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MALAYSIAN MS 1722:2011


Occupational safety and health (OSH)

management systems - Requirements
(First revision)

ICS: 13.100
Descriptors: occupational safety and health, management systems, requirements

© Copyright 2011

The Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA) is the national

standards and accreditation body of Malaysia.

The main function of STANDARDS MALAYSIA is to foster and promote standards,

standardisation and accreditation as a means of advancing the national economy,
promoting industrial efficiency and development, benefiting the health and safety of
the public, protecting the consumers, facilitating domestic and international trade and
furthering international cooperation in relation to standards and standardisation.

Malaysian Standards (MS) are developed through consensus by committees which

comprise balanced representation of producers, users, consumers and others with
relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject at hand. To the greatest
extent possible, Malaysian Standards are aligned to or are adoption of international
standards. Approval of a standard as a Malaysian Standard is governed by the
Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 [Act 549]. Malaysian Standards are reviewed
periodically. The use of Malaysian Standards is voluntary except in so far as they are
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MS 1722:2011



Committee representation .......................................................................................................... ii

Foreword.................................................................................................................................... iii

1 Scope and purpose .......................................................................................................... 1

2 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 1

3 OSHMS in the organisation ............................................................................................. 5

Figure 1 OSH element .............................................................................................................. 5

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 13

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MS 1722:2011

Committee representation

The Industry Standards Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (ISC W) under whose authority this Malaysian
Standard was developed, comprises representatives from the following organisations:

Business Council Sustainable Development Malaysia

Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia
Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
Department of Agriculture Malaysia
Department of Chemistry, Malaysia
Department of Environment
Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia
Department of Standards Malaysia
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
Lloyd’s Register Technical Services Sdn Bhd
Malaysian Employers Federation
Malaysian Industrial Hygiene Association
Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Malaysian Society of Occupational Safety and Health
Malaysian Trade Union Congress
Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat)
SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
SME Corporation Malaysia
Suruhanjaya Tenaga
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

The Technical Committee on Safe System of Work and Practices in Occupational Setting which developed this
Malaysian Standard was managed by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia in its capacity as
an authorised Standards-Writing Organisation and consists of representatives from the following organisations:

Department of Agriculture Malaysia

Department of Fisheries Malaysia
Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia
Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia (Secretariat)
Department of Public Health
Department of Veterinary Services
Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia
Malaysian Employers Federation
Malaysian Trade Union Congress
Master Builders Association Malaysia
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
NIOSH Certification Sdn Bhd
SIRIM Berhad
SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
Social Security Organisation
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
The Malayan Agricultural Producers Association
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Universiti Putra Malaysia

ii © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2011 - All rights reserved

MS 1722:2011


This Malaysian Standard was developed by the Technical Committee on Safe System of
Work and Practices in Occupational Setting under the authority of the Industry Standards
Committee on Occupational Safety and Health. Development of this standard was carried out
by Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia which is the Standards-Writing
Organisation (SWO) appointed by SIRIM Berhad to develop standards related to safe
systems of work and practices in occupational setting.

This Malaysian Standard is the first revision of MS 1722: PART 1, Occupational safety and
health management systems - Part 1: Requirements.

This Malaysian Standard cancels and replaces MS 1722: PART 1:2005.

Compliance with a Malaysian Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal

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MS 1722:2011

Occupational safety and health (OSH) management systems –

(First revision)

1. Scope and purpose

1.1 Scope

This Malaysian Standard provides requirements on Occupational Safety and Health

Management System (OSHMS) and a basis for the development of a sustainable safety and
health culture in the organisation. It does not state specific OSH performance criteria, nor
does it gave detailed specifications for the design of a management system.

All the requirements in this standard are intended to be incorporated into any other
management system. The application will depend on such factors as the OSH policy of the
organisation, the nature of its activities and the risks and complexity of its operations.

This standard is intended to address occupational safety and health rather than product and
services safety.

1.2 Purpose

This standard provides a system that can contribute to the protection of employees from
hazards and the elimination of work-related injuries, disabilities, ill health, diseases, near
misses and fatalities. This standard is intended to:

a) Be used to establish a framework for OSHMS;

b) Provide requirements for the development of arrangements to strengthen
compliance with regulations and standards leading to continual improvement in
OSH performance;
c) Provide requirement on OSHMS to respond appropriately to the organisations
according to their size and nature of activities;
d) Provide requirements regarding the integration of OSHMS elements in the
organisation as a component of policy and management of arrangements; and
e) Provide a means to motivate all members of the organisation, particularly
employers, owner, managerial staff, employees and their representatives, in
applying appropriate OSH management principles and methods to continually
improve OSH performance.

2. Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions given in MS1722 apply

2.1 active monitoring

The ongoing activities, which check that hazard and risk preventive and protective
measures, as well as the arrangements to implement the OSHMS, conform to the defined

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MS 1722:2011

2.2 arrangements

Act of planning, scheduling, arranging and adapting activities to meet the desired set
objectives. Arrangements could include systems, programs, activities, processes,
procedures, records and instructions. Such arrangements are communicated and where
appropriate documented.

2.3 audit

A systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it
objectively to determine the extent to which the defined criteria are fulfilled.

2.4 competent person

A person determined by the employer or authorities to have suitable training, and sufficient
knowledge, experience and skill, for the performance of the specific work.

2.5 continual improvement

Iterative process of enhancing the OSHMS to achieve improvements in the overall OSH

2.6 contractor

A person or an organisation providing services to an employer in accordance with agreed

specifications, terms and conditions.

2.7 corrective action

Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation.


1. There can be more than one cause for a nonconformity.

2. Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence whereas preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence.

2.8 disability

Any injury other than death which results in the partial loss, or complete loss of use of any
member or part of a member of the body, or any permanent impairment of functions of the
body or part thereof, regardless of any pre-existing disability of the injured member or
impaired body function.

2.9 employee

Any person who perform work, either regularly or temporarily, for an employer.

2.10 employer

The owner of an organisation or the person with whom an employee has entered into a
contract of service.

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MS 1722:2011

2.11 hazard

A source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health and
damage to property.

2.12 ill health

Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work
activity and/or work-related situation.

2.13 incident

Work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill-health (regardless of severity) or fatality or

damage to property or could have occurred;


1. An accident is an incident which has given rise to injury, ill health or fatality.
2. An incident where no injury, ill health or fatality occurs may also be referred to as a “near-miss”, “near hit”,
“close-call” or “dangerous occurrence”.
3. An emergency situation is a particular type of incident.

2.14 near miss

An unsafe occurrence arising out of or in the course of work where no, human injury or ill
health, damage to property, damage to the environment is caused.

2.15 organisation

A company, operation, firm, undertaking, establishment, enterprise, institution or

association, or part of it, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own
functions and administration.

2.16 OSH Management System (OSHMS)

A set of interrelated or interacting elements to establish and implement OSH policy and
objectives, and to achieve those objectives. OSHMS is part of the organisation's overall
management system used to manage OSH risks.

NOTE: A management system includes organisational structure, planning activities (including for example, risk
assessment and the setting of objectives), responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources.

2.17 OSH performance

Measurable results of an organisation's management of its OSH risks.


1. OSH performance measurement includes measuring the effectiveness of the organisation's controls
2. In the context of OSHMS, results can also be measured against the organisation's OSH policy, OSH
objectives, and other OSH performance requirements

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MS 1722:2011

2.18 preventive action

action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable potential


1. There can be more than one cause for a potential nonconformity.

2. Preventive action is taken to prevent occurrence whereas corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence.

2.19 reactive monitoring

Check that failures in the hazard and risk prevention and protection control measures, and
the OSHMS, as demonstrated by the occurrence of injuries, ill health, disease and incidents,
and identified, and acted upon.

2.20 risk

A combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure with

specified period or in specified circumstances and the severity of injury or damage to the
health of people, property, environment or any combination of these caused by the event or

2.21 risk assessment

The process of estimating and evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard(s), taking into
account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk(s) is

2.22 safety and health committee

A committee with representation of employees‟ safety and health representatives and

employers' representatives established and functioning at organisation level.

2.23 work-related injuries, disabilities, ill health and diseases

Negative impacts on health arising from exposure to chemical, biological, physical, work-
organisational and psychosocial factors activities at work.

2.24 workplace

Any physical location in which work related activities are performed and whenever OSH
effect on personnel are involved.

NOTE: This includes travelling or in transit (e.g. driving, flying, on boats or trains), working at the premises of a client or
customer, or working at home.

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MS 1722:2011

3. OSHMS in the organisation

Occupational safety and health, including compliance with the OSH requirements pursuant
to national laws and regulations, and practice, is the responsibility and duty of the employer.
The employer shall show strong leadership and commitment to OSH activities in the
organisation, and make appropriate arrangements for the establishment of an OSHMS. The
system shall contain the main elements of policy, organising, planning and implementation,
evaluation and action for improvement.

Figure 1. OSH element

3.1 Policy

3.1.1. Occupational safety and health policy The employer, in consulting with employees and their representatives, shall set out
in writing an OSH policy, which shall be:

a) specific to the organisation and appropriate to its size and the nature of its

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MS 1722:2011

b) concise, clearly written, dated and made effective by the signature or endorsement
of the employer or the most senior accountable person in the organisation;
c) communicated and readily accessible to all persons at their workplace;
d) reviewed for continuing suitability; and
e) made available to interested parties, as appropriate. The OSH policy shall include, as a minimum, the following key principles and
objectives to which the top management of organisation shall provide leadership and
commitment in:

a) protecting the safety and health of all members of the organisation and others who
may be affected by the work carried out.

b) preventing work-related fatalities, disabilities, injuries, ill health, diseases, property

and environmental damage and near misses;

c) complying with relevant OSH national laws and regulations, and other requirements
to which the organisation subscribes;
e) ensuring that employees and their representatives are consulted and encouraged
to participate actively in all elements of the OSHMS; and

f) continually improving the performance of the OSHMS.

3.1.2 Employee participation The employer shall:

a) ensure that employees and their safety and health representatives are consulted,
informed and trained on all aspects of OSH, including emergency arrangements,
associated with their work;
b) make arrangements for employees and their safety and health representatives to
participate actively in the OSHMS; and
c) ensure, as appropriate, the establishment and efficient functioning of a safety and
health committee is in accordance with national laws and practices.

3.2 Organising

3.2.1 Responsibility, accountability and authority The employer shall have overall responsibility for the protection of employees‟
safety and health and provide leadership for OSH activities in the organisation. The employer shall allocate responsibility, accountability and authority for the
development, implementation and performance of the OSHMS and the achievement of the
relevant OSH objectives. The responsibilities and accountabilities of all personnel on OSH shall be clearly
defined, documented and communicated to respective personnel.

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MS 1722:2011 The employer shall provide appropriate resources to ensure that persons
responsible for OSH can perform their functions effectively. A person(s) at the senior management level shall be appointed as OSH

management representative(s), with responsibility, accountability and authority for:

a) the development, implementation, periodic review and evaluation of the OSHMS;

b) periodic reporting to the top management on the performance of the OSHMS; and
c) promoting the participation of all members of the organisation.

3.2.2 Competence, training and awareness OSH competence requirements, unless defined by authorities, shall be defined by

the employer. Arrangements shall be established and maintained to ensure that all persons
are competent to carry out the safety and health aspects of their duties and responsibilities. The employer shall have, or shall have access to sufficient OSH competence to
implement the OSHMS. The employer shall identify training needs and conduct training programmes for all
members of the organisation to effectively implement OSHMS. Training records shall be
established and maintained.

3.2.3 OSHMS documentation OSHMS documentation shall be established and maintained. The documentation

shall include:

a) the OSH policy and objectives of the organisation;

b) the allocated key OSH management roles and responsibilities for the
implementation of the OSHMS;
c) the significant OSH hazards/risks arising from the organisation's activities, and the
arrangements for their prevention and control; and
d) procedures, instructions or other internal documents used within the framework of
the OSHMS. The OSHMS documentation shall be:

a) clearly written and presented in a way that is understood by those who have to use
b) periodically reviewed, revised as necessary, communicated and readily accessible
to all appropriate or affected members of the organisation; and
c) disposed off or removed from circulation when obsolete in accordance to
procedure. OSH records shall be established and maintained according to the needs of the
organisation. They shall be identifiable, traceable, retrievable and their retention times shall
be specified.

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MS 1722:2011

3.2.4 Communication Arrangements shall be established and maintained for:

a) receiving, documenting and responding appropriately to internal and external

communications related to OSH;
b) ensuring the internal communication of OSH information between relevant levels
and functions of the organisation shall also cover contractors, vendors and visitors;
c) ensuring that the concerns, ideas and inputs of employees and their
representatives on OSH matters are received, considered and responded to.

3.3 Planning and implementation

3.3.1 Initial review The organisation's existing OSHMS and relevant arrangements shall be evaluated
by an initial review. In the case where no OSHMS exists, or if the organisation is newly
established, the initial review shall serve as a basis for establishing an OSHMS. The initial review shall be carried out by employer with the assistance of competent
persons, in consultation with employees and/or their representatives. The result of the initial
review shall :

a) be documented;
b) become the basis for planning and making decisions regarding the implementation
of the OSHMS; and
c) provide a baseline from which continual improvement of the organisation's OSHMS
can be measured.

3.3.2 Occupational safety and health objectives Consistent with the OSH policy and based on the initial, manage mentor
subsequent reviews, measurable OSH objectives shall be established, which are:

a) specific to the organisation, appropriate to and according to its size and nature of
b) consistent with the relevant and applicable national laws and regulations, and the
technical and business obligations of the organisation with regard to OSH;
c) focused towards continually improving employees' OSH protection to achieve the
best OSH performance;
d) realistic and achievable;
e) documented, and communicated to all relevant functions and levels of the
organisation; and
f) periodically evaluated and if necessary updated

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MS 1722:2011

3.3.3 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) Hazard identification

Arrangements including documented procedure(s) shall be made to identify hazards, assess

and control risks. These activities require the participation of employees or their

Hazards associated with activities of all employees and persons at workplace shall be

These activities shall include routine, non-routine and abnormal.

The hazard identification shall determine all sources, conditions and situations at workplace
with potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, damage to property and
environment or a combination of these. Risk assessment

The organization shall estimate and evaluate the level of risks associated with the identified
hazards. The results of these assessments shall be considered for decision making and for
determining control. Risk control

When determining risk control, priority shall be given to control option consistent with the
following order:

a) eliminate the hazard/risk;

b) control the hazard/risk at source, through the use of engineering controls or
organisational measures;
c) minimise the hazard/risk by the design of safe work systems, which include
administrative control measures; and
d) where residual hazards/risks cannot be controlled by collective measures, the
employer shall provide appropriate personal protective equipment programme.

Control shall be established and implemented to manage the risks to an acceptable level. Hazard identification risk assessment and risk control procedures shall be:

a) adapted to the hazards and risks encountered by the organisation;

b) reviewed and modified if necessary on a regular basis;
c) in compliance with national laws and regulations, and reflect good practice; and
d) in consideration with the current state of knowledge, including information or
reports from relevant authorities, competent institution such as labour
inspectorates, occupational safety and health services, and other services as

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MS 1722:2011

3.3.4 Emergency prevention, preparedness and response Arrangements including documented procedures shall be established and

maintained for emergency prevention, preparedness and response. These arrangements

a) identify the potential for accidents and emergency situations, and address the
prevention of OSH risks associated with them;
b) be established in cooperation with external emergency services and other bodies
where applicable;
c) be periodically tested where practicable; and
d) be periodically reviewed and where necessary, revised after periodical testing and
occurrence of emergency situations.

3.3.5 Management of change The impact on OSH arising from internal and external changes shall be evaluated
and appropriate preventive steps taken prior to the introduction of changes. A workplace hazard identification and risk assessment shall be carried out before
any modification or introduction of new work methods, materials, processes or machinery. The implementation of a decision to change shall ensure that all affected members
of the organisation are properly informed and trained.

3.3.6 Procurement

Arrangements including documented procedures shall be established and maintained to


a) safety and health requirements for the organisation is identified, evaluated and
incorporated into purchasing and leasing specifications; and
b) national laws and regulations are identified and complied.

3.3.7 Contracting

Arrangements shall be established and maintained to ensure that the organisation‟s safety
and health requirements, or at least the equivalent, are applied to contractors and their

3.4 Evaluation

3.4.1 Performance monitoring and measurement Arrangements to monitor, measure and record organisation‟s OSH performance on

a regular basis shall be developed, established and periodically reviewed. Responsibility,
accountability and authority for monitoring at different levels in the management structure
shall be allocated.

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MS 1722:2011 The selection of performance indicators shall be according to the size and nature of
activity of the organisation and the OSH objectives. Both qualitative and quantitative measures appropriate to the needs of the
organisation shall be considered. Performance monitoring and measurement shall include both active and reactive
monitoring and be recorded. The result of monitoring and measurement shall:

a) provide feedback on OSH performance;

b) provide information to determine whether the day-to-day arrangements for hazard
and risk identification, prevention and control are in place and operating effectively;
c) be used as a means of determining the extent to which OSH policy and objectives
are being implemented and risks are controlled.

3.4.2 Incident Investigation Arrangements including documented procedures shall be established, implemented

and maintained for incident investigation which will identify any failures in the OSHMS. Where required work-related incidents shall be notified to relevant authorities in

accordance to national laws. The investigations shall be carried out by competent person(s), with the appropriate
participation of employees and their representatives. The full investigation report shall be documented and where applicable reported to
the relevant authorities. The recommendation(s) resulting from such investigations shall be communicated

to appropriate persons for it to be implemented and verified. Reports produced by external investigative authorities or agencies shall be acted

upon in the same manner as internal investigations, taking into account issues of

3.4.3 Audit Arrangements including documented procedures to conduct periodic audits shall be

established in order to determine whether the OSHMS and its elements are in place,
adequate, and effective in protecting the safety and health of employees and preventing
incidents. An audit programme shall be developed, which includes a designation of auditor

competency, the audit scope, audit methodology and reporting. The audit includes an evaluation of the organisation‟s OSHMS elements or a

subset of these, as appropriate.

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MS 1722:2011 Audits shall be conducted by competent person(s) internal or external to the

organisation who are independent of the activity being audited. The audit results and audit conclusions shall be communicated to those
responsible for corrective action(s).

3.4.4 Management review Top management shall review the OSHMS, to ensure its suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness. The frequency and scope of management reviews of the OSHMS shall be planned
and defined according to the organisation‟s needs and conditions. The findings of the management review shall be recorded, documented and
communicated to relevant persons.

3.5 Action for improvement

3.5.1 Preventive and corrective actions Arrangements shall be established and maintained for preventive and corrective
action(s) resulting from OSHMS performance monitoring and measurements, OSHMS
audits and management reviews. When the evaluation of the OSH management system or other sources show that
preventive and corrective action for hazards and risks are inadequate or likely to become
inadequate, the measures shall be addressed according to the recognised control
measures, completed and documented, as appropriate and in a timely manner.

3.5.2 Continual improvement

Arrangements shall be established and maintained for the continual improvement of the
relevant elements of the OSHMS.

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