Classification of Crops

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Classification of Crops: 7 Categories | Crop Production

This article throws light upon the seven categories of classification of crops. The categories are:
1. Classification Based on Season
2. Classification According to Taxonomy
3. Classification According to Botany
4. Classification Based on Special Purpose
5. Classification Based on Cultural Method/Water
6. Classification Based on Root System
7. Classification Based on No. of Cotyledon.

Category # 1. Classification Based on Season:

1. Kharif Crops:
The Kharif/monsoon crop is sown with the beginning of the first rains in June to July, during the
south-west monsoon season and harvest in the month of October. The term Kharif means “autumn” in
Arabic, e.g. Paddy, Maize, Soybean, Sorghum, Groundnut, Cotton, Urd etc.

2. Rabi Crops:
The Rabi/winter crop or spring harvest crop is sown in the month of November during the north-east
monsoon season and harvest in the month of February. The term Rabi means “spring” in Arabic, e.g.
Wheat, Chickpea, Pea, Sunflower, Safflower, Mustard etc.

3. Zaid Crops:
The Zaid/summer crop is mainly sown in the month of March and harvested in May. Requires warm
day weather for major growth period and longer day length for flowering e.g. Paddy, Groundnut,
Moong, Sunflower, Maize, Groundnuts, Watermelon, Pumpkins and Gourds.

Category # 2. Classification According to Taxonomy:

Asteraceae/Composite : Sunflower, Safflower, Niger
Cruciferae :Mustard, Radish, Cabbage, Cauliflower etc.
Cucurbitaceous : bottle gourd, Bitter ground, Pumpkin etc.
Chenopodiaceae : Sugar beet, Beet, Spinach
Euphorbiaceae : Castor, Topioca

Malvaceae : Cotton, Ladyfinger, Rosette

Papilionaceae/ Leguminoceae : Pea, Gram, Arhar, Groundnut, Berseem, Lathyrus, Sunhemp, Lucerne,
Urd, Moong, Lentil, Soybean etc.
Linaceae : Linseed
Pedaliaceae : Sesamum (Til)
Poaceae/Graminae : Cereals, Millets. Grasses, Sugarcane, Napier, Oat
Polygonaceae : Buckwheat
Solanaceae : Potato, Tobacco, Tomato, Chili, Brinjal

Category # 3. Classification According to Botany:

Cereal Crops:
Rice : Oryza sativa L.
Wheat : Triticum aestivum L.
Maize : Zea mays L.
Bajra/Pearl millet : Pennisetum typhoid’s/P. glaucum L.
Sorghum/Jowar : Sorghum bicolor/S. vulgare L. Moench
Barley : Hordeum vulgare L.
Triticale : Secale cereal
Buckwheat/Pseudo cereal : Fagopyrum esculentum
Millet Crops:
Cheena/Proso millet : Panicum miliacearum
Foxtail /Italian / Jerman millet/Kakun : Seteria italica L. Beauv
Kodo/Coarsest millet : Paspulum scrobiculatum L.
Little millet : Panicum sumatrense
Madua / Ragi / Finger millet : Eleusine coracana Gaertn
Sawan/Barnyard millet : Echinochloafrumentance L.

Pulse Crops:
Gram/Chickpea/Bengal gram : Cicer aeritinum L
Field Pea/Grain pea : Pisum sativum var. arvense
Arhar/Pigeonpea/Red gram : Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.
Soybean : Glycine max L. Merril
Black gram/Urdbean : Vigna mungo/Phaseolus mungo L. Hepper
Green gram/Moong/Moongbean : Vigna radiatefPhaseolus aureus L. Wilczek
French bean/Rajmash : Phaseolus vulgaris
Indian Cowpea/Lobia : Vigna unguiculata/V. sinensis L.
Lentil : Lens esculantum/L. culinaris Moench
Lathyrus / Chickling pea/Grasspea : Lathyrus sativus
Mothbean : Vigna/Phaseolus aconotifolia
Horse gram/Kulthi : Macrotyloma uniflorum

Edible Oilseed Crops:

Groundnut/Peanut/Monkey-nut : Arachis hypogea L
Sunflower : Helianthus annus L
Safflower : Carthamus tinctorius L
Rapeseed and Mustard : Brassica spp. L.
Sesamum/Til : Sesamum indicum L.
Niger : Guzotta abssicinia
Linseed/Flex : Linnum ussitatisimum L

Non-edible Oilseed Crops

Castor : Ricinus communis L.

Fiber Crops:
Cotton : Gossipium spp.
Jute/tita pat : Corchorus capsularis
Sunhemp : Crotolaria juncea L.

Forage Crops:
Berseem : Trifolium alexandrinum L.
Lucerne/Alfalfa : Medicago sativa L
Oat : Avena sativa L.
Napier grass : Pennisetum purpureum L
Clusterbean/Gaur : Cymopsis tetragonalaba L.

Sugar Crops:
Sugarcane /Cane : Saccharum officinarum L.
Sugar-beet : Beta vulgaris L.

Tuber Crops:
Potato : Solanum tuberosum L.
Tapioca : Manihot utilissima

Stimulate Crops:
Tobacco : Nicotiana spp.
Opium : Papaver somniferum

Medicinal Crops:
Safed musli : Chlorophytum borivilianum
Ashwagandha/Winter cherry : Withania somnifera
Rouvolfia / Sarpagandha : Rouvolfia serpentina
Isabgol : Plantago ovata
Butch : Acorus calamus
Bramhi : Bacopa morriei
Nux vomica : Strychnos nuxvomica

Aromatic Crops:
Lemon grass : Cymbopoganflexuasus
Mentha/Mint : Menthe arvensis
Khus/Vetivar : Vetiveria zizanoides
Citronella : Cymbopogan ivinterianus
Tulsi/ Basil : Ocimum sanctum
Category # 4. Classification Based on Special Purpose:
1. Arable crops:
Crops which are cultivated on ploughed land. They are annual crops and include cereals, root crops,
tobacco, sugarcane, maize and potatoes.

2. Aromatic crops:
The crop/plants contain odoriferous and volatile substances, which occur as essential oils, gum
exudates; balsam and oleoresin in one or more part of plant, viz. wood, bark, foliage, flower and fruit
are called Aromatic plants.

3. Alley Crops:
Alley crops or hedge-row intercrops is grown under an agro forestry practice in which perennial,
preferably leguminous trees or shrubs are grown simultaneously with arable crop.

The trees, managed as hedgerows, are grown in wide rows and the crop is planted in the interspaced
or ‘alley’ between the tree rows. e.g. Sweet potato, Black gram Turmeric & Ginger are grown in the
passages formed by the rows of Eucalyptus, Subaru and Cassia etc.

4. Augment Crops:
Such crops are grown to supplement the yield of the main crops, e.g. Japanese mustard with be seem.

5. Avenue Crops:
Such crops are grown along farm roads and fences e.g. Pigeon pea, Glyricidia sisal etc.

6. Border/Guard Crops:
Such crops protect another crop from trespassing of animals or restrict the speed of wind and are
mainly grown as border e.g. safflower (thorny oilseed crop) is planted around the field of gram.

7. Cash Crops:
A crop, such as tobacco, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed or a crop grown by a
farmer primarily for sale to others rather than for his or her own use e.g. sugarcane, cotton, jute,
tobacco etc.

8. Catch/Contingent Crops:
Such crops are cultivated to catch the forthcoming season when main crop is failed e.g. Linseed, toria,
urd, moong, cowpea etc.
9. Contour Crops:
Crops are grown on or along the contour line to protect the land from soil erosion e.g. marvels grass

10. Cover Crops:

A close-growing crop grown primarily to improve and protect the soil from erosion through their
ground covering foliage and/or root mats between periods of regular crop production e.g. Labia,
groundnut, urd, sweet potato, methyl etc.

11. Complementary Crops:

Both main and intercrop is benefited to each other e.g. Jowar + Labia.

12. Competitive Crops:

Such crops compete to each other and are unsuitable for intercropping e.g. two cereals.

13. Exhaustive Crops:

These crops leave the field exhaustive after growing e.g. Cereals (Rice)

14. Energy Crops:

An energy crop is a plant grown as a low cost and low maintenance harvest used to make befouls, or
directly exploited for its energy content e.g, sugarcane, potato, maize, topioca.

15. Fouling Crops:

Such crops whose culture practices allow the infestation of weeds intensively e.g. direct seeded
upland rice.

16. Ley Crops:

Any crop or combination of crops is grown for grazing or harvesting for immediate or future feeding
to livestock e.g. Berseem + Mustard.

17. Medicinal crops:

The crop/plant contains alkaloids, glycosides, steroids or other groups of compounds of medicinal
value, which is used commercially, such plants are called Medicinal plants.
18. Mulch Crops:
Such crops are grown to conserve the soil moisture through their ground covering foliage e.g. cowpea.

19. Nurse Crops:

A crop of trees (nurse trees) shrubs or other plants introduced to foster or nourishment of another
crops by i.e. shading it protecting it from frost, insulation or wind. The widest use of nurse corps is in
the establishment of leguminaceous plants such as alfalfa, clover e.g. Sun hemp in sugarcane, Jowar
in cowpea, Rai in pea.

20. Paira/Uteri Crops:

The seed of succeeding crops like lentil, gram, pea, lathy us, bireme, linseed etc. is sown broadcast at
10 to 15 days before harvesting rice crop. This practice saves time; money (to be spent on land
preparation etc.) utilizes residual fertility. This practice is common in both upland and lowland rice

21. Paired row Crops:

Generally the third row of crop is removed or growing of crop in pair row and the third row is escaped
with an object to conserve the soil moisture in Dry land areas.

22. Restorative Crops:

Restorative crops are crops that help in maintaining the fertility of the soil, for e.g. pulses and

23. Silage Crops:

Such crops like corn, legumes, and grasses that have been harvested at early maturity, finely chopped,
packed tightly to exclude air, and stored in tower silos, pits, or trenches for properly fermentation
which is used as animal feed during lean period or off season e.g. Maize, cowpea, Jowar etc.

24. Smother Crops:

Smother crops are specialized cover crops being ability to suppress weeds by providing dense foliage
and quick growing ability e.g. buckwheat, mustard, cowpea, urd etc.

25. Stimulate Crops:

Stimulate crops stimulate the human body e.g. tobacco, opium etc.

26. Supplementary Crops:

Such cops are neither complementary nor competitive e.g. maize + cucurbits.

27. Trap Crops:

Trap crops are grown to protect the main cash crop from a certain pest or several pests. These crops
are planted in completely surrounding the main cash crop and prevent pest attack from all sides of the
field through attracting the pest e.g. cotton red bug trapped by Ladyfinger around cotton.

28. Truck Crops:

Growing one or more vegetable crops on a large scale for fresh shipment to distant markets. Most
important truck crops are Potato, tomatoes, lettuce, melons, beets, broccoli, celery, radishes, onions,
cabbage, and strawberries.

Category # 5. Classification Based on Cultural Method/Water:

1. Rain fed:
Crops grow only on rain water, e.g Jowar, Bajra, Mung etc.

2. Irrigated crops:
Crops grown with the help of irrigation water, e.g,. Chili, sugarcane, Banana, papaya etc.

Category # 6. Classification Based on Root System:

1. Tap root system:
The main root goes deep into the soil. e.g. Tur, Grape, Cotton etc.
2. Adventitious/Fiber rooted:
The crops whose roots are fibrous shallow & spreading into the soil. e.g. Cereal crops, wheat, rice etc.

Category # 7. Classification Based on No. of Cotyledon:

1. Monocots or monocotyledons: Having one cotyledon in the seed. e.g. all cereals & Millets.
2. Dicots or dicotyledonous: Crops having two cotyledons in the seed. E.g. all legumes & pulses.

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