Advances in Inhibitive Water-Based Drilling Fluids - Can They Replace Oil-Based Muds
Advances in Inhibitive Water-Based Drilling Fluids - Can They Replace Oil-Based Muds
Advances in Inhibitive Water-Based Drilling Fluids - Can They Replace Oil-Based Muds
polymers in combination with KCl were evaluated to achieve inhibitor. Also, ammonia and ammonia neutralized salts are
a higher level of shale inhibition as compared to potassium relatively inexpensive. Due to its economic advantages it was
chloride alone. High-molecular-weight partially hydrolyzed also used in combination with other acids and anionic
polyacrylamide/KCl was found to be effective at low materials such as phosphoric acid and polyanionic cellulose,17
concentrations of polymer. However, surface swelling due to These salts were preferred due to their application in chloride-
insufficient shale inhibition and high viscosity of polymers free environments.
offered little to partial success in providing the satisfactory Disadvantages: The application of ammonia-based salts as
results. The PHPA polymer also can be harmful to human shale inhibitors was short lived and found only very limited
health due to evolution of ammonia from hydrolysis of application due to maximum temperature stability of 150°F.18
acrylamide as well as the residual acrylamide monomers. At higher pH, which were normally used in water-based mud,
PHPA/KCl muds contain anywhere from 2% to 8% KCl by the ammonia salts will dissociate into ammonia and the odor
weight. The disposal of these high salinity fluids can be a of the ammonia becomes obnoxious as well as a hazard to
problem affecting marine ecology and land farming. In any personal working around the drilling site.
case, the potassium chloride salt became the work horse in
shale inhibition and has been used in combination with various Quaternary Alkyl Ammonium Salts
other salts and fluids. To mitigate and deal with the obnoxious odor of ammonia,
The disadvantage of these polymer/KCl-based drilling higher molecular weight ammonium salts made their way into
fluids in drilling operations is their dependency on electrolytes shale inhibition applications. Various derivatives of ammonia
for optimum shale inhibition. Such materials can have a major were developed by substituting alkyl groups for hydrogen.
impact on some receiving environments, which can limit their
use, restrict their discharge or sometimes require costly R
treatment prior to discharge.
The glycol and polyglycol in combination with KCl and a +
KCl/polymer system14 were applied in the field in 1990’s with N
limited success. Again the level of inhibition even with this R
combination was not enough and only limited application was R R
found. Fig. 2 – Tetra alkyl ammonium salt.
As mentioned earlier, interest in silicate-based drilling
fluids, which had waned from the 1940s until the mid 1990s15, The smallest and lowest molecular weight derivative of
was renewed with use of the silicate in combination with ammonia which found application in shale inhibition is tetra
potassium and led to use in a number of drilling fluid methyl ammonium chloride also known as TMAC (Fig. 2).19
applications in various regions of the world. This fully Somewhat higher molecular weight quaternary amine salts
formulated silicate-based drilling fluid contained high which are in the surfactant category made their way into shale
concentrations of potassium/silicate. The level of inhibition inhibition in the late 1980’s.20 These compounds were
using these high concentrations was found to be very good, quaternized tertiary amines such as dimethyl dialkyl
however there are several limitations such as high torque and ammonium chloride and various derivatives.
drag due to precipitation of silica, high pH becomes a health Advantages: Compared to simple ammonium salts, these
hazard and limitation in mud formulation has limited its amines had less of an amine odor and were somewhat user
application. friendly. Also these inhibitors required a lot less concentration
Potassium normally in chloride salt form was added to than the counterpart potassium chloride or other inorganic
drilling fluids and was found to be an effective shale inhibition salts to achieve similar results. The low concentration
for swelling clays. This has become the starting point for the treatment also reduces the amount of chloride introduced and
evolution of some exotic salts as well as ammonium and enables a degree of shale stability on land jobs with chloride
amine-based chemistry for shale inhibition in high or conductivity restrictions.
performance water based muds. Disadvantages: The effectiveness of quaternary amines is
pH dependant. They function better at lower pH. TMAC and
Evolution of Nitrogen-Based Shale Inhibitors other high-molecular-weight quaternary amines are found to
be toxic especially to the marine environment. In addition,
Ammonium Cation Shale Inhibitors high-solid fluids are severally flocculated by quaternary
amines products and compatibility with anionic drilling fluid
The simplest form of the ammonium-based cation is ammonia additives has been a major draw back in drilling fluid
neutralized with acid (Fig. 1). formulations.
NH3 + HA ------------Æ N+H4.A– Introduction of Polyamine Acid
To overcome some of the problems associated with pH
Fig. 1 – Ammonium chloride cation.
limitations and toxicity issues associated with aforementioned
cationic shale inhibitors, modified poly-amino acid hydration
Advantages: As the ammonium cation has a very similar
hydrated volume as potassium cations16 it can enter into the suppressant was brought to market in 1993.21 The product was
clay platelets like potassium ion and function as a shale
SPE 106476 3
prepared by reacting chloroacetic acid with polyalkylene Disadvantages: The only draw back to this chemistry is
amine (Fig. 3). the low level of inhibition and solid tolerance.
Enhancing Shale Inhibtion Properties of Quaternery
In mid 1990’s23 a new class of amines was introduced to
enhance the shale inhibition properties of quaternary amines.
Cl + Unlike the quaternary and tertiary amines, these were primary
HN mono and di-amines. The hexamethylendiamine (HMDA) (fig
5) became popular in the Canadian market due to its
availability and shale inhibition properties. The primary
application of this shale inhibitor was in facturing and
NH2 stimulation fluid.
Fig. 3 – Polyamino acid.
Fig. 5 – HMDA
conducted. The bentonite inhibition tests were conducted on Base KCL Choline Chloride Polyether diamine Polyamine
unviscosified water-based fluid and bulk hardness tests were
conducted on fully formulated fluids. The lubricity and 350
antiaccretion tests were conducted using fixed weight and 300
10 min gel
fixed size steel rods. Hot roll dispersion tests were conducted
on fully formulated HPWBM using fixed size shale cuttings 150
and hot rolling at 150°F. The following is the detailed 100
description of each shale inhibition test procedure. 50
Shale Inhibition 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 200 210 220 230 240
The shales used were outcrop shales ranged from highly Bentonite (lb/bl)
swelling type like Wyoming Bentonite to highly depressive Fig. 11 – 10-minute gel comparison of Bentonite Inhibition Test.
like Arney Clay from Norway. Two other shales included in
this study, Foss Eikeland and Oxford clays, were mixed clay.
Along with these shales, various other field shales were
utilized for evaluation. The inhibition test methods are
described below.
Bentonite Inhibition Test. The bentonite inhibition test
method is used routinely as a screening method to determine
the ability of a product to prevent bentonite from swelling and
maintain a low rheological profile. This test method is
designed to simulate the incorporation of highly active drilled
solids into a drilling fluid similar to what occurs while drilling
water-sensitive shale in the real-time field application. The test
method determines the maximum amount of API bentonite
Fig. 12 – Bulk Hardness Tester
that can be inhibited by a single treatment of shale inhibitor.
Normally, 8.0 lb/bbl of shale inhibitor is used for this test.
Bulk Hardness Test. This test is used to determine the
Figure 3 series compares the performance of several amine-
hardness of the shale sample after exposure to a test fluid. The
based shale inhibitors and potassium chloride. In this test 350
hardness of the shale sample indicates the inhibitive properties
mL of water containing 8.0 lb/bbl of shale inhibitor was
of the drilling fluid being evaluated, i.e., the shale inhibitor
treated daily with 10 lb/bbl of API Bentonite after heat aging
greatly reduces the clay’s tendency to imbibe water from the
at 150°F for 16 hours. After heat aging each day, the
aqueous environment of the drilling fluid. This can translate
rheological properties were measured (Figs. 10 and 11).
into good shale inhibition and stronger wellbore strength
during the drilling operation resulting in trouble-free drilling
of water-sensitive shale formation.
140 The bulk hardness tester is shown in Fig. 12. In this test a
KCl fixed size and amount (30.0 g) of shale cuttings are hot rolled
120 Com m ercial Shale Inhibitor
Shale Inhibitor in the test fluid at 150°F for 16 hours. After hot rolling, the
Yield Point (lb/100 sq ft)
100 shale cuttings are sieved (1mm), washed with brine and placed
into a bulk hardness tester. The shale cuttings are extruded
through perforated plates using a torque wrench. The torque
required to extrude is measured after each turn in
compression. Depending upon the efficiency of the shale
40 inhibitor and hardness of the shale, the torque may reach
maximum torque (250 psi) and form a disc or continue to
extrude and form ribbons. Highly efficient shale inhibitors will
yield harder shale cuttings and higher torque readings. The
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
test results and comparison of various state–of-art HPWBM
Bentonite (lb\bbl)
and the HPWBM using some innovative amine chemistry
Fig. 10 – Yield point comparision of Bentonite Inhibition Test.
areshown in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14.
6 SPE 106476
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