IARE ACIC - Business Plan

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IARE – ACIC (Atal Community Innovation Centre)

Modern Agriculture using drone and sensor technology
a. Executive Summary
Agriculture plays a vital role in the Indian economy. Over 70 per cent of the rural households depend on
agriculture .it is an important part of India's economy and at present it is among the top two farm producers in
the world. This sector provides approximately 52 percent of the total number of jobs available in India and
contributes around 18.1 percent to the GDP. Agriculture is the only means of living for almost two-thirds of
the employed class in India. As being stated by the economic data of financial year 2018-19, agriculture has
acquired 21 percent of India's GDP. The agriculture sector of India has occupied almost 43percent of India's
geographical area.
Indian agriculture has undergone rapid transformation in the past two decades. The policy of globalisation and
liberalisation has opened up new avenues for agricultural modernisation. This has not only lead to
commercialisation and diversification, but also triggered various technological and institutional innovations
owing to investments from corporate entities.Steady investments in technology development, irrigation
infrastructure, emphasis on modern agricultural practices and provision of agricultural credit and subsidies are
the major factors contributed to agriculture growth
The Situation Assessment of India report indicates that more than 40% of farmers are looking for better
income opportunities, since agriculture is not lucrative. The NITI Aayog strategy 75 report clearly indicates
that precision agriculture is crucial to raise production and improve farmer incomes.. ACIC program is to
offer unique and incentivized solutions, which will encourage students, researchers or any individual/group of
individuals to ideate and design novel solutions. In order to meet this purpose, the program offers enabling
freedom to innovate the solutions under the program
The goal of a Modern agriculture by using drone technology is to provide an intelligent system with geospatial
information to optimize agricultural returns while minimizing the resources like water, fertilizer etc., GPS and
GNSS have enabled the precise identification of land topography. GPS equipped wireless sensor networks,
and the use of unmanned air vehicles can be used to measure various soil and environmental parameters.
As our proposal aiming Agricultural drones where drone technology is applied to farming in order to help
increase crop production and monitor crop growth. Through the use of advanced sensors and digital
imaging capabilities, farmers are able to use these drones to help them gather a richer picture of their fields.
Information gathered from such equipment may prove useful in improving crop yields and farm efficiency.If
precision technology drove the farming revolution of recent years, monitoring crops from the sky using drones
will drive the next, as agronomists, agricultural engineers and farmers turn to gain better crop insights and
more accurately plan and manage their operations.
Small farmers around India follow traditional farming practices due to lack of access to scientific
understanding of crop lifecycle, pests, quality metrics and the latest micro-fertilizers. “Our proposal on image
based solutions provides insights on the crops’ health during the growing season and its final harvested quality
by click of photograph”.
In this context, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) is proposing IARE – ACIC (Technology Atal
Community Innovation Centre) under under AIM. To create new innovation eco system for indiam agriculture
sector and ensure opportunities that agriculture can again become a major engine for India’s growth!

The high level goals of the AICC will be

1. Development of low cost Drones for precision farmland scanning
2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning for precision agriculture
3. Full scale sensor technology for modernization in agriculture sector

b. The core strengths of the Incubation Centre and the achievements of the Incubator till date:
For the past 15 years IARE, along with its manufacturing industry partners, has been working at the
forefront of creating products through innovative approaches to provide scope for young minds. This
serves as an enabler to create an ecosystem for smart technology implementation to accelerate the modern
trens in agriculture field, a team of professors from IARE visited Israel and participated in Indo- Israel
Partnership programme and inked an understanding with Indian Technology Congress Association (ITCA).
From the state of the art in thread, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering working with research and
innovation in field of unmanned aerial systems recently team is worked with new innovation in UAS
domain where Blended Body aircraft that generates high lift to the aircraft and a bi – wing that was added
an advantage in payload carriage and dropping. The twin tail with a dorsal fin was used that increased the
directional stability for the aircraft. On the whole the aircraft showed high stability during flight and
completed its mission in payload carriage and dropping at the desired target. This was well supported by
Aerospace Research and Development Centre and Maker’s Space.
The following four points make explicit the current contribution and commitment of IARE towards smart

1. IARE has already earmarked Rs.1.5 crores internal funding for providing the following facilities:
aircraft materials, serviceable aircraft with all systems, single seated flight simulator, ultra sonic wind
tunnel and universal testing machine.
2. Adoption of villages: IARE is in discussions with two semi–arid for adoption of novel solutions to
improve the agricultural yield.
3. IARE significantly contributed novel solutions to the rural community of Telangana state:
a. Bio inspired robot: Fully automated bio inspired robot which identifies rat holes in farms. It can
even go inside the hole and detect rats.
b. Centicopter: It is a hybrid vehicle which can fly and crawl on land. It is used for surveillance and
carries objects. This vehicle can be enhanced to fully self-directed in stealth mode.
c. Nano air vehicle surveillance system: IoT based Nano Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV).
d. Multipurpose Hexacopter: Agriculture purpose drone for pest’s density estimation.
The proposed team has been constantly involved in developmental and consultancy activities with industry
in and around Hyderabad These developmental and consultancy jobs have resulted in significant revenue
generation for the companies. The faculty has also generated several patents, including seven in the
manufacturing sector alone. The members of the team from the IT domain are carrying out research in the
areas of IoT, machine learning, artificial intelligence and block chain technology. Since 2008, more than
102 students have obtained internship at the above said industries in the areas of Aerospace sector In
addition few of our students have either founded or cofounded successfully running startups, which is an
ample evidence of an already existing start-up culture. With association with the DST we hope to take a
big leap forward in this direction. Further, we have also identified an Incubator Head with considerable
industry experience and entrepreneurial skills.
c. Incubator team, board members and governance structure - Management and Advisory Team:
The proposed incubator will be led by the Incubator Head, jointly with Dr. L V Narasimha Prasad,
Principal whose duties are to connect incubatees to administration, enlist and screen potential new
incubatees with the help of an expert committee, and deal with the general operations of the incubator. The
proposed incubator facility would be in a 10,000 sft. space with a mix of office and lab space.
Functions of this administrative body:
 Ensuring that projects are run in compliance with the Organization’s requirements

 Providing guidance to project teams
 Maintaining and integrating project plans
 Tracking and reporting overall progress
 Administrating the project budget
 Planning and scheduling resources for a group of projects
 Monitoring resources utilization
 Performing quality reviews
 Establishing and maintaining the project documentation library

The teams of experts who will be working in the incubation centre are:

Incubator team:
S No Name Designation Email ID Contact No.
1 Dr. J Sirisha Devi Head [email protected] 7093086402
2 Dr. T Devaraju Coordinator [email protected] 9490049586
3 Mr. P Ravinder Member [email protected] 8297111994
4 Ms. K Lakshmi Revathi Member [email protected] 9550041819
5 Mr. K Vijaya Sekhar Reddy Member [email protected] 9440011892

Board Members:
S No Name Designation Organisation Area of Mentoring
1 Dr. G Nagendra Rao Former Indian Space Research Electronics and Communications
Director Organization, Sriharikota and Satellite Technology
2 Mr. B V Ramana Reddy CEO MTE Form Tools Manufacturing of Rolling
Hyderabad Machines
3 Dr. Madhumita Former Research Centre Imarat Aerodynamic Structures
Chakravarthy Director Hyderabad
4 Mr. Sivaprasad Managing Indriyn Data Analytics IoT and Data Analysis
Tekumudi Director Hyderabad
5 B. Krishna Rao Managing SKM Technologies Manufacturing of High Precision
Director Hyderabad Components and Assemblies.
6 Dr. J V R Prasad Professor Georgia Institute of Vertical and Horizontal Machining
Technology, Atlanta, USA
7 Dr. K G Srinivas Professor NITTT, Chandigarh Cloud Computing and Software
8 Dr. D Govardhan Professor Institute of Aeronautical Unmanned Air Vehicles and Nano
Engineering, Hyderabad Satellite

Creation of a competent administrative and financial team is a key to the success of the proposed IARE –
TIIC of IARE. We planned to establish excellent support mechanism to provide administrative and
financial support to incubatees with involvement of dedicated faculty and experienced staff.
d. Details of present Laboratories Additional Lab facilitates for Support innovation projects

 Strength of Materials Laboratory
 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory
 Aerodynamics Laboratory
 Aerospace Structures Laboratory
 Aircraft Materials and Production Laboratory
 Aircraft Systems Laboratory
 Flight Controls Laboratory
 Aerospace Propulsion Laboratory
 Aerospace Composite Structures Laboratory

 Computer Aided Manufacturing Laboratory
 Computational Structural Analysis Laboratory
 Flight Vehicle Design Laboratory
 Computational Aerodynamics Laboratory

The following incubation facilities have already been provided at IARE: Makers Space (Design and
Prototyping), Centre for Prototyping and Manufacturing (CPRM), Centre for Automation and Robotics
(CAR), Aerospace Research and Development Centre (ARDC) and Centre for Soil Testing and Material
e. Incubation model being adopted (including selection, exit, seed fund)
Product Development milestones and Timelines
Gantt chart and Budget (Recurring and Non-Recurring)

S Quarter
Activity Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12
No wise
1 Entering Incubation and
Submit ideas, business plan
2 Selection process of incubatees
3 Accelerator process
4 Seed funding
5 Seed funding assistance for
6 Market plan: Business summit
7 Roll out of IARE – TIIC with
sustainable outcome

f. Intellectual Property generated by IARE

The following patents by IARE faculty have been published
1. A Method of Manufacturing of an Electronic Sensor
2. A Method of Coating Alumina Ceramic Body with Titanium
3. Double Sided Drafting Apparatus
4. Engine Mounting Bracket
5. Electricity Generating Device
6. Novel Welding Table
7. Engine Mounting Bracket
8. “Wall Mount” for Machines

Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Memorandum of understanding:

IARE has formal MoUs with four regional companies. Under the MoU IARE jointly collaborates with
these companies in R&D. Specifically faculty perform design of systems and fabricate prototypes. After
testing by these companies, if approved, these systems then go into formal testing and finally production.
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Consultancy provided by the IARE

IARE – TIIC will be providing the following operational and management consultancy in the following
 Design and Development Unmammed aerial Systems
 Aerospace Propulsion
 Ground Vehicle Systems
 Aircraft Structures and Materials
 Structural Analysis
 Transportation Systems
 Aerodynamics and Fluid Dynamics
 Structural Design and Engineering
 Instrumentation And Communication
 Navigational Guidance and Control Systems


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