Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Synopsis For Registration of Subject For Dissertation
Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Synopsis For Registration of Subject For Dissertation
Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Synopsis For Registration of Subject For Dissertation
Pregnancy and Child birth are special events in women`s lives and indeed in the lives of their
families. This can be a time of great hope and joyful anticipation. The primary aim of antenatal
care is to achieve, at the end of pregnancy, a healthy mother and healthy baby. The quality of care
is more important than the quantity. Pregnancy requires specialized care generally agreed to
preventive activity.
Antenatal care is the systemic medical supervision of women during pregnancy. Its aim is to preserve
the physiological aspect of pregnancy and labour and to prevent or detect, as early as possible, all that is
pathological. Early diagnosis during pregnancy can prevent maternal ill-health, injury, maternal
mortality, foetal death, infant mortality and morbidity. Hence, the earlier in pregnancy a woman comes
Antenatal care refers to pregnancy related health care provided by a doctor or a health worker in medical
facility or at home. Antenatal care should monitor a pregnancy for signs of complication detect and treat
pre-existing and concurrent problems of pregnancy. It should also provide advice and counseling or
preventive care, diet during pregnancy, delivery care, postnatal care and related issues. An antenatal care
is necessary for ensuring a healthy mother and baby at the end of gestation. The antenatal period is a
time of physical and psychological preparation of birth and parenthood. Becoming a parent is a time of
intense learning both for parents and for those close to them. (Dutta)
Promotion of maternal and child health has been one of the most important components of the family
Welfare Programme of the Government of India and the National Population Policy – 2000. One of the
most important component of antenatal care is to offer information and advice to women about
pregnancy related complication and possible curative measures for early detection and management of
complications. Antenatal care can also play a critical role in preparing a woman and her family for birth
by establishing confidence between the woman and her health care provider and by individualizing
promotional health messages. Antenatal care is considered essential for health of both the mother and
the child, it is important to analyze the possible factors contributing to its utilization. (N. C. Saxena
The lest of any civilization is the measure of consideration and care, which it gives to its weaker sections. In any
community, women are especially vulnerable during pregnancy. The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in India
is very high the data given by the registrar general of India for 1998 estimate that MMR to be around
Reducing MMR to less than 100 per 100,000 live birth is a commitment enshrined in the national
population 2000. India is committed to reducing MMR to less than 100 per 100,000 by the year 2010
Maternal care includes care during pregnancy and should begin from the early stages of pregnancy.
Women can success antenatal care service either by visiting a health center where such services are
available or from health workers during their domiciliary visits. One of the most important components
of antenatal care is to offer information and advice to women about pregnancy related complication and
possible curative measures for early detection and management of complication. Antenatal care can also
play a critical role in preparing a woman and her family for birth by establishing confidence between the
woman and her health care provider and by individualizing promotional health messages. (Balwan S
Dhillon 2006)
Effective antenatal care can improve the health of the mother and give her a chance to deliver a healthy
baby. Regular monitoring during pregnancy can help detect the complication at an early stage before
they become life – threatening emergency. However, one must realize that even the most effective
scanning tools currently available, one cannot predict which will develop pregnancy related
complication. Hence, every pregnant women needs special care. (Manchanda 2005)
The knowledge of pregnant women regarding antenatal care and their compliance to it is of paramount
importance in preventing maternal and infant mortality rate and morbidity. The Indian society is made of large
number of socio–culturally diverse groups. Their views of antenatal care and the health care system in general,
may be different. The disparity of their knowledge and practice has to be assessed for improving the delivery of
A study can also help us to compare the levels of knowledge and practice of primigravida and multiparas. This
helps us to assess the stress given to preventive obstetric care with in the health care system as well as the
dissemination of knowledge in the community. Such a study could also potentially help us find the source of
knowledge of those who have it and to intensify the use propaganda through such media.
Poor utilization of services reflects cultural and socio – economic constraints as well as perceptions regarding
accessibility of facilities and quality of care. Nearly 64.00% of women who did not utilize antenatal services
consider it unnecessary reflecting both the traditional notion that child bearing is not an event worthy of medical
The purpose of the study is to identify the knowledge and practices of pregnant women regarding different
aspects of antenatal care such as diet, antenatal checkups, immunization, adequate sleep and rest, exercise,
hygiene, breast care, breastfeeding the health problems and complications of pregnancy to make
recommendations to enhance the knowledge and practices of antenatal care by improving the delivery of
antenatal services( both quality and quantity ) if they are less; and to continue with the present antenatal service
A study conducted at Safdarjang Hospital New Delhi by ICMR revealed that as 42.6% of perinatal death could
be attributed to preventable causes which are directly or indirectly related to maternal disease, complications of
A sample of 310 mothers belonging to low Socio economic class from an antenatal clinic of an urban health
center and another sample of 180 mothers belonging to high Socio-economic class attending nearly nursing
home clinic were studied and classified into 3 groups based on risk. Two third were classified as low risk, 5% as
hybrisk and the rest as moderate risk. (Murthy,Goswame & Narayan, 1990)
A study conducted to Niger Dela in sub terliary Hospital in 2005 concluded that late looking for antenatal care
common and unrelated to age, level of education, social class, previous fetal loss and previous obstetric
complications. This show that the only factor involved was the dissemination of knowledge.
Thus the investigator felt the needs to explore this area and to assess the knowledge and practice of mothers
regarding antenatal care. The aim of the investigator is to find out any association between knowledge and
practice of pregnant women regarding antenatal care in selected demographic variables (age, family income,
6.2 Review of Literature
A review of literature is an essential aspect of scientific study. It involves the systematic identification, location,
scrutiny and summary of written materials that contains information on a research problem. It broadens the views
of the investigator regarding the problem under investigation, helps in focusing on the issues specifically
Polit and Hungler (1996) Review of literature is defined as a broad comprehensive, in – depth, systematic and
critical review of scholarly publications, unpublished scholarly print materials, audiovisual materials and
personal communications.
Few studies have been done in the field of breast feeding and antenatal care. The investigator has made an
Review of literature is done for the present study and presents in the following headings.
Studies and Literature related to knowledge and practice of antenatal care among antenatal mothers.
Antenatal care
Antenatal care
Nahla A Kishk (2009) conducted a comparative study to assess the Knowledge and Practices towards ANC
between rural and urban women in Alexandira a cross sectional, community – based house to house survey was
conducted in Alexandria using cluster – sampling technique 30 clusters from urban areas and 30 cluster from
rural areas. Concerning maternal practices the current study revealed rural/ urban disparities as significantly
higher proportions of urban women had proper practices during antenatal period in their last pregnancy as
Susila. C (2008) performed a study to assess the level of self motivation of primigravidre mothers towards
antenatal care at Sree Ramachandra Hospital and Research institute Chennai, among 100 mothers only 8% of the
mothers were with high level of self motivation towards receiving or following the antenatal care and she finds
that there is a responsibility for the nurses to increase the level self motivation among antenatal mothers.
N.Gerein, S. Mayhew & M. Lubben, (2003) conducted a study to assess a framework for a new approach to
antenatal care (ANC) is presented to improve maternal health. Based on evaluations of ANC, safe motherhood
programs, gender and social theory it suggests that managers should draw upon existing family and community
support systems and develop partnerships beyond the health service. Policy and program changes are required in
professional mandates for ANC provides oraganisation of ANC services, service protocols, training programs
Adil H Ibnouf (2002) performed a study about utilization of routine antenatal health care services in Khartoum
State, Sudan. Interviews were held among a representative sample of 400 marries women aged 15 – 49 years
from both urban and rural localities was approximately 5 times and application of TT vaccination was 3.7 times
higher in urban women as compared to women in rural areas. A higher quality of care (odds – ratio 5.8) and
shorter walk time (odds ratio 3.1) were significantly associated with more utilization of routine antenatal care
services. Mother education showed a nearly significant positive relationship both with use of routine antenatal
Padam Singh, R.J.Yadav (2009) conducted a study to assess the status of antenatal care among pregnant
women in India. In that study 89% of the pregnant women availed antenatal visits of which 62% had received
three or more ANC visits. Those receiving the second dose of TT or booster dose were about 78%. About 73% of
the pregnant women received IFA tablets during their pregnancy. About 53% of the pregnant women had full
package proportion of pregnant women who availed full ANC package was lower in rural as compared to urban
areas, lowest for ST followed by SC higher for literate women as compared to illiterate women. The population
of Institutional deliveries managed by hospitals and health centers was about 41% , it being higher among literate
women and in urban areas. The study revealed that the literacy of women is the key to improve antenatal care of
pregnant women. Hence efforts should be made to have information, Education and Communication (IEC)
Patterns of Antenatal care among Pregnant women all women (n=130) village in Tanzania who were pregnant at
the start of the study and who became pregnant during the study.
Most of the pregnant women (92.31%) were registered for antenatal care, but only 30.00% of them were
registered in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. As regards to TT immunisation70.77% of the pregnant women as
received two doses or one booster dose iron and folical acid supplementation was taken by 59.68% of the
pregnant women. Nearly 39.52% of the pregnant women were provided with full antenatal care. The main
antenatal care provided for the pregnant women was doctor (64.52%). The study shows early and wide spread of
the antenatal care, but it also reveals that the antenatal visits of occur late in pregnancy.
S. Kiwawa (2008) conducted a study about the use of antenatal care maternity services for the pregnant women
in Lewero Dist in Uganda. A sample size of 769 women in the viewed, among that 417 visiting initially, during
second trimester 242, during third trimester 266. About the use of antenatal services most the woman delivered in
health centers (28.7%), (26.4%) delivered from home, (18.2%) in private maternity homes and (13.8%) in
hospital. About maternity service utilization approximately (59.2%) gave birth with a skilled attendant present
others delivered other by themselves or with help of at relatives, friends and traditional birth attenders.
Ali Yawar Alam & Akhtar Ali Qureshi (2007) performed a cross sectional survey to access the knowledge and
practice of women utilizing and not utilizing antenatal care facilities during their previous pregnancy among 200
married women in the age range 15-49 years were compared by the calculating odds ratios and 95% confidence
intervals. Studied showed Pallor was significantly lower among women utilizing antenatal care (57%) as
compared to those who were not (77.6%) (O.R.38.95% Cl (. 18-81) p value.02). Tetanus toxoid coverage was
higher among women utilizing antenatal care (92%) compared to those who were not (59.2%) (O.R 10.8 95% Cl
(4.5-26.2). Knowledge about danger signals in pregnancy and realization of the importance of eating healthy diet
during pregnancy was significantly higher among utilizing antenatal care. The finding reveals that Lesser
prevalence of Anaemia and better tetanuxs toxoid coverage was seen among women attending antenatal care
facilities. Identification of danger signals in pregnancy and recognition of nutritional demands of pregnancy are
Anna & Gunilla (1998) conducted a study to assess the consequences of reduction of the routine programme for
surveillance of normal pregnancy. The study of a total pregnant population comparing utilization of care the
years before and after a new routine antenatal programme was introduced, a reduction of three to four midwife
visits during the second half of pregnancy. All women from the catchment area gave birth in 1990 (n=2008) and
1992 (n=1874) and had attended antenatal care in the area during the second half of their pregnancy were
analyzed for use of potential primary and secondary care, obstetric interventions, pregnancy outcome and
perinatal outcome. The researcher revealed that compliance to the programme improved resulting in a reduction
of only 1.8 visits initiated by staff increased slightly, but extra contacts initiated by the mother remained very
few. There were no significant difference in material outcome or obstetric intervention and the rates of
prematurity, low birthweight, low Apgar score and the need for neonatal interventions were equal both years. The
study shows the reduction of three to four scheduled visits in the traditional antenatal care programme can be
done without increasing demands for extra visits, need for specialist constultions or emergencies or less
favorable outcome.
B.Moller, G.Lindmark (1989) conducted a study of antenatal care at village level in rural in Tanzania among
707 women delivered in the study period. Ninety five percent of the antenatal records were available. Anemia,
malaria and anticipated obstetric problems were the utmost frequent reasons for interventions. Among the
women from the area who were delivered in hospital, 90% had been referred there. No relationship was found
between the number of antenatal visits and the pregnancy outcome, but prenatal mortality was correlated to a low
birth weight. Even with a mean attendance rate of six visits and full coverage by antenatal care maternal and
antenatal care and selected demographic variables (age, family income, types of family,
4. Find out the association between the reported antenatal practices of pregnant
5. Find out the relationship between knowledge and practices of pregnant women.
There will be significant association between the knowledge of pregnant women regarding antenatal care
There will be significant association between the reported practices of pregnant women regarding care
There will be significant relationship between knowledge of pregnant women regarding antenatal care
their practice.
1. Pregnant Women
Pregnant mother refers to women who are pregnant and in the age group between 19 to 35 yrs.
2. Antenatal Care
Care provided to a pregnant mother in those aspects like diet , exercises, adequate sleep and relaxation ,
hygienic practices , understanding complications of pregnancy , immunization antenatal check up , breast feeding
3. Knowledge
It is the level of understanding of the pregnant women about antenatal care on the basis of the score obtained in
4. Practice
It is the degree of antenatal practices followed by the pregnant women on the basis of the score obtained in the
All pregnant women will be co-operative and willing to participate in the study.
Pregnant women who are able to read and write English & Kannada
Sources of Data
Inclusion criteria
Antenatal mothers who are between the age group 19-35 yrs
Exclusion criteria
Data Collection tool
A structural questionnaire can be used to assess the knowledge and practices regarding antenatal care among
antenatal mothers. Content validity of the tool can be ascertained in consultation with guide and experts from
Prior to the study, written per mission can be obtained authorities. Further consent can be taken from samples
regarding their willingness to participate in the study. The data will be collected by the investigator herself.
The knowledge questionnaire is scored on the basis of the answer key with each correct answer receiving
one point
The maximum core that can be achieved is 50 and the minimum score is zero grading
The samples are divided in to three categories based upon the point score as follows excellent > 80% ,
Does the study any require any investigation or intervention to be conducted on patients or other human
or animals?
Yes a) A written permission from the concerned authority will be obtained prior to the
D.C. Dutta (2006) Text book of obstetrics 2nd edition sunders Publication New Delhi.
Diane M. Fraser A. Cooper (2003) Text Book of midwives church hill livingstone Newyork
Annamma Jacob (2004) comprehensive text book of midwifery 2nd edition. R.M. Brothers New Delhi
F. Grey Cunningham Kenneth J.Leveno Steven L.Bloom (1997) Williams Obstrics 4th Edition M C Graw
Susila C (2008) “level of self motivation among primiparae mothers towards antenatal care” Journal of
Blondel B,Pusch D,Schmidit E “some characteristics of antenatal care in 13 European Countries” Br:J
Ali Yawar Alam,Akhal Ali Quresi “comparatative study of knowledge and practice among antenatal care
Adil H Ibnouf,Johannes A Maarse “utilization of antenatal care services for women in their reproductive
Nahala A Kishk “knowledge and practice of women towards antenatal care;rural urban comparison”.Arch
Hassan Ali “knowledge and practice among Antenatal care facilities” J Pak med Association 2005 Feb ;
55(2) p;53-56
Maternal health Division Department of Family Welfare Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
This study will identify the antenatal
practices of antenatal mothers
Mrs. Ahitha. V