This document is a piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) for a glycerin plant project. It shows the revisions made to the diagram over time, including additions of equipment like pumps, tanks, and heat exchangers. The diagram has undergone 12 revisions to modify instrumentation, valves, positions of equipment and add areas like the cooling tower. It provides the design and engineering details of the piping system and process for the glycerin plant.
This document is a piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) for a glycerin plant project. It shows the revisions made to the diagram over time, including additions of equipment like pumps, tanks, and heat exchangers. The diagram has undergone 12 revisions to modify instrumentation, valves, positions of equipment and add areas like the cooling tower. It provides the design and engineering details of the piping system and process for the glycerin plant.
This document is a piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) for a glycerin plant project. It shows the revisions made to the diagram over time, including additions of equipment like pumps, tanks, and heat exchangers. The diagram has undergone 12 revisions to modify instrumentation, valves, positions of equipment and add areas like the cooling tower. It provides the design and engineering details of the piping system and process for the glycerin plant.
This document is a piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) for a glycerin plant project. It shows the revisions made to the diagram over time, including additions of equipment like pumps, tanks, and heat exchangers. The diagram has undergone 12 revisions to modify instrumentation, valves, positions of equipment and add areas like the cooling tower. It provides the design and engineering details of the piping system and process for the glycerin plant.
B 0 29 - 08 - 18 Viero Widyanto For Approval DRAWN BY : Viero Widyanto 1 31 - 08 - 18 Igor Nathaniel Tagging Number P&ID 2 03 - 09 - 18 Jaclyn Add 2 Pump Tank Glycerin 95% & 99% area CHECKED BY : Sukma Wijaya PT. DOVER CHEMICAL 3 06 - 09 - 18 Jaclyn System By Pass Decolorozation Tank area ( MERAK PLANT ) 4 13 - 09 - 18 Adi . S / Sukma . W Change Position Pump & Add Instrument CHECKED BY : Adi Siswandana PROJECT NAME 5 17 - 09 - 18 Igor Nathaniel Insulation for line GLY & PC PROJECT GLYCERIN PLANT - PIPING 6 03 - 10 - 18 Jaclyn / Sukma . S Add Steam Silencer & Tag number Instrument CHECKED BY : Jaclyn PT. DOVER CHEMICAL - MERAK PLANT 7 05 - 10 - 18 Jaclyn Add Pitch Tank & OBL Line Vent TITLE CHECKED BY : Lastarida Sinaga 8 19 - 10 - 18 Jaclyn / Adi . S Add Cooling Tower & Delete Pump T.115,122 P&ID IBL GLYCERIN PLANT 9 22 - 10 - 18 Jaclyn Add Heat Exchanger area T.915,916 CHECKED BY : Erie Hartono ALL PIPING PROCESS 10 23 - 10 - 18 Adi Siswandana A Modification for Instrumentation DWG NO. 000 - DC - GLYCERIN - PIPE - PI&D A 11 26 - 10 - 18 Meeting with PT. SENA Modification valve & Position Heat Exchanger CHECKED BY : Margono Somowijoyo 12 08 - 11 - 18 Adi . S / Erie Hartono By Pass Vacuum Pump & Blower move FILE NO. 000 - DC - GLYCERIN / PB / M & E / X / 18 APPROVED BY : Chai Ming Hooi SCALE NTS DWG SIZE A 3 REV NO. R 0