Boiler Heating Systems: Mcqs Preparation For Engineering Competitive Exams
Boiler Heating Systems: Mcqs Preparation For Engineering Competitive Exams
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Englne@ring Multlpte Choice Questions and Answef'$
2. At ver y low temperature, t he melting and bol ting temperatures become equal. This temperature Is
(a) 373°K
( b) 273 .16"K
(c) 303"K
(d) o•K.
( e ) 300°K.
Ans: b
4. The latent heat of steam at pressures greater than atmospheric in comparison to latent heat at atmospheric pressure is
(a) less
( b) more
(c) equal
(d) m ay be less or more depending on temperature
(e) unpredictable.
Ans: a
5. The saturat ion temperat ure of steam w ith increase in pressure Increases
(a) linearly
( b) rapidly first and t hen slowly
(c) slowly first and then rapidly
(d) inversely
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b
7. Coke i s produced by
(a) pulverising coal in inert atmosphere
( b) heating wood in a limited supply of air at temperat ures below 300GC
(c) strongly heating coal continuously for about 48 hours In the absence of air in a closed vessel
(d) binding t he pulverised coa1 into brick·etts
{e) enriching carbon in the coal.
Ans: c
1 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
11. If partial pressure of air and steam be pa andps respectively in a condenser, then according to Dalton's law, the
pressure in condenser is equal to
(a) Ps-Pa
(b) pa-ps
(C) Pa +P,
Ans: c
12. Equiva lent evaporation is the amount of water evaporated in a boiler from and at
(a) o•c
(b) 1oo•c
(c) sat urat ion temperature at given pressure
(d) room temperature
(e) 2o•c.
Ans: b
15. The coal requirement per kW hour generation in the thermal power plant is of the order of
(a) 0 . 1 to 0.2 kg
(b) 0 .2 to 0.4 kg
(c) 0.6 to 0 .8 kg
(d) 1.0 to 1.5 kg
(e) 1.5 to 2 kg.
Ans: c
18. One kg of steam sample conta ins 0 .8 kg dry steam; it's dryness fraction is
(a)0 .2
( b)
(e)0 .5.
Ans: b
19. If a steam sample is nearly in dry condition, t hen its dryness fraction can be most accurately determined by
(a) throttling calorimeter
( b) separat ing calorimeter
(c) combined separating and throttl ing calorimeter
(d) bucket calorimeter
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a
2 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
21. The spedfic heat of superheated steam in kcal/kg i s generally of the order of
(a) 0.1
(b) 0.3
(c) 0.5
(d) 0.8
(e) 1.0.
Ans: c
25. On Mollier chart, free expansion, or t hrottling process from high pressure to atmosphere is represen ted by
{a) horizontal straight line
{b) vertical straight line
(c) straight inclined line
(d) curved line
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a
26. The bitum inous coal is non-cak ing if its carbon content is
(a) 78-81%
(b) 8 1-85%
(C) 85- 90%
(d) 90- 95%
(e) 95-100%.
Ans: a
27. The dry saturated steam at very low pressure, (5- 10 kg/cm 2) w hen t hrottl ed to atmosphere w ill become
(a) wet
(b) superheated
(c) remain dry satruated
(d) dry
{e) none of the above.
Ans: b
28. Water at pressure of 4 k g/cm2 and 1600C t emperat ure when exposed to atmosphere w ill
(a) boil
{b) flash i.e. get converted into steam
(c) remain as it was
(d) cool down
{e) none of the above.
Ans: b
29. The dry saturated steam at very high press.ure (150-200 kg/cm2) when throttled to atmosphere will become
(a) wet
(b) superheated
(c) remain dry saturated
(d) dry
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a
3 1. In a throttling process
{a) heat transfer takes place
(b) work is done by t he expanding steam
{c) internal energy of steam changes
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.
Ans: e
3 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
36. At w hich pressure the properties of water and steam become identical
(a) 0 . 1 kg/cm2
(b) 1 kg/cm2
(c) 100 kg/cm2
(d) 225.6 kg/cm2
(e) it is never possible.
Ans: d
37. In an experiment to determine dryness fraction of steam, the mass of water separated was 1.2 kg in 15 mts and the
mass of steam passed out in same t ime was 4.8 kg. Dryness fraction is
(b) 25%
(c) SO%
(d) SO%
Ans: d
42. Pick up the wrong statement about critical condi tion of steam
(a) latent heat is zero
(b) liquid directly becomes steam
(c) specific volume of steam and liquid is same
(d) this i s the ma:ximum pressure li mit
(e) all properties of liquid and steam are same.
Ans: d
4 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
46. Equiva lent evaporation of water is the evaporation "for a feed water supply at 100°C
(a) and its corresponding conversion i nto dry sat urated steam at toooc and 1.033 kg/cm2
(b) and its corresponding conversion i nto dry steam at desired boiler pressure
(c) conversion i nto steam at atmospheric condition
{d) conversion i nto steam at t he same pres-sure at which feed water is supplied
{e) none of the above.
Ans: a
47. The evaporation of 15.653 kg of water per hour from and at toooc is called
(a) evaporative capacity
{b) factor of evaporation
(c) equivalent evaporation
(d) one boiler h.p .
(e) boiler efficiency.
Ans: d
5 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
6 1. For burning 1 kg of carbon to CO as per che mically correct combusiton, amount of air required is
(a) 1 kg
(b) 4/ 3kg
(c) 8/3kg
(d) 2 kg
(e) 16/3 kg.
Ans: b
64. The diameter of fire tube of Cornish boiler compared to its shell is
(a) one half
(b) one third
(c) one-fifth
(d) two-fifth
(e) t hree-fifth .
Ans: a
69 . Lancashire boiler is of
6 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
7 1. Which of t he following substance will have sam~ percentage in both proximate and ultimat~ analysis
(a) ash
( b) volati le matter
(c) moisture
(d) hydrogen
(e) none of t he above.
Ans: a
76. A packaged boiler is one in which various parts li ke firing equipment, fans, feed pumps and automatic controls are
(a) supplied by sa me man ufacturer loose and assembled at site
(b) supplied m ounted on a single base
(c) purchased from several parties and pa cked together at sit~
(d) pack aged boiler does not exist
(e) none of the above.
Ans: b
79. The high pressure boiler is oiie producing steam at a pressure more than
(a) atmospheric pressure
(b) 5 kg/cm2
(c) 10 kg/cm2
(d) 40 kg/cm2
( e) 75-80 kg/cm2 .
Ans: e
7 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
82. The fire tubes in, a Coarran and Scotish marine boiler are
(a) horizontal
( b) vertical
(c) inclined
(d) both horizontal and vertical
( e) horizontal and inclined .
A ns: a
83. The diameter of internal flu~ t ub~s in a La ncashir~ boiler compared to its shell is
(a) one-half
( b) one-third
(c) one-fourth
(d) one-fifth
(e) two-fifth.
A ns: e
85. O upl~x feed pumps are used in small steam boilers. Th~se operat ~ on the principl~ of
(a) centrifugal pu mp
(b) axial flow pump
(c) gear pump
(d) ejector pu mp
(e) reciprocating pump.
Ans: e
86. The best suited coa l for chain or travelling grate stoker boiler is
(a) coking coa l
(b) non coking or free burning coal
(c) pulverised coal
(d) high sulphur coal
(e) least ash content coal.
Ans: b
90. Pick: up the correct statem~ nt a s regards Cornish boiler and Lancashir~ boiler
(a) cornish is fire tube and lancashire is water tube
(b) cornish i s water t ube and lanca sh ire is fire tube
(c) cornish has two fire tubes and la ncashire has on~
(d) lancashire has two fire t ubes and corni sh has one
(e) both have two fire t ubes.
Ans: d
8 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
94. The diameters of fire tubes and su perheaer tubes in locomotive boiler are
(a) 47.5 m m, 130 mm
( b) 32.5 mm, 180 mm
(c) 65.5 mm, 210 mm
(d) 24.5 m m, 65 mm
Ans: a
97. The diameter of tubes for natural circulation boiler as compared to controlled circulation boilers is
(a) more
( b) less
(c) same
(d) could be more or less depending on other factors
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a
101. The difference between cornish boiler and lancashi re boiler is that
(a) former is fire t ube type and latter is water tube type boiler
( b) former is water tube type and latter is fire tube type
(c) former contains one fire tu be and latter contains two fire tubes
(e) none/of the above.
Ans: c
103. Pick up the wrong statement about water t u be boiler in comparison to fire tube boilers
(a) former generates steam at high pressure
(b) former occupies less space for same power
(c) r ate of steam flow is more in former case
(d) former is used for high installed capacity
(e) chances of explosion are less in former case.
Ans: e
9 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
107. Fusible plug for boilers is made of fu sible meta l containing tin, lead, and
(a) bismuth
( b) copper
(c) alumi nium
(d) nickel
( e) iron .
Ans: a
110. The ratio of heat utilised to produce steam and t he heat liberated in furnace is known as
(a) boiler effectiveness
( b) boiler evaporative capacity
(c) factor of evaporation
(d) equivalent evaporation
(e) boiler efficiency.
Ans: e
112 . Thermal efficiency of well mainta ined boiler will be of the order
(a) 20%
( b) 40%
(c) SO%
(d) 75%
( e) 90% .
Ans: e
114. It is required to produce large amount of steam at low pressure. Wh ich boiler should be used?
(a) pulve rised fuel fired boiler
( b) cochran boiler
(c) lancashire boiler
(d) babcock and wi lcox boiler
(e) stoker fired boiler.
Ans: c
10 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
123. I n w hich of the following boilers, t he draught in furnace is increased by utilising exhaust steam from engine
(a) lancashire boiler
( b) locomotive boiler
(c) babcock and wi lcox boiler
(d) cochran boiler
( e) benson boiler.
Ans: b
128. A safety valve in a locomotive starts lea king. The leak ing medium will be
(a) water
( b) dry stea m
11 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
132. The pressure of reheat steam after passing through reheater compared to inlet condition is
(a) more
(b) less
(c) equa l
(d) may be more or less depending on capacity of reheater
( e) none of the above.
Ans: b
134. The safety valve at superheater as compared to drum safety valve setting is set at
(a) higher value
( b) lower value
(c) same value
(d) a ny value
(e) none of t he above.
Ans: b
138. Expa nding steam to a very low prseeure (high vacuum) in steam engines is
(a) desirable
( b) economical
(c) essential
(d) optiona l
( e) uneconomical .
Ans: e
12 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
141. The m aximum discha rg ~ t hrough a chimn~y occurs when th~ height of chimn~y is
(a) infinitely long
( b) around 200 meters
(c) equa l to t he height of t he hot gas column producing draught
(d) outside temperat ure is very low
(e) more than the tallest building nea rby.
Ans: c
143. Which device is used in t hennal power plants to reduce level of pollution
(a) induced draft fan
(b) smoke meter
(c) chimney
(d) precipitator
(e) pulveriser.
Ans: d
13 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
153. Sulphur content of fuels is very im portant t-o t he plant operators because it
{a) has high heating value
(b) retards electr ic precipitation
(c) promotes complete combustion
(d) has highly corrosive effect
{ e) facilitates ash removal.
Ans: d
14 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
167. The safety valve on boiler drum com pared to safety v alve on superheater i s set at
{a) same value
( b) higher value
{c) lower value
{d) lower/higher depending on steam flow
( e) unpredicatble.
Ans: b
168. Which is not correct statement about pul ve ~rised fuel firing
{a) high burning rate is possible
{ b) heat release can be easily controlled
{c) fuel burns economically
{d) it is the best technique for burning high ash content fuel having low fusion ash
{ e) separate mills are required to powder t he ooal.
Ans: d
172. Heating va lue of fuel used is as on fired basis. If it is reported for dry or moisture free fuel, then latter should be
multiplied by the follow ing factor to correct for as fired val ue
(a) ( 1- m oist ure content)
(b) ( 1 +moisture content)
{c) 1 + moist ure content
{d) 1 - moisture content
Ans: a
173. Ga rdually increasi ng temperat ure of flue gases at inlet to chimney for given steam outputs is an indication of
{a) higher effectiveness of boiler
{ b) high calorific value coal being burnt
{c) fouling of heat t ransfer surfaces
{d) raising of steam temperature
(e) lea kage of air.
Ans: c
175. The capacity of induced draft fan compared to forced draft fan in a boiler is
(a) same
(b) more
(c) less
{d) less or more depending on size of boiler
(e) unpredictable.
Ans: b
15 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
182. In ordetjo obtain superheated steam, a superheater i s added in an existing boiler. As as result, furnace vacuum will
{a) remain unaffected
(b) improve (c) worsen
(d) may improve/worsen depending on size
(e) unpredictable.
Ans: c
187. A supercritical boiler is one t hat operates above t he pressure and temperature o f following values
(a) 100 k g/cm2 and 540°C
(b) 1 kg/cm2 and 1oo•c
(c) 218 k g/cm2 abs and 373°C
(d) 218 kg/cm2 abs and 540°C
(e) 100 kg/cm2 abs and 373°C
Ans: c
188. Natural water circulation, by convect ion i n water tube boilers, w ith increase in pressure of boiler
{a) increases
(b) decreases
16 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
189. The steam temperature with increase in load in case of a boiler fitted with radiation superheater
(a) increases
( b) decreases
(c) remains unaffe-cte-d
(d) first increases and t hen decreases
(e) unpredictable.
Ans: b
191. The r elative heat absorption for successively added equal areas of boiler convection heating surfaces
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains unaffected
(d) first increases and t hen decreases
(e) first decreases and then increases.
Ans: b
193. Fire tube boilers a re lim ited to a maximum design working pressure of
(a) 1 kg/em
( b) 6 kg/em
(c) 17 kg/cm 2
(d) 100 kg/cm2
( e) 250 kg/cm2 .
Ans: c
194. For the same diameter a nd thickness of t ube, a water t ube boiler compared to a fire tube boiler has
(a) more heating surface-
( b) less heating surface
(c) equa l heating surface
(d) heating surface depends on other parameters
(e) none of the above.
Ans: a
198. The size of a boiler drum in pulverised fuel fired boiler,as its size and capacity, (steam pressure and flow r atings)
i ncrease
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains uncha nged
(d) increases/decreases depending on stea m temperature requirements
(e) unpredictable.
Ans: b
17 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
200 TOP Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines - Mechanical En...
200. The basic j ob of feed water treatment in bo ilers is to overcome the problem of
( a) corrosion
(b) scale
{ c) carryover
( d ) embrittlement
(e) all of the above.
Ans: e
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18 of 18 09-Oct-15 2:35 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
Home » POWER PLANT Engineering Questions and Answers » 100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers
22. The maximum percentage gain in Regenerative feed heating cycle thermal efficiency
(a) increases with number of feed heaters increasing
(b) decreases with number of feed heaters increasing
(c) remains same unaffected by number of feed heaters
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
25. Mercury is a choice with steam in binary vapour cycle because it has
(a) higher critical temperature and pressure
(b) higher saturation temperature than other fluids
(c) relatively low vapourisation pressure
(d) all above
Ans: d
1 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
31. The draught produced by steel chimney as compared to that produced by brick chimney for the same height is
(a) less
(b) more
(c) same
(d) may be more or less
Ans: b
33. The draught produced, for a given height of the chimney and given mean temperature of chimney gases
(a) decreases with increase in outside air temperature
(b) increases with increase in outside air temperature
(c) remains the same irrespective of outside air temperature
(d) may increase or decrease with increase in outside air temperature
Ans: a
34. The draught produced by chimney of given height at given outside temperature
(a) decreases if the chimney gas temperature increases
(b) increases if the chimney gas temperature increases
(c) remains same irrespective of chimney gas temperature
(d) may increase or decrease
Ans: b
2 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
38. For the same draught produced the power of induced draught fan as compared to forced draught fan is
(a) less
(b) more
(c) same
(d) not predictable
Ans: b
44. The isentropic expansion of steam through nozzle for the steam initially superheated at inlet is approximated by equation
3 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
45. The ratio of exit pressure to inlet pressure for maximum mass flow rate per unit area of steam through a nozzle when steam is initially dry
saturated is
(a) 0.6
(6) 0.578
(c) 0.555
(d) 0.5457
Ans: b
46. The ratio of exit pressure to inlet pressure of maximum mass flow rate per area of steam through a nozzle when steam is initially superheated
(a) 0.555
(b) 0.578
(c) 0.5457
(d) 0.6
Ans: c
48. The isentropic expansion of steam through nozzle for the steam initially dry saturated at inlet is approximated by equation.
(a)pv = C
(b)pv1A = C
(c)pv1i = C
Ans: d
49. The effect of considering friction losses in steam nozzle for the same pressure ratio leads to
(a) increase in exit velocity from the nozzle
(6) decrease in exit velocity from the nozzle
(c) no change in exit velocity from the nozzle
(d) increase or decrease depending upon the exit quality of steam
Ans: b
50. The effect of considering friction in steam nozzles for the same pressure ratio leads to
(a) increase in dryness fraction of exit steam
(b) decrease in dryness fraction of exit steam
(c) no change in the quality of exit steam
(d) decrease or increase of dryness fraction of exit steam depending upon inlet quality
Ans: a
4 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
5 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
63. The thermal efficiency of the engine with condenser as compared to without condenser, for a given pressure and temperature of steam, is
(a) higher
(b) lower
(c) same as long as initial pressure and temperature is unchanged
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
6 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
73. For the safety of a steam boiler the number of safety valves fitted are
(a) four
(b) three
(c) two
(d) one
Ans: c
7 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
77. The efficiency of a modern boiler using coal and heat recovery equipment is about
(a) 25 to 30%
(b) 40 to 50%
(c) 65 to 70%
(d) 85 to 90%
Ans: d
80. Steam pressure in a steam power station, which is usually kept now-a-days is of the order of
(a) 20 kgf/cm2
(b) 50 kgf/cm2
(c) 100 kgf/cm2
(d) 150 kgf/cm2
Ans: d
8 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
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85. Secondary air is the air used to
(a) reduce the flame length
(b) increase the flame length
(c) transport and dry the coal
(d) provide air round the burners for getting optimum combustion
Ans: d
88. Method which is commonly applied for unloading the coal for small power plant is
(a) lift trucks
(b) coal accelerators
(c) tower cranes
(d) belt conveyor
Ans: b
90. The amount of air which is supplied for complete combustion is called
(a) primary air
(b) secondary air
(c) tertiary air
Ans: b
91. In ______ system fuel from a central pulverizing unit is delivered to a bunker and then to the various burners
(a) unit
(b) central
(c) none of the above
Ans: b
92. Under-feed stokers work best for _______ coals high in volatile matter and with caking tendency
(a) anthracite
(b) lignite
(c) semibituminous and bituminous
Ans: c
9 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM
100 TOP MOST POWER PLANT Engineering Multiple Choice Questio...
94. Where unpulverised coal has to be used and boiler capacity is large, the stoker which is used is
(a) underfeed stoker
(b) overfeed stoker
(c) any
Ans: b
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10 of 11 30-Oct-15 1:48 AM