Daily Routine Notification.
Daily Routine Notification.
Daily Routine Notification.
Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the
Requirements of the award of the Degree of
Sujeeth Shetty:-1942037
Under the esteemed guidance of
This is to certify that the project entitled, " Daily routine notifications ", is bonafied work of
Sujeeth Shetty bearing Seat.No:- (1942037) submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
University of Mumbai.
External Examiner
College Seal
(Note: All entries of the proforma of approval should be filled up with appropriate
and complete information. Incomplete proforma of approval in any respect will be
summarily rejected.)
I here by declare that the project entitled, “Daily routine notifications.” done at
VPM’S R.Z Shah College, has not been in any case duplicated to submit to any other
university for the award of any degree. To the best of my knowledge other than me, no one
has submitted to any other university.
The project is done in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of
semester project as part of our curriculum.
Time Table Management system is an automated system which generates Time table
according to the data given by the user. The main requirement of the application is to provide
the details about the branch, subjects, number of labs, total number of period and details
about the lab assistance. Then the Application generates the time table according to the need.
The problem is to design and implement an algorithm to create a semester course time table
by assigning time-slots and rooms to a given set of courses to be run that semester under
given constraints. The constraints include avoiding clashes of time-slots and rooms, assigning
appropriate rooms and appropriate number of slots and contact hours to the courses etc.
Our first experience of partial project work has been successfully completed, thanks to
support staff of many teachers & colleagues with gratitude. We wish to acknowledgement all
of them. However, we wish to make special mention of the following.
First of all, we are thankful of our project guide Mrs. Pallavi Wattamwar whose guideline we
were able to complete are project. We are heartedly thankful to him for giving his valuable
time to completing our project.
We must thank to our H.O.D. Mr. Vilas Mahajan & all lab maintenance staff for proving us
assistance in various h/w and s/w problem encountered during course of our project.
Chapter 1: Introduction
• Background
• Objectives
• Purpose
• Scope
• Applicability
• Organisation of report
• Achievements
Chapter 2: Survey of Technologies
Chapter 3: Requirement and Analysis
• Problem Definition
• Requirement Specification
• Planning and Scheduling
• Hardware Requirements and Software Requirements
• Preliminary product description
• Conceptual Model
Chapter 4: System Design
• Activity Diagram
• Use Case Diagram
• Schema Diagram
1)ER Diagram
2)Data Flow Diagram
3)Activity Diagram
4)Use Case Diagram
5)Schema Diagram
Chapter 1
Daily Routine notification System basically has three main modules for proper functioning
• First module is admin which hold the key for editing and updating information. The admin
has absolute right to all the users which are the Teachers and Student.
• Second module is handled by the user which can be a Students. This user has a right of
making daily Daily routine, updating, editing and generating schedules to the students.
• Third is handled by a user which is the Student, he has less privilege to the access of the
system; the student can only view his own record by providing his username and password.
1.1 Objective:
• User friendly.
1.3 Purpose:
Developing a portal to promote daily routine of students. This system developed for keeping
records, and other related information about student and he's daily routine and timetable. This
Website automates all daily routine notifications.
Planning timetables is one of the most complex and error-prone applications. The available
system currently builds or generates a set of timetables manually, but most times have issues
with generating a clash-free and complete timetable. There are still serious problems like
generation of high cost time tables are occurring while scheduling and these problems are
repeating frequently. Most educational institutions have resorted to manual generation of their
timetables which according to statistics takes much time to get completed and optimal. Even
at the optimal stage of the manually generated timetable, there are still a few clashes and it is
the lecturer that takes a clashing course that works out the logistics of the course so as to
avoid the clash. Therefore there is a great requirement for an application distributing the
course evenly and without collisions. Our aim here is to develop a simple, easily
understandable, efficient and portable application, which could automatically generate good
quality timetables within seconds.
1.4 Scope:
The prime scope of project is to develop a website for students in which user will
easily check the daily routine and timetable. User can also check and set their daily schedule
to weekly, daily and time wise ,So the user can track he's schedule on time and complete he's
work without any dely in other fields to achieve their goals.
1.5 Applicability:
In previous days for measuring the performance of the student a lot of paper work and
calculations are
needed and the accuracy of doing such type of work will take the lots of human effort. There
are lots of websites are available on internet but by viewing each and every website we found
that there are no websites are available for measuring the performance of student and teachers
in a college. There are very few websites are available but they are difficult to use and either
they are related to “Share Market” or any other “Business purpose”.
To reduce the lots of human efforts and to increase the accuracy for measuring the
performance of the student and teacher we are developing the websites which includes the
analysis part for showing their progress vie. Graph because as we know that instead of
viewing data it is difficult to get the milestone of user actual need but vie. Graph it is very
easy to understand. As the developing project for measuring the performance of the Student
and Teacher is computerized one the accuracy of it will get automatically increased and it will
require very less amount of human effort.
1.6 Achievements:
By developing these projects, a lot of experiences get developed insight us so that’s why we
had focused more in daily routine work which helps to enhance our skill in management
daily routine .
In the further section of project reports we shall see the Survey of Technologies,
Requirement analysis which would include the problem definition, the requirement
specification, the system requirements, Preliminary descriptions.
• Activity Diagram
• Data Flow Diagram (Zero Level, First Level and Second Level)
• Schema Diagram
• ER Diagram
The report in the following report shall focus on the Designing process, would provide
Format of the models of the modules in the project.
Problem Definition:
In these field the problem definition of our report is described. How this project is helpful for
solving the real-world problem by reducing the human effort and with high accuracy.
Requirement Specification:
These field will include the specification of the of the requirements for developing the
Planning and Scheduling:
In this section we described which tasks are need to accomplish on what time.
Software and Hardware:
Chapter 2
Survey of Technologies
The technologies nowadays popularly used to develop the E-Magazine sites and websites in
general include:
• ASP.Net
• C#
• Ruby
• C++
• C
• Shell
• Objective C
• R
• Python
• VimL
• Go
• Perl
Technology chosen:
Advantages –
1. ASP.NET drastically reduces the amount of code required to build large applications.
5. Provides simplicity as ASP.NET makes it easy to perform common tasks, from simple
form submission and client authentication to deployment and site configuration.
6. The source code and HTML are together therefore ASP.NET pages are easy to maintain
and write. Also, the source code is executed on the server. This provides a lot of power and
flexibility to the web pages.
7. All the processes are closely monitored and managed by the ASP.NET runtime, so that if
process is dead, a new process can be created in its place, which helps keep your application
constantly available to handle requests.
8. It is purely server-side technology so, ASP.NET code executes on the server before it is
sent to the browser.
9. Being language-independent, it allows you to choose the language that best applies to your
application or partition your application across many languages.
10. ASP.NET makes for easy deployment. There is no need to register components because
the configuration information is built-in.
11. The Web server continuously monitors the pages, components and applications running
on it. If it notices any memory leaks, infinite loops, other illegal activities, it immediately
destroys those activities and restarts itself.
12. Easily works with ADO.NET using data-binding and page formatting features. It is an
application which runs faster and counters large volumes of users without having
performance problems.
Our College which is a large institute. Where many numbers of teachers and students
are playing their rolls accordingly. It is more possibly chance that a principal may not
be able to take into his consideration at a same time. Therefore, he will not be able to
take any proper decision according to their needs and ability. It may be more
problematic issue
Hardware Requirements:
Specs Minimum Requirements
Memory 50GB
Processor I3 or higher than
Mouse 1000dpi
Keyboard Mechanical [RGB]5ms(response
Monitor LED, 18 inch, Full hd
Software Requirements:
Specs Minimum Requirements
OS Windows 7,8,10
Application Microsoft Visual studio 2013
Database software SQL server 2008
Diagram modelling software Star UML 3.1.0
Front End .Net
Back End SQL
Level 0:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Schema Diagram :