Chapter 18 - Computer Aided Manufacturing PDF
Chapter 18 - Computer Aided Manufacturing PDF
Chapter 18 - Computer Aided Manufacturing PDF
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics
University of Patras, Greece
Patras, 2017
Amongst other benefits provided by CAM, Post identifies the following (Post
Greater flexibility
Product variety
Small lot-sizes
Reduced waste
In the early 1950s, shortly after the World War II, the need for complex parts
led to the invention of the Numerical Control (NC) that substituted the
requirements for skilled human machine operators (Chang et al. 2006)
Among the first CAD/CAM systems was UNISURF that was developed by
Pierre Bezier in 1971 for the Renault industry and allowed surface modelling
for automotive body design and tooling (Bezier 1989)
➢ GKS. ANSI and ISO standard that interfaces the application program with
support package
➢ PHIGS, that supports high function workstations and their related
CAD/CAM applications
➢ VDI (Virtual Device Metafile), that describes the functions needed to
describe a picture
➢ NAPLPS, that describes text and graphics in the form of sequences of
bytes in ASCII code
Alongside with CAD, robotics and CNC, CAM is exploited by the majority of
the production systems nowadays
Apart from the fact that the CAM technology has brought a revolution in
manufacturing systems by enabling mass production and greater
flexibility (Yeung2003)
It has also enabled the direct link between the three-dimensional (3D)
CAD model and its production
➢ optimization
Figure 5:The collaboration between CAM, CAPP and CAD systems (Ming et al.2008)
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Associate Professor Dimitris Mourtzis
Application of CAM in the Production
The data interface between CAM and CAD is displayed in Figure 6
The mechanical drawing files from CAD applications are required from the
CAM system in order for a part to be manufactured.
Figure 6: CAD/CAM links and flow of a computer-aided system (Rehg and Kraebber 2005)
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Associate Professor Dimitris Mourtzis
Numerical Control (NC) and CAM
Numerical Control Reminders
In 1947, John Parson of the Parsons Group, began experimenting with the
idea of using tree-axis curvature data to control machine tool motion for
the production of aircraft components. The project was funded by the US Air
The coding of the early NC machines and todays CNCs is performed using
the same standards, namely G&M codes formalized as the ISO 6893
standard (International Standards Organization 1982)
The codes were stored in magnetic tapes, the most common of which were
¼ - inch computer grade cassette tape
In order for the machine code to be produced, certain stages are required as
shown in Figure 7
Figure 8: Direct Numerical Control (Seames 2002) Figure 9:Distributed Numerical Control
(Seames 2002)
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Associate Professor Dimitris Mourtzis
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and CAM
The main challenge in the installation of a FMS lies to the control of the
complex network of equipment and shop floor activities of such a system
Moreover, by integrating CAPP systems into FMS, the process plans can
be created rapidly and consistently and total new processes can be
developed as fast as plans similar to those for existing components (Rehg
and Kraebber 2005)
The high-end CAM software targets large enterprises that require absolute
control of the manufacturing parameters in order to produce an optimum
High-end systems include functionalities that support a fourth or for full 5
axis machining:
➢ constant tool loading features
➢ automatic step-over calculation
➢ automatic detection
➢ removal of rest material
➢ rendered machining simulations
Software vendors are currently developing integrated CAD/CAM systems,
further enhancing the capabilities of today's CAM applications
For 2009, Dassault Systèmes was the market leader on the basis of both
direct vendor revenues received and end-user payments for CAM software
and services
Planit Holdings was the leader on the basis of industrial seats installed
Adding to that, self-evolving robots are a fairly new concept and will have
positive impact on CAM systems
The cost of designing and building a robot will be reduced from millions
of dollars to just a few thousand dollars
Design Part
Assembly Part
Design Stock
Prismatic machining
Machining simulation
G - code
Figure 13b:CAD/CAM Process to generate G-Code
Execute code
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Associate Professor Dimitris Mourtzis
CATIA-CAM Tutorial
Profile contouring
Curve following
Grove Milling
Point to Point
Prismatic Roughing
4axis pocketing
The options we focus on are :“Post Processor ,Controller Emulation folder” and
“Tool output point”
We select:
Tool Tip
Firstly we select part operation from the process tree and by double-clicking the menu
➢ Then select 3axis machine (default choice) and in the tooling tab
• Post Processor
Design Part
We select Stock:
We select Pocketing
We select closed
By right clicking
we remove all
2. Chang T C, Wysk R A and Wang H P (2006) Computer-Aided Manufacturing, 3rd ed. Prentice-
Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
3. Chryssolouris G (2005) Manufacturing Systems: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag,
New York.
8. ISO 10303-1 standard (1994) Product data representation and exchange, Part 1: Overview and
fundamental principles
9. ISO 10303-238 standard (2004) Product data representation and exchange, Part 238:
Application protocol: Application interpreted model for computerized numerical controllers
10. ISO 14649-1 standard (2003) Data model for computerized numerical controllers, Part 1:
Overview and fundamental principles
11. ISO6 983-1 standard (1982) Numerical control of machines—program format and definition of
address words, Part 1: Data format for positioning, Line motion and contouring control systems
12. Koenig D T (1990) Computer Integrated Manufacturing – Theory and Practice, 1st ed. Taylor &
Francis, New York
15. Newman S T, Nassehi A, Xu X W, Rosso Jr. R S U, Wang L, Yusof Y, Ali L, Liu R, Zheng L Y,
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manufacturing using CNC technology. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
18. Reinhart G and Wunsch G (2007) Economic application of virtual commissioning to mechatronic
production systems. Computer Aided Engineering 1(4):371-379
19. Rehg J A and Kraebber H W (2005) Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall,
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
20. Seames W S (2002) Computer Numerical Control. Concepts & Programming, 4th ed. Delmar,
New York
21. "S. Makris, D. Mourtzis, G. Chryssolouris, “Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)”, CIRP
Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, Luc Laperrière and Gunther Reinhart (Εds.), ISBN:
978-3-642-20616-0, DOI: 10.1007/SpringerReference_341106, "
22. Yeung M K (2003) Intelligent process-planning system or optimal CNC programming – a step
towards complete automation of CNC programming. Integrated Manufacturing Systems
23. Zeid I (1991) CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, International ed. (Computer Science Series).
MacGraw-Hill, New York