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Digital Control of Switching Power Converters

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Proceedings of the TA2.

2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Toronto, Canada, August 28-31, 2005

Digital Control of Switching Power Converters

Yan-Fei Liu P.C. Sen
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N6 Canada, K7L 3N6
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract –The paper reviews the latest advance of the digital Digital control method emerges as a better solution than
control technologies in DC-DC converters. The research on the analog one as the cost of digital circuits has been reduced
digital control is mainly focused on two areas. One is the significantly in recent years. A lot of research has been
methods to generate digital PWM (DPWM) signals to meet the performed in the areas of digital control of switching power
output voltage accuracy requirement. Various dithering
supplies and significant progress has been achieved. The
techniques have been developed to improve the output voltage
resolution and at the same time to reduce the clock frequency research work for digital control is mainly focused in two
requirement. The other is to develop new control methods that areas. One is how to generate Digital Pulse Width
can utilize the advantages of the digital controller so as to Modulation (DPWM) signal. The other is to develop new
improve the dynamic performance of the switching power digital control strategies that can take advantages of digital
converters. Several new digital control methods have been circuit to improve the dynamic performance of switching
proposed and significant dynamic performance improvement power supplies.
has been achieved. This paper reviews the recent advances in the digital
control of switching power converters in these two areas.
I. INTRODUCTION Section II of the paper summarizes the advantages of digital
control. Section III of the paper reviews technologies to
DC-DC switching power supplies are used extensively in generate DPWM signals. Section IV and V review the new
all areas of our work and daily life. For example, switching digital control algorithms that can significantly improve the
power supply is used in communication power systems, in dynamic performance of switching power supplies. Some
our computers, and in our cell phones. The fundamental experimental results are provided to demonstrate the
objective of the power supply is to maintain the output performance improvement. Section VI is the conclusion.
voltage stable when its input voltage and/or its load current
Feedback control is used to achieve this objective. Analog
circuit is used almost exclusively in today’s DC-DC Although analog control is almost exclusively used in
switching power supplies because of its simplicity. today’s switching power supply, it can not meet requirement
In order to improve the performance and speed of the for the power requirement of today’s digital circuit. It has
digital integrated circuit, such as CPU, FPGA (Field several disadvantages, such as large part count, low
Programmable Gate Array), and other ASIC (Application flexibility, low reliability and sensitive to the environmental
Specific IC), the supply voltage to these circuits reduces influence such as thermal, aging and tolerance.
continuously. Five to ten years ago, the voltage is 5V and In addition, power converters are very complicated due to
3.3V. Recently, the supply voltage is reduced to around 1V. the nonlinear and time varying nature of switches, variation
It is expected in future, the supply voltage will become below of parameters, fluctuations of input voltage and load current.
0.5V. What makes the situation even worse is that modern Sometimes, it is difficult to get the accurate model of power
CPU requires more current. It requires more than 100A and converter system. In analog implementation, power
very fast load current change. converters are usually designed using linear models.
The combination of lower output voltage and higher Therefore, it is difficult to design the control algorithms with
output current poses a significant challenge to power supply high performance by using the analog control method.
design. The lower the output voltage, the smaller the voltage Digital control of switching power supply becomes more
margin becomes, and therefore it is more difficult to maintain and more attractive. Compared with analog circuit, digital
the output voltage with the regulation range. High load control system offers a numbers of advantages,
current increases the voltage drop between the output pins of (1) Programmability
the switching power supply and the CPU. Fast load current In digital control, all the control algorithms are realized by
change makes it even more difficult to meet the voltage software. Therefore, the digital control system has high
regulation. programmability. Different control algorithms can be easily
Analog circuits have been dominating in the control of implemented into the same hardware control system. When
switching power supplies because of its simplicity and low the design requirement is changed, it is very easy and fast for
implementation cost. Unfortunately, it is can not meet the digital controllers to change the corresponding software. The
more and more stringent requirement of today’s and future development time and cost will be greatly reduced.
digital ICs. Alternatives have to be used. (2) High Flexibility

0-7803-9354-6/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE 635

Communication, protection, prevention and monitoring converter with 12V input and 1V output, and with switching
circuits could be easily built in the digital control system. frequency of 1MHz, in order to achieve 0.25% accuracy, 11-
Important operation data can be saved in the memory of bit ADC is needed and 12-bit DPWM is needed. Therefore, a
digital control systems for diagnose. In addition, digital clock frequency of 4GHz will be needed. This is too high.
control system eases the ability to connect multiple Extensive research has been done to achieve high enough
controllers and power stages. The system integration resolution of output voltage with reasonable clock frequency.
becomes easier. Some of these methods are (1) fast clock counter comparator,
(3) Fewer components (2) dither method, (3) tapped delay line and (4) ring
In digital control system, fewer components are used oscillator.
compared with the analog circuit. Therefore, the digital (2) Fast clock counter comparator
control system is less susceptible to the environmental One simple method to achieve high resolution of DPWM
variations. Hence, digital control system has better reliability generation is using a fast-clocked counter comparator scheme
than analog circuits. [3]. Fig. 1 shows the structure of counter-comparator scheme.
(4) Advanced control algorithms
Most importantly, it is much easier to implement the
advanced control techniques into digital control system.
Advanced control algorithms can greatly improve the
dynamic performance of power converter system. These
advanced control methods can be implemented easily using
digital circuit, but not analog circuit. As a result, the system
dynamic performance could be significantly improved.
The above mentioned advantages make the digital control
a viable option to meet the requirement for latest CPU and
other digital circuit application.


As compared with analog circuit, one major drawback of

digital control is resolution of the PWM signal. A lot of work Fig. 1 Digital fixed frequency counter-comparator scheme
has been done to solve this problem. In this scheme, the reference voltage and feedback output
(1) Requirement of PWM signal resolution voltage are converted to equivalent pulse signals separately.
Due to the nature of digital signal, the duty cycle generated In every sampling period, digital PID controller samples
by the Digital Pulse Width Modulator (DPWM) can only these two pulse signals and given out the calculated duty
provide discrete number. Therefore, the output voltage is also cycle value. A system counter is used to generate the fixed
a discrete value. For example, for Buck converter and for a sampling period and saw-tooth switching waveform. By
given required resolution in the output voltage, ∆VO, the comparing the saw-tooth waveform and the numerical duty
number of bits required for the analog to digital converter cycle value, the switch of the converter is turned on/off. This
(ADC), NADC, is given scheme is very simple and easy to implement.
§ 1 · §V · However, in this circuit, a very high frequency clock
N ADC = log 2 ¨ ¸ = log 2 ¨¨ IN ¸¸ (1) frequency and other related fast logic circuits are needed to
© ∆D ¹ © ∆VO ¹ achieve sufficient DPWM resolution at high switching
In order to avoid a phenomenon known as limit cycle frequency. Therefore, the power consumption is very high. In
oscillation [1], the number of bits required for the Digital addition, in multiphase application, this circuit can not be
PWM generator, DPWM, is at least one greater than the easily shared among phases, so independent counter-
ADC, so NDPWM is given by comparator pair is needed for each phase. This increases the
N DPWM = N ADC + 1 (2) die area and power consumption even further [4].
(3) Dithering method
When the power converter is in limit cycle oscillation,
In order to increase the resolution of DPWM, several
output voltage oscillates at frequencies lower than the
dither methods are proposed to increase the effective
switching frequency [1]. The amplitude and frequency of
resolution of DPWM generation without increasing the clock
limit cycle ring is hard to predict and compensate. This
frequency [1] - [5]. By using dither methods, the LSB bit of
would affect the operation of its load. Therefore, it is very
the duty cycle is alternating between 0 and 1 in a specific
important to achieve high resolution of PWM generation in
pattern during the steady state operation. As a result, the
digital control of DC-to-DC converters.
effective resolution of DPWM is increased, shown in Fig. 2.
Theoretically, as long as the clock frequency of digital
circuit is high enough as compared with the switching
frequency, the limit cycle oscillation can be avoided.
Unfortunately, the required clock frequency will be too high
to be implemented efficiently. For example, for a Buck

Recently, tapped delay line techniques are used to achieve
high resolution DPWM [6]. The essential components of the
tapped delay line DPWM circuit are the delay line and
multiplexer, shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 2 Illustration of 1 bit dither method

Fig. 5 Structure of DPWM circuit using tapped delay line
Fig. 3 shows a dither generation scheme based on a look-
up table [1]. In the proposed look-up table, 2M dither A pulse from a reference clock starts a cycle and sets the
sequences are stored for the M LSBs of the duty cycle value. DPWM output to go high. The reference pulse propagates
Each sequence is M bit long. By selecting the dither through the delay line, and when it reaches the output
sequence corresponding to the appropriate M LSB’s value, M selected by the multiplexer, the DPWM output goes low. The
bit counter sweeps through this dither sequence. By using total delay of the delay line is adjusted to match the reference
this dither pattern, the effective DPWM resolution is clock period.
increased by M bits. The power loss is significant reduced compared with the
fast counter-comparator scheme as the fast clock is replaced
by a delay line, which operates at the switching frequency of
the converter. One disadvantage of this method is that the
size of multiplexer increases exponentially with the number
of resolution bits [4]. Another drawback of the tapped delay
line is that when it is applied to the multiphase control,
precise delay matching among the phases places a stringent
symmetry requirement on the delay line. In [7] - [8],
Fig. 3 Arbitrary dither patterns to the duty cycle combined delay line-counter structures are used to make a
In reference [5], another simple dither method is presented compromise between die area and power. However, the
to increase the resolution of DPWM generation, as shown in asymmetry of the delay line remains a problem for
Fig. 4. multiphase application.
(4) Ring-Oscillator
d M+N dN A new DPWM scheme using ring-oscillator for 4-phase
T runc application is proposed in [4]. Main component of the
DPWM module is a ring-MUX scheme, shown in Fig. 6.
¦ -

Fig. 4 The block diagram of accumulating dither method

The input of the dither module is an M+N bit duty cycle
signal dM+N. The M LSBs of dM+N are truncated by the dither
method to get the N bit output duty cycle signal dN for
DPWM. The residual error dM is accumulated and then added
back to the input of dither circuit. By using this dither
method, the resolution of DPWM generation is increased by Fig. 6 Structure of DPWM circuit using ring oscillator
M bits, too.
These two dither methods have advantages such as simple The above scheme is composed of 128 stage differential
and easy to implement, and high DPWM resolution can be ring oscillators, which yield 256 symmetrically oriented taps,
achieved in high switching frequency without increasing the and a 256-4 MUX that can select the appropriate signals
clock frequency and power consumption. However, by using from the ring. During the operation, a square wave
dither methods, sub-harmonic may occurs, with frequency propagates along the ring. When the rising edge reaches tap
lower than the switching frequency. This may cause EMI zero in the ring, the rising edge of the PWM signal for phase
problem during the operation. one is generated. The falling edge of this PWM signal is
(4) Tapped delay line generated when the rising edge of the propagating square
wave reaches a specified tap in the ring.

This scheme has area and power consumption similar to and current mode control together, the advantages of both
those of the delay line techniques. However, this scheme has methods will be exploited. A new fuzzy logic control system
the advantage of symmetric structure. Since the different using inductor current feedback is proposed in [11]. Fig. 7
phases can be tapped out from symmetric positions on the shows its block diagram.
ring, this technique is especially suitable for multiphase RL L
PWM generation [4].
It is shown from the above review that with the techniques

developed so far, the resolution of the duty cycle, and Vin

C Ro Vo

consequently, the resolution of the output voltage, is high -

enough to avoid the limit cycle oscillation and to maintain
reasonably low clock frequency. A digital controller
prototype built in [14] achieves switching frequency of 4 Vo(k)
MHz with clock frequency of only 128 MHz. +
V ref

PD like Fuzzy eu (k)
- + iLref + iLref_P
ALGORITHMS + Controller
ce u(k) +
It should be noted that achieving high enough output K i /(1− z −1 )
voltage resolution is only one small part of the digital control
equation. It demonstrates that the digital control is a viable Fig. 7 Block diagram of current mode fuzzy logic controller
solution. A more important part is to develop new control using iL in the inner control loop
algorithms that can take advantages of digital circuits and As shown in the above figure, the current mode fuzzy
improve the dynamic performance of the switching power logic control is implemented with two control loops. The
supplies. outer voltage loop is controlled by a PD like fuzzy logic
Among many available digital control methods, fuzzy controller with integrator, and the inner current loop is
logic controller (FLC) has emerged as one of the most active controlled by a PID controller. The output of the voltage loop
and promising control methods in the power electronics due serves as the reference of the inductor current.
to its capability of fast computation with high precision. The The current mode FLC method has significant advantages
fuzzy control systems are based on expert knowledge that as the inductor current is utilized. The system stability and
converts the human linguistic concepts into an automatic response time can be improved as compared with
control strategy without any complicated mathematical conventional fuzzy logic control.
modelling [9]. Therefore, it naturally provides the ability to (2) Fuzzy logic control with ESO
deal with the highly nonlinear, time-variant and ill-defined In order to further improve the dynamic performance of
systems where the mathematical models are difficult to be current mode fuzzy logic controller, a new nonlinear
obtained or the control variables are too hard to measure. configuration called Extended State Observer (ESO) is
This makes it well suited in resolving the time-varying introduced into the control of DC-to-DC converter [12]. Fig.
nonlinear nature of switches in DC-to-DC converters [10]. 8 shows its block diagram.
In addition, design of fuzzy logic controller is easier than RL L
other advanced control methods in that its control function is
described by using fuzzy sets and if-then rules rather than

cumbersome mathematical equations or large look-up tables. Vin

C Ro Vo

This will greatly reduce the development costs and time. -

More importantly, fuzzy logic control can provide
desirable both small signal and large signal dynamic
performance at the same time, which is not possible with -
+ ref
linear control technique. Therefore, fuzzy logic controller has d(k+1)

been potential ability to improve the robustness of DC-to-DC iL(k)

PID or + + iLref + iLref_P PD like Fuzzy
converters. FLC Logic Controller ceu(k) +
In this section, two new digital control algorithms based +
on fuzzy logic control is reviewed. K i /(1 − z −1 )
(1) Current mode fuzzy logic control
It is well known that the inductor current plays a very Vo(k)

important role in the dynamic response of DC-to-DC ∆iL (k )


converter. It can provide additional information on the
energy stored in the converter. It is known that using the Fig. 8 Block diagram of current mode fuzzy logic controller with
current feedback, better dynamic performance can be ESO
achieved. The stability of the converter system can also be
improved. Therefore, by combining the fuzzy logic controller Based on the concept of generalized derivative and
nonlinear feedback, extended state observer is inherently

suitable for dealing with the system uncertainties, even in the
presence of large and fast variation of load disturbances and
parameters changes.
Using the ESO, accurate estimation and compensation of
system disturbances, such as load current change, could be
achieved. In addition, in the design procedure of ESO, the
accurate knowledge of power converter model is not
required. As a result, the design of ESO is inherently
independent of the mathematical model of the controlled
system and its parameters. Therefore, this observer has the
advantage of good robustness.
Experimental result shows that significant dynamic
performance improvement can be achieved with ESO, as
shown in Fig. 9.


(a) Current Fuzzy Logic Control
The above discussed control method can improve the
dynamic performance of the switching converters. However,
it cannot guarantee that the best possible transient response
can be achieved. In other word, there may still be a huge
room for improvement in terms of dynamic performance.
In theory, for any specific power converter, there must be
a best possible dynamic performance (minimum overshoot
and/or minimum transient time) under load current change
and input voltage change.
In [13], new digital optimal control algorithms are
developed to achieve the best possible dynamic performance
of DC-to-DC converters under load current change and input
voltage change. The basic idea of the control strategy is
illustrated in Fig. 10.
When the load current has a step change, the output
(b) Current Fuzzy Logic Control with ESO
capacitor is discharged to supply the extra load current and at
Fig. 9 Experimental result of output voltage response to load
the same time, the inductor current should be increased by current change from 1A to 3A for Boost converter (X
increasing the duty cycle. axis: 1ms/div; Y axis: 500mv/div)
It can be observed from Fig. 10 that at the end of time
period t1, the inductor current reaches the same level of the t up t down
output current. Before the end of t1, the extra load current is
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4
supplied by the output capacitor. After the end of t1 period,
the inductor current should keep rising to charge the output iL 2
capacitor. If the inductor current stops rising at the end of t2
period, such that the discharged area A0 + A1 + A3 equals to
the charged area A2, then the output voltage will recover to
its original value and at the same time, the inductor current
reaches to the new steady state value. In this case, the io 2
dynamic response will be fastest and the output voltage iL 4 A3 iL 3
undershoot will be the minimum. The key point is to decide A0 A1
the time period t2. In [13], the detailed equations are provided
to determine the time period t2, as well as other time periods
in order to achieve the best possible dynamic performance. i o1
i L1
Experimental result shown in Fig. 11 demonstrates that the Ts 2T s MTs NT s
best possible control strategy produces much better dynamic
performance such as very small overshoot and transient time
Point 0 Point 4 Point 2 Point 3
compared with the conventional current mode PID controller. Point 1

Fig. 10 Optimal inductor current transient for load current

positive change

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VI. CONCLUSION current mode fuzzy logic controller for DC-to-DC converters”,
The 18th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference,
This paper reviews the digital control technologies for APEC 2003, vol.2, pp. 983-989.
switching power supplies. After reviewing the advantages of [12] Guang Feng, Wanfeng Zhang, Yan-Fei Liu, “A new current
digital control, the paper described various DPWM feedback fuzzy logic controller with extended state observer
technologies to achieve high enough output voltage for DC-to-DC converters”, The 19th Annual IEEE Applied
Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2004, vol.3, pp. 1771-
resolution at reasonable clock frequency, and therefore, to
demonstrate that DPWM can achieve same performance as [13] Guang Feng, Wilson Eberle, Yan-Fei Liu, “A New Digital
analog PWM and to meet the accuracy requirement. Control Algorithm to Achieve Optimal Dynamic Performance
The paper described the control strategies that can take in DC-to-DC Converters”, paper submitted to PESC 2005.
advantages of digital circuits in order to improve the dynamic [14] E. O’Malley, K. Rinne, “A programmable digital pulse width
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Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2004, vol.1,
described and dynamic performance can be improved.
The basic idea of the best possible control strategy is
described. Based on the charge balance concept, this control
method can achieve the best possible dynamic response for a
given set of converter parameters, such as inductor value,
capacitor value, switching frequency. The experimental
result shows significant transient performance improvement.
Digital control is the trend in switching mode power
supply control and better performance can be achieved using
digital control.

[1] A.V. Peterchev, S.R. Sanders, “Quantization resolution and
limit cycling in digitally controlled PWM converters”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 18, no. 1, 2003, pp.
301- 308
[2] A. Prodic, D. Maksimovic, R.W. Erickson, “Design and
implementation of a digital PWM controller for a high-


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