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Journal of Food Engineering: Sarina Sulaiman, A.R. Abdul Aziz, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua

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Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 228–234

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Journal of Food Engineering

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Optimization and modeling of extraction of solid coconut waste oil

Sarina Sulaiman a,b, A.R. Abdul Aziz a,⇑, Mohamed Kheireddine Aroua a
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Biotechnology Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, P.O. Box 10, Kuala Lumpur 50728, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Solid coconut waste was produced after coconut milk extraction process and may still contain up to
Received 27 February 2012 24 wt.% oil content. In this work, extraction of oil from coconut waste using batch and soxhlet extractor
Received in revised form 22 August 2012 was studied. Effect of particle size diameter, type of solvent and solvent to solid ratio on the kinetic and
Accepted 23 August 2012
thermodynamic parameters; entropy, enthalpy and free energy of extraction were investigated. The max-
Available online 31 August 2012
imum oil yields for soxhlet and batch reactor were 23.6% at 80 °C and 21.9% at 65 °C, respectively for par-
ticle size diameter <0.5 mm when hexane was used as solvent. The kinetic of coconut waste oil extraction
was found to be a first order mass transfer model. The DG, DS and DH values were 10.94–13.35 kJ/mol,
Coconut waste
33.10–39.57 J/mol K and 0.12–1.25 kJ/mol, respectively shows that the extraction process was spontane-
Mass transfer ous, irreversible and endothermic based on thermodynamic parameters.
Batch extraction Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Soxhlet extraction

1. Introduction 2008; Perez et al., 2011; Sayyar et al., 2009; Topallar, 2000). Kinetic
study of solid liquid extraction depends on the nature of the oil and
Coconut milk is extracted and the flesh is grated before being solvent, temperature of the process, particle size of the meal, reac-
pressed to produce milk. The byproduct of this process is coconut tion time and the ratio of the solid to the solvent (Sayyar et al.,
waste. In Malaysia, both coconut oil and milk industry produces 2009). Effect of solvent to solid ratio studies the maximum extract-
78,000 metric tons of solid coconut waste in 2010 and normally ability of oil. Increasing the ratio no longer changes the extraction
used as fertilizer, biomass or to feed the animals or left to decay yield because particles have been almost extracted (Li et al., 2009).
on the fields (MARDI, 2010; Poarch, 2007; Vetayasuporn, 2007). Therefore, the objective of this paper was to study the oil
Furthermore, coconut is abundant in Malaysia and the area of extraction process from solid coconut waste using batch and soxh-
coconut plantation is around 115,000 hectares in 2010 (MARDI, let extractor. Effective solvent was chosen based on the yield, sol-
2010). Vetayasuporn, 2007 reported that coconut waste is widely ubility of oil in solvent and density. This study also focuses on
used as feed for milking cows, pigs and poultry (Epa, 2012; Vetaya- determination of the oil yield, effects of particle size, reaction time
suporn, 2007). Coconut waste is also used as coconut flour, bio- and temperature and solvent to solid. These optimum parameters
mass; firewood or cooking fuel and this is not a good option as were applied to a kinetic model based on mass transfer coefficient.
at the world market, coconut oil is sold at a higher price (Guarte Mass transfer within the particle was also calculated to determine
et al., 1996; Poarch, 2007). The oil obtained from coconut waste that in oil extraction there is no internal diffusion limitation. Ther-
can be used as edible oil or for other purposes such as biodiesel modynamic parameters which include entropy, enthalpy and Gibb
production. Free Energy of extraction of oil were also determined.
Waste can be extracted either by mechanical pressing or with
solid liquid extraction using solvent (Amin et al., 2010; Sriti 2. Materials and methodology
et al., 2011). Extraction using solvent gives a higher yield and less
turbid oil (Amin et al., 2010; Liauw et al., 2008). Hexane and petro- Coconut waste was collected from a premise that produces
leum ether are used extensively as the solvent in the oil extraction coconut milk at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Analytical Grade n-hexane
from salmon skin, jatropha seed and neem (Aryee and Simpson, and petroleum ether were purchased from Merck (Malaysia),
2009; Liauw et al., 2008; Sayyar et al., 2009). respectively.
There are many researchers who studied the kinetic model of
the oil extraction (Amarni and Kadi, 2010; Kumoro and Hassan, 2.1. Extraction of oil
2006; Liauw et al., 2008; Meziane et al., 2006; Meziane and Kadi,
The extraction process was conducted using soxhlet and batch
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 379675300. extractors. The soxhlet and batch extractors’ setup includes
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.R. Abdul Aziz). 100 ml laboratory soxhlet and a 250 ml jacketed glass reactor. Mix-

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 228–234 229

ing and heating of the solvent was provided by a hot digital mag- where, ka, is volumetric mass transfer coefficient. To solve Eq. (4)
netic stirrer. Cold water circulation was controlled by water bath, by integration, following condition was used where the mass of
RC (LAUDA). Solid coconut waste was weighted and experiment coconut waste oil is zero in liquid (WA) at the beginning of the
was conducted using batch and soxhlet extractor. Solid coconut extraction process. Considering this condition, integration of Eq.
waste was grinded for 10 min using a coffee grinder and separated (4) resulted as:
with sieve plates.
Temperature for batch reactor was varied between 55 and W A ¼ W Ai ½1  expðkatÞ  ð5Þ
65 °C, which is below the boiling point of the hexane and for the Rearranging Eq. (5) in terms of yield per mass of coconut waste,
soxhlet extractor; the temperature range was between 70 and the kinetic model used in this study was:
80 °C, above the boiling point of the solvent. Hexane and petro-
leum ether were used as solvents for both of the setup to separate Y A ¼ Y Ai ½1  expðkatÞ  ð6Þ
the oil from the waste. The coconut waste was separated by sieving
where, YA and YAi is yield of coconut waste oil in liquid at time, t, s
into three types of particle size, 0.5 mm and below and 0.7 mm and
and ka-volumetric mass transfer coefficient.
below and 1.2 mm and below to determine the optimum size and
To determine the value of ka (s1), YA and YAi a nonlinear least
to obtain the highest oil yield. Solvent to solid mass of coconut
square method was used to calculate numerically. ‘‘Origin 8.5’’ Pro-
waste were varied from 6:1 to 12:1. The extraction process was
gram was used to fit the data in order to obtain the mass transfer
conducted for 15, 30, 45 min and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 h. After the equi-
value and the yield of oil.
librium was reached, the solvent was recovered using a distillation
system. For batch extractor, the mixture was filtered using Buchi
filter attached to vacuum pump to separate the coconut waste 2.3. Mass transfer within the particle
and solution which contains oil. Solvent was used to wash the meal
for few times to obtain all the oil. The oil yield (oil content) of the The study of mass transfer within the particle was conducted to
coconut waste was calculated as below: determine that extraction of oil using soxhlet extractor or batch
reactor was not controlled or limited by the internal diffusion. Thi-
Oil collected ðgÞ ele modulus was used to investigate the mass transfer within the
Oil yield ¼  100% ð1Þ
Mass of coconut waste ðgÞ particle. To determine the value of Thiele modulus, effective diffu-
Solubility measurement of oil in hexane was conducted in a sivity (Deff), m2 s1 was calculated. Fick’s second law was used to
closed jacketed reactor and the mixture was mixed continuously. determine effective diffusivity by assuming Deff is constant with
The reactor was maintained at different temperature, controlled the Y, yield at time, t and initial yield of the oil. Pinelo et al.
by a RC (LAUDA) water bath. After 30 min, an aliquot of superna- (2006) calculated effective diffusivity using following equation
tant solution was extracted into a sample bottle, weighed to obtain (Pinelo et al., 2006):
the solution withdrawn. After distillation and evaporation of sol-  
6 pDeff
vent, the weight of oil was determined. Oil solubility in petroleum ln Y ¼ ln  t ð7Þ
p2 r2
ether and hexane was measured.
Density measurement was carried out using DMA 4500 density/ where, r is the radius of particles diameter (mm).
specific gravity meter (Anton Paar, Austria). The adjustment of the By using Eq. (4), a plot ln Y versus time of experiment was plot-
density was measured three times using distilled water at temper- ted. The value of the slope was used to determine the effective
atures 15, 20, 30 and 40 °C to obtain the mean values and the diffusivity.
uncertainty was ±0.00001 g cm3. To determine the effect of mass transfer within the particle on
the extraction of the oil, Thiele Modulus, / was calculated based
2.2. Kinetic model on Giri and Sharma, 2000 equation (Giri and Sharma, 2000):
Mass transfer kinetic model was used to represent the experi- dp K qp
/¼ ð8Þ
ment data because of there is no reaction between the oil and 6 Deff
the solvents, hexane and petroleum ether (Liauw et al., 2008).
The value dp represents the particle diameter, K is the extraction
Assumption is made that the main mechanism which controls
rate, s1, qp is the density of the coconut waste. The system is as-
the rate of extraction of oil is mass transfer of oil from the waste
sumed to have no internal mass transfer limitation if the Thiele
(solid) to the solvent (liquid). This assumption is in accordance
Modulus is <2, and the system suffers from the internal mass trans-
with other findings (Amin et al., 2010; Saxena et al., 2011). Mass
fer limitation if it is above 10 (Giri and Sharma, 2000).
transfer rate can be written as (Liauw et al., 2008):
dW A 2.4. Thermodynamic parameters
¼ k  AðC Ai  C A Þ ð2Þ
where dWA/dt, mass transfer rate of the coconut waste oil (g/s); CA Thermodynamic parameters (DH, DS and DG) for the oil extrac-
and CAi, concentration of coconut waste oil in liquid (solvents) at tion of coconut waste using hexane and petroleum ether were esti-
time t (g/m3) and at equilibrium (g/m3), respectively; k, mass trans- mated using following equation (Liauw et al., 2008):
fer coefficient, ms1; A, surface area for mass transfer process, m2.
DG 1 DH 1 DS
Since the extraction was conducted in a batch process and the ln K ¼  ¼ þ ð9Þ
volume was constant throughout the experiment, Eq. (2) can be
written as: Y T mL
K¼ ¼ ð10Þ
dW A A Y U mS
¼ k  ½W Ai  W A  ð3Þ
dt V
where K is equilibrium constant, YT is the yield percent of oil at tem-
dW A perature T, YU is the percent unextracted oil in coconut waste, mL is
¼ k  a  ½W Ai  W A  ð4Þ the amount of coconut waste oil in liquid at equilibrium tempera-
ture, mS is the amount of coconut waste oil in solid at T, °C equilib-
230 S. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 228–234

rium temperature, R, is a gas constant, DH, (kJ/mol) is enthalpy, DS, 0.93

(J/mol K) is entropy and DG, (kJ/mol) is a free energy of extraction.

The plot of ln K against 1/T is used to find the value of DH and
DS from the slope and intercept, respectively.

3. Results and discussion 0.91

3.1. Characterization of coconut waste oil

0 10 20 30 40 50
Hexane was used as co-solvent throughout the oil extraction
process. Hexane improves the mass transfer and diffusivity of oil
Hexane Petroleum ether
with the seed if compared with other solvent such as methanol.
Coconut waste oil is mainly composed of saturated short length Fig. 2. Density data of solid coconut waste oil in hexane and petroleum ether.
fatty acid chains, 2.3% of C8:0, 30.7% of C12:0, 17.91% of C14:0,
17.69% of C16:0, 22.29% of C18:0 and unsaturated fatty acids,
6.10% and 3.01% of C18:1 and C18:2, respectively. The highest com- (Stanisavljević et al., 2007). This shows that oil extracted using
position of methyl ester in the coconut waste oil is lauric acid and hexane has a higher density if compared with petroleum ether.
the acid value and density were 2.3226 mg/g KOH and 0.925 g/cm3,
respectively. 3.3. Effect of solvent

3.2. Solubility and density Fig. 3 illustrates the oil extraction yield of hexane and petro-
leum ether at 80 °C and particle size of 0.5 mm. The oil yield using
Fig. 1 shows the solubility data of hexane and petroleum ether soxhlet extractor and hexane showed 1.3 % of oil is extracted if
in solid coconut waste oil. Vegetable oil, hexane and petroleum compared with petroleum ether under same conditions. Sayyar
ether were non polar and becomes easily miscible. Coconut oil et al., 2009 reported that extraction of jatropha seed using n-hex-
was most soluble in the non polar solvent because contain high ane showed that the extraction yield was 1.3% more than petro-
amount of lauric acid (Kanth Rao and Arnold, 1957). The composi- leum ether under the same condition at (temperature of boiling
tion of lauric acid in this study was 30.70%. Solid coconut waste oil point, 6:1 solvent to solid ratio) (Sayyar et al., 2009). However
was partially miscible in both the solvents, hexane and petroleum using batch extractor as shown in Fig. 3, the extraction yield using
ether at temperature of 30 °C. Solubility increases about 10 to hexane was 0.9 % more than petroleum ether. Stanisavljević et al.
30 w/w% for hexane and petroleum ether when the temperature (2007) also reported that the oil yield from the native Tobacco
of the oil increases (Bera et al., 2006; Franco et al., 2007; Wakelyn, seeds were 3.1% and 2.9% by using hexane and petroleum ether,
1997). The solubility of oil in hexane was high because of the respectively. It shows hexane extracted 0.2% of oil more than
strong solute–solvent interactions (Wakelyn, 1997). petroleum ether. Mani et al. (2007) also reported that hexane ex-
Fig. 2 shows the measurement of density data as a function of tracted 1.3% of oil more than petroleum ether (Bassim et al.,
temperature of coconut waste oil. The sample was measured three 2003; Kushwaha, 2010; Lawson et al., 2010; Mani et al., 2007;
times and the uncertainty was ±0.00001 g cm3. The uncertainty of Nwabueze & Okocha, 2008; Zaher et al., 2002). Hexane is a non po-
oil yield was ±0.01 wt.%. For coconut waste oil extracted from hex- lar solvent and able to penetrate into matrix of a seed during
ane, the density decreases from 0.925 g/cm3 to 0.907 g/cm3 when extraction process. This is because they lack of O–H end which if
the temperature increased from 15 to 40 °C. It is reported that not would interfere with the extraction process (Nwabueze & Oko-
the densities of vegetable oil decrease linearly when temperature cha, 2008).
increases because the molecules move apart as their kinetic energy
increases (Rodenbush et al., 1999; Veny et al., 2009). This causes 3.4. Effect of temperature and reaction time
the volume to increase and the oil become less dense. The density
of oil extracted from both the solvent, hexane and petroleum ether Fig. 4a and b shows the effect of temperature and reaction time
were almost similar with difference of 0.006 g/cm3 at temperature on extraction of oil. The oil yield increases from 19.7% to 21.9% and
15 °C. Stanisavljević et al. (2007) reported that density of tobacco 21.3% to 23.6% at temperature 70 °C and 80 °C for batch extraction
oil extracted using hexane and petroleum ether were 0.923 g/cm3 and soxhlet extraction respectively. The increase in temperature
and 0.9175 g/cm3 respectively with 0.0055 g/cm3 difference increases the oil yield during extraction process. This is because


Solubility, w/w %

Yield, %

80 15

60 10

40 5

20 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
0 Time (hour)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Hexane-Soxhlet Extractor Petroleum ether-Soxhlet Extractor
Temperature, °C Hexane-Batch reactor Petroleum ether-Batch reactor
Hexane Petroleum
Fig. 3. Effect of solvent on oil extraction process at 80 °C and particle size of
Fig. 1. Solubility of solid coconut waste oil in hexane and petroleum ether. 0.5 mm.
S. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 228–234 231



Oil Yield, %
Oil yield %

15 75°C
80°C 21

0.5 0.7 1.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Particle size, mm
Time (Hour) Soxhlet extractor Batch reactor

Fig. 5. Effect of particle size, 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm and 1.2 mm on extraction process
b 25 using soxhlet extractor and batch extractor.

Oil yield %

15 55°C 0.7 and 1.2 mm size particles were relatively close to each other.
60°C These findings are in line with those found by Sirisompong et al.
10 65°C (2011). Sirisompong et al. (2011) found that the rate of extraction
5 increases with the decrease in the size of particles during oil
extraction from rambutan kernel.
0 Fig. 5 also shows that there was an increase of 0.9% in extraction
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 of oil using batch extractor with hexane and smaller particle size.
Time (Hour) More oil was extracted from smaller particle size due to the bigger
interfacial area of the solid. The shorter distance the solvent has to
Fig. 4. Effect of temperature and reaction time on extraction process using (a)
soxhlet extractor and (b) batch extractor. travel to extract the oil from the solid increases the pore diffusion
between solid and solvent. The larger particle has a smaller contact
surface area and is more resistant to solvent entrance and oil diffu-
the rise in temperature increases the diffusion of the oil while sion. Smaller amount of oil will be transferred from inside the lar-
decreasing the viscosity (Eikani et al., 2012; Meziane and Kadi, ger particle to the surrounding solution (Sayyar et al., 2009).
2008). The mass transfer coefficient of the extraction process also Sayyar et al. (2009) used three different particle sizes of jatropha
increases with temperature thus effecting the diffusion. Sayyar seeds, 0.5 mm and below, 0.5–0.75 mm and 0.75 mm and above.
et al., 2009 reported that using hexane as the solvent, the amount It was concluded that the intermediate size particle, 0.5 to
of oil extracted increased around 1.5% by increasing the extraction 0.75 mm produced the highest oil yield, 47.3% using hexane. This
temperature from room temperature to 45 and 45–60 °C (Sayyar is because when particle was too small, below 0.5 mm, the agglom-
et al., 2009). erations of the fine particles reduces the effective surface area
The oil yield was slightly higher, 1.7% in the soxhlet extractor if available for the free flow of solvent to solid and prevent the inter-
compared to the batch reactor. This is because soxhlet extractor action between solid and solvent (Sayyar et al., 2009).
introduces continuous extraction whilst batch extractor needs
additional step, washing of the meals after extraction process to in- 3.6. Kinetic of oil extraction
crease the oil yield.
Fig. 4a and b also describes that the soxhlet extraction process Tables 1 and 2 shows the calculated values of the mass transfer
reaches optimum at 2 h, with oil content 19% before it reaches to coefficients using Eq. (3) and the yield of oil, for both soxhlet and
23.6% at 80 °C. The extraction rate was rapid, 16 % at the beginning batch extractor respectively at equilibrium at various tempera-
of the process and slows gradually because when the waste was tures, particle size diameter, type of solvent and solvent to solid ra-
exposed to the fresh solvent, the free oil on the surface of the waste tio. Parameters of kinetic model, YAi and ka were estimated by non
was solubilized and oil gets extracted quickly. This causes fast in- linear square fit from equation to experimental data using Origin-
crease in extraction rate. At the initial extraction rate, the oil con- Lab 8.5. It is found that the mass transfer coefficients increase with
centration was low in the solvent and mass transfer effect causes the increase in the temperature of extraction. The ka (s1) value
the oil to diffuse quickly from the waste to the solvent. When varies from 0.89 to 1.43 for soxhlet extractor and from 1.23 to
the maximum amount of extractable oil was reached, the oil yield 2.06 for batch extraction. The plotted graph shows a linear rela-
remains the same even after extending the extraction time. tionship with R2 values were above 0.9879 for soxhlet and batch
extraction. Increasing the temperature causes the reaction time
3.5. Effect of particle size to be reduced as reaction occurs faster. The final concentration in-
creases with temperature because of the effect of thermodynamic
The rate of extraction increases with the decrease in the size of on the solubilization of oil inside the solid (Liauw et al., 2008). The
particle (Sirisompong et al., 2011). Fig. 5 shows the effect of parti- ka also increases around 23% when hexane was used when com-
cle size on oil extraction using soxhlet and batch extractors. Differ- pared with petroleum ether and extraction occurs significantly.
ent particle size of coconut waste namely 0.5 mm and below; and This proves that higher yield is achieved using hexane in the soxh-
0.7 mm and below; and 1.2 mm and below were used to extract let extractor. This is in agreement with Giri and Sharma, 2000 that
maximum amount of oil. From Fig. 5, oil yield using hexane and particle size and extracting and solubilising power of the solvent
soxhlet extractor was 23.6%, 22.7% and 22.5% with particle size affects the mass transfer (Giri and Sharma, 2000). Table 3 shows
diameter of 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm and 1.2 mm and below, respectively. the comparison value of mass transfer coefficient with previous
This shows that smaller particle size extracted more than 1.1% of work. In this study, the mass transfer coefficient obtained was
oil if compared with the larger particles. The extraction yield for 0.386  103 s1 using particle size of 0.5 mm. Liauw et al.
232 S. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 228–234

Table 1
Parameters fitted for soxhlet extraction of coconut oil.

Hexane Petroleum ether

T 0.7 mm 0.5 mm 1.2 mm T 0.7 mm 0.5 mm 1.2 mm
(K) (K)
Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2
wt.% s1 wt.% s1 wt.% s1 wt.% s1 wt.% s1 wt.% s1
10:1 Solvent to solid ratio
343 19.45 1.17 0.9988 21.58 1.12 0.9982 19.43 1.23 0.9977 343 18.23 1.16 0.9986 19.9 1.11 0.9986 18.17 1.15 0.9983
348 21.73 1.25 0.9937 22.71 1.34 0.9938 21.63 1.24 0.9952 348 19.65 1.2 0.9972 20.58 1.26 0.9945 19.66 1.18 0.9971
353 22.8 1.39 0.9939 23.82 1.38 0.9931 22.49 1.39 0.9926 353 21.06 1.22 0.9964 21.33 1.43 0.9945 20.92 1.23 0.9962
12:1 Solvent to solid ratio
343 19.41 1.22 0.9978 21.61 1.1 0.9982 19.24 1.22 0.9978 343 18.29 1.15 0.9985 20.18 1.09 0.9988 18.17 1.14 0.9981
348 21.38 1.25 0.9935 22.58 1.33 0.9942 21.22 1.24 0.9951 348 19.57 1.23 0.9966 20.62 1.26 0.9945 19.59 1.18 0.9971
353 22.34 1.39 0.9921 23.35 1.41 0.9923 22.21 1.4 0.9924 353 21.08 1.23 0.9965 21.33 1.43 0.9946 20.87 1.22 0.9961
6:1 Solvent to solid ratio
343 20.3 0.92 0.9974 21.31 1.09 0.9975 20.3 0.92 0.9974 343 15.82 0.91 0.995 17.85 1.1 0.9939 15.76 0.91 0.995
348 20.89 1.19 0.9956 22.27 1.22 0.9925 20.89 1.19 0.9956 348 17.92 0.92 0.9971 19.53 1.33 0.9927 17.93 0.89 0.9968
353 21.4 1.4 0.9918 22.74 1.42 0.9934 21.4 1.4 0.9918 353 19.68 1.09 0.9948 20.5 1.36 0.9949 19.68 1.07 0.9951

Table 2
Parameters fitted for batch extraction of coconut oil.

Hexane Petroleum ether

T 0.7 mm 0.5 mm 1.2 mm T 0.7 mm 0.5 mm 1.2 mm
(K) (K)
Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2 Yai, ka, R2
wt.% s1 wt.% s1 wt.% s1 wt.% s1 wt.% s1 wt.% s1
10:1 Solvent to solid ratio
343 19.64 1.34 0.9927 19.96 1.37 0.9924 19.69 1.31 0.9906 343 18.2 1.26 0.9924 18.68 1.34 0.9905 18.09 1.24 0.9933
348 20.6 1.37 0.9936 21.06 1.37 0.9959 20.55 1.36 0.9931 348 18.81 1.36 0.9924 19.58 1.38 0.9915 18.79 1.34 0.992
353 21.16 1.41 0.9926 22.02 1.38 0.9947 21.16 1.39 0.9931 353 19.25 1.39 0.9919 20.25 1.42 0.9909 19.23 1.37 0.9919
12:1 Solvent to solid ratio
343 19.61 1.34 0.993 19.99 1.37 0.9926 19.81 1.28 0.9884 343 18.24 1.26 0.9918 18.71 1.35 0.9907 17.83 1.23 0.9919
348 20.59 1.38 0.9931 21.11 1.37 0.9957 20.6 1.37 0.9927 348 18.69 1.37 0.9935 19.56 1.38 0.9919 18.63 1.32 0.9912
353 21.16 1.41 0.9926 22.02 1.39 0.9946 21.16 1.4 0.993 353 19.28 1.4 0.9926 20.3 1.42 0.9908 19.36 1.36 0.991
6:1 Solvent to solid ratio
343 18.23 1.4 0.9968 18.76 1.41 0.9977 18.25 1.4 0.9969 343 14.99 1.46 0.9952 15.71 1.45 0.9959 14.51 1.51 0.9879
348 18.55 1.59 0.999 19.09 1.67 0.9987 18.57 1.59 0.999 348 15.69 1.62 0.9955 16.32 1.64 0.9934 15.62 1.61 0.9953
353 18.87 2.05 0.9965 19.34 2.44 0.9975 18.87 2.06 0.9966 353 16.15 1.77 0.9948 16.97 1.75 0.9914 16.07 1.75 0.9952

Table 3
Comparison of mass transfer coefficient with previous work.

References This work Liauw (2008) Topallar (2000) Amin et al. (2010)
Raw material Solid coconut waste Neem Sunflower seed Jatropha
K, s1 0.386  103 7.29  103 0.107  103 0.13  103

(2008), Topallar (2000) and Amin et al. (2010) reported that the used respectively. The results shows that the Thiele modulus value
particle size of neem, sunflower and jatropha seeds were 0.425– decreases when smaller size particles were used (Scott, 2006).
0.71 mm, 0.125 mm and 0.425 mm, respectively. The mass transfer Small value of Thiele Modulus indicate surface reaction controls
coefficient obtained for neem, sunflower and jatropha seeds were and the solvent diffuses well without reacting (Scott, 2006). The
7.29  103 s1, 0.107  103 s1 and 0.13  103 s1, respectively. reaction was surface reaction limited and decreases the internal
These shows that characteristic of solid matrix were almost similar mass transfer diffusion limitation (Giri and Sharma, 2000). The
and the value of mass transfer coefficient lies within the reported batch reactor shows a higher value of Thiele modulus if compared
value from 0.107  103 to 7.29  103 s1. to the soxhlet extractor. However, overall both the system was not
affected by the mass transfer within the particle. This was due to
3.6.1. Mass transfer within the particle the small value of the Thiele modulus, which was <2. Giri and Shar-
Effect of mass transfer within the particle was studied to deter- ma (2000) reported that the Thiele Modulus values of coal were
mine if the diffusion to the surface controls and solvent diffuses 0.1057 and 0.016 for particle size of 0.1278 mm and 0.016 cm,
well into the particles. The following data was used in Eqs. (7 respectively. This shows that the process was not affected by the
and 8) in order to calculate the Thiele Modulus, density of coconut internal mass transfer limitation.
waste: 2.413 g/cm3, effective diffusivity (Deff) = 7.26  106 cm2 -
s1 and average value of particle diameter, dp = 0.5 mm. 3.7. Thermodynamic parameters
Table 4 represents the Thiele Modulus calculate for the soxhlet
and batch reactors at 10:1 hexane to solid ratio at temperature 70– Tables 5 and 6 show the values of equilibrium constant and
80 °C and particle size of 1.2, 0.7 and 0.5 mm. Thiele Modulus thermodynamic parameters for the oil extraction process of coco-
ranges between 0.1645 to 0.4339, 0.2315 to 0.3211 and 0.3025 nut waste. Fig. 6 shows the plot of ln K vs. 1/T which was used to
to 0.4310 when particle size of 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm and 1.2 mm were determine the value of thermodynamic parameters. The values of
S. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 228–234 233

Table 4
Thiele modulus on the internal mass transfer.

Particle size diameter /2 Thiele modulas

0.5 mm 0.7 mm 1.2 mm
Temperature 70 °C 75 °C 80 °C 70 °C 75 °C 80 °C 70 °C 75 °C 80 °C
Soxhlet extractor 0.1645 0.1850 0.1954 0.2424 0.2643 0.2681 0.4310 0.3321 0.3110
Batch reactor 0.4339 0.3260 0.3286 0.3211 0.2315 0.2333 0.4065 0.2978 0.3025

Table 5
Thermodynamic parameters for soxhlet extraction of coconut oil.

Soxhlet extractor
T (K) 1.2 mm 0.7 mm 0.5 mm
K DH, kJ/mol DS, J/mol K DG, kJ/mol K DH, kJ/mol DS, J/mol K DG, kJ/mol K DH, kJ/mol DS, J/mol K DG, kJ/mol
Hexane – 10:1 solvent to solid ratio
343 1.48 10.94 35.1 1.1 1.21 11.29 34.39 0.51 1.34 11.43 35.62 0.79
348 1.59 1.28 1.29 0.68 1.4 0.97
353 1.65 1.45 1.35 0.85 1.5 1.15
Petroleum ether – 10:1 solvent to solid ratio
343 1.26 11.19 33.31 0.24 1.19 11.73 35.61 0.48 1.33 12.37 38.34 0.78
348 1.33 0.4 1.3 0.66 1.41 0.97
353 1.43 0.57 1.33 0.84 1.51 1.16

Table 6
Thermodynamic parameters for batch extraction of coconut oil.

Batch extractor
T (K) 1.2 mm 0.7 mm 0.5 mm
K DH, kJ/mol DS, J/mol K DG, kJ/mol K DH, kJ/mol DS, J/mol K DG, kJ/mol K DH, kJ/mol DS, J/mol K DG, kJ/mol
Hexane – 10:1 solvent to solid ratio
343 1.19 12.16 36.73 0.44 1.18 12.82 38.59 0.41 1.06 13 38.24 0.12
348 1.24 0.62 1.24 0.61 1.13 0.31
353 1.34 0.81 1.34 0.8 1.2 0.5
Petroleum ether – 10:1 solvent to solid ratio
343 0.94 12.01 37.55 0.87 1.08 12.77 37.76 0.18 1.1 13.35 39.57 0.23
348 0.99 1.06 1.16 0.37 1.16 0.42
353 1.06 1.25 1.22 0.56 1.26 0.62

the enthalpy were in the range of 10.94–12.37 kJ/mol for soxhlet y = -3.0108x + 9.9644
R2 = 0.9999
extractor and 12.01–13.35 kJ/mol for batch extractor using hexane.
The value obtained was in the range (4–13.5 kJ/mol) obtained by 1.20
other researches for extraction of melon, rubber seed and olive
cake oil (Ibemesi and Attah, 1990; Meziane and Kadi, 2008). These
Ln K

values was also similar with Topallar (2000) finding which was
11.2 kJ/mol for oil extraction from sun flower seed. Positive enthal-
y = -8.0771x + 23.943
py change indicates the endothermic nature of the extraction pro- 0.40
R2 = 0.9999
cess and requires energy during the process with agreement with
previous studies (Amin et al., 2010; Topallar, 2000). 0.00
The process initially includes coconut waste in hexane. Entropy 2.82 2.84 2.86 2.88 2.90 2.92
of the mixture increases due to the oil molecules extraction. The Petroleum Ether: 6:1 Hexane 6:1
positive value of entropy change describes the process is irrevers- Linear (Petroleum Ether: 6:1) Linear (Hexane 6:1)
ible which is in agreement with other findings (Amin et al., 2010;
Fig. 6. Plot of ln K (equilibrium constant) vs. 1/T (temperature, °C) – particle size of
Meziane and Kadi, 2008; Topallar, 2000). The free energy and en-
0.7 mm.
tropy values lie between 0.12–1.16 kJ/mol and 33.10–38.24 J/
mol K, respectively for both of the extractor using hexane. Free en-
ergy and entropy of extraction using petroleum ether varies be-
tween 0.23–1.25 kJ/mol and 33.31–39.57 J/mol K for 1.2, 0.7 and nut waste using hexane and petroleum ether with R2 above 0.99.
0.5 mm of particle size respectively. This shows that the energy re- The rate of extraction increases by 1.9% for soxhlet extraction using
quired to break the solute–solute and solvent–solvent interactions hexane when the temperature (80 °C) and solvent to solid ratio
are less than the energy released in solute–solvent interactions. (10:1) was increased. Increasing the temperature from 70 to
80 °C; increases the yield by 2.3% for soxhlet extractor. Solubility
and density data showed hexane as a better solvent if compared
4. Conclusion
with the petroleum ether with more 1.3% oil yield for soxhlet
extractor. The mass transfer coefficients also increase with solvent
This study demonstrated that the mass transfer model showed
to solid ratio and temperature by 0.1% and 0.2%, respectively. Thi-
a good fit with the experimental data for the oil extraction of coco-
234 S. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 228–234

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