikte is a small village, located in very remote area in West Siang District.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Arunachal Pradesh has a rich tradition of Bamboo and
Cane Handicrafts and also Wood Carving and Carpet
Weaving. The products reflect the rich and varied
culture of the tribes inhabiting this enchanting State
and the products featured are representative of the
wide range of Handicrafts produced in the State. The
traditional Cane Bamboo products are mainly available in the Districts of East
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Secretary/Director Tourism,

Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh/Deputy Commissioner, Itanagar.
Year of Completion of Hardware: 2008.
Hardware Components:
 Entrance gate.
 Amphitheatre.
 Accommodation block (2 rooms)
 Paving & Steps along the village pond.
 Street furniture.
 Development of Pond.
 Steps along the villages.
 Landscaping.
 Development of interpretation Centre.
 Sewerage/Sanitation.

Status of Implementation:
 Entrance gate has been completed.
 Amphitheatre has been completed.
 Accommodation block has been completed.
 Paving & Steps along the village pond has been completed.
 Street furniture has been completed.
 Development of Pond has been completed.
 Steps along the villages have been completed.
 Landscaping has been completed.
 Development of interpretation Centre has been completed.
 Sewerage/Sanitation has been completed.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: Hardware work has been done
successfully, but till now accommodation block is not in use. Tourists have partially
increased after the project has been implemented.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is moderately

successful as all the hardware components have been implemented but not in use
currently. Moreover the tourists have marginally increased to this destination.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Arunachal Pradesh.

Location : Ligu Village (District- Upper Subansiri).
Project Name : Development of Ligu Village as a Rural Tourist Destination.

Activity/Craft : Culture.

 District Portrait
The Upper Subansiri is one of the beautiful districts
of Arunachal Pradesh. The whole state is widely
decorated with valuable collections of flora and
fauna. A transparent principle in natural beauty
works throughout the state. The Upper Subansiri
District of Arunachal Pradesh witnesses a
remarkable low temperature all through the season.
Thus this district is framed in lush green forests and
with a rich variety of flora. The beautiful Subansiri
River Flows through the Upper Subansiri District.

 About Ligu village

Ligu is a small village located in the district of Upper Subansiri in the state of
Arunachal Pradesh in India. It has a population of about 440 persons living in around
89 households.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Arunachal Pradesh has a rich tradition of Bamboo and Cane
Handicrafts and also Wood Carving and Carpet Weaving. The
products reflect the rich and varied culture of the tribes
inhabiting this enchanting State and the products featured are
representative of the wide range of Handicrafts produced in
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

the State. The traditional Cane and Bamboo products are mainly available in the
Districts of East Kameng.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary Tourism/Director

Tourism/Deputy Commissioner

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2010.

Hardware Components:
 Entrance gate.
 Amphitheatre.
 Accommodation Block (2 rooms)
 Paving & Steps along the village pond.
 Street furniture.
 Development of Pond.
 Steps along the villages.
 Landscaping.
 Development of interpretation Centre.

Status of Implementation:
 Entrance gate has been completed.
 Amphitheatre has been completed.
 Accommodation Block has been completed.
 Paving & Steps along the village pond has been completed.
 Street furniture has been completed.
 Development of Pond has been completed.
 Steps along the village have been completed.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Landscaping has been completed.

 Development of interpretation Centre has been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Secretary Tourism/Director

Tourism/Deputy Commissioner/Nari kalian Kendra, Daporijo, Upper Subansiri.

Year of Completion of Software: 2009.

Software Components:
 Workshops, Seminars and awareness Activities.
 Operational Norms.
 Training Activities.
 Tourism Product Development.
 Culture Festivals.
 Training Photography and Videography.
 Gender Sensitization.
 Market Support.

Status of Implementation:
 Workshops, Seminars and awareness Activities have been completed.
 Training Activities has been completed.
 Tourism Product Development has been completed.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Culture Festivals has been completed.

 Training Photography and Videography has been completed.
 Gender Sensitization has been completed.
 Market Support has been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

 Both Hardware & Software work has been done successfully.
 Artisans are getting good benefit after the completion of the project.
 Improvement has happened in the socio economic condition of beneficiaries.
 Tourist flow has increased after that project.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: The hardware and software
components have been implemented properly in this rural tourism project but the
project has not increased tourist flow to the desired numbers due to reach ability of
the destination. This project is moderately successful.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Arunachal Pradesh

Location : Rengo village (District-East Siang).
Project Name : Development of Rengo village as a Rural Tourist

Activity/Craft : Culture and Bamboo Cane handicraft.

 District Portrait.

East Siang district is in the state of Arunachal Pradesh

in India. Deriving its name from the Mighty Siang
River, the District is the home of the Adi tribe, and is
a land of eternal beauty. Often called as the 'gateway
to Arunachal Pradesh' the place is worth a visit to have
rendezvous with Mother Nature in her purest form.
The East Siang District is a wild mountainous area and
presents a remarkable topographical variety. Pasighat town is the headquarters of
the East Siang District.

 About Rengo village.

Rengo is one of the villages in Boleng Pegging-Bote Tehsil in East Siang District.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Arunachal Pradesh has a rich tradition of Bamboo and

Cane Handicrafts and also Wood Carving and Carpet
Weaving. The products reflect the rich and varied culture
of the tribes inhabiting this enchanting State and the
products featured are representative of the wide range of
Handicrafts produced in the State. The traditional Cane
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Bamboo products are mainly available in the Districts of East Kameng.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Director, Tourism,

Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2009.

Hardware Components:
 Site Village.
 Construction of Roads and Drainage.
 Amphitheatre.
 Landscaping/Light.
 Fencing.

Status of Implementation:
 Constructed TRC (4 rooms with attached bath & toilets).
 Amphitheatre has been completed.
 Landscaping has been done.
 Fencing work not done yet.

1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful


Software Components : No.

Status of Implementation : No.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

 Till now there is no electricity in the tourist rest center hence tourists do not
 The accommodation building that is the tourist rest center is in good condition
but the building is not properly used at present.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is moderately

successful as all the hardware components have been implemented by the authorities,
but due to no electricity being present in the accommodation unit constructed,
tourist arrivals have increased only marginally.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Assam
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Assam

Location : Asharikandi, District Dhubri

Project Name: Development of Asharikandi, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Terracota Craft

 District Portrait

Dhubri District - the gateway of western

Assam happened to be in the past a meeting
place of different racial groups which mingled
together and formed a unique Cultural
Heritage and Historical Background. The
growth of blended culture in this region
particularly in case of Language, Art and
Religion is due to continuous process of
assimilation of various races, caste & creed of local people, invaders & migrated
people .Dhubri District is bounded both by inter-state and international border i.e.
West Bengal and Bangladesh in the west, Goalpara and Bogaigoan district of Assam
and Garo Hills district of Meghalaya in the east, Kokrajhar district in the north,
Bangladesh and state of Meghalaya in the south.

 About village Asharikandi

Asharikandi is a Village in Debitola Tehsil in

Dhubri District in Assam. Asharikandi is
located 10.5 km away from its District Main
City Dhubri . It is located at a distance of 174
km from its State Main City Dispur.
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Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

In Dhuburi, Terracotta and Pottery crafts are
found and are practiced in a traditional way.
Asharikandi (Madaikhali) is known as a craft
village. Due to the factors of production, the
product-quality of one place varies from that of
another. Weather is a key factor and plays a
major role in Terracotta-production. The main
raw material for pottery and terracotta craft is
Hiramati, a special type of soil. The quality of Hiramati varies from place to place.
The quality of Hiramati and artistic skill determine the quality of Terracotta and
Pottery products.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: District commissioner and North

East craft & Rural Development organization (NECARDO) Dhuburi.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2007

Hardware Components:
1. Construction of 10 Huts.
2. 1 Work shed 1.
3. Community hall, Reception, Sales Counter 1 each.
4. Normal Preparation of site.
5. Sanitary Installation.
6. Internal water supply.
7. Internal electrification.
8. Internal road, path, fencing etc.
9. Campus lighting with sub-station and capital H.T.
10. Setting up of Motor-pump.
11. Landscaping.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

12. Entry gate and beautification.

13. Development of park and procurement of equipment related to tourism.
14. 2 Toilets blocks.
15. Providing road lamp.

Status of Implementation:
1. Construction of 10 Huts have been made.
2. 1 Work shed has been made.
3. Community hall, Reception, Sales Counter 1 each has been made.
4. Normal Preparation of site has been done.
5. Sanitary Installation has been done.
6. Internal water supply has been done.
7. Supply of internal electricity is complete.
8. Internal road, path, fencing have been made.
9. Campus lighting with sub-station and capital H.T. have not been done.
10. Setting up of Motor-pump have been done
11. Landscaping has been done.
12. Entry gate and beautification has been done.
13. Development of park and procurement of equipment related to tourism has
not been done.
14. 2 Toilets blocks have been made.
15. Road lamp has been provided.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software : Not done (funds have not

been received till now)


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: Report after discussion with ASTDC,
NECARDO, Director and local community. Hardware project was completed in 2007
and at present it is fully operational under the district commissioner and HECARDO.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Work related to road lamp and park and procurement of equipment have not
been done, as there is shortage of fund.

2. Effect and impact of the project is that, after development of project domestic
foreign buyers of Terracotta product seem to have increased.

3. In India, Asharikandi village is the single largest cluster where Terracotta and
Pottery craft are found in a traditional way. If software and its product
components start working in the village then hopefully there will be more

4. Due to Hardware project income of villagers and other economic conditions

have improved but infrastructure of the village in terms of road, sewerage,
electricity, cleanliness and signage have not been able to improve.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

5. At present hardware project maintenance responsibility has been given to

district commissioner, local community and NGO people.

6. Due to shortage of funds maintenance work has not been carried out by the

7. Need maximum improvement infrastructure development, fund availability to

maintain existing components.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Assam

Location : Sualkuchi, District Kamrup

Project Name: Development of Sualkuchi , as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Patta and Moga Silk weaving.

 District Portrait

Kamrup district is an administrative district

in the state of Assam in India, named after
Kamarup, a name by which Assam was
previously known in ancient times. The
district, however, is now a small western
part of Assam, with a distinctive native
Kamrupi culture and dialect (both known as
Kamrupi). The distinctive dialect etc. is,
however, shared with the present
administrative districts of Nalbari and
Barpeta, these districts being part of an un-divided Kamrup before the 1980s. Kamrup
district consists of wide plains through which the mighty river Brahmaputra flows like
a steady course from east to west. The demographic pattern of Kamrup District is
heterogeneous. However, there exist a perceptible degree of mutual love, respect
and inter-religious tolerance amongst them.

 About village Sualkuchi

Sualkuchi, a village in the Kamrup district has
been developed over the years as a major
centre for commercial production of these
indigenous fabrics especially the Pat and Muga
silk. Sualkuchi is famous as the ‘Manchester of
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Assam’ and was established by Momai Tamuli Barbarua, a great administrator of the
Ahom kingdom during the reign of Swargadeo Pratap Singha (1603-1641). Shri
Barbarua had set up this weaver’s village by shifting a large number of master-
weavers from all over the region to that village. This patronage led to the
advancement and development of sericulture in Assam. This picturesque village on
the banks of the river Brahmaputra is about 32 kms away from Guwahati. Sualkuchi
has a population of nearly 50,000 people; most of them are engaged in weaving magic
on their looms. This village has an estimated 25,000 handlooms and produces nearly
six million meters of white and golden Assam silk annually.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

District is popular for silk weaving & Bamboo product.

 Artisans covered
Software work consists of 20 people including weaving & printing programmes. 50
women are involved in Hostility and tourism based works. Apart from the above
mentioned artisans there are approximately 200 more people involved.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Deputy Commissioner,

Sualkuchi/Assam Tourism Development Corporation/ Gondhmou Tourist Development

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2005

Hardware Components:
1. Tourist Accommodation.
2. Infrastructure for destination
3. Improvement of roads and village surrounding area.
4. Construction of Kitchen.
5. Wayside amenities.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

6. Development of park and parking facility.

7. Landscaping
8. Tree plantation everything as per norms.

Status of Implementation:
1. Tourist Accommodation has been made.
2. Infrastructure has been made for different destinations.
3. Improvement of roads and village surrounding area has been done.
4. Construction of Kitchen has been completed.
5. Wayside amenities have been provided.
6. Development of park and parking facility has been done.
7. Landscaping has been done.
8. Planting of trees has been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: Deputy Commissioner,

Sualkuchi/Assam Tourism Development Corporation.

Year of Completion of Software : 2005

Software Components:
1. Conducting workshop for gender sensitization & interpretation
2. Establishing operational norms for visitor satisfaction.
3. Tourism capacity building.
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Government of India

4. Training for visitors handling skills.

5. Tourism product development.
6. Packaging of culture and craft based tourism products.
7. Capacity building for villagers for entertainment etc.
8. Facilitation of creation of common facilities.
9. Facilitating setting up gram kala Kendras.
10. Setting up marketing model support.
11. Imparting skills for targeted disadvantaged groups.
12. Facilitation of cleaner technology.

Status of Implementation:
1. Training programmes related to community Hostility have been imparted.
2. Training for visitors handling skills have been provided.
3. Training for cleaning facilities has been provided.
4. Training for weaving, Printing & dyeing of silk base products like (Sari,
Gamchha etc.) have been imparted.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Project attracts good number of tourists because projects are situated at the
bank of Brahmaputra river hills. Surrounding area of the project is beautiful to
attract tourists.
2. Tourist’s accommodations are constructed with local Arty Bamboo.
3. Construction of the project is quite good.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

4. There is an increase in domestic & foreign tourist.

5. Quality of handicraft product and cooking quality have been improved.
6. Income of society and of other members which are associated with this project
has been improved.
7. Buyers of silk product have been increased.
8. Infrastructure of the village in terms of road and electricity has been improved.
9. Due to increased income all related factors like health, education and socio-
economic conditions have been able to improve.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project:

1. At present responsibility of maintaining the project has been given to the local
people (Muslim society, DODO Society & Hindu society).

2. The local community has not been able to carry out maintenance work
properly; therefore, all facilities and amenities are useless. There is no water
supply in the Bath rooms; no electricity and no arrangement for power back up.

3. Whitewash has not been done for the existing accommodation facilities. So, the
attraction of the project decreases day by day.

4. If the responsibility of maintenance is given to State Tourism Development

Corporation, then we can hope for better results.

5. Local people need to hand over the maintenance work to ASTDC for having
better infrastructure.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Assam

Location : Durgapur, District Golaghat

Project Name: Development of Durgapur, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Bamboo Craft and Cuisine.

 District Portrait

Golaghat district is a district state of Assam.

The district headquarters are located at
Golaghat. Dhansiri, Kakodonga, Doyang,
Gelabil, Dipholu are the main rivers of this
district. Golaghat name is made up of two
words 'Gola' which means shop and 'Ghat'
meaning the landing point of river ferry. It
originated from the shops established by the
'Marwari' businessmen during mid part of 20th century AD at the bank of river Dhansiri
near Golaghat town.

 About Durgapur

Durgapur has all the ingredients of the Assamese

rural essence; thatched houses, expert
craftsmen and skilled weavers, proximity to
Kaziranga National Park World Heritage Site,
with innovative and stylish accommodation
nearby. Virtually every household harvests silk
and weaves it, using local dyes. The village has
three fishing ponds for traditional fishing
practices and even it’s individually owned tea gardens, Erie and muga silk and betel
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

nut plantations. Bamboo mats are woven in almost all homes. Assamese festivals,
especially Bihu, are celebrated with gaiety. Traditional musical instruments, namely
'dhol', 'pepa' and 'gogona' are prevalent. The village reflects a clean environment,
divided by lanes on both sides.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Durgapur represents Assamese village really well. People here follow different
occupations of farmers, artisans and weavers. The main attraction of Durgapur is its
lifestyle - a life away from the crowd. Add to that, a visit to the Kaziranga National
park nearby - famous for the one-horned Indian rhino - on elephant back can be a
blissful experience. The host community practices the craft of woodcarving and
weaving exquisite silk garments. This variety of silk, "Erie" and "Muga" is not found
anywhere else in the world. More specifically, traditional Assamese art forms like
Bhowna and Bihu dance thrive in this village. The greenery and the unhurried lifestyle
of the people here will surely enchant the visitors.

 Artisans covered

Approximately 200 artisans participate in this district.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Assam State Tourism

Development Corporation.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2011

Hardware Components:
1. Main gate for tourist’s accommodation.
2. Product infrastructure & Destination Development work.
3. Signage.
4. Community hall
5. Museum construction
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Status of Implementation:
1. Main gate for tourist’s accommodation has been made.
2. Product infrastructure & Destination Development work has been done.
3. Signage has been made.
4. Community hall has been made.
5. Museum is under construction.
6. Destination Development work is also under construction


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software : North East Social Trust/Assam

State Tourism Development Corporation.
Year of Completion of Software : 2007
Software Components:
1. Participatory research, Baseline survey, Rapport Building.
2. Formation of Deka/Gabharu Chang (revival of traditional boys and girls groups)
and Village Council.
3. Strengthening social capital (SHGs & mahila samitis)
4. Motivation.
5. Cohesion through community action.
6. Capacity building to improve existing income sources.
7. Weaving craft development.
8. Bamboo craft development.
9. Wooden & Earthen mementos
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Government of India

10. Art & Cultural development.

11. Communication skill development.
12. Basic Management & accounts skill development.
13. Hospitality.
14. Exposure to community leaders.
15. Exposure to craft groups.
16. Exposure to Art & Cultural groups.
17. Construction of compost pits.
18. Procurement of looms and other craft appliances for the disadvantaged.
19. Development of publicity materials, brochures, websites etc.
20. Documentation (with camera and computer)
21. Programme support-including bonoririum, coordination, travel etc.

Status of Implementation:
1. Software components like Art and craft, skill training on tourism service,
culture, dance training, tourism product related activities have been
2. Regarding software training, maximum are getting benefits & income has been
3. Tourism products are Bamboo work, weaving & dying of Mekhla Chader have
enhanced socio economic conditions.
4. Over all software work is satisfactory.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: Discussion is going on with the local
people & ASTDC staff related to financial problems of the project because of which it
has not been completed till now.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: All the hardware and software
work has been carried out at a slow pace because of financial problems which need to
be addressed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Assam

Location : Village Dehing-Patakai, District- Tinsukia

Project Name: Development of Dehing-Patakai village as a Rural Tourism Destination.

Activity/Craft: Culture and Eco-tourism. (Kaziranga Park)

 District Portrait

Tinsukia district is one of the 27 administrative districts

in Assam. Tinsukia is located in the upper part of Assam
and is surrounded by Arunachal Pradesh in the south-
east, Dibrugarh district in the south-west and Dhemaji
district in the north. Tinsukia has a geographical area of
3790 sq. km. It was declared as the 23rd district of
Assam on 1st October 1989 with three sub divisions-
Tinsukia, Magherita (Sadar), and Sadiya. The major
tourist spot of Tinsukia is Dibru-Saikhowa National Park
where one can see rare and endangered species of flora and fauna.

 About Dehing-Patakai
Dehing Patkai, the only rainforest in Assam, is a
sanctuary with an area of 119.9 km sq. located in
Dibrugarh and Tinsukia Districts of Assam. It falls under
the category of Assam valley Tropical wet Evergreen
Forest. This sanctuary consists of three parts viz. –
Jeypore, upper Dihing and Dirok rainforest. It was
declared as sanctuary on 13 January 2004. This
sanctuary is also a part of Dehing- Patkai Elephant
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Reserve. The area also has some historic touches like World War II cemeteries,
Stillwell road and the oldest refinery of Asia in Digboi.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Decorative Textile, Wood Curving, Arts & Painting, Fabrics, Doll making, Cane &
Bamboo products etc very popular in Tinsukia District.

 Artisans covered: No.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: District Commissioner, Tinsukia

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2009

Implementing Agency Details: District Commissioner, Tinsukia

Hardware Components:

1. Provision of HUTS, Working Shed. Community hall, Reception sales, counter,

restaurant Area, Anti termite etc.
2. Normal preparation of site.
3. Sanitary installation
4. Internal water supply.
5. Internal Electricity.
6. Campus lighting.
7. Landscaping.
8. Boundary wall, side development Road.
9. Development of Bio-gas Plant.
10. Making of bullock cart and other indigenous model for transportation of tourist.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Status of Implementation:

1. Provision of HUTS, Working Shed. Community hall, Reception sales, counter,

Restaurant Area, Anti termite etc has been done.
2. Normal preparation of site has been done.
3. Sanitary fittings have been installed.
4. Internal water supply has been done.
5. Internal Electricity has been supplied.
6. Campus lighting has been provided.
7. Landscaping has been completed.
8. Boundary wall, site development Road has been constructed.
9. Bio-gas Plant has been developed.
10. Making of bullock cart and other indigenous model for transportation of tourists
have not been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: No

Year of Completion of software : No
Implementing Agency Details : No
Software Components : No
Status of Implementation : No
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Majority of components are completed
2. Place is beautiful but at present maintenance work is not carried out by any
agency therefore all the completed components need maintenance.
3. Over all Hardware project is average and has given satisfactory results.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: No software work has been
assigned to this project while hardware work has been carried out giving average


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Bihar
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Bihar
Location : Nepura, District- Nalanda
Project Name: Development of Nepura village, as a Rural Tourism Destination
Activity/Craft: Tusser Silk weaving

District Portrait
Nalanda district, is famous all over the world for the
ancient International Monastic University established
in 5th century BC, which taught Vedas, Logic,
Grammar, Medicine, Meta-Physics, Prose
Composition and Rhetoric. Nalanda district is
popularly known as Biharsharif. Rivers Phalgu, and
Mohane flows through the district of Nalanda. The
various sub divisions of the district are Biharsharif ,
Rajgir , and Hilsa. The district is divided into blocks
of Giriyak, Rahui, Nursarai, Harnaut, Chandi, Islampur, Rajgir, Asthawan, Sarmera,
Hilsa, Biharsharif, Ekangarsarai, Ben, Nagarnausa, Karaiparsurai, Silao, Parwalpur,
Katrisarai, Bind, and Tharthari. Agriculture is the main source of occupation. Farmers
mainly grow paddy, apart from it they grow Potatoes, and Onions. Few people of the
district are also involved in handloom weaving. Since the district is a famous tourist
destination, tourism plays a vital role in the economy of Nalanda.

About Nepura village

Located between the famous palaces Nalanda and Rajgir Town
of Bihar, small village is also famous for weaving. There are
about 250 families in this village, out of which 50 are practicing
weaving. It is said that out of the three Mango Grooves of
Nalanda University, one of the Grooves is situated here in
Nepura village and this is the place where Lord Mahavira and
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Gautam Buddha stayed. In fact it is the first place where Lord Buddha gave his first
preaching which is believed by the local people. So it came out to be known as the
epicenter of Buddha preaching. It is also considered the first major social reform
movement. Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira and Sanjaya have many followers from this

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Tusser silk weaving

 Artisan covered: Approximately 63 artisans are working in this village.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/The Director,

Tourism, Govt. of Bihar/The District magistrate, Nalanda.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2008

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/The Director, Tourism, Govt. of

Bihar/The District magistrate, Nalanda.

Hardware Components:
1. Internal village roads.
2. Illumination & Signage.
3. Development of Bodhisattva Avenue.
4. Solid waste/sewage management.
5. Reception centre/village library.
6. Common eating place of villagers
7. Surrounding development.
8. Tourist accommodation.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Status of Implementation
1. Internal village roads have been made.
2. Illumination & Signage have been made.
3. Development of Bodhisattva Avenue has been done.
4. Solid waste/sewage management has been done.
5. Reception centre/village library have been made.
6. Common eating place for villagers has been properly made
7. Development of surrounding areas has been done.
8. Accommodation for tourists has been made.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Secretary/The Director,

Tourism, Govt. of Bihar/The District magistrate, Nalanda./Nepura Gram Paryatan
Vikas Samiti, Nepura, Nalanda.
Year of Completion of Software : 2008
Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/The Director, Tourism, Govt. of
Bihar/The District magistrate, Nalanda./Nepura Gram Paryatan Vikas Samiti, Nepura,
and Nalanda.

Software Components
1. Conducting workshop for gender sensitization & interpretation.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

2. Establishing operational norms for visitor satisfaction.

3. Tourism capacity building.

4. Training for visitor handling skills.

5. Tourism product development.

6. Packaging of culture and craft based tourism products.

7. Capacity building of village groups for entertainment etc.

8. Creation of common facilities.

9. Setting up gram kala Kendras etc.

10. Setting up marketing model support etc.

11. Imparting skills for targeted disadvantaged groups.

12. Facilitation of cleaner technology.

Status of Implementation
1. Conducting workshop for gender sensitization & interpretation has been done.

2. Establishing operational norms for visitor satisfaction has been completed.

3. Capacity building for tourism has been done.

4. Training skills for handling visitors have been done.

5. Development of tourism products has been done.

6. Packaging of culture and craft based tourism products have been done.

7. Capacity building of village groups for entertainment purpose has been done.

8. Creation of common facilities has been made.

9. Setting up gram kala Kendras has been done.

10. Setting up of marketing support model has been done.

11. Training skills for targeted disadvantaged groups has been imparted
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

12. Facilitation of cleaner technology has been provided.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Hardware work needs to be maintained

2. Software work is satisfactory.
3. After the project socio economic conditions have increased.
4. Quality of products has improved.
5. Production has also improved.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Overall this project has
increased the socio-economic conditions of the villagers and is thus doing well.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Village road Villager road

Signage Reception centre & Library

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Chhattisgarh
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Chhattisgarh
Location: Chitrakote District- Bastar
Project Name: Improvement of the surrounding area of Chitrakote tourist Centre and
Chitrakote falls.

 District Portrait

The District Bastar is located in the southern part

of Chhattisgarh and situated at a height of 2000
ft from sea level .The borders of Bastar district
are Kanker district in the north, Maharashtra
State in the west, Dante Wada district in the
south and Orissa State in the east. The District
head quarter Jagdalpur is situated approximately
at a distance of 300 k.m from Raipur, which is
the capital of Chhattisgarh state.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The traditional craftsmen and women of the Bastar region are renowned for their
expertise in the fields of stone carving, woodcraft, terracotta, bell metal work, iron
and bamboo craft. Kondagaon, Narayanpur and Jagdalpur are famous for their
terracotta elephants with bells and decorative pots.

Artisans covered: The software implementing agency, as per project demand they
have given training for handling skill of tourist and tourism product development, but
training work not done properly so that has not benefited the beneficiaries of this
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The Managing Director Chhattisgarh Tourism Board
2. Asst. Resident Representative, UNDP India
3. The Kishkidha Trust Anegundi, Kopala, District Karnataka

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2004-2005

Implementing Agency Details: Founded in the year 1997 by Shama Pawar, The
Kishkinda Trust (TKT) assists the villagers of Anegundi at a grassroots level to build
capacity in order to maintain business incubators and to conserve their historical
heritage. TKT runs several unique programs, which are seamlessly integrated with the
lives of the local people and that empower them economically.TKT has started many
student groups that teach children about and to appreciate their environment and
heritage. Through the performing arts such as theatre, dance, baking, art and song;
TKT enriches the lives of around a hundred children from the area. TKT also conducts
workshops for college and high school students about the importance and methods of
architectural conservation. Working directly with teachers is also important to us in
order to instill values of conservation and architectural maintenance. TKT has also
started a Library and activity centre where children can read and learn some arts and
crafts after school.

Hardware Components:
1. Preparation of line mill identification of Lime source location for mill
2. Development of a website dedicated to Chitrakote, which may be linked to the
State Govt. Tourism website
3. Construction of a proper parking for the tourism vehicles at the entry of the
Chitrakota village
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

4. General illuminations and lighting inland around the Chitrakota falls and at the
parking site on all signage points
5. Development of tourist Welcome Center before the entry point to the village

Status of Implementation:
1. As per physical survey report and information given by the villagers, the
project has been given to the NGO. But NGO has not completed the work as per
norms like construction of information centre and also the lighting facilities of
Chitrakote falls far away from the centre point. So this work has not benefited
the villagers and villagers are not satisfied of the work.

1. Improvement of the Surroundings of the destination.
2. Sewerage management.
3. Wayside amenities.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software:

1. The Managing Director Chhattisgarh Tourism Board,
2. Asst. Resident Representative, UNDP India,
3. Saathi Samaj Sevi Sanstha, Kumharpara, Kondagaon

Year of Completion of Software: 2004-2005

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Implementing Agency Details:

The centre, called Saathi (togetherness), is run by a small group of dedicated ceramic
professionals. Saathi's mission is to help, sustain, develop and market Bastar's
traditional arts and crafts in both national and international markets. Since its
registration in 1993 (actual operations began in the late-1980s), Saathi has been able
to impart technical and marketing skills to over 1,400 artisan families living in 90
villagers across three districts in Bastar.

Software Components:
1. Conducting workshop for gender sensitization & interpretation
2. Establishing operational norms for visitor satisfaction
3. Tourism Capacity building
4. Training for visitor handling Skills
5. Tourism product development
6. Packaging of culture and craft base tourism products
7. Capacity building of village groups for entertainment etc.
8. Facilitating of creation of common facilities
9. Facilitating setting up gram kala Kendras etc.
10. Setting up marketing model support etc
11. Imparting skills for targeted disadvantaged groups
12. Facilitation of cleaner technology.

Status of Implementation: NGO People conducted the meeting but they have not
given any type of training to the beneficiaries, they had taken villagers signature only
after the meeting. So the village people think that this type of work will be conducted
directly by the department and not by the NGO. Hence, NO IMPLEMENTATION OF
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The artisans are happy with the
scheme and feel that it is quite useful for them. The artisans also want to attend
more marketing fairs and exhibitions.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is not successful
as the hardware work has not been done properly and the software work is yet to


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

1 Preparation of line mill identification of Lime source location for mill,

2 Construction of a proper parking for the tourism vehicles at the entry of the
Chitrakota village.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

3 General illuminations and lighting inland around the Chitrakota falls and at the
parking site on all signage points,
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

4 Development of tourist Welcome Center before the entry point to the village

1. Improvement of the Surroundings of the destination.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

2. Wayside amenities
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Chhattisgarh
Location: Mana-Tuta, District- Raipur
Project Name: Software and hardware work plan under CBSP (Capacity Building for
Service) Awareness program Tourism products and culture activates and development
of tourist destination.

 District Portrait
Raipur is located near the centre of a large plain,
sometimes referred as the "rice bowl of India", where
hundreds of varieties of rice are grown. Raipur district
is important in historical and archeological point of
view. This district was once part of Southern Kosal and
considered to be under Mourya Kingdom. Raipur city
had been the capital of the Haihaya Kings, controlling
the traditional forts of the Chhattisgarh for a long
time. Govterment's Shabari handicrafts emporium and
Chhattisgarh Haat is famous for uplifting the local artist and craftsman.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Raipur district is growing in terms in tourism. It houses a number of beautiful sites
which make exploring the city all the more interesting and surprising. The Art Gallery
of Sushilpikangan offers a stupendous display of finest workmanship while the Shabari
handicrafts emporium and Chhattisgarh Haat are most popular for exhibiting the arts
and crafts of the locals.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. Director of Tourism Department of Tourism Govt.
2. Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Tourism Board
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2006-2007

Status of Implementation: Work has not started till date.

Hardware Components:
1. Wayside amenities
2. Improvement of the roads within the Panchayat limit
3. Illuminations in the villages
4. Sewerage Management
5. Improvement of surrounding of the destination
6. Signage’s


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software:

1. Director of Tourism Department, Chhattisgarh Tourism Govt.
2. Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Tourism Board
3. Learn Natural Samiti , Raipur , Chhattisgarh

Year of Completion of Software: 2006-2007

Software Components:
1. Workshops, Seminars and Awareness Program,
2. Operational Norms,
3. Training Activities,
4. Tourism Product Developments,
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

5. Cultural Festivals, 6 Training Photography and Videographer,

6. Gender Sensitization, 8 Market Support

Status of Implementation:
1. As per Survey in Village Mana-Tuta, District- Raipur and according to the
Sarpanch and Villagers, the work was accepted by the department and they
had given the software component implementation work to the NGO. Till 13-
09-2011, the NGO has not started work. When the Sarpanch enquired about it
to the NGO representatives, they had told that because of non-receipt of funds
from the Department of Tourism, the work has not been started. This is the
status of work completion for both hardware as well as software portion


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The artisans are happy with the
scheme and feel that it is quite useful for them. But the work is yet to start.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is not at all
successful because neither hardware nor software work has been started till date.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Chhattisgarh

Location : Village-Nagarnar, District. - Bastar

Project Name: Development of Nagarnar village as a Rural Tourism Destination.

Activity/Craft: No

 District Portrait

District Bastar is located in the southern part of

Chhattisgarh and situated at a height of 2000 ft
plateau from sea level. Borders of Bastar district are
Kanker district in the north, Maharashtra State in the
west, Dantewada district in the south and Orissa State
in the east. The District head quarter Jagdalpur is
situated approximately at a distance of 300 k.m from
Raipur, which is the capital of Chhattisgarh state.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The region has abundant waterfalls which range from zigzag trickles to roaring falls
that are comparable to the best in the world. Bastar is known for its famous
Chitrakoot falls, one of the most beautiful of all the waterfalls. Smaller waterfalls
include Kanger Dhara near Kutumsar, Mandra, Chitradhara, Tamada and Dhoomar.
Although smaller, each one is surrounded with greenery and is very attractive.

 Artisans covered: No.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Chhattisgarh Paryatan Board

construction Motel and tourist information centre with the help of local sub
contractor. Overall supervision work is done by Chhattisgarh Paryatan board.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2009

Implementing Agency Details: District Commissioner, Tinsukia

Hardware Components:
1. Construction of Tourist information Center
2. Illumination and lighting
3. Development of Tourist Motel

Status of Implementation: According to villagers and Sarpanch tourists motel was

allotted for the village Nagarnar but due to some reason that is built in another
village. People are satisfied with the work and construction quality. Projects are
not giving benefits to villagers because Motel is being constructed (CHOKHAWADA)
4 KM away from the village and it has not started till now.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: No

Year of Completion of software : No

Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components : No
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

Construction work and design of the motel is excellent to attract tourist if it is
regularly maintained and would be very use full for benefits.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: No software work has been
assigned to this project while hardware work has not been successful.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the rural project:

1 Construction of Tourist information Center,

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

2 Illumination and lighting,

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

3. Development of tourist Motel:-

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Chhattisgarh

Location : Kondagaon, District- Bastar

Project Name: Development of Kondagaon, village, as a Rural Tourism Destination


 District Portrait

District Bastar is located in the southern part of

Chhattisgarh and situated at a height of 2000 ft
plateau from sea level .The borders of Bastar
district are Kanker district in the north,
Maharashtra State in the west, Dante Wada
district in the south and Orissa State in the east.
District head quarter Jagdalpur is situated
approximately at a distance of 300 k.m from
Raipur, which is the capital of Chhattisgarh state.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Kondagaon is a tribal village and is famous for its terracotta handicrafts,

practiced by the local craftsman since centuries. As a matter of fact and
pride, some of the artisans from Nagarnar have brought laurels to the
country by participating in international craft fares abroad. Other attractions
are local weaving techniques, carpentry and craftsmanship in bell metal and
wrought iron. Besides being a nature lover's paradise, this village offers an
indigenous experience to the visitors. There is an array of activities to pick
from flora, fauna caves, waterfalls, palaces, museums and religious places
all are within radius of 200 kms from Jagdalpur. There is also the forest of
Keshkal to explore.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The Managing Director Chhattisgarh Tourism Board,
2. Engineering Department Tourism of Chhattisgarh.
3. The Chhattisgarh tourism development Board.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2009-2010

Implementing Agency Details: Under the supervision of Executive

Engineering Department of tourism Chhattisgarh Highway Motel work has
been completed. Department is planning to hand over the responsibility to
any third party on contract basis.

Hardware Components:
1. Development infrastructure As Wayside amenities
2. Sewerage management.
3. Tourist comforts centre.
4. Signage.
5. Hard Flat form.

Status of Implementation: Majority of hardware component’s construction

work has been completed but was hard due to shortage of funds.
Chhattisgarh tourism development board developed Highway Motel at
Kondagaon village. At present highway Motel is not functioning because
authority deceased to hand over the responsibility to any third party on
contract basis.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software : No

Year of Completion of Software : No

Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components : No
Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: As per discussion with the tourism
department and village Pradhan satisfactory results have been achieved. Terracotta
handicraft work has started growing near Kondagaon area.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has not been
successful as it does not help artisans to improve their socio-economic conditions.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Chhattisgarh
Location: Village Chilpi, District Kabirdham
Project Name: Development of amenities for Shilp Village Chilpi. Approval of the
software work plan under CBSP 9 Capacity Building for Service Providers Scheme) of
Chilpi village

 District Portrait

District Kabirdham is a peaceful and attractive

place located on the southern bank of river Sakari.
Due to the advent of Kabir Sahib and the
establishment of the seat of descendants of his
disciple Dharmdas, it was named as Kabirdham.
About 17 km from District Hq. Bhoramdeo is a very
important place historically and archeologically.
This place was the capital of Nagvanshi kings from
9th century to 14th century. After that this region came under possession of
Haihayvanshi Kings who were related to state Ratanpur.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The district is scenically located on the fringes of the Maikal hills, close to the Kanha
National Park. This rustic tribal region has a rich cultural heritage, the Gond and
Baiga tribes inhabit the isolated interiors and have a peaceful yet vibrant culture. The
city and suburbs are interspersed with ancient temples and monuments, some dating
back to the 11th century have been well preserved. The tiny tribal hamlets that fringe
the city retail the old world charm and a stark contrast from modern developments
within the city limits.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Artisans covered: The SHG covered in Badgaon village was formed in 2004-05. A total
of thirty artisans were covered in this SHG. The annual turnover of these artisans
ranges around Rs 15,000.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Tourism Board,
2. PUGMARKS and Eco Ethno Development Society

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2006-2007

Hardware Components:
1. Wayside amenities
2. Improvement of the roads within the Panchayat limits
3. Illumination of the villages
4. Sewerage Management
5. Improvement of surrounding of the destination
6. Signage.

Status of Implementation: As per Survey in Village Chilpi Ghati, the people are not
aware about any work and no work has been done in the village. According to Gram
Pradhan, the light arrangement done by Panchayat is not use currently because it is
not working.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software:

1. Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Tourism Board,
2. PUGMARKS and Eco Ethno Development Society

Year of Completion of Software: 2007-2006

Software Components:
1. Workshops Seminar and Awareness Activities
2. Operational Norms
3. Training Activities
4. Tourism Product Development
5. Cultural Festivals
6. Training Photography and Videographer
7. Gender Sensitization
8. Market Support

Status of Implementation: According to Gram-Pradhan no work has been done at

Village location and no training had been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The artisans are unhappy with the
status of the project and they feel that if implemented the scheme will benefit them.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is not at all
successful as neither hardware nor software work implementation has taken place till


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Delhi
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Delhi
Location : Nagali Rajapur (Distt. South Delhi)
Project Name : Development of village Nagali Rajapur as a Rural Tourism
Activity/Craft : Historical.

District Portrait
South New Delhi is bordered in the north by the
districts of New Delhi, the Yamuna river to the
east, Gurgaon district of Haryana to the southwest,
Faridabad District of Haryana to the southeast and
South West Delhi to the west. Ideally located this
part of the city boasts of well-developed
infrastructure, uninterrupted electricity and
abundant water supply. South Delhi is one of the
most high class areas in the city. South Delhi shelters some of the finest hotels,
stores, tourist spots, infrastructures, historical monuments, nightclubs and

 About Nagali Rajapur village

Village Nangli Rajapur, Nizamuddin East, Hazrat
Nizamuddin, South Delhi, This place has a rich
history. The neighborhood surrounding the dargah
is named after the saint, and is divided into two
parts along Mathura Road: Nizamuddin West where
the Dargah complex and a lively market
dominated by Muslim vendors is located, and
Nizamuddin East, an upper-class residential area
situated between Humayun's Tomb and the
Nizamuddin Railway Station. The other important monuments in this area include
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Humayun's Tomb, Chausath Khamba, Mirza Ghalib's tomb, Barakhamba, Blue Gumbad
at the Nizamuddin Circle and Lal Mahal.

1. Crafts/Activities in the District : No

1. Artisans covered : No


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary, Tourism

Department, Govt. of Delhi/India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd/The
Chairman, New Delhi Municipal Corporation.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2006.

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary, Tourism Department, Govt. of

Delhi/India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd/The Chairman, New Delhi Municipal

Hardware Components:
 Construction of village pathways.
 Paving of Central area.
 Landscaping.
 Community hall.
 Water harvesting.

Status of Implementation:
 Construction of village pathways done.
 Paving of Central area done.
 Landscaping done.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Community hall done.

 Water harvesting not done.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful


 Organization/Implementing Agency for Software : No

 Year of Completion of Software : No
 Implementing Agency Details : No
Software Components : No
Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

 Project completed in 2006 and after that the state Govt. has also done some
more work on the project in same place.
 Overall satisfactory work has been done on this rural tourism project.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Only hardware component

implementation was planned for this project. The hardware components have been
implemented and were completed by the year 2006. Although one of the components
is yet to completed. The fact the implementation of hardware components has not
generated any interest among tourists and has not increased tourism to this
destination, makes this project an average success.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Delhi
Location : Kotla Mubarakpur (Distt. South Delhi)
Project Name: Development of village Kotla Mubarakpur as a Rural Tourism

District Portrait

South New Delhi is bordered in the north by the

districts of New Delhi, the Yamuna river to the
east, Gurgaon district of Haryana to the
southwest, Faridabad District of Haryana to the
southeast and South West Delhi to the west.
Ideally located this part of the city boasts of well-
developed infrastructure, uninterrupted electricity
and abundant water supply. South Delhi shelters
some of the finest hotels, stores, tourist spots, infrastructures, historical monuments,
nightclubs and restaurants.

About Kotla Mubarakpur village

Kotla Mubarakpur medieval village is now an

upscale market place with a residential colony in
South Delhi, India. Classified by the Delhi
Development Authority, as an Urban Village, its
history can be traced to the prominent tomb of
Muizud Din Mubarak Shah. There are several other
tombs of Lodi Dynasty period such as the Darya
Khan's tomb, Kale Khan ka Gumbad, Bare Khan ka
Gumbad, Chote Khan Ka Gumbad and Bhure Khan ka Gumbad, and also a Baoli (step
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary, Tourism

Department, Govt. of Delhi/India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd/The
Chairman, New Delhi Municipal Corporation.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2006

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary, Tourism Department, Govt. of
Delhi/India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. and the Chairman, New Delhi
Municipal Corporation.

Hardware Components:
 Pavement development.
 Landscaping.
 Amenities and infrastructure development.
 Signage.

Status of Implementation:
 Pavement done.
 Landscaping done.
 Amenities and infrastructure developed.
 Signage done.

1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


 Organization/Implementing Agency for Software : No

 Year of Completion of Software : No
 Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components : No
Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

 All work done at that time. After that state Govt. also done some work in this
 Over all satisfactory work at that time.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: There was no software work
allotted for this rural tourism project and only hardware work had to be done. The
hardware component had been completed by 2006 and the work done is satisfactory,
although maintenance of the infrastructure developed needs to be looked into to
make this rural tourism project a successful one.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots o f the Rural Tourism Project:

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Government of India

State: Gujarat
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Gujarat

Location : Dandi, District- Navsari

Project Name: Development of Dandi village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Mahatma Gandhi Heritage

District Portrait

Navsari district is located in the south eastern

part of Gujarat in the coastal lowland along Purna
The district has 5 talukas out of which Navsari,
Gandevi, and Chikhli are major talukas. The
district abounds in sugarcane fields, chikoo
plantations, and mango trees
Navsari is known for its floriculture activities and
sugar business. Famous historical places Dandi and Vansda National Park are located
in Navsari

About Dandi village

Dandi is a small village in the Jalalpore district,

Gujarat, India. It is located on the coast of
Arabian Sea near the city of Navsari. It came into
existence in 1930 when Mahatma Gandhi selected
it to be the place for e Salt Satyagraha. He
marched from Ahmedabad to Dandi with some of
his followers to protest against the imposition of a
tax on salt.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

There are no major craft activites in Navsari district. Brass products, Bandhani (tie-
dyed fabric) & Embroidery work are some of the activities which have become
 Artisan covered: Approximately 60 artisans are working in this village.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/ The Director,

Tourism, Govt. of Gujarat.

Year of Completion of Hardware : Ongoing.

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/ The Director, Tourism, Govt. of


Hardware Components:
1. Construction of public amenities.
2. Improvement of the garden and camping site.
3. Plantation of tress on both sides of approach road as shown in the design.
4. Renovation of Saifia villa.

Status of Implementation : (In Dandi village another mega project (Dandi Gandhi
Smruti-karadi circuit) from Central Govt. also started at the same time, So local
authorities merged both Rural Tourism project &mega project, therefore till now
work is going on.)
1. Construction of public amenities has been done.
2. Improvement of the garden and camping site has been completed.
3. Returning wall.
4. Development of lake has been completed.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

5. Gandhi institute has been constructed.

6. Plantation of trees on both sides of approach road as shown in the design has
been done.
7. Renovation of Saifia villa has been under process.
8. Development of pathway has been completed


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: Tourism Corporation of Gujarat

Limited/District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Navsari.

Year of Completion of Software : 2009

Implementing Agency Details: Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Limited/District Rural

Development Agency (DRDA), Navsari.

Software Components
1. Capacity Building.
2. Survey Studies, Workshop & events.
3. Production of tourism related materials.
4. Resource inputs capacity building, Promotion & Marketing.
5. Administrative Overheads.
Status of Implementation
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

1. Capacity Building has been made.

2. Survey Studies, Workshop & events have been organized.
3. Tourism related materials have been produced.
4. Resource inputs capacity building, Promotion & Marketing has been done.
5. Administrative Overheads have been provided.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Hardware work is going on.
2. Software work is completed successfully.
3. After the project Artisans are getting benefits.
4. Socio economic condition has improved.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Most of the software is

completed and it is giving good results to the villagers while the hardware work is still
going on because two projects have been merged.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Gujarat

Location : Hodka, District- Kachcha

Project Name: Development of Hodka village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Mirror Work/Embroidery

District Portrait

Kutch district (also spelled as Kutch or Kachchh) is

formerly-independent district of Gujarat state in western
India. Covering an area of 45,612 km², it is the largest
district in Gujarat and the second largest district of India
after Leh. This district is also famous for ecologically
important Banni grasslands with their seasonal marshy
wetlands which form the outer belt of Rann of Kutch.
Kachchh District is surrounded by Gulf of Kachchh and
Arabian Sea in south and west, while northern and eastern
parts are surrounded by Great and Small Rann (seasonal wetlands) of Kachchh.

About Hodka village

Hodka Village is located in the district of Kutch Gujarat

in India. It lies at a distance of 63 km from Bhuj. The
name Hodka is derived from Gujarati word 'hodi' which
means boat. Colorful attire of the people, rich art and
craft and strong cultural background of the village
attracts tourists the most. The area is famous for its
leather craft.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Kachchh has a strong tradition of crafts. The most famous craft of the region is its
diverse embroideries. The finest aari embroidery was carried out for royal and
wealthy families. Traditionally women in rural areas do the embroidery for presenting
them at the time of giving dowries. Unfortunately many of these fine skills have now
been lost though some are being rejuvenated through handicrafts initiatives. In 1950,
local Social Leader Dr. Manubhai Pandhi worked with local artists & central
Government, to help restore the dying handicraft. Today over 16 different types of
embroideries are being produced commercially by a few societies and a couple of
private corporations. Some of the finest new embroideries in the world are still being
produced by over 6,000 women artisans of the region.

 Artisan covered: Approximately 70 artisans are working in this village.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/ The Director,

Tourism, Govt. of Gujarat
Year of Completion of Hardware : 2008

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/ The Director, Tourism, Govt. of


Hardware Components:
1. Improvement of surroundings of the village.
2. Improvements o roads within panchayat limit.
3. Illumination in the village.
4. Solid waste/Sewage management.
5. Construction of wayside amenities.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

6. Production of equipment directly related to tourism.

7. Signage.
8. Reception center, Gram Kala Kendra, Kraft museum.
9. Other works directs related to tourism.
10. Tourist accommodation.

Status of Implementation:
1. handicraft haat have been made by them
2. Inside the haat sitting hall has been made
3. 5 tent house have been constructed
4. Constructrion of 4 rooms have been completed
5. Kitchen & Toilets have been made.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The District Collector/Kucth

Mahila Vikas Sangathan (KMVS), Bhuj

Year of Completion of Software : 2008

Implementing Agency Details: The District Collector/Kucth Mahila Vikas Sangathan

(KMVS), Bhuj
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Software Components
1. Capacity Building.
2. Survey, Studies, Workshop & Event.
3. Production of tourism related materials.
4. Resource inputs for capacity building, promotion and marketing.
5. Administrative overhead.

Status of Implementation
1. Cadre training for Hospitality purpose has been imparted.
2. Guide Training for youngsters in the village have been provided.
3. Committee meeting has been organized after two months for administration
and accounts training.
4. Purchasing Honey, Butter, ghee and dry cleaning of cloths have been provided
5. Women of the village in resort to mud painting while construction of resort has
been done.
6. Posters for tourist points and creation of website of hodka tourist points have
been completed.
7. Travelling agency have been Contacted for tourists.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. In Hardware work they have made Handicraft haat.
2. Over all software work is not satisfactory.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

3. Artisans are also not getting benefits for this project.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Most of the software is not
completed and it is not giving good results to the villagers while the hardware work
has given satisfactory results.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Handicraft haat Tent House

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Rooms Handicraft haat

Artisan Artisan

Finish product ready for sale

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Gujarat

Location : Navagaon and Malegaon, District- Dang

Project Name: Development of Navagaon & Malegaon village, as a Rural Tourism

Activity/Craft: Culture & Eco- Tourism

District Portrait
Dang (also known as Dangs) is one of the districts in
Gujarat state. District headquarters are located at Ahwa.
Dang district is located in the southern part of Gujarat.
To the north and west of Dang lies Surat and Navsari
districts of Gujarat whereas to its east and south are the
districts of the Maharashtra state. Dang is comprises of
311 Villages and has an area of 1764 sq. km. The land of
the district is fertile and rocky. Color of the soil is either
red or black. Maize, Rice, Groundnuts, Nagli (raggi), Euphorbia, etc. are the major
cultivation of this land. Wheat, Black Gram, Udad, etc are also grown in this soil.
Purva and Ambica are the two major rivers of Dang. Other rivers are Khapri, Gira and
Ghoghal. All the rivers are flowing into the Arabian Sea.

About Navagaon and Malegaon village

Malegaon is a Village in Ahwa Taluk in Dang District in
Gujarat State. Malegaon is 16.3 km far from its
Taluk, main Town Ahwa. Malegaon is located 18.4 km
distance from its District, main City Ahwa. It is
located at a distance of 312 km from its Main City
 Crafts/Activities in the District
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Malegaon village is quite famous for its art and craft work. Every hamlet in the village
has their own distinguish designs and patterns. The area is famous for its leather
craft. As part of the tradition every girl in the village is taught to do embroidery at an
age when other children usually prefer going to school. Slowly they learn the
stitching, making purses, skirts, cholis, quilt, and cover for cattle horn, door
hangings, embroidered items embellished with mirrors, shells, beads and tassels and
so on

 Artisan covered: No


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/The Director,

Tourism/Gujarat Tourism Dev. Corporation. ltd, Govt. of Gujarat.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2008

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/The Director, Tourism/Gujarat Tourism

Dev. Corporation. ltd, Govt. of Gujarat.

Hardware Components:
1. Construction of 25 shops, 5 stores, 2 Workspace, 1 displays museum and one
2. Construction of cafeteria, Kitchen, Store and Wash room.
3. Rest rooms.
4. Tourist Information Center.
5. Toilet Block.
6. Parking Area.
7. Rest room with stone benches.
8. Electricity/water supply/drainage.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

9. Compound wall/signage.
10. Landscaping/plantation.

Status of Implementation: They have shifted hardware work from Navagaon and
Malegaon to Saputara village & made a Tribal haat. Finally, one school has been made
in this building.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: Centre for Environment Education,

Nehru Foundation for Development Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad.

Year of Completion of Software :

Implementing Agency Details: Centre for Environment Education (CEE) is a national

institution engaged in developing programmes and material to increase awareness and
concern, leading to action, regarding environment and sustainable development.

Software Components
1. Capacity Building.
2. Survey, Studies, Workshop & Event.
3. Production of tourism related materials.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

4. Resource inputs for capacity building, promotion and marketing.

5. Administrative overhead.

Status of Implementation: Nothing has been implemented till now because funds
have not been released by the state govt.)


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Hardware work is found to be Satisfactory.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Hardware work has fetched
desirable benefits to the villagers while no software work has been carried because of
shortage of funds.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Handicraft haat Tent House

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Gujarat

Location : Tera, District- Kachcha

Project Name: Development of Tera village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Heritage

District Portrait

Kutch district (also spelled as Kutch or Kachchh) is

formerly-independent district of Gujarat state in western
India. Covering an area of 45,612 km², it is the largest
district in Gujarat and the second largest district of India
after Leh. This district is also famous for ecologically
important Banni grasslands with their seasonal marshy
wetlands which form the outer belt of Rann of Kutch.
Kachchh District is surrounded by Gulf of Kachchh and
Arabian Sea in south and west, while northern and eastern parts are surrounded by
Great and Small Rann (seasonal wetlands) of Kachchh.

About Tera village

Tera is a charming heritage village located in the remote

Abdasa Taluka of Kutch. The village has a history of over
five hundred years. Tera through a large square is a main
hub for villagers to meet and chat. There is Ashok Stambh
with stone railing. Behind the stone wall there is a fort
wall with strategically built gates. Once a Rajwadu
village, Tera has been home to diverse communities –
Bhanushali, Koli, Harijan, Parghi, Muslim, Jain, Luhana, Rajput and Brahmin. Some of
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

these are known for entrepreneurial activities. Though farming is the main occupation
of the village, bandhani craft (tie – and – dye) is also a major form of livelihood of
many families.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Kachchh has a strong tradition of crafts. The most famous craft of the region is its
diverse embroideries. The finest aari embroidery was carried out for royal and
wealthy families. Traditionally women in rural areas do the embroidery for presenting
them at the time of giving dowries. Unfortunately many of these fine skills have now
been lost though some are being rejuvenated through handicrafts initiatives. In 1950,
local Social Leader Dr. Manubhai Pandhi worked with local artists & central
Government, to help restore the dying handicraft. Today over 16 different types of
embroideries are being produced commercially by a few societies and a couple of
private corporations. Some of the finest new embroideries in the world are still being
produced by over 6,000 women artisans of the region.

 Artisan covered: No


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Commissioner of Tourism,

Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar/ The Director of tourism, Govt. of Gujarat,

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2008

Implementing Agency Details: The Commissioner of Tourism, Govt. of Gujarat,

Gandhinagar/ The Director of tourism, Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Hardware Components:
1. construction of well.
2. Development Village Square.
3. Providing Street Light.
4. Development of ratnabai’s Samadhi.
5. View Spot above Sumarsar Pond.
6. Raja Rani’s Seats.
7. Tourist Restaurant.
8. Tera Heritage Walk.

Status of Implementation:

1. Ratnabai’s Samadhi has been developed

2. Raja Rani’s seats have been made
3. Panchayat office Gate has been constructed.
4. Pond’s entrance gate has been constructed.
5. Pond’s fancying has been repaired.
6. Ashok Stumbh has been renovation of
7. Wee has been constructed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: No

Year of Completion of Software : No

Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components : No

Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Hardware work is completed but satisfactory results are not achieved due to
shortage of funds.
2. In Ratnabai Samadhi finishing is not complete.
3. There is no path towards Ratnabai Samadhi.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: No software work was assigned
and hardware has not been successfully completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Haryana
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Haryana
Location : Jyotisar (Kurukshetra)
Project Name: Development of Village Jyotisar as a Rural Tourism Destination.
Activity/Craft: Stuffed toys, Stitching & Kadhai

 District Portrait
Kurukshetra pronunciation is a land of historical
and religious importance. Historically the land
belonged to Punjab now a district in Haryana
Kurukshetra district falls in the north-east part
of the Haryana State The district is bordered by
Karnal district in the south, Kaithal district in
the south and south-west, Ambala in the north
and Patiala in the north-west.

 About Jyotisar
Jyotisar Village is located in Kurukshetra.
There are around 1000 households here mainly
working in the agriculture and cattle rearing
fields. The Ras Leelas are the main attraction
of Jyotisar. Mattress making, wood carving,
traditional pottery and folk painting are a part
of this heritage village. Basket making and
bejan making is also done here. Mattress
making, wood carving, traditional pottery and
folk painting are a part of this heritage
village. Basket making and bejan making is
also done here.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Dari making, folk painting, pottery making, and wood carving are the main artifacts of
Jyotisar village. It’s a religious place and most of the activities carried out here are in
the religious sense only.

Artisans covered: Total 17 Artisans are involved in this programme. (Craft, Kadhai,
Stitching & beautician)


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The Dy. Commissioner

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2010

Implementing Agency Details:
1. In charge of Project was DC along with Addl. DC.

Hardware Components:
1. Construction of Ethnic Craft Bazaar accommodation, Ethnic Huts, Reception-
cum-Information centre, food court, landscaping of the area.
2. Renovation of a rain chaupal, improvement of path along with drains and its
3. Solid waste management for improvement of village and its surrounding.
4. Purchase of SDB Boats and other equipments.

Status of Implementation:
1. Construction of Ethnic Craft Bazaar accommodation, Ethnic Huts, Reception-
cum-Information centre, food court, landscaping of the area has been done.
2. Renovation of a rain chaupal, improvement of path along with drains and its
illumination has been completed.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

3. Solid waste management for improvement of village and its surrounding has
been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software:

1. S M Sehgal Foundation.

Year of Completion of Software: 2010

Implementing Agency Details:
1. The Sehgal Foundation was established as a Trust in 1999 to help reduce
poverty and improve the quality of life in rural India. Its goal is to empower
individuals and communities to take care of themselves, and eventually help
them become self-sufficient.

Software Components:
1. Baseline data collection
2. Awareness generation & orientation
3. Data analysis, community based project planning & detailed project
4. Community conservation drives
5. Development of guidelines & standards & tourism management training.
6. Formation of SHG.
7. Common facility for craft development.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

8. Marketing development activities for non-craft items.

9. Capacity building of select group & developing folk Troupe.
10. Skill building/training for running hygienic cuisine hut.
11. Training of select group for managing tourism complex.
12. Training on various skills for them, village vishram sthal, vishvas Kendra
13. Materials for information centre
14. Vocational training in services sector
15. Pre-planning 5 house hold for hosting tourist training bed & breakfast.
16. Capacity building for creating village level institution.

Status of Implementation:
1. Baseline data collection has been completed
2. Awareness workshop has been completed
3. Awareness building has been completed
4. Training for tourism service capacity building has been completed
5. Packaging of culture and craft based tourism products has been completed
6. Workshops on social mobilization and interpretation has been completed
7. Data analysis, community based project planning & detailed project
8. Community conservation drives
9. Formed of SH.
10. Facilitation setting up of craft museums, rural tourism product related
infrastructure and activities
11. Training to improve product marketing skills has been completed
12. Training and awareness on environment safeguards has been completed
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Quality of product improved after the artisans received training.
2. Production of tourism product has improved quite a bit.
3. There has been a substantial increase in the income of people associated with
the project.
4. Overall the beneficiaries are satisfied with this project.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: The hardware components as

well as the software components of this project has been completed and is in good
condition. The software component implementation has helped the artisans and ladies
involved with the project to get a better lifestyle and living conditions. Also there has
been an increase in the tourist arrivals to the site. Overall this project has been a


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots o f the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Himachal Pradesh

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Himachal Pradesh

Location : Village Baroh, District kangra

Project Name: Development of Village Baroh, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Gurukul Culture/Spiritual.

 District Portrait

Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh is

situated in West. In the East it touches Mandi
district, in North with Kullu and Chamba. The
district has considerable diversity in its soils,
physiography, land use pattern and cropping
system. On the basis of these, the district has
further been divided into five-sub -situations
i.e. Pir Panjal, Dhauladhar, Kangra Shiwalik,
Kangra Valley and Beas Basin. Dharamshala is
the headquarters of the Kangra district. Kangra valley is one of the most pleasant,
relaxing and spiritual places in the Himalayas.

 About village Baroh

Village Baroh is in district Kangra, 42kms from district HQ Dharamshala and 23kms
from Kangra.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Kangra School of paintings is an integral part

of art literature; there are miniature
paintings made with vegetable dyes based on
love themes of Radha and Krishna. One can
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

find influence of this style of paintings in other handicrafts too. The art of embroidery
is based on it and covers handkerchiefs, scarves, shawls, kurtas etc. The rugs, carpets
and blankets too bear beautiful and colorful designs. The other school of painting that
exists in the district is the Gompha School. At one time, it was confined only to the
monasteries; one part of it is completely Buddhist and is in original form as before.
Another part of this painting style has combined the Kangra School and what we get
to see is a mixture or combination of the two. The typical and varied dressing styles
of the people of Kangra can be seen in the dolls that can be seen in the markets. The
dolls are life like and beautiful and the traditional costumes are exquisite. The most
common tribe to be found here is the Gaddi tribe.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Commissioner Tourism & Civil

Aviation, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Simla/ PWD.
Year of Completion of Hardware : On going

Hardware Components:
1. Improvement of Tourist Accommodation providing bathrooms, WC’s Lockers,
Chowkidar room in existing Sarai is going to be converted into Dormitory
2. Improvement of tourist’s compound accommodation by way of filling, leveling,
adding sand, manure to make the lawn better and to be able to grow flowers,
hedges and ornamental plants & making good parking place for vehicles.
3. Providing and fixing compound gate made up of steel, section which is open
and lockable.
4. Improvement of path by putting flag stones.
5. Providing wayside amenities, toilet block, view point
6. Development of park by improving slopes, growing plants, making it good for
children, boundary wall.
7. Hats
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

8. Chopal
9. Construction of paths from Radha Krishna Temple to Bathu Khad.
10. Providing water and electricity to tourist accommodation and park.

Status of Implementation:
1. Improvement of Tourist Accommodation providing bathrooms, WC’s Lockers,
Chowkidar room in existing Sarai to be converted into Dormitory
Accommodation have been done.
2. Improvement of compound of tourist accommodation by way of filling, leveling,
adding sand, manure to make the lawn better and to be able to grow flowers,
hedges and ornamental plants & making good parking place for vehicles have
been done.
3. Providing and fixing compound gate made of steel which can be opened and
locked have not been done.
4. Improvement of path by putting flag stones has been done.
5. Providing wayside amenities, toilet block, view point
6. Development of park by improving slopes, growing plants, making it good for
children, boundary walls have not been done.
7. Huts have been made.
8. Chopal has not been made.
9. Construction of paths from Radha Krishna Temple to Bathu Khad has been
partly done.
10. Providing water and electricity to tourist accommodation and park have not
been done.

1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Over all satisfactory work has been done.
2. Construction of paths from Radha Krishna Temple to Bathu Khand is in a bad
condition at present.
Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project:
1. No Signage for Ancient Temple.
2. Radha Krishna Temple to Bathu Khand need to repair most.
3. TRC is most necessary for that place.

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Himachal Pradesh

Location : Village Naggar, District Kullu

Project Name: Development of Village Naggar, as a Rural Tourism


Activity/Craft: Himachal Heritage.

 District Portrait

Kullu is a district in Himachal Pradesh. The

district stretches from the village of Rampur in
south to the Rohtang Pass in North. The largest
valley in the district is called the Kullu Valley,
which is also known as the Valley of Gods. There
is also a town called Kullu which sits on the
banks of Beas River in the central part of the
valley. Another important valley in the district
is Lug valley where the main forest contractors
have been extracting timber from the forests
for the last 150 years and continue to do so till today. Further, Manali lies in north of
the district.

 About village Naggar

The ancient seat of the kings of Kullu was at

Naggar Castle, about 12 km north from the
present town, and thought to have been built in
the early 17th century by Raja Sidh Sing. Raja
Jagat Singh (1637-72) moved the capital in the
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

middle of 17th century to its present position, and is known as Sultanpur. The Royal
compound consists of the "Rupi Palace, several temples, and a long narrow bazaar
descending from the hill."

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The artisans of Kullu valley pursue a rich heritage of handlooms and handicrafts.
There is an amazing range of beautiful handloom and handicraft products in Kullu. In
Kullu Valley a large section of the population is involved in Handicraft industry.
Naggar village is also popular for wood work. Timber along with dry stones and deodar
and Spruce wood is famous for all the architectural designs of Naggar Village. It a
materialistic combination, the bonding makes it realistic and the final glow of the
building makes it perfect for the Naggar environment. Wood and Metal Craft works
are usually done in Naggar. It can be readily seen in the temples here. Most of the
deities are carved out of Metal whereas the carvings on the temple walls are made of
wood. To add more, villagers also indulge in making shawls, socks and pattu which are
all handmade.

 Artisans covered: 15 SHG were found at that time. Approximately 150 artisans
were covered at that time.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Deputy Commissioner, Kullu

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2009

Hardware Components:
1. 4 Community Toilets.
2. Street Pavement / Drainage.
3. Site Development of Temples.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

4. Garbage Drums.
5. Solid Waste Managements
6. Remodeling of Open Air Theatre
7. Renovation of Gol Sarai Building.
8. 20 Solar Street Lights.
9. Adventure Tourism Equipments
10. Tented Accommodation.
11. Improvement of private houses/toilets for visitor stays.

Status of Implementation:
1. 4 Community Toilets have been made.
2. Street Pavement / Drainage have been completed.
3. Site Development of Temples has been done.
4. Garbage Drums have been completed.
5. Solid Waste Management have not been completed.
6. Remodeling of Open Air Theatre has been done.
7. Renovation of Gol Sarai Building has been done.
8. 20 Solar Street Lights have been fixed.
9. Equipments for making Tourism adventurous have been purchased.
10. Tented Accommodation has been purchased.
11. Improvement of private houses/toilets for visitor stays has been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: Society for Advancement of Village

Economy. Kullu.

Year of Completion of Software : 2009.

Implementing Agency Details: Society for Advancement of Village Economy was

started in the Sainj Valley, in the Banjar Development Block of Kullu district in
Himacal pradesh in 1992. The organisation’s activities included community
organisation, education and social development.

Software Component
1. Sensitization & capacity building.
2. Baseline and mapping of target area
3. Promoting gender equality & participation.
4. Addressing issues of poverty & livelihood.
5. Networking & linkage.
6. Programme management.

Status of Implementation
1. Sensitization & capacity building have been done.
2. Baseline and mapping of target area have been done.
3. Promoting gender equality & participation have been done.
4. Addressing issues of poverty & livelihood have been done.
5. Networking & linkage have been done.
6. Programme management has been done.
7. Guide training has been implemented.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Now only 4 solar street lights are working.
2. Over all hardware work is acceptable.
3. Open Air Theater does not have any maintenance.
4. Gol Sarai Building also has no maintenance.
5. No signage.
6. Domestic tourists have increased.
7. Equipments for making Tourism adventurous /tented accommodation condition
are not in good condition.
8. Over all software work is not satisfactory.
9. Beneficiaries don’t get benefits after receiving training.
10. Their socio economic condition has also not improved.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
completed in the year 2009 but is not very successful. It is not having continuous
profits and all the components mentioned in the Govt. order have not been
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Himachal Pradesh

Location : Village Paragpur, District kangra

Project Name: Development of Village Paragpur, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Himachal Heritage

 District Portrait
Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh is
situated in West. The district has varying
altitude ranging from 427 to 6401m above
mean sea level, with some plain areas
touching Gurdaspur district of Punjab in the
West and Una district of H.P. in the South. In
the East it touches Mandi district, in North
with Kullu and Chamba. The district has
considerable diversity in its soils,
physiographic, land use pattern and cropping system. On the basis of these, the
district has further been divided into five-sub -situations i.e. Pir Panjal, Dhauladhar,
Kangra Shiwalik, Kangra Valley and Beas Basin. Dharamshala is the headquarters of
the Kangra district. Kangra valley is one of the most pleasant, relaxing and spiritual
places in the Himalayas.

 About village Paragpur

The Kangra Valley, where Heritage Village
Pragpur is located is panoramic and replete
with history. It is the home of the famous
Kangra School of painting and probably the
world's - most certainly India's - oldest ruling
lineage comes from here. The area of Pragpur
was a part of the Principality of Jaswan
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

whose chief, in the late 16th or early 17th Century charged a band of learned men,
led by a Kuthiala Sood. Heritage Village Pragpur is ideal if one wants to visit and see
natural land beauty, which is being promoted as an example of community
involvement in tourism. The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage jointly
with the government of Himachal Pradesh is developing and preserving Heritage
Village Pragpur. Pragpur is about 2,000 feet above sea level and just 60 km away from
Dharamsala. Prag in Sanskrit translates to pollen. In a way it aptly describes the area
of Pragpur which blossoms in spring season.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Kangra School of paintings is an integral part of art literature; there are miniature
paintings made with vegetable dyes based on love themes of Radha and Krishna. One
can find influence of this style of paintings in other handicrafts too. The art of
embroidery is based on it and covers handkerchiefs, scarves, shawls, kurtas etc. The
rugs, carpets and blankets too bear beautiful and colorful designs. The other school of
painting that exists in the district is the Gompha School. At one time, it was confined
only to the monasteries; one part of it is completely Buddhist and is in original form
as before. Another part of this painting style has combined the Kangra School and
what we get to see is a mixture or combination of the two. The typical and varied
dressing styles of the people of Kangra can be seen in the dolls that can be seen in
the markets. The dolls are life like and beautiful and the traditional costumes are
exquisite. The most common tribe to be found here is the Gaddi tribe.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Himachal Pradesh Tourism

Development Corp. Ltd/Indian National Trust For Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH)

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2011

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Government of India

Implementing Agency Detail: Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corp.

Ltd/Indian National Trust For Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) The Indian National
Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) is India’s largest non-profit membership
organization dedicated to conservation and preservation of India’s natural, cultural,
living, tangible and intangible heritage.

Hardware Components:
1. Tourist’s Reception Centre and parking at Pragpur.
2. Development of Herbal Park & rural Theatre, Pragpur.
3. Solar Street lights in the park, parking area in Pragpur.
4. Providing and fixing signage at different places in and around Pragpur.
1. General Landscaping at Pragpur.
2. Contingencies.
3. Landscaping around water body at village Gorli Pragpur
Status of Implementation:
1. Tourist’s Reception Centre and parking at Pragpur have been made.
2. Development of Herbal Park & rural Theatre, Pragpur has not been done.
3. Solar Street lights in the park, parking area in Pragpur have been made.
4. Providing and fixing signage at different places in and around Pragpur have
been done.
5. General Landscaping at Pragpur has been done.
6. Contingencies
7. Landscaping around water body at village Gorli Pragpur has been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. They constructed Tourist’s Reception centre 8 km away from Pragpur. That is
2. Solar Street lights in the park, Parking area and streets in Pragpur have been
made but are not functioning.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has to be

completed by the end of 2011. So, by the end of the year or from the next year it
might benefit the villagers and enhance their socio-economic conditions.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Jammu & Kashmir

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Jammu & Kashmir

Location : Jheri Village, District- Jammu

Project Name: Development of Jheri village as a Rural Tourism Destination.

Activity/Craft: Adventure/Spiritual.

District Portrait

Jammu district derives its name from the city of

Jammu, is known as the city of temples. The
district is bounded in the north and north east by
the Tehsils of Reasi, Udhampur district in the east
and south east partly by tehsil Ramnagar of
Udhampur district and partly by tehsil Billawar of
Kathua district in the south and south west, Kathua
district and Sialkote district of Rawalpindi (Pak)
and in the north west by Tehsil Nowshara of district Rajouri and parts of the district
Bhimber which are now under Pakistan.The District comprises of five tehsils i.e.
Jammu, Samba, R.S.Pura, Akhnoor and Bishnah.The entire district can be divided into
two distinct portions. The area forming north of Jammu-Chhamb road and Jammu-
Pathankot road which is known as Kandi area is under-developed and is mostly
rainfed. The area to the south of these roads is largely fed by canal and tubewells for
irrigation purposes and is relatively more

About Jheri
Jheri is a small village in Jammu district, famous
for Baba Jitto Shrine. An annual fair is held in the
name of Baba Jitu, a simple and honest farmer who
preferred to kill himself rather than accept the demands of the local landlord
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

related to field and crops. He killed himself in the village of Jhiri, 14 km from Jammu.
A legend has grown around Baba and his followers who congregate at Jhiri on the
appointed day from every corner of North India.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

In Jammu people expertise in making carpets, baskets, wall hangings, and other
handicraft items. District is also popular in wooden work, silverware and shawls with
unmatched embroidery

 Artisans covered: No


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Director Tourism,

Govt. of J & K/ District collector.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2009

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/Director Tourism, Govt. of J & K/
District collector.

Hardware Components:
1. Construction of concrete floor with plain cement and water drainage system.
2. Up gradation of ancient temple.
3. Development of park by way of cutting, filing and turfing.
4. Grill fencing around the park including fixing of ornamental iron gate.
5. Up gradation of existing natural spring-stone along with installation of pump
with bathrooms.
6. Construction of Amphitheatre.
7. Construction of bathrooms, sitting arrangements & and drinking water
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

8. Construction of rain Shelter shed/passenger shed.

Status of Implementation:
1. Concrete floor with plain cement and water drainage system has been
2. Up gradation of ancient temple has been done.
3. Development of park by way of cutting, filing has been done.
4. Grill fencing around the park including fixing of ornamental iron gate has been
5. Up gradation of existing natural spring-stone along with installation of pump
with bathrooms has been completed.

6. Amphitheatre has been constructed.

7. Construction of bathrooms, sitting arrangements & and drinking water facilities

have been provided.

8. Construction of rain Shelter shed/passenger shed has been made.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Principal Secretary, Director

Tourism, Govt. of J & K.

Year of Completion of software: 2009

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Implementing Agency Details: Principal Secretary, Director Tourism, Govt. of J & K.

Software Components:
1. Baseline survey using participatory rural appraisal.
2. Formulation of Local Tourism Development/Management Committee
(Community participation) Panchayat’s (Monthly Meetings).
3. Workshop aimed at sensitization (including gender sensitization) awareness
building, social mobilization and interpretation (for awareness camps).
4. Training programmes in tourism services, capacity building including visitor
handling skill (lodging, tourist guides, F&B service, Marketing etc.) (two
workshops worth Rs.0.50 lakh x2).
5. Short-term training course in photography, Horoscope through computer, Fish
culture, Mushroom cultivation, silk worm rearing (Rs. 0.60 lakh per
6. Training programme in capacity building in entertainment through local folk
culture activities.
7. Training programme in naturopathy/yoga/ayurveda (including
Hygiene/sanitation programme).
8. Workshops/Camps on tourism incentive schemes (Rs.0.50 lakh x4).
9. Production of publicity folders/signage/wall paintings, web page on tourism
10. Pickles, Fruit jam & Bakery training course.
11. Celebration of fairs and food festivals
Status of Implementation:
1. Baseline survey using participatory rural appraisal has been done.
2. Local Tourism Development/Management Committee (Community
participation) Panchayat’s has been Formulated.
3. Workshop aimed at sensitization (including gender sensitization) awareness
building, social mobilization and interpretation (for awareness camps) done.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

4. Training programmes in tourism services, capacity building including visitor

handling skill (lodging, tourist guides, F&B service, Marketing etc.) has been
5. Short-term training course in photography, Horoscope through computer, Fish
culture, Mushroom cultivation, silk worm rearing has been provided.
6. Training programme in capacity building in entertainment through local folk
culture activities has been provided.
7. Training programme in naturopathy/yoga/ayurveda (including
Hygiene/sanitation programme) has been provided.
8. Workshops/Camps on tourism incentive schemes have been provided.
9. Production of publicity folders/signage/wall paintings, web page on tourism
website has been done
10. Pickles, Fruit jam & Bakery training courses have been provided.
11. Celebration of fairs and food festivals has been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Hardware work was completed successfully in 2009.
2. Overall both hardware & software work are satisfactory.
3. Tourist flow has also increased after implementation of this project.
4. More accommodation is needed.
5. Artisan also getting benefit.
6. This project has improved socio economic conditions.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successfully completed in the year 2009. It is completely giving benefits to the


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Jammu & Kashmir

Location : Dori Degair (District- Jammu)

Project Name : Development of Dori Degair as a Rural Tourist Destination.

Activity/Craft : Culture

 District Portrait

Jammu district derives its name from the city of

Jammu which besides being the winter capital of
the state, is known as the city of temples. The
district bounded in the north and north east by the
Tehsils of Reasi in Udhampur district in the east
and south east partly by tehsil Ramnagar of
Udhampur district and partly by tehsil Billawar of Kathua district,in the south
and south west by Kathua district and Sialkote district of Rawalpindi (Pak) and
in the north west by Tehsil Nowshara of district Rajouri and parts of the district
Bhimber now under the occupation of Pakistan.The District comprises five
tehsils i.e. Jammu, Samba, R.S.Pura, Akhnoor and Bishnah.The entire district
can be divided into two distinct portions. The area forming north of Jammu-
Chhamb road and Jammu-Pathankot road which is known as Kandi area is
comparatively under-developed and is mostly rain fed. The area south of these
roads is largely fed by canal and tube wells for irrigation purposes and is
relatively more prosperous.

 About Dori Degair. Dori Degair is a small village in Jammu district.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Jammu has expertise in making carpets, baskets, wall hangings, and other
handicraft items. Also popular is wooden work, silverware and shawls with
unmatched embroidery.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Director Tourism,

Govt. of J & K/ PWD.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2009.

Hardware Components: Central components of the project are as follows:-

 Construction of Dormitory.
 Construction of Public conveniences.
 Construction of Parking place by way of earth work, shingling, metalling and
premixing complete near Panchayat Ghar.
 Construction of View Point.
 Construction of shopping complex near temple.
 Landscaping and construction of park near Yatri Bhavan and construction of
 Providing and fixing steel benches.
 Providing and fixing of sodium, light including G.I. vertical poles and
conductors complete job.
 Renovation of existing Yatri Shed by angles and fabricated sheets.

Status of Implementation:

 Construction of Dormitory completed.

 Construction of Public conveniences done.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Construction of Parking place using earth work, shingling, metal and premixing
complete near Panchayat Ghar.
 Construction of View Point complete.
 Constructed 3 shops near temple.
 Landscaping and construction of park near Yatri Bhavan and construction of
Amphitheatre done.
 Providing and fixing steel benches done.
 Providing and fixing of sodium light including G.I., vertical poles and
conductors has not been done.
 Renovation of existing Yatri Shed using fabricated sheets has been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Secretary/ Director

Tourism/People’s Education & Association for Culture & Equality, Jammu.

Year of Completion of Software: 2009

Software Components:

 Baseline survey using participatory rural appraisal.

 Formulation of Local Tourism Development/Management.
 Workshop aimed at sensitization (including gender sensitization).
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Training programme in tourism service, Capacity building including visitor-

handling skills.
 Training programme in capacity building in village Handicrafts.
 Short term training course in photography, pickle and jam making, computer
 Handloom, cutting, Tailoring and training centre.
 Training programme in capacity building in entertainment through local folk
culture activities.
 Training programme in naturopathy/yoga/ayurveda.
 Workshops/camps (4 no.) on tourism incentive schemes.
 Production of publicity folders, signage/wall paintings, Hosting of web page on
tourism website.
 Celebration of fairs and food festivals.

Status of Implementation:

 Baseline survey using participatory rural appraisal done.

 Formulation of Local Tourism Development/Management done.
 Workshop aimed at sensitization (including gender sensitization) done.
 Training programme in tourism service, Capacity building including visitor-
handling skills done.
 Training programme in capacity building in village Handicrafts done.
 Short term training course in photography, pickle and jam making, computer
typing done.
 Handloom, cutting, tailoring and training centre done.
 Training programme in capacity building in entertainment through local folk
culture activities done.
 Training programme in naturopathy/yoga/ayurveda done.
 Workshops/camps (4 no.) on tourism incentive schemes done.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Production of publicity folders, signage/wall paintings, Hosting of web page on

tourism website done.
 Celebration of fairs and food festivals done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

 Hardware work is satisfactory.

 Dormitory is in a very good condition but not in use till now.

 Drinking water is urgently needed here.

 Regarding software project, artisans are not satisfied.

 Training period is also very less.

 No improvement in socio economic condition.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Majority of the hardware and
software components have been implemented in this project, but since the artisans
are not satisfied with the quality of the trainings provided and also since no
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

improvement in social and economic conditions has happened, this project is rated as
moderately successful.

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Jammu & Kashmir

Location : Surinsar, District-Jammu

Project Name: Development of Jheri village as a Rural Tourism Destination.

Activity/Craft: Adventure (Trekking)

District Portrait

Jammu District situated on a hillock, on the bank of

river Tawi and is bound by Udhampur district in the north
and northeast , Kathua district in the east and southeast,
Pakistan(Sialkote) in west and Rajauri district and POK
(Bhimber) in the northwest. Its skyline was once dotted
with glittering spires of temples. These spikes are no
longer visible as most of these are hidden behind multi
storyed buildings. The city has numerous shrines for muslims, sikhs & christians also.
Jammu also serves as base camp for the holy shrine of Vaishno Devi. Jammu is also
the Railhead of the state.

About Surinsar
Surinsar village famous for lake, Surinsar Lake is
approximately 24 km from Jammu. This lake is a
beautiful and peaceful site to watch. Surrounded by
forests covered hilly terrains, lake is a famous tourist
spot. According to one Hindu mythology the origination
of the lake is related to the legendary warrior from
Mahabharata, Arjuna. It is believed that Arjuna shot an
arrow into Mansar land and arrow pierced the earth and
came out through a place where Surinsar Lake is situated.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

In Jammu people expertise in making carpets, baskets, wall hangings, and other
handicraft items. District is also popular in wooden work, silverware and shawls with
unmatched embroidery

 Artisans covered: No


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Principal Secretary/ the

Director General, Tourism, Govt. of J & K.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2009

Implementing Agency Details The Principal Secretary/ The Director General,
Tourism, Govt. of J & K.

Hardware Components:
1. Up gradation of existing Tourist Bungalow/Staff Quarter.
2. Renovation by way of plastering re-tiling of roof, painting distempering and
making of lifts.
3. Construction of information counter fabricated with pre laminated board over
G.I. Studs and top granite slab complete job.
4. Modification of Kitchen by way of providing and fixing of pre-fabricated
cabinets made up of Godrej.
5. Providing and fixing of granite top over kitchen counter.
6. Construction of Manholes including CL cover.
7. Construction of Septic tank in M: 10 grade including making partition of half
Brick masonry.
8. Construction of water storage tank for drinking water purpose.
9. Landscaping of the area around tourist Bungalow by way of earth
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

10. Construction of public Convenience general Toilets (6 x 119) Sqft.

11. Fitting of six sanitary pieces.
12. Providing and fixing street lights including G.I. Vertical Plies, wiring shades and
other necessary fittings.
13. Construction of Amphitheatre.

Status of Implementation:
1. Up gradation of existing Tourist Bungalow/Staff Quarter has been done.
2. Renovation by way of plastering re-tiling of roof, painting distempering and
making lifts has been done.
3. Information counter fabricated with pre laminated board over G.I. Studs and
top granite slab has been constructed
4. Modification of Kitchen by way of providing and fixing of pre-fabricated
cabinets made up of Godrej has not been done.
5. Providing and fixing of granite top over kitchen counter has not been done.
6. Construction of Manholes including CL cover has been done.
7. Construction of Septic tank in M: 10 grades including making partition of half
Brick masonry has been done.
8. Water storage tank for drinking water purpose constructed.
9. Landscaping of the area around tourist Bungalow by way of earth filling/cutting
has been done.
10. Public Convenience general Toilets have been constructed.
11. Sanitary fittings have not been purchased.
12. Providing and fixing street lights including G.I. Vertical Plies, wiring shades and
other necessary fittings has not been done.
13. Amphitheatre has been constructed.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Director Tourism,

Department of Tourism, Govt. of J & K/ Operational Research Bureau of Socio-
Economic Educational Aid Society

Year of Completion of software: 2009

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/Director Tourism, Department of

Tourism, Govt. of J & K/ Operational Research Bureau of Socio-Economic Educational
Aid Society

Software Components:
1. Baseline survey using participatory rural appraisal.
2. Formulation of Local Tourism Development/Management Committee
(Community participation) Panchayat’s (Monthly Meetings).
3. Workshop aimed at sensitization (including gender sensitization) awareness
building, social mobilization and interpretation (for awareness camps).
4. Training programmes in tourism services, capacity building including visitor
handling skill (lodging, tourist guides, F&B service, Marketing etc.) (two
workshops worth Rs.0.50 lakh x2).
5. Short-term training course in photography, Horoscope through computer, Fish
culture, Mushroom cultivation, silk worm rearing (Rs. 0.60 lakh per
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

6. Training programme in capacity building in entertainment through local folk

culture activities.
7. Training programme in naturopathy/yoga/ayurveda (including
Hygiene/sanitation programme).
8. Workshops/Camps on tourism incentive schemes (Rs.0.50 lakh x4).
9. Production of publicity folders/signage/wall paintings, web page on tourism
10. Pickles, Fruit jam & Bakery training course.
11. Celebration of fairs and food festivals

Status of Implementation:
1. Baseline survey using participatory rural appraisal has been done.
2. Local Tourism Development/Management Committee (Community
participation) Panchayat has been Formulated.
3. Workshop aimed at sensitization (including gender sensitization) awareness
building, social mobilization and interpretation (for awareness camps) done.
4. Training programmes in tourism services, capacity building including visitor
handling skill (lodging, tourist guides, F&B service, Marketing etc.) has been
5. Short-term training course in photography, Horoscope through computer, Fish
culture, Mushroom cultivation, silk worm rearing has been provided.
6. Training programme in capacity building in entertainment through local folk
culture activities has been provided.
7. Training programme in naturopathy/yoga/ayurveda (including
Hygiene/sanitation programme) has been provided.
8. Workshops/Camps on tourism incentive schemes have been provided.
9. Production of publicity folders/signage/wall paintings, web page on tourism
website has been done
10. Pickles, Fruit jam & Bakery training courses have been provided.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

11. Celebration of fairs and food festivals has been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Hardware work was completed successfully in 2009.
2. Overall both hardware & software work are satisfactory.
3. Tourist flow has also increased after implementation of this project.
4. More accommodation is needed.
5. Artisan also getting benefit.
6. This project has improved socio economic conditions.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successfully completed in the year 2009. It is completely giving benefits to the


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Lake side development. Lake side development

Sitting sheds Surinsar lake

Artisan Artisan
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Jammu & Kashmir

Location : Akingaam (District- Anantnag)
Project Name : Development of Akingaam as a Rural Tourist Destination.
Activity/Craft : Culture (Folk Dance Bhand Pathar)

 District Portrait
Anantnag is one of the six districts of the Kashmir
Valley situated in its south and south western
direction. Bounded in the north and north-west by
Srinagar and Pulwama districts respectively and in the
north east by Kargil district. Its entire southern sector
and major part of the eastern region is strewn with
thick forests and mountains. Anantnag district is
reputed for the health resorts situated in the district.
Devotees gather in large numbers to the district to
visit the sacred cave of Amaranth. It is surrounded by
the high snow covered peaks of the Himalayan mountain ranges and has a number of
natural springs and streams.

 About Akingaam

The village of Akingaam is located at a distance of 4 km

from Acchabal in the District of Anantnag. The village
lies on the western spurs of a low-lying mountain range
known as Zooni Mal. The village and its surrounding areas
are inhabited by the Baghat community, with a total
population of 820 persons. Though most of the Bhand
community of Kashmir is made up of Muslims, yet the Akingaam Company also had
Pandit members. According to legends the Pandits of Akingaam took to Bhand Pather
on the express order of a goddess, Devi who placed a fiddle (swarnai) in the hands of
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

one of their ancestors. Akingaam home of the community of Bhands, the traditional
folk performers of Kashmir. Spread over a number of villages at the foothills of an
endless mountain range, these people move from place to place with their extensive

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The arts and crafts of Anantnag district have recognition all over the world and
everyone in the state is affiliated to this occupation in one way or another and is the
major economic sector of the state. Crafts in the state vary from the embroidery to
shawl weaving, wood carving to paper machine, carpet weaving to namda weaving
and much more. Plan a tour to this state and have a glimpse of the rich heritage of
arts and crafts in Kashmir, that has passed on from one generations to another and it
is sure that it will be the best exploration tour to know the artistic traditions from the
veteran artisans in the valley.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Principal Secretary,

Tourism/Director Tourism, Govt. of J & K, Srinagar.
Year of Completion of Hardware: 2011.
Hardware Components:
 Construction of Building.
 Construction of the Open Air Theatre.
 Water supply & sanitary installation.
 Electrification.
 Charges of services (Provision for cost of fencing, Gate, Provision for
Landscaping, Boundary Wall)
 Construction of Entrance Gateway, Random rubble stone pathway and
Landscaping of Sat Reshi Shrine.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Status of Implementation:
 Building done.
 Open Air Theatre done.
 Water supply & sanitary installation not done.
 Electrification not done
 Landscaping. Boundary Wall done.
 Construction of Entrance Gateway, Random rubble stone pathway and
Landscaping of Sat Reshi Shrine under construction.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: Indian National Trust for Art &
Cultural Heritage.
Year of Completion of Software: 2008.
Implementing Agency Details: The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage
(INTACH) is India’s largest non-profit membership organization dedicated to
conservation and preservation of India’s natural, cultural, living, tangible and
intangible heritage
Software Components:
 Seminar, Workshop, Sensitization of performers (Preparatory activities).
 Administrative expenses to be paid to Baghat Theatre for Running of
interpretation Centre for 1 year.
 Fixtures blow ups, posters for interpretation centre.
 Publication, brochures, printing materials.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Honorarium to be paid to seven master performers @ Rs.4000/- master for one

 Stipend to be paid to students @ Rs.1000/- student, with a total of twenty
students/batch and three batches/year.
 Preparation project Report and conceptual plans/ proposed Tourist Village
including Tentative Estimate.
 Baseline Survey of Actors and prospective performers.
 Consultancy, Administrative expenses, supervision & implementation (through

Status of Implementation:
 Seminar, Workshop, Sensitization of performers done.
 Fixtures, blow ups, posters for interpretation centre done.
 Publication, brochures, printing materials done.
 Preparation project Report and conceptual plans/ proposed Tourist Village
including Tentative Estimate done.
 Baseline Survey of Actors and prospective performers done.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: Satisfactory work for both hardware
and software has been done.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is a moderate

success as not all of the hardware components have been implemented and also
because number of tourists visiting the place has not increased due to the project.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots o f the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Jammu & Kashmir

Location : Durng (District- Baramula)
Project Name : Development of Village Drung as a Rural Tourist
Activity/Craft : Adventure.

 District Portrait :
Baramulla district is bounded by Kupwara in the north,
Budgam and Poonch in the southern parts of Srinagar
and Ladakh in the east and Muzaffarabad (Pak-
occupied) in the west. The district which is named
after its headquarters was initially pronounced as
VARAHMUL. Baramulla is no different from other parts
of Kashmir Valley. The food habits, dress pattern,
customs and traditions are the same as followed in
other parts of the Valley. Kashmiri is the main language of the people in the district.

 About Village Drung :

Drung is one of the Villages in Tangmarg Tehsil,
Baramulla District, Jammu & Kashmir State. Drung is
18.5 km distance from its District Main City Baramulla.
And 46 km distance from its State Main City Srinagar,


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Principal Secretary Tourism/

The Director General, Tourism, Govt. of J & K.
Year of Completion of Hardware: 2007
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Implementing Agency Details: The Principal Secretary Tourism/ The Director

General, Tourism, Govt. of J & K.
Hardware Components:
 Development of Old Shiv Temple (Fencing, Restoration of temple &
Landscaping in steps around temple).
 Construction of walkways.
 Construction of Toilet Blocks.
Status of Implementation:
 Development of Old Shiv Temple (Fencing, Restoration of temple &
Landscaping in steps around temple) done.
 Constructed of walkways.
 Constructed Toilet Blocks.

1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: District Collector/J & K Tourism

Development Corporation ltd.
Year of Completion of Software: 2011
Implementing Agency Details: District Collector/J & K Tourism Development
Corporation ltd.

Software Components:
 Baseline survey.
 Publication of brochures, printing material and other publicity material.
 Tourism related Awareness Camps-Eco Tourism (2Camps).
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Skill Development Training (waiters cuisine and housekeeping staff) 1 month

(50 beneficiaries).
 Envelop making (environment friendly) training for distribution at Gulmarg
tourist spot among tourist free of cost.
 Beehive raring training to local unemployed youth (15 days).
 Slide shows (3 shows) on Eco Tourism and skill development.
 Administration expenses.
 Training to the local community especially women folk in hygiene, sanitation,
garbage disposal etc. (2 camps).

Status of Implementation:
 Baseline survey done.
 Publication of brochures, printing material and other publicity material done.
 Tourism related Awareness Camps-Eco Tourism done.
 Skill Development Training done.
 Envelop making (environment friendly) training for distribution at Gulmarg
tourist spot among tourist free of cost is partly done.
 Beehive raring training to local unemployed youth has been done.
 Training to the local community especially women folk in hygiene, sanitation,
garbage disposal etc done.

1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: Overall, both hardware and software
work is satisfactory.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is a moderate

success as some software work is yet to be completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Jammu & Kashmir

Location : Gagangir (District- Srinagar)
Project Name : Development of Gagangir as a Rural Tourist Destination.

Activity/Craft : Adventure.
 District Portrait
Srinagar district is situated in the centre of Kashmir
Valley, is surrounded by five districts. In the north it is
flanked by Kargil and Ganderbal in the South by Pulwama,
in the north-west by Budgam. The capital city of Srinagar
is located 1585 meters above sea level. The district with a
population of around 10.94 Lakh souls(2001- census), is
spread over an area of 294 Sq.Kms. It comprises two
tehsils/ towns viz. Srinagar North and Srinagar South, one
block (Srinagar), besides 136 Revenue villages.

 About Gagangir
A small village east of Srinagar called Gagangir, which is
near the larger town of Sumbal in the heart of the Kashmir
Himalayas. The village is situated in a valley with 4000-
6000 meter peaks surrounding it, it's similar to Yosemite
valley but on a much grander scale, plus there's hardly any
cars and no tourists.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Jammu and Kashmir is a treasure trove of handicrafts.
The various tribes residing in the valley, the Mughal
connection, the Persians and then the Tibetans have
continuously contributed to an enriched the tradition of
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

art and crafts in Srinagar. Kashmiri artifacts are by now so popular among the people
all over the country and abroad, that these are available all over India and a large
part of it is exported to feed the demand of Kashmiri handicrafts outside India.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary, Tourism/Director

Tourism, Department of Tourism, Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir.
Year of Completion of Hardware: 2008

Hardware Components:
 Landscaping of the proposed public park at Gagangir and other spots in the
 Construction of Tourist Reception cum information centre and cafeteria.
 Public Conveniences (General Toilets) in the Tourist village Gagangir.
 Ornamental Fencing of the public park.
 Providing of Streets Lights in the tourist village.
 Signage in the Tourist village at Gagangir.

Status of Implementation:
 Landscaping of the proposed public park at Gagangir and other spots in the
village done.
 Construction of Tourist Reception cum information centre and cafeteria done.
 Public Conveniences (General Toilets) in the Tourist village Gagangir done.
 Ornamental Fencing of the public park done.
 Providing of Streets Lights in the tourist village done.
 Signage in the Tourist village at Gagangir done.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Secretary, Tourism/Director

of Tourism, Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir/Dream View Sanitation (Women and Children
Development Society)
Year of Completion of Software: 2008
Software Components:
 Baseline survey of the village.
 Formulation of local Tourism Development Committee.
 Workshop\seminar\awareness camp about the programme.
 Training programme for women in envelop making\papers bags etc.
 Training programme in cutting\tailoring\knitting\crewel embroidery for women.
 Training programme to local pony walks\trekkers guides etc.
 Training programme in live-stock management.
 Production of publicity material.
 Administrative expenses\contingencies.
 Short term training courses in the adventure sports.
 Training for Namda-Sazi (Local carpet weaving).
 Training for local blanket weaving.
 Training camp for Sozni-work on caps etc.
 Organizing of craft mela in village and installing of stalls etc.
Status of Implementation:
 Baseline survey of the village done.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Formulation of local Tourism Development Committee done.

 Workshop\seminar\awareness camp about the programme done.
 Training programme for women in envelop making\papers bags etc done.
 Training programme in cutting\tailoring\knitting\crewel embroidery for women
 Training programme to local pony walls\trekkers guides etc done.
 Training programme in live-stock management done.
 Production of publicity material done.
 Administrative expenses\contingencies done.
 Short term training courses in the adventure sports done.
 Training for Namda-Sazi (Local carpet weaving) done.
 Training for local blanket weaving done.
 Training camp for Sozni-work on caps etc done.
 Organizing of craft mela in village and installing of stalls etc done.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The work has been satisfactorily done.
The Project has also increased tourists.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is moderately

successful as all the hardware and software components have been completed
properly and tourists has also increased, but the number of tourists keeps fluctuating
and has not improved the socio economic condition of the beneficiaries much.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Jammu & Kashmir

Location : Pahalgam (District- Anantnag)
Project Name : Development of Pahagam village as a Rural Tourist

Activity/Craft : Pilgrimage.

 District Portrait
Anantnag is one of the six districts of the
Kashmir Valley situated in its south and south
western direction. Bounded in the north and
north-west by Srinagar and Pulwama districts
respectively and in the north east by Kargil
district. However, its western portion is
contiguous with Mendhar tehsil. Its entire
southern sector and major part of the eastern
region is strewn with thick forests and
mountains. Anantnag district is reputed for
the health resorts situated in the district. Devotees gather in large numbers to
the district to visit the sacred cave of Amaranth. It is surrounded by the high
snow covered peaks of the Himalayan mountain ranges and has a number of
natural springs and streams.

 About Pahalgam

This world famous hill station is 45 Kms. from

the District Head Quarter at Anantnag and
located on the banks of river Lidder at an
altitude of 7200 ft. from sea level. Pahalgam is
one among the five tehsils of Anantnag district
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

and tehsil head quarters are located in the main town of Pahalgam. Pahalgam
also serves as base camp for the famous Amarnath Ji Yatra. The Pahalgam
Valley presents glamorous look due to its pine forests, snow clad mountains,
healthy climate and vast meadows and pastures. Pahalgam skirts Lidder river
and torrential flow of water in Lidder river enriches the beauty of the Valley.
Besides tourist huts, several hotels in private sector have come up here and
these hotels provide modern
facilities to their guests.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The arts and crafts of Anantnag district have recognition all over the world and
everyone in the state is affiliated to this occupation in one way or another and
is the major economic sector of the state. Crafts in the state vary from the
embroidery to shawl weaving, wood carving to paper machine, carpet weaving
to namda weaving and much more. Plan a tour to this state and have a glimpse
of the rich heritage of arts and crafts in Kashmir, that has passed on from one
generations to another and it is sure that it will be the best exploration tour to
know the artistic traditions from the veteran artisans in the valley.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Principal Secretary

Tourism/The Director General, Tourism, Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir.
Year of Completion of Hardware: 2007.
Hardware Components:
 Development of toilet blocks.
 Up-gradation of link road.
 Construction of surface drain.
 Construction of RCC Culverts.
Status of Implementation:
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Development of toilet blocks done.

 Up-gradation of link road done.
 Construction of surface drain done.
 Construction of RCC Culverts done.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: Hardware work is satisfactory.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is moderately

successful as all the hardware work has been completed but the project has not
resulted in increase of rural tourists.

1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots o f the Rural Tourism Project:

Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Jammu & Kashmir

Location : Vasaknag Village (District-Anantnag).
Project Name : Development of Vasaknag as a Rural Tourist Destination.

Activity/Craft : Adventure.

 District Portrait
Anantnag is one of the six districts of the Kashmir Valley
situated in its south and south western direction, Bounded
in the north and north-west by Srinagar and Pulwama
districts respectively and in the north east by Kargil
district. However, its western portion is contiguous with
Mendhar tehsil. Its entire southern sector and major part
of the eastern region is strewn with thick forests and
mountains. The Anantnag district is not only the rice bowl
of the Valley, it is equally rich in landscape. The nature
has been generous in gifting the district with places of unparallel beauty.

 About Vasaknag
Vasaknag is small village in Anantnag district, this is comes under Kund valley.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The arts and crafts of Anantnag district have received recognition all over the world
and everyone in the state is affiliated to this occupation in one way or another and is
the major economic sector of the state. Crafts in the state vary from the embroidery
to shawl weaving, wood carving to paper machine, carpet weaving to namda weaving
and much more. Plan a tour to this state and have a glimpse of the rich heritage of
arts and crafts in Kashmir, that has passed on from one generations to another and it
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

is sure that it will be the best exploration tour to know the artistic traditions from the
veteran artisans in the valley.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Secretary Tourism/ Director

Tourism, Govt. of J & K.
Year of Completion of Hardware: 2007.
Hardware Components:
 Construction of Huts.
 Construction of Cafeterias\public conveniences.
 Ad cost of water supply sanitary and electric installations.
 Charges of services. (Provision of beautification of spring, Provision of
Status of Implementation:
 Work on Huts done.
 Construction of Cafeterias\public conveniences done.
 Ad cost of water supply sanitary and electric installations done.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: Secretary Tourism/ Director

Tourism, Govt. of J & K./ INTACH.
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Year of Completion of Software: 2009.

Implementing Agency Details: The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage
(INTACH) is India’s largest non-profit membership organization dedicated to
conservation and preservation of India’s natural, cultural, living, tangible and
intangible heritage

Software Components:
 Expenses for organizing 15 days workshop.
 Holding of Exhibition of willow Craft.
 Promotional and awareness programmes for Kund valley.
 Publication of promotional literature.
 Expenses for organizing 15 days vocational camp.
 Organizing of trekking tours with base camp at Vasaknag.
 Organizing one time festival in Kund valley.

Status of Implementation:
 Holding of Exhibition of willow Craft done.
 Promotional and awareness programmes for Kund valley done.
 Publication of promotional literature done.
 Organizing of trekking tours with base camp at Vasaknag not done.
 Organizing one time festival in Kund valley not done.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: Overall both hardware & software
average satisfactory.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is moderately

successful as some of the software components are yet to be implemented.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Karnataka

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Karnataka

Location : Anegundi, District- Koppal

Project Name: Development of Anegundi village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Banana Fibre Craft

 District Portrait

Koppal district is an administrative district in the

state. Koppal, new district of Karnataka state,
carved out of Raichur District, came into existance
on 01-04-1998. It consists of four talukas viz :
Koppal, Gangavathi, Kushtagi & Yelburga. Koppal
district is surrounded by Raichur district in the east,
Gadag district in the West, Bagalkot district in the
north, Bellary district in the south. Koppal district
headquarters is closest to the world heritage Hampi.

 About Anegundi village

Anegundi is a small, traditional village located

across Tungabhadra River from World Heritage
Site of Hampi. Once part of Vijayanagar Empire
(1336 – 1646), it is believed to be the cradle of
the empire and was home to Devaraya kings.
Today, it is still home to the descendants of
Vijayanagar rulers. The foundations of the village
are older than that of Vijayanagara Empire that lies across the river since 8th

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 Crafts/Activities in the District

Koppal is famous for its traditional colorful lacquer ware work. The handicrafts made
by the local people are the beautiful wooden idols, toys and theatrical equipments.
This district is also popular for Banana fiber craft & river grass products. Products are
bags, mats and baskets

 Artisan covered: Approximately 60 artisans are working in this village.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Deputy Commissioner &

District magistrate, Koppal/The Kishkinda Trust, Anegundi, Kopal.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2010

Implementing Agency Details: Kishkinda Trust was formed in 1997 and it assists
villagers. It helps in maintaining business in the village and conserve historical
heritage. TKT runs several unique programs which are seamlessly integrated with lives
of the local people and which empower them economically.

Hardware Components:
1. Planning initiation and monitoring activities using coordinators and
professionals to modify entry gate in North
2. Village Centre, sculpture garden.
3. Information Centre and café.
4. Beautification and maintenance of 4 main streets.
5. Locally made crafts and souvenirs shop.
6. Signage.
7. River side landscaping and restoration of Ghat.

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8. Solar Energy.
9. Waste management.
10. Water conservation.
11. Eco friendly transport.
12. Tourist accommodation.

Status of Implementation:

1. Planning initiation and monitoring activities using coordinators and

professionals to modify entry gate in North has been done.
2. Village Centers, sculpture gardens have been made.
3. Information Centers and cafés have been made.
4. Four main streets have been constructed.
5. Locally made crafts and souvenirs shop have been completed
6. Signage has been built.
7. River side landscaping and restoration of Ghats have been done
8. Solar Energy has not been found.
9. Disposal of waste has been taken care of
10. Water conservation has not been implemented.
11. Eco friendly transport has been provided


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Secretary Tourism,

Department of Tourism, Govt. of India/The Deputy Commissioner & District
magistrate, Koppal/The Kishkinda Trust, Anegundi, Kopal.

Year of Completion of Software : 2010

Implementing Agency Details: Kishkinda Trust was formed in 1997 and it assists
villagers of Anegundi. It helps in maintaining business in the village and conserve
historical heritage. TKT runs several unique programs which are seamlessly integrated
with lives of the local people and which empower them economically.

Software Components
1. Community mobilization ( PRA & Organizing meeting)
2. Awareness (Tourism, Heritage, Craft, Environment, Culture, Development of
posters, Handout)
3. Capacity Building (Strengthening SHGs, Hospitality, Information Centre, Craft
and Arts related activities, workshops, Responsible Tourism)
4. Marketing (Communication materials, Website, Revival, Weekly market)

Status of Implementation
1. PRA & meetings have been organized.
2. Awareness related to Tourism, Heritage, Craft, Environment, Culture has been
3. Development of Posters, handout has been done.
4. Strengthening SHGs has been done. (Capacity Building) done.
5. Hospitality issue has been solved.
6. Information Centers have been made.
7. Craft and Arts related activities, workshops have been carried out.

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Government of India

8. Marketing of Communication materials has been completed

9. Website has been developed
10. Revival of monthly Market has been taken care of.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. All Hardware & Software work was mostly completed in 2010.
2. Artisans are also getting good marketing support.
3. Artisans are able to increase their socio economic condition.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: In this location apart from
Rural Tourism HWHAMA/UNESCO & State Govt. has also worked. Due to these
activities Domestic/Foreigner tourists have increased


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

About Anegundi About Anegundi

Entry gate Talwar gate

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Artisans Artisans

Artisans Artisan

Craft shop Library

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Karnataka

Location : Attivery Bird Sanctuary in (District- Uttara Kannada)

Project Name: Development of Anegundi village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Eco- Tourism

 District Portrait

Uttara Kannada also known as North Canara or North

Kanara, is a district in the southern Indian state of
Karnataka. Uttara Kannada District is one of the biggest
districts of our State with abundant natural resources.
The district has varied geographical features with thick
forest, perennial rivers and abundant flora and fauna and
a long coastal line of about 140 KM in length. It is
surrounded by Belgaum District and State of Goa in the
North, by Dharwar District in the East, by Shimoga and Udupi Districts in the South.
Arabian Sea forms the West border.

 About Attivery Bird Sanctuary

Attiveri Bird Sanctuary, located near Mundgod in Uttara

Kannada district of Karnataka is home to 79 species of
birds including migratory birds from 22 countries. The
area of Attiveri Bird Sanctuary is 2.23 sq. km. Attiveri
Reservoir was formed as a result of the construction of
a dam across Tayawwanahalla in the village of Attiveri.
This reservoir attracted many birds, especially aquatic
species and was therefore developed as a bird sanctuary. The agricultural fields
situated near sanctuary are host to a variety of aquatic creatures which are main

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Government of India

source of food for birds of the sanctuary. Attiveri Bird sanctuary houses birds like
little cormorant, spoonbill, Indian shag, cattle egretpied kingfisher, white-breasted
kingfisher, white ibis, common grey hornbill and common swallow.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The art of exclusive crafts making in Karnataka has passed on from one generation to
another, thus making it a timeless tradition. Government has also taken many steps to
retain the charms of these handicrafts and that has resulted in upgrading many craft
traditions. Uttara Kannada is popular for coir products, jewelry, food products, wood
and steel furniture, glass and ceramics and seafood & Sandalwood work. Highly skilled
workers are employed to make articles like lamp shades, trays, jewel boxes,
decorative articles, combs and even walking sticks with rosewood handles

Artisan covered: No


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Commissioner/

Director of Tourism, Govt. of Karnataka.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2010

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/Commissioner/ Director of Tourism,

Govt. of Karnataka.

Hardware Components:
1. Modern information centre with illuminated photographs, description of birds
and their habits etc.
2. Cafeteria, toilet complex.

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Government of India

3. Chain link mesh fencing (exclusive of phase 1 work of 75 mtrs)

4. Storm water chain.
5. Four Large elevated pergolas
6. Watch tower (additional with telescope stand etc)
7. Solar lamps, lighting in garden etc.
8. Soil moisture conservation dams in catchments area.
9. Improvement of existing building to form dormitory.

Status of Implementation:

1. Modern information centre with illuminated photographs, description of birds

and their habits have been built.
2. Cafeteria, toilet complex have been made.
3. Mesh fencing as been constructed.
4. Storm water chain has been made
5. Large elevated pergolas have been made.
6. Watch tower (additional with telescope stand etc) has been made.
7. Solar lamps to provide lighting in garden have been constructed.
8. Conservation dams in catchments area have been made.
9. Improvement of existing building to form dormitory has been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: No

Year of Completion of Software : No

Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components : No

Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Over all Hardware work satisfactory.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project:


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India

Entry Gate Signage

Ticketing centre Restaurant

Guest house Nature Interpretation centre

Road Signage

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Government of India

State : Karnataka

Location : Banavasi, District- Uttara Kannada

Project Name: Development of Banavasi village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Stone machinery, Wood carving and Musical instruments.

 District Portrait

Uttara Kannada also known as North Canara or

North Kanara, is a district in the southern Indian
state of Karnataka. Uttara Kannada District is one
of the biggest districts of our State with abundant
natural resources. The district has varied
geographical features with thick forest, perennial
rivers and abundant flora and fauna and a long
coastal line of about 140 KM in length. It is
surrounded by Belgaum District and State of Goa in the North, by Dharwar District in
the East, by Shimoga and Udupi Districts in the South. Arabian Sea forms the West

 About Banavasi village

Banavasi village is a temple town located near the
border of Uttara Kannada, (North Kanara ) district
(Karwar) and Shimoga district in Karnataka. It is one
of India’s oldest towns, after Varanasi. The main
attraction of Banavasi is Madhukeshvara temple
which is 2000 year old dedicated to Lord Shiva.
Kadambotsava festival also attracts lot of artisans
from South India.

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Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The art of exclusive crafts making in Karnataka has passed on from one generation to
another, thus making it a timeless tradition. Government has also taken many steps to
retain the charms of these handicrafts and that has resulted in upgrading many craft
traditions. Uttara Kannada is popular for coir products, jewelry, food products, wood
and steel furniture, glass and ceramics and seafood & Sandalwood work. Highly skilled
workers are employed to make articles like lamp shades, trays, jewel boxes,
decorative articles, combs and even walking sticks with rosewood handles

 Artisan covered: Approximately 70 artisans are working in this village.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Commissioner/Director of

Tourism, The Deputy Commissioner/Director of Tourism, Govt. of Karnataka.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2010

Implementing Agency Details: The Commissioner/Director of Tourism, The Deputy

Commissioner/Director of Tourism, Govt. of Karnataka.

Hardware Components:
1. Establishment of tourist club for interaction with local citizens.
2. Transportation system.
3. Solid waste management
4. Improvement to roads.
5. Illumination of the village.
6. Tourist accommodation with rural theme (Conversion of old hostel building.)
7. Construction of hotel and cafeteria.

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8. Establishment of reception centre

9. Improvement of “Pampa Vana”
10. Signage.
11. Establishment of water sports at Gudnapur.
12. Development of pond in kadamba grounds.
13. Illumination of temple.
14. Construction of Amphi theatre/open air theatre.

Status of Implementation:

1. Establishment of tourist club for information with local citizens has been made.

2. Transportation system has been improved.

3. Problem related to disposal of solid waste has been solved

4. Roads have been improved.

5. Illumination of the village has been done.

6. Accommodation of tourists with rural theme has been arranged.

7. Construction of Hotel and cafeteria has been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Principal Secretary,

Tourism/The Deputy Commissioner, District Uttara Kannada/ BAIF institute for Rural
Development, Karnataka.

Year of Completion of Software : 2010

Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components
1. Group formation and management.
2. Baseline document preparation, process documentation and legitimization.
3. Awareness on environment and cleanliness for school, children and residents.
4. Health, sanitation and herbal medical preparation.
5. Standardization of services.
6. Training and exposure.
7. Training of guides.
8. Interpretation Centre/Information Centre.
9. Skill up gradation, new skill development and market linkage.
10. Entrepreneurship Development Programme.

Status of Implementation
1. Groups of people handling management work have been formed.
2. Baseline document preparation, process documentation and legitimization have
been completed.
3. Awareness on environment and cleanliness for school, children and residents
has been completed.
4. Health, sanitation and preparation of herbal medical have been completed

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Government of India

5. Standardization of services has been done.

6. Training and exposure activities have been performed.
7. Training to guides has been imparted.
8. Interpretation Centre/Information Centre have been built.
9. Skill up gradation, new skill development and market linkages have been
10. Entrepreneurship Development Programmes have been made.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Maximum of the Hardware work has been done but Water spot at Guddan pur &
pond are not developed.
2. Construction of work is properly done.
3. Tariff rate is very high.
4. Overall satisfactory.
5. More training for local craft is required
6. Local tourists have increased
7. Artisans are getting good benefits
8. Their socio economic conditions have improved.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Maximum of the hardware as

well as software is finished and project is successful.

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Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project

Tourist Rest House Tourist Rest House

Information Centre Meeting room

Artisan Crafts

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Government of India

Madhukeshwar Temple Madhukeshwar Temple

Madhukeshwar Temple Madhukeshwar Temple

Temple internal part. Temple Chariot

Front side

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Karnataka

Location : Coorg, District- Coorg

Project Name: Development of Coorg village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Coffee Plantation.

 District Portrait

Kodagu (Coorg) District, erstwhile kingdom of

Hoysalas and Vijayanagar is a picture perfect hill
station in Karnataka Covering an expanse of 4102
sq. km, Kodagu (4000 m elevation) is encircled by
Dakshina Kannada, Hassan, Mysore and Kannur.
Coffee plantations and orange groves of Coorg are
renown all over the world. Kodagu District's
pristine verdant forests and sun kissed terrains
covered by snow white coffee blossoms captivate tourists. Bestowed with a
resplendent history and traditional legacy, Coorg attracts tourists by the droves.

 About Coorg village

Coorg or Kodagu (originally called

Kodaimalenadu) means 'dense forest on steep
hill'. Dubbed as Scotland of India, this town
has lot to offer to the tourists. Misty hills, lush
forest, acres and acres of tea and coffee
plantation, orange groves, undulating streets
and breathtaking views make Madikeri an
unforgettable holiday destination.

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Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Coorg offers a large number of handicraft items that can be bought as a remembrance
of this bewitching place. Hand woven and embroidered clothes with bamboo baskets
and jute bags, apart from coffee Coorg is also a land of Honey, Cinnamon, Cardamom,
Pepper, Oranges, Areca nut, ferns, Orchids and Anthuriums. Many horticulturists grow
Anthuriums and export it to many countries.

 Artisan covered: No


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Commissioner/

Director of Tourism, Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore.

Year of Completion of Hardware : On going

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/Commissioner/ Director of Tourism,

Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore.

Hardware Components:
1. 10 furnished deluxe type tents with sliding door.
2. Dormitory and Kitchen at Naluknad palace and Bettangala
3. 30 tents for camping.
4. Purchase of equipment for trekking.
5. Purchase of equipment for bird watching.
6. Purchase of 45 Sleeping bags with mats.
7. Purchase of 10 GPs instruments.
8. Purchase of 25 portable toilets.
9. Establishing signage to different sites in the trekking program.

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Government of India

10. Printing of brochure giving information of different trekking programmes in


Status of Implementation:

1. Ten furnished deluxe type tents with sliding door have been made
2. Dormitory and Kitchen at Naluknad palace and Bettangala have been made.
3. Thirty tents for camping have not been constructed..
4. Equipment for trekking has not been purchased till now.
5. Equipments for bird watching have been purchased.
6. Forty five Sleeping bags with mats have been purchased.
7. Ten GPs instruments have been purchased.
8. Portable toilets have been purchased.
9. Signage to different sites in the trekking program has been developed.
10. Brochure giving information of different trekking programmes in Coorg has
been printed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: No

Year of Completion of Software : No

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components : No

Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. All work which does not require maximum use of equipments is done but new
equipments are not purchased till now.
2. Hardware work is going on.
3. Dormitory is not used properly.
4. Dormitory location is located in remote areas which creates communication

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Hardware work is still going on
and no software work is assigned to this project


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project

Dormitory Dormitory


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Government of India

State : Karnataka

Location : Kokkare Bellur, District- Mandya

Project Name: Development of Kokkare Bellur, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Eco-Tourism.

 District Portrait

Mandya District is an administrative district of

Karnataka. Mandya District has borders in
northeast by Tumkur district, Ramanagara district
to the east, Chamrajnagar district to the south,
Mysore district to the west and southwest and
Hassan district to the northwest. The district was
formed in the year 1939 It has an area of 4,961
square kilometres (1,915 sq mi). The
administrative center of Mandya District is
Mandya City. Mandya district consists of 7 taluks grouped under two subdivisions.
Mandya subdivision comprises Mandya, Maddur and Malavalli taluks and the
Pandavapura subdivision comprises Pandavapura, Srirangapatna, Nagamangala and
Krishnarajpet Taluks.

 About Kokkare Bellur village

Kokkare Bellur situated 12 kilometers from
Maddur towards Halagur, this is a unique bird
sanctuary which has been internationally
recognised as it co-exists with the village
community. One can view colorful birds like grey
pelicans which arrive from Australia and various
other parts of the world during April-May.

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Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Mandya district is based on Agriculture. The main crops grown are Paddy, Sugarcane,
Jowar, Maize, Cotton, Banana, Ragi, Coconut, Pulses (predominantly horse gram and
to some extent tur, cowpea, green gram, black gram, avare), Vegetables etc. also
popular for handloom products, brass items. Wood carving, potteries,

 Artisan covered: No


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Director, Tourism,

Govt. of Karnataka.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2010

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/Director, Tourism, Govt. of Karnataka

Hardware Components:
1. Interpretation centre
2. Interior roads.
3. Drains & Plantation of seedlings.
4. Construction of compound wall.
5. Drinking water facilities,
6. Reception centre etc.

Status of Implementation:
1. Interpretation centre has been made.
2. Interior roads have been made.
3. Drains & Plantation of seedlings have been completed.

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Government of India

4. Construction of compound wall has been completed

5. Drinking water facilities have been provided.
6. Reception centre has been made.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: No

Year of Completion of Software : No

Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components : No

Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. No water facility for birds.
2. Need more plantation of tress
3. In Interpretation center there is no furniture inside the center.
4. Tourists have increased after this project.
5. There is no sufficient infrastructure for tourist

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has proved to be
partially beneficial for villagers as well tourists have increased


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project

Main gate Reception centre.

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Bird interpretation centre Bird interpretation centre

Signage Nest & Birds.

Pelicans Nest & Birds.

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State: Kerala

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Kerala

Location : Balaramapuram, District-Thiruvananthapuram

Project Name: Development of Balaramapuram as a Rural Tourism Destination.

Activity/Craft : Handloom.

1. District Portrait

Thiruvananthapuram District is the southernmost

district of Kerala. It came into existence in the year
1957. Thiruvananthapuram is the headquarters and
also the capital city of Kerala. It is divided into four
taluks, Thiruvananthapuram, Chirayinkeezhu,
Neyyattinkara, Nedumangadu. The urban bodies in the
district are the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation,
Varkala, Neyyattinkara, Attingal and Nedumangad

2. About Balaramapuram
Balramapuram is a village in Thiruvananthapuram
district of Kerala. Balaramapuram is famous as a
centre for production of traditional varieties of
handloom textiles meant for contemporary cloth
wearing style of Kerala. Its unique craftsmanship makes
it an ideal heirloom. It is considered as the second
market hub of Thiruvananthapuram,

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Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Thiruvananthapuram is famous for its intricately-carved wooden objects, bronze

items, Kathakali masks, traditional fabrics and other handicrafts that are a collector's
delight. One can choose from various styles, designs and prices of curios that are a
feast to the eyes. Some of the best products are exquisite sculpture in rosewood and
sandalwood, ivory figures which carries on a centuries old artistic tradition,
traditional boxes and furniture, brass and "bell-metal" lamps. The other irresistible
souvenirs are the objects made out of coconut, coir, cane, bamboo and straw. There
are also horn products, wooden toys and lacquer ware, as well as significant and
evocative masks used for the dramatic Kathakali dance dramas.

 Artisans covered: No

Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/The Regional

Director, Thiruvananthapuram.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2005

Implementing Agency Details Secretary/The Regional Director, Thiruvananthapuram

Hardware Components:
1. Developing of 500 m long Shaliyar street.
2. Construction of village Handloom Centre.
3. Publicity, awareness programme and training expenses.

Status of Implementation:
1. Shaliyar Street has been developed.
2. Village Handloom Centre has been constructed
3. Publicity & awareness programmes have been provided.
4. Handloom centre has not been used.

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Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: No

Year of Completion of software : No

Implementing Agency Details : No

Software Components : No

Status of Implementation : No

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Hardware work has been completed successfully
2. Over all villagers are satisfied with the hardware work.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successfully completed in the year 2005 and it has given satisfactory results to the


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India

Snapshots o f the Rural Tourism Project:

Inside road Inside road.

Handloom centre Handloom centre

Handloom centre Handloom centre

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Government of India

State : Kerala

Location : Kumbalangi, District- Ernakulam

Project Name: Development of Kumbalngi village as a Rural Tourism Destination.

Activity/Craft : Ethnic Cuisine and traditional boat carpentry.

District Portrait

Ernakulam is a district of Kerala in southern India. District includes the largest

metropolitan region of the state Greater Cochin.
Ernakulam District is the highest revenue yielding
district in the state and is called and known as the
commercial capital of Kerala. It is the third most
populous district in Kerala, after Malappuram and
Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam district also hosts
the highest number of number of international and
domestic tourists in Kerala state. It is surrounded
by Thrissur District to the north, Idukki District to the east, Alappuzha and Kottayam
districts to the south and Arabian sea to the west. Its headquarters is located at
Kakkanad, a suburb of Kochi city.

About Kumbalangi
Kumbalanghi is a coastal village located in the
Ernakulam district of Kerala with some of the most
scenic views of sea, canals, mangroves, agricultural
land and coconut plantations. Kumbalanghi village
is the first "Model Tourism Village" of Kerala. An
enchanting place, Kumbalanghi aims to be the
perfect destination for tourists who value simple and beautiful rural life of Kerala. As

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Government of India

a model village selected by the Govt of India for promoting rural tourism, the village
is continuously under development through innovative schemes for community
development and sustainability. The major attractions are dyeing, cuisine, boat
building, traditional fishing, marine pastoral setting etc. The coastal ambience and
ethnic cuisines are some of the highlight of Kumbalanghi. The art of dyeing such as
Chavittunadkam, Prasiamuttukali, and Kolakali along with traditional boat carpentry,
coconut oil extraction and fabrication of Ayurvedic soaps could be seen in

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Ernakulam has rich traditions of dance, sculptures, temple architecture, martial arts,
and handicraft items. Kochi is a cosmopolitan city and so people from all parts are
living here. One can see the culture of people from all the castes and communities.
The city is believed to have a colorful culture. There are many art and crafts
industries here that sell handicraft items which include items made in rosewood, bell
metals etc

 Artisans covered: Approximately 3000 artisans are working in this district.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Central Public

Works Department. Thiruvananthapuram.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2005

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/Central Public Works Department.

Hardware Components:
1. Approach roads.
2. Office.
3. Development of local area.

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4. Development of compound wall.

5. Park
6. Home stay.

Status of Implementation:
1. Approach roads have been made.
2. Office has been made.
3. Local area has been developed.
4. Compound wall has been developed.
5. Park has been partially completed.
6. Home to stay has been made.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The District Collector,

Kumbalanghi Grama Panchyath, Kumbalanghi.

Year of Completion of software : 2005

Implementing Agency Details: The District Collector, Kumbalanghi Grama Panchyath,


Software Components:
1. Awareness programme.
2. Training programme.
3. Documentation.

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4. Marketing, Printing of brochure, web site development etc

Status of Implementation:
1. Awareness programmes have been provided.
2. Training programmes have been provided.
3. Documentation has been done.
4. Marketing, printing of brochure & websites have been developed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. After the completion of project both domestic & foreign tourists have
2. Software work has also been completed successfully.
3. After this project Artisans are getting benefits.
4. Sales have increased.
5. Improved socio economic condition.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Overall both Hardware &
Software projects have been successfully completed.

1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

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Government of India

State : Kerala

Location : Aranmula, District-Pathanamthitta

Project Name: Development of Aranmula, village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Mural Painting

District Portrait

Pathanamthitta district is the youngest district located in

the southern part of Kerala, India. The district
headquarters is in Pathanamthitta town. The district is
surrounded by Kottayam, Idukki, Alappuzha and Kollam
districts. It has a border with Tamil Nadu in the east.
Pathanamthitta, Tiruvalla, Adoor, Pandalam, Kozhencherry,
Ranni, Mallapally, Konni and Kumbanad-Pullad are the
major towns in the district. Famous pilgrimage centre of
Sabarimala, is situated here. Having three rivers and a forest cover which includes a
tiger reserve, the district also attracts many wildlife and nature lovers.

 About Aranmula

Aranmula is about 128 km from Trivandrum, capital city of

Kerala, south western state in India. It is situated on the
banks of the river Pampa. Traditions, cultural variations,
traditional village life, sceneries are unique for Aranmula.
It is a suburb of Kozhencherry in Pathanamthitta District.
It is the venue of annual snake boat race on Pampa river.
Aranmula is also famous for its metal mirrors, known as
Aranmula kannadi. The palace at aranmula (Aranmula kottaram) has a history of 200

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 Crafts/Activities in the District:

The famous metallic mirror of Aranmula is universally noted for its excellence in
craft. Bell metal is tamed, tempered and polished to give a mirror like reflection.
This noted handiwork stands out as a symbol of excellence in traditional metallic craft
in Kerala & Handloom Products.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary/Director of

Tourism, Govt. of Kerala/ District Collector & District Magistrate, Pathanamthitta,

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2007

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary/Director of Tourism, Govt. of Kerala/

District Collector & District Magistrate, Pathanamthitta, Kerala

Hardware Components:
1. Setting up of permanent workshop cum exhibition centre for Aranmula Metal

2. Setting up of Mural Art Gallery, museum and information centre at Aranmula as

per Vastuvidya Gurukulam Activities.
3. Palliyoda Seva Sangham to utilize the amount for tourism related activities,
setting up of a museum, permanent academy for vanchipattu singers.
4. Gram Panchayat-Aranmula to utilize the amount for Waste management
5. Travancore Devasom Board to utilize the amount for constructing a shelter
home and toilets for the inmates of Aranmula Temple.

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6. Pampa Parirakshana Sammittee to utilize the amount for setting up a

permanent information centre.

Status of Implementation:
1. Setting up of permanent workshop cum exhibition centre for Aranmula Metal
Mirror has been completed

2. Setting up of Mural Art Gallery, museum and information centre at Aranmula as

per Vastuvidya Gurukulam Activities has been done.
3. Palliyoda Seva Sangham to utilize the amount for tourism related activities,
setting up of a museum; permanent academy for vanchipattu singers has been
4. Utilization of amount by Gram Panchayat-Aranmula for Waste management
purpose has been done.
5. Travancore Devasom Board to utilize the amount for constructing a shelter
home and toilets for the inmates of Aranmula Temple has been done.
6. Pampa Parirakshana Sammittee to utilize the amount for setting up a
permanent information centre has been done.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Secretary, Govt. of Kerala/

District Collector, Pathanamthitta, Kerala.& Vasthuvidya Gurukulam, Aranmula,

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Government of India

Year of Completion of Software : 2005

Implementing Agency Details: Vasthu Vidya Gurukulam is situated at Aranmula in

Pathanamthitta district. It is an institution which offers courses in traditional
architecture and mural painting. It is a government approved training institution for
Vasthu Vidya (traditional architecture) and mural painting. The institution was started
in 1993 and is affiliated to the Kerala State Cultural Affairs Department.

Software Components:
1. Mud technology, Environment friendly construction method and Vasthuvidya.
2. Mural painting-workshop etc.
3. Kala Aswadana parisheelanam-artist payment and major performance.
4. Museum-remuneration of emporium assistant.
5. Setting up of Ayurvedic community Training centre.
6. Aranmula Metal Mirror-remuneration of masters etc.
Status of Implementation:
1. Mud technology, Environment friendly construction method and Vasthuvidya
have been provided.
2. Mural painting-workshops have been organized.
3. Kala Aswadana parisheelanam-artist payment and major performance have
been taken care of.
4. Museum-remuneration by assistants has been done.
5. Setting up of Ayurvedic community Training centre has been completed.
6. Aranmula Metal Mirror-remuneration by masters has been done.

1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Both Hardware & Software work has been completed successfully.
2. Artisans are getting good benefits after the completion of the project.
3. Tourists flow has also increased.
4. Socio economic conditions have improved.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successful as it helps artisans to improve their socio-economic conditions and both
software as well as hardware work have been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Kerala
Location : Kalady
Project Name: Development of Kalady, village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Mural Painting

District Portrait

Ernakulam is a district of Kerala in southern India.

District includes the largest metropolitan region of
the state Greater Cochin. Ernakulam District is the
highest revenue yielding district in the state and is
called and known as the commercial capital of
Kerala. It is the third most populous district in
Kerala, after Malappuram and Thiruvananthapuram,
Ernakulam district also hosts the highest number of
number of international and domestic tourists in
Kerala state. It is surrounded by Thrissur District to the north, Idukki District to the
east, Alappuzha and Kottayam districts to the south and Arabian sea to the west. Its
headquarters is located at Kakkanad, a suburb of Kochi city.

 About Kalady

Kaladi village is located in east of the Periyar

River in Ernakulam district of Kerala. It is the
birthplace of Adi Sankara, the greatest among
Indian philosophers, well known for his doctrine of
Advaita. It is a popular destination for pilgrims in
Kerala. Sri Sankara Sanskrit University is also
located here. Cochin International Airport is very near to Kaladi.

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Government of India

 Crafts/Activities in the District:

Ernakulam has rich traditions of dance, sculptures, temple architecture, martial arts,
and handicraft items. Kochi is a cosmopolitan city and so people from all parts are
living here. One can see the culture of people from all the castes and communities.
The city is believed to have a colorful culture. There are many art and crafts
industries here that sell handicraft items which include items made in rosewood, bell
metals etc

Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The District Collector,

Ernakulam/ Kalady Area Development Authority, Kalady.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2008

Implementing Agency Details: The District Collector, Ernakulam/ Kalady Area

Development Authority, Kalady.

Hardware Components:
1. Organic Spice Farming Cum Trading Centre.
2. Participatory Living Handicrafts Village and Kalgramam
3. Centre for Travel Circuit cum spice cuisine.
4. Signage.

Status of Implementation:
1. Organic Spice Farming Cum Trading Centre has been made.
2. Participatory Living Handicrafts Village and Kalgramam have been completed.
3. Centre for Travel Circuit cum spice cuisine has been constructed.
4. Signage has been built.

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1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The District Collector,

Ernakulam/Kalady Development of Authority, Kaladi.

Year of Completion of Software : 2007

Implementing Agency Details: The District Collector, Ernakulam/Kalady Development

of Authority, Kaladi.

Software Components:
1. Awareness Programme.
2. Training Programme.
3. Gender empowerment Programme
4. Marketing and Publishing materials
5. Baseline Survey.
Status of Implementation:
1. Awareness Programmes have been organized.
2. Training Programmes have been organized.
3. Gender empowerment Programme has also been organized.
4. Marketing and Publishing materials have been purchased.
5. Baseline Survey has been done.

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1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Both Hardware & Software work has been completed successfully.
2. Artisans are getting good benefits after the completion of the project.
3. Tourists flow has also increased.
4. Socio economic conditions have improved.
5. Over all satisfactory with the performance of the project

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successful as it helps artisans to improve their socio-economic conditions and both
software as well as hardware work have been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Kerala

Location : Anakkara, District- Idukki

Project Name: Development of Anakkara village, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Spice Village.

3. District Portrait

Idukki district is one among the 14 districts of Kerala

state, India. The district headquarters is located at
Kuyilimala in Painavu. It is the second least populous
district in Kerala, after Wayanad. Idukki is the spice
garden of Kerala. Sahya ranges occupying most of the
geographical area, Idukki is one of the most nature
rich areas of Kerala. High ranges and wooded valleys
of Idukki offers diverse attractions like wildlife
sanctuaries, hill stations, spice plantation tours,
jungles and safaris, mountain treks, elephant rides etc. Idukki is home to a large
population of tribals, the main tribes being Muthuvan, Malayarayan, Mannan, Paliyan,
Urali, Ulladan, Malavedan and Malampandaram.

 About Anakkara

Anakkara is the spice destination of Kerala that attracts

tourists in many more ways. This emerald strip of land
lies in close proximity to the world renowned Periyar Wild
Life Sanctuary (Thekkady),enroute Munnar, another world

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renowned tourism destination. Anakkara is blessed with a unique climate best suited
for growing spices. No wonder then, world's finest quality cardamom and pepper are
produced here. Extensive spice and tea plantations, picture perfect landscapes,
waterfalls, rocks, caves are the major attractions here, most of them are unexplored
miracles of nature.

 Crafts/Activities in the District:

The mountainous district of Idukki forms the gateway to the high ranges in the state.
Idukki abounds in a variety of plantation crops such as tea, coffee and spices. The
mist-clad beauty of the hills overlooking emerald valleys attracts tourists and
vacationers to the place.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The District Collector/Women in

Agriculture, Village Anakkara, Kerala

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2010

Implementing Agency Details Women in Agriculture (WIA), a group of women in

Anakkara in Kerala, is bidding to implement Ecotourism and are responsible for
tourism projects at Anakkara Spice Tourism village in Idukki district of the state. WIA
was formed in October 2004 when 25 enthusiastic women of Anakkara came together
with an aim of improving their life style by providing their own contributions to the
family income.
Hardware Components:
1. Fifteen Home stay for ground floor
2. One Comfort station
3. One Reception center

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4. Four Toilet and Sanitation facilities

5. Solid waste management.
6. Signage.
7. Illumination with street light.
8. Development of farm.

Status of Implementation:
1. Fifteen Home stay at ground floor have been constructed.
2. One Comfort station has been made.
3. One Reception center has been made.
4. Four Toilet and Sanitation facilities have been provided.
5. Management for disposal of solid waste has been provided
6. Signage has been built.
7. Illumination with street light has been completed.
8. Development of farms has been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The District Collector/Women in

Agriculture, Village Anakkara, Kerala

Year of Completion of Software : 2010

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Implementing Agency Details: Women in Agriculture (WIA), a group of women in

Anakkara in Kerala, is bidding to implement Ecotourism and are responsible for
tourism projects at Anakkara Spice Tourism village in Idukki district of the state. WIA
was formed in October 2004 when 25 enthusiastic women of Anakkara came together
with an aim of improving their life style by providing their own contributions to the
family income.

Software Components:
1. Training for SHG members
2. Training for Guides and Receptionists
3. Training for Farming community.
4. Public Awareness Programme.
5. Survey & data collection & Auditing
6. Gender Sensitization.
7. Promoting Cultivation of Traditional Crops.
8. Promotion of traditional Art & Craft.
9. Organizational Training for farm Tourism

Status of Implementation:
1. Training for SHG members done.
2. Training for Guides and Receptionists done.
3. Training for Farming community done.
4. Public Awareness Programme done.
5. Survey & data collection & Auditing done.
6. Gender Sensitization done.
7. Promoting Cultivation of Traditional Crops done.
8. Promotion of traditional Art & Craft done.
9. Organizational Training for farm Tourism done

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1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

6. Both Hardware & Software work has been completed successfully.
7. Artisans are getting good benefits after the completion of the project.
8. Tourists flow has also increased.
9. Socio economic conditions have improved.
10. Over all satisfactory with the performance of the project

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project has been
successful as it helps artisans to improve their socio-economic conditions and both
software as well as hardware work have been completed.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Spice of Anakkara
Spice of Anakkara

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Government of India

State: Madhya Pradesh

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Madhya Pradesh

Location: Village Pranpur, Dist. Ashok Nagar
Project Name:
Activity/Craft: Pulkari, Hand block printing

 District Portrait

Ashoknagar is located on the northern-eastern

part of Malwa Platue between Sindh and the
Betwa. The eastern and western boundaries of the
District are well defined by the rivers. The Betwa
flows along the eastern boundary separating from
Sagar District, and Lalitpur and Jhansi District of
Uttar Pradesh. The Sindh is the main river flowing
along the western boundary. Chanderi is famous
for its exquisite and delicate muslin industry is a
part of the district.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The district is famous for a small town called 'Chanderi', which is about 60 km from
Ashoknagar. In Chanderi, ancient sculptures have been discovered in large numbers.
Thubonji Sidhdha Kshetra is another one of the pilgrim centre for Jains. It is about
32 km from Ashoknagar. In the south, about 35 km from Ashoknagar, is the famous
'Karila Mata Mandir', which is known to be the birthplace of 'Luv and Kush', sons of
Lord Rama and Sita Mata. A huge fair is organized every year on Rangpanchmi in
which Rai Dance is performed by Bedni Women. Tumen is also a famous historical
pilgrim centre situated at Triveni known for Mata Vindhyavasini temple. There are
many more places of religious importance in the district of Ashoknagar.

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Government of India

Artisans covered: Around 200 artisans are based in and around the village but only 15
ladies received training in toy making and only 1 artisan practicing pottery received
training from the implementing agency.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The Commissioner Tourism Govt. of M.P
2. M.P Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
3. Project consultant UNDP-Endogenous tourism Project
4. Bundelkhand Institute for Rural Development Guna Madhya Pradesh.

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2004-2005

Hardware Components:
1. Laying of internal roads and drains
2. De silting repairing and landscaping of the Takbandi tank
3. Illumination of the inner areas of the village
4. Construction of 10 garbage bins and trenching grounds
5. Extenuation of 10 houses owned by village community for providing tourist
6. Sewerage management in village Pranpur
7. Stone Signage
8. Reception cum information center at Pranpur
9. Construction of Vishramsthal Rural Huts
10. Park Development of Pranpur
11. Procurement of equipment related to water sport, Eco friendly modes of

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Government of India

Status of Implementation: Hardware components work in most of the areas has not
been completed and villagers and Gram Pradhan want the project to continue so that
it increases domestic tourist visits to the village.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software:

1. The Commissioner Tourism Govt. of M.P,
2. M.P Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
3. Project consultant UNDP-Endogenous tourism Project.
4. Bundelkhand Institute for Rural Development Guna Madhya Pradesh.

Year of Completion of Software: 2004-2005

Implementing Agency Details:
1. Rural Indian Association is an NGO for improving rural peole and is located in
Jammu. It is involved with the artisans, in the craft of hand embroidery & paper
mache. It has a total of 19 SHG’s and a total workforce of 239 artisans.

Software Components:
1. Base Line Survey & Scooping Exercise
2. Publication of Tourism related material
3. Organizing workshop for awareness
4. Training for tourism service capacity building and related activities
5. Capacity Building of local musicians and folk artist

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6. Capacity building of host community

7. Development of marketing support model, brochures, post cards etc.
8. Development of website, effective use of media
9. Imparting of skills to weavers and other artisans
10. Capacity building of the community for gender sensitization
11. Exposure visits for artisans and tourism service providers
12. Capacity building of local persons for aggressive marketing of tourism
13. Organizing annual festival "Pranpur Virasat"
14. Building capacity of farmers to adopt organic farming, horticulture and flower
15. Organizing trekking camps and facility
16. Building capacity of healthy & hygienic cooking "Bundeli vyanjan"
17. Provide support of organize traditional festivals &fare around the year
18. School education programme (class VI to x) for sustainable eco-rural tourism.

Software Implementation: Regarding start of software work, training by the NGO and
other consultants’ training had started and continued for a few days at the time of
initiation of the project, but after that training, which is incomplete till now, there
has been none anymore. There has been no improvement in the product.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The artisans are not happy with the
scheme and feel that it is quite useful for them if it is implemented properly, which
has not been the case. The artisans also want the projects to continue.

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Both hardware and software
components have not been implemented completely and lots of work is still pending.
This initiative neither has increased tourism in the project site nor has helped in
increasing the socio economic condition of the population that exists there.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Laying internal road and Drain.

2. De silting repairing and landscaping of the Takbandi tank

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Government of India

1. Illumination of the inner areas of the village.

2. Construction of 10 garbage bins and trenching grounds

3. Extenuation of 10 houses owned by village community for providing

tourist accommodation

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Government of India

6. Sewerage management in village Pranpur and Stone Signages

7. Reception cum information center at Pranpur & Construction of

Vishramsthal Rural Huts

8. Park Development of Pranpur

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: State: Madhya Pradesh

Location: Orchha Village, Tikamgarh District
Project Name: Infrastructure Development Rural Tourism Project in Orchha Village,
Tikamgarh District

 District Portrait

Tikamgarh district lies in the northern part of

Madhya Pradesh. The early history of Tikamgarh
district is however not chronicled, though as
suggested by the numerous ruins of buildings
and other old remains lies scattered at various
places, viz Orchha, Garh Kudar, Prithvipur,
Barana, Lidhoura, Digora, Mohangarg,
Baldeogarh and Tikamgarh, it must be having a
glorious past.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

A village of Niwari tehsil, Orchha is situated on the Betwa river at a distance of about
13 Km. from tehsil headquarter. It is 15 Km. from Jhansi (U.P.). Orchha is linked by
the rail on Jhansi-Manikpur section of the Central railway.

Artisans covered: No Artisans are present there.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The Commissioner Tourism Govt. of M.P,
2. M.P Tourism Development Corporation Ltd
Year of Completion of Hardware: 2005-2006
Implementing Agency Details:
1. M.P Tourism Development Corporation developed the projects.

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Government of India

Hardware Components:
1. Restoration and conversion of heritage building to tourist accommodation at Betwa
cottage complex
2. River front development and adjoining area of Betwa cottage complex-
landscaping, paving & lighting
3. Boundary wall, Reception, Dining Hall-Kitchen construction
4. Landscaping, Repairing of old buildings on site
5. Signage, Linking with Chaupal etc.

Status of Implementation:
1. The entire list of hardware components as mentioned in the previous section has
been properly completed and the quality of the work is good. The rural tourism
project has led to the increase in tourists interested to experience rural life. All
hardware components are maintained under the cottage manager under M.P
Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: In this project where only
hardware components have been incorporated, has been executed to the point and
just the incorporation of the hardware infrastructure components has led to the
increase in the number of tourist arrivals to the project site. Keeping in mind only the
hardware component implementation part, this project can be termed as successful.

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Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

1- Restoration and conversion of heritage building to tourist accommodation at
Betwa cottage complex

2. River front development adjoining Betwa cottage complex-landscaping, paving

& lighting

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3. Boundary wall, Reception, Dining Hall-Kitchen

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4. Signage, Linking with Chaupal etc.

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Government of India

State : Madhya Pradesh

Location : Village Amla, Distt. Ujjain
Project Name: Development of Rural Tourism in Village Amla, Distt.
Activity/Craft: Block Printing

 District Portrait

Ujjain lay on the main trade route

between North India and Deccan and on
to western Asia and the West. The
Northern black polished ware - the NBP
as it is often called which is technically
the finest pottery of the time, with a
brilliantly burnished dressing almost of
the quality of a glaze in color from jet
black to a deep grey or metallic blue
and iron, found their way to the northern Deccan from the Gangetic plains through
Ujjain. The articles of export to the western Asia such as precious stones and pearls,
scents and spices, perfumes, silks and muslin, reached the port of Brighukachcha from
the remote north through Ujjain.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

The tradition of printing cloths began with blocks of potato and developed into
printing with wooden blocks, is centuries old. It can be marketed, when Bhairavgarh
Lugda,Godra,Jajam or Nandana were replaced by sarees,bedsheet and dress material.
The blocks are carved on the specially evened teak wood. For color combination in
one design different blocks are used. In block printing utmost care has to be taken,
regarding applying even pressure on block every time, and properly matching the
joints. Preparation of colours is an important aspect of the art of printing and
therefore, according to the nature of the material used for preparing the colours the

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Government of India

printing techniques like Alijarin,Nandana,Chemical T.C,Bagru and Discharge print


Artisans covered: The heritage village Amla is located near the temple town of
Ujjain, Omkareshwar, Maheshwar and the financial capital of the state – Indore.
Block-printing workshops renowned for indigo printing are located in the nearby
Ujjain. AMLA is specialized in tribal art, block printing, tie and dye and batik. More
than 500 hundred people are involved in this work.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. Managing Director, MPSTDC
2. Regional Director (West)

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2006-2007

Hardware Components:
1. Providing cement concrete roads in entire village
2. Providing Covered Drains in village
3. Provision of electric poles in village and electric system for internal lighting
4. Providing boundary walls and plantation work in middle school campus
5. Internal village lighting arrangements like vapor lamps
6. Provision of 20 tourist shops for handicraft market of handicraft and local
7. Improvement & clearance of Bawdi at Amla Mata ji Mandir
8. Providing roadside plantation from crossing to Amla plantation in Playground
Campus Balaji Mandir
9. Improvement and beautification of tanks
 Balaji Tank
 Sai Tank
 Gandharva Tank

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 Jafila Tank
10. Providing roadside plantation on the crossing between Amla plantation in
Playground Campus and Balaji Mandir
11. Provision of Display Boards
 At Railway Station
 At Bus Stands
 At Barnagar Road Crossing

Status of Implementation:
1. Most of the work is not completed. If the work is completed like in case of 20
Tourist Shops for handicrafts market of handicrafts and local products but
there has been no distribution of the shops for the people till now.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: MPSTDC

Year of Completion of Software: 2007-2008
Software Components:
1. Block Printing and Dying Training Programme
2. Folk Music and Dance Troupe
3. Marketing & Publicity
4. Participation in Travel promotional events
5. Contingency

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Status of Implementation: Software work is given to Panchayat Samiti but they have
not conducted any training programme. According to the Panchayat Samiti head, the
software section of the project is under process.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The artisans are not happy with the
Training program and feel that these schemes are useful for them if implemented
properly. For example if block printing and flock music and dance training program is
conducted properly, it would be very beneficial for them. The artisans also want to
attend more marketing fairs and exhibitions.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is not successful
as software portion of the work is yet to be started and the hardware part is partially
complete and partially implemented. The work is already delayed and quick measures
need to be taken to improve the situation.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful
Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

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1. Providing Cement Concrete road in Village entirely.

2. Providing Covered Drains in village+ Provision of electric poles in village and

electric system for internal lighting,

3. Providing boundary walls and plantation work in middle school campus

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Government of India

2. Village internal lighting arrangements like vapor lamps Provision of 20 tourist

shop for handicraft market of handicraft and local

3. Improvement & clearance of Bawdi at Amla Mata ji Mandir

6. Providing improvement of tanks and beautification

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7. Providing roadsides plantation from crossing Amla plantation in Playground

Campus Balaji Mandir

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State: Madhya Pradesh

Location: Villages Chaugan, District- Mandla

Project Name: Development of Rural Tourism project villages Chaugan

 District Portrait

Mandla is a tribal district situated in the

east-central part of Madhya Pradesh. The
district lies almost entirely in the catchment
of river Narmada & its tributaries. A district
with a glorious history, Mandla comprises of
numerous rivers and endowed with rich
forests. The world's famous Tiger Sanctuary,
Kanha National Park located in the district,
is one of the hottest targets for both the
domestic as well as foreign tourists.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Chaugan Villagers are expert in making handicrafts items out of the fiber and
bamboo. A famous plant species known as Ram Phul is used to make beautiful wood
items. Wood carvings are other major attractions of Chaugan village which can be
collected as souvenir.

Artisans covered: National institute of women, child & youth development has given
training Program to maintain antique items like OKHALI, CHAKIYA, and KHUMBHARI.
NGO formed for this purpose is called Somaya group and comprises of 80 members.
Most of the artisans are not interested to continue to work because the programs have
not given any monetary benefit to them.

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Government of India


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. The District Collector, District- Mandla
2. Project Consultant, UNDP-Endogenous Tourism Project
3. National Institute of Women Child & Youth Development.

Implementing Agency Details: The National Institute for Women, Child and Youth
Development (NIWCYD), based in Nagpur, was established in 1982 by a group of
development activists who came together with the primary objective of working for
the overall development of women, children and youth, and empowering them to
actively participate in the process for their own development.

In co-operation with AWO International, NIWCYD is currently running the project

“Livelihood Promotion of Primitive Tribal Groups and Marginalized Communities in
Central India through Linkages to Government Schemes”. The project is located and
executed in 34 adivasi villages of the Indian States of Madhya Pradesh and

Hardware Components:
1. Improving of village surroundings
2. Improving roads within Panchayat limits
3. Villages illumination: Solar sets
4. Wayside amenities
5. Procurement of tourism equipment
6. Solid Waste & sewerage management
7. Refurbishment of monuments
8. Signage
9. Other work directly related to Tourism

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Government of India

Status of Implementation:
1. Hardware work has been completed by the NGO which was being managed by
the collector of the district. The quality of the work is not satisfactory
according to the villagers and the Gram Pradhan has requested to the
Department of Ministry of Tourism that the entire project to be checked out
and restarted.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Year of Completion of Software: 2004-2005

Software Components:

1. Program expenses-Team building orientation

2. Training-Capacity building
3. Training-skill developments
4. Training-cum-production unit-raw material and equipment cost
5. Promotion/marketing
6. Administrative express

Status of Implementation: No training program or any type of software work has

started so far and the villagers are not satisfied and have urged that the training
program be started as soon as possible for the development of the villagers.

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Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project: The artisans are not happy with the
implementation rate of the scheme but feel that this scheme is quite useful for them.
The artisans also want attractive monetary benefits from this scheme. At present
form these artisans are not getting any money.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This project is a partial

success as only the hardware part of the scheme has been implemented and no
software work has yet started. The quality of hardware has raised a few doubts
among the beneficiaries and the software non-implementation leaves a lot to be


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

1 Improving of village surroundings

2 Improving roads within Panchayat limits

3 Villages illumination: Solar sets

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4 Wayside amenities

5 Procurement of tourism equipment

6 Solid Waste & sewerage management

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7 Refurbishment of monuments

8. Signage

9 Other work directly related to Tourism

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State: Maharashtra

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Maharashtra

Location : Morachi Chincholi, District- Pune

Project Name: Development of Morachi Chincholi village, as a Rural Tourism


Activity/Craft: Mirror Work/Embroidery

District Portrait

Pune District is situated in Maharashtra state of India.

Pune is well known as the 'Queen of Deccan' due to its
scenic beauty and rich natural resources. Besides, it is
famous for its religious and historical places. Pune city is
known on the world map beacuase of its educational,
research and development institutions. The district also
has an significance as an important military base. Pune is
the most industrialized district in western Maharashtra
and a famous IT hub in the country. Pune exemplifies an indigenous Marathi culture
and ethos, in which education, arts and crafts, and theatres are given due

About Morachi Chincholi village

Morachi Chincholi, by name itself means a village of

tamarind trees & town of Dancing Peacocks all
around. It is situated on Ahmednagar-Pune Highway
near Shirur, Ranjangaon Ganpati at a distance of 23

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km in Maharashtra (India). Today also in Morachi Chincholi, one can find lot of
peacocks everywhere in this small village.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Pune district has a rich cultural heritage & handicraft products like Wooden craft,
Metal handicraft, gifts and decorative, stone handicrafts, glass products, Mirror work,
costume jewelry, paintings, Embroidery, Carpets & bone handicrafts, etc

 Artisan covered: Approximately 700 artisans are working in this village.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary / The Director,

Tourism, Govt. of Maharashtra.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2009

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary / The Director, Tourism, Govt. of


Hardware Components:
1. Reception and Exhibition Block.
2. Amphitheatre Toilet Block & Drinking Water.
3. Fountain.
4. Dormitories Budget accommodation.
5. Landscape.
6. Development near lake.
7. Restoration of the old village entrance arch.

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Government of India

Status of Implementation
1. Morachi Road – 5 km. have been developed.
2. Signage have been built
3. Morachi Bus Stop has been developed.
4. Cottages – one Bamboo House, one Fibre House, one Shed, two RCC Sheds all
have been made.
5. Repair of Jai Malhar Temple has been done.
6. Construction of Fish Pond has been completed.
7. Higher Sec. School for Common Education has been made.
8. Agriculture Training School has been made.
9. Cultural activities inside the ground worth Two acre have been implemented.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Secretary / The Director,

Tourism, Govt. of Maharashtra/ Jai Malhar Krishi Vikas Pratisthan, Morachi Chincholi,

Year of Completion of Software : 2009

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary / The Director, Tourism, Govt. of
Maharashtra/ Jai Malhar Krishi Vikas Pratisthan, Morachi Chincholi, Pune.

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Government of India

Software Components
1. Workshop, Seminars and Awareness Programmes.
2. Operation Norms.
3. Training Activities.
4. Tourism Product Development.
5. Cultural Festivals.
6. Training on Photography.
7. Gender Sensitization.
8. Marketing Support.
9. Administrative Expenses for NGO.

Status of Implementation
1. Horse riding has been provided to tourists.
2. Training for disposal of garbage has been completed.
3. Agriculture Training for vegetable and Fruits have been provided.
4. Tourist Camps have been arranged
5. There has been arrangement for Kodba Party in month of January/February.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Both Hardware & Software work are satisfactory.
2. After receiving software training Artisans are getting benefits.

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Government of India

3. There is an Increase in their socio economic conditions.

4. Product quality has also improved.

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Most of the hardware as well
as software work has been completed. Overall this project has increased the socio-
economic conditions of the villagers and is thus doing well.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State : Maharashtra

Location : Sulibhanjan-Khultabad, District- Aurangabad

Project Name: Development of Sulibhanjan-Khultabad, as a Rural Tourism Destination

Activity/Craft: Sufi tradition and Culture

District Portrait

Aurangabad District is one of the 35 districts of

Maharashtra state in western India. It is bordered
by the districts of Nashik to the west, Jalgaon to
the north, Jalna to the east, and Ahmednagar to
the south. Aurangabad is the headquarters and
principal city. Barring these heritage monuments
of Ajanta, Ellora, Daulatabad and Bibi-Ka-Maqbara
the district is rich in monuments, historical and
religious, of National importance. Hence, it deserves the epithet as Tourist District of

About Sulibhanjan-Khultabad village

Sulibhanjan and Khultabad are essentially merged

into one part for Hindus and Muslims. The villages
are situated on the main tourism axis, just 3km
from the Ellora caves in Aurangabad district,
Maharashtra. The entire region bears an incredible
architectural and historical heritage. Sulibhanjan is

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a rural paradise with hills, forests, lakes and lush agricultural fields. Khultabad is one
of the most important seats of Sufi tradition.

 Crafts/Activities in the District

Pune district has a rich cultural heritage & handicraft products like Wooden craft,
Metal handicraft, gifts and decorative, stone handicrafts, glass products, Mirror work,
costume jewelry, paintings, Embroidery, Carpets & bone handicrafts, etc

 Artisan covered: Approximately 700 artisans are working in this village.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: The Secretary /

Commissioner/The Director, Tourism, Govt. of Maharashtra.

Year of Completion of Hardware : 2007

Implementing Agency Details: The Secretary / Commissioner/The Director, Tourism,

Govt. of Maharashtra.

Hardware Components:
1. Component.
2. Revival of old cascade lake system
3. Strengthening, widening etc. of approach road
4. Development of pathway.
5. Conservation/ repair of Nakkarkihana gage.
6. Development of garden near Bani Begum Baag.
7. Craft training/mall construction.
8. Purchase of adventure tourism equipment.

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Government of India

Status of Implementation
1. Components have been purchased.
2. Revival of old cascade lake system has been done.
3. Strengthening, widening etc. of approach road has been done.
4. Pathways have been developed.
5. Conservation/ repair of Nakkarkihana gage have been done.
6. Development of garden near Bani Begum Baag has been done.
7. Craft training/mall construction has been done.
8. Adventure tourism equipments have been purchased


2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful


Organization/Implementing Agency for Software: The Secretary / The Director,

Tourism, Govt. of Maharashtra/ Gomkh Trust for Sustainable Development, Pune.

Year of Completion of Software : 2007

Implementing Agency Details: Gomukh Trust came into existence as a response and
reaction to the inadequate and lop sided approach of the Government’s watershed
development programme.

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Government of India

Software Components
1. Conducting a Participatory Rural appraisal in Sulibhanjan-Khultabad.
2. Mobilization of SHGs.
3. Hospitality Training for Households.
4. Exposure visits and Exchange Programmes.
5. Training of Guides/Crafts persons.
6. Filed office and Administration.
Status of Implementation

1. Participatory Rural appraisal in Sulibhanjan-Khultabad have been conducted.

2. Mobilization of SHGs has been done.
3. Hospitality Training for Households has been provided.
4. Exposure visits and Exchange Programmes have been conducted.
5. Training for Guides/Crafts persons has been provided.
6. Work related to field offices and administration has been done

1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Perception about the Rural Tourism Project:

1. Both Hardware & Software work are satisfactory.
2. After receiving software training Artisans are getting benefits.
3. There is an Increase in their socio economic conditions.
4. Product quality has also improved
5. But at present needs maintenance.
6. After this project both domestic/foreign tourists have increase.

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Government of India

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: Most of the hardware as well
as software work has been completed. Overall this project has increased the socio-
economic conditions of the villagers and is thus doing well.


1 2 3 4 5
Failure Not Average Moderately Highly
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Sulibhanjan Signage

Bani Begum Baag garden Sitting arrangement inside park

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State: Manipur

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Government of India

State: Manipur
Location: Village Andro, District East Imphal, Manipur
Project Name: Development of Rural Tourism in village Andro
Activity/Craft: Terracotta

District Portrait
The District is situated in two separate valleys of the state namely Central Valley
and Jiribam Valley.

Crafts/Activities in the District

A small Chakpa village of Manipur known as
Andro, lies in the foothills of Nongmaiching
hill about 26 km from Imphal in the eastern
side. The community of Andro has occupied
a major portion in the map of traditional
pot making culture. They still preserve the traditional rituals and norms relating to
the process of pot making. Moreover, the villagers are nature loving people and
always maintain a good relation with the nature to keep a pollution free
ecosystem. In brief, we can call the village as the living heritage village.

Artisans covered: An overview

The Andro cluster is able to form above 226 Artisans and 20 SHGs supporting the
strong work force. The mobilization gains momentum day by day.


Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. District development office East Imphal
2. Tourism department Govt of Manipur
Year of Completion of Hardware: 2007-2008

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Government of India

Implementing Agency Details: Under the direction of engineering department of

tourism department work has been completed. Regarding construction quality and
other thing are under direction of Engineers.

Hardware Components:
 Multipurpose Hall (including entrance lobby with Reception, Selling cum display
counters, Toilets, office, store, weaving center etc.)
 Public utilities (Male & Female)
 Amphi Theatre for activities
 Parking & Landscaping
 Signage
 Public Utilities (Male & Female)
 Lighting
 Landscaping & Beautification that is uplifting of stone relics area
 Fencing
 Parking & pathways
 Boating Facilities

Status of Implementation:
Major of the work has been completed and running properly but boating facilities are
not being maintained properly. If some boats are provided for plying to the visitors, it
will be more attractive to the tourists.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

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Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: There was no software

component involved with this rural tourism project. The hardware components
implementation has been completed but needs maintenance. This project is
moderately successful.

1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

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Government of India

State: Manipur
Location: Village Khongion, District Thonbal, Manipur
Project Name: Development of Rural Tourism in village Khongion
Activity/Craft: Manipur Dance

1. District Portrait
The district of Thoubal, which occupies the
bigger portion of the eastern half of the
Manipur Valley, takes the shape of an
irregular and triangular with its base facing
north. It is bounded on the north by Imphal
district, on the east by Ukhrul and Chandel
districts, on the south by Chandel and
Churachandpur districts and on the west by
the districts of Imphal and Bishnupur.
Although the district is a part of the valley,
the area of the district is not entirely plain. Many rivers flow through the district
and many lakes dot its surface.

2. Crafts/Activities in the District

A dance of dedication to the sylvan deity, Khamba Thoibi dance is a duet of male
and female partners. This dance is a part and parcel of Moirang Lai-Haraoba. It is
supposed that the legendary hero - Khamba and heroin - Thoibi danced jointly
before the Lord Thangjing, a celebrated deity of Moirang, a village in the South-
West of Manipur which is known for its rich cultural traditions, for peace and
wealth of the land. This dance is an interpretation of the dance performed by
Khamba and Thoibi. The SHG covered in Badgaon village was formed in 2004-05. A
total of thirty artisans were covered in this SHG. The annual turnover of these
artisans ranges around Rs 15,000.

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Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware:

1. Director Tourism & Assistant Engineers, Manipur

2. District tourism Office Khongion (District Thonbai)

Year of Completion of Hardware: 2007-2008

Implementing Agency Details: Under the direction of the engineering wing of Tourism
Department of Manipur, the work has been completed. Construction quality and other
thing are under direction of Engineers.

Hardware Components:

 Up gradation of Tourist Lodge

 Beautification of place of worship (Village Deity)
 Beautification of “Battle Field” Park
 Weaving cum Exhibition Centre

Status of Implementation: One community Hall, one hall for performing cultural
programs has been constructed nicely. But, it was found (seen in the photograph) that
the Hall for cultural programs is damaged and C.I. sheet roofing has also been
damaged and torn into pieces. The flooring of the two halls has mud flooring (Kutcha)
and as such it seems to be unclean due to waste paper, rubbish & cow dung scattered
over there. Regarding the War-field, it is not protected by proper fencing. The
water for offering homage to the people killed in the Khongjom War by the British
army is also not nicely preserved. The tourist lodge has become the residence of the
Indian army. There is no weaving centre in the village funded by the Ministry of

Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural Tourism Projects – Final Report 310
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This rural tourism project
didn’t have any software component implementation. The hardware components have
not been implemented properly as only one component has been implemented. This
project hence is not successful.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural Tourism Projects – Final Report 311
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

Snapshots of the Rural Tourism Project:

Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural Tourism Projects – Final Report 312
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

State: Manipur
Location: Village Noney, District Tamenglong
Project Name: Development of Rural Tourism in village Noney
Activity/Craft: Manipur Dance

District Portrait
Tamenglong District is blessed with
virgin forests, exotic orchids, rare and
endangered plants, and wildlife. The
forests can be grouped as Tropical-
Ever-green forest, Sub-tropical forest
and Bamboo brakes.

Artisans covered: An overview

The SHG covered in Badgaon village was formed in 2004-05. A total of thirty
artisans were covered in this SHG. The annual turnover of these artisans ranges
around Rs 15,000.

Organization/Implementing Agency for Hardware: Director Commissioner,

Department of Tourism.

Year of Completion of Hardware: Work has not started yet

Hardware Components:
 Multipurpose Hall entrance lobby reception
 Store, Restaurant kitchen
 Rooms (6 in number)
 Public Utilities (for both Males & Females)
 Parking

Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural Tourism Projects – Final Report 313
Ministry of Tourism ACNielsen ORG-MARG
Government of India

 Landscaping
 Signage
Status of Implementation: According to headman and MR. Chhetri, Director
Commissioner of Department of Tourism, due to flood, construction work has been
damaged, so the Department has decided to construct in other place. The site has
been reserved for the purpose of rural tourism projects.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

SOFTWARE- No software components

Consultant’s Gradation of the Rural Tourism Project: This rural tourism project is a
failure as the work on hardware components has not yet been started.


1 2 3 4 5
Not Moderately Highly
Failure Average
Successful Successful Successful

Evaluation cum Impact Study of Rural Tourism Projects – Final Report 314

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