Effectiveness of Calamansi and Baking Soda As Stain Remover

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“KALAMANSI { citrusmicroscarpa} : AN


A Simple Science Experiment

Presented to:

Miss Rny C. Baldelovar


Anthony Synell T. Somcio

Organic fertilizers are fertilizers derived
from animal manure, animal excreta (manure), human excreta,
and vegetable matter (e.g. compost and crop
residues).[1] Naturally occurring organic fertilizers include animal wastes from
meat processing, peat, manure, slurry, and guano.
In contrast, the majority of fertilizers used in
commercial farming are extracted from minerals
(e.g., phosphate rock) or produced industrially
(e.g., ammonia). Organic agriculture, a
system of farming, allows for certain fertilizers and
amendments and disallows others; that is also
distinct from this topic.
Organic fertilizer helps to provide all the nutrients required by the plants and helps to increase
The quality of the soil with a natural microorganism environment.
It is the most advanced tool of bio technology necessary to support developing organic agriculture,
Sustainable agriculture, green agriculture and non-pollution agriculture.
This bio-organic fertilizer can increase the output, improve the quality and it is responsible for
Agriculture environment.
It is well known that the continue use and overuse of petrochemical based fertilizers and toxic
Pesticides have caused a detrimental effect to our soil, water supplies, food, animal

Statement problem:




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