A Study On Floating Concrete by Using Light Weight Materials
A Study On Floating Concrete by Using Light Weight Materials
A Study On Floating Concrete by Using Light Weight Materials
Abstract: Floating concrete is a special type of innovative Comparison of Floating Concrete Boat with existing
concrete whose density is less than 1000 kg/m³. Because of its low conventional boats specially in floods
density and moderate range of compressive strength, it can be used
in non-structural applications as of now. An attempt has been Using of Boats with less man power during Floods
made in this study to develop a Floating concrete based on trials Reuse of EPS beads
with an emphasis on overall density. Also, attempt has been made
to obtain Floating concrete with considerable compressive 2. Methodology and materials
strength. The primary aim of the project is to develop floating
concrete and to achieve this, different mix proportions were Laboratory investigations carried out on cement, coarse
adopted based on absolute volume concept. The successfully aggregates (Thermocol beads) and also on concrete which are
developed floating concrete was accomplished in different phases. used for test specimens have been presented. This chapter of
The cement was used in combination with fly ash was in the range thesis contains physical properties of various materials used
of 200-425 kg/m³. In this study, floating concrete was successfully throughout the experimental work.
developed for different densities using the ingredients whose
specific gravity is less than that in the conventional concrete. Study A. Materials used
reveals pumice and Thermocol beads could be successfully used as
The varies materials used in the experimental works are
an alternative to coarse aggregate which in turn results in lower
density when compared to conventional material used in concrete. Cement.
Fine aggregate
Keywords: Cement, Fine aggregate, Thermocol, Coarse aggregate. Coarse aggregate (thermocol beads).
1. Introduction Admixture.
The construction industry everywhere faces the problems Cement: Portland cement is the most common type of cement
and challenges, two-third of the world surface is covered with in general usage. It is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar and
water. It is therefore not surprising that there has been much many plasters. It consists of a mixture of calcium silicates,
activity with concrete in the sea in recent decades. The aluminates and ferrites. Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade
disadvantage of the conventional concrete is the high self- of Ambuja Cement confirming to IS 12269 standards was used.
weight concrete, whereas the density is in the order of 2200 to Test result are taken as it is as given by company. The cement
2600 Kg/m3. In this technique the self-weight of the concrete is shall be measure on the weight basis each bags weighing 50kg
reduce to attain the efficiency of the concrete as structural which is equal to 35liters in volume. All standard test shall be
material. The light weight concrete has the density of 300 to carried out to ensure that the cement is of required quality.
1850Kg/m3, it helps to reduce the dead weight of the structure. Sand: The properties of a specific concrete mix will be
This Project investigates the properties of the light weight determined by the proportion and type of sand used to formulate
concrete by using a EPS Beads. In this technique the EPS Beads the concrete. Sand is usually a larger component of the mix than
are used for preparation of the light weight concrete and density cement. The sand is satisfying all Indian Standard requirement
is reduced to attain the maximum efficiency, whereas the self- and shall be clean, strong, hard, durable and free from dirt, dust
weight of the structure is minimized thereby reducing the dead and impurities etc. The sand is natural sand. Particle size shall
load on structure. be 4.75mm maximum. The sand contains more than 4% of dust,
clay, etc. It is washed thoroughly before use. Sea sand which
A. Objectives
contains salts shall not be used. we perform the fineness
Making Boats by using EPS beads as replacement of modulus test on the Sand.
concrete. Mesh: Chiken mesh used for giving the tensile strength and
Optimizing the cost of production. bonding to the floating concrete. Chicken wire mesh is formed
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 382
Volume-2, Issue-3, March-2019
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
by twisting two adjacent wires at least four times, forming a Fine aggregate. = 693.22 kg /m3
strong honeycomb mesh structure. So, it has a high strength and Water = 140 kg/m3
durability. Even if a place is cut off, it will not lead to the entire EPS beads = 9.216kg/m3
chicken mesh structure destroyed. Its hexagonal shape prevents Water Proofing Solution = 250ml for 50kg cement
the formation of internal stresses. Due to its flexibility structure, Water cement ratio = 0 .5
chicken wire is convenient for mounting on curved and angled 2) Quantity for all specimens
surfaces. Its other benefits are twisted mesh improved corrosion Nine cube
resistance and no risk of injury at work. As its special physical = 9 x (0.15m x 0.15m x 0.15m) = 0.030375 m3
and mechanical properties, chicken wire is perfectly suited for
Nine cylinder = 9 x π/4 (0.15m)2 x 0.3 = 0.04771
reinforcement in Floating Concrete.
Total volume = 0.077m3
EPS beads: Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) used in the project
Cement = 21.75 kg
was in the form of ‘EPS Beads’ which is spherical in shape with
size varying in between 4 mm to 8 mm in diameter. It is made Fine aggregate = 53.37kg
up of pre-extended Polystyrene globules. It offers a non- EPS Beads = 709gm
hydroscopic and does not readily absorb moisture from the Water Proofing Solution = 108ml
atmosphere. The EPS resin in used for the molding of EPS Water = 10.78 lit
products. It is manufactured in the form Making of Floating Water cement ratio = 0.5
Concrete by Using EPS Beads As Replacement Of Aggregates. 3) Procedures of Making Concrete Cube
Making concrete-cube specimen is simple and it is done in
three simple steps.
Cleaning & Fixing mould,
cubes was casted and their weight is calculated, by dividing this D. Floating test
weight by volume we get density.
C. Compressive tensile strength
Compressive strength test of concrete provides an idea about
all the characteristics of concrete. By this test one can judge that
whether concreting has been done properly or not. Compressive
strength of concrete depends on many factors such as water-
cement ratio, cement strength, quality of concrete material and
quality control during production of concrete etc. Test for
compressive strength is carried out on cubes.
For the Compressive strength test we cast nine cubes as per
mix design. after demoulding we kept the cubes for curing and
perform compressive strength test on every three cubes at
3days,7days and 28 days respectively and we take average of
compressive strength for three cube at particular day.
Table 2
Compressive tensile strength
S. No. Days Size (m) Comp strength
1 3 day 0.15 x 0.15 x0.15 2.68 n/mm2 Fig. 2. Floating test
2 7 day 0.15 x 0.15 x0.15 3.05 n/mm2
3 28 day 0.15 x 0.15 x0.15 5.2 n/mm2 4. Conclusion
This paper presented a study on floating concrete by using
lightweight materials.
[1] VSL floating concrete, VSL International Ltd. Berne / Switzerland, July
[2] Serkan Suba, “The effects of using fly ash on high strength lightweight
concrete produced with expanded clay aggregate”, 2015.