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Location: P.O.-Andal, Besides NH-2, Dist-Burdwan, West Bengal.

Capacity: 2 X 500 MW
Zero Date: 03/08/2007
Foundation Stone Laying: 11/02/2008
Land: Total land required including Green belt development: 1219 acres (Approx)
Land acquired as on date: 1093 acres ( Approx)

Land yet to be transferred from DSP SAIL: 126 acres (Approx)

Total Project Cost: Rs 5715.62 Crores (Revised)

WATER: Requirement: 3850m^3/hour
Source: Damodar River

Intake Point: Raturia, Durgapur (Cross country pipe line: 13.2km)

COAL: Requirement: 6.07 million tonnes

Source: MOU with BCCL and CCL Executed
Transportation: By Rail only

Power Evacuation: 1. 400 kv DSTPS-MTPS one-circuit line.

2. 400 kv DSTPS-KTPS double-circuit line

3. 400 kv DSTPS-Jamshedpur line.


In the thermal power plants maximum requirements of fuel is coal. The handling of
this fuel is a great job. To handle the fuel i.e. coal, each power station is equipped
with a coal handling plant. CHP handles the coal from its receipt to transferring it to

Main equipments of CHP



The coal received through bottom discharge (BOBR) wagon rakes is unloaded in
underground R.C.C. track hopper. Paddle feeders are employed under track hopper
to scoop the coal and feeding onto underground conveyors. Steel gratings of mesh
size 250 mm x 250 mm over track hopper are provided to arrest big sized coal lump
or boulder entering in the hopper.

LENGTH: 250 m CAPACITY: 5500 T WIDTH: 6m

From Track Hopper coal is transported to TP-1 by two conveyor belts CONV 1A &




The coal received from BOXN wagons is unloaded in underground RCC hoppers by
means of rota side type wagon tipplers. Side arm chargers are employed for
placement of wagons on the tippler table and removal of empty wagon from tippler
table after tippling. Provision is kept for shunting locomotives for handling rakes in
case of side arm charger having some problem or for any other purpose of keeping
wagons on rail track. Apron feeders are employed under wagon tippler for extracting
coal from wagon tippler hopper and feeding onto underground reclaim conveyors.

CAPACITY OF WAGON TIPPLER: 24 tips per hour (Design)

20 tips per hour (Rated)



In Pent house underground conveyor belt meets ground level. In pent house there
are two suspended magnets (SM1 & SM2) over each conveyor belt (CONV 3A &

Suspended Magnets are designed to eliminate tramp metal from the coal carried by
conveyor belt. They are mainly used to protect Machine such as Crushers. The
permanent Magnets are used when an automatic Removal of ferrous contamination
is necessary. If not, fixed Permanent Suspension Magnets are more suitable.

The Magnet is made of High Intensity Strontium Ferrite Magnets. A Non - Magnetic
Stainless steel Plate is provided to cover the poles of Magnet. There is no need for
any electrical supply.

These units are installed in transversal to the conveyor.

Conveyors leading to crusher house have facility for manual stone picking, after

Two Belt weigh scales (BS-1 & BS-2) are provided on conveyors (CONV 3A &
CONV 3B) for measurement of coal flow rate before entering the crusher house.


Main equipments of Crusher House are



IN-LINE MAGNETIC SEPARATOR: Two in line magnetic separators (ILMS-1 &

ILMS-2) are installed over the terminal head pulley of each conveyor belt (CONV 3A
& CONV 3B) to eliminate tramp metal from the coal carried by conveyor belt. The
coal being conveyed is in virtual Suspension and Tramp Iron is therefore more
readily extracted.
METAL DETACTOR: Metal detectors are provided to detect non-ferrous materials
such as aluminum, brass, copper, stainless steel, manganese steel, bars, scraps etc
present in the coal before Crusher House. It ignores magnetite/iron and distinguish
between metal pieces and magnetite/iron. Coal sampling unit is provided to sample
the uncrushed coal. Two Metal Detectors MD1(3A/B) & MD2(10A/B) are placed over
conveyors CONV-3A & CONV-3B respectively.

ROLLER SCREEN: The size of the coal received in Crusher House is normally (-)
250 mm. The received coal is sized in Crushers (Ring Granulators) from (-) 250 mm
to (-) 20 mm. Roller Screens provided upstream of the crushers screen out (-) 20 mm
coal from the feed and (+) 20 mm coal is fed to the crushers.


ROD GATE AND RACK & PINION GATE: A set of rod gates and rack & pinion
gates is provided before Roller Screens to permit maintenance of equipment
downstream without affecting the operation of other stream.

NO OF ROD GATE: 4 (RG-1, RG-2, RG-3, RG-4)


CRUSHER: The received coal is sized in Crushers from (-) 250 mm to (-) 20 mm.
The ring hammer is rotated by a motor moving at high speed. The machine utilizes
both the crushing mechanism created by the ring hammer and kinetic energy that is
formed during the crushing process. The machine operates by cutting, squeezing
and crushing the materials into pieces through pounding them with the ring hammer
and producing kinetic energy causing a rubbing effect. As the hammer crusher
crushes the material through its high speed movement, the materials being crushed
are exposed to kinetic energy. This causes the materials to be driven forward to the
crushing board where it gets punched for a second time before it falls to the sieve
plate where the small particles pass through while the larger ones remain for further
crushing and pounding.

NO OF CRUSHER: 4 (CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, CR-4)


REVERSIBLE BELT FEEDER: Reversible belt feeders are provided under each
Crusher and Roller Screen. These belts can travel in either side and discharge coals
in desired conveyor for carry it either to Stacker cum Reclaimer or in Coal Bunker.
Reversible belt feeders are provided with impact idlers to absorb impact of
discharged coal and to protect belt from damage.



BELT WIDTH: 1600 mm

CHUTES AND FLAP GATE: Chutes are provided over the conveyor belts. Transfer
chutes are adequately sized and sloped to ensure smooth flow of coal without any
accumulation anywhere. Direct impact of coal on conveyor belt is avoided by
providing an inclined surface at the feeding point to guide the material in the direction
of belt travel.


06, FG-07)


Crushed coal is sent to stockyard when coal bunkers are full. Stacking/ reclaiming of
coal is done by bucket wheel type stacker-cum- re-claimer moving on rails. The
stacker-cum reclaimer can stack coal on either sides of the yard conveyor. During
stacking mode coal is fed from conveyors on boom conveyor and while in reclaim
mode, yard conveyor discharges coal on the yard conveyor itself for feeding coal to
bunkers through conveyors and transfer points. When coal is required in the bunkers
and crusher is not in operation, coal is reclaimed by the stacker –cum-reclaimer and
fed to the coal bunkers. Emergency reclaim hopper (ERH) can be provided to
reclaim coal by dozers when stacker –cum- re-claimer is not in operation.
Emergency reclaim hopper can also be used for coal blending. Coal stockpile is
provided with required storage capacity depending on location of plant vis-à-vis coal
source. Two Belt weigh scales (BS-5 & BS-6) are provided on each stacker-cum
reclaimer for measurement of coal flow rate.



In Transfer points coal is discharged from one conveyor belt to next one through
chutes and flap gates.



Coal is finally discharged in Raw Coal Bunker over the Bowl Mill for storage. From
here coal is feed into mills.


A belt conveyor consists of an endless belt moving over a pair of end drums (rollers).
At some distance a supporting roller is provided at the center. The belt is made, up
of rubber or canvas. Belt conveyor is suitable for the transfer of coal over long
distances. The initial cost of the system is not high and power consumption is also
low. The inclination at which coal can be successfully elevated by belt conveyor is
about 20.



(Belowdischarge chute) ROLLER
Rubber coating

CONVEYOR BELT: A conveyor belt consists of two or more pulleys, with a

continuous loop of material - the conveyor belt - that rotates about them. One or both
of the pulleys are powered, moving the belt and the coal on the belt forward. The
powered pulley is called the drive pulley while the unpowered pulley is called the


TAKE UP PULLEY: Belt conveyors need some form of belt take-up system. Take
ups help prevent belt slippage by ensuring proper slackside tension, prevent
conveyed material spillage by maintaining proper troughing contour, compensate for
belt stretch and allow for belt storage needed for replacement splices.


Pull chord type (manually reset type) emergency stop switches are provided on
both sides of belt conveyors at a spacing of about 20 m along the walkways for
Interlocking is used for safety purpose. If any belt fails all other belts stop working
which are interconnected.
Zero speed switch are also provided.

Definition of boiler: A boiler is defined as "a closed vessel in which water is

heated to produce steam, steam is superheated or any combination thereof,
under pressure or vacuum, for use external to itself, by the direct application
of energy from the combustion of fuels, from electricity or nuclear energy."

BOILER ACCESSORIES: Devices that are involved in the generation of steam by

direct or indirect heating are known as boiler accessories .It includes the following:

• Boiler drum: It is a pressure vessel in which the steam containing moisture coming
from waterwall & economiser gets separated. It is cylindrical in shape with
hemispherical ends. It is also called steam drum.


The internal fittings in the steam drum help distribute the water evenly throughout
the drum, separate the generated steam from the water and remove moisture from
the steam before it leaves the boiler.
The function of the Steam Drum internals is to separate the water from the steam
generated in
the furnace walls and to reduce the dissolved solids contents in the steam to a value
below the
prescribed limit. Separation is generally performed in three stages. The first two
stages are
incorporated in the turbo separators and the final stage takes place at the top of the
Steam Drum
where the steam enters the SH connecting tubes.
 BAFFLE PLATE: The steam water mixture entering the top of the Drum from
the furnace riser tubes (68) sweeps down along both sides of the Drum
through the narrow annulus formed by a baffle extending over the length of the
Drum. The baffle is concentric with the Drum shell and effects adequate
velocity and uniform heat transfer, thereby maintaining the entire Drum surface
at a uniform temperature. At the lower end of the baffle the steam water
mixture is forced upward through two rows of turbo separators. Each turbo
separator consists of a primary stage and a secondary stage.

 PRIMARY SEPARATORS: The primary stage is formed by two concentric

cans. Spinner blades impart a centrifugal motion to the mixture of steam and
water flowing upward through the inner can, thereby throwing the water to the
outside and forcing the steam to the inside. The water is arrested by skim-off
lip above the spinner blades and returned to the lower part of the Drum
through the annulus between the two cans. The steam proceeds up to the
secondary separator stage.

 SECONDARY SEPARATORS: The secondary stage consists of two opposed

banks of closely spaced thin, corrugated metal plates, which direct the steam
through a tortuous path and force entrained water against the corrugated
plates. Since the velocity is relatively low, this water does not get picked up
again but runs down the plates and off the second stage lips at the two steam

From the secondary separators the steam flows upward to the third and final
stage of
separators. It consists of rows of corrugated plated dryers extending
throughout the length of the
Drum with a drain through between the rows. The steam flows with relatively
low velocity through
the tortuous path formed by the closely spaced layers of corrugated plates.
The remaining entrained
water is deposited on the corrugated plates. The water is not picked up again
but runs down the plates into the drain through. Suitably located drain pipes
return this water to the water side of the Drum.

 SATURATED STEAM LINES: The pipelines carrying the steam coming out
of the drum to the superheater are called saturated steam lines . Here the
number of saturated steam lines are 21.

 DOWNCOMERS: Water thus separated in the drum is distributed from the

steam drum to the bottom ring headers by pipes called downcomers. Here
number of downcomers are 6 .

 SURFACE BLOW PIPE: It is used to remove suspended solids which may

accumulate on the surface of the water in the steam drum to reduce the
total dissolved solid content of the boiler water. Suspended solids usually
consist of oil, salt contaminants, or excessive treatment chemicals which
can cause foaming on the water surface.

 BOTTOM BLOW DOWN VALVES: It provide a means for removing solid

particulates that condense and lie on the bottom of a boiler. As the name
implies, this valve is usually located directly on the bottom of the boiler, and
is occasionally opened to use the pressure in the boiler to push these
particulates out.

 CONTINOUS BLOWDOWN VALVES: Continuous blowdown valve allows

a small quantity of water to escape continuously. Its purpose is to prevent
the water in the boiler becoming saturated with dissolved salts. Saturation
would lead to foaming and cause water droplets to be carried over with the
steam - a condition known as priming. Blowdown is also often used to
monitor the chemistry of the boiler water.

 SAFETY VALVES: Boilers are also equipped with safety valves to relieve
excessive pressure. It is a device to release excess generated steam to
atmosphere in case of abnormal rise in steam pressure due to imbalance
between demand and supply of steam to the turbine. The imbalance may
be caused by sudden unloading of the turbine or inability to cut off fuel
input to boiler timely as per load demand. The valves are located on the top
of steam drum and superheater outlet.

 ELECTROMATIC RELIEF VALVE (ERV): ERV is placed in the final SH

outlet header and is an electrically assisted solenoid operated valve. The
set pressure of this valve is kept below SH Safety valves to avoid frequent
popping and thereby damage to the SH Safety valves.

 STEAM STOP VALVE: There is a steam stop valve which controls the flow
of generated steam as necessary.

 WATER LEVEL INDICATOR: It is attached to the boiler drum to indicate

the level of water inside it & warns the operator if the water level falls
below an un safe limit.

 PRESSURE GAUGE: A pressure gauge indicates the pressure inside the

steam drum. Here the operating pressure is 167 kgf/cm2.
• SUPERHEATER: It is a device that increases the temperature of the steam
coming out of the boiler drum to increase the efficiency of the boiler. The steam thus
obtained is called superheated steam.

The function of the superheater in the thermal power plants is to remove the last
traces of moisture (1-2%) from the saturated steam coming out of boiler and to
increase its temperature sufficiently above saturation temperature. The super-
heating raises overall cycle efficiency as well as avoids too much condensation in
the last stages of the turbine which avoids the blade erosion.

The heat of combustion gases from furnace is utilised for the removal of moisture
from steam & to superheat the steam. Super-heaters usually have several tube
circuits in parallel with one or more returns bends, connected between inlet and
outlet headers.

Here three types of superheaters has been used namely,

a. Low-temperature superheater (1 inlet & 1 outlet header)

b. Divisional superheater (2 inlet & 2 outlet header) &
c. Final or Platen superheater (1 inlet & 1 outlet header)

 REHEATER: Some of the heat of superheated steam is used to rotate the

turbine where it loses some of its energy. Reheater is also steam boiler component
in which heat is added to this intermediate-pressure steam, which has given up
some of its energy in expansion through the high-pressure turbine. The steam after
reheating is used to rotate the intermediate pressure turbine where the heat is
converted to mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is used to run the
alternator, which is coupled to turbine, there by generating electrical energy.

Here Reheater has one inlet header and two outlet header.

ECONOMISER: The function of the Economiser is to preheat the Boiler feed

water before it is introduced into the Steam Drum, by recovering heat from the
flue gas leaving the Boiler.
The Economiser is located in the Boiler back pass. It consists of three banks of
Economiser assemblies arranged in horizontal rows in such a manner that
each row is aligned with the row above and below. All tube circuits originate
from the Economiser Inlet Header and terminate at Economiser Outlet Header.
Feed water is supplied to the Economiser inlet lead via feed stop and check
valves, which in turn supplies to the Economiser Inlet Header. The feed water
then flows through the coils to the Economiser Outlet Header. The feed water
flow is upward through the Economiser coils i.e. counter flow to the hot flue
gases. Most efficient heat transfer is hereby accomplished, while the possibility
of steam generation within the Economiser is minimized by the upward water
flow. From the Outlet Header the feed water is led to the Steam Drum through
the Economiser outlet links.

The use of economiser results in saving in coal consumption , increase in

steaming rate and high boiler efficiency but needs extra investment and
increase in maintenance costs and floor area required for the plant.
 AIR PRE-HEATER: The remaining heat of flue gases is utilised by air pre-
heater. It is a device used in steam boilers to transfer heat from the flue gases to the
combustion air (primary & secondary) before the air enters the furnace. Also known
as air heater; air-heating system. It is kept at a place nearby where the air enters in
to the boiler.

The purpose of the air pre-heater is to recover the heat from the flue gas from
the boiler to improve boiler efficiency by burning warm air which increases
combustion efficiency, and reducing useful heat lost from the flue. As a
consequence, the gases are also sent to the chimney or stack at a lower
temperature, allowing simplified design of the ducting and stack. It also allows
control over the temperature of gases leaving the stack (to meet emissions
regulations, for example). After extracting heat flue gases are passed to electrostatic

TYPES: There are two types of air pre-heaters for use in steam
generators in thermal power stations:
a. Tubular type
b. Regenerative Air Pre-heater (Rotating plate & Stationary
The rotating-plate design (RAPH) consists of a central rotating-plate element
installed within a casing that is divided into two (bi-sector type), three (tri-sector type)
or four (quad-sector type) sectors containing seals around the element. The seals
allow the element to rotate through all the sectors, but keep gas leakage between
sectors to a minimum while providing separate gas air and flue gas paths through
each sector.

Here pre heater is of tri-sector type & the rotating element consists of 12

In the tri-sector design, the largest sector (usually spanning about half the
cross-section of the casing) is connected to the boiler hot gas outlet. The hot exhaust
gas flows over the central element, transferring some of its heat to the element, and
is then ducted away for further treatment in electrostatic precipitator before being
expelled from the flue gas stack. The second, smaller sector, is fed with ambient air
(secondary air) by a fan, which passes over the heated element as it rotates into the
sector, and is heated before being carried to the boiler furnace for combustion. The
third sector is the smallest one and it heats air (primary) which is routed into the
pulverizers and used to carry the coal-air mixture to coal boiler burners.

i.e air pre-heater — heated primary air — pulveriser — burner

air pre-heater — heated secondary air — wind duct — burner

There are two air pre-heaters for one boiler.

 BOTTOM ASH HOPPER: Ash is generated as a product of combustion of

coal. The type of ash formed due to fusion and nucleation of ash and coming
out from the bottom of the furnace, is called bottom ash. It is nearly 20% of
the total ash generated. Rest 80% in the form of dust particles is called fly
ash. Bottom ash hopper is placed below boiler water wall ring headers to
receive ash generated at boiler furnace. It is generally filled with water for
cooling of deposited ash, which is removed periodically.


 SOOT BLOWER: It is an on load arrangement of cleaning the

accumulation of deposition on boiler heating surfaces resulting from combustion of
coal and to a relatively smaller extent from oil. Sootblowers are located in the high
temperature zones of the steam generating unit, such as the furnace walls,
superheater, reheater, and economizer sections, and lower temperature zones such
as air heaters.

Fig. 3 illustrates a typical sootblower arrangement for a large coal-fired steam

generator with sootblowers in the convection and radiant zones.

Sootblower Arrangement


a. Furnace Wall Sootblowers

b. Long Retractable Sootblowers
c. Stationary Sootblowers

Furnace Wall Sootblowers

A short, single-nozzle retractable blower, called a wall blower, removes the ash
deposited on the water-walls of furnace chambers.
Motor-driven retractable sootblower.


Lance rpm: 0.7 Travel speed rpm: 6.1

Long Retractable Sootblowers

These sootblowers are designed to dislodge deposits from the convection and
radiant heating surfaces, such as those located in the superheater, reheater, and
economizer sections.
Long retractable soot blower.


Travel : 9.7m Travel speed rpm: 1.55

Rotational speed in rpm: 5.87 Nozzle Size: 25mm

Generally the two cleaning mediums are steam and compressed air, with both being
equally effective in deposit removal.

Here the cleaning medium is only compressed air.


The most efficient way of utilizing coal for steam generation is to burn it in the
form of dust. The coal used in the plant is first crushed in a crusher to a size up to 20
mm down. This crushed coal is then brought in the coal mill for grinding where it is
converted into dust of desired fineness. This form of coal is known as pulverized coal
and the mills used to make such coal dust are known as pulverizers.

In modern power plants several type of pulverisers are used. Of them few are listed

a. Ball mill
b. Ball & Race mill
c. Ball tube mill
d. Impact or Hammer mill
e. Bowl mill
In DSTPS 10 bowl mills are used for each unit (5 on each side).

 BOWL MILL: In this mill, crushed coal (20 mm down) from the bunker passes
through center feed pipe assembly and reaches the bowl. There are three grindings
rollers that are placed against the inner wall of the bowl with the help of pressure
springs. The bowl can be rotated with the help of a motor. There is a passageway for
hot primary air coming from the air pre-heater. As the motor starts rotating, it rotates
the bowl which in turn rotates the grinding rollers. When the coal comes between the
rollers and bowl it is crushed to dust. Hot primary air pre-heat the coal and carry
away the pulverised coal to the burner. A separator at the top of the mill allows the
pulverised coal of desired fineness to pass to the furnace separating the
comparatively larger one. Here each mill consists of four openings through which the
pulverised coal comes out.


Make: BHEL Bowl type vertical.

Description: XRP 1003.

Total No.: 10 nos. per unit – 5 in each side of Boiler.

Nominal Diameter of the Bowl: 100 inches.

Grinding Rolls: 3 per mill.

Mill Base Capacity: 67 T/hr.

Mill Outlet temp.: 65oC-90oC.

Air flow: 102 T/hr.

Fineness: 70% through 200m.


The ash produced by burning of pulverized coal inside the boiler is roughly 300
MT/hr is transported to ash disposal area by means of ash handling system.

The ash handling system comprises of sub systems which are:-









In the bottom ash system, the ash discharged from the furnace bottom continuously
falls in the bottom ash hopper. The ash collected in the hopper is quenched by
spraying water is continuously transported to the respective clinker grinders (4 Nos
in each unit) to reduce the lump size to the required fineness. The crushed ash i.e.
Ash slurry from the clinker grinder outlet is further transported to ash slurry pump by
hydro ejector system with the help of high pressure ash water.


Fly ash system comprises of WET SYSTEM and DRY SYSTEM.

In Wet System the fly ash collected in each of the electrostatic precipitator hoppers
having four (4) pass- A,B,C&D in each unit and each pass containing 40 nos. of
hoppers, will be collected in wetting head of fly ash evacuation towers with the help
of vaccum pumps (8 nos. in each unit) where ash gets mixed with high pressure ash
water and the resulting slurry drops into the ash sluice trench. The ash slurry is then
transported to the ash slurry sump by gravity aided by high pressure jetting nozzles
provided in sluice trench.
There are four (4) nos. Economiser hoppers and eight (8) nos. Air pre-heaters in
each unit. The ash collected in the same hoppers drops continuously to a flushing
apparatus provided under each hopper where fly ash gets mixed with high pressure
water and the resulting slurry drops into ash sluice trench and ultimately transported
to ash slurry slump.


In dry ash system fly ash collected in the electrostatic precipitator hoppers will be
collected in bag hoppers then air lock tanks and transported to DRY ASH SILO (2
nos. each capacity- 1500MT) with the help of compressed air. After that dry ash is
disposed off by open truck or closed tanker.


Bottom ash and fly ash slurry are sluiced continuously to the four sumps by
operating ash slurry diversion gates.

Four sets (series) of Ash slurry pumps have been provided for disposal of slurry from
the ash slurry sump to ash disposal area (3 set working; 1 set stand-by). Each set
comprises of two stages pumping.

Three (3) streams of disposal lines of 450mm NB and length 2 KM each are provided
for four (4) slurry pump sets, out of which 2 pipe line will be working and the other
line will be stand-by.

Two numbers vertical drain pumps (one working and one stand-by) have been
provided in ash slurry pump house to pump out accumulated water in drain sump
due to leakage of various system inside the pump house.


The HP,LP ash water and Flush water are supplied from Ash Water Pump House.

1 Fly ash high pressure pump – 3 nos.

2 Bottom ash high pressure pump – 2 nos.

3 Bottom ash low pressure pump – 5 nos.

4 Flush water pump – 1 no.

Two nos horizontal seal water pumps have been provided ( one is working and other
is stand-by) to supply sealing water to all ash slurry pumps, clinker grinders, vacuum
pumps sludge pumps BA overflow transfer pumps.


There are total 9 nos air compressors for instrument air and transport air for dry ash.

1 Instrument Air Compressor – 3 nos.- 1250m3/kg.

2 Transport Air Compressor – 6 nos.- 7000m3/kg.


It is a device which removes dust or other finely divided particles from flue
gases by charging the particles inductively with an electric field, then attracting them
to highly charged collector plates, also known as precipitator. The process depends
on two steps. In the first step the suspension passes through an electric discharge
(corona discharge) area where ionization of the gas occurs. The voltage required for
ionisation of flue gas is as high as 70,000 volts. To achieve such high voltage
rectifiers are used. The ions thus produced collide with the suspended particles and
confer on them an electric charge. The charged particles drift toward an electrode of
opposite sign and are deposited on the electrode where their electric charge is
neutralized. The phenomenon would be more correctly designated as
electrodeposition from the gas phase. Generally the collecting electrodes are
positive electrodes and the emitting electrodes are negative electrodes. The
collecting electrodes are placed alternately with an emitting electrode in between.

In DSTPS there are 4 electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) per boiler. Each ESP
has Four (4) Pass (A, B,C & D). Each pass is provided with 10 fields in series. There
are 4 ash hoppers across the gas flow and 10 ash hoppers along the direction of gas
flow. Thus, total per hoppers per ESP will be 4×10=40 numbers. Hence the total
number of hoppers per boiler will be 160 numbers. These ash hoppers are located
directly beneath the fields and receive the fly ash dislodged from the collecting
electrodes and emitting system. The hoppers are of pyramidal shape with an outlet
opening size of 400×400 mm.

Hoppers heaters are provided to avoid condensation of water vapour on the

inside surface of the hoppers. The heaters are generally thermostats.

Another important feature of the ESPs is the rapping mechanism. This

mechanism is used to give a shaking motion to the collecting electrodes so that more
amount of ash falls into the hoppers at a time.
ESP Advantages:

 ESPs are very efficient (up to 99% efficiency), even for small particles
 They are generally more economical than other particulate control devices
 Can be designed to handle wet and dry gas compositions for a wide range of
gas temperatures
 Can handle large volumes of gas flow with low pressure drop

ESP Disadvantages:

 High initial capital costs

 Dry ESPs can only control particulate emissions, not gas composition
 Once installed, ESPs take up a lot of space and cannot be easily redesigned
 May not work properly on high electrical resistive particles


The draught is one of the most essential systems of thermal power plant. The
purpose of draught is to supply required quantity of air for combustion and remove
the burnt products from the system. To move the air through the fuel bed and to
produce a flow of hot gases through the boiler, economizer, preheater and chimney
require a difference of pressure equal to that necessary to accelerate the burnt
gases to their final velocity and to overcome the pressure losses equivalent to
pressure head. The difference of pressure required to maintain the constant flow of
air and to discharge the gases through the chimney to atmosphere is known as
Draught can be obtained by use of chimney, fan, steam or air jet or
combination of these. When the draught is produced with the help of chimney only, it
is known as Natural Draught and when the draught is produced by any other means
except chimney it is known as Artificial Draught.

The fans required to produce artificial draught are known as Draught Fans.

 TYPES: Draught fans used in a power plants are of following types:

a. Forced Draught Fan (FD Fan)

b. Induced Draught Fan (ID Fan)
c. Primary Air Fan (PA fan) or Exhauster Fan
d. Seal Air Fan

 FD Fan: Forced draught represents flow of air or products of

combustion at a pressure above atmosphere. The air for combustion is carried under
forced draft conditions and the fan used for the purpose is called Forced Draft Fan.
It is axial type fan and is used to take air from atmosphere at ambient temperature to
supply air for combustion. It is installed near the base of the boiler in front of the air
preheater. It supplies the hot primary, secondary and cold air to the furnace for
combustion. Primary air and cold air reaches the furnace passing through the
Pulveriser. On the other hand secondary air reaches the furnace through wind duct.
2 FD Fans for one unit.

 ID Fan: Induced Draught Fan is located near the base of the chimney
at the outlet of ESP. It sucks the burned gases coming out of the ESP and releases it
to the chimney. ID fan is forward curved centrifugal (radial) fan and sucks the fly-ash
laden gas of temperature around 125ͦ c out of the furnace to throw it into chimney.
The fan is connected with driving motor through hydro-coupling.
2 ID Fans for one unit.

FD Fan and ID Fan together forms the Balanced Draught.

 PA Fan: The function of primary air fan is to transport pulverised coal
from coal mill to the furnace, to dry coal in coal mill and also to attain requisite
pulverised coal temperature for ready combustion at furnace. It is installed in
between air preheater and the mill.
2 PA Fans for one unit.
 Seal Air Fan: It is used to seal mill bearings, coal feeders and coal
pipes in case of pressure type mills with the help of dust free pressurised air of
atmospheric temperature. Seal air fan may take air from atmosphere or may take air
from cold primary air duct to supply air to mill at a pressure higher than mill pressure.
There may be seal air fan for each mill or the fan may supply pressurised air to a
common duct for distribution to mills for sealing.


A chimney is a vertical tubular structure of masonry; brick, steel or reinforced

concrete built for the purpose of enclosing a column of hot gases to produce the
draught and discharge the gases high enough which will prevent an air pollution. The
draught produced by the chimney is due to the temperature difference of hot gases
in the chimney and cold air outside the chimney. The space inside a chimney is
called a flue.

But here as the system works on balanced draught, chimney has the only
function of releasing the smoke at higher atmosphere. The chimney in DSTPS is
(270+5) metre high.


A cooling tower is a semi-enclosed device for evaporative cooling of water by

contact with air. It is a wooden, steel or concrete structure and corrugated surfaces
or troughs or baffles or perforated trays are provided inside the tower for uniform
distribution and better atomization of water in the tower. The hot water coming out of
the condensers fed to the tower on the top and allowed to tickle in form of hot sheets
or drops. The air flows from bottom of the tower or perpendicular to the direction of
water flow and then exhausts to the atmosphere after effective cooling. To prevent
the escape of water with air, draft eliminators are provided at the top of tower.

Two basic types of cooling towers are commonly used. One transfers the heat
from warmer water to cooler air mainly by an evaporation heat-transfer process and
is known as the evaporative or wet cooling tower. The other transfers the heat
from warmer water to cooler air by a sensible heat-transfer process and is known as
the non-evaporative or dry cooling tower.
Again evaporative cooling towers are mainly divided into two groups as
Natural draft or Atmospheric cooling towers and Mechanical draft towers
depending upon the air flow through the towers.

Non-evaporative cooling towers are classified as air-cooled condensers and

as air-cooled heat exchangers, and are further classified by the means used for
producing air circulation through them. These two basic types are sometimes
combined, with the two cooling processes generally used in parallel or separately,
and are then known as wet-dry cooling towers.

In DSTPS the cooling tower used is of Natural draft type.


In natural draft cooling towers, the air flows naturally without fan through tower
and provides the required cooling. The shape of the tower is circular in plan and
hyperbolic in profile. It is made of steel reinforced concrete and the bottom of the
tower is 9.4m above the reference level. The top edge of the cooled water reservoir
beneath the tower is taken as the reference level. The cooling tower breaks the
warm water into a spray or a film of water by forcing it through a nozzle and exposes
it to a flow of air. This film of water is allowed to fall through water distributing troughs
or fill packs so that more loss of heat takes place from the water droplets. The cooled
water droplets are accumulated in the reservoir from where it is passed to a cooling
water pool or CW pool. CW pumps forced this water from CW pool to the condenser
which after being heated by the heat of steam returns to the cooling tower. In natural
draft cooling tower the flow of air through it is established by chimney action. The
flow is created by the density difference between atmospheric air and the air inside
the tower which has been warmed by the hot circulating air. Higher the RH of the air,
it contains more water vapour which is lighter than air and the density of high
humidity air becomes lower than the surrounding air. This difference in density
provides necessary pressure head for creating the flow. The difference in density is
considerably small so the height of the cooling tower required to create positive flow
of air is considerably large compared with mechanical towers.
Specification: (In DSTPS)

Height of the tower: 125.91 mts.

Top end dia.: 59 mts.

Base dia.: 109 mts.

Throat dia.: 59 mts

Number of Precast beam: 1116

Number of Grillage column + Diagonal blessings: 306

Materials for fill packs: Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRP)

 Advantages:

a. Since no fans are needed, power cost and auxiliary equipments are
eliminated and therefore operating and maintenance costs are consequently
reduced. It gives more or less travel free operation.
b. Hyperbolic tower’s chimney shapes creates its own draft assuring efficient
operation even when there is no wind.
c. The enlarged top of the tower allows water to fall out of suspension.

 Disadvantages:

a. Its initial cost is considerably high.

b. Its performance varies with the seasonal changes and RH of air.


A steam turbine is a device in which energy of the steam is converted

into rotational ( Mechanical ) energy. Steam generated in the boiler is allowed to
pass through turbine where it expands by losing heat and this expanding steam
rotates the rotor of the turbine as it impinges on the rotor blade.

Steam turbine normally consists of several stages with each stage consisting
of a stationary blade (or nozzle) and a rotating blade. Stationary blades convert the
potential energy of the steam (temperature and pressure) into kinetic energy
(velocity) and direct the flow onto the rotating blades. The rotating blades convert the
kinetic energy into forces, caused by pressure drop, which results in the rotation of
the turbine shaft. The turbine shaft is connected to a generator, which produces the
electrical energy.

Staging or compounding of turbine is necessary because if the entire pressure

drop from boiler pressure to condenser pressure is carried out in single stage nozzle
then the velocity of the steam entering into the turbine could be very high of the order
of 1500 m/sec. Hence the turbine rotor velocity (blade velocity) will be very high, of
the order of 30,000 rpm as it is directly proportional to the steam entering velocity.
Such high RPM of the turbine rotor is not useful for practical purposes and a
reduction gear is necessary between the turbine and external equipment (generator)
driven by the turbine. Also the velocity of the steam at the exit of the turbine is
sufficiently high when single stage blades are used. This gives a considerable loss of
kinetic energy (about 10 to 12%). The above mentioned difficulties associated with
the single stage turbine can be solved by compounding. The combination of the
stages is known as compounding.

In a typical larger power stations, the steam turbines are split into three
separate stages, the first being the High Pressure (HP), the second the Intermediate
Pressure (IP) and the third the Low Pressure (LP) stage, where high, intermediate
and low describe the pressure of the steam. After the steam has passed through the
HP stage, it is returned to the boiler to be re-heated to its original temperature
although the pressure remains greatly reduced. The reheated steam then passes
through the IP stage and finally to the LP stage of the turbine. Typical configuration
of BHEL 500MW Turbine at DSTPS is as follows.

Number of stages: HPT-17stages

IPT-double flow with 12 stages per flow &

LPT-double flow with 6 stages per flow


Rated output: 500 MW

Rated speed: 3000 rpm

Inlet steam pressure: 170 kg/cm2

Inlet steam temperature: 537°c

Reheat steam temperature: 565°c

Overall length: 19.94 mts.


A condenser is a device or heat exchanger used to condense a substance

from its gaseous to its liquid state, typically by cooling it. In so doing, the latent heat
is given up by the substance, and will transfer to the condenser coolant. In a steam
power plant the condenser condenses the steam coming out of the low pressure

Types of steam condensers:

a. Mixing or Jet Type Condensers: In this type of condensers the

steam comes in direct contact with the condenser coolant. The jet condensers are
mainly divided as parallel flow and counter-flow jet condensers.
In parallel flow condensers, the steam and cooling water flow in the same
direction whereas they flow in opposite directions in counter-flow condensers.

b. Non-mixing Type or Surface Condensers: In this type of

condensers, the cooling water and the exhaust steam do not come in direct contact
with each other as in case of jet condensers. This is generally used where large
quantities of inferior water are available and better quality of feed water to the boiler
must be used most economically.

The surface condenser may be classified according to

(a) Number of water passes: single or multi-pass

(b) Direction of condensate flow and tube arrangement: down flow and
central flow
In DSTPS surface condenser is used. The condenser is installed just below
the LP turbine. The exhaust steam from the LP turbine enters at the top of the
condenser and surrounds the condenser tubes through which cooling water is
circulated under force. There are about 23000-25000 SS tubes in the condenser.
The steam gets condensed as it comes in contact with cold surface of the tubes.
The cooling water being heated by the heat of steam comes out from the
condenser and is cooled in a cooling tower for recirculation. The condensed
water is collected in a hot well from where it is passed to the Low Pressure
Heater with the help of a condensate extracted pump.


It is generally multistage, vertical, centrifugal pump and takes suction from

hotwell on few inches of suction submergence i.e. on minimum net positive suction
head (NPSH). A vent line connected with hotwell equalizes vapour pressure. It
transport hotwell condensate to de-aerator through low pressure heaters. No of CEP
in DSTPS are three(3) for each boiler unit.


Feedwater from the condensate extraction pump passes through low pressure
heaters. LP heaters take extraction steam from low pressure stages of turbine to
heat the feedwater. Tube material is made of admiralty brass. Drain from heaters is
either cascaded by pressure difference or by drip pump into the next LP heater. After
the last heater, the feed water is around 155°c.


Low Pressure Heater-2:

Shell side Tube side

Design Pressure: 3 & F.V Kg/cm2 g 40 Kg/cm2 g
Design temperature: 155°c 152°c

Surface Area: 1312 m2

Weight: 26000 Kg
Low Pressure Heater-3 & 6:

Shell side Tube side

Design Pressure: 4 & F.V Kg/cm2 g 40 Kg/cm2 g
Design temperature: 216°c 152°c

Surface Area: 1312 m2

Weight: 26000 Kg


The removal of dissolved gases from boiler feedwater is an essential process

in a steam system. The presence of dissolved oxygen in feedwater causes rapid
localized corrosion in boiler tubes. Carbon dioxide will dissolve in water, resulting in
low pH levels and the production of corrosive carbonic acid. Low pH levels in
feedwater causes severe acid attack throughout the boiler system. While dissolved
gases and low pH levels in the feedwater can be controlled or removed by the
addition of chemicals, it is more economical and thermally efficient to remove these
gases mechanically. This mechanical process is known as deaeration and will
increase the life of a steam system dramatically. The device use for this process is
known as Deaerator.

Simply speaking, the purposes of De-aerator are:

1. To remove oxygen, carbon dioxide and other non-condensable gases from

feed water
2. To heat the incoming makeup water and return condensate to an optimum
temperature for:
a. Minimizing solubility of the undesirable gases
b. Providing the highest temperature water for injection to the boiler.

There are 1 electric motor driven Boiler Feed Pump at 8.5m floor and 2 nos
Turbine driven Boiler Feed Pump at 17m TG floor. Boiler feed pump (BFP) is a
multistage pump provided for pumping de-aerator outlet water to economizer through
high pressure heaters. Generally, three pumps each of 50% of total capacity are
provided. Booster pump, driven by the main BFP motor/Turbine , is provided before
feed pump to maintain required NPSH even with lower de-aerator height. Operation
of BFP below NPSH may cause severe damage of the pump due to cavitation or
vapour bounding.

The speed of boiler feed pump is controlled either by variable frequency drive
motor or the drive motor or the driving motor connected with variable speed hydraulic
coupling through step up gear. Higher pump speed is required for maintaining
definite delivery head and quantity of the feed water as per requirement of the boiler.


Type: Centrifugal

Quantity: 990 m3/hr

Head: 2050 mwc

Speed: 5465 rpm

Temperature: 161.5°c


With a similar purpose to the low pressure heaters, the high pressure heaters are the
last stage of feedwat er heating before the feedwater enters the boiler system at the
economizer. They are installed after boiler feed pump. No of HPH in DSTPS for each
unit is four (4). Water from BFP passes through bunch of tubes and heating steam
passes through the shell.

High Pressure Heater-5A & 5B:

Shell side Tube side

Design Pressure: 24 Kg/cm2 g 330 Kg/cm2 g
Design temperature: 224°c 244°c

Surface Area: 964 m2

Weight: 44500 Kg

High Pressure Heater-6A & 6B:

Shell side Tube side

Design Pressure: 57 Kg/cm2 g 330 Kg/cm2 g
Design temperature: 273°c 293°c

Surface Area: 1145 m2

Weight: 54000 Kg


An alternator is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to

alternating current electrical energy. Most alternators use a rotating magnetic field. In
principle, any AC generator can be called an alternator, but usually the word refers to
small rotating machines driven by automotive and other internal combustion engines.

Generally it consists of two parts: stator and the rotor. The shaft that runs
through the turbines is coupled to the rotor, which is a large electromagnet inside a
cylinder of copper windings called the stator. As the electromagnet rotates inside the
copper windings, a magnetic field is created which induces a three phase alternating
electric current (AC) in the stator windings.

KILO WATT: 500000

PF: 0.85 LAG

KVA: 588000


AMPS- 16200


AMPS- 4040

RPM: 3000

HZ: 50






A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to

another by magnetic coupling without requiring relative motion between its parts. It
usually comprises two or more coupled windings, and in most cases, a core to
concentrate magnetic flux. An alternating voltage applied to one winding creates a
time-varying magnetic flux in the core, which includes a voltage in the other
windings. Varying the relative number of turns between primary and secondary
windings determines the ratio of the input and output voltages, thus transforming the
voltage by stepping it up or down between circuits. By transforming electrical power
to a high-voltage, low-current form and back again, the transformer greatly reduces
energy losses and so enables the economic transmission of power over long
distances. It has thus shape the electricity supply industry, permitting generation to
be located remotely from point of demand. All but a fraction of the world’s electrical
power has passed through a series of transformer by the time it reaches the

Several types of transformers are used in a power plant. They are,

a. Generator Transformer (GT): This transformer is used to step up the voltage

produced in the generator and that is why it is so named. Here 3 GT are used for
three phase line (1 for each line) and one is kept standby for one unit. The high
voltage thus produced is supplied to the grid. Rated Voltage: 600 MVA

b. Station Transformer (ST): This transformer helps to step down the produced
voltage and this reduced voltage is used for different purposes in the power station.
2 ST for each unit.

c. Unit Auxillary Transformer (UAT)

d. Current Transformer (CT) &

e. Potential Transformer (PT)



Shell side Tube side
Design Pressure: 13.5 Kg/cm2 g 10 Kg/cm2 g
Design temperature: 100°c 100°c

Surface Area: 85 m2
2 in number and are radiography stress relived


Shell side Tube side
Design Pressure: 3 & F.V Kg/cm2 g 40 Kg/cm2 g
Design temperature: 120°c 144°c

Surface Area: 145 m2

Weight: 5400 Kg


Hot fluid side Cold
fluid side
Flow rate: 430 m3/hr 430 m3/hr
Pressure drop: 5 Kg/cm2 g 5 Kg/cm2 g
Inlet temperature: 43.33°c 36°c
Outlet temperature: 38°c 41.33°c
Design pressure: 12 Kg/cm2 g 12 Kg/cm2 g
Hydrostatic pressure: 18 Kg/cm2 g 18 Kg/cm2 g

Total Surface Area: 351.556m2

Empty Weight: 5458 Kg

River water, generally termed as raw water, contains soluble and insoluble
inorganic and organic matters which are harmful for the system. These soluble and
insoluble inorganic and organic matters present in the river water are completely
separated and removed in different stages to improve its quality suitable for using in
the system.

Raw water received at the thermal power plant is passed through Water
Treatment Plant to separate suspended impurities and dissolved gases including
organic substance and then through De-mineralised Plant to separate soluble

The process involved in Water Treatment Plant is as follows:

 Aeration: In this process, the raw water is spread over cascade aerator in
which water flows downwards over many steps in the form of thin waterfalls.
Cascading increases surface area of water to facilitate easy separation of dissolved
undesirable gases (like hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, volatile organic compound
etc.) or to help in oxygenation of mainly ferrous ions in presence of atmospheric
oxygen to ferric ions. These ferric ions promote to some extent in coagulation
process. Removal of gases can be improved by increasing the temperature, time of
aeration and surface area of water.
 Coagulation: Coagulation takes place in a clariflocculator. Coagulant
destabilises suspended solids and agglomerates them into heavier flocs, which is
separated out through sedimentation. Prime chemicals used for coagulation are
alum, poly-aluminium chloride (PAC).
 Filtration: Filters remove coarse suspended matters and remaining flocs or
sludge after coagulation and also reduce the chlorine demand of the water. Filters
beds are developed by placing gravel or coarse anthracite and sand in layers. These
filters bed are regenerated by backwashing and air blowing through it.
 Chlorination: Neutral organic matters are very heterogeneous i.e. it contains
many classes of high molecular weight organic compounds. Humic substances
constitute a major portion of the dissolved organic carbon from surface waters. They
are complex mixtures of organic compounds with relatively unknown structures and
chemical composition. Chlorine-water or sodium hypochloride solution is used as
oxidative biocides to reduce this organic load.

The process involved in De-mineralised plant are as follows:

 Filtration: In Demineralised Plant, the filter water of Water Treatment Plant is
passed through the pressure sand filter (PSF) to reduce turbidity and then through
activated charcoal filter (ACF) to adsorb the residual chlorine and iron in filter water.
The role of ACF is to protect the polymeric chain length of the resin since the
residual chlorine has a tendency to oxidise the resin bed and thereby reducing its life
 Cation removal: The water from ACF is passed through the cation exchange
resin column. The sulphonic, carboxylic groups in resin of cation exchange column
traps all cations (i.e. calcium, sodium, magnesium etc.) of filter water keeping anions
unchanged and liberates equivalent amount of hydrogen ions at the cost of cations,
resulting in formation of acidic solution. The acidic solution contains mainly carbonic
acid (water solution of carbon-di-oxide) and partly frees mineral acid (i.e. HCL,
H2SO4 etc.).
 Anion removal: Un anion exchange column, the quaternary amine group of
resin forms ionic bond with anions like chlorides, sulphates etc., present in the
degasified water. The liberated OH – combines with the H + to form water.
Final washing (Mixed Bed): Finally, the anion exchange outlet water is
passed through cation & anion mixed resin bed to arrest those ions which may come
from any slippage from cation or anion resin bed. The outlet water from mixed bed is
stored in atank, commonly called DM storage tank from where the water is used for
the system, as and when required. This water is completely de-mineralised i.e. free
from all dissolved mineral matter.
 Regeneration of resins: The cation and anion exchange resins are
regenerated with the help of concentrated HCL or H2SO4 and NAOH respectively.

The quality of water at DM plant outlet is: pH-6.8 to 7.0, conductivity<0.2 µS/cm.
And soluble silica<0.02 ppm. This water requires further chemical conditioning during
its circulation through the system. This chemical are applied at different stages with
the help of pumps.
The installed capacity of coal-based Durgapur Steel Thermal Power Station
(DSTPS) is 1000MW (2 x 500MW). The generated voltage is 21KV at Generator
output end. Synchronous speed of BHEL made Alternator is 3000 RPM and it has a
brushless static Exciter. The Alternators are Hydrogen filled, DM water cooled. The
generated power of each unit is transformed from 21KV to 400KV by 600 MVA BHEL
made Generator Transformer. Power evacuation is done by 400KV switchyard and
400KV PGCIL Grid. Presently power evacuation is being done through 400KV LILO
arrangement of DSTPS-Maithon and DSTPS-MTPS Lines.

The auxiliary system of 11KV and 3.3KV for HT Drives and 415 Volts for LT Drives.
In Switchyard, Those are used for driving auxiliary power equipments for the plant,
illumination and other purposes. BHEL made SF6 Breakers have been used. The
construction power supply for the project is obtained from WBSEDCL at 11KV which
is distributed to various working agencies at 415 Volts using 11KV/415 Volt
distribution Transformers.

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