Instructions For Completing The Application Form

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Instructions for Completing the Application Form

A) Please read the SAI & SID carefully before signing the application form and tendering All investments in IDFC Mutual Fund need to comply with the PAN/PERN and KYC
payment. The application form should be filled in block letters and in English only. (including UBO) requirements as stated above, failing which the AMC/Trustee reserve
I. Applicant's name and address must be given in full (P. O. Box Address may not be the right to reject the application.
sufficient. Investors residing overseas, please provide your Indian address). E) Investment details and default options
ii. All communication and payments shall be made to the first applicant or the Karta i. All Plans are available for investments by all categories of investors. (Subject to
in case of HUF. applicable conditions).
iii. The subscription amounts can be tendered by cheque payable locally at any of the ii. In case you wish to opt for multiple Plans / Options, please fill separate application forms.
AMC offices or CAMS Investor Service Centres (ISC) which are designated Official
Points of Acceptance of Transactions and crossed "A/c Payee only" favouring F) Applications under Power of Attorney
'Name of the Scheme'. In case of an application under a Power of Attorney please submit a notarized copy of
B) Regular and Direct Plans the Power of Attorney along with the application form. The Mutual Fund reserves the
In compliance with SEBI circular no.CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 the 'Direct Plans' have been right to reject applications not accompanied by a Power of Attorney. Further, the
introduced in all the eligible schemes of IDFC Mutual Fund along with the 'Surviving Mutual Fund reserves the right to hold redemption proceeds in case the requisite
Plans', which have been renamed as 'Regular Plan', effective January 01, 2013 documents are not submitted.
("Effective Date "). G) Applications by Limited Company / Body Corporate / Registered Society / Trust/
The Direct Plan is only for investors who purchase /subscribe Units in a Scheme directly Partnership Firm have to be submitted with required documents. (Please refer section
with the Fund and is not available for investors who route their investments through a “Q” for the applicable list of documents)
Distributor. All Plans / Options / Sub-Options offered under the Schemes (“Regular H) Applications through Rupee Drafts / NRE / FCNR accounts
Plan”) will also be available for subscription under the ''Direct Plan''. Thus, there shall be
two Plans available for subscription under the Schemes viz., Regular Plan and Direct Plan. In case of FPI / FII / NRls / Persons of Indian Origin applying on repatriation basis,
payment may be made by Cheques drawn out of NRE / FCNR Accounts. In case of
Accordingly, investors subscribing under Direct Plan of XYZ Equity Fund will have to Indian Rupee Drafts purchased abroad or payments from FCNR / NRE accounts, a
indicate the Scheme / Plan name in the application form as “XYZ Equity Fund - Direct certificate from the Bank issuing the draft confirming the debit and / or foreign inward
Plan”. Investors should also indicate “Direct” in the ARN column. In case Distributor remittance certificate (FIRC) issued by investor's banker should also be enclosed. The
code is mentioned on the application form, the Distributor code will be ignored and no Mutual Fund reserves the right to hold redemption proceeds in case the requisite
commission will be paid to the distributor details are not submitted.
Switch of investments from Regular Plan (whether the investments were made before or I) Bank details
after the Effective Date) to Direct Plan shall be subject to applicable exit load, if any.
However, no exit load shall be levied in case of switches from Direct Plan to Regular Plan. Investors are requested to mention the bank account details where the redemption / dividend
Direct Plan shall have a lower expense ratio excluding distribution expenses, commission, cheques should be drawn, since the same is mandatory as per the directives issued by SEBI.
etc and no commission for distribution of Units will be paid / charged under Direct Plan. Applications without this information will be deemed to be incomplete and are liable
C) PAN details for rejection. The Mutual Fund reserves the right to hold redemption proceeds in case
As per SEBI Circular No. MRD/DoP/Cir- 05/2007 dated April 27, 2007, it is now the requisite details are not submitted. Please attach a copy of the cancelled cheque.
mandatory that Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by the Income Tax J) Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Department would be the sole identification number for all participants transacting in
the securities market, irrespective of the amount of transaction. Accordingly investors IDFC-GSF-ST,IP, IDFC-PEF IDFC-TAF IDFC-GSF-PF,
will be required to furnish a copy of PAN together with request for fresh purchases, IDFC-SSIF-IP,ST, (ELSS) IDFC-NF,
additional purchases and Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). Application Forms without MT, IDFC-ASBF, IDFC-AF,
these information and documents will be considered incomplete and are liable to be
rejected without any reference to the investors. The procedure implemented by the AMC IDFC-DBF, IDFC- IDFC-USTF,
and the decisions taken by the AMC in this regard shall be deemed final. MMF-IP, IDFC- IDFC-CF,
D) Details for compliance with Anti Money Laundering (AML) regulations BDF, IDFC-CEF, IDFC-MMF-TP
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, the SEBI Circulars on Anti Money Laundering IDFC-EF, IDFC-
and the Client Identification implementation procedures prescribed by AMFI interalia
require the AMC to verify the records of identity and address(es) of investors. To IEF, IDFC-SEF,
ensure adherence to these requirements, investors are required to approach Points of IDFC-MIP &
Service (POS) (list of POS available on appointed by any of the KYC
Registration Agency and submit documents for completion of appropriate KYC IDFC-AA FoF
checks. The details for KYC compliance can also be downloaded from AMFI website, (CP, MP, AP), or website of the mutual fund, The Mutual Fund
website also prescribes the list of documents that can be submitted by investors to the IDFC-IF, IDFC
POS to get their KYC checks completed. DEF, IDFC-APF,
It is mandatory for all investors (including joint holders, NRIs, POA holders and IDFC-CBF
guardians in the case of minors) to furnish such documents and information as may be
required to comply with the Know Your Customers (KYC) policies under the AML Laws. Minimum Initial Rs. 1,000 Rs. 2,000 Rs. 500 Rs. 100
Applications without such documents and information may be rejected. investment in
In terms of SEBI circulars dated April 27, 2007, April 03, 2008 and June 30, 2008 read lumpsum to
with SEBI letter dated June 25, 2007, Permanent Account Number (PAN) would be the
sole identification number for all participants transacting in the securities market, commence SIP
irrespective of the amount of transaction, except (a) investors residing in the state of Minimum Rs. 1,000 Rs. 2,000 Rs. 500 Rs. 100
Sikkim; (b) Central Government, State Government, and the officials appointed by the installment
courts e.g. Official liquidator, Court receiver etc. (under the category of Government)
and (c) investors participating only in micro-pension. SEBI, in its subsequent letters amount
dated June 19, 2009 and July 24, 2012 has conveyed that systematic investment plans Minimum tenure 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months
(SIP) and lumpsum investments (both put together) per mutual fund up to Rs. 50,000/-
per year per investor shall be exempted from the requirement of PAN. Accordingly, for SIP
investments in IDFC Mutual Fund (including SIP investment where the aggregate of SIP Differential SIP is not allowed in IDFC-PEF.
installments in a rolling 12 months period or in a financial year i.e April to March) of upto
Rs 50,000/- per investor per year shall be exempt from the requirement of PAN. i. If the fund fails to get the proceeds from six consecutive installments out of a series
However, eligible Investors (including joint holders) should comply with the KYC of installments submitted at the time of initiating a SIP (Subject to a minimum of six
requirement through registered KRA by submitting Photo Identification documents as installments), the SIP is deemed as discontinued.
proof of identification and the Proof of Address [self-attested by the investor / attested ii. Minimum six installments are required for SIP extension / renewal.
by the ARN Holder/AMFI distributor]. These exempted investors will have to quote the iii. Switch from Growth to Dividend Option or vice versa is not available for SIP
“PERN (PAN exempt KYC Ref No) in the application form. This exemption of PAN will be investments.
applicable only to investments by individuals (including NRIs but not PIOs), joint
holders, Minors and Sole proprietary firms. PIOs, HUFs and other categories of investors iv. There should be a gap of one month between the first and subsequent installments.
will not be eligible for this exemption. v. In accordance with SEBI letter no MRD/DoP/PAN/PM/166999/2009 dated 19
Thus, submission of PAN is mandatory for all other investors existing as well as June 2009 issued to Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) and subsequent
prospective investors (except the ones mentioned above) (including all joint guidelines issued by AMFI vide its circular no 35P/MEM-COR/4/09-10 dated 14
applicants/holders, guardians in case of minors, POA holders and NRIs but except for July 2009 in this regard, only those SIPs up to Rs 50,000/- per year per investor
the categories mentioned above) for investing with mutual funds from this date. i.e., aggregate of investments in a rolling 12-months period or in a financial year ie
Investors are required to register their PAN with the Mutual Fund by providing the PAN April to March would be classified as 'Micro SIP' .
card copy (along with the original for verification which will be returned across the vi. Investments in Mutual Funds (including SIP investments where the aggregate of SIP
counter). All investments without PAN (for all holders, including Guardians and POA installments in a rolling 12 months period or in a financial year i.e April to March) of upto
holders) are liable to be rejected. Application Forms without quoting of PERN shall be Rs. 50,000/- per investor per year shall be exempt from the requirement of PAN. They
considered incomplete and are liable to be rejected without any reference to the can submit any of the following Photo identification documents in lieu of PAN.
investors. The procedure implemented by the AMC and the decisions taken by the (a) Voter Identity Card
AMC in this regard shall be deemed final.
After completion of KYC compliance, investors need to approach KRA for Change of (b) Driving License
Address and not Registrar (CAMS). In respect of KYC compliant Folio, prospective (c) Government / Defense identification card
Change of Address received along with transaction slip will not be processed by (d) Passport
Registrar (CAMS). The AMC reserves the right to reject subscription requests in the
absence of appropriate compliance with the AML Laws. (e) Photo Ration Card
In line SEBI circular No. MIRSD/Cir-5/2012 dated April 13, 2012 and various other (f) Photo Debit Card (Credit card not included because it may not be backed up
guidelines issued by SEBI on the procedural matters for KYC Compliances, the by a bank account).
following additional provisions are applicable effective December 1, 2012: (g) Employee ID cards issued by companies registered with Registrar of
1) In case of an existing investor who is already KYC Compliant under the erstwhile Companies.
centralized KYC with CVL (CVLMF) then there will be no effect on subsequent (h) Photo Identification issued by Bank Managers of Scheduled Commercial
Purchase/Additional Purchase (or ongoing SIPs/STPs, etc) in the existing Banks / Gazetted Officer / Elected Representatives to the Legislative
folios/accounts which are KYC compliant. Existing Folio holder cannot open a new Assembly / Parliament
folio with IDFC Mutual Fund with the erstwhile centralized KYC. (i) ID card issued to employees of Scheduled Commercial / State / District Co-
2) In case of an existing investor who is not KYC Compliant as per our records, the operative Banks.
investor will have to submit the standard KYC Application forms available in the
website along with supporting documents at any of the SEBI (j) Senior Citizen / Freedom Fighter ID card issued by Government.
registered intermediaries at the time of purchase / additional purchase/ new (k) Cards issued by Universities / deemed Universities or institutes under statutes
registration of SIP/STP etc. In Person Verification (IPV) will be mandatory at the like ICAI, ICWA, ICSI.
time of KYC Submission. This uniform KYC submission would a onetime (l) Permanent Retirement Account No (PRAN) card isssued to New Pension
submission of documentation. System (NPS) subscribers by CRA (NSDL).
3) Investors who have complied with KYC process before December 31, 2011 (KYC status (m) Any other photo ID card issued by Central Government / State Governments/
with CVL-KRA or CAMS-KRA as “MF - VERIFIED BY CVLMF”) and not invested in the Municipal authorities / Government organizations like ESIC / EPFO.
schemes of IDFC Mutual Fund i.e. not opened a folio earlier, and wishes to invest on or
after December 01, 2012, such investors will be required to submit ‘missing/not vii. SIP registration using NACH facility:
available’ KYC information and complete the IPV requirements. 1) NACH facility is being offered to investors having Accounts with such Banks
4) In case of Non Individual investors, complied with KYC process before December 31, 2011, which are participating in NACH Platform;
KYC needs to be done afresh due to significant and major changes in KYC requirements. 2) For registration under NACH, Investors are required to submit registration form
5) Further, investors investing under a SIP up to Rs. 50,000 per year i.e. the aggregate and documents atleast 31 days in advance, before the first SIP instalment date;
of installments in a rolling 12 month period (“Micro SIP”), are also required to 3) The investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH facility of
comply with the above mentioned KYC procedure. However, they are exempt from NPCI and Reserve Bank of India, as may be issued from time to time;
the requirement of providing PAN as a proof of identification.
4) Requests for any changes/ cancellation in the NACH Bank Mandate request
Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) : As per the requirements of Anti-Money Laundering should be submitted atleast 31 days in advance and shall be subject to
related laws and regulatory guidelines on client due diligence and identification of approval from Investors Bank;
Beneficial Ownership, investors (other than Individuals) are required to provide details
of ‘Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) [UBO(s)]’. For the purpose of these guidelines, UBO 5) For list of National Automated Clearing House (NACH) banks please visit
means the natural person or persons who ultimately own, control or influence a client;
and/or persons on whose behalf a transaction is being conducted, and includes those 6) Investor will not hold IDFC AMC/IDFC Trustee Company/IDFC Mutual Fund
persons who exercise ultimate effective control over a legal person or arrangement. In and its service providers responsible if the transaction is delayed, rejected or
case the investor or owner of the controlling interest is a company listed on a stock not effected by the Investor’s Bank or if debited in advance or after the specific
exchange or is a majority owned subsidiary of such a company, the details of SIP date due to various reasons or for any bank charges debited by his banker
shareholders or beneficial owners are not required to be provided. Non-individual in his account towards NACH Registration / Cancellation / Rejections;
applicants/investors are mandated to provide the details on Ultimate Beneficial 7) IDFC AMC reserves the right to reverse allotments in case the Auto debit is
Owner(s) (UBOs) by filling up the declaration form for ‘Ultimate Beneficial rejected by the bank for any reason whatsoever;
Ownership’. Please contact the nearest Investor Service Centre (ISC) of IDFC Mutual
Fund or visit our website for the Declaration Form. 8) IDFC AMC/IDFC Trustee Company shall not be responsible and liable for any
In case of any change in the KYC and / or beneficial ownership information, the investor damages/ compensation for any loss, damage etc., incurred by the investor.
should immediately intimate IDFC AMC / its Registrar / KRA, as may be applicable, The investor assumes the entire risk of using the Auto Debit facility of NACH
about such changes. and takes full responsibility for the same;
9) IDFC AMC/ Trustees reserve the right to discontinue or modify the SIP facility ii. Any application may be accepted or rejected at the sole and absolute discretion of
at any time in future on a prospective basis or in case of rejection by the the Trustee, without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Investors Bank for any reasons; iii. Application forms along with Cheques can be submitted to the AMC office /
10) IDFC AMC reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any Investor Service Centres which are Official Points of Acceptance of Transactions,
reason thereof. listed in the application form or mailed to the Registrar’s office at Chennai.
Incomplete forms are liable to be rejected.
11) CAMS OTM not adhering to the specified size of 8 inches * 3.75 inches, is liable
to be rejected. iv. Only CTS 2010 Compliant Cheques will be accepted for clearing from 31st July’ 2013
as per the RBI guidelines. The word ‘CTS 2010’ should appear on the face of the
viii. SIP Top-up Facility: cheque. Please check with your bank for details on issuance of CTS cheque books.
Top-up SIP is a facility whereby an investor has an option to increase the amount of v. In case the cheque is returned on account of whatever reasons the applicant would
the SIP Installment by a fixed amount at pre-defined intervals. This will enhance the have to fill a new application form and submit the same along with a fresh cheque at
flexibility of the investor to invest higher amounts during the tenure of the SIP. the nearest Official Point of Acceptance of Transactions. The NAV that would be
Terms and conditions of top-up SIP are as follows: applicable would be the NAV as at the day of submission of the new application form
subject to cut-off times of respective schemes.
• The Top-up option must be specified by the investors at the time of SIP registration. vi. At present, debit facility is available with SCB, HDFC, Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI
• The minimum SIP Top-up amount is Rs. 500 and in multiples of Rs. 500 thereafter. Bank and such other banks with which the Fund would have an arrangement from
• The Top-up details cannot be modified once registered. In order to make any time to time.
changes, the investor must cancel the existing SIP and re-register for a fresh vii. The Fund may from time to time commence/ discontinue Direct Credit
SIP with Top-up option. arrangements with various banks for a direct credit of redemptions / Dividends.
Investors would not have to submit a separate consent letter to avail of this service.
• In case of Monthly SIP, Half-yearly as well as Yearly frequency are available The AMC would commence this operation based on the bank mandate details
under SIP Top-up. If the investor does not specify the frequency, the default forwarded by the Investor.
frequency for Top-up will be considered as Yearly. vii. Applications rejected by AMC/CAMS ISC post time stamping cannot be
• Top-up SIP will be allowed in all schemes in which SIP facility is being offered. represented.
SIP Top-up Facility is not available under Micro SIPs ix. Kindly ensure you update the Bank Mandate for redemption payout correctly. IDFC
• All other terms & conditions applicable for regular SIP will also be applicable to will not be responsible for any delay or wrong credit due to the incorrect information.
Top-up SIP. x. Any communication/ dispatch of redemption /dividend proceeds, account statements
• SIP Top-up facility shall be available for SIP Investments only through CAMS OTM. etc. to the unitholders would be made by the Registrar/AMC in such a manner as they
may consider appropriate in line with reasonable standards of servicing. Dividend/
• Registration for this facility is subject to the investor's bankers accepting the Redemption proceeds may also be credited to the Unitholder's bank accounts
mandate for SIP Top-up registration. electronically. In case the Unitholders require these to be sent by cheque/ draft using
ix. SIP Frequency postal /courier service, the unitholders shall provide appropriate instructions for the
same to the AMC/ Registrar.
Monthly : Any date except 29th, 30th, 31st of the month.
xi. Subscription cheque should be locally payable and drawn in favour of the scheme
In case SIP day falls on non-business day, the SIP transaction shall be processed on in which the investment is intended to be made. For example For investment in to
the next business day. IDFC Nifty Fund, the cheque should be drawn in favour of "IDFC Nifty Fund".
x. In case of SIP transactions, AMC shall auto terminate SIP transactions on account of six xii. ‘Dividend Payout Option’ of Regular Plan & Direct Plan of all Open ended
continuous failures including but not limited to below stated reasons : Scheme(s) of IDFC Mutual Fund, dividend amount payable of upto Rs.100/- under
i) Insufficient funds/payment stopped by Investor; a folio shall compulsorily be reinvested in the same option of the Scheme. Such
dividend shall be re-invested at the prevailing ex-dividend Net Asset Value per
ii) CAMS OTM is not registered with bank. Unit on the Record Date.
iii) Bank Account provided by the investor does not exist; M) Minimum period of 7 business days are required for execution of Dividend Sweep /
iv) Bank Account closed or transferred by the investor; STP option from the date of receiving the application.
N) List of Schemes :IDFC Premier Equity Fund (IDFC-PEF), IDFC Classic Equity Fund
v) Investors account description does not tally with the description maintained by (IDFC-CEF), IDFC Imperial Equity Fund (IDFC-IEF), IDFC Arbitrage Fund (IDFC-AF),
RTA/Mutual Fund; IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund (IDFC-APF), IDFC Equity Fund (IDFC-EF), IDFC Sterling
vi) In case of specific court order. Equity Fund (IDFC-SEF), IDFC All Seasons Bond Fund (IDFC-ASBF), IDFC Tax
xi. As per the revised guidelines on KYC procedures, investors investing in Micro SIP Advantage (ELSS) Fund (IDFC-TA(ELSS)F), IDFC Super Saver Income Fund -
would have to undergo detailed KYC procedure as mentioned in Statement of Investment Plan (IDFC- SIF-IP)
Additional Information (SAI) including IPV and will have to submit additional IDFC Super Saver Income Fund - Medium Term Plan (IDFC-SSIF-MT), IDFC Super Saver
documents as specified in addendum dated December 29, 2010. Income Fund - Short Term Plan (IDFC-SSIF-ST), IDFC Monthly Income Plan (IDFC-
MIP), IDFC Dynamic Bond Fund (IDFC-DBF), IDFC Cash Fund (IDFC-CF), IDFC Ultra
In case the application for subscription does not comply with the above provisions, Short Term Fund (IDFC-USTF), IDFC Money Manager Fund - Investment Plan (IDFC-
The AMC/ Trustees retain the sole and absolute discretion to reject/ not process MMF-IP), IDFC Money Manager Fund - Treasury Plan (IDFC-MMF-TP), IDFC
such application and refund the subscription money and as such not be liable for any Government Securities Fund - Investment Plan (IDFC-GSF-IP), IDFC Government
such rejection. Securities Fund - Short Term Plan (IDFC-GSF-ST), IDFC Government Securities Fund -
K) Declaration and signatures Provident Fund Plan (IDFC-GSF-PF), IDFC Asset Allocation Fund of Funds -
i. Signature can be in English or in any other Indian language. Thumb impressions Conservative Plan (IDFC-AAF-CP), IDFC Asset Allocation Fund of Funds - Moderate
must be attested by a Magistrate / Notary Public under his / her official seal. Plan (IDFC-AAF-MP), IDFC Asset Allocation Fund of Funds - Aggressive Plan (IDFC-
AAF-AP),IDFC Nifty Fund (IDFC-NF), IDFC Infrastructure Fund (IDFC-IF), IDFC
ii. In case of HUF, the Karta wiII sign on behalf of the HUF. Banking Debt Fund (IDFC-BDF) IDFC Dynamic Equity Fund (IDFC-DEF)
iii. Applications by minors should be signed by their guardian. O) CAMS OTM will be applicable for all banks participating on NACH platform.
L) General instructions
i. List of Official Points of Acceptance is available on the website of the Mutual Fund.
P) List of documents to be submitted with the application form:
Document Sr. Documents Individuals Companies Trusts Societies Partnership NRIs Investments HUF
submitted No. Firm through
Kindly (P) POA
1 Resolution / Authorisation to invest P P P P
2 List of Authorised Signatories with Specimen P P P P P
3 Memorandum & Articles of Association P
4 Trust Deed P
5 Bye-Laws P
6 Partnership Deed P
7 Notarised Power of Attorney P
8 Account Debit Certificate in case payment is made P
by DD from NRE/FCNR A/c where applicable
9 PAN/PERN Proof (not required for existing investors) P P P P P P P P
10 KYC acknowledgment letter P P P P P P P P
11 Copy of cancelled Cheque P P P P P P P P
12 UBO Form P P P P
Note: Financial Institutional Investors (FIIs) should submit the Certificate of Registration (CR), Constitution Document, Resolution and Banker’s Certificate / Authorized
Signatory List (ASL) along with the Application Form. All documents in 1 to 6 above should be originals or true copies certified by the Director / Trustee / Company Secretary /
Authorised Signatory / Notary Public / Partner as applicable. Originals will be handed over after verification.

Q) AMC will bear Demand Draft charges, only for Equity Schemes, except Fund of Fund registered (old) bank account.
and Nifty Fund, in locations where CAMS and AMC offices are not present. U) The request for updation of bank accounts in the folio should be submitted either
Amount of Investment : Rs. 10,000/- Actual, subject to maximum Rs. 50/- through the Multiple Bank Account Registration Form or a standalone separate
AboveRs.10,000/-,Rs.3/-per1,000/-,subjecttomaximumofRs.10,000/- Change of Bank Mandate form only.
R) “On Behalf of Minor” Accounts: Any one of the following documents in Original or copy attested by bankers should
a) The minor shall be the first and the sole holder in the folio. accompany the change request form. Cancelled cheque of the new bank mandate
b) Guardian, being a natural guardian (i.e. father or mother) or a court appointed with first unit holder name and bank account number printed on the face of the
legal guardian should submit requisite documentary evidence to AMC/registrar of cheque OR a Self attested bank statement OR self-attested copy of the Bank
fund to ascertain relationship/status of guardian. passbook with current entries (not older than 3 months) OR Bank Letter duly signed
c) Date of birth of the minor along with supporting documents (i.e. Birth certificate, by branch manager/authorized personnel AND
School leaving certificate / Mark sheet issued by Higher Secondary Board of Cancelled cheque of the existing (old) bank mandate with first unit holder name and
respective states, ICSE, CBSE, Passport, PAN card etc., or other prescribed bank account number printed on the face of the cheque OR original bank account
documents) should be provided while opening the folio. statement / Pass book OR original letter issued by the bank on the letterhead
d) The minor cannot nominate any one on his / her investment. confirming the bank account holder with the account details, duly signed and
S) Transaction Charges : As per the SEBI circular No Cir / IMD / DF / 13/ 2011 dated 22nd stamped by the Branch Manager OR in case such bank account is already closed, a
August 2011 transaction charges shall be applicable for purchase / Subscription duly signed and stamped original letter from such bank on the letter head of bank,
receive from investors through distributor, who have opted to received transaction confirming the closure of said account.
charges as detailed below: V) Employee Unique Identification Number (EUIN) : Pursuant to SEBI guidelines,
1. For existing investors in a Mutual Fund, the distributor may be paid Rs. 100/- as investor(s) have the provision in the application form to specify the unique identity
transaction charge per subscription of Rs. 10,000/- and above. number (“EUIN”) of the employee/relationship manager/sales person (“RM”) of the
2. As an incentive to attract new investors, the distributor may be paid Rs. 150/- as distributor interacting with the investor(s) for the sale of mutual fund products, along
transaction charge for a first time investor in Mutual Funds. with the AMFI Registration Number (“ARN”) of the mutual fund distributor. AMFI has
allotted EUIN to all the RM’s of AMFI registered mutual fund distributors. Investors
3. The transaction charge, if any, shall be deducted by the AMC from the subscription are required to specify the valid ARN of the distributor (including sub-broker where
amount and paid to the distributor; and the balance shall be invested. applicable), and the valid EUIN of the distributor’s/sub-broker’s RM in the application
4. There shall be no transaction charge on subscription below Rs. 10,000/-. form in the place provided for it. This will assist in handling the complaints of mis-
5. In case of SIPs, the transaction charge shall be applicable only if the total commitment selling, if any, even if the RM on whose advice the transaction was executed leaves the
through SIPs amounts to Rs. 10,000/- and above. In such cases the transaction charge employment of the distributor.
shall be recovered in 3-4 installments. W) Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) are defined as Individuals who are or have been
T) AMC will follow the concept of cooling period as enumerated in AMFI circular number entrusted with prominent public functions in a foreign country, e.g., Heads of States
135/BP/17/10-11 dated October 22, 2010, whenever any change of bank mandate or of Governments, senior politicians, senior government/judicial/military officers,
request is received / processed few days prior to submission of a redemption request senior executives of state-owned corporations, important political party officials, etc.
or on the same day as a standalone change request. X) Country of Tax Residence and Tax ID number : Tax Regulations require us to collect
The entire activity of verification of cooling period cases and release of redemption information about each investor’s tax residency. In certain circumstances (including if
payment shall be carried out within the period of 10 working days from the date of we do not receive a valid self-certification from you) we may be obliged to share
redemption. This is in accordance with sub clause (c) of Regulation 53 of the information on your account with relevant tax authorities. If you have any questions
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Fund) regulations, 1996 and SEBI about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor. Should any information
circular no. SEBI/MFD/CIR/2/266/2000 dated 19th May 2000. provided change in the future, please ensure you advise us of the changes promptly.
In case a redemption request is received before the change of bank details has been If you are a US citizen or resident, please include United States in this related field
validated and registered, the redemption request would be processed to the currently along with your US Tax Identification Number.

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